Seawater, , & Pozzolan

MAY 15

Binding Twine Authored by: Rod Bourchier

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Land Degradation & Desertification Sustainable Solutions

The stimulus for my report stems from the 7.30 Report segment on Port Augusta.

After closure of Port Augusta , residents say clean-up taking too long

Posted Mon 16 Apr 2018, 8:04pm port-augusta-power-station,/9664928

Port Augusta has a problem with FLY ASH!

The use of fly ash as a pozzolanic ingredient was recognized as early as 1914, although the earliest noteworthy study of its use was in 1937. Roman structures such as aqueducts or the Pantheon in Rome used volcanic ash or pozzolana (which possesses similar properties to fly ash) as pozzolan in their concrete.

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“In the middle 20th century, concrete structures were designed to last 50 years, and a lot of them are on borrowed time,” Monteiro says. “Now we design buildings to last 100 to 120 years.” Yet Roman harbor installations have survived 2,000 years of chemical attack and wave action underwater.

How the Romans did it The Romans made concrete by mixing lime and volcanic rock. For underwater structures, lime and volcanic ash were mixed to form mortar, and this mortar and volcanic tuff were packed into wooden forms. The seawater instantly triggered a hot chemical reaction. The lime was hydrated – incorporating water molecules into its structure – and reacted with the ash to cement the whole mixture together.

Port Augusta to Pozzuoli then on to George Washington University.

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Solar cement — Solar-driven electrolysis for making lime and no CO2 emission

Published on April 12th, 2012 | By: Eileen De Guire

“Electrolysis of carbonates is endothermic, which means much of the thermal energy required to drive the process can be provided by solar energy. And, if all the heat is provided by solar energy, no fossil fuels are

burned, and no CO2 is generated by the process itself.” no-co2-emmission

There already exists Green Concrete in Australia, I can predict that concrete will become even greener.

Working with Adelaide Brighton would be logical.

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Green Concrete

Low Environmental footprint, high impact result

Hanson Green Concrete: An Overview We all want to do our bit for the environment. Now it’s easier than ever: by choosing a quality green concrete, you’re choosing a product that not only reduces our environmental footprint on this planet but is also increasingly superior as a concrete solution. What is Green Concrete? Green concrete is defined as a concrete that uses waste material as at least one of its components, or its production process does not lead to environmental destruction, or it has high performance and life cycle sustainability (Suhendro, 2014). When produced well to both high environmental and technical standards, green concrete can not only be better for the planet but better for the customer, too – in many cases creating a product that is more valuable, more durable and more high performing over the long term.

How is Green Concrete produced? The best green concrete producers take a number of approaches to achieve environmental sustainability. These include:

. Innovating Substituting or replacing high CO2-producing Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with sustainable alternatives like fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fumes . Recycling Choosing to recycle material, from water and aggregates to all smart materials, to achieve a sustainable full life cycle result . Localising Sourcing the best local materials and using scientific testing to adjust formulas to meet national standards . Rehabilitating Putting back into the land what we take out, rehabilitating quarries and working with communities to find new, sustainable and positive uses for land Hanson's Green Concrete Our green concrete has less cement than regular concrete, but it’s just as strong. That’s because we replace some of the cement with recycled materials, like powdered slag (a by-product of steel manufacture) and fly-ash (a by-product of coal combustion). These materials provide the same bonding strength as cement but, unlike cement, they don’t release greenhouse gases during production. Plus, they’re renewable, and therefore far better for the environment.

Green Concrete for multiple uses Hanson’s Green Concrete can be used in almost any kind of building project, including:

. Infrastructure projects: Train stations, airport runways, sports arenas, highways, bridges, roads, footpaths & more . Large scale building: Multi-storey office blocks, residential developments, industrial and commercial builds . Small scale building: Foundations, slabs, paving, footings, driveways for residential builds and materials for DIY projects

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Using Concrete to generate and Desalinate Seawater. From the above information it will be possible to complete our mission to produce pre-fabricated concrete panels, pipes, etc. with fly ash, sand, reinforcement rods (from Whyalla), and seawater. All we need is ELECTRICITY.

By the end of this report I will demonstrate a range of systems that will combine to generate megawatts aplenty. For now, I will move on to Salt Gradient Ponds built from CONCRETE.

White Gold!

Electricity generation and water desalinisation - powered by heat collected in highly saline lakes

How many people in rural Australia realise that the ongoing scourge of salinity has a gold lining. White gold - perhaps? Salt lakes can be used to produce ENERGY - surely one of the most valuable commodities in our community. There are many parts of Australia being used to produce wheat at a margin of $150 /ha/year when they could be producing energy worth $15,000/ha /year!

My design – ‘Double Dome Solar Desalination/Salt Gradient Pond’ – is far more advanced in its technology. Without details it should be able to generate electricity while capturing rain and solar distilling seawater.

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The two-leading defence constructors in Australia – DCNS & Lockheed Martin – are involved in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Both Companies work with Ocean Surface Water 25oC and Deep Ocean Water 6oC.

In our system the Double Dome Solar Desalination/Salt Gradient Pond is only considered as a pre- heater to enhance the performance in the Solar Distillation Canopies.

100+oC Hot Brine coupled with CryoDesalination providing -15oC Cold Brine converts to electricity and pure water. No batteries required!

In the future an arrangement of Salt Gradient Modules could heat the ducted air to a Solar Updraft stack. This would be akin to using a glasshouse solar canopy.

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Solar Distillation Canopy for Solar Updraft Taking the lead from EnviroMission proposed Solar Chimney, they were planning for a 1000m high stack and solar collector with a 7000m radius. Their solar collector was a plain glasshouse. This simple design can generate 200 MW.

A solar updraft tower is based on "The Driving Force for the Stack Effect" and "The Flow induced by the Stack Effect" equations. Using the Solar (chi) tecture components will add other dimensions to the performance of a Solar Updraft system.

Replacing the glasshouse roof with a Solar Distillation system will add more heat under the canopy. The Solar Distillation units are plumbed together and hence the hot brine can enter at the perimeter and circulate around the whole canopy and finally exit near the Stack Turbines.

This is the next step in integrating the other elements of Binding Twines intellectual property.

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Solar Distillation Although Solar Distillation is the side issue of this document where the focus is on ‘Fly Ash’ there is a very great upside in attaching a Solar Canopy in that it delivers more electricity and water.

The electricity is boosted via more efficient Solar Chimney and from expansion of the Thermal Energy Conversion system. In the overall operation this would lead to lower cost per megawatt and an increase in baseload as the Solar Updraft operates 24/7.

Water for Irrigation I have used Loxton as a district that survives on irrigation from the Murray River. Finding 15,400 hectares of flattish land adjacent to existing irrigation areas would not be difficult on which to construct a Circios Solar Updraft system. The water produced could be used to supplement existing irrigation or develop new irrigation areas. The Solar Distillation provides 582.4% more water for 15,400 hectares.

Where will the Saline Water come from?

At Loxton there is a Salt Interception Scheme… ( ) That explains ‘How to keep the Salt out of the Murray’

With Loxton having no sizeable electricity generation then the supply of electricity will also help the district to prosper.

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Eucalyptus Oil The Circios Project aims at utilising water to irrigate biofuel crops. To this end, it would be preferable to grow over 50,000 hectares of Eucalyptus polybractea with the water distilled (equivalent of 450 mm of rainfall) from the Solar Canopy…

Over the past five years Peter Abbott, chairman of Felton Grimwade & Bosisto's, and his daughter Tegan, the company's executive director, have helped oversee the planting of three million "super-strain" Eucalyptus polybractea, bred with the help of the University of Melbourne. They now want to plant another six million of this deep-rooted, multi-trunked blue mallee that can be repeatedly harvested – by being cut to the ground every second year – for possibly centuries. Although all eucalypts contain oil in their leaves, E. polybractea has been found to be particularly high in cineole, the oil's key medicinal component. While Felton Grimwade & Bosisto's still blends its local oil with that imported from (where oil is distilled from the Tasmanian Blue Gum or E. globulus) again-has-begun-20160810-gqpfqi.html

Production can be up to110 kg/ha/year. The current world market for eucalyptus oil is estimated to be around 7000 tonnes/year and Australia produces 100–200 tonnes/year. World price for the oil has been relatively stable at around $AUD4500 to $5000/tonne ($4.50 to $5/kg). Down the track we can expect an annual production of 5720 tonne of eucalyptus oil at a market value $27 million!

This would obviously crash the market, but that could be avoided by having other marketing avenues. During WW2 Eucalyptus oil was used directly into engines normally run on petrol – there were slight problems concerning viscosity. Monash University were researching its use for aviation. This indicates that it can be used as a fuel even if it needs blending with petroleum.

This is a good point to introduce “The Sarment Process” where we have devised a method to process harvests of grapes, palm oil, beetroot, sugar cane, etc. and recover high yields of juice and oil. Extraction techniques then recover components of protein, sugars, phytochemicals, water, minerals, lignin, etc. through to rendering the biomass as only dry cellulose/hemicellulose.

Cellulose can be used for paper OR via pyrolysis to produce RTP Green Fuel & Biochar.

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The result of applying the Sarment Process to the harvested Eucalyptus foliage would be... 1. Higher yield of Eucalyptus Oil than Traditional method. 2. Self-Sustaining in terms of processing energy. 3. Minimal effluent and entrained plant water recovered. 4. Cellulose for Paper 5. RTP Green Fuel (a liquid fuel that can be used as coal). 6. Biochar 7. And possibly the recovery of Chlorophyll and pigments. The establishing and maintaining Blue Mallee plantations would qualify for ‘Carbon Credits’ as the roots continue to grow.

Carbon Sinks The link between Oil Mallees and carbon sinks is a very significant one. WA was one of the early states to enact carbon rights legislation and the resulting Carbon Rights Act is considered among the best. The Oil Mallee Company Ltd (OMC) a company created by the OMA to assist commercial development was the first to utilise the Act in a project developed jointly with the Kansai Electric Company of Japan to create a 1000-hectare carbon sequestration planting across 24 properties in the northern Wheatbelt.

This demonstrates that in the process of building up our electricity generation we can also initiate other commercial ventures. With the Circios Project it has always been the objective to combine electricity generation, seawater desalination, and biofuel production to be able to buildup Sustainable Horticultural Communities.

Sustainable Horticultural Communities will require a share of the electricity and water to assure the inhabitants a safe environment in which to live. This notion leads to looking at how both the Circios Solar Updraft and the Circios Tower can bring hot and cold-water systems, air conditioning, and electricity for households. The answer comes from the extension of the technology into Thermal Energy Conversion which operates from storage of Hot and Cold Brine.

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Boeing, Etihad Airways, Masdar Institute Halophyte Biofuel Update (Exclusive

Videos) institute-halophyte-biofuel-update/

EcoCover® Environmentally Friendly Weed Matting is produced from waste paper that is removed from the landfill waste stream. The Weed Mat NZ products contain unique attributes that benefit the plant, soil and environment. The EcoCover fertiliser enriched Weed Mat is a cost-effective substitute for other mulch systems used in the horticultural, agricultural and land management industries. EcoCover Weed Matting is the world’s most complete plant mulch.

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Beyond FLY ASH, I can introduce other designs that will be able to be developed with the assistance of institutions and manufacturers.

The proposed Snowy 2.0 does not deliver any water and does not generate electricity, in comparison my technology is relatively simple but will have a great impact on the environment. It is the making of a good commercial partnership and community development.

“C5H8 Sarment Rubber Bio Mills” is a project that will commence in Thailand and will eventually roll out over the next 45+years to dominate Rubber Plantations in South East Asia.

Offering details in this document would be a distraction. The following information is linked to our Thailand negotiations and hence refers to specific Thai entities. These are mere snippets but signify a considerable advancement in environmental engineering.

This technology has global implications as the trilogy of water - electricity – biofuels will solve the problems of population growth and finding ‘arable’ land to be able to feed our fellow Sapiens.

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Harnessing Binding Twine’s Creativity We have been blessed with new ideas, and although we could sit back and concentrate on Biomass processing, it will assist the overall commercial operations of the Sarment Network by instigating more projects. C5H8 Sarment Rubber Bio Mills are a ‘crystal clear’ platform for development and hence a very good starting point. Our other concepts still need a little more input from specialists. Binding Twine’s understanding of biology is good, whereas our understanding of the intricacies of physics is not as good. We know how to respond to a 16.7 % oil content in Rubber Seeds, but we struggle with converting pounds of thrust to Megawatts and calculating the impact of wind speed at various heights. To resolve some ‘unknowns’, means we need some help before we can fully launch projects that have great potential in completing the “Electricity – Water – Biofuel” Cycle. Thailand and China have the academic institutions and companies that can contribute to our projects.

C5H8 Sarment Rubber Bio Mills will be rural based and be environmentally friendly, the living conditions of our communities will be the envy of people trapped in air-polluted cities. To be able to produce clean electricity, while purifying the air would greatly solve a world problem. Binding Twine has combined Solar Desalination, CryoDesalination, Thermal Energy Conversion, Solar Energy Collection, Solar updraft, , Land Based Jet Turbines, Air Intake Modules, Zeolite, Halbach Array Ring Generators, Fresnel Lenses, Hyperbolic Mirrors, Solar downdraft, Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, and Cyclonic Air Cleaners to form a super utility that produces pure water, cleans the air, generates electricity, and provides hot and cold water for air conditioning. Using Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, and Seawater for a nature-based system, no batteries required, and no fossil fuels.

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In our “Circios Towers” project we are planning to have 24 floors of Air Acceleration. We stopped calling them Wind Energy Layers as we do not need the wind to blow to make our design generate electricity 24/7.

When the wind does blow, we can use that energy to make more electricity. The tower is planned to reach 200 m + above the ground. Wind speeds will be higher at that altitude.

In each floor, there will be 4 Land Based Jet Turbines and 112 Air Intake Modules. Further along, it may be necessary to increase the number of Land Based Jet Turbines as their contribution to the total system may improve the overall efficiency in generating both electricity and water.

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A Circios Tower consist of 4 layers that work together to generate electricity and distil water. The air will move through the Circios Tower, pass through Vortex Air Concentrators and eventually exit at the top of the Solar Updraft Tower. On that journey, the air will be cleansed.

Cleaning will be achieved using 2,688 Air Intake Modules and 720 Cyclonic Air Purifiers.

Polluted Air Enters

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The Circios Tower project will provide both water and electricity to grow and process more biofuels. Also, the electrolysis of seawater will produce hydrogen. Hydrogen is in the mix for fuelling planes in the future. We also intend to use Land Based Jet Turbines modified with two combustion chambers to be fuelled with biodiesel and hydrogen. So, from Rubberwood to Aviation covers a broad spectrum of technology.

Power for a Changing World… The debate over the environmental impact of aviation throws up various scenarios. If the figure is 2% now and heading to 3% in 2050, it is of little consequence.

IF Land Based Jet Engines are adapted into a wide-ranging Sustainable Horticultural Community Project such as we are proposing. For a starter, our projects are based on a cycle of electricity – water – biofuels which is capable of displacing fossil fuels. We reckon that on the chart above we could negate the 73% of CO2 Emissions (Building Light and Heat through to Industrial Processes).

That leaves the 25% of CO2 Emissions for Land Use Change and Forestry, which is also negated by our approach. E.g. processing of biomass – Imperata cylindrica. We solve two major problems Deforestation and Desertification.

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Our projects also focus on using Carbon dioxide. The electrolysis of seawater produces Sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide can strip out the CO2 from the ambient atmosphere. From there using a process developed in Canada the CO2 and seawater combine to produce cement. In the above chart, Cement at 5% is twice the CO2 emissions from aviation!

It would be logical to engage with Siam Cement Group as both a Technology Partner Investor and Symbiotic Organisation Investor in the Sarment Network. The Sarment Network would not be competitive with SCG in marketing ‘cement’, and the SCG could assist with the construction of the

C5H8 Sarment Rubber Bio Mills, and the appending Biotechnology Park and Community Facilities (houses, schools, etc.)

Siam Cement Group The Siam Cement Group Public Company Limited is the largest and oldest cement and building material company in Thailand and Southeast Asia. In 2016, SCG was also ranked as the second largest company in Thailand.

Coal and Cement Coal is used as an energy source in cement production. Large amounts of energy are required to produce cement. It takes about 200 kg of coal to produce one tonne of cement, and about 300-400 kg of cement is needed to produce one cubic metre of concrete.

Kalin Sarasin, a senior executive at SCG, informed the Bangkok Post that the company has decided to import more American coal and cut back on coal imported from Indonesia and Australia as the former is proved to have better quality, while the transportation cost is also manageable. The coal purchased from the US will be a substitute for some of the six million tons of coal the company imports from Indonesia and Australia annually, Mr Sarasin said.’s-largest-cement-manufacturer-buy-155000-tons-coal-us

4.2 billion tonnes of cement were produced globally in 2016. China’s cement production alone reached 2.4 billion tonnes.

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A Bold Attempt to Make Cement Production a Carbon Sink sink “In 2007, with support from Khosla Ventures, Constantz (in photo above) got the opportunity to test his ideas with the creation of a company, Calera, and the construction of a cement factory near a California seaside power plant. There, in a 33.5-meter tower, a CO2-rich flue gas mixed with seawater droplets to form the calcium and magnesium carbonates that would be the stuff of cement. The net result, said Calera and Constantz, was net consumption of a half-ton of carbon dioxide per ton of concrete produced, rather than a ton emitted.” There are elements of the above venture that could be adapted into our projects. SCG ‘s knowledge of cement far eclipses that of Binding Twine. As we see the Sarment Network as the developer, we would like to think that once we input some new ideas, then the bigger team of the Sarment Network can work through an open platform to make improvements for all the stakeholders. In the case of cement, Binding Twine can devise scenarios worthy of discussion and evaluation. To demonstrate how we keep adding to our projects I present the following…

What is cement? Cement is made from a mixture of calcium carbonate (generally in the form of limestone), silica, iron oxide and alumina. A high-temperature kiln, often fuelled by coal, heats the raw materials to a partial melt at 1450°C, transforming them chemically and physically into a substance known as clinker. This grey pebble-like material comprises special compounds that give cement its binding properties. Clinker is mixed with gypsum and ground to a fine powder to make cement.

This defines the physical parameters and leads to these considerations ▪ RTP Green Fuel instead of Coal ▪ Electricity from the Circios Towers to replace Coal ▪ 1450oC Kiln Temperature assisted by Solar Furnaces and Hot Brine Storage.

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Exploring the role of seawater leads to ‘pozzolan.’

“Lime reacting with aluminium-rich pozzolan ash and seawater formed highly stable C A-S-H and Al- tobermorite, ensuring strength and longevity. Both the materials and the way the Romans used them hold lessons for the future.

"For us, pozzolan is important for its practical applications," says Monteiro. "It could replace 40 percent of the world's demand for Portland cement. And there are sources of pozzolan all over the world. Saudi Arabia doesn't have any fly ash, but it has mountains of pozzolan."

Saudi Arabia is a logical site for a Circios Towers Project, and Binding Twine has identified another extension of its activities.

The Atlantis II Deep is the largest basin of this type in the axial rift zone of the Red Sea. A topographic depression enclosing a volume of an estimated 15 km3 at water depths from 1900 to 2200 m, the Atlantis II Deep contains layered fluids with temperatures of up to 66°C and salinities of up to 27%. Beneath the brines, up to 30 m of fine-grained metalliferous sediments have been accumulating for the past 23 000 years (Anschutz, 1995). Unlike those in modern hydrothermal systems at mid-ocean ridges, where most of the metals are expelled to the open ocean in buoyant hydrothermal plumes, metals in the Atlantis II Deep are trapped and precipitated beneath a 200-m-thick brine layer. These sediments show extremely high concentrations of zinc, copper, silver, and gold (90 Mt of dry salt-free sediment at Zn>2%, Cu>0.5%, Ag>39 g/t., Au>0.5 g/t.).

Saudi Arabia focuses on minerals; Binding Twine sees a rich source of brine for use in Thermal Energy Conversion to produce electricity and water. Now we can pocket a bit of gold along the way.

“Abu Dhabi: Saudi Arabia will launch in coming weeks a programme that is expected to involve investment of between $30 billion and $50 billion by 2023, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih said on Monday.” Published: 17:03 January 16, 2017

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Binding Twine sees opportunities wherever we look, and that is good for the Sarment Network (and Port Augusta, Thailand, China, GLOBALLY).

Even now we can keep on finding more information in our endeavours for keeping abreast with technology. Please open this reference … sustaining_carbon_capture_and_mineralization_via_electrolytic_carbonation_of_coal_fly_ash

Binding Twine has developed a platform that solves major global problems. Decarbonisation + Deforestation + Desertification

Our designs and innovative processes takes us from zero emissions to removal of CO2 from past pollution. A legacy of providing electricity – water – and biofuels.

Binding Twine obviously needs the Sarment Network to be created so that we can further refine our designs and innovative processes while the commercialisation is carried out by the staff of the Sarment Network.

Our vision already encompasses ‘Post Normal Science’ so why not Post Normal Business?

Post-normal science is a concept developed by Funtowicz and Ravetz, attempting to characterise a methodology of inquiry that is appropriate for cases where…

"facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent."

It is primarily applied in the context of long-term issues where there is less available information than is desired by stakeholders.

Advocates of post-normal science suggest that there must be… “extended peer community" consisting of all those affected by an issue who are prepared to enter into dialogue on it.

We invite Institutions and Manufacturers into our extended peer community.

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You may be a bit overwhelmed by what we placed before you in this document, but there is more to come, for instance, we have worked out a plan to extract the phosphate and limestone (valuable to restore Tropical Soils) on Nauru and building the infrastructure to process Palm Oil Trunks and …but that is another chapter and another great commercial opportunity. At least we are beyond just digging up lumps of coal and offer up a breath of fresh air.

Although lacking in detail I hope I have conveyed the impression that we have developed logical pathways to a more sustainable future. Every element of our proposed technology can be a viable commercial operation.

I have attached an article that hopefully reinforces the endeavours of Binding Twine.

Looking forward to further discussions.

Yours sincerely,

Rod Bour(chi)er for Binding Twine

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Health savings outweigh costs of limiting global warming: study

AFP/File / Jorge Guerrero To date, the average global temperature is thought to have increased by 1 C since the Industrial Revolution

The estimated cost of measures to limit Earth-warming greenhouse gas emissions can be more than offset by reductions in deaths and disease from air pollution, researchers said on Saturday.

It would cost $22.1 trillion (17.9 trillion euros) to $41.6 trillion between 2020 and 2050 for the world to hold average global warming under two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), a team projected in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.

For the lower, aspirational limit of 1.5 C, the cost would be between $39.7 trillion and $56.1 trillion, they estimated.

But air pollution deaths could be reduced by 21-27 percent to about 100 million between 2020 and 2050 under the 2 C scenario, the team estimated, and by 28-32 percent to about 90 million at 1.5 C.

"Depending on the strategy used to mitigate climate change, estimates suggest that the health savings from reduced air pollution could be between 1.4-2.5 times greater than the costs of climate change mitigation, globally," they wrote.

Health costs from air pollution include medical treatment, patient care, and lost productivity.

The countries likely to see the biggest health savings were air pollution-ridden India and China, said the researchers, who used computer models to project future emissions, the costs of different scenarios for curbing them, and the tally in pollution-related deaths.

"The health savings are exclusively those related to curbing air pollution," study co-author Anil Markandya of the Basque Centre for Climate Change in Spain told AFP.

"Other health benefits are not included, which of course makes our figures underestimates of the total benefits."

The costs of limiting warming, Markandya explained, included higher taxes on fossil fuels like oil and coal, which in turn raise the costs of production.

The world's nations agreed on the 2 C limit in Paris in 2015 and undertook voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

These pledges, even if they are met, place the world on a 3 C trajectory, scientists say.

To date, the average global temperature is thought to have increased by 1 C since the Industrial Revolution.

"We hope that the large health co-benefits we have estimated... might help policymakers move towards adopting more ambitious climate policies and measures to reduce air pollution," said Markandya.

Air pollution from fossil fuel emissions, particularly fine particulate matter and ozone, has been linked to lung and heart disease, strokes, and cancer.

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Message From: H2Oasis Energy - Rod Bourchier Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 8:54:33 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Port Augusta Fly Ash

Dear Senator, I have just watched the 7.30 report about the problems in Port Augusta and have solutions to offer you. My background in agriculture and the wine industry and my more recent studies in environmental issues and solutions to many of the problems that we currently face, have led me to many ideas on how problems such as you are facing, can be solved. Firstly, waste paper can be used to manufacture environmental matting. ECOCOVER. This would SOLVE the dust problem and enhance the growth of plants. Secondly, using both Solar Desalination and CryoDesalination can generate electricity ( Thermal Energy Conversion) and pure water. Thus the water can be used to grow the plants. ! And generate electricity! Thirdly, the planting of HALOPHYTES which are plants which grow on land and can be irrigated with SEA water can be used to make biofuels. And lastly, developing Land Based Jet Turbines coupled with Halbach Array Ring Generators and fueled by biofuels and hydrogen will generate electricity. Cost per MW: ~$900,000. Snowy 2.0: $3,500,000. Solar Reserve: $4.3million. Plus hydrogen is produced via electrolysis of seawater. At the same time, you can produce Sodium hydroxide, which in turn can strip Carbon dioxide from the ambient atmosphere. Captured CO2 + electrolysis of seawater yields cement. Throw in a bit of fly ash and you have concrete... If you are Interested in providing solutions for the people of Port Augusta, I can help you. These problems can be resolved in a very positive and beneficial manner. I would be very happy to meet with you to explain and discuss these solutions. I am heading to China on Wednesday but will be back on the 27th April. Yours sincerely Rod Bourchier

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