DankeschönDankeschön | Dankschian | Dankschian Vieles warVieles bislang war selbstverständlich. bislang selbstverständlich. Das LebenDas drehte Leben sich, drehte immer sich, weiter, immer immer weiter, schneller. immer schneller. Jetzt ist dieJetzt Zeit ist gekommendie Zeit gekommen für ein neues für ein Bewusstsein neues Bewusstsein – für ein Mehr– für ein an Mehrrücksichtsvollem an rücksichtsvollem Miteinander, Miteinander, ressourcen ressourcen- - schonendemschonendem Umgang Umgangmit den Schätzen mit den Schätzen der Natur der und Natur den undFragen, den was Fragen, wirklich was zählt wirklich im Lebenzählt imund Leben wie wirund unsere wie wir unsere LebensräumeLebensräume gestalten gestalten wollen. wollen. DankeschönDankeschön | Dankschian | Dankschian Vieles warVieles bislang war selbstverständlich. bislang selbstverständlich. Das LebenDas drehte Leben sich, drehte immer sich, weiter, immer immer weiter, schneller. immer schneller. Jetzt ist dieJetzt Zeit ist gekommendie Zeit gekommen für ein neues für ein Bewusstsein neues Bewusstsein – für ein Mehr– für ein an Mehrrücksichtsvollem an rücksichtsvollem Miteinander, Miteinander, ressourcen ressourcen schonendemschonendem Umgang Umgangmit den Schätzen mit den Schätzen der Natur der und Natur den undFragen, den wasFragen, wirklich was zählt wirklich im Lebenzählt imund Leben wie wirund unsere wie wir unsere - LebensräumeLebensräume gestalten gestalten wollen. wollen. -

Know nature - Understand nature.

Various studies confirm the deep-rooted relationship between humans and Darum nutzennature.Darum A closer wir link nutzen with als nature Geschäftsführung assists wir our wellbeing,als Geschäftsführung whatever age we are. die Möglichkeit die Möglichkeit dieses Zwischenstopps dieses Zwischenstopps und danken: und danken: The experience of nature gives relaxation, strength, creativity, continuity and positive feelings. If we have to spend so much time in closed, high-tech rooms, Darum nutzenwhyDarum not include wir elements nutzen als of natureGeschäftsführung wir in the als design? Geschäftsführung Our surfaces can diehelp bridge Möglichkeit die Möglichkeit dieses Zwischenstopps dieses Zwischenstopps und danken: und danken: … für dasthis… gap. Vertrauenfür das Vertrauen in unsere inNaturoberflächen unsere Naturoberflächen … If a nose catches the scent of our natural surface ‘WILDSPITZE’, produced … für für die dasfrom…… Kreativität real Vertrauenfür fürAlpine das dieHay, personal VertrauenKreativität in und well-being unsere die in the in Naturoberflächenroom ca. unsereund improves. 10.000 die The Naturoberflächen olfactory ca. weltweit10.000 realisiertenweltweit realisierten Projekte Projekte … für diestimuli Kreativität are passed on both undto the cerebrum, die ca.which is10.000 responsible for memories,weltweit realisierten Projekte … für unsereand…… to thefür limbicmotivierten dieunsere system Kreativität - our processing motivierten Mitarbeiter, centre und for emotions die ofMitarbeiter,ca. well-being. 10.000die darauf weltweit die vertrauen, darauf realisierten vertrauen, dass Projekte wir dassdiese wir Krise diese gemeinsam Krise gemeinsam über- über- … für unsereA… personal emotionmotivierten for the room is Mitarbeiter,created unconsciously. die darauf vertrauen, dass wir diese Krise gemeinsam über stehen fürstehen unsere motivierten Mitarbeiter, die darauf vertrauen, dass wir diese Krise gemeinsam über stehen The scentstehen of fresh hay is deeply impressed in us and reminds us of a life with … für dienature,… Verlässlichkeit offür holidays die on the farm,Verlässlichkeit relaxing unserer holidays in the . Partner unserer After inten und- Partner Lieferanten und Lieferanten - - … für diesive Verlässlichkeit research and experiments, we unserer were finally able Partner to prepare this undexperience Lieferanten from… naturefür for die interiors Verlässlichkeit back in 2012: We processed unsererhay and other pleasantly Partner und Lieferanten …… fürfür dasdasscented… VerlagshausVerlagshaus andfür regional das natural Verlagshaus materials für fürdiese into decorativediese Möglichkeit surfaces. fürMöglichkeit The diese original ein Möglichkeit Zeichen ein Zeichen zu setzen ein zuZeichen setzen zu setzen feel… andfür colour, das as well asVerlagshaus the natural scent, are largely für retained. diese Nature, Möglichkeit in its ein Zeichen zu setzen …… undund fürfürinfinite… unsere unsereund varietyund offür colours Familienfür Familienunsere andunsere scents, movesundFamilien intoundFamilien Freunde, interiors Freunde,und and creates Freunde,dieund a special uns Freunde,die tagein die uns uns tagaustagein dietagein uns zur tagaustagaus tageinSeite zur stehen.zur tagaus Seite Seite stehen. zurstehen. Seite stehen. experience. Let yourself be inspired! 1

With Organoid® greetings from ,

WirWir stellen stellenWir unsuns stellen stellen den den Herausforderungen,uns Herausforderungen,uns den den Herausforderungen, Herausforderungen, die auf die uns die auf zukommen, auf uns dieuns zukommen, ORGANOID zukommen,auf und uns beraten zukommen, und und undberaten beraten informieren und und und berateninformieren gerne! informieren und gerne! informieren gerne! gerne!

CONTENT 21 ORGANOID® LIGHT ON ECO-FLEECE 1 KNOW NATURE - UNDERSTAND NATURE 22 – 25 ORGANOID® ON HPL 2 – 3 WHY ORGANOID® NATURAL SURFACES? 26 – 27 ORGANOID® ON SELF-ADHESIVE BACKING 4 THE ROAD TO A NATURAL SURFACE 28 – 29 ORGANOID® ACOUSTICS Martin JehartMartin JehartMartin Jehart Mag. Christoph Egger 5 WE PROTECT WHAT WE LOVE 30 – 31 ORGANOID® FLOORING Christoph ChristophEgger Egger 6 – 7 WE USE NATURAL RAW MATERIALS... 32 – 33 ORGANOID® ON FLEXI Martin JehartMartin JehartFounders and managing directorsChristoph ChristophEgger Egger 8 – 9 ...AND PRODUCE NATURAL SURFACES... 34 – 35 INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ORGANOIDORGANOID TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES GMBH GMBH 10 – 11 ...ON DIFFERENT BACKINGS... 36 WE GREEN YOUR COMPANY NESSELGARTENNESSELGARTEN 422 / 6500 422 FLIESS / 6500 / FLIESS / AUSTRIA WEB WWW.ORGANOIDS.COMWEB WWW.ORGANOIDS.COM 12 – 13 ...FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS. 37 CUSTOMER‘S STATEMENTS EMAIL [email protected] EMAIL [email protected] 14 – 15 INSPIRED BY NATURE 38 – 39 THE MAIN SUPPLIERS: OUR FARMERS ORGANOIDORGANOIDPS: TECHNOLOGIES We are delighted that TECHNOLOGIES we have caught GMBH the spirit of NESSELGARTEN the times GMBH and about theNESSELGARTEN 422+43 / 6500 5449TEL 422 200FLIESS+43 / 015449 6500 / AUSTRIA 200 FLIESS 01 / AUSTRIA 16 – 19 ORGANOID® ON FLAX BACKING 40 – 41 AT HOME WORLDWIDE WEB WWW.ORGANOIDS.COMWEBcreativity WWW.ORGANOIDS.COM of our customers! Organoid® natural EMAIL surfaces [email protected] be foundEMAIL in over [email protected] TEL +43 5449 TEL 200+43 015449 200 01 20 ORGANOID® LIGHT ON FLAX FLEECE IMPRINT 4 000 international projects! 2 ORGANOID authenticity anda‘closeness’ to nature inallofour surfaces. backing, to suit the required application. There is100%sustainability, as possible, to produce climate-positive natural surfaces, onvarious Buying andprocessing various untreated natural materials, aslocally Our corecompetence people with our technical andmanual skills. best designerandwe onlyhelpit to finditsway into the living spaces of The natural beauty ofour surfaces comesfrom nature itself.Nature isthe Natural beauty-naturallyasanadvantage used with your design. dings, andnow itcanalsohappen indoorswhen our natural surfaces are strengthen this important connection. Thishappens innatural surroun predictable. We want peopleto have achanceto get back to nature andto The present timeisincreasingly technological andfast-moving andun Our vision Christoph Egger, founderandmanagingdirector concepts: Organoid response, with new, natural, spatial uprooting ofhumansrequires atimely ‘ Theincreasing urbanisation and natural surfaces? Why Organoid ® natural surfaces.‘ - - Experience &Enjoy. Feel. See. Tell the story Can you feel the individual parts ofthe plant with your fingers? Smell. Look closely!Doyou recognise the natural raw material? Does the scent remind you ofsomething? Close your eyes andenjoy the sensoryexperience. ...about life inharmony with nature.

ORGANOID 3 4 ORGANOID cut, andthenthebestisselected. Next, thehayisweighed,longfibresare are theplantfibres? the haysmell?Isitdriedwell?Howcoarse Howdoescheck thequalityofdelivery: Wildspitze -Tyrol‘s highestmountain-we 2 000mabovesealevelontheslopesof After thestrenuoushaycuttingat1700to Many small steps are necessary beforetheOrganoid Many smallstepsarenecessary The road to anatural surface our ‘WILDSPITZE’ hay surface asanexample,weoutlinetheproduction steps. our ‘WILDSPITZE’haysurface Production steps ofOrganoid. cate andguaranteeconsistentquality. considered andadheredtoinorderrepli- between 40and100parametershavetobe product andeachindividualspecification, complex,since,dependingontheis very Although itsoundssimple,theproduction sure andtemperature. several layers,andprocessedathighpres- the carriermaterialtogetherwithfibresin The ecologicalbindingagentissievedonto ® natural surfaces arereadyforsale.Using naturalsurfaces driven inacar! That correspondstoapprox.340000km the amountofCO and thusboundaround42000kgofCO in201928 tonsofhayfornaturalsurfaces of carbondioxide.Organoidusedaround of driedhaystoresaround1500kg processes.Onetonne biological respiratory process storewithinthemselvesthroughtheir annual calculationsoftheCO What isnottakenintoaccountinthe a climate-neutralcompany. Afterall,wealsousenature‘sfulltreasurechestandwanttoenjoy We as meet ourresponsibilityfortheclimateandenvironment bybeingcertified Organoid We protect what we love 2 thattheplantfibreswe the varietyofcoloursandscentsforalongtimetocome! ® Nature surfaces alsostore CO 2 footprintis 2 . be describedasclimate-neutral,buteven This CO Organoid processes. CO fibres iswellabovetheannualcalculated climate-positive 2 emissions from the necessary production emissionsfromthenecessary 2 bindingvalueoftheprocessed ® productscanthereforenotonly ! 2 . Watch the fullvideo onour website.

ORGANOID 5 Watch the fullvideo onour website.

ORGANOID Mosses are amongthe primeval plants andcanbefound inhumid areas and asabiological nappy insert. We usecoloured, upcycled moss as well asindeserts. They have agermicidal andfungicidal and thereby extend the life cycle ofthe valuable plant. effect andwere alsousedasan antiseptic wound pad Moss and grasses with the colourful petals Alpine Hay &Flower Petals of arnica, cornflower, heather, rose The colourful alpine meadow - delicately fragrant herbs and daisyare the basis for the natural surface called ALMWIESN. (soothing effect ofhemp). (soothing effect (e.g.highlyflexibleortranslucent)byamedicinaleffectproperties (e.g. cocoabeanshellsfromyourownchocolateproduction)andbymechanical from theproductionorregionofourcustomers.Itcanbespecifiedbycolour(e.g.RAL4003),origin routes.To transport andshort partners wearealsohappytoprocessmaterial enableindividualupcyclingstorytelling inconventionalproduction,werelyonregionalregionally producedrawmaterialsthatarenotprocessedfurther blossomstoSwissstonepine.Anynaturalrawmaterialcanbeused.Preferablyusingorganicallyandcornflower fromalpinehaytohopumbelsand weneedforournaturalsurfaces The abundanceofnaturegivesuseverything We usenatural raw materials... for centuries. Theintense natural scent isrecognised to protect against innerrestlessness, difficulty falling asleepandmany anightmare. calming andharmonisingproperties Lavender hasbeenknown for its Lavender The delicately scented raw material for our Organoid surface WILDSPITZEgrows onthe steep slopes of the Tyrolean Oberland from 1700mabove sea level. The sunny slopesofthe Kaunergrat Nature Park offer the bestgrowing conditions for the species-rich pleasantly spicy smell... alpine hay with the Alpine Hay ® natural 7/2/2019 DURCHSCHNAUFN




A special herbal mix to relieve coughs and with bronchodilatatic chararcteristics. It helps to breathe deeply - on a translucent self-adhesive film for special light effects.

https://www.organoids.com/?id=79&L=1&tx_coonews_newsdetail[item]=784&type=32&no_cache=1 1/2

...and produce natural surfaces...

The natural raw materials are mixed with an ecological binding agent and pressed into thin lay- ers in a gentle pressing process - 0.1 to 3 mm thick, depending on the raw material used. The natural surfaces are untreated as standard and are delivered in this original quality as a finished surface. The organoid surfaces are practically emission-free and allergy-tested, ecological and harmless to health, climate regulating and are produced in Tyrol, Austria in a climate-positive manner. Only suitable for indoor use without further sealing. In order to meet particularly high requirements for abrasion, water and scratch resistance and lightfastness, our surfaces can be sealed with conventional oils and varnishes.By the way (to any German speakers): The names of our natural surfaces are not spelling mistakes, but are based on our Tyrolean Oberinntal dialect and strengthen our regional ties. ...on different backings...

The thin natural surfaces are pressed by us onto various fleeces, HPL panels, fabrics, papers, self-adhesive films and other materials provided by the customer.

In addition to our stock collection, we produce individual semi-finished products as rolls or sheets up to a width of 1360 mm.

ORGANOID® ON FLAX BACKING ORGANOID® LIGHT ON FLAX BACKING ORGANOID® LIGHT ON ECO-FLEECE Breathable backing made from 100% flax Breathable backing made from 100% flax Eco-fleece white made from recycled cellulose and textile fibres

Rolled goods available from 1 running metre. Rolled goods available from 1 running metre. Rolled goods available from 1 running metre. Width: 1360 mm Width: 1360 mm Width: 1360 mm Total thickness: approx. 1.5 mm Easy cutting, wall gluing process. Easy cutting, wall gluing process. Easy cutting, wall pasting process.


ORGANOID® SELF-ADHESIVE ORGANOID® FLEXI ORGANOID® ON HPL ORGANOID® ACOUSTICS ORGANOID® FLOORING ORGANOID® CUSTOMISED Translucent Self-adhesive film Thin, flexible fleece without glue penetration Laminate board (high pressure laminate) Improvement in room acoustics through natural Click system for floating installation or Adhesive flooring - We also potentially cover your supplied carrier material, surfaces on panels (on request MDF B-s1, d0, gyp- supplied on a cork base for glued-down installation such as textiles, waste wood, paper, etc. directly. Rolled goods available from 1 running metre. Rolled goods from 1 running metre. 0.8-1.2 mm according to EN 438 sum fiber board A2) or acoustic fleece. Width: 1360 mm Width: 1360 mm Format: 3050 x 1320 mm Classification: Object area 32 Small bending radii: up to 0.5 mm Processing: like wood veneer Processing like conventional laminate. Depending on the requirements, natural fleece, Abrasion resistance: AC3 Easy assembly: protective paper peel off, Easy cutting. Flame retardant in the composite structure. absorber panels, slot and image absorbers with Panel size: 1230 x 305 mm stick on and done! B-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1 different natural surfaces are available. ...for a wide variety of applications.

Tried and tested a thousand times over and used worldwide: Exhibition and shop fitting, office space, public buildings, gastronomy, hotel and wellness areas, packaging and design...

SKELETTBLATTLA Flexi white / LeuchtNatur KORNBLUAMA ROAT special / Hotel haldensee © Bioland Bäckerei Müller Bäckerei © Bioland © shutterstock.com

WILDSPITZE / Bioland Bakeryi Müller WILDSPITZE LIGHT Eco-Fleece white

© LeuchtNatur GmbH

ALMWIESN translucent / Hotel haldensee WILDSPITZE / VIZONA GmbH, Ansorg GmbH, Visplay GmbH © Achim Meurer © Achim © pexels.com

© Hotel Oberwirt © Hotel 13 WILDSPITZE LIGHT Flax WILDSPITZE / Hotel Oberwirt, Marling ORGANOID

ALMWIESN / Lindner Group KG WILDSPITZE HIMMELBLAU / Holz Specht GmbH © Hunter Luxury

ROASNBLIATN special / Hunter Luxury © Lindner Group KG © Lindner Group

© Holz Specht GmbH & Co. KG GmbH & Co. © Holz Specht

© Tischlerei Jansenberger © Tischlerei

WILDSPITZE / Hans im Glück Franchise GmbH WILDSPITZE Saunaboard / Jansenberger Nature inspired. ORGANOID 16 ORGANOID Organoid density covering Natural surfaces onbreathable flaxfleecewith ahigh ciate the simple application. pleasant room climate! Carpenters appre - noid distinctive walls andceilings with Orga decorators andpainters create unique and per usingregular wallpaper paste. Interior ble andcanbeprocessed like heavy wallpa The backing made of100%flaxisbreatha optics, bridging cracks. minimising waste due to natural scattering Apply with wallpaper paste, simplecutting, PROCESSING: ® onFlaxbacking, thereby creating a ®

on Flaxbacking - - -

· unbleached

· · · · ·

breathable, climate-regulating. ADVANTAGES: The Organoid environmentally friendly and harmless tohealth,CO environmentally friendlyandharmless MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1runningmeter(1.36m LENGTH: canbecutindividually-upto500runningmetres WIDTH: 1360mm PRODUCT INFORMATION CARRIER: 100g/m OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.1.5mm customer-specific rawmaterials. custom-made products canbemadewith In additiontotheOrganoid ®

onFlaxbackingisallergy-tested, 2 , 100%flax,waterjetneedled, ®

stock collection, 2 neutral, 2 ) WILDSPITZE HIMMELBLAU, WILDSPITZELIGHTtranslucent /Restaurant Liebstöckl

© fotoschmiede.tirol Lindner Group KG Masterpiece Melanie Charuso

© Lindner Group KG

© Florian Lierzer Volksbank in Karlsruhe-Durlach © www.hminterior.de studioraum GMBH 19 ORGANOID

© studioraum.net Natural surfaces onbreathable flaxbacking with alow density covering Organoid optics, bridging cracks. minimising waste due to natural scattering Apply with wallpaper paste, simplecutting, Processing: Organoid unique anddistinctive designswith decorators, painters andcarpenters create using astandard wallpaper paste. Interior and canbeprocessed like heavy wallpaper The backing made of100%flaxisbreathable unmistakable surfaces for interior design. res offlowers -this offers inspiration and individual leaves orlooselyscattered mixtu- and part ofthe visual appearance. Whether material. Thecarrier material isthus visible coated with alittle amount ofnatural The inexpensive Light products are only ® . ®

Light onFlaxbacking

· unbleached

· · · · ·

breathable, climate-regulating. ADVANTAGES: The Organoid environmentally friendly and harmless tohealth,CO environmentally friendlyandharmless MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1runningmetre(1.36m LENGTH: canbecutindividually-upto500runningmetres WIDTH: 1360mm PRODUCT INFORMATION CARRIER: 100g/m OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.1.0mm your enquiry! and awidthofupto1360mm.We to lookforward withyoufrom 200runningmetresflax-backed surfaces We candevelopindividualanddistinctive ®

Lightproductsareallergy-tested, 2 , 100%flax,waterjetneedled, 2 -neutral, 2

© www.pexels.com ) Natural surfaces onEco-fleece Organoid optics, bridging cracks. minimising waste due to natural scattering Apply with wallpaper paste, simplecutting, Processing: and ceilings with Organoid painters create unique anddistinctive walls dard wallpaper paste. Interior decorators and processed like heavy wall cover usingastan and textile fibers,isbreathable andcanbe The backing, made from recycled cellulose unmistakable surfaces for interior design. tures offlowers -this offers inspiration and individual leaves orlooselyscattered mix and part ofthe visual appearance. Whether material. Thecarrier material isthus visible coated with alittle amount ofnatural The inexpensive Light products are only

© www.shutterstock.com ® ® .

Light onEco-Fleecebacking - -

· · · ·

· ·

The Organoid ADVANTAGES: EN ISO13501-1 MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1runningmetre(1.36m LENGTH: canbecutindividually-upto500runningmetres WIDTH: 1360mm PRODUCT INFORMATION breathable, climate-regulating. environmentally friendly and harmless tohealth,CO environmentally friendlyandharmless CARRIER: 150g/m OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.1.0mm your enquiry! and awidthofupto1360mm.We to lookforward withyoufromproducts 200runningmetres surfaces We candevelopindividualanddistinctive ®

Lightproductsareallergy-tested, 2 , OEKO-Tex seal,B-s1,d0accordingto 2 -neutral, 2 ) Organoid ®

Light onEco-Fleecebacking Organoid Natural surfaces onlaminate boards laminates. with the existing machinery like ordinary release paper supplied when pressing. would bethe casefor any laminates. Use the With regular woodworking machinery as Processing: process the Organoid builders andshopfitters canglue and makers andjoiners, exhibition stand a decorative furniture element. Cabinet area wall andceiling cladding orusedas This product group isoften usedfor large ® onHPLproducts ®

on HPL · · · · ·

Flame retardantaccordingtoEN13501-1. CARRIER: HPL0.8mmto1.1accordingEN438 OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.1-4mm MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1board(4.026m LENGTH: 3050mm WIDTH: 1320mm PRODUCT INFORMATION 2 ) Sanitätshaus Göldner

© Bettina Matthiessen Lush London © Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics 23 ORGANOID ALMWIESN /Liberty‘s London © Liberty‘s London 24 ORGANOID Hypo Tirol Bank AG Hotel Linde © Günter Kresser Smithsonian Design Museum New York © Cooper Hewitt Organoid Natural surfaces ontranslucent self-adhesive film less translucent. Organoid cency: Dependingonthe thickness ofthe through the individually definable translu- tection onglass.Specialeffects are achieved or LEDlight surface, asprivacy orglare pro- surfaces. Canalsobeusedasalampshade for the subsequent finishingofbuilt-in such asplasterboard andconcrete. Alsoideal metal orpaper andalsofor rough surfaces, bonding onallsmooth surfaces such asglass, self-adhesive filmissuitable for direct effects. Thehighlyadhesive translucent on walls ortranslucent for speciallighting Universally applicable for simplegluing ® surface, the surfaces are more or ® onSelf-Adhesive backing · · · · ·

MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1runningmetre(1.36m LENGTH: canbecutindividually-upto500runningmetres WIDTH: 1360mm PRODUCT INFORMATION CARRIER: Translucent self-adhesivefilm OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.0.1-3mm * Preliminary tests recommended the back andstick iton.Finished!* knife orplotter, peeloffthe protective filmon Simply cut to the desired size with scissors, Processing: LeuchtNatur GmbH 2

© LeuchtNatur GmbH )

Bioland Bakery Müller © Bioland Bäckerei Müller

© Birgit Köll Hypo Tirol BankAG 27 ORGANOID 28 ORGANOID Organoid Natural surfaces combined with effective sound absorption the ceiling, attached to large areas onceilings noid moss orblue cornflowers are alsoused.Orga surfaces, colourful surfaces such aslight green acoustic elements. Inaddition to the popular hay natural surfaces are suitable asatop layer for the veness. with preciselydefinedeffecti- ly designed acoustic modules process andprocessed intoful- inaspecialproductionsurfaces ducts arecoatedwithnatural Almost allOrganoid to advise you! Our specialistswillbehappy ness canbecustomised. module sizes andeffective- layer, the acoustic processing, requirements, the natural top Depending onthe acoustic TheOrganoid NON-WOVEN FABRIC ORGANOID ® Acoustic products canbesuspended from ®

ACOUSTICS ® Acousticpro- ®


Acoustics ORGANOID ORGANOID WEB 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1, wood-based sheet material 16 mm, acoustic perforation, walldistance0mm,acousticdumping50mm wood-based sheetmaterial16mm,acousticperforation, PICTURE ABSORBER,acousticelement Absorber classA 0.09 00 100 VARIANTS DIMENSIONS ACOUSTIC PROCESSING CARRIER PANEL WWW.ORGANOIDS.AT / ® - 10

0.25 ABSORBER PANEL 0.22 125 01 ® 25 TECHNOLOGIESGMBH/ 0.37 160 on furniture, doorsandwalls. TheOrganoid and walls oralsoact asadecorative element in accordance with ENISO354. indicators, data andtest reports are determined tened usingsystem mounting parts. Theacoustic Acoustic products canbeeasily andinvisibly fas- α 1602 W 0.90accordingtoENISO354 0.58 200 00 250 0.70 0.71 250 EMAIL 315 0.85 315 ORGANOID 4005 +43(0)544920001 + [email protected] /TEL/FAX

NESSELGARTEN 422/6500FLIESS/AUSTRIA 0.94 400 00 other treatments,carriermaterialsandsizesonrequest 610x70mm,1,060 x30570mm,1,060610mm WDH <44.18%opencross-section invisible perforation wood basedmaterialMDFE1 6308 0.90 ® 0.90 500 PICTUREABSORBER 00 0.83 630 1000 0.81 800 12 50 16 0.85 1000 0.82 00 ®

2000 1250 0.85 2500 1600 0.88 31504 0.90 000 2000 0.90 5000 2500 0.91 α SOUND ABSORBERCLASSA ACCORDING TOENISO354 W 3150 0.86 0.90 Planlicht: Educational institute ofthe federal government, Leipzig © Philipp Kirschnerck 0.80 4000 0.79 5000 0.79 Hotel Weisses Lamm

© Pfriem Innenarchitektur

ORGANOID 30 ORGANOID Organoid Natural surfaces pressed onto floorpanels Experience the Organoid natureexperiencewithyourfeettoo! Experience theOrganoid Matching skirting boards are available. Duo matt system asasubsequent sealing. rements, we recommend the LOBA 2K class 32,EN16511).To meet higherrequi- ble for hotel andrestaurant floors(object The hard-wearing floorcovering issuita surfaces are possible onrequest. natural surface WILDSPITZE.Other floor products isthe hay lookwith the glued floors.Thestandard designfor all installation orsupplied onacork base for floor panels are available for floating For the natural floordesign,PUR-sealed EASY TOLAY WITHTHECLICKSYSTEM approx. 1.0mmpurealpinehayandmountainherbs fromOrganoid Hot Coating 1.2 mmpressedcorkbacking 6.8 mmhigh-density, moisture-resistant naturalfiberboard 2.0 mmcorkcomposite>600kg/m3 ®


ORGANOID - WEIGHT: 8.5kg/m² - MINIMUMORDER:1package(5panels,approx.1.88m²) - USABLESIZE:305x123011mm quickly andeasily. The practicalclicksystemensuresthatthefloorpanelscanbelaid ORGANOID - WEIGHT: 2.7kg/m² - MINIMUMORDER:1package(10panels,approx.3.76m²) - USABLESIZE:305x12355mm thickness ofapprox.5mm(4corkand1naturalsurface). haveatotal These cork-backedfloorpanelswithasmoothsurface ® Technologies ® ® CLICKSYSTEMFLOORING: ADHESIVEFLOOR:

Hans imGlück Franchise GmbH 32 ORGANOID

© W inter


© www.mmore.net Organoid Natural surfaces onaflexible backing is required, Organoid Wherever thin, flexible carrier material can beprocessed like awood veneer. happy to help! the carrier material are possible. We are ness ofthe application andthe colour of and originofthe raw material, the thick Custom-made products interms ofcolour suitable for sewing! choice! By the way: Organoid with scissorsorplotter, Organoid glue penetration. After the required cut thin andflexible carrier material without - alsoknown asliningpaper -serves asa The proven veneer reinforcement fleece Bending radiiarepossibleupto0.5mm. surfaces.With thisproduct toirregularorcurved group, itiseasytoapplyanaturalsurface ® Flexi isthe right ® ® Flexi isalso

on Flexi ® Flexi - · · · · ·

CARRIER: Veneer reinforcementfleece OVERALL THICKNESS:approx.1-4mm MINIMUM PURCHASEQUANTITY: 1runningmetre(1.36m LENGTH: canbecutindividually-upto500runningmetres WIDTH: 1360mm PRODUCT INFORMATION Simple cutting, gluing like wood veneer. Processing:

© LeuchtNatur GmbH SKELETTBLATTLA Flexi 2 ) Individual product development series production. we createtherecipewithupto100parametersinorderensureconsistentlyhighquality We cancoatanycarriermaterial.We variantsbefore oftenproduceasamplepiecewithdifferent tial ofmillionsyearsnaturalevolution. accesstoafewthousandinorderutilisethepoten- instockandshort-term materials permanently WeDo youneedanindividuallydesignednaturalsurface? naturalraw havearound500different Special projects require specialsolutions Hotel haldensee

© Achim Meurer Hotel Jungbrunn SCHILFWEDL /Hotel haldensee WILDSPITZE

© Martin Kriner © OWI GmbH © Achim Meurer WILDSPITZE upcycled Swarovski


© Familie Moosmair Circonia special

© Viventy Bruno Mayer KG


© www.mmore.net ROASNBLIATN /Mmore cases ROASNBLIATN NaturPad Raumduft, ALMWIESN ESSENCE/ Golden foil onROSCHT kaufhausderberge.at ROASNBLIATN Variations ROASNBLIATN Light Textile 35 ORGANOID 36 ORGANOID value toyourproducts,withOrganoid making aclearstatementtoyourcustomersandemployeesthat treating nature with respect is important toyou.Addingnaturaltreating naturewithrespectisimportant We green your company you toapproachmultiplesensesofyourcustomers. By usingOrganoid Don’t forgettocreateYOUR OWNstory! ® Natural Surfaces, youare NaturalSurfaces, ® natural surfaces, allows naturalsurfaces,

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© Achim Meurer The main suppliers: our farmers.

Thanks to our cooperation with the farmers from the Kaunergrat Nature Park, we can obtain the best alpine hay and flower petals directly from the neighbourhood.

Fifteen farmers from the region are already doing special work and culti- vating the steep meadows to get the precious raw material - the delicately scented and species-rich hay.

When is the best time The high meadows are mowed only once a year - in August. Then all to mow? have grass and flowers together and that ensures growth in the next NEW PICTURE IN AUGUST year. The alpine meadows are not fertilised. Another sign that “the feed is ripe” is when the arnica slowly fades.

Why is it so important to mow In uncut meadows, the tall grasses fall over and simply stay where they the mountain meadows? are. This prevents the growth of other plants and increases the risk of avalanches in winter, because the snow simply slides off the grass carpet.

The reason why high meadows are often not mowed anymore is, quite 39 simply, that it is not profitable for the farmers, as the time and physical effort is immense. ORGANOID Why does the hay smell The pleasantly spicy smell comes from the ingredient coumarin. so good? When the grass dries, the coumarin evaporates and the hay that is now produced is easier for the animals to digest. Sometimes even alpine cows stand by the fence and watch the hay being hauled in, because they would also like a portion of fresh hay.

How difficult is it cutting The working conditions in the high meadows have not changed much hay in this environment? for centuries. A lot of manual work is still required, as the steepness of the slope means that machines cannot always be used. The whole family usually helps with cutting, clearing, turning and raking. The hay is stored in small barns - called “pill” in our area. It is transported there using tarpaulins that are filled or carried or pulled on the back and head. Harvesting the hay is still real sweaty work here. © Toni Vorauer / Naturpark Kaunergrat Vorauer © Toni 40 ORGANOID ORGANOID OFFICEBRUSSELS, HEADQUARTER, FLIESS/TYROLAUT ORGANOID OFFICEUK BELGIUM ORGANOID OFFICECZ/SK 86 488m²natural surfaces produced 1 location inthe heart ofthe worldwide. At home 4 223 realised projects 27 premium partners 67 international fairs 115 salespartners 20 employees 84 suppliers Responsible forthecontent: Organoid Technologies ORGBRO2020000EN /Release date:09/2020 /Concept: West GmbH /Subjectto colour deviations andchanges /Art.-No. Werbeagentur GmbH /Design: KláraVentusová Organoid Technologies GmbH Nesselgarten 422 / 6500 Fliess / Austria [email protected] / tel +43 5449 200 01


Responsible for the content: Organoid Technologies GmbH / Subject to colour deviations and changes / Art.-No. ORGBRO2020000EN / Release date: 09/2020 / Concept: West Werbeagentur GmbH / Design: Klára Ventusováˇ