Agjfls /Q-'F5 in J
-'., '. .... (QL. El Paso Alaska Company, etal. 6~5.5 -, Docket Nos.' CP75-96, et aI.- ,4'-( Exhibit AA- (RGG-6) -. -\ _., , ~ . K:.b7 AGJflS /Q-'f5 -" A S11lDYOF nn: nJSTIUBuno:-.J A\JD t,[)VEHr~\J'rs OF ~4g , SNOW GEESE, 0111ER' GEESE, AND \\'1 nSTLING SWj\.\JS ;1 j o.\J TIm H\CKf:NZIEDELTA, YUKON Nom1l SLOPE, j A~D AI..ASKAl'J NOR1l1 SLOPE IN AUGUST A!\JD SEPTEl'll3ER, 1975. J .~ ::;1: I; 'I' .' .J r:':» .. '~ ( 11\ i.~~ By J , / \ ~~{ 'l\T. R. KOSKI j.J' .J Inf··~i LGLLIMITED --;1'" .J environmental rescard1 associates 1 ~-'I 1\ U J ~ ti J C'" ~. ~; .; ~£:i .s y;!"" -4 -. :<~ '" -tot7" :..:t - J F: i; ~. j J LJ' December, 1975 .. y; ARLIS Alaska Resources ~Lj .. Library & Infonnation Services , Anchorage, Alaska .,.i ~~ :., - 4.,:0:.3 .. ·' ~: AHS'fJV'\Cl' ~1 . II -/- Aerial transect surveys and rccormoissance surveys were flown of the .... outcr Hackcnzi.c Delta, Yukon North Slope, and eastern Alaskan North Slope -" j; 4 from August 20 to September 25, 1975. 111e surveys were flown to deter- ~ ~r: mine (1) the numbers of geese and swans that used the study area during ..I -"' the fall staging period, (2) the concentration sites of these bi.rds, ....., .. , T (3) the chronology according to the geese and swans used the study 1 ~ area, (tl) the brood sizes and adult to juvenile ratios of these birds, 11-J '1' and '(5) the year-to-)'ear variations in these variables. ~ ~{ 3'L ~j " .s In- 1975, large number's of 8nO\'1 Gcese used the study a'rea between ...
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