Jedox – Seamless Enterprise Performance Management
Jedox – Seamless Enterprise Performance Management Jedox Enterprise Performance Management software The unique Jedox ExcelPLUS approach lets you work streamlines budgeting, planning, and forecasting across directly in the fl exible Microsoft Excel environment. the entire organization. Jedox simplifi es planning for Alternatively, Jedox off ers intuitive web and mobile business users in all departments and provides controlled, applications for Excel-like planning, analytics, and role-based access to a single source of truth. Integrated reporting anywhere, anytime. Add the lightning fast fi nancial and operational planning and collaboration Jedox in-memory database, data governance, and between Finance, Sales, Human Resources, Operations, security, workfl ows, and audit capabilities and you’ve Procurement, and other functions can boost data quality got a powerful enterprise-grade solution that optimizes and analysis, slash planning cycles in half, and speed-up business processes and quickly adjusts to changing company reporting. Easily integrate data from multiple requirements in a modern, fast-paced, digital company. source systems such as ERP, CRM, and BI tools without the need to involve your IT department. Shorter Budget Cycles – Effi cient Planning – Up-to-Date Forecasts Supplier Evaluation Workforce Planning Target Costing Procurement HR Compensation & Benefi ts Inventory Planning Balanced Score Card Forecasting & S&OP Budgeting & Planning Modeling Supply Chain Management Integrated Financial Costing & Planning Finance Operations Profi tability Production Planning & Control Management Reporting Consolidation Marketing Analytics Sales Planning Other Project Controlling Sales Sales Forecasting Functions …and many more… Incentive Compensation Three Ways to Design Your Planning, Analytics & Reporting Solution with Jedox Embrace Your Spreadsheets, Create Custom Applications or Confi gure Pre-Built Software Content for Your Needs 1.
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