arXiv:1203.6150v2 [math.PR] 13 Jan 2014 rcs,pt-audbacigpoes mirto,non immigration, process, branching path-valued process, r oiieMro rcse nrdcdb irn ( Jiˇrina by introduced processes Markov positive are rcs sdtrie yits by determined ( Watanabe is oth and process Kawazu from example, come for may see, immigrants particles; where genera situation are the Continu (CBI-processes) describing particles. immigration small with of processes ing populations large of evolution 41–79 1, No. DOI: 42, Vol. Probability2014, of Annals The ihterepresentation the with gram. (0 sal eetne oa nltcfnto na nevlst interval an on function analytic an to extended be usually where (1.1)

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March revised 2011; November Received ∞ upre yNF N.1110) 7 rga N.2011CB80 (No. Program 973 11131003), (No. NSFC by Supported A HVLE RNHN RCSE N NONLOCAL AND PROCESSES BRANCHING PATH-VALUED 10.1214/12-AOP759 .I otcss eol en h function the define only we cases, most In ). σ ≥ baa n ems[ Delmas and Abraham esetvsit h revle akvpoesso Aldo [ of branching man processes Markov pro the tree-valued results the explicitly The into identify processes. perspectives We those of flow. mechanisms the immigration from superproce defined immigration equa be branching regard stochastic nonlocal be Two a can proces migration. family branching of path-valued The increasing flow inhomogeneous noises. solution an time–space the by driven as system constructed are tion and 0 aiyo otnossaebacigpoesswt immi with processes branching continuous-state of family A n.Is.HniPoincar´e Stat. Probab. Henri Inst. Ann. φ ( λ = ) b RNHN BRANCHING r osat,ad( and constants, are otnossaebacigpoess(CB-processes) processes branching Continuous-state bλ tcatceuto,slto o,cniuu-tt bran continuous-state flow, solution equation, Stochastic + ejn omlUniversity Normal Beijing hsrpitdffr rmteoiia npagination in original the from differs reprint This . 2014 , 1 2 σ n.Probab. Ann. 2 yZnh Li Zenghu By rnhn mechanism branching λ rmr 08,6J8 eodr 02,92D25. 60H20, secondary 60J68; 60J80, Primary 2 + in Z 0 h naso Probability of Annals The 1 ∞ ( z e 40 − ∧ zλ 21)1167–1211]. (2012) z 2 − ) m + 1 34 ( oa rnhn,. branching, local dz 19)6766 and 637–686] (1998) zλ 1971 safiiemaueon measure finite a is ) φ φ ) hc safunction a is which , n[0 on m 1958 1 .Telwo CB- a of law The ). ( dz sadPit- and us u-tt branch- ous-state ihim- with s iain fthem of lizations ienew vide 01 n 8 Pro- 985 and 8001) , ) sscan sses omdlthe model to ) , ∞ , das ed ,bti can it but ), rsucsof sources er gra- tion itylarger rictly and ching 2 Z. LI than [0, ). The branching mechanism is said to be critical, subcritical or supercritical∞ according as b = 0, b> 0 or b< 0. A CB-process can be obtained as the small particle limit of a sequence of discrete Galton–Watson branching processes; see, for example, Lamperti (1967). A genealogical tree is naturally associated with a Galton–Watson process. The genealogical structures of CB-processes were investigated by introducing continuum random trees in the pioneer work of Aldous (1991, 1993), where the quadratic branching mechanism φ(λ)= λ2 was considered. Continuum random trees corresponding to general branching mechanisms were constructed in Le Gall and Le Jan (1998a, 1998b) and were studied further in Duquesne and Le Gall (2002). By pruning a Galton–Watson tree, Aldous and Pitman (1998) constructed a decreasing tree-valued process. Then they used time-reversal to obtain an increasing tree-valued process starting with the trivial tree. They gave some characterizations of the in- creasing process up to the ascension time, the first time when the increasing tree becomes infinite. Tree-valued processes associated with general CB-processes were studied in Abraham and Delmas (2012). By shifting a critical branching mechanism, they defined a family of branching mechanisms ψθ : θ Θ , where Θ= [θ , ) or (θ , ) for some θ [ , 0]. Abraham{ and∈ Delmas} (2012) ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∈ −∞ constructed a decreasing tree-valued Markov process T : θ Θ by pruning { θ ∈ } a continuum tree, where the tree Tθ has branching mechanism ψθ. The explosion time A was defined as the smallest negative time when the tree (or the total mass of the corresponding CB-process) is finite. Abraham and Delmas (2012) gave some characterizations of the evolution of the tree after this time under an excursion law. For the quadratic branching mechanism, they obtained explicit expressions for some interesting distributions. Those extend the results of Aldous and Pitman (1998) on Galton–Watson trees in the time-reversed form. The main tool of Abraham and Delmas (2012) was the exploration process of Le Gall and Le Jan (1998a, 1998b) and Duquesne and Le Gall (2002). Some general ways of pruning random trees in discrete and continuous settings were introduced in Abraham, Delmas and He (2012), Abraham, Delmas and Voisin (2010). In this paper, we study a class of increasing path-valued Markov processes using the techniques of stochastic equations and measure-valued processes developed in recent years. Those path-valued processes are counterparts of the tree-valued processes of Abraham and Delmas (2012). A special case of the model is described as follows. Let T = [0, ) or [0, a] or [0, a) for some ∞ a> 0. Let (θ, λ) ζθ(λ) be a continuous function on T [0, ) with the representation 7→ × ∞ ∞ ζ (λ)= β λ + (1 e−zλ)n (dz), θ T, λ 0, θ θ − θ ∈ ≥ Z0 PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 3 where βθ 0 and znθ(dz) is a finite kernel from T to (0, ). Let φ be a branching≥ mechanism given by (1.1). Under an integrability∞ condition, the function q (1.2) φ (λ) := φ(λ) ζ (λ) dθ, λ 0, q − θ ≥ Z0 also has the representation (1.1) with the parameters (b, m) = (bq,mq) de- pending on q T . Let m(dy, dz) be the measure on T (0, ) defined by ∈ × ∞ m([0,q] [c, d]) = m [c, d], q T,d>c> 0. × q ∈ Let W (ds, du) be a white noise on (0, )2 based on the Lebesgue measure, ∞ and let N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) be a compensated Poisson random measure on (0, ) T (0, )2 with intensity dsm(dy, dz) du. Let µ 0 be a constant. For∞q ×T ,× we consider∞ the stochastic equation ≥ ∈ t t Xs−(q) Xt(q)= µ bq Xs−(q) ds + σ W (ds, du) − 0 0 0 (1.3) Z Z Z t ∞ Xs−(q) + zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, du). Z0 Z[0,q] Z0 Z0 We shall see that there is a pathwise unique positive c`adl`ag solution X (q) : { t t 0 to (1.3). Then we can talk about the solution flow Xt(q) : t 0,q T of≥ the} equation system. We prove that each X (q) : t {0 is a CB-process≥ ∈ } { t ≥ } with branching mechanism φq, and (Xt(q))t≥0 : q T is an inhomogeneous path-valued increasing Markov process{ with state∈ space} D+[0, ), the space of positive c`adl`ag paths on [0, ) endowed with the Skorokhod∞ topology. The formulation of path-valued∞ processes provides new perspectives into the evolution of the random trees of Aldous and Pitman (1998) and Abraham and Delmas (2012). From this formulation we can derive some structural properties of the model that have not been discovered before. For q T let us define the random measure Z (dt)= X (q) dt on [0, ). We shall∈ see q t ∞ that Zq : q T is an inhomogeneous increasing superprocess involving a nonlocal{ branching∈ } structure, and the total mass process ∞ σ(q) := X (q) ds, q T, s ∈ Z0 is an inhomogeneous CB-process. Then one can think of X(q) : q T as a path-valued branching process. On the other hand, for each{ t 0∈ the} ran- dom increasing function q X (q) induces a random measure≥Y (dq) on T 7→ t t such that Xt(q)= Yt[0,q] for q T . We prove that Yt : t 0 is a homoge- neous superprocess with both local∈ and nonlocal branching{ ≥ } structures. We also establish some properties of an excursion law N0 for the superprocess 4 Z. LI

Yt : t 0 . Given a branching mechanism φ of the form (1.1), for a suitable {interval≥ T} we can define a family of branching mechanisms φ : q T by { q ∈ } φ (λ)= φ(λ q) φ( q), λ 0, q − − − ≥ where the two terms on the right-hand side are defined using (1.1). The fam- ily can be represented by (1.2) with ζθ(λ)= (∂/∂λ)φθ(λ). In this case, the path-valued process q (X (q)) under the− excursion law N corresponds 7→ t t≥0 0 to the time-reversal of the tree-valued process θ Tθ of Abraham and Del- mas (2012). In general, we may associate X(q) : q7→ T with a “forest-valued branching process.” { ∈ } To make the exploration self-contained, we shall consider a slightly gen- eralized form of the equation system (1.3) involving some additional im- migration structures. In Section 2, we present some preliminary results on inhomogeneous immigration superprocesses and CBI-processes. In Section 3 a class of CBI-processes with predictable immigration rates are constructed as pathwise unique solutions of stochastic integral equations driven by time– space noises. In Section 4 we introduce the path-valued increasing Markov processes and identify them as path-valued branching processes with im- migration. A construction of those processes is given in Section 5 using a system of stochastic equations generalizing (1.3). In Section 6 we derive a ho- mogeneous nonlocal branching immigration superprocess from the flow. The properties of the process under an excursion law are studied in Section 7. We sometimes write R+ for [0, ). Let F (T ) denote the set of positive right continuous increasing functions∞ on an interval T R. For a measure µ and a function f on a measurable space we write ⊂µ,f = fdµ if the integral exists. Throughout this paper, we make the conventh i ions R b ∞ = and = Za Z(a,b] Za Z(a,∞) for any b a R. Other notations are explained as they first appear. ≥ ∈ 2. Inhomogeneous immigration superprocesses. In this section, we present some preliminary results on inhomogeneous immigration superprocesses and CBI-processes. Suppose that T R is an interval, and E is a Lusin topologi- cal space. Let E˜ = T E. A function⊂ (s,x) f(s,x) on E˜ is said to be locally bounded if for each compact× interval S T7→the restriction of (s,x) f(s,x) to S E is bounded. Let M(E) be the⊂ space of finite Borel measures7→ on E endowed× with the topology of weak convergence. Let B+(E) be the set of bounded positive Borel functions on E. Let I (E) denote the set of all functionals I on B+(E) with the representation

(2.1) I(f)= λ, f + (1 e−hν,fi)L(dν), f B+(E), h i ◦ − ∈ ZM(E) PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 5 where λ M(E) and (1 ν, 1 )L(dν) is a finite measure on M(E)◦ := ∈ ∧ h i M(E) 0 . Let J (E) denote the set of all functionals on B+(E) of the \ { } form f J(f) := a + I(f) with a 0 and I I (E). By Theorems 1.35 and 1.37 in7→ Li (2011) one can prove the≥ following:∈

Theorem 2.1. There is a one-to-one correspondence between function- als V J (E) and infinitely divisible sub-probability measures Q on M(E), which∈ is determined by

(2.2) e−hν,fiQ(dν)=exp V (f) , f B+(E). {− } ∈ ZM(E) Theorem 2.2. If U J (E) and if V : f v( ,f) is an operator on ∈ 7→ · B+(E) such that v(x, ) J (E) for all x E, then U V J (E). · ∈ ∈ ◦ ∈ Suppose that (P : t r T ) is an inhomogeneous Borel right transition r,t ≥ ∈ semigroup on E. Let ξ = (Ω, F , Fr,t,ξt, Pr,x) be a right continuous inhomo- geneous Markov process realizing (P : t r T ). Let (s,x) b (x) be a r,t ≥ ∈ 7→ s Borel function on E˜, and let (s,x) c (x) be a positive Borel function on 7→ s E˜. Let ηs(x,dy) be a kernel from E˜ to E, and let Hs(x,dν) be a kernel from E˜ to M(E)◦. Suppose that the function

2 bs(x) + cs(x)+ ηs(x, E)+ ( ν, 1 ν, 1 + νx, 1 )Hs(x,dν) | | ◦ h i ∧ h i h i ZM(E) on S E is locally bounded, where νx(dy) denotes the restriction of ν(dy) to E × x . For (s,x) E˜ and f B+(E) define \ { } ∈ ∈ 2 φs(x,f)= bs(x)f(x)+ cs(x)f(x) f(y)ηs(x,dy) − E (2.3) Z −hν,fi + [e 1+ ν( x )f(x)]Hs(x,dν). ◦ − { } ZM(E) Let T = T ( ,t] for t T . By Theorem 6.10 in Li (2011) one can show t ∩ −∞ ∈ there is an inhomogeneous Borel right transition semigroup (Qr,t : t r T ) on the state space M(E) defined by ≥ ∈

(2.4) e−hν,fiQ (µ,dν)=exp µ, V f , f B+(E), r,t {−h r,t i} ∈ ZM(E) where (r, x) vr,t(x) := Vr,tf(x) is the unique locally bounded positive so- lution to the7→ integral equation t (2.5) v (x)= P [f(ξ )] P [φ (ξ , v )] ds, r T ,x E. r,t r,x t − r,x s s s,t ∈ t ∈ Zr 6 Z. LI

Let us consider a right continuous realization X = (W, G , Gr,t, Xt, Qr,µ) of the transition semigroup (Q : t r T ) defined by (2.4). Suppose that r,t ≥ ∈ (s,x) gs(x) is a locally bounded positive Borel function on E˜. Let ψs(x,f)= 7→ + gs(x)+ φs(x,f) for f B (E). Following the proofs of Theorems 5.15 and 5.16− in Li (2011), one can∈ see t (2.6) Q exp X ,f X , g ds = exp µ, U f , r,µ −h t i− h s si {−h r,t i}  Zr  where (r, x) ur,t(x) := Ur,tf(x) is the unique locally bounded positive so- lution to 7→ t (2.7) u (x)= P [f(ξ )] P [ψ (ξ , u )] ds, r T ,x E. r,t r,x t − r,x s s s,t ∈ t ∈ Zr Then there is an inhomogeneous Borel right sub-Markov transition semi- group (Qg : t r T ) on M(E) given by r,t ≥ ∈ (2.8) e−hν,fiQg (µ,dν)=exp µ, U f . r,t {−h r,t i} ZM(E) A Markov process with transition semigroup given by (2.8) is called an inhomogeneous superprocess with branching mechanisms ψ : s T . The { s ∈ } family of operators (Ur,t : t r T ) is called the cumulant semigroup of the superprocess. From (2.8) one≥ can∈ derive the following branching property: (2.9) Qg (µ + µ , )= Qg (µ , ) Qg (µ , ) r,t 1 2 · r,t 1 · ∗ r,t 2 · for t r T and µ1,µ2 M(E), where “ ” denotes the convolution oper- ation.≥ Some∈ special branching∈ mechanisms∗ are given in Dawson, Gorostiza and Li (2002), Dynkin (1993) and Li (1992, 2011). Clearly, the semigroup (Qr,t : t r T ) given by (2.4) corresponds to a conservative inhomogeneous superprocess.≥ ∈ In general, the inhomogeneous superprocess is not necessarily conservative. We can append an additional immigration structure to the inhomogeneous superprocess. Suppose that ρ(ds) is a Radon measure on T and J : s T { s ∈ }⊂ J (E) is a family of functionals such that s Js(f) is a locally bounded Borel function on T for each f B+(E). 7→ ∈ ρ,J Theorem 2.3. There is an inhomogeneous transition semigroup (Qr,t : t r T ) on M(E) given by ≥ ∈ t (2.10) e−hν,fiQρ,J (µ,dν)=exp µ, U f J (U f)ρ(ds) , r,t −h r,t i− s s,t ZM(E)  Zr  where (r, x) ur,t(x) := Ur,tf(x) is the unique locally bounded positive solu- tion to (2.7).7→ PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 7

Proof. By Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, for any t r T we can define an ≥ ∈ infinitely divisible sub-probability measure Nr,t on M(E) by t e−hν,fiN (dν)=exp J (U f)ρ(ds) . r,t − s s,t ZM(E)  Zr  It is easy to check that N = (N Qg ) N , t s r T, r,t r,s s,t ∗ s,t ≥ ≥ ∈ where

N Qg = N (dµ)Qg (µ, ). r,s s,t r,s s,t · ZM(E) Following the arguments in Li (2002, 2011) one can show

(2.11) Qρ,J (µ, )= Qg (µ, ) N , t r T, r,t · r,t · ∗ r,t ≥ ∈ defines an inhomogeneous sub-Markov transition semigroup on M(E). Clearly, the Laplace functional of this transition semigroup is given by (2.10). 

If a Markov process with state space M(E) has transition semigroup (Qρ,J : t r T ) given by (2.10), we call it an inhomogeneous immigration r,t ≥ ∈ superprocess with immigration mechanisms Js : s T and immigration measure ρ. The intuitive meaning of the model{ is clear∈ } in view of (2.11). That is, the population at any time t 0 is made up of two parts, the na- tive part generated by the mass µ M≥(E) at time r 0 has distribution Qg (µ, ) and the immigration in the∈ time interval (r, t] gives≥ the distribution r,t · Nr,t. When E shrinks to a singleton, we can identify M(E) with the positive half line R+ = [0, ). In this case, the transition semigroups given by (2.8) and (2.10) determine∞ one-dimensional CB- and CBI-processes, respectively. Now let us consider a branching mechanism φ of the form (1.1). We can define the transition semigroup (Pt)t≥0 of a homogeneous CB-process by

−λy −xvt(λ) (2.12) e Pt(x,dy)= e , t, λ 0, R ≥ Z + where t v (λ) is the unique locally bounded positive solution of 7→ t t v (λ)= λ φ(v (λ)) ds, t − s Z0 which is essentially a special form of (2.5). We can write the above integral equation into its differential form d (2.13) v (λ)= φ(v (λ)), v (λ)= λ. dt t − t 0 8 Z. LI

The Chapman–Kolmogorov equation of (Pt)t≥0 implies vr(vt(λ)) = vr+t(λ) for all r, t, λ 0. The set of functions (vt)t≥0 is the cumulant semigroup. Observe that≥λ φ(λ) is continuously differentiable with 7→ ∞ φ′(λ)= b + σ2λ + z(1 e−zλ)m(dz), λ 0. − ≥ Z0 By differentiating (2.12) and (2.13) in λ 0 one can show ≥ d −bt (2.14) yPt(x,dy)= x vt(λ) = xe . R dλ Z + λ=0+

It is easy to see that (P ) is a Feller semigroup. Let us consider a c`adl`ag t t≥0 realization X = (Ω, F , Fr,t, Xt, Pr,x) of the corresponding CB-process with an arbitrary initial time r 0. Let η(ds) be a Radon measure on [0, ). By Theorem 5.15 in Li (2011),≥ for t r 0 and f B+[0,t], we have ∞ ≥ ≥ ∈ (2.15) P exp f(s)X η(ds) = exp xut(r, f) , r,x − s {− }   Z[r,t]  where r ut(r, f) is the unique bounded positive solution to 7→ t (2.16) ut(r, f)+ φ(ut(s,f)) ds = f(s)η(ds), 0 r t. ≤ ≤ Zr Z[r,t] In particular, for r 0 and f B+[0, ) with compact support, we have ≥ ∈ ∞ ∞ (2.17) P exp f(s)X ds = exp xu(r, f) , r,x − s {− }   Zr  where r u(r, f) is the unique compactly supported bounded positive func- tion on [07→, ) solving ∞ ∞ ∞ (2.18) u(r, f)+ φ(u(s,f)) ds = f(s) ds, r 0. ≥ Zr Zr It is not hard to see that u(r, f)=0 for r > lf := sup t 0 : f(t) > 0 . For any r 0 let { ≥ } ≥ ∞ σr(X)= Xs ds. Zr Theorem 2.4. Suppose that φ(λ) as λ . Then for any λ 0 we have →∞ →∞ ≥ (2.19) P [e−λσr (X)1 ]=exp xφ−1(λ) , r,x {σr (X)<∞} {− } where φ−1 is the right inverse of φ defined by (2.20) φ−1(λ)=inf z 0 : φ(z) > λ . { ≥ } PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 9

Proof. A proof of (2.19) was already given in Abraham and Delmas (2012). We here give a simple derivation of the result since the argument is also useful to prove the next theorem. By (2.15) and (2.16), for any t r and z,θ 0 we have ≥ ≥ t P exp zX θ X ds = exp xut(r,z,θ) , r,x − t − s {− }   Zr  where r ut(r,z,θ) is the unique bounded positive solution to 7→ t ut(r,z,θ)+ φ(ut(s,z,θ)) ds = z + θ(t r), 0 r t. − ≤ ≤ Zr Then one can see ut(r, z, φ(z)) = z. It follows that t P exp zX φ(z) X ds = e−zx. r,x − t − s   Zr  Since σ (X) < implies lim X =0, if φ(z) > 0, we get r ∞ t→∞ t −φ(z)σr (X) −zx Pr,x[e 1{σr (X)<∞}]= e . That gives (2.19) first for λ = φ(z) > 0 and then for all λ 0.  ≥ Let t ρ(t) be a locally bounded positive Borel function on [0, ). Sup- pose that7→h 0 is a constant and zn(dz) is a finite measure on (0∞, ). Let ψ be an immigration≥ mechanism given by ∞ ∞ (2.21) ψ(λ)= hλ + (1 e−zλ)n(dz), λ 0. − ≥ Z0 ρ By Theorem 2.3 we can define an inhomogeneous transition semigroup Pr,t : t r 0 on R by { ≥ ≥ } + t −λy ρ (2.22) e Pr,t(x,dy)=exp xvt−r(λ) ψ(vt−s(λ))ρ(s) ds . R − − Z +  Zr  ρ A positive Markov process with transition semigroup (Pr,t)t≥r≥0 is called an inhomogeneous CBI-process with immigration rate ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 . It is easy to see that the homogeneous time–space semigroup{ associated≥ with} ρ ρ (Pr,t)t≥r≥0 is a Feller transition semigroup. Then (Pr,t)t≥r≥0 has a c`adl`ag ρ realization Y = (Ω, F , Fr,t,Yt, Pr,x). A modification of the proof of Theorem 5.15 in Li (2011) shows that, for t r 0 and f B+[0,t], ≥ ≥ ∈ ρ Pr,x exp f(s)Ysη(ds) − [r,t] (2.23)   Z  t = exp xut(r, f) ψ(ut(s,f))ρ(s) ds , − −  Zr  10 Z. LI where r ut(r, f) is the unique bounded positive solution to (2.16). In particular,7→ for r 0 and f B+[0, ) with compact support, we have ≥ ∈ ∞ ∞ ρ Pr,x exp f(s)Ys ds − r (2.24)   Z  ∞ = exp xu(r, f) ψ(u(s,f))ρ(s) ds , − −  Zr  where r u(r, f) is the unique compactly supported bounded positive so- lution to7→ (2.18). For any r 0 let ≥ ∞ σr(Y )= Ys ds. Zr By a modification of the proof of Theorem 2.4, we get the following:

Theorem 2.5. Suppose that φ(λ) as λ . Then for any r, λ 0 we have →∞ →∞ ≥ ∞ Pρ [e−λσr(Y )1 ]=exp xφ−1(λ) ψ(φ−1(λ)) ρ(s) ds , r,x {σr (Y )<∞} − −  Zr  where φ−1(λ) is defined by (2.20).

3. The predictable immigration rate. The main purpose of this sec- tion is to give a construction of the CBI-process with transition semigroup ρ (Pr,t)t≥r≥0 defined by (2.22) as the pathwise unique solution of a stochastic integral equation driven by time–space noises. For the convenience of ap- plications, we shall generalize the model slightly by considering a random immigration rate. This is essential for our study of the path-valued Markov processes. The reader is referred to Bertoin and Le Gall (2006), Dawson and Li (2006, 2012), Fu and Li (2010) and Li and Mytnik (2011) for some related results. Suppose that (Ω, F , Ft, P) is a filtered probability space satisfying the usual hypotheses. Let W (t, ) : t 0 be an (F )-white noise on (0, ) { · ≥ } t ∞ based on the Lebesgue measure and let p0(t) : t 0 and p1(t) : t 0 { 2 ≥ } { ≥ } be (Ft)-Poisson point processes on (0, ) with characteristic measures m(dz) du and n(dz) du, respectively. We∞ assume that the white noise and the Poisson processes are independent of each other. Let W (ds, du) de- note the stochastic integral on (0, )2 with respect to the white noise. Let ∞ N0(ds, dz, du) and N1(ds, dz, du) denote the Poisson random measures on 3 (0, ) associated with p0(t) and p1(t) , respectively. Let N˜0(ds, dz, du) denote∞ the compensated{ random} measure{ } associated with p (t) . Sup- { 0 } pose that ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 is a positive (F )-predictable process such that { ≥ } t PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 11 t P[ρ(t)] is locally bounded. We are interested in positive c`adl`ag solutions of7→ the stochastic equation

t Ys− t ∞ Ys− Yt = Y0 + σ W (ds, du)+ zN˜0(ds, dz, du) 0 0 0 0 0 (3.1) Z Z Z Z Z t t ∞ ρ(s) + (hρ(s) bY ) ds + zN (ds, dz, du). − s− 1 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 For any positive c`adl`ag solution Y : t 0 of (3.1) satisfying P[Y ] < , { t ≥ } 0 ∞ one can use a standard stopping time argument to show that t P[Yt] is locally bounded and 7→ t t (3.2) P[Y ]= P[Y ]+ ψ′(0) P[ρ(s)] ds b P[Y ] ds, t 0 − s Z0 Z0 where ∞ ψ′(0) = h + zn(dz). Z0 By Itˆo’s formula, it is easy to see that Yt : t 0 solves the following mar- tingale problem: for every f C2(R ), { ≥ } ∈ + t 1 t f(Y )= f(Y ) + local mart. b Y f ′(Y ) ds + σ2 Y f ′′(Y ) ds t 0 − s s 2 s s Z0 Z0 t ∞ (3.3) + Y ds [f(Y + z) f(Y ) zf ′(Y )]m(dz) s s − s − s Z0 Z0 t ∞ + ρ(s) hf ′(Y )+ [f(Y + z) f(Y )]n(dz) ds. s s − s Z0  Z0  Proposition 3.1. Suppose that Y : t 0 is a positive c`adl`ag solution { t ≥ } of (3.1) and Zt : t 0 is a positive c`adl`ag solution of the equation with (b, ρ) replaced{ by (c,≥ η).} Then we have t P[ Z Y ] P[ Z Y ]+ ψ′(0) P[ η(s) ρ(s) ] ds | t − t| ≤ | 0 − 0| | − | Z0 t t + c P[ Z Y ] ds + b c P[Y ] ds. | | | s − s| | − | s Z0 Z0

Proof. For each integer n 0 define an = exp n(n + 1)/2 . Then a 0 decreasingly as n and≥ {− } n → →∞ an−1 z−1 dz = n, n 1. ≥ Zan 12 Z. LI

Let x gn(x) be a positive continuous function supported by (an, an−1), so that 7→ an−1 gn(x) dx = 1 Zan and g (x) 2(nx)−1 for every x> 0. Let n ≤ |z| y f (z)= dy g (x) dx, z R. n n ∈ Z0 Z0 It is easy to see that f ′ (z) 1 and | n |≤ 0 z f ′′(z)= z g ( z ) 2n−1, z R. ≤ | | n | | n | | ≤ ∈ Moreover, we have fn(z) z increasingly as n . Let αt = Zt Yt for t 0. From (3.1) we have→ | | →∞ − ≥ t t t α = α + h [η(s) ρ(s)] ds c α ds + (b c) Y ds t 0 − − s− − s− Z0 Z0 Z0 t Zs− t ∞ Zs− (3.4) + σ W (ds, du)+ zN˜0(ds, dz, du) Z0 ZYs− Z0 Z0 ZYs− t ∞ η(s) + zN1(ds, dz, du). Z0 Z0 Zρ(s) By this and Itˆo’s formula, t t f (α )= f (α )+ h f ′ (α )[η(s) ρ(s)] ds c f ′ (α )α ds n t n 0 n s − − n s s Z0 Z0 t 1 t + (b c) f ′ (α )Y ds + σ2 f ′′(α ) α ds − n s s 2 n s | s| Z0 Z0 t ∞ + α 1 ds [f (α + z) f (α ) zf ′ (α )]m(dz) s {αs>0} n s − n s − n s Z0 Z0 t ∞ (3.5) α 1 ds [f (α z) f (α )+ zf ′ (α )]m(dz) − s {αs<0} n s − − n s n s Z0 Z0 t ∞ + [η(s) ρ(s)]1 ds [f (α + z) f (α )]n(dz) − {η(s)>ρ(s)} n s − n s Z0 Z0 t ∞ [ρ(s) η(s)]1 ds [f (α z) f (α )]n(dz) − − {ρ(s)>η(s)} n s − − n s Z0 Z0 + mart.

It is easy to see that fn(a + x) fn(a) x for any a, x R. If ax 0, we have | − | ≤ | | ∈ ≥ a f (a + x) f (a) xf ′ (a) (2 ax ) (n−1 x 2). | || n − n − n |≤ | | ∧ | | PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 13

Taking the expectation in both sides of (3.5) gives t t P[f (α )] P[f (α )] + h P[ η(s) ρ(s) ] ds + c P[ α ] ds n t ≤ n 0 | − | | | | s| Z0 Z0 t t ∞ + b c P[Y ] ds + P[ η(s) ρ(s) ] ds zn(dz) | − | s | − | Z0 Z0 Z0 t ∞ + n−1σ2t + ds (2zP[ α ]) (n−1z2) m(dz). { | s| ∧ } Z0 Z0 Then we get the desired estimate by letting n .  →∞ Proposition 3.2. Suppose that Y : t 0 is a positive c`adl`ag solution { t ≥ } of (3.1), and Zt : t 0 is a positive c`adl`ag solution of the equation with (b, ρ) replaced{ by (c,≥ η).} Then we have t ′ P sup Zs Ys P[ Z0 Y0 ]+ ψ (0) P[ η(s) ρ(s) ] ds 0≤s≤t | − | ≤ | − | 0 | − | h i Z ∞ t + c + 2 zm(dz) P[ Z Y ] ds | | | s − s|  Z1  Z0 t t 1/2 + b c P[Y ] ds + 2σ P[ Z Y ] ds | − | s | s − s| Z0 Z0  t 1 1/2 + 2 P[ Z Y ] ds z2m(dz) . | s − s| Z0 Z0  Proof. This follows by applying Doob’s martingale inequality to (3.4). 

Theorem 3.3. For any Y0 0 there is a pathwise unique positive c`adl`ag solution Y : t 0 of (3.1). ≥ { t ≥ } Proof. The pathwise uniqueness of the solution follows by Proposition 3.1 and Gronwall’s inequality. Without loss of generality, we may assume Y0 0 is deterministic in proving the existence of the solution. We give the proof≥ in three steps. Step 1. Let B(t)= W ((0,t] (0, 1]). Then B(t) : t 0 is a standard Brownian motion. By Theorems× 5.1 and 5.2 in{ Dawson≥ and} Li (2006), for any constant ρ 0 there is a pathwise unique positive solution to ≥ t t ∞ Ys− Yt = Y0 + σ Ys− dB(s)+ zN˜0(ds, dz, du) Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 t p t ∞ ρ + (hρ bY ) ds + zN (ds, dz, du). − s− 1 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 14 Z. LI

It is simple to see that Y : t 0 is a weak solution to { t ≥ } t Ys− t ∞ Ys− Yt = Y0 + σ W (ds, du)+ zN˜0(ds, dz, du) 0 0 0 0 0 (3.6) Z Z Z Z Z t t ∞ ρ + (hρ bY ) ds + zN (ds, dz, du). − s− 1 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 As pointed out at the beginning of this proof, the pathwise uniqueness holds for (3.6). Step 2. Let 0= r < r < r < be an increasing sequence. For each i 1 0 1 2 · · · ≥ let ηi be a positive integrable random variable measurable with respect to

Fri−1 . Let ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 be the positive (Ft)-predictable step process given by { ≥ } ∞ ρ(t)= η 1 (t), t 0. i (ri−1,ri] ≥ Xi=1 By the result in the first step, on each interval (ri−1, ri] there is a pathwise unique solution Y : r

sup P[ Yk(s) Yi(s) ] 0 0≤s≤t | − | → for every t 0 as i, k . Then Proposition 3.2 implies ≥ →∞ P sup Yk(s) Yi(s) 0 0≤s≤t| − | → h i for every t 0 as i, k . Thus there is a subsequence ki k and a c`adl`ag process≥ Y : t →∞0 so that { } ⊂ { } { t ≥ } sup Yki (s) Ys 0 0≤s≤t| − |→ PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 15 almost surely for every t 0 as i . It is routine to show that Yt : t 0 is a solution to (3.1). ≥ →∞ { ≥ }

Theorem 3.4. If ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 is a deterministic locally bounded { ≥ } positive Borel function, the solution Yt : t 0 of (3.1) is an inhomogeneous CBI-process with transition semigroup{ P≥ρ : t} r 0 defined by (2.22). { r,t ≥ ≥ } Proof. By the martingale problem (3.3), when ρ(t)= ρ is a determin- istic constant function, the process Yt : t 0 is a Markov process with ρ { ≥ } transition semigroup Pr,t : t r 0 ; see, for example, Theorem 9.30 in Li (2011). If ρ = ρ(t) : t{ 0 is≥ a general≥ } deterministic locally bounded pos- { ≥ } itive Borel function, we can take each step function ρk = ρk(t) : t 0 in the last proof to be deterministic. Then the solution Y (t){ : t 0 ≥of (}3.1) { k ≥ } with ρ = ρk is an inhomogeneous CBI-process with transition semigroup ρk Pr,t : t r 0 . In other words, for any λ 0, t r 0 and G Fr we {have ≥ ≥ } ≥ ≥ ≥ ∈ t P[1 e−λYk(t)]= P 1 exp Y (r)v (λ) ρ (s)ψ(v (λ)) ds . G G − k t−r − k t−s   Zr  Letting k along the sequence k mentioned in the last proof gives →∞ { i} t P[1 e−λYt ]= P 1 exp Y v (λ) ρ(s)ψ(v (λ)) ds . G G − r t−r − t−s   Zr  Then Yt : t 0 is a CBI-process with immigration rate ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 .  { ≥ } { ≥ }

In view of the result of Theorem 3.4, the solution Yt : t 0 to (3.1) can be called an inhomogeneous CBI-process with branching{ mech≥ }anism φ, im- migration mechanism ψ and predictable immigration rate ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 . { ≥ } 4. Path-valued branching processes. In this section, we introduce some path-valued Markov processes, which are essentially special forms of the immigration superprocesses defined by (2.7) and (2.10). Suppose that T R is an interval, and φ : q T is a family of branching mechanisms, where⊂φ { q ∈ } q is given by (1.1) with the parameters (b, m) = (bq,mq) depending on q T . We call φ : q T an admissible family if for each λ 0, the function∈ { q ∈ } ≥ q φq(λ) is decreasing and continuously differentiable with the derivative ζ 7→(λ) := (∂/∂q)φ (λ) of the form q − q ∞ (4.1) ζ (λ)= β λ + (1 e−zλ)n (dz), q T, λ 0, q q − q ∈ ≥ Z0 where β 0 and n (dz) is a σ-finite kernel from T to (0, ) satisfying q ≥ q ∞ ∞ sup β + zn (dz) < , q p T. θ θ ∞ ≥ ∈ p≤θ≤q Z0  16 Z. LI

For an admissible family φ : q T , we clearly have { q ∈ } q (4.2) φ (λ) := φ (λ) φ (λ)= ζ (λ) dθ. p,q p − q θ Zp It follows that q q ∞ (4.3) b = b β dθ dθ zn (dz) q p − θ − θ Zp Zp Z0 and

(4.4) mq(dz)= mp(dz)+ nθ(dz) dθ. Z{p<θ≤q} We say q T is a critical point of the admissible family φ : q T if 0 ∈ { q ∈ } bq0 = 0, which means φq0 is a critical branching mechanism. By (4.3) one can see q b is a continuous decreasing function on T , so the set of critical 7→ q points T0 T can only be an interval. Let us consider⊂ a function µ F (T ) and an admissible family of branch- ∈ ing mechanisms φq : q T . Write µ(p,q]= µ(q) µ(p) for q p T . Recall { ∈ } ρ − ≥ ∈ that (2.22) defines the transition semigroup Pr,t : t r 0 of an inhomoge- ρ { ≥ ≥ } + neous CBI-process Yt : t 0 . Let Px(φ, ψ, dw) denote the law on D [0, ) { ≥ } + ∞ of such a process with initial value Y0 = x 0. Given any ρ D [0, ), we define the probability measure P (ρ, dw)≥ on D+[0, ) by ∈ ∞ p,q ∞ ρ (4.5) Pp,q(ρ, B)= 1B(ρ + w)Pµ(p,q](φq, φp,q, dw) + ZD [0,∞) for Borel sets B D+[0, ). In view of (2.24), for any f B+[0, ) with compact support,⊂ we have∞ ∈ ∞ ∞ exp f(s)w(s) ds Pp,q(ρ, dw) D+[0,∞) − 0 (4.6) Z  Z  ∞ = exp µ(p,q]u (0,f) u (s,f)ρ(s) ds , − q − p,q  Z0  where s uq(s) := uq(s,f) is the unique compactly supported bounded pos- itive solution7→ to ∞ ∞ (4.7) uq(s)+ φq(uq(t)) dt = f(t) dt Zs Zs and (4.8) u (s,f)= f(s)+ φ (u (s,f)), s 0. p,q p,q q ≥ We remark that u (s,f)= u (s,f)=0 for s > l := sup t 0 : f(t) > 0 . q p,q f { ≥ } PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 17

Proposition 4.1. For any f B+[0, ) with compact support, we have ∈ ∞ (4.9) u (s, u ( ,f)) = u (s,f), s 0,p q T, p p,q · q ≥ ≤ ∈ and (4.10) u (s, u ( ,f)) = u (s,f), s 0,p θ q T. p,θ θ,q · p,q ≥ ≤ ≤ ∈

Proof. From (4.2) and (4.7) we can see that s v(s) := uq(s,f) is a solution of 7→ ∞ ∞ (4.11) v(s)= [f(t)+ φ (u (t,f))] dt φ (v(t)) dt. p,q q − p Zs Zs On the other hand, by (4.7) and (4.8) we have ∞ ∞ u (s, u ( ,f)) = u (t,f) dt φ (u (t, u ( ,f))) dt p p,q · p,q − p p p,q · Zs Zs ∞ = [f(t)+ φp,q(uq(t,f))] dt Zs ∞ φ (u (t, u ( ,f))) dt. − p p p,q · Zs Then s up(s, up,q( ,f)) is also a solution to (4.11). By the uniqueness of the solution7→ to the equation,· we get (4.9). It follows that u (s, u ( ,f)) = u (s,f)+ φ (u (s, u ( ,f))) p,θ θ,q · θ,q p,θ θ θ,q · = f(s)+ φθ,q(uq(s,f)) + φp,θ(uq(s,f))

= f(s)+ φp,q(uq(s,f)). Then we have (4.10). 

Proposition 4.2. For any f B+[0, ) with compact support we have ∈ ∞ q (4.12) u (s,f)= f(s)+ ψ (s, u ( ,f)) dθ, s 0,q p T, p,q θ θ,q · ≥ ≥ ∈ Zp where ψθ(s,f)= ζθ(uθ(s,f)).

Proof. By (4.2) and (4.8) one can see p up,q(s,f) is a decreasing function. In view of (4.9) and (4.10), for q>θ>p7→ T , we get ∈ u (s,f)= u (s, u ( ,f)) = u (s,f)+ φ (u (s, u ( ,f))). p,q p,θ θ,q · θ,q p,θ θ θ,q · Then we differentiate both sides to see d d u (s,f) = φ (u (s, u ( ,f))) = ζ (u (s, u ( ,f))), dp p,q dp p,θ θ θ,q · − θ θ θ,q · p=θ− p=θ− which implies (4.12). 

18 Z. LI

+ From (4.6) one can see that Pp,q(ρ, dw) is a probability kernel on D [0, ). By (4.9) and (4.10) it is easy to check that the family of kernels P :∞q { p,q ≥ p T satisfies the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation. Then Pp,q : q p T form∈ } an inhomogeneous Markov transition semigroup on{D+[0, ≥).∈ This} semigroup is closely related to some nonlocal branching superprocesses.∞ For α 0 let M[0, α] be the space of finite Borel measures on [0, α] furnished with≥ the topology of weak convergence.

Theorem 4.3. There is a Markov transition semigroup Qα : q p { p,q ≥ ∈ T on M[0, α] such that, for f B+[0, α], } ∈ (4.13) e−hν,fiQα (η,dν)=exp µ(p,q]uα(0,f) η, uα ( ,f) , p,q {− q − h p,q · i} ZM[0,α] where α α (4.14) uq (s,f)= uq(s,f1[0,α]), up,q(s,f)= up,q(s,f1[0,α]).

Proof. We first consider an absolutely continuous measure η M[0, α] + ∈ with a density ρ D [0, α]. Suppose that Xt : t 0 is a random path with distribution P ∈(ρ1 , ) on D+[0, ). Let{ Qα≥ (η,} ) be the distribution p,q [0,α] · ∞ p,q · on M[0, α] of the random measure X such that X(dt)= Xt dt for 0 t α. α ≤ ≤ The Laplace function of Qp,q(η, ) is clearly given by (4.13) and (4.14). In particular, we can use those two· formulas to define a probability measure on M[0, α]. For an arbitrary η M[0, α], choose a sequence of absolutely ∈ + continuous measures ηn M[0, α] with densities in D [0, α] so that ηn η weakly. Let Qα (η {, )}⊂ be the probability measure on M[0, α] defined by→ p,q n · e−hν,fiQα (η , dν)=exp µ(p,q]uα(0,f) η , uα ( ,f) . p,q n {− q − h n p,q · i} ZM[0,α] + α + For f C [0, α] one can see from (4.7) and (4.8) that up,q( ,f) C [0, α], and hence∈ · ∈

−hν,fi α α α lim e Q (ηn, dν)=exp µ(p,q]u (0,f) η, u ( ,f) . n→∞ p,q {− q − h p,q · i} ZM[0,α] Then (4.13) really gives the Laplace functional of a probability measure α α Qp,q(η, ) on M[0, α] which is the weak limit of Qp,q(ηn, ) as n . It is · α · →∞ easy to see that Qp,q(η,dν) is a kernel on M[0, α]. The semigroup property of the family Qα : q p T follows from (4.9) and (4.10).  { p,q ≥ ∈ } + α Theorem 4.4. Let q T and f B [0, α]. Then (p,s) up,q(s) := α ∈ ∈ 7→ up,q(s,f) is the unique, locally bounded positive solution to q (4.15) uα (s)= f(s)+ ψα(s, uα ) dθ, s [0, α],q p T, p,q θ θ,q ∈ ≥ ∈ Zp PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 19

α α α where ψθ (s,f)= ζθ(uθ (s,f)). Moreover, the transition semigroup Qp,q : q p T defines an immigration superprocess in M[0, α] with branching{ mech-≥ ∈ } α α anisms ψθ : θ T , immigration mechanisms uθ (0, ) : θ T and immi- gration{− measure ∈µ. } { · ∈ }

α α Proof. From (4.12) one can see that up,q(s)= up,q(s,f) satisfies (4.15). By letting t = α and η(ds)= ds in (2.15), we infer that the functional α + f uθ (s,f) on B [0, α] is the Laplace exponent of an infinitely divisible 7→ α probability measure carried by M[s, α]. It is easy to see that ψθ (s, 0) = 0. α By Theorem 2.2 the composed functional f ψθ (s,f) is also the Laplace exponent of an infinitely divisible probability7→ measure on M[s, α]. Then it has the representation

α α −hν,fi α (4.16) ψθ (s,f)= ηθ (s),f + (1 e )Hθ (s,dν), h i ◦ − ZM[s,α] α α ◦ where ηθ (s) M[s, α] and (1 ν, 1 )Hθ (s,dν) is a finite measure on M[s, α] . By letting f(∈t)= λ and taking∧h the derivativesi in both sides of (4.16), we have

d α α α ψθ (s, λ) = ηθ (s), 1 + ν, 1 Hθ (s,dν). dλ h i ◦ h i λ=0+ ZM[s,α]

On the other hand, using (2.14) and (2.15),

d α uα(s, λ) = e−bθ(t−s) dt. dλ θ λ=0+ Zs

From (4.1) we have

d ∞ ζ (λ) = β + zn (dz). dλ θ θ θ λ=0+ Z0

It follows that

d ∞ α ψα(s, λ) = β + zn (dz) e−bθ(t−s) dt. dλ θ θ θ λ=0+  Z0  Zs

As a function of (θ,s), the above quantity is bounded on S [0, α] for each bounded closed interval S T . By Example 2.5 of Li (2011×) one sees that α ⊂ f ψθ ( ,f) is a special form of the operator given by (2.3), and so (4.15) is 7→ − · α a special case of (2.7). Thus (p,s) up,q(s,f) is the unique locally bounded positive solution to (4.15). By (4.97→) we have q q (4.17) µ(p,q]uα(0,f)= uα(0,f)µ(dθ)= uα(0, uα ( ,f))µ(dθ). q q θ θ,q · Zp Zp α Then Qp,q : q p T defines an immigration superprocess in M[0, α] with { ≥ ∈ } α α branching mechanisms ψθ : θ T , immigration mechanisms uθ (0, ) : θ T and immigration measure{− µ.∈ } { · ∈ } 20 Z. LI

Let M [0, ) denote the space of Radon measures on [0, ) endowed with the topology∞ of vague convergence. For any α 0 we regard∞ M[0, α] as the ≥ subset of M [0, ) consisting of the measures supported by [0, α]. We can ∞ also embed D+[0, ) continuously into M [0, ) by identifying the path ∞ ∞ w D+[0, ) and the measure ν M [0, ) such that ν(ds)= w(s) ds for s ∈0. ∞ ∈ ∞ ≥ Theorem 4.5. There is an extension Q : q p T of P : q { p,q ≥ ∈ } { p,q ≥ p T on M [0, ), which is given by ∈ } ∞ (4.18) e−hν,fiQ (η,dν)=exp µ(p,q]u (0,f) η, u ( ,f) p,q {− q − h p,q · i} ZM [0,∞) for f B+[0, ) with compact support. ∈ ∞ Proof. Given η M [0, ), we define π η M[0, α] by π η(ds) = ∈ ∞ α ∈ α 1[0,α]η(ds). It is easy to check that παπβη = παη for β α 0. Then the sequence of probability measures Q (π η, ) : k = 1, 2,...≥ induce≥ a consis- { p,q k · } tent family of finite-dimensional distributions on the product space M∞ := ∞ k=1 M[0, k]. Let Q be the unique probability measure on M∞ determined by the family. Then under Q the canonical sequence (X1, X2,...) of M∞ con- vergesQ almost surely to a random Radon measure X on [0, ), which has ∞ distribution Q (η, ) on M [0, ) given by (4.18). It is easy to show that p,q · ∞ Qp,q(η,dν) is a probability kernel on the space M [0, ). The semigroup property of Q : q p T follows from (4.9) and (4.10∞).  { p,q ≥ ∈ } Since the state space M [0, ) contains infinite measures, the transition ∞ semigroup Qp,q : q p T defined by (4.18) does not fit exactly into the setup of the{ second≥ section.∈ } However, if Z : q T is a Markov process in { q ∈ } M [0, ) with transition semigroup Q : q p T , for each α 0, the ∞ { p,q ≥ ∈ } ≥ restriction of Zq : q T to [0, α] is an inhomogeneous immigration super- { ∈ } α process with transition semigroup Qp,q : q p T . Then we can think of the original process Z : q T as{ an inhomogeneous≥ ∈ } immigration super- { q ∈ } process with the extended state space M [0, ). The model can be described intuitively as follows. The offspring born by∞ a “particle” at site s 0 at time θ T are spread over the interval [s, ) according to the law determined≥ by ∈ ∞ ψθ(s, ). Thus the superprocess only involves a nonlocal branching structure. The immigration· rate is given by µ(dθ) and the immigrants coming at time θ T are distributed in [0, ) according to the law given by uθ(0, ). The spatial∈ motion of the immigration∞ superprocess is trivial. · Suppose that (Xt(q))t≥0 : q T is a Markov process with transition semigroup P :{q p T defined∈ } by (4.6). We can identify the ran- { p,q ≥ ∈ } dom path (Xt(q))t≥0 with the absolutely continuous random measure Zq PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 21 on [0, ) with (X (q)) as a density. By Theorem 4.5, the measure-valued ∞ t t≥0 process Zq : q T is an immigration superprocess with transition semi- group Q{ : q ∈ p} T defined by (4.18). Therefore we can naturally call { p,q ≥ ∈ } (Xt(q))t≥0 : q T a path-valued branching process with immigration. By ({4.5) we have X∈ } X almost surely for q p T . If µ(q)= µ independent q ≥ p ≥ ∈ of q T , we simply call Xq : q 0 a path-valued branching process. ∈ { ≥ } + By (4.8) or (4.12) we have up,q(s,f) f(s) for any s 0 and f B [0, ) with compact support. Then (4.18) implies≥ that the set≥ of infinite∈ measures∞ on [0, ) is absorbing for Q : q p T . Let Q∞ : q p T denote the ∞ { p,q ≥ ∈ } { p,q ≥ ∈ } sub-Markov restriction of Qp,q : q p T to the space M[0, ) of finite measures on [0, ). If f B{ +[0, )≥ is bounded∈ } away from zero,∞ we define ∞ ∈ ∞ ∞ ∞ u (s,f) = lim uq(s,f1[0,α]), u (s,f) = lim up,q(s,f1[0,α]). q α→∞ p,q α→∞ For an arbitrary f B+[0, ), define ∈ ∞ u∞(s,f) = lim u∞(s,f + 1/n), u∞ (s,f) = lim u∞ (s,f + 1/n). q n→∞ q p,q n→∞ p,q ∞ ∞ By (4.15) one can see up,q(s) := up,q(s,f) solves q (4.19) u∞ (s)= f(s)+ ψ∞(s, u∞ ) dθ, s 0,q p T, p,q θ θ,q ≥ ≥ ∈ Zp ∞ ∞ where ψθ (s,f)= ζθ(uθ (s,f)). From (4.8) we obtain (4.20) u∞ (s,f)= f(s)+ φ (u∞(s,f)), s 0. p,q p,q q ≥ It is easy to show that, for f B+[0, ), ∈ ∞ (4.21) e−hν,fiQ∞ (η,dν)=exp µ(p,q]u∞(0,f) η, u∞ ( ,f) . p,q {− q − h p,q · i} ZM[0,∞) To avoid the triviality of Q∞ : q p T , we need to assume φ (λ) { p,q ≥ ∈ } q →∞ as λ for every q T . In this case, we can define the right inverse φ−1 →∞ ∈ q of φq as in (2.20). By (2.17), (2.19) and (4.20), we have (4.22) u∞(s, λ)= φ−1(λ), u∞ (s, λ)= φ (φ−1(λ)), s 0, λ 0. q q p,q p q ≥ ≥ Theorem 4.6. Suppose that φ (λ) as λ for every q T . Let q →∞ →∞ ∈ S T be an interval not containing critical points of φq : q T . Then for⊂ any q S and f B+[0, ) there is a unique locally{ bounded∈ } posi- ∈ ∈∞ ∞∞ tive solution (p,s) up,q(s) := up,q(s,f) to (4.19) on S [0, ). Moreover, 7→ ∞ × ∞ the sub-Markov transition semigroup Qp,q : q p S defines an inhomo- geneous immigration superprocess in {M[0, )≥with∈ branching} mechanisms ∞ ∞∞ ψθ : θ S , immigration mechanisms uθ (0, ) : θ S and immigration {−measure µ∈. } { · ∈ } 22 Z. LI

Proof. For any s 0 and θ S, one can see by (2.17) that the func- ≥ ∈ tional f u∞(s,f) on B+[0, ) is the exponent of an infinitely divisible 7→ θ ∞ sub-probability measure carried by M[s, ). Then we have the representa- ∞ tion

∞ ∞ ∞ −hν,fi ∞ uθ (s,f)= aθ (s)+ ηθ (s),f + (1 e )Hθ (s,dν), h i ◦ − ZM[s,∞) ∞ ∞ ∞ where aθ (s) 0, ηθ (s) M[s, ) and (1 ν, 1 )Hθ (s,dν) is a finite mea- ≥ ◦ ∈ ∞ ∧ h i ∞ ∞ sure on M[s, ) . By the first equality in (4.22) we get aθ (s)= uθ (s, 0) = −1 ∞ φθ (0). It follows that

∞ ∞ ′ −1 ηθ (s), 1 + ν, 1 Hθ (s,dν) = 1/φθ(φθ (0)). h i ◦ h i ZM[s,∞) The right-hand side is bounded on each compact subinterval of S. By The- orem 2.2, the composed functional f ψ∞(s,f)= ζ (u∞(s,f)) is the expo- 7→ θ θ θ nent of an infinitely divisible sub-probability measure carried by M[s, ). ∞ Then f ψ∞(s, 0) ψ∞(s,f) can be represented by a special form of (2.3). 7→ θ − θ That shows (4.19) is a special case of (2.7). The desired result now follows in view of (4.21) and (4.17) with α = .  ∞ If φ (λ) as λ for every q T , we can restrict P : q p T q →∞ →∞ ∈ { p,q ≥ ∈ } to the space D+[0, ) of integrable paths in D+[0, ) to get a sub-Markov in ∞ ∞ transition semigroup P∞ : q p T . This semigroup can also be regarded { p,q ≥ ∈ } as a restriction of Q∞ : q p T . For f B+[0, ), we have { p,q ≥ ∈ } ∈ ∞ ∞ ∞ exp f(s)w(s) ds Pp,q(η, dw) D+[0,∞) − 0 in   (4.23) Z Z ∞ = exp µ(p,q]u∞(0,f) u∞ (s,f)η(s) ds . − q − p,q  Z0  For an inhomogeneous immigration superprocess Z : q T with tran- { q ∈ } sition semigroup Q : q p T or Q∞ : q p T , we define its total { p,q ≥ ∈ } { p,q ≥ ∈ } mass process σ(q) : q T by σ(q)= Z [0, ). For a path-valued branch- { ∈ } q ∞ ing process with immigration (X (q)) : q T with transition semigroup { t t≥0 ∈ } P : q p T or P∞ : q p T , its total mass process is defined as { p,q ≥ ∈ } { p,q ≥ ∈ } ∞ σ(q)= X (q) ds, q T. s ∈ Z0 We here think of σ(q) : q T as a process with state space R and cemetery { ∈ } + . In view of (4.21), (4.22) and (4.23), we have ∞ PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 23

Theorem 4.7. Suppose that φq(λ) as λ for every q T . Then σ(q) : q T is an inhomogeneous→∞ Markov→∞ process with transition∈ semigroup{ R ∈: q} p T such that, for λ 0, { p,q ≥ ∈ } ≥ −λy −1 −1 (4.24) e Rp,q(x,dy)=exp xφp(φq (λ)) µ(p,q]φq (λ) . R {− − } Z + Before concluding this section, let us consider the admissible family of 2 branching mechanisms φq : q R defined by φq(λ)= λ 2qλ for λ 0. In this special case, zero{ is the∈ only} critical point of the family− φ : q ≥R . { q ∈ } Let (Xt(q))t≥0 : q R be a corresponding path-valued branching process. Let {σ(q) : q R ∈be the} process of total mass. By Theorem 4.7 one can see that{ σ(q∈) : q} R is an inhomogeneous Markov process with transition semigroup{ R :∈q }p R defined by { p,q ≥ ∈ } −λy (4.25) e Rp,q(x,dy)=exp xvp,q(λ) , λ 0, R {− } ≥ Z + where v (λ)= λ + 2(q p)( q2 + λ + q). p,q − This process can be obtained from two homogeneousp CB-processes by simple transformations. For t, λ 0 let ≥ u−(λ)= e−2tλ + 2e−t(1 e−t)(√1+ λ 1). t − − It is easy to check that

− 2s −2t u (λ)= e v −s −t (e λ), λ 0,t s R. t−s −e ,−e ≥ ≥ ∈ From this and (4.25) one can see that e−2tσ( e−t) : t R is a homogeneous { −− ∈ } Markov process with transition semigroup (Rt )t≥0 defined by

− −λy − −xut (λ) e Rt (x,dy)= e , λ 0. R ≥ Z + Moreover, we have d u−(λ)= φ (u−(λ)), dt t − − t where φ (z) = 2z 2(√1+ z 1). − − − Then e−2tσ( e−t) : t R is actually a conservative homogeneous CB- process{ in [0, −) with branching∈ } mechanism φ . Similarly, one sees e2tσ(et) : ∞ − { 24 Z. LI

R + t is a homogeneous Markov process with transition semigroup (Rt )t≥0 defined∈ } by

+ −λy + −xut (λ) e Rt (x,dy)= e , λ 0, R ≥ Z + where

u+(λ)= e2tλ + 2et(et 1)(√1+ λ + 1). t − One can easily see that d u+(λ)= φ (u+(λ)), dt t − + t where

φ (z)= 2z 2(√1+ z + 1). + − − Then e2tσ(et) : t R is a CB-process with branching mechanism φ . { ∈ } + 5. Construction by stochastic equations. In this section, we give a con- struction of the path-valued process (X (q)) : q T with transition { t t≥0 ∈ } semigroup P : q p T defined by (4.6) as the solution flow of a sys- { p,q ≥ ∈ } tem of stochastic equations driven by time–space noises. We shall assume T = [0, ) or [0, a] or [0, a) for some a> 0. This specification of the in- ∞ dex set is clearly not essential for the applications. Let µ F (T ), and let φ : q T be an admissible family of branching mechanisms,∈ where φ is { q ∈ } q given by (1.1) with the parameters (b, m) = (bq,mq) depending on q T . Let µ(p,q]= µ(q) µ(p) for q p T , and let m(dy, dz) be the measure∈ on − ≥ ∈ T (0, ) defined by × ∞ (5.1) m([0,q] [c, d]) = m [c, d], q T,d>c> 0. × q ∈ Let ρ = ρ(s) be a locally bounded positive Borel function on [0, ), and let ∞ ψ be an immigration mechanism given by (2.21). Suppose that (Ω, F , Ft, P) is a filtered probability space satisfying the usual hypotheses. Let W (ds, du) be an (F )-white noise on (0, )2 based on t ∞ the Lebesgue measure, let N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) be a compensated (Ft)-Poisson random measure on (0, ) T (0, )2 with intensity dsm(dy, dz) du and ∞ × × ∞ let N (ds, dz, du) be an (F )-Poisson random measure on (0, )3 with inten- 1 t ∞ sity dsn(dz) du. Suppose that W (ds, du), N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) and N1(ds, dz, du) are independent of each other. For q T it is easy to see that ∈

N˜(ds, dz, du) := N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z{0≤y≤q} PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 25 is a compensated Poisson random measure with intensity dsmq(dz) du. By Theorem 3.3 for every q T there is a pathwise unique solution to the stochastic equation ∈

t t Xs−(q) X (q)= µ(q) b X (q) ds + σ W (ds, du) t − q s− Z0 Z0 Z0 t ∞ Xs−(q) (5.2) + zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z0 Z[0,q] Z0 Z0 t t ∞ ρ(s) + h ρ(s) ds + zN1(ds, dz, du). Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 By Theorem 3.4 the solution X (q) : t 0 is a CBI-process with branching { t ≥ } mechanism φq, immigration mechanism ψ and immigration rate ρ.

Theorem 5.1. The process (Xt(q))t≥0 : q T is a path-valued branch- ing process with immigration in D{+[0, ) having∈ transition} semigroup P : ∞ { p,q q p T defined by (4.6). ≥ ∈ } Proof. We can rewrite equation (5.2) into

t t Xs−(q) X (q)= µ(q) h X (q) ds + σ W (ds, du) t − q s− Z0 Z0 Z0 t t q ∞ Xs−(q) + h ρ(s) ds + zN0(ds, dy, dz, du) 0 0 0 0 0 (5.3) Z Z Z Z Z t ∞ Xs−(q) + zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z0 Z{0} Z0 Z0 t ∞ ρ(s) + zN1(ds, dz, du), Z0 Z0 Z0 where q ∞ q q h := b + dθ zn (dz)= b β dθ 7→ q q θ 0 − θ Z0 Z0 Z0 is a decreasing function. Then, for q p T , one can see by a simple mod- ≥ ∈ ification of Theorem 2.2 in Dawson and Li (2012) that X (q) X (p) for t ≥ t every t 0 with probability one. Let ξt(p,q)= Xt(q) Xt(p) for t 0. From (5.3) we≥ have − ≥

t q t ξ (p,q)= µ(p,q] b ξ (p,q) ds + β dθ X (p) ds t − q s− θ s− Z0 Zp Z0 26 Z. LI

t ξs−(p,q) + σ W (ds, Xs−(p)+ du) 0 0 (5.4) Z Z t ∞ ξs−(p,q) + zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, Xs−(p)+ du) Z0 Z[0,q] Z0 Z0 t q ∞ Xs−(p) + zN0(ds, dy, dz, du). Z0 Zp Z0 Z0 Here W (ds, Xs−(p)+ du) is a white noise based on the Lebesgue measure. Note also that

N0(ds, dy, dz, Xs−(p)+ du) Z{0≤y≤q} is a Poisson random measure with intensity dsmq(dz) du, and

N0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z{p

dsnθ(dz) du dθ. Z{p<θ≤q} Clearly, the white noise and the two random measures are independent. By Theorem 3.4, conditioned upon X (p) : t 0 the process ξ (p,q) : t 0 is { t ≥ } { t ≥ } a CBI-process with branching mechanism φq, immigration mechanism φp,q and immigration rate Xt−(p) : t 0 . Conditioned upon Xt(p) : t 0 , the process ξ (p,q) : t 0{ is clearly≥ independent} of the σ-algebra{ generated≥ } by { t ≥ } Xt(v) : t 0, v [0,p] . Then (Xt(q))t≥0 : q T is a path-valued Markov {process with≥ transition∈ } semigroup{ P : q p∈ T} .  { p,q ≥ ∈ } Theorem 5.2. There is a positive function (t, u) C(t, u) on [0, ) T bounded on compact sets so that, for any t 0 and p7→ q u T , ∞ × ≥ ≤ ≤ ∈

P sup [Xs(q) Xs(p)] 0≤s≤t − (5.5) n o C(t, u) µ(p,q]+ b b + µ(p,q]+ b b . ≤ { p − q p − q} p p Proof. Since X (p) : t 0 is a CBI-process, we see from (3.2) that { t ≥ } t P[Xt(p)] is locally bounded. Let ξt(p,q) : t 0 be defined as in the last7→ proof. By (5.4) we have { ≥ } t t P[ξ (p,q)] = µ(p,q] b P[ξ (p,q)] ds + (b b ) P[X (p)] ds. t − q s p − q s Z0 Z0 PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 27

By Gronwall’s inequality one can find a positive function (t, u) C0(t, u) on [0, ) T bounded on compact sets so that, for any t 0 and p7→ q u T , ∞ × ≥ ≤ ≤ ∈ (5.6) P[ξ (p,q)] C (t, u) µ(p,q]+ b b . t ≤ 0 { p − q} Applying Doob’s inequality to the martingales in (5.4), we obtain

t 1/2 P sup ξs(p,q) µ(p,q] + 2σ P[ξs(p,q)] ds 0≤s≤t ≤ 0 n o Z  t t + b P[ξ (p,q)] ds + (b b ) P[X (p)] ds | q| s p − q s Z0 Z0 ∞ t + zmq(dz) P[ξs(p,q)] ds Z1 Z0 t 1 1/2 2 + 2 P[ξs(p,q)] ds z mq(dz) . Z0 Z0  Then the desired estimate follows from (5.6). 

Now let us consider a special admissible family of branching mechanisms. Suppose that φ is a critical or supercritical branching mechanism given by (1.1) with b 0. Let T = T (φ) be the set of q 0 so that ≤ ≥ ∞ zeqzm(dz) < . ∞ Z1 Then T = [0, a] or [0, a), where a = sup(T ). We can define an admissible family of branching mechanisms φ : q T by { q ∈ } (5.7) φ (λ)= φ(λ q) φ( q), λ 0, q − − − ≥ where the two terms on the right-hand side are defined using formula (1.1). Let Xt(q) : t 0,q T be the solution flow of stochastic equation system (1.3).{ By Theorem≥ 5.1∈ we} see that (X (q)) : q T is an inhomogeneous { t t≥0 ∈ } path-valued branching process with transition semigroup Pp,q : q p T given by { ≥ ∈ }

∞ ∞ − R f(s)w(s) ds (5.8) e 0 Pp,q(η, dw)=exp up,q(s,f)η(s) ds , + − ZD [0,∞)  Z0  + where f B [0, ) has compact support, and up,q(s,f) is given by (4.8). If φ(λ) ∈ as λ ∞ , by Theorem 4.7 the corresponding total mass process σ(q)→∞ : q T is→∞ an inhomogeneous CB-process with transition semigroup {R : q ∈ p } T given by { p,q ≥ ∈ } −λy −1 (5.9) e Rp,q(x,dy)=exp xφp(φq (λ)) , λ 0. R {− } ≥ Z + 28 Z. LI

By Theorem 2.5 we have

−1 (5.10) P[e−λσ(q)1 ]= e−µφq (λ), λ 0,q T. {σ(q)<∞} ≥ ∈ It is simple to see that q φ−1(0) = q + φ−1(φ( q)) 7→ q − is continuous on T . Let A = inf q T : σ(q)= be the explosion time of σ(q) : q T . For any q T we{ can∈ let λ = 0 in∞} (5.10) to obtain { ∈ } ∈ −1 (5.11) P A>q = P σ(q) < = e−µφq (0). { } { ∞} This gives a characterization of the distribution of A.

Theorem 5.3. Suppose that φ(λ) as λ . Then for any θ T , we have →∞ →∞ ∈ −1 µe−µ[θ+φ (φ(−θ))] (5.12) P[σ(θ)1 ]= . {σ(θ)<∞} φ′(φ−1(φ( θ))) − Proof. Let λ 0 and u = φ−1(λ). By (5.10) we have ≥ θ −λσ(θ) d −µφ−1(λ) −µφ−1(λ) d −1 P[σ(θ)e 1 ]= e θ = µe θ φ (λ). {σ(θ)<∞} −dλ dλ θ From the relation φ (u)= φ(u θ) φ( θ), one can see θ − − − φ−1(λ)= θ + φ−1(λ + φ( θ)). θ − It follows that −1 µe−µ[θ+φ (λ+φ(−θ))] P[σ(θ)e−λσ(θ)1 ]= . {σ(θ)<∞} φ′(φ−1(λ + φ( θ))) − Then we get (5.12) by letting λ = 0. 

Theorem 5.4. Suppose that φ(λ) as λ . Let θ [0, a), and let G(θ) be a positive random variable measurable→∞ with→∞ respect to∈ the σ-algebra generated by X (v) : t 0, 0 < v θ . Then we have { t ≥ ≤ } φ′(φ−1(φ( θ))) (5.13) P[G(θ) A = θ]= − P[G(θ)σ(θ)1 ]. | µe−µ[θ+φ−1(φ(−θ))] {σ(θ)<∞}

−1 Proof. Since q φq (0) is continuous on T , for any q (θ, a) we can see by (5.9) that 7→ ∈ P[G(θ)1 ]= P[G(θ)1 ]= P[G(θ)exp σ(θ)φ (φ−1(0)) ]. {A>q} {σ(q)<∞} {− θ q } PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 29

It is easy to see that

φ (φ−1(0)) = φ (¯q + q)= φ(¯q + q θ) φ( θ), θ q θ − − − whereq ¯= φ−1(φ( q)). By elementary calculations, − d φ′( q) φ (φ−1(0)) = φ′(¯q + q θ) 1 − . dq θ q − − φ′(¯q)   It follows that d P[G(θ)1 ] = [φ′(θ¯) φ′( θ)]P[G(θ)σ(θ)1 ], −dq {A>q} − − {σ(θ)<∞} q=θ+

and hence

P[G(θ)σ(θ)1{σ(θ)<∞}] (5.14) P[G(θ) A = θ]= . | P[σ(θ)1{σ(θ)<∞}] Then we get (5.13) from (5.12) and (5.14). 

6. A nonlocal branching superprocess. In this section, we consider a nonlocal branching superprocess defined from the solution flow of (5.2). We first assume T = [0, a] for some a> 0. Let µ F (T ), and let φ : q T be ∈ { q ∈ } an admissible family of branching mechanisms, where φq is given by (1.1) with the parameters (b, m) = (b ,m ) depending on q T . Let m(dy, dz) q q ∈ be the measure on T (0, ) defined by (5.1). Let ρ = ρ(t) : t 0 be a locally bounded positive× Borel∞ function on [0, ). Let ψ be{ an immigration≥ } ∞ mechanism given by (2.21). Let X(q)= X (q) : t 0 be the solution of { t ≥ } (5.2) for q T . Then the path-valued Markov process X(q) : q T has ∈ { ∈ } transition semigroup P : q p T defined by (4.6). Let Q denote the { p,q ≥ ∈ } T set of rationals in T . For any t 0 we define the random function Y F (T ) ≥ t ∈ by Yt(a)= Xt(a) and (6.1) Y (q)=inf X (u) : u Q (q, a] , 0 q < a. t { t ∈ T ∩ } ≤ Similarly, for any t> 0, define Z F (T ) by Z (a)= X (a) and t ∈ t t− (6.2) Z (q)=inf X (u) : u Q (q, a] , 0 q < a. t { t− ∈ T ∩ } ≤ By Theorem 5.2, for each q T we have ∈ (6.3) P Y (q)= X (q) and Z (q)= X (q) for all t 0 = 1. { t t t t− ≥ } Consequently, for every q T the process Y (q) : t 0 is almost surely ∈ { t ≥ } c`adl`ag and solves (5.2), so it is a CBI-process with branching mechanism 30 Z. LI

φq, immigration mechanism ψ and immigration rate ρ. In view of (4.3) and (4.4), for every q T we almost surely have ∈ t Ys−(q) Yt(q)= µ(q)+ At + σ W (ds, du) Z0 Z0 t q t b0 Ys−(q) ds + βθ dθ Ys−(q) ds − 0 0 0 (6.4) Z Z Z t ∞ Ys−(q) + zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z0 Z{0} Z0 Z0 t q ∞ Ys−(q) + zN0(ds, dy, dz, du), Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 where t t ∞ ρ(s) At = h ρ(s) ds + zN1(ds, dz, du). Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 For t 0 let Yt(dx) and Zt(dx) denote the random measures on T induced ≥ 1 by the random functions Yt and Zt F (T ), respectively. For any f C (T ) one can use Fubini’s theorem to see∈ ∈ a ′ (6.5) Yt,f = f(a)Yt(a) f (q)Yt(q) dq. h i − 0 n Z n Fix an integer n 1 and let qi = ia/2 for i = 0, 1,..., 2 . By (6.3) and (6.4) it holds almost surely≥ that 2n ′ f (qi)Yt(qi) Xi=1 n n 2 2 t Zs(qi) ′ ′ = f (qi)µ(qi)+ σ f (qi) W (ds, du) 0 0 Xi=1 Xi=1 Z Z n n 2 2 t ′ ′ + At f (qi) b0 f (qi) Zs(qi) ds − 0 Xi=1 Xi=1 Z n 2 qi t ′ + f (qi) βθ dθ ds Zs(dx) 0 0 [0,qi] Xi=1 Z Z Z n 2 t ∞ Zs(qi) ′ + f (qi) zN˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) 0 {0} 0 0 Xi=1 Z Z Z Z n 2 t qi ∞ Zs(qi) ′ (6.6) + f (qi) zN0(ds, dy, dz, du) 0 0 0 0 Xi=1 Z Z Z Z PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 31

n 2 t Zs(a) ′ = f (qi)µ(qi)+ σ Fn(s, 0, u)W (ds, du) 0 0 Xi=1 Z Z n n 2 t 2 ′ ′ + At f (qi) b0 f (qi)Zs(qi) ds − 0 " # Xi=1 Z Xi=1 t a + ds Z (dx) F (s,x θ, 0)β dθ s n ∨ θ Z0 ZT Z0 t ∞ Zs(a) + zFn(s, 0, u)N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z0 Z{0} Z0 Z0 t a ∞ Zs(a) + zFn(s, y, u)N0(ds, dy, dz, du), Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 where 2n ′ Fn(s, y, u)= f (qi)1{y≤qi}1{u≤Zs(qi)}. Xi=1 By the right continuity of q Zs(q) it is not hard to see that, as n , 7→ a →∞ (6.7) 2−nF (s, y, u) F (s, y, u) := 1 f ′(q) dq. n → {u≤Zs(q)} Zy Then we can multiply (6.6) by 2−n and let n to see, almost surely, a →∞ ′ f (q)Yt(q) dq Z0 a t Zs(a) = f ′(q)µ(q) dq + σ F (s, 0, u)W (ds, du) Z0 Z0 Z0 a t a ′ ′ + At f (q) dq b0 ds f (q)Zs(q) dq 0 − 0 0 (6.8) Z Z Z t a + ds Z (dx) F (s,x θ, 0)β dθ s ∨ θ Z0 ZT Z0 t ∞ Zs(a) + zF (s, 0, u)N˜0(ds, dy, dz, du) Z0 Z{0} Z0 Z0 t a ∞ Zs(a) + zF (s, y, u)N0(ds, dy, dz, du). Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 From (6.4), (6.5) and (6.8) it follows that, almost surely,

t Zs(a) Y ,f = µ,f + f(0)A + σ [f(a) F (s, 0, u)]W (ds, du) h t i h i t − Z0 Z0 32 Z. LI

t t a b0 Zs,f ds + ds Zs(dx) f(x θ)βθ dθ − 0 h i 0 T 0 ∨ (6.9) Z Z Z Z t ∞ Zs(a) + z[f(a) F (s, 0, u)]N˜ (ds, dy, dz, du) − 0 Z0 Z{0} Z0 Z0 t a ∞ Zs(a) + z[f(a) F (s, y, u)]N (ds, dy, dz, du). − 0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0

Theorem 6.1. The measure-valued process Yt : t 0 has a c`adl`ag modification. { ≥ }

Proof. By (6.9) one can see Yt,f : t 0 has a c`adl`ag modification for every f C1(T ). Let U be the{h countablei ≥ set} of polynomials having ra- tional coefficients.∈ Then U is uniformly dense in both C1(T ) and C(T ). ∗ For f U , let Yt (f) : t 0 be a c`adl`ag modification of Yt,f : t 0 . By removing∈ a{ null set from≥ } Ω if it is necessary, we obtain{h a c`adl`agi ≥ pro-} ∗ cess Yt : t 0 of rational linear functionals on U , which can immedi- ately{ be extended≥ } to a c`adl`ag process of real linear functionals on C(T ). By Riesz’s representation, the latter determines a measure-valued process, which is clearly a c`adl`ag modification of Y : t 0 .  { t ≥ }

Theorem 6.2. The c`adl`ag modification of Yt : t 0 is the unique solu- tion of the following martingale problem: for every{ G ≥C}2(R) and f C(T ), ∈ ∈ t G( Y ,f )= G( µ,f )+ G′( Y ,f ) ds Y (dx) f(x θ)β dθ h t i h i h s i s ∨ θ Z0 ZT ZT t 1 t b G′( Y ,f ) Y ,f ds + σ2 G′′( Y ,f ) Y ,f 2 ds − 0 h s i h s i 2 h s i h s i Z0 Z0 t ∞ + ds Y (dx) [G( Y ,f + zf(x)) s h s i Z0 ZT Z0 G( Y ,f ) zf(x)G′( Y ,f )]m (dz) − h s i − h s i 0 t ∞ (6.10) + ds Y (dx) dθ [G( Y ,f + zf(x θ)) s h s i ∨ Z0 ZT ZT Z0 G( Y ,f )]n (dz) − h s i θ t + hf(0) G′( Y ,f )ρ(s) ds h s i Z0 t ∞ + ρ(s) ds [G( Y ,f + zf(0)) G( Y ,f )]n(dz) h s i − h s i Z0 Z0 + local mart. PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 33

Proof. We first assume f C1(T ). By (6.9) and Itˆo’s formula, we get ∈ G( Y ,f ) h t i t = G( µ,f ) b G′( Z ,f ) Z ,f ds h i − 0 h s i h s i Z0 1 t Zs(a) + σ2 ds G′′( Z ,f )[f(a) F (s, 0, u)]2 du 2 h s i − Z0 Z0 t + G′( Z ,f ) ds Z (dx) f(x θ)β dθ h s i s ∨ θ Z0 ZT ZT t Zs(a) ∞ + ds du [G( Z ,f + z[f(a) F (s, 0, u)]) h s i − Z0 Z0 Z0 G( Z ,f ) − h s i z[f(a) F (s, 0, u)]G′( Z ,f )]m (dz) − − h s i 0 t Zs(a) ∞ + ds du dθ [G( Z ,f + z[f(a) F (s, θ, u)]) h s i − Z0 Z0 ZT Z0 G( Z ,f )]n (dz) − h s i θ t + hf(0) G′( Z ,f )ρ(s) ds h s i Z0 t ∞ + ρ(s) ds [G( Z ,f + zf(0)) G( Z ,f )]n(dz) h s i − h s i Z0 Z0 + local mart. −1 For s,u> 0 let Zs (u)=inf q 0 : Zs(q) > u . It is easy to see that q −1 { ≥ } { ≥ 0 : u Zs(q) = [Zs (u), ), except for at most countably many u> 0. Then in the≤ above} we can replace∞ f(a) F (s, θ, u) by − a ′ −1 f(a) 1 −1 f (q) dq = f(Z (u) θ). − {Zs (u)≤q} s ∨ Zθ It follows that G( Y ,f ) h t i t = G( µ,f ) b G′( Z ,f ) Z ,f ds h i − 0 h s i h s i Z0 1 t Zs(a) + σ2 ds G′′( Z ,f )f(Z−1(u))2 du 2 h s i s Z0 Z0 t + G′( Z ,f ) ds Z (dx) f(x θ)β dθ h s i s ∨ θ Z0 ZT ZT 34 Z. LI

t Zs(a) ∞ + ds du [G( Z ,f + zf(Z−1(u))) h s i s Z0 Z0 Z0 G( Z ,f ) − h s i zf(Z−1(u))G′( Z ,f )]m (dz) − s h s i 0 t Zs(a) ∞ + ds du dθ [G( Z ,f + zf(Z−1(u) θ)) h s i s ∨ Z0 Z0 ZT Z0 G( Z ,f )]n (dz) − h s i θ t + hf(0) G′( Z ,f )ρ(s) ds h s i Z0 t ∞ + ρ(s) ds [G( Z ,f + zf(0)) G( Z ,f )]n(dz) h s i − h s i Z0 Z0 + local mart. t = G( µ,f )+ G′( Z ,f ) ds Z (dx) f(x θ)β dθ h i h s i s ∨ θ Z0 ZT ZT t 1 t b G′( Z ,f ) Z ,f ds + σ2 G′′( Z ,f ) Z ,f 2 ds − 0 h s i h s i 2 h s i h s i Z0 Z0 t ∞ + ds Z (dx) [G( Z ,f + zf(x)) s h s i Z0 ZT Z0 G( Z ,f ) zf(x)G′( Z ,f )]m (dz) − h s i − h s i 0 t ∞ + ds Z (dx) dθ [G( Z ,f + zf(x θ)) s h s i ∨ Z0 ZT ZT Z0 G( Z ,f )]n (dz) − h s i θ t + hf(0) G′( Z ,f )ρ(s) ds h s i Z0 t ∞ + ρ(s) ds [G( Z ,f + zf(0)) G( Z ,f )]n(dz) h s i − h s i Z0 Z0 + local mart.

For each q T the c`adl`ag process X (q) : t 0 has at most countably ∈ { t ≥ } many discontinuity points Aq := t> 0 : Yt−(q) = Yt(q) . In view of (6.1) { 6 } c c and (6.2), we have Zt(q)= Yt(q) for all q T and t B := A ( A ). ∈ ∈ a ∩ u∈QT u Here B [0, ) is a set with full Lebesgue measure. Then we have (6.10) for ⊂ ∞ T f C1(T ). For an arbitrary f C(T ), we get (6.10) by an approximation ∈ ∈ argument. The uniqueness (in distribution) of the solution to the martingale PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 35 problem follows by a modification of the proof of Theorem 7.13 in Li (2011). 

The martingale problem (6.10) is essentially a special case of the one given in Theorem 10.18 of Li (2011); see also Theorem 9.18 of Li (2011). Let f Ψ( ,f) be the operator on C+(T ) defined by 7→ · ∞ (6.11) Ψ(x,f)= f(x θ)β dθ + dθ (1 e−zf(x∨θ))n (dz). ∨ θ − θ ZT ZT Z0 By modifying the proof of Theorem 3.4 one can show the following:

Theorem 6.3. The solution Y : t 0 of the martingale problem (6.10) { t ≥ } is an immigration superprocess with transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0 defined by t (6.12) e−hν,fiQ (µ,dν)=exp µ, V f ψ(V f(0))ρ(s) ds , t −h t i− s ZM(T )  Z0  + where f C (T ), and t Vtf is the unique locally bounded positive solution of ∈ 7→ t (6.13) V f(x)= f(x) [φ (V f(x)) Ψ(x, V f)] ds, t 0,x T. t − 0 s − s ≥ ∈ Z0 The branching mechanism of the immigration superprocess Y : t 0 has { t ≥ } local part (x,f) φ0(f(x)) and nonlocal part (x,f) Ψ(x,f); see Example 2.5 in Li (2011).7→ The process has immigration mechanism7→ f ψ(f(0)) and immigration rate ρ = ρ(s) : s 0 . Then the immigrants only7→ come at the origin. The spatial motion{ in≥ this} model is trivial. Heuristically, when an infinitesimal particle dies at site x T , some offspring are born at this site according to the local branching mechanism∈ and some are born in the in- terval (x, a] according to the nonlocal branching mechanism. Therefore the branching of an infinitesimal particle located at x T does not make any influence on the population in the interval [0,x). This∈ explains the Markov property of the path-valued process (Y (q)) : q T . { t t≥0 ∈ } The cumulant semigroup (Vt)t≥0 can also be defined by a differential evolution equation. In fact, by Theorem 7.11 of Li (2011), for any f C+(T ), the integral equation (6.13) is equivalent to ∈ dV f t (x)= φ (V f(x)) + Ψ(x, V f), t 0,x T , (6.14) dt 0 t t  − ≥ ∈ V f(x)= f(x), x T .  0 ∈ Then the transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0 can also be defined by (6.12) for + f C (T ) with t Vtf being the unique locally bounded positive solution of∈ (6.14). 7→ 36 Z. LI

Theorem 6.4. Let Y = (Ω, G , Gt,Yt, Qµ) be any c`adl`ag immigration su- perprocess with transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0 defined by (6.12) and (6.13). Then under Q for every q T the process Y [0,q] : t 0 has a c`adl`ag µ ∈ { t ≥ } version, and (Yt[0,q])t≥0 : q T is a path-valued branching process with immigration with{ transition semigroup∈ } P : q p T defined by (4.6). { p,q ≥ ∈ } Proof. By Theorem 6.2, one can see that for each q T the restric- tion of Y : t 0 to [0,q] is also an immigration superprocess∈ with state { t ≥ } space M[0,q]. In particular, the process Yt[0,q] : t 0 has a c`adl`ag ver- sion. Clearly, the finite-dimensional distributions{ of the≥ path-valued} process (Y [0,q]) : q T are uniquely determined by the initial state µ M(T ) { t t≥0 ∈ } ∈ and transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0. Then (Yt[0,q])t≥0 : q T has identical finite-dimensional distributions with the process{ (Y (q))∈ :}q T defined { t t≥0 ∈ } by (6.4). Since (Yt(q))t≥0 : q T is a Markov process with transition semi- group P : q { p T , so is∈ (Y} [0,q]) : q T .  { p,q ≥ ∈ } { t t≥0 ∈ } If T = [0, ) or [0, a) for some a> 0, we may apply the above results to the interval∞ [0,q] T for q T . Then for each q T , there is a immigra- tion superprocess⊂Y q : t 0∈ in M[0,q]. Those processes∈ determine a non- { t ≥ } local branching immigration superprocess Yt : t 0 in M (T ), the space of Radon measures on T furnished with the{ topology≥ } of vague convergence. The results established in this section hold for this process with obvious modifications.

7. The excursion law. In this section we assume T = [0, a] for some a> 0. However, the results obtained here can be modified to the case T = [0, a) or [0, ), obviously. Let φ : q T be an admissible family of branching ∞ { q ∈ } mechanisms, where φq is given by (1.1) with the parameters (b, m) = (bq,mq) depending on q T . In addition, we assume φ′ (λ) as λ . By ∈ 0 →∞ →∞ Theorem 6.3, we can define the transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0 of a nonlocal branching superprocess by

(7.1) e−hν,fiQ (µ,dν)=exp µ, V f , f C+(T ), t {−h t i} ∈ ZM(T ) where t Vtf is the unique locally bounded positive solution of (6.13). Let ◦ 7→ ◦ (Qt )t≥0 denote the restriction of the semigroup to M(T ) .

Theorem 7.1. The cumulant semigroup of (Vt)t≥0 in (7.1) admits the representation

−hν,fi (7.2) Vtf(x)= (1 e )Lt(x,dν), t> 0,x T, ◦ − ∈ ZM(T ) where (L (x, )) is a σ-finite entrance law for (Q◦) . t · t>0 t t≥0 PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 37

Proof. We need a modification of the characterization (6.14) of the cumulant semigroup. Let us consider a ξ in T with generator A defined by a Af(x)= (f(q) f(x))γ(dq), x T,f C(T ), − ∈ ∈ Z0 where

γ(dq)= βq dq + znq(dz) dq. Z{0

Let us consider a canonical c`adl`ag realization Y = (Ω, G , Gt,Yt, Qµ) of the nonlocal branching superprocess with transition semigroup (Qt)t≥0 defined by (6.13) and (7.1), where Ω= D([0, ), M(T )). Let Yt(q)= Yt[0,q] for t 0 and q T . By Theorem 6.4, we have∞ ≥ ∈ ∞ (7.3) Q exp Y (q)f(s) ds = exp µ[0,q]u (0,f) , µ − s {− q }  Z0  where s uq(s,f) is the unique compactly supported bounded positive so- lution to7→ (4.7). By Theorems 8.22 and 8.23 of Li (2011), for each x T there is an excursion law N on D([0, ), M(T )) of the superprocess such∈ that x ∞ Nx Y0 = 0 =0 and { 6 } ∞ ∞ − R hYs,fsi ds − R hYs,fsi ds (7.4) N [1 e 0 ]= log Q [e 0 ] x − − δx for any bounded positive Borel function (s,y) fs(y) on [0, ) T with compact support. In view of (7.3) and (7.4),7→ for any f B∞+[0,× ) with compact support, we have ∈ ∞ ∞ − R Ys(q)f(s) ds (7.5) N [1 e 0 ]= u (0,f), 0 − q where s uq(s,f) is the unique compactly supported bounded positive so- lution to7→ (4.7). 38 Z. LI

Theorem 7.2. Under N the path-valued process (Y (q)) : q T 0 { t t≥0 ∈ } satisfies the Markov property with transition semigroup P : q p T { p,q ≥ ∈ } such that

∞ ∞ − R f(s)w(s) ds (7.6) e 0 Pp,q(η, dw)=exp up,q(s,f)η(s) ds , + − ZD [0,∞)  Z0  where f B+[0, ) has compact support, and u (s,f) is defined by (4.8). ∈ ∞ p,q Proof. By Theorem 6.4, under Q the process (Y (q)) : q T sat- δ0 { t t≥0 ∈ } isfies the Markov property with transition semigroup defined by (7.6). Sup- pose that (s,x) f (x) is a bounded positive Borel function on [0, ) T , 7→ s ∞ × and s g is a bounded positive Borel function on [0, ), both with com- 7→ s ∞ pact supports. Then we have

∞ Q exp [ Y ,f 1 + Y (q)g ] ds δ0 − h s s [0,p]i s s   Z0  ∞ = Q exp [ Y ,f 1 + Y (p)u (s, g)] ds . δ0 − h s s [0,p]i s p,q   Z0  From this and (7.4) it follows that

∞ N 1 exp [ Y ,f 1 + Y (q)g ] ds 0 − − h s s [0,p]i s s   Z0  ∞ = N 1 exp [ Y ,f 1 + Y (p)u (s, g)] ds . 0 − − h s s [0,p]i s p,q   Z0  Then subtracting the quantity

∞ N 1 exp Y ,f 1 ds 0 − − h s s [0,p]i   Z0  from both sides, we get

∞ N exp Y ,f 1 ds 0 − h s s [0,p]i   Z0  ∞ 1 exp Y (q)g ds × − − s s   Z0  ∞ = N exp Y ,f 1 ds 0 − h s s [0,p]i   Z0  ∞ 1 exp Y (p)u (s, g) ds . × − − s p,q   Z0  PATH-VALUED PROCESSES AND SUPERPROCESSES 39

A monotone class argument shows that ∞ N F 1 exp Y (q)g ds 0 − − s s    Z0  ∞ = N F 1 exp Y (p)u (s, g) ds 0 − − s p,q    Z0  for any positive Borel function F on D([0, ), M(T )), measurable with re- ∞ spect to the σ-algebra generated by Yt[0, v] : t 0, 0 v p . That implies the desired Markov property of the process{ (Y≥(q)) ≤ : q≤ T} .  { t t≥0 ∈ } A characterization of the finite-dimensional distributions of the path- valued process (Yt(q))t≥0 : q T under the excursion law N0 can be given by combining (7.5{ ) and (7.6).∈ Similarly,} one can obtain characterizations of the finite-dimensional distributions of the path-valued process (Yt(q))0≤t≤α : q T for α> 0 and the total mass process { ∈ } ∞ σ(q) := Y (q) dt, q T. t ∈ Z0 The following result should be compared with Theorem 6.7 of Abraham and Delmas (2012).

Theorem 7.3. Suppose that φ is a branching mechanism such that φ(λ) as λ . Let φq : q T be the admissible family defined by (5.7).→∞ Let θ T →∞be a strictly{ positive∈ } constant. Then for any positive ran- dom variable∈G(θ), measurable with respect to the σ-algebra generated by Y (v) : t 0, v [0,θ] , we have { t ≥ ∈ } N [G(θ) A = θ]= φ′(φ−1(φ( θ)))N [G(θ)σ(θ)1 ]. 0 | − 0 {σ(θ)<∞} Proof. Based on Theorem 7.2 and the Markov property of the path- valued process (Yt(q))t≥0 : q T , this follows as in the proofs of Theorems 5.3 and 5.4. { ∈ }

Acknowledgments. I would like to acknowledge the Laboratory of Math- ematics and Complex Systems (Ministry of Education) for providing me the research facilities. I am grateful to Dr. Leif D¨oring for helpful comments on the presentation of the paper.

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