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.... " I ~ i i ; + ,

PAP-LIHENT BUILDIIIG3 " .Victori~,~ B.C. - .~i+ +':~; .,, ~ ...... , : ', , i . i;! " ! ' ~ . '~:::t+.<, i~ ! :.iL :.: ;. '+!;. + ~, '~ :; .+}..t!. " ', zz+l/, " :, :~;.G¢ Di + + ;+ / 7{JL + • ...... ; . i ": + ,'+ ,t ;J +':)i/'~ +'X+"~+'~+ !t/:+~+~:~'++ii~':'+++i,+.+i~ .,

t ; :, f".. • '" ierlld8tolfWHler : L :L~+."

. !,; '~ f', d" \/~" ///";' re~onMdoveiopmentweremade plbHe atili' ,/m ; +~ %..'~; X mee~olthe~D~SEco.omlcDevein~me~C~, ~,t~'+~..:' '/~ d~m ~ewed+doemmenm P+ "~+~+ +~, ;' +~ ' instiuetion r by, Andy< Weber; asalstant. It~'++) N': ~ -' d+velopm+nt eom mis+toner, e+~cerning d+v /• . ~/;.L.' ,.,'i+' ;.i' iwm~S•~OU~hout•the rei~al d~dc~'...... :/~ ram, ,.;.I.,. ?,, ,~., +: .... ,. ,+ "' t.: .~ <~ ' . Some;.iumm appear := horn .Weber.!, -"" | ' .'++=mines" u,l ~ rosily those items ,tat the be= w ..~, • 25 .¢eM~ i oe Volume 77 N0.~I" made a policy statement on as yet and.which areen~i "high preme'L+ . . ; .,, . . - _ - m the area of transpoftatinn, the rq)ert mam+~f;l Ferry Service should be established in Kitimat. Stow~'fi; - Ian NaeI~ ,mid.at the meeting that be also wahl~l'i ferry to stop in "~.'~ ~.;~,";.'. I" ~ EConomyiserging l~ mmm~ty ..... 7' • ~. , . . As a pl'eeedent to KiUmat's industrial diveillfication/i~;i"~; • ' CN Rail eivtsinn, there should be upgraded, the re~L~ ::: i; WAmblINGTO, (AP)- sevem+receml0n that ~man i states.Uak-~em~ ~ Earl~m.ton Slatedbe w""i ." 1 ~m~ ~ Of a rapldiy .~mid-1981,. "" " recovering eeonomy Based on the current Several higfiwny develoPmonis are sought acoerdlnglo .;: almadYhave convinced the for~casti the deficit for the rt~solne of which were addi~by.;~";.,~i'.-:+:. Re,an admlnlairation+ that fl~al'ige3, which ends sepL armommemcef of u~ pro~ made by ml~wo~ ~r L:.,'. i'.~ • its. ,month-old, economic ~0,Lwil! be a record+#~0e ~ for; ~ms :is too billl0n;, and' the .defldt for as"oido upgrading on-itli~woy le betwe~m Prince .~.m~ i' eeonomlsUihavecontonded..; blllion;-mwuming Congress " Tenace, pav~ ~ the Ten-aco~Naas V~ney road, con~m~ ' upgrading Of ~ghway 37, +a connector, r0ad throu~ U~': ~'-Iniiie wake of a string of appre ,~ I a +package of ~piox Valley from ltaselton to l~t~w~y37, and a new unexpectedly, strong. Ig'euta and..tax in. eednom!c ,reports, ad- creases, ...... bridge over the BulkleyRlver. " .... :<~' m_~lplllx;ation offlcinh sald . 'The .: .:1983 forecast The report also indicates that U~e levels of Thursday +they, plan to, predicted the economy diversifiealJon within the forest industry is to be !i encouraged. One, ecmplete utilization o~ hardwoods. Two, replace " their ..: cautious would grow:at a 3.1-per-cent f~~. April: with.' a : rate between theendof 1982" more manufactured and specialty wcodproducta. Three, ~+ m0t'e~;"+optli/ll. tie, 0utl00k., of and the endof this year -- new markets should be sought especially on the Paeifle Ran. ~!i'~f hikheT~+::growth, lo~er qJ 1 ~ ~e ~ for an and away frmn the U.S. In addition, silviculture activity ",~ Itmempbymont. lower In: economy recovering from should be increased and play a more pemumemt role in the '~ flaUon and P0aslbly smaller the~ worst ..... + t,~+4~ HydroJ~ ...... as' 9.e per .cent . the • • " ~ + ln additlun uatural gas sorvice should be supplied to the

eq01vnlent Of about 900 000, " Plans for revising it come . + ..... ' Hazeltons, the report ~ ~ + ~ ..... J " ' fewer...... joblessAmerieam-- in the wake of decllnes• in+ oil• ....Ion ...... , ...... ycllng-Ceittre..: ,+~,.~=_ .... : two~ ...... other stores that were contacted. At any • Newngrionlturalmarkeinandspecialtypreductsshould: ' " f.~.~"ma•~. M;,~ :.,.~'~.~:-, trices a .,lek ,;n in fact0r~ tins me usa o; one OV eignT ,Dins aeing p!aceo'.:, m me,e SITe5 On e can get rio Ot ctean glass and !,= mrn~im~l - nmd =: fmq~m+'o'mm4r,~F ~=hila 'lG=;d in tl~ ~o'~d .-'. ?;";:":~'=''='" ~o~ a~'~ <~rders,:'a around town. This one 15 ' at ; .N0~th.i .old cardboard6r, newspapers. The bins were ¥'~---'~~:~'~'~ .~'~e~.'~ L ~! "?" " ~:~ -; "+:~ "-.; . :. ;; revival of the- houmin, in- Delights; ethers will beat the Co-op/Uplands ' built .on./a Community Recovery .Program ~,,,,~o~ ~-~im,, ,,,. ~,,,,.,=,,~ ,,,a mr~;J=~;,,,' +,,,=~ Dn: Jm. si, Predidont : dustry and '.Wednesday's + ;~arletx: Safewpy,.and.C0p~r.slde Gr.o~r.!es. _ grant.. -. " . . + ' " +' ' ~L~ai~ +'1~ eeitSemm= is that the Pm~. Island ,. Realms. •~, a: lm _+ ~0mmere.e +Depariment'. ,~Ine W!I!W to usK0no WOpalS awaimo Ire m : L,. ' : ~ . ...~ " • , Camilround should'be ~mlroved ~d a heritage ~le • lereenslr~t;~+qte:md+:-~+.Umt~Im 'game,of : ...... ~ ' •. • . ~.i . ,• /' :' ).) ' .... eonon~i+m~ncled as"belnl envlsionei~ A to~t

: ~+~ji~..~i~:O¥+ I!+,++ J!l~ ' ".3,6":..+~..:_,;¢.~t., +in ." D]: "P : /iil +it+iil.ll::/.:`i'+~A:ili+ '3i illLl " ltaieli'./M!~a llpro~d~ a pronmotid ~l / ' th.~•li0upeei i0r, l .J~nl,. l+ I+a~est< One "~ ' ' : - ~+ .... L0~+I + i + + w ~2ere • " ed

' • m~ k +4..... r "l'i+ + ' i ...... ' "+''+ .... " + ...... ~ +J r'+ ' i'" , / ...... " -- "(+ ',3'~. .',.'"--ll' :";"'el + '") • "Wlll

" working paper based On a sturdy of beerpricing and com- issuing development bonds." -. ,. initiatiie +that Will p/'ovide a job for:that person."; ~lvieulhn'e policy. ; .. " • - • petition. ' The flrstlssue of the B.C: Development Rondsi tota]]h~-. The I~emier Said he can best helll people get ;jobs by +In the a~rea of +energy, the Kenumo completio~ the' The'paper, +introduced to a iJulverslty of B.C. commerce $150million went on sale Wedaesdav.: The ~ovei-nmont also helping'++the private +sect0r.'grow+ ~ by going out in. Stikine, lslmt development and transndseion.ltnes, policy i mday,.recommends~ several-changes in the .waY. is bon+owing~ million through.the sale of. treasury bills ternatio~ly and. helping 7the .private..sector. market its ~ alto'native -energy generation, and offshore

be~+ is marketed in ~e p~yinee.: ' ' tode&aYLf~ex-penmm,Orasl~me{tputit---to payi+oi~the produclJ~lntemation-dliy. ;-++ ..".. : "+ :'--:'/ ;.- Palr~olelim'dl~l~pmont'Bre m~ " ' J " A I, " q " " " • Belkthe study, commissioned last year by Peter Hynd. rotaries, " " " h # '+ ..... ": " : " d t 9 " = " ' ' ~ .... " r ...... g + • " i ~ ~ ; ...... ~ •. " But ff that person+thonght I was going to take your tax TWo locations for pmalbla future industrial development~ man.+ ~_~+"~ when ~., he was_ .....Consumer ,Mfairs ..... -minister, .. - ."and . __the ,,ThisisJustthefl•rstissue, Imi~btiellyou--justtheflrst do]isrsand~ovelili~ut'.with~a bigshOvel, ~ndeaJl'that a mmh~lontedintheomfl[etseciico.-q[heyaretheKffinzat- aonaemme""= ..... +~i worming .... Paperu...... w~'e mrgmy. me worx ol ur.': issue of man+ y~ assist sin all business, "•. he eaid..::~ ' ~b~',then +~es, got thewrong ~y; ,, + , . .- ~ . : .~elxaco corridor nnd the llamtoli:~e~0n .... " Miemel uoooe!g, asmsumi oeun ,el commerce ana " +TheB,C. pramS'was addre~ina 475 members ofthe 14.... li~i~ih~sNPiP'+rd~.ll.ai,l ..... +,,Ms;tin'mere i~herles enhancement, native fisheries, and Inland :, + , , t ++ + , • , , , , + + I . , , ~ . ,, , • + ; II~ ~+~M~ ill~ ..MI vl ~MIIII~' III i ~W~I ~pM"Vil Wi~l re=mum"+ e: a~traeonin _. at the_ ,mlvemty...... social~t party.an+d its Supporters who.Paid ~ a:plate power gr0u~ to gain:i~wer, rather than caring abeut the commercial fisheries also appear under the eonfliet listing. ...~ ,_+Pm.V~mctm+governm_~ry~,,_lv_~ma!stuay~ov.'~, toralsefim~foriliepartyfortbenextpmvinelal~general ~maw~whOhk#eno0rganizationororganizedpoWerSuchas Rndevelopment of Lakelse Rotsprings appears on the !+e~. ~u.t t~.nsum.er. AII.a./~++~.Mlnmter.a+m? ~evnu,~ ~ el++cation WhiCh~herssid wilL,ks place wit~+" 14 months. the elderiy/and the young." i . .ii + '~/' .... . "mmelist, which ends with Indian land elalma and the role inr~mv~:~,~ise it. tie aslo,'+nlwn~y me oe~+ ~ ent smJ ~thou~i ~ s~nt;h, all of his4 .~mlaute sl~.eeh at~ck~g _+~~e premier +said the Opposition is seeking p0wer.-for + of re~onal' district. , rev~ewmi; ~i, ' : '" • 7+ ' • the Opposition parly and+form~finlmee minister Dave pt;ivil+~eand t,we"

onith~.?de~m,c ..paper, , . '. ; .. /.+-. +L.+ + p re~eeflon, e~h . ~ . I ++ I;. ~ , . i" + + + I I < + + " I p+: " govemmmt,saymg the Opposition was,',stUpid ".and.my in Refinery.__ , - ciosung. . . ?-.~._'"~-- _.,= ,_~ __.,, ,~..~ ,. _.,.~..~-_ "i ' BennetPs ilV~vear ma,dateexuh-es early inJune,'l~4, a"poiitica, waywhen the people ofthis province n~d ~ugh ....in--....--I~U~iiU ,..-+...+--~lilil~tll ltUO ,; ;...--...~lUi~l l +llltmlillUil~ ~i~' a.~ IUk,;..i~... .Cilli'~lll+lqtl - ' Hesaid theadditloiml' "-- ' ' money'his- ' " "; government' ' wm' borrow gove mment,' ' ~ re" s lion"s" thle government• and real -' solutions..... i. i, MONTREAL (CP) -- This city's falteringofl reflnin8 i~UllUl li~il~q~ll lill~Wl~i&~ ~ l~=lilll~l~ Wiill ill~ I~I~ &llll~ ~ , , I i i I " T .... I 1 ~ ' " ' ' " d ~ ' i , + + ' ' q I I + i I I u^~.A.....~--. =,~+., ~ , .i...,..T ,a :.~.~ ,,+'-...:~,~+ie...~^ will nrovlde,;qoW.bihirest loans.to help the-private sector . He added.that there is no alternative, to his Social Credit indus.lry suffered another severe blow Thu/,sday as Esso

B+ewills-- v~eh combined shm~iS ~il ce~i:e+!i~e ~ B C move m~'ereas Of new <.e!npLol~li+ eat, new+xpamlon, .mln so.=-,,,=.. + I Petroleum Canada, the refinery operation of Imperial Oil Ltd,, eonlirmnd it will.close its Montreal East refinery by .+~ market; "' : x I [ d i q L ' i theond of this year. "+- •It is the third Montreal refmes~,domu'e mmouueed, by ~toros;.::'--:the mile,of " - beer.. 're+ ouilein....

. ..+ 19~+ ..layoffs were not limited tO prnoncuon+.iworgers+ but" oroboblv bed0~bv+~httu 'nlne ~ o,,,t,v~ i~9,,+m ~,~':' ... : +: + : - • ' (:~.~:~++/,'~':" ':]i:'"i :' !: Were:~i~ded to.white collar workers,/tniddl+,:a"d~+se~6r inlllim tota],/:E~cli"+t~e-s.ol~nmnranhi'~erY'.~d'++~u;O~l; :; Caalproducuoninlge~ispredictedtohe'downe:~L2° : i+l ' ..... I I ma.ai++nent. Manyofthesepositi0as~iln0tb6~'.~m'. are expect~.~]+~!emall::~ds Year as~mcati:~l~,i ++ percent. Thelong-rangepie't'urefortheco'alind. ~:~etl H ' . the e~nomy recovers, thus keeplag :the;!numb~..~+of operate'at •redeced~eiti/and',at ~e's~me ~+-~=,: +,, op.timistie and construetlm of new eapaeit~ can .~1+r~m;~+~he unemployed.+ high...... •...... ++~..,: ..... : .... ; "-.: ~+I,~,+~- . .the+, .+ dmh~. , .... r~:' -¢.+- , '. + .. +"+'"+"-+..... ~ first half of 1983 +should see a.' e o nli nued+.~u~lsh: ...... ~.' .... ,Thirdly, •discouraged workers, - previously .not: Retail sales.should -'--"- ~ ...... - ..... : ,' ._=_ porformancemthecoal industry, with plckup'be~n . . m.uw s~ world economi~ im ~ -++::+ "e"'tsI" %%~' ""~U + " accounted... :- for m Statist,ca. Canada ,s.unomptoy~!+~w0rk~+ .+,...... withan0verallin~'+tabout84'~mreentor! • . u .urea, unprovemen~9.~,,' m the latter...... hal(+°f the year us-,the .... • !~i~0+.+ve' " •statistics, ' .will" add to" the ofheml" " unemploymant" ...... ~ '''''''I'as. " in renl Ih~rmn " L'.... + .This...... am.|i.|"mm.nv+m,~t " ' .... " ,--. +will ~,~.t.,m...., r ...... and the demand for metalldrgical ~ l i mrenses~;.'c, +:,- .,:: + - they ae•ely beg~n to search for work again +~...... • ...... :...... • - ...... ~, ...... ,,-;...... mterest rates .decline andeunsumer-ce~idence increases...... The outlook for the Lower Mamla nd and Pras er-V... y.. . Finally, ruth mereased demand, forecast fm, +.:their Asth+ " '"' + .... ' ...... ' ...... ~" ,,~ Edito +...+ . .._ ..... _+..:.~;..~.-j'_~ .. eeencmy recove, d uriag+ 198~ +the:demand for food tenda to roflect the fnrecast for the prevlnce as.a +w . ~v.~tSrt~:mY=~.w~O P+~.v~n=nmvymgtu ~ ~tom~Pmy~ produeta should incre0se. For 1963,. th~ ~eultural Increased U.S. housing starts and improved ped.+ormanee y on. rummg w., ~. • . pay . nornm~ industry is forecast to also improve in terms-0f profits as of forestry and mining will ]esd to an upturn in the regfim's ' workweeks rather than hire more workers. ThiS.inc~i~ed the cost of enert,v declines and interest -'~'--"-" ---~..... To' the'Editor," " ; ': ' ~,' r while' " ramin+g"p~vmda" '- ' I " GD.P, ~r.... "n" ~/~. "' <..:, the-e0st. Of inventories~!,, ;. : ..... ::., ,,~au,'r.muc,q~):. '::." ./:::.. : generuleconomie condition,: Cmstruetiona©tivlty.f~.~gs3 is forecast to be lower thas in 1982, ,. • ::: :.~.: .:. I am writing in regards to the premier's'report in the Feb. red_ucedunempl°Ymen!';! " ' + ,' ( '" "l'r '~+I "~'~ ~:~:~:~' +" + : -~wa~8 :~n~ ~" "~ , a" :~.freight "traffic "Was The forest and. tourist indlmtries, severely buttered in i5 copy of the Advertiser. Our Social Credit government "me1982 inflatio~ ram, as measured Dy ChaiSes ~.me ,,,,~,,,,d d"e tn the r~.~m;",i ctn~"~l~* "~-mei,~'* ,~,~,er with meson of the former "great W,A.C, Bennett presently consumer price index, averagedl0,6pormot. F0r:,+~; tbe and forest '~ industries" ~ain'7?~':'~uP~ .'~'me Ira, are vital to the island's economy. Nincteen++ighty- ...... : +..-+ ...... + -, ...... three will be another difficult year, Firs.t signs ~TeCOYlry r+anning the show,, now makes grit'reading to me':.the avera.ge inflation rate is.form.st a~ :[!ie~7.2 per.~nt: . im-lz'bv6nient/~ah:beexpee~': '<':r~':~': :': ":'i" ~ : ; '. ' :I" "' ' + : ++ I" +@I" fellow in.the'street. HOW h~ ean justify a ballthg 0Ut0f a..rangewithay+enr-endrateefaroundsixpercent;....+'-~'.,-,:!.::: :+.. " : '.:-: '- 7 :].., ...... +. : :, :'.:+:...,:. ~ ',... are not expeeted until well into th+seeandhaifofth4p,~;i

read~;-made eommereial township Of V;histler+ and sa~ying ' Fay the first time since November 1976, tl~ Vah~ver" - : ': : +" +' +dL~ " :: ~ " Y ': :'I":" I " "' I " P" ~::: :'~ ' '" '"'. ~" "II' " ...... '~ .... D~emberCPIdsclinedfr°mtheprevi.+ mmm°nth,faI!ingb~, that the reason was the saving of jobS, I feel it is another ...... ' .,II' " ''' + "" " " I|~'~U I ~ : Ottaw8 "": ' bail-out of.these who support hl~n.- the inwst~ of slush 0'2 per;cent... • ; .... ' ' : p''' ~ : " "'" . ": r ...... k J :H | Stal~ riUshCdumbiainlge~ + o'o'~+,,i~" + |I_~_~. III U,~:' U+~I I ,.,,+,: moneys' from:seme tax wTi'te-o'ffs.: ' "That.s + notl a Ou8 l~g inB . C]r vle~y,.,,~,.yoo, ' + " : , : • " ;., +- ." +....-.." .. :. -'" ,,.' : munieipalityt ,lust ai'eady-madeone where money was than 2O;OOO units. The new government hous'.mg, grant:: - . (CP) --Ah International La.ber 0i'ganizatiou those imposed in the restraint program might ~ +~:- supposed..to.eeme to the investors by the bag full. " lower mortgage "'rates, mme"+innovati~e . ioiiger~tei'm ruling that Canada s s,x-and.flve.wage.restralnt program eeptable on the eonditlon that they are of an exeept]0ii~l However," surprisingly~ I now find. to.mysurprise even me,gage s and generally inerensed.demand" should Provide" does not violate its commitments to the organization has nature._ :.'.~- |ll; ~."ey~[uldno~pr~'ctthedo.wnturn~inthe~econ/omy::But , en0ugh stimulus to increase housing starts to 25,000 uiiitS' in gl~en the federal govemment "the rtght to hide behind the - ~at's ff0t the reason ~or this letter. Jam wondering as an 1983..+ ... " , , .. :: ,. ..+: .~:.. ILOiifi::bredking binding,contracts, and. the.bargaining : "- ~.~r~+'nary eitizen why if saving a Ibwnsh|l) is"of s0 +much Builders'- ~aution against ex~sive: inventory: build;up s y s tem':saysa+Carladion+Lab°r:C°n'rnss'°ffleial'~":L" " " " " ' Cloudette Sondeckl'k + i[n~rtanee to the premier that he.never tried tosave the and buyers' relnotance to lock themselves :int6 large Shirley Carry.executive vice-preeldant.of the congress, l~.~g established township Of Ocean Falls? Would that noi mertgages[ until int+rest cates stabilize;'will restrain and said she objected' to.theruling0f the ILO's govmdag body, ,~[:a worthy cause or was the order of the day .to punish Prevent a return to the more normal levels of. ov~" 3o,0o0 • which rejected complaints.fried by :the congreml~ the Public. Schools Slant ':V ".+ those who do not support the party? : ...... housing st.arts annually. . + • . ~ . :.+ . .. Service Alliance Of Canadaand the Professional InstitUte of - " • ~'i!~onder.how a sociologistW0uld answer th0t question? + Retail sales in ~B;C. when adjusted for inflation, fell'by " the PublicService 0f;canada., :... : .-.: • .+ /i ~/:" " ,~ ~!~ splitting up ei thesecondTand some/ihird generation ' 12.~.:per~cent d~. ihe first' nine nlonthe .6f !98z. as ~The~mionshaclcomp|ainedthatthefederalg0vernnient,s To demunstrate it s strong support of School,Ad0~ ,~ilies.....• in .the,.....town with decently prleed h~)m'es, to buy o]:..., comnarsd,_., to the.:~.samenedod,_ in :1981. • :', _,:~ i,: restrair~t. p~'a~i ,vlolatedTa!itumber of al;ticles':in'ILO: iiit~]~t'~ingB.C, in tears vowing n~l'tq~'Y~L~:~ltttrn,~n~ un~tnpl0yn~!p~t~h,~ea~i~pecto~0f~..~i conv~lici~i,,,in~uding,++~one.dealin~'with.'-'freedom~of • .C~..~m~.tte~..S,~.~,~Di.s, trie.t~..r~991,1~a..r~l-w.,i~],~da+~

rsforeedto o " " " ' " ' • ':"" ':~ "+"~ ,~. ~z,: x~=.,:,t, ,-,,:~ • .,,.+ ...... ~ ~;.+:-.+.-- Cn~it~ ~e. fast quick lmee...,. - :.~ _ . +.- .... :.' ~.+ i preve"t anyalgnificanirtse in retail sales until well into the ' •Under " the.,: pro~am,+~'pUi~lle'.s~f0~ eiiil~10~e~+ "~¥~" tmmor~,trusteea,+viU,attend,~A~:~m~eua~lt~, oltm~mt possible or if especially.invited...... ~:.~. 51~,!so~i~l.Credit+.l~mier' ~condemns~ bias+If and:his last half of 1983. • , . :. -prohibited from 'strlkingdu~mg the restraint' period. Those were the only two amendments the board a~0pted party fro m h/s own mouth bysaying the government musl Uncertain.. economic eunditioas will omake labor. "There Can beno confidence 'between theparties when when. !6.amendlnents to the SAC policy were propoud {ake~aetion When- the municipal ¢.orporations get iritb dif- management relations and collective bargaining difficult you cannot trust yeur employer," Cai'r said in a telephone flc~ties.i~-HelasydUiat: the government has the righ[ and thro0ghout 1983.. However, Whilem~ijor negotiati~wili interview-fromGeneva.with the Toronto Globeand Mail. during the policy committee meeting March. 1, the~fll~t r.~."l~hsi~tY t01nfio~ein~whenl ~ylnltmi~clpality,gbts ' into takeplaee in beth'the public and private sectors during the " , Carr isa labor member of the governing body, which also policy Committee meeting since May 6, 1982, : .::~.~ difflculti~'~beyond~|ts.~ap~eit~:t0~handie.i Wo~ld not the yeai. it'tsprobablethatthesharpreductionin!9~l~elsin .ineludes~presentatives of.~employersand governmeots. Threeamandmentsweredafeated, 10 were notsecemled, ~h~Ho~fi~gf 0ee~Fafis'qt~alffy?- InY~y~a'Swbli'beon timeloot frnm Sti;ikesandlockoutswiiib~contin~led!n i983~ On a comPlaint/that the federal government hag also andune was dropped as redundant- it was clarified that .violated a convention dealing with the right to collective "secondary schnols';ineludcs grades 8 to 12. Thus ~oni0r welf~a~eihb~ashereinTe'r~aceas~ftheprese~t situation, While wage demands will be a high: pfior|ty :at the bargaining, thegoveroing body said r trleti.ons such as secondary students, too, "may be members~,of~~ SAC We~,[ca'fi~usea millim'add a half for our school bndgetor is ba!~gaining table,.uniobs areexl~ ~ to seek" Sl~ongerjob .. ::.- .... es .. . committeeS. " "' " ., , +"' .. e: theii~t~eni~bu~eil~alancemore inli~rtantthan thefutures security pro~,isi0ns in their res~cti~;e'e0ntracl~. +~'. / - ' .... of o~:.chi!~en~. ]:i +.i:i,i~:,. ~.' "/. :.?.-"i..: :: ::;-i. i .~.:.~i~:. + , -The federal siX.arid flv~pr0gram/the Britisq Columbia, J " Wh O~ I~:'lt~'l Three revi+e~,bbard recomn~andations failed t~ become partof the SAC policy. The review board recommerdation • •!;~S~:.ag.ain ~BiH, ~I rememhe~:~;. • .• •./:- ~" • Compansafion-Slal0ilization Act, recent his[o.ry~)~:double+ Ponl • it '8 ' . - ¥o++u~.++~ fruly~ :~:: ~:~ :: ~.!, . + ~... ~i?: .: " :/+. ~"' .digit-iinflation, employers~ ~.ahiliiy ~to ~ay. a~g~ing that the beard should span.nor annual workshops for imre, nts ...... + ...... •: ;'tmemp!oyment Will affect collective bargaining processes Skeeno Sketches sponsowusn°tsee°nd&l"/Theree°mmendatiant~tthe"b°arfl''r in-serviee for principals and vtee-prlacilwlS,~,to .Terrace Soup Kitchen " . . in i0i~.. ' ' ~:: .. • .. ~ ' . - /: ~ :: "~ " : M0reinoderate wageinereases than those experienced inl ,. better equip them to work cooperatively with parents.for ...... the benefit of the students was de+sated. The third review To+_ the Editor, •::+ . " .. the. first three, quarters of 1982 enn be. expected. LateSt', .i~I have i+ead you~-:aPdeleson the affairs of Northwest statistical data compiled hy4heEmploytrs' Council for: Justwliat ARE they teaching in the puhUc.schoois these beard recommendalion- that thebeard supplySAC'/t.with

[?,omm~ity • :I would, however,askthatCollege" with interest. you check YouFabbreviations," wage ssttiements:in B;C, show that the weighted averdge~ days? Budget eute, tcaehers strikes, curriculum stashes - token financing for postage and xeroxing costs. '.-;~vas where does this leave your child?, defeated because three SAC's had written, to the .board ...... all.industries wage increase for-1982 was 11,7 percent, i ! - relinquishing their nominal funding Which the board ~had !f.you e0nsult any reputable dictionary you will find that Wage figures for 1982 dropped consider/~bly 'from the 1981 Science Fair should provide answers for these questions. - - "N" is the abbrevlationrfor "north", The abbreviation for average of .15 per cent, " - It's an educational smorgasbord to be held open house at initiated only last year, ~ ~iL,, [6 : northwest...... (whether,, .... it ,be .one: word, two words,.... 'or'. ....nine +Wm'ksteppsges+. during 1982 were" • the- Iowesf,~ since 1967! Caledonia School gym on Friday, March4 from 7 p.m. to I0 Two other amendments, notseconded included: ~that.tSe ietters) is "NW". Hence NCC- NOrth Commtmity C0flege;~ and thenumberof worker-days lost dropped to nearly one-! p;m.andSaturday March5 froml0a.m, to 10p.m. purpose of a SAC is to provide the peren~ p01ntof ~iewJn NWCC - Northwes t Communlt.y College, : third. Of the 1981 level. : : There will be competitive - and non-competitive school and board planning, and to assist individtmli~d'enta Yours sincerely, - ~ :_,.~-: iC~mtracta -covering/the forest and food industriss,' mathematics, science and s~elal studtos'exhibits :from tubeoome involvedat the'sehool4e~,el. - ~ ' "~:::~ T.: Peters • , provincial government employees and roadbuildersl kindergarten to Grade 12, a photography display, alive Whilethe policywill say "the SAC should be considered a •: "Reach Far The Top" contest "and! muchimore including usual sotwce of information or opinion, where sueS?iS)~0be r • . . highlight collective agreements expiring In 1983; r ai lanes " ...... gathered." the board refused .to second an.amm/~ent " : " ". ' : - ' : 7,.: : :.:~' " .Real gross, national product (GNP)is expected td pape rp . • " " " + whichwouldadd"andsuchopintonswmberefl~et~.iflthe .To the.Editor,. ~+ +~ , ',, ~ ....." " ' .'" ~ - .:- ~ • • ------.I • This Scie~e Fair is sponsored by+ the Terrace Board of ....:.:'Your:%l~ff ..,.:.... 'are..... tobenom P lienm ted +on "ra.tsing:thes+l+n- ' . .... ' •.. acreage+~ I oye ;z ~" per:"~" .cent. ' .....m xmm. -.. The...... Amenenn :!..sobeulTruSteesandTerr~ceDlairietTeeehersAssociation ...... ' ...... decisions• of. the board".. .- .....:; •'"-'~ dard of ~rtingof.theDailyHeraldt0alflgherlevel, than ~ ~unemp oym. nc rate. ....wm remmn msn aura8..... x~m averages, !. specifi~allytekeepthepegpleofthee0mmu~l[ tyinfonned Thebeerddidnctseenndamendmentswidchwoukl.'~Ve ° it •:has t~en for.. ma~-~vearsa.; •'Keeo • p u~,+- the ~ood'~,0/'ki~Thes ' ::'•... - " about.9;0pereentwlmayear.enurateotanoutg;5• -- • • .... percent.'7 ! .astowlmHsgomgonmmescnoommesemays-~o•oru~au _--..,.+ . ", .~ . ~_. .... ~ _,~:~± _. c~,_:.~,, granted -SAC's' . the' right.?:toi discuss ~individuaY ~w.~o01 uancr is beeomina'wwell-written and relevant 'n'+ewsnmn~r ! The raft. of.inflatlon moved steadily downward throughout . _._ _..~.=++~...... ,~ ~- : personnel or students where the actions of such indiv~als t-- , ~m,...... r--r'T., 1 a+~r ' ' : ~ ' " " ' " ~Um q~OUm~' ' 1 ' ~ ' ' ' " ' " ..+ :" I feel con h"dent; therefore, that you as its edltor~ilWould ' 982, ~e agingaround43pereentfortheyear. . • Arspoatof~. - ' .-.: . :- ., ~' are affecting an entire class Or student body, but Olllyby • Orefer to have the minimUm of errors appear on its pages, a ~el!ne of this magnitude.isnot forecast for 1983. ' "" [ ':: Betty Misfeldt of Terrace said that 'if the mens' clacks Prior arrangement so that the pr~n~+tips! and involvedSchool

~u~s:ta~rv:nt~nl~e~ety~glt?ces~.b~e°fmfleCeea~tgaty°UToha2 generally,hnpro~h~g ec0nemte.ootlook nh0~d reiultlh sill : .... +. ~ . ~ " . "" T r ] p .."..~'& ,, r "" ~ ~ . 9 ~" ~" 'board's propcaed poliey on school adt~10ry

Up :. ' .-:,• . . • Yen5 .B.'c~': enuld • +experienCe:,;+an!!,!nersase• In plywo0~)+:::~ ,~, At any•rate, the'.eiwtll bemore alma+t.bables:and (; wru~: and don~ rennet the epl.loe of tb6 I~ e+~l ~,rry Normandeau , : .•. : .... / ...... : /:...... + produetmn Of around: 15 per cent in 1983. ' '• i: : ,:bh~In~ n~tweek. ~ :,.,: ; ~' : :. •: ,+: :i • "~• ~, uustees 0t,8¢!10ol Dk/rleI.SS,, ' : ~ ....: '.~;(,~!~ii~/ • . .;.~. • ;.'L.';:':i~ '

• ..~ • ...... : ' , . . ". . : .....:.. ~ ,.:..:,~: ~ '.4"~" ~.i. "~.,'7",' ..... "'~ '~'~':'~"-~ .....

O C O ' ~' '. FLJIII I~ "

, .OTTAWA,: (CP) -- Thel a, )r, • 50; .,-was ', tru~ Driver Sun,m~0n~"ib ;;,:a•r~! Hght inhiscot on a i~bl"g0vernment: is !of-:;::,G ,~1 fro~d ~th# "neck ~: the g~ag~ on an unrelated '!seen|c parkway about..... five .~ ! down afterte beifig in"~, .~ ~. ' ;:~kil0m'el~res: • !wps, t.!, '.~{ fering a $toO,oO0reward for was sh0t. call. •infonn'atlon leading t0,me, ~]~ , ~igarage outside his Ofiawa - conviction ,-, ~)f :those ; sl rot; .... " ~', ter'national ~:~fe~oriktn;~,i,~'-:~, reward/; ~-101low ~::.{i:towohouae. as ..he~.: waa ~i: .The , .... ,.: .~. :~- 1 .... There was 11o di~M!on ~enlun .tanrest. MacEachen ._and Kabl~i~::murd er of the )the,see..: said Altlkht.. 'of another man md'd/ollave n~urder of .l ~t;a[ I~,~t.10 tiines dt~" driven from m~ m,// diplomat in OtU r*rungeby .aTimun~ho i: IkththeAm~:~ ...]..Juiid~" wblmding of an, if.mmL:h~-~.~l.,:!gray,.:.r Army :i and " reward." zgn,:car and:fire d Comh~andos Of'! ~the.

ea ...... * ...... tO thb arrest of ~ e .-. " " " ...... " ...... Y ~ " ' " * " I ' .... ' ...... Armenian GeeocJdle bhemp r s s ertlon of Canada s attache, at the ...... Turkish of other countries plagued m of the hemdgun.~ ...... ' .... + " " I '' " q k'" " % + ..... : q "4 -- ' --" " 'r~ "'" 5"~"+ "'~:;'".... " ''~ " ';;' ~'; ...... I .... " unrelentingcomm!tment.to : EmbasaY, and. the: Ap~! .... by, :terrorism, : they,said,~ .:.Is,mere.burs b~,.,the :.R~d ,~ ::~..::.,. , ::...... ;:.~e,lan:~erro, i:ists.e~o.: : :.=-: ,:.. ,:,, >.,,:~..: ...... :,TO rkey ~r: ~,: 1!~. -. combat~ tei'/'orism '.,and " do.:. ~. W0qnding ::bf i ~bmmere~!.a,!! :n0t.!ng:!,~e:,!ar~e :~,.ward.,: ,Army. :fi~ctl0n'inVolved' l,:'a ~:::i',: ~udgnr..,.. ,,Was'i/'.': f°,unu ~,!;..c!aimed/res~ds~.billty'!ioi': ~:~ .,Tne,?ma~,;.i-.d~n~ :'as ,.:"m~..s~, c~.~ .more B ~, •.. , • eve~ythiligin.its~powei,b t~..-e0uni~ellerKemalefllnKani.: :reeently.~ffe~ihl(aljfor~1977 ':.~kidnsl~plng'. ~a~nd~`/~s~umpedandb~eedinginhis~:in~deringAlti~mt`'45".while.~:a~1`it.:3~.~:y~ms.~``~l¢~``v4thmm..!on~ofmm',com, .urym,.~ . . ~ hridg:porpetrat0rs of::aueh.:: Gimgor."'. "".: !i~ i'i.:'.:.""~.the i'etUrn 'of: kidnapve~s ' murder. L.,.- ' :'- -. ':",~?; ',~tation-wagon bY:a toW-thedlp~omatwasstbP~at .~blaekhi~randam0fist:ache "- .'"~ey,.aeek.the .nmrn'; ~ .~ • .

.... "'.:~ .... .' I " " ,. ' ' ...... 8~. - • : " : ..... ' ': "

' m m--~_m .:m. mr :t~'U :/ . L~ " " " i'or~:the"m~,i~,ee, ~! " u '" E" ; rope: s.... i c.... ' anadmn.... : a, .V"~'~.-~AV ...... :-:"':-- - govenimen~ have/~, , :..O~ AWA ,(CP) "'. i The "" De" Bane*told." reporters exacerbated ..by ! ~e EEC fishermen0fanylretali~t~rY lentific study satmflea results are fairly "in- not gb~i'en0ugb~,;L~.:a'dd,ed. : the,.m.a~a. ere ever' took"..- : go_~i'nmeii[ Intend; :,te~ that barring a last-minute ban on seal pup sk~s.-stems action beeatmeof efforts to" European ooncerngT, about terpreted. " i ~ust~Ye~r Lth61'E~i~ans;; place.:...., . .:. si~u'~ly, reduce European " dang e ,0f heart'by, the from European reluctance divernify ; flsl~ ~~xport conservation matters.-and. De Bane said the EEC has i. . harvested .some..~6,000 ...... a~ to.:Cunadlan fish haunts :of .the European to,.clear the.way for fish mark~R. - :i" .!": alleged er0el,ty in the hunt. so far promised only.to try Lmetrie.tohnes;of;fis~ from-

ato~ks because of con- Eco,omle Coinmun!ty, imparts from Canada in I'' d :" "~L ' " I :" ''I 'I I i I' ' I : : ' r F Canada has piedged t0"co- to imp~ve in 1993 on the Canadian watch ~;htle only tinuing reslrlctions On there will be' a subetsntlal return for~ponnissinn to Ush BUt ,lace the.E~peans operate in the study as long velume of Canadian 'fish 3~000 tonhes~0[:~m/adlan Im~of C,~madiun:fish redu(~tlon" in European Canadianwaters., : have not :fulfilled their as it is condueted::onl a//mports ::fallowed ~ into 'flnh~:~'ere~allowe~l late andthis week's decision to fishlngqustaS under a five- i ...... : commitments: ~d~d 'i have : scientific basis and::th~ European markeL That is European Inark'ets at year agree~emt signed last De Bane said the 6eha(,~i "irratieaally'~'. on ~ ban ~;tlie,:sale of seal pup Europeans .i~ave, i been the sealissue, theY Will have 11I" ' ~ " ' r " "pre.fur~,~t!al~tar~f iiates:, skind.i,: rqk * " ' , ~ year, ; "~I "'I I ' ~ "I'~ Fisheries Minister Pierre In vie the blatant warned for-months 0f'the t0ac,ept:the:con~lnen~m:~ ,~'.__A • " "As we have fully com- .of .... ~I'" ~il~l ~" "" "" De Bane soidThursday he non.compliance with the goyernment'a,, dissatisfa- hes_atd; " ~ : • IVIUU. se killed • - • piled and!they, have not, - - ,' there will be" a subetanLial will makean announcement " long-term ; agreement, .ction but little proE,~.e.has,-:.. On Monda y;" ~. }EEC; ., (CP).--, Wildlife biologists : suspect a reduction in their: fishing shorhy~:!ifoilowing.. 'con- obviously : there will;be a been,,made~i:: ":, .... decided to exte~dr~t'or"two ~ '" parasitical tick is behind the deaths of thousands of mooso sultati0ni with 'External ~i'~.ducilon'in their quotas In.'. He said the government- al!ocations,",:he said. years a temporary ban on in central Alberta. , .. " Newfoundland Premier' Affairs Minister Allan our waters," he said. ' musttakeinto account the the import ofsealpu~P =~i'n~ ' i'In four year'we've lost 60per cent of.the moose lathe Brian Peekiord hasa]ready. Ma~Eachen. ~,. -' ottawa's complaint, impact .. bn{:~ Canadian beginning. Oct..1 Unless a wilds and 60 to 80 per cent of. themo0se In Elk island urged the government to ~ ose~ yo. ixmmm~y. " :i . : : . i . " ' ~ ':: ..... " ' " ' ~' ~"': National Parklwere lost last year,"- said Blair Pippin, ~talinte because Of the. deeinim off' seal imports, ....Poe r stability sinks ' boats• northeastof the Alberta regionai Eners~, biologlst and NaturalResourees with the flsherles ])epartmunt. and wildlife ' which contributes $13 . Rlppin said bio!oglsts aren'(eertain what eausedall the " million annually •to the SUNDAY .... " ' r"J ' " deaths; but "in Elk Island we'kn0w that (moose) did die : provincial economy. SEATTLE (AP) -- Poor stabilhy rather than natural from a combination of. malnutrition arid severe weather De. Bane said the EEC, "It's not that I the vessels were loaded wrongly, Maybe conditions because there are no wolves and no hunting " causes appears to be !'esponsible'for the sinidngs of two we've been using stability information that's not. al~~ Canada's second largest Arisen'tree;based crab beats that disappeared in the Bering plleable. - • there." " " " ' I • fish export market after the Sea', a~rd~g to a Coast Guard hearing officer. "We may :need to tighten up a Iltile" on ~'~Iguiatinns. . It is Clear that ticks - which rob moose of their, winter United States,/can head off But the designer of the identical, 34:metreboats said it But he and o~her Ceast.~uard officers ~aid riley t~uldn't ~ coats in Mbrch and April -- were a major factor, he said." the government'n decision Spornored by tha: still is a mysterywhy the vessels vanished along with 14 explain why the vessels, used for years in the Bering Sea, The total number0f moose deaths IS unknoWn~ but in one~ only by resolviag ~the seal Terrace Sovonlh. would ~apsize" the sameday in moderate/seas~"~ ': ' ." ' ' monitored area; an estimated populatibn Of s,ooo fell to 800 issue and compensating Day Advmdlst crew members'," " : 1 ' T=estL,nony after the second day of an Inquiry into the Studies lto determine stability take years of/work by between 1979 and 1982.. Canadian fishermen over : . Church sewral nlarine designers, he salcl, and are usually done , Rippin sai d 'Jnfestati0ns of the t~lrasite have become the lost exports in 1982. v~s' disappearances points toward stability, said Capt. I L Joi~n I)eCarterst, chairman of the marine board of En- 0fily on large ships and ferries.. • :. • . . extrsmely heavy !n recent years, climbingfrbman average of 30,000 ticks per moose in 1976 t072',000. " / ii venom . " __ " ' " ..... " " J .... I ' Many blueprints were introduced as Flaker-Andersen Moose in Alberta all carry some ticks, "but those in the • He sald months of invesUgat!on remain, and the result testified for nearly three hours on the design,and loading central part of the province Were hiL hard. cha~racteflsllca of the ships; I I " 1 : • QUALITY suchcoMdvesseis,be rewriting ...... regulations.. on dosign,and !oa'ding~-for . . There were no indications the vessels were. loaded Im- ItVOR KMANSHIP Thursda~,',.the " Vdten the licks begin to gorge on blood each spring, moose In testimony designer, of..the ships -properly,..,., ~, , ...... -'...- rub and bite. themselves to shed the parasites, causing FRANCHISED ~- A~eric,,.undAlt~r saidhe had no ideaw~at bappen~ to ~isker-A.de.ensaid he has Worked o. desi~ifur severe hair loss. '. .... the. ve~ls;'which he and others described sa'among the fishing .vessels .the 0ast 10-15. years and*the Altair and best,in the Alaska erahfleet. Americus were among the most stable such beatS ever": In a recent survey by helicopter 70 kil0metr~north Of DRYCLEANING I . ~1 p " I, Edmonion,: wiidlife researchers 10edted~25 moose, 'almost . ti~aa:r~e~'y, ' Jacob Flsker./U~dersen of IQrkland told .:built, .... •. Store~ .J all of.which were showing early signs oi'hair, loss, By April, • hearing officers. "It's a mystery to me.' ...... :'.. " " •..While there had been some a!terations to .the ~;eseels, . •',R01bert • Gudmundson~ -manager :or '~ Dakota ~Creek themoose will have rubbedof ! ei ~lo " usr~ !~"

t~i the ~r ~ ~dk'Wh a~tt~,e~iqfi HIh t~//ckl~u~i~i/'lf, q~d ' major changes in stability, said the designer. ~ '.* "" "~Ji~'~id ~i~'i~|~'~tle ~]j~'i~~ n{~n~rs C~n do ~ut' had had no major pmblemsor repairs. " " All the:crew ~embars aboard theAltair and Americun the p~arasitos because moose range over vast areas. Decarteret said the ship disappearances'puzzle the. ~ast were from Anacortes. They left Dutch Harbor six hours Guard. "We've had veseeln diseppear before; but never this apartearly Feb. 14 bound for crab grounds 35Okilometres large," he said. , " ; ' - " north-nOrthwest. While stability appeared to be the cause of:the sinkings, The capsized Americun was found 50 Idlometres from

he,wasn't pointing fingers. " I Dutch Harbor the day it left pert. . .'. ,: . . : ., . • . .... ], .

:Hell's Angels' contract. , :, , open WASHINGTQN (AP) -- The HeWs Angels, still angryat Hesaid ~e first attempt against the band occurred in the the Rolling Stories more than a decade :after a violence. mid-1970s at :a location he did not identify.

'NEVER SHOWED, UP' '.. - I ~yTa c:~, h:vme~: o';ot~e: 0 :~lntwra::t:n ~: .;~k i'T~ey.sent a member with a gun and a silencer" to a •hotel where the Stones were beHe~;;ed_to be staT.lng , the .1983 ' "There,, s ~.. two. attempts to kill them that ~I know witness said.- He stalked them, but they never showed up., about, a man identified as Butch told the Senat(~ judiciary Butch said that around 1979, members of the Ange!~'.New committee Tbur~day. "They will someday. ; .'. They swear York City chapter plotted an assa~t by'water: against a th~y will aUll do it." .... hduse at which the Stones were staying,: ~- - '~ ' . ,, Butch, who was hiddenbY a screen during his testi~nony, "They were going to put a bombin.the house.and blow said the vendetta results from the Stones' ill-fated 1969 everybedy up and kill everybody at the partyt, he said. concert ,in Altamont, Calif.,. when a spectator was killed The plot failed when the Angels, advancing in a rubber PICKUP / near the 1stage. • .I "-- raft, lost their plastic exPlosives 0ve/'board~ said the wit. •Hell's Angels members ~rved as security guardsfor the hess, who is in prison for a 19741Angels-related murder he concert attended by_some 300,000 people and Were blamed a~hnitted after quitting the clu5 in 19~1." " by law enforcemest officials for the slaying of the gun- Butch said the vendetta obsesses the Angels, who are said toting spectator. - bylaw enforcement officials tohave 500 tO600 bard-core Butch, a protected federal witness, said the Angels are members'in 33 U.S. and 18 foreign chapters. still mad because they feel the Rolling Stones ,did not back . :.".Thin has been discussed. many times -- killing the them" in the subsequent furore and prosecution of a gang band;" he said..'.'Anyone doing this would get in good grace member.- , ~ ~ .- .: -.... • . '.~ " '' with the California Angels." .The gang has its headquarters- * Sty/is/, .'~There's always been an open contract on the.bepd," said in Oakland, Calif.

, the,witness, . ..- An Angels' member," Alan Passaro, was acquitted of murder charges in the stabbing of Meredith Hunter, 18; - * tuxedoes 1.983 Defence lawyers successfully argued that while Passaro f, had stabbedHtmter twice, he did not inflict the fatal wound. Smokersquit COMVERTABLE 0i"rAWA (CP) -~ Thisspringabout 400 Canadian For.ces ~pers0hnel will try,to cough and sniffle their way back to health. " Con9mtultiOns AI)fli 10 is D-Day (deci~on day) when partie)pants in the forces' stop-smoking program/--BUT'~. OTYr :~renlist for their ~veediess future. " " " :" • GRAD '83 l;'0r:'the ~t tw0 daYs"Tthe'y must anToke*. Lmtfi 'theraPy, sweating; hav e runny n~ses; h~daches; r.d.p!d h e~tt"r~ate and loss of appetite. '~h~t's t'o ][:'.eavean, ~delible mark on YOU RRE INYITED TO COme !983 THUNDERBIRD their memories. " ..... : .... ' " " *: ~' ' ' I " ~ " ~ INIRND VIEW OUR mORE THRN . 75 FRBULOUS LRCEY OLD ._ -_. _- to kieldag the habit - ~ ~* ':*'~ ~') ~.~;w ~'q~':,];'.,~ i FASHIONED DESIGNER I Onerd sp!ay .t AS a group-they il be-going :l'~n'~El~'l(~'~! ~ "their showrooml problems," sayS MaJ. MiChael: Sh~n'Vwiibl: ~lth~Pt~ ' • DR!ss,. I Pauline Gauthier; is the. OttaWa4~'sed t,~0~dIiiat6i"~di~ ~!~#~i~;.Lel.;i;i×coLo,s : ~ I" Come in and see them ~: 1983 COUGAR iustlgator ol the~pregram. - :,~.: . ,.:'?,:.,~,-: ;t ,u~•," r lt,>~ ~ ~1.,r I ;, .. The ideafor BUTTOLrF~haS 5~ a'totai~*(o~;,mo~':~han* ,. STOCK I threeysars elnO~xesearebets, a|:the'Un!versity of Waterloo. -I~CATALoGUE SELECTION' . "~ "" I were asked to "review world' llt~ature Tor,ways to quit

rooking; .... .~"~ .: r' #, * L * " '" '" " ~ " ..... ;: ;TERRACE . ' --~.WEEKS DELIVERY, .. " i *" ~ ,~'~'1 The..forces d~eeld~ ~o single method was good enough " :/' ONSPECIAL ORDERS '" " " "~'rJ "~'~'~| because-at best ,variOus :approaches had a 30-percent success rate after six months.: . - .' ' So they.t~k what seemed like the beat portsel several programk, ~v~Fing then~tognther to produce a~63-p~-c,ent success' rate alter.six months: for, 600 perticipanm In a sm,,m .,m,,t : i: ! forces-Wide ptudy, Shannon says.. ,We've Just ended up with a knock-'em-dsad program,", Shannon estimates four'or llve times as many People are interested than the 4OOthe program now can accommodate. " ,,'. ;'...... , -. - , -~-. ~. ~. ~ ~, .... ".,..'*/;~.. '3.:: ; . . ,: ~._.i/~*;;.;,r~ • " ,' ~" "" " - ~ '. :~:'~ J'~ ".*.'.. -~'' '7 ,~: .... ' ...... ' " - ": :i ~ ,!': • i;-..': / .-: '- " ~; :? .-,'.'2/"'~"~': ...... " _ /, .'-",~ • ,,. ,.;,-.~,~ ;,~ ;,,. ,~- ,, ...... /..:~....~ ,~:, /


...... ~. i.~ !'. .C.I a/lle . . " Ii/I - i-...... r 8:... ~ . ,. ,. - ~-- ,: ! , ,~, .,-,~

• , . /i~; • . ~,0. s77s;00 /.ComploTo with •• ,,-L, : i i' i " .... '~I '''*' :Special $4110J6. : T*mporaryCrymta : Sabre" Si i /turn /t 'a,b les on 'Bruins Save valual0le tlme and meet and money ~ turning your:" ; ' ~i~e]~'nton lBr~ we~'o: : . SlnoWh'ere;- It• ;W~:New game we played all ~,ear ', " '~.,ri.l,", ,;,n: ~;.I.o, ,ot : six,year career. ]3o.y. has- Cnpitnb 4Rainier;. • ~arnportan! deadlines while on truck, Car or.tam1 equll0ment ~. the road. Save bi0 dolleu~ in " int0anofflce~~,, ~. :, . ;blllild~g'th~ best'record .in- York.'.hdax~/5 ~-'or0nto anld' Ros~n~'.head • "coancl~.:h~i )~ . !:!~"?~" -.,n "'-. =i ": ;sc0redthat .many go~s .. Bobby: C~s~red. fuel a~ wastedmiles.lnstall When confidence and . • ~the. Nat/odes ~.* HGekey ~Manle Leafsl WaShi,,~,~n Ge~-,,Cheeve~.,",w~di.,;,,,."' ' ~.'~ ..~,:. ,,;~,:-^.,.~ ~faster than anyone m NHu. two geam ~a.ma ~aplteln our 30 watt under dash value are what you ne~l, call / ; ' . ., , . .. , ,. .r .,.. , • , ,'~'mW, ' ""7 "W .'* v. W~.~,'. , .q.n.q ~.,t,~U~,: S.m,'~uus.=~ :,, ;. , , ' " • .' ' "; " mobile 2-way FM radio. • oft Lhe trusted name In lhe ~ Lea,g~,~th.~ ~ade B.uffalo:. Capltanls: 4 :.New York hLta soul,Weactually.trled ~ dranftee and'native of Port . hl~rY~ r' ~m so..rt of re.de killed o_ff~.fiVo.~N~,,York We ~ve communication ~, field. • " " ~b~s.-.th.elr 10atplea, NOW- RangerklS~ Ph!ladelpKla to avoid a-I0t.of'eh~im~'.' i AI~,. B.C, scored hb m e out.of..~e play.ano) power p~y.,;~=~ a problemsapdemveyouUme " Call on Northland. mew roles. •have been Flyers 4 New Jersey.DeVils " . Mike O'Connell *:heal thi'ee. goals withln"four . I ~ t~like the way ne nm opalr ox ewe-man ansao. This price in affect Until March 30; reversed. • !,and DeteSt l~d.Win~s 5 Buffalo goalle.... Bob Seuve at -' minutes and 21 seconds, "-it, " " said" B_ose y... ' . _- . vunt~es.'The Rangers, who PHONEs 018-030..I BuffalodefeateB0ston for Qu.eb~ Nordlques 3... ~ 4:52 of the first Pori~l on a beginning with. 10:02 Red Wings 5 p,ormques a clinch~l a. playoff ~berth the third stranlght, time' . A~te~:l~dngthe flretflve power, piay~'-.•andr:"Bruee'L:,,~.-.'/. '. i • ::' "..~ Que~. grab..~..,_.~•~o, :lost g0alle Ed '~/o for ant Northland (~ommunications Ltd. Thursday. nlghU rldlng meeti~:~th thG"Bridm • Crowdersco~af10:43,".:.' ' The'Sabres are third In e~eon~cne~uome~,,~w least 10 days"with a groin NO~4-5002 Pohle Ave. Terrace rookie Paul Cyr's :thlrd~ and scoring a total ofMx . All-star•. goalie Pete the* Adams Dlvision,. four goals and one by Peter injury and centre Robblo period hat trick to.an 3-2-. goals, ~ the",Sanbres have Pceters, .who handhb - $1- points" behlnd •Montreal Stastny, but the Wings Ftorek wlth an .coneusslon. vlctory. - ...... out.sco~'ed .the Adams game. unbeaten.... Strin~ Cenadlens. stormed back, led by Paul Flyers 4 Devtlsi .... -Division leaders 13-9 in the snapped Feb 10in Buffalo,~ Islanders S M,~ple Leafs I Woodswithtwo goals:and Two goals byBrlan Propp Danny Gare and Reed paced PhHadelph!a, which . laut •15 days, ,." ' " ~ was looking for his eighth Jim Kern of Toronto Lateen witha goal and two now hat ~ i)ointJ, tops in "That • wu the :worst shutout of the season when made the mintakeof getting " ~ ~ . n ~ n i 1 , * r " p MikeBoasy annoyed and the asalsis each, Detroit is tied the lengun, Larry Floyd's ' ' New.York player answered with ~oronto for 'the final - first NllL goal was the only • ,with tWo goals end an assist, planyeff SPOt In the Norris shot to elude" i~oall~eile giving him lOOpoints for the DlvlsLon, three i)olnts Lindher~hlwhbWkd~king. "-Loco art8 S o.o season nnd.~;0 goals In his behind SL Louis. his first start shice:Feb. 13. 4635 Lazollo Rvoo 638-O371 teens hope to take zone Reranl living at HI bolt - Nood a lar0er home but Time to move out on 4.7 acres and a buutlful can,t sell the one you're your own large hems/on, Kslum ' • In? " n I " J " " $36~S00wlII buy for you an Lake Road. The Innd Is Consider trading It for newly': ~decoratod, full Ro~atLon in now open for the annual scrub Volleyball title from Kenworth mostly cleared and • .ithls 1 year old custom basement, 3 "bedroom, tournament, which begins April 10. - , fenced. The home lV~ beth condo In town; "The entrydeandline Is March 14. Each team enlerin~ must •,Kltimat's Lions: bantam Kitimat wan the regular tournament, ~eduled for features 4 bedrooms, 2 built house In excellent Close' to all amenities. submit a team roster accompanied by'a fee'0f ~ Per player.. be attempting to season In inter-city minor Terrace slartbl ~h~. flroplances and wrap location. Features-3 Call today. repawlll Entry foams are anvailanbleat the Terrace Public Library. hockey bantam rep action If Torrance wirm, the~.~ill eround sundeck. There •bedr0oms~ full I unseat the Terrace Inland Is also a big work shop basement, 2 bathrooms ~hedules for the teurnament can be picked up ~'t the Kenworth bantams as zone and earned a bye into. the sam the zone eham~on end garage. Cell for 'and much more. Call for TOO gOOD 1o p~li.I by libranry between March 21 and March 25. championsthis weekend final by doing so. Terrace, berth. Terrace, .. howeVer, more Information. more Information on Two acrsa, nicely For further information call Hdly Oison at e35-4~87." when they host the zone ,meanwhile, beat Prince goes even if they luse;~h/hce .landscaped v~lth lots of Asking price Is $90,500. this $85,000 property final series in Tamitik., Rupert's bantams two the hcet city dwanys~b'~. a fruit trees," bushes, and berth in the IX'o~i~eial final. noW. -lawns. Plus 3 bedroom • Sap 'or MMup stuts_toM t The beat.-~.throe series games straight in their semifinal series two Smell Is cow . homes with" fireplace' begins tonight at'7 p.m. in ~par to BUY Than to .'Regis~afl.en for ithb year's Terrace Youth .Soccer Tamllik., The second game weekends ago in Terrace~ "• If Terrace wlds~,•;ithe 2 bedroom 760 sq. ft. Balm and. part..basement~ Assceiationsea .soO will open tenlght in the Skeena Mall at 6 is schednled for 1~:30 noon provincial tournament~.~,wllli~ bungalow on a,large lot 11.32 sq. ft. home In a Located in Gossen p.m., • ' . on a quiet'street. Ideal good subdivision, only Creek ~subdivlsion. Saturday, alzo~qn Tamitik, only be a seven-tcam: ro~nd- for',-..yoong couple or Priced'for q01¢k sale.at Re~strattoo 1~ p"f~ ~ ~ players Of either gender While a third game will be H Kit/mat" wins the zone • robl~ event, .:~ If Klthnat 3V~ years old, 3 - from age 6 to i8 y~ra will also he open In the mall Saturday ~::i~ngle person. Asking bedrooms, spacious $50,000, Call for viewing. played it necessary ~er final, they will I~ part of the wire, eight teams w!H take from 10 a.m. to5 p.m. .- ~;.INL000,.Cell for viewing ilvln9 room,, fireplace. Saturday. B.C. champi-onship part. ~ r Players who havereached 10 years old, or players, over f0 ~!~MLs. .-'... . and an affractlve rec. i, L,srge 1290.a~I, ft. home' room with woodrheeter. " . with 3 bedrooms on -who have n~,re~lstex;ed before should bring their birth certificates. "A favourite piece ~ Owner asking only • main floor °. and 3 '- ~,Llke ~new condition, $77,500.00._ Call us for Plan,era who still, lmve last year's uniforms must turn downstairs for" a . 14'x;0' " Mendowbrook more. details. MLS. win..... on me .v=,.:.. grow!ng family. them |n at regisirallnn tenight or ~aturd~y. 1 1 " ". Seskatoon to:light We broEt;e'gam; mchlle home IoceTodon goals, including' a-i~er- Spacious • sundeck • Annual registraUon fee is-$15 for one player or $3o per des lanastaped pad In local .. Inueslment plusl two-shorthanded g0als i7 open "with them. " play~ marker, and a'i~%rt. • towards backyard with family. A rofundableunlform depositof $5 willhe charged seconds apart to defeat Tiger goals came from tra!.l~:', park. 2 large Famlly-i home, full •. handed: t~ "~in th~:~h'd bedr0oms, atiractlve basemernt ~L'Wlth self- plenty of room for every player. __, h0me-town Hedlcine Hat Mark Lamb and AI Conroy, e.ed, to • ~,1,~,~ Tigers 0-2 -in " W,stern The Blades fired 47 shots Oilers in their 11-7 d~.~.~.()f "', •1"Eli!or, i ,i a ...... analmo. , The Terrace Minor GLrls~oflbali Assoolantiooheld" its first Th~rsddy, ~ '~'~ ~.~ ~""~'". Frank~ ~ltlll~ ,Oi~A|lan meeting of the 1983 season Feb. 27 and elected a new Other ga;nes new P0r- LarocheHe was tested ~5 Saunders and Dean~ i~.~d~0n • times-in the, seskatoun fiet. scored two .goals '~ ~.'for executive, tlund Winter Hawks show Portland 10 Seattle I . Kamloopn' While' ~=~ug This year's president is Ed SeMasser. Vice presidents .seattle Breakers no mercy Rich Kromm scoredwith areVicButeauandSylviaAndi'ews, thetrensurerisSheron during a 10-! whipping, Kostynski and De~erk Yeast and the secretary is Betty Nordstrom. Kamloopa' Oilers outshoot the @me only 88 seconds added singles. ,: ~m. Girls pgedl 6. to 18 years old are eligible to enter~ Nanaim0 Islanders 11-7 and _old and Portland never The IManders g~t~::~iwo Regish'atien~feeWill~$10perplayeror;25perfamily. ~ . Victoria Cougars down looked beck as they downed goals from Kevin Grlffln Re~istratLo~-for .this'. year's season will be held in th~ ~ Kelowna Win@ 7-3. home-town Seattle 10-1. while Greg Barber, Troy Randy Heath, GranL Farkvam,'Jolm ImfGi~t~e, ~k~na/MJii]~March 17,.18 and 19.- M~-I7 and 18the ' With' Joey" Kecur wat- regisiratlen hours will be 7 p.m. to9 p.m...while on March 19 " Sasser. and Cam Neely Harry Mahood and Richard ChL'~ from thepena|ty box, scored two •goals each for hours will. be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Zemlak. competed the Ross Lambert and Perry the Eastern-Diviston-lea- VolunteerS. areweloome, as the association scoring. Gancha~' scored to. give ding Winter Hawks while umpires; sc0r~'s,,Coaches and sponsors. Interested 'Victoria 7 Kelowna 3 ' "i Saskatoon a 5-1 lead. The Alfle Turcotte, Jim Playfair people should call Schlbsser at 635-9377,* B~tesu at 635-7389, Mark Morrison's three. Blades also got a pair of and Ken Yaremehuk . • :,- or Andrews at 635-3479. goal perfor~n,ance proved goals from • Roger Kortko rounded out the scoring. the difference sa Ylct0rla while Larry Korchinski end Seattle's leading scorer dumped the home-town Dan Leier added singles: Fred Ledlin notched the Wings 7-3. - Seskatoon coach Daryl lone Breaker goal. Ron Vigiani~- Russ Lubinlecki admitted his Portend netminder Ian CourtnaH, Gooff Courtnall team has become quite Wood. gave a 'stron~ per- and Steve BayliN" scored adapt at scoring when formante blocking 39 shots. singles in the victory which BI_OCK BROS. shorthanded." Even with the loss Seattle saw the Co.,gas battle hack "Killing ~penalties has clings to the final playoff 'fro~ a 2-1.flr~t-pei'ind NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE been one of our strong spot but are on]y One point deficit. . ~ :'~.~ ' points all year," he said. ahead of Nenaimo. Dave binckei~siei :,SCott "We~ve scoured 29 short- Kamloops 11 Nanaim0 Young and. Daryl He~'y CONVENIENT PRIME LOCATION In a IMMEDIATE EXTREMELY WELL DUPLEX .-- SIDE BY handled goals this year and• _ Tony vogelscored three. replied for Kdowna.~¼~ -, 'LOCATION In the nelghbourhood whore.. OCCUPANCY . 4810 MAINTAINED Four , SIDE ' ' . Horseshoe,,. large 4 pr!de shOWS In. avM'y DavlsAve. Large 2 level bedrooms, fireplace side by side duplex bedroom split 'level, homo. This Immeculete' • family homo with a full plus a wood stove. In Thernhlll. Concrete very good condition. 3 bedroom split level, • baiement. Hem all rite Rumpus room, i~ rlngwall,, separate Shaw rebounds to make final round Built.in kitchen 1½. yenr~ old homo on '. extras, iwo'rksh0p, landl~ip~l.:yanrd with ~i motors. 1040 sq. It, PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. recordanndthe Halifax rink sovent~end.!; :: ,!'~! ii:. appllancell large rec Laballo Avenue hae all -far~ily & games room, garden area, outside Frldgsa *and stoves (CIP) -- Cathy.. ,Shaw 0f .wangawarded first placeon . ;'Nova Seotia~:~q~i the roam, 2 bathr0oms. the extras. Listed at den, s~.lng room'. For storage,, .chain link included. RevenueLS00, Mherta had mikmd three, the basis of a 5.4 win Over shakes in the f~mt end end Paved drive6 fenced 1109,500.Call JW b vl~V.' details (:ontact~ Dick " ~es, StrOKed garage, par. month. Price key ~ots durinB the first 10 the Whltehorse foursome wewere able to Capitalize,' Yard, Vendor will carry Evens...... ~d ,two paved drive-.'. Sdl,00O. MLS. ' Call mun~ of ~ the ~anaman ' ~unday in the second draw, added Shaw were "Ca ACRE.ON RIVER , . . ._ . ~ . .. , "Th~, . ~ . some. finnn¢lng.. Call wanys. For viewing call Danny Sherldaq for women s. cham- Heather Kerr of B.C, and nervous .and: missir~ the ~ob shorid=n~ _. PRONTAGE A unlqne '' CO Z Y W•:A :R.a. r . Rustyor Bert Llun~h; ',~ ~pt. to vlow. --. homo of open pcot & STARTE R ..... Locat*ed • ~ pinnship i and, lit cost the Patti Vends o| broom. L i'~ beam construction.., . clue to the hospital0n - WHY PAY RENT Take Edmontonrinkthreegam(p . finished In a tie for fourth ~., ,"l ~edicted at the start of Central Brick flreplIH:o Hanugland Ave*;wlth 2 . YOUR OWN CORNER Immeideto pseNUlon of .. -despite last-rock ad-:' place ant 0-4 after both rinks the week that 7.-3 would .O"E/ •,. OP THE' WORLD • In , living "room ' bodr so pl |,'.i.i. full. lhl|.mobllo homo met up ' -vantage,: . : / i fellby the wayside Thur- make the playeffsand that's • HORSESHOE --• overlooking. Ihe Skwna '. basement, wood hector . Unique I~e rty with a The' determined, skip sdny.. exactly what happened. It ,, S77~i00, ThrN.Mdroon, Imanil creek, fish pond|, on large attractively River. Ashing $78,MO./ . " to cut the- fuel.'blll|,. : iandancanpod lot..,All didn't , let- tho~e ' miscues B . C . dro PP ed g am es Wansa day ofupsata~dlm home, nicelot for For an anppoln~ord, to . sltuanted . on".. iai, blrd.penL5~ acres of gardening. CIo|o to • Imnd, i and a wail . furniture ° and throw, her:, .off.. tanrget against NewfOundland and Just happy~thdt w~i.~e!~en t VIEW' call Dick ~Evahs. 1-.. ,: landscaped lot." Phone appliances Included ~In Thursday; however, when! Ontar!o, while Manitoba the ones~ihgu~,~,~ ~ Schools. 1 Plui 'an • Rusty or-Bert LI0ngh. constructed near now 3 beNmsM suits to offset TRAILIR ' pARK-- bedroom home • with prlco'of I~0,500. Call Joy, Alberta won two gaunN to wan beaten by'P.E.I, B...... _ . .. • mortga0e co@S, Sic* O01NO CONCERN .00 gain tho final playoff berth "I. like our chaances ~ . ~' .rout ns psayoxx HOME ONLARO| LOT • - flr0plance, ground.lanvoi cnance oy dropping an ~2 ,Danny Shorlden o Uil/ pad, ~anllw park, well. ' TWo badl'ooms, wlth full basement, wood stove, gREAT CONVENIENT ' In the Scott Tourmumont Of. against the ~ Territories 'decision ,^ A,-.,. ~....,~ ,.f 'developed on M.ullor i mundeck and many other ~' lOCATION 1400 oq, It, Hearts, " " because we Sh-,dd h=~'...... fro... • bl~lmont, " aflanched , * " * ' ~ ...... ,~ Ontario, The Thus4 Bay • S~root In 'rhornhlll, ~ 0stage sitUaTed on close qudrans. To vlow-Phone ,bedrooms In the It was a mattor.-0f beatenthe~thofl~.ttime,/::i~lhks_l .. ~ ~,..~ MX¢IILL|~T ,' . Mill hOUNI, . fimCed, • . gm0.mcTio~i oP 't~.o • to en'a©re IhThornhlll. Rusty or Bert LJungh. Horseshoe, basement executing and not gettlnil. =aid ~w~'S~ i~e;know.::' - ~, mrN..en ~e m x.m !nr r~s. p~va~, and • .Price aSS,000, Phone h~s 2 suites or-can OXOI ted, " 8baw•n~di~!or: how.tlI~yplkya~d~Es'iuata~-sev'e.,=,=~..,,.._,~,~__, sac ano annoulor ~on ~e . ~-:No,1 Imlldl ng lots In an . some for the ewnW • convert to rumpus de,eating New' Bri~ielk .... " v-~ m= m.='p|,,= qulot argo of the Mmch ,Rmly er Boot Llungh. LARGE 'PAMIkY .matter o.f~exeeu~onon our, ...... - opor ant0r. T E R MS I I HOM|I Across from:a room. Just reduced to and iecding. ~0~i ..S~otli~ ,,=-," ~' ~ ~ ...... ,~. full undorgi;odnd " AVAILABLE, Ce~.t 060,000.t -•• Canll •Bob NrvJ¢lng,. priced at PARM OR HORgY perk, thls home has "We_lot .conleole.oL'.bo~ " The A~:'~,h~'~'~*,d',~ ~ In other finN-round Rmty or ,B~ ~,lOnu., liharlden, , ~I,S00 to I~P,S00. : PARM 133 I~ro~ Old ~00 sq, ft, of ganmuoarly and~thenmad~ •~lead l~enn'~nn~. '-~-"-'''"'"'~yann anna games, Sheik Rowan of Remo Rd., vwy scannlc flnll~ed living spKo, MM7 SCOTT AVENUEA s lot of during shote~f!:* i;: 'second ....SanS.- ,, ....m...~ m,=, SaskatchewanR ..... defeated" ",'. gTARTE R U u IN ." mftlng; year around plus an full ~nmo~. 4~ Mxlclous home In the And when the If.draw throwina| thN,= ,,~, .... = Uby : ~roeker of TOWN I~oltj4e, m Thio qlP .vv m~wn~ ' ¢1'11oi¢,30 i~ll ¢loorod bedroomm, ao~arato. Horseshoe .anrea.. $° round-robin was over, ...... eecause ox me mneu...... ~..../~.::Newfoundlan¢~ll.6, ena M " " living [uet off ~ bodroom~ home' Is with " lS under . dining room,. family QuNnsway on the Old bod¢oome up, ~ down. Alberta had Irnbbed thlrd ...... ~ ,-..- ;. -- . anitoba~g~owned Grace located in In quiet, anrm. cultlvetlon, good S. room, 3 bathrooms, I, lylngrcom flreplece ~Ron10' Road. Lots' are Tntelly rodecercttd end bedrec~ full hanusm0nt wood steve, Naut. Gas. trend, hydro evellabTo, plus Fisher Insert. berth. 8haw meq~a 8helJy " " TerrltoldNwanll. rMnsManted. Wood sfewl home, barn and Try oWq~l to asking. Dining room & bright Jurgenecn for the: tour. 8: over Fdm *MacLe0d of excellent anrH, "for Ill Biidfell of the TerrltorlN oilmlnldod high heMing outbuildings, lust .fflco of ffA~, Cont~t : nament, executed with kitchen nook. Asking P,E.I. In oll~t endm, ; bobby farm. Cell Rusty Costs, Call Joy for. reduced In price, CI01' D/nny Sheridan for ton~ht in the semifinal, extreme anceurscy in the or hrf I.lun0h .... MS,S00. To view cell' oppelntment to vl0w, , . ,qq~ngnmt.,VlIIIIIIMMIII with the winner edvanelnl[ finanl round and defeantod • t Bob 8herldann 53b~14.~. • ?, " LDick Evans, ' . ~ Five rink|~ NewfO~- ,. I to the ehamplonmhlp pme Nova Seotlan04, dldkd, OntariO, P.B,I.~ 8saturday anEalnst Penny 8hanw struck for ~ on ~ebac and 8amkatokewan LnRocque of defending the first end- she mbNd s -- finished tied tar Mxth st 4, champlo~ I! I' .,.,,,o...... m. .,,.,..., -,..,.,,.,. ,o.=..I Nova 8eotln, four4nder by drawing e,~ followed by, frustrated Nova 8eotla and' the heavy with last rock ~- and N~ B~ek ~ t ' r a Territories with 8-11 flnlshed stole au key point on the in 10 pm~.

l I - - ' • . ',i ,; • ,./_ . " ; :/,4 " * h~,/ .... Tim lIimkl, Friday, Merci -~:~

• -, . ~.: ~ ', .- ., ~}:,, KIOssbeck: on tq...... i/"* ' L ;..h ini' TM BA rstandinli ;' ii "'/' ' ]I .d S(~i retook ~e Ev's Clippere,TJ~ursday me~=t*ldle," ~ ~. their iin me:~'e Me~,s, night and, qI'erA~=. IFlotad, playolt hopw': ~ ~;.;.wlth a ~ketball. Assoclatf~m .lxllledto within three games 7"n.41wino~,'e~;'~-.1 ~a~in the • "~

IRRAII.MIN,Ii KITIALL .~: oY~A]I ~soI~ In tile ~ FIII~I~I b~d;I ~ I for - ~:|AT|OU ...... :.. :. game. TeI H~e~,.al ~e " i.~ n,,-,m,i.s., ,~,,~-~¢; !m. - "~;!~i} ' - i~..w,.0..m ;.K]uss beat: Ev's' 85-~J to Freese. ncored:,II i ' An • !:". :=" '' ==' :-~,~o): lX].t~vos!a= game Tel ltCtAll"'-~l,: ~'~Ii~in, m ~ ! [' 1 ' ~ ; m ""!6 , ~ = I ~ ' ahead ofEv s and three m ,,~'~ ' . = |o'||.=:~OfidleSkeena'Hotell n tht~pnI.~ ~, ~I Hotel : ' IJ • ~ ' 7 II 14 wi, " ' " ' tln~ "'" "'" the TMBA sLandinp., who oceupyfo~.~'~ i " "' ~" " ' ' "' ..... q5" Albert Olson sc0red RiChard "=""*

' . ." .:...... gamea le~In the L~

setback - ~er:ra©e.::.Hot-el,...... =:.~y~s~ ~,!~ • R.RIeI~..hk' ma~.r,. " " -- ;"~_ W

gee baseball career ..., ...- ':...,~.:...-/... • • • .. .,.- ee years ago, faces . ,:',ST RI 0' OFTE .U' E .....:,~ ,that hurdle before"he" ...... , " • ' '~ing,--be~In.fld~mg'~lheut.,- an bperation to' -..,,...... :: NOTIOE '::,. ~ree~u]a,~0.In hi. left,, ,.i: . . . . . • o. :~keena Hotel's Andre Quallzza smothers the puck while Tuesday's last semifinal game between Lakelse and • . } . ",~okels~ Hotel's Jim Rigler (In front of net) and Bob Savala's Restaurant, 'who Itind a chance of being On a.: day.'-when SLeve - ' Dempster fry to knock It loose during second.period action eliminated after easily, wlnn!fllthe regular-seasoii title. Carlton signed a oonttaet A-PUBLIC HEARING on.11~la~ FUTURE' 'i In Thursday night's 8.7 Lakelse Hotel semifinal win. The Savala's mu=it win Tuesday'll.game to stay alive In the "that will make hlm the :D~VELOPMENT for' the: SKEENAVIEW' :/ win bY Lakelse sets up an Interesting situation for next Terrace Commercial HockeY.~League playoffs. . . hlghes$-pald pitcher In PROPERTY"will. be. held as folI~: .:, baseball hi~tow and Steve .... ,...... "1 " ~ ": Sex, Willie McGee and ~ck DATE: Thursday, March.10,, Ii.. ,,

CampalSonig=tedeonUractI, . TIME: 7:30.p,m. ..., ,,, . ~:. •RIdtm'd faced the pr~q)eet PLACE;:" .~~ ~ aa ~ j . ' " 1 Rm" " " " . ,_ :r. . ,. ~~,~~ " Lakelse" beats Ske ena ni I semifinal of mlsIlng .nnother *six F~wflfi~lubmleslon~,orforfurlh~thformelkm# ~; Lakelee Hotel I~at Sk.eena Hotel 8- Inconsistently the last three weekno took the loss. dung the last weeks. weeks in :his comeback I cordach - . i " " -:" i,_ ; ; J ; attempt. . . 7 Thursday night In' Terrace Thursday night, Lakelsetooka6-1 If Lakelse Hotel wins ,Tuesday Da~rylDoroschukhedtwogoalsin . . ..'-,......

Commereinl Hockey League lea~iIn the seeend period and hung night's game, it will put them into the game while Bob Dempster and Dr. Wlmam Fields said an "' " r; ~1' semifinal playoff action at the The Ckwk Administrator " ! • on. through the third to prenerve -the fh~d with a record of two wins. Tim Koln~ each had a goal and artificial graft used to No.S421SEbyStroot -: Tepee aro~a ned set up a very th(~irwin. Lakeloctookndvantageof and Io~ in the ~emffinal rased- three assists. Other ~eorers Were replace an. artery, in. Ten'ace, e.C'.- , ' • - .1-.;. inte~estlng l~t game of the round- ~ppy'defenaiveplay by ,SkeenK robin se!ries. If Savala,'s-win~, ~ Jim Rifler, Mike Leblend, Ch~ ,Riehard's left leg was robin se~iee. . throughout the second : l~e~0d, three teams .will have a wln and a Rene~kina, and Warren Crib. .blocked a.n.d not provlding

,Skeena Hotel beat Savala's ~ing five times in tI~ middle less, andgoalsfo~, go~dsaga,in#.torn Scoring for Skeena ,wez,e Rich ~. enough bleed'to the, I~. ,i ! ~Itaurant 9-4 Tuesda~ night, which, &ame.. . " coin to~ willdeterminethe finalists. Kolner, who got three, Dan FaI~n, •., ...... ~ ,~-,:: ,. ,... means that S~vala's must win and .win,by, a lot next Tuesday to emu~ " Skoenagotfenrgeal~inthe.third. Lakekefinishedthesea~0nlabtin Lanee-Legouffe, Mike Laroekand ~ - - :, i ~ ':"i ~their spet in the TCHL final series. In an effort to tie the game,.but the TCHL standings but played well TomAdkina. • - ( Sayala's were easy winners of the cotdda'tscore, the eighth goal lethe In the last.month of the season, Tuesday's game starts at 10:50 i -: Terrace " Ill, ;" ...... "::(;-" regular season but have played last four minutes of the contest and beating both Skeena and Savala's p.m. at the Terrace Arena.

.,-,. Terrace,c0mmercial""' touffament starts tonight' CH0,k0y0imercial .~ ' . ' . . . I~ight playing , R pert. division plays the is on the "line,with the I Commercial Allstar hockey T e r r a c e 0 m i n e c a Action continues until the seeondplace team In B; winning team taldng, the tOt~hment starts tonight at Commercial AUstars take final round-robin .game The.consolation finals, trophy ,home until 'next 7 p~. withthe first of three " entheKitimatB'sandat 11 between Prince Rupert and between the two losers In year, ' " .- , . TInInt g~.~es" on the Friday p.m. Hazelton 'and Cessidr 'Kttimat B, which starts at the Sunday morning, games, Cassiar, Kitimat- A, . =~li~/de.?. .... pl~..ytheirf;~ti~m~s 0fthe !t: ~,, Saimda ~ : ..' S~ " : ..... ~ ' ' I eB ~ ~!I~ht "~6.a'f~li~ ~vill"'5e ~A~Uon ~ at ~os'~. winner of the A dde.pls~s mcluding!i~the defending Saturday morning with the the second-place team from '~ m p i 0n Kitlmat Terr~tce Chrysler juveniles B ~ctica at7 a.m. At 9:30 ~:30 p.m.. • Rul~~d ~1~ on U~ • Co~merc~ Allstate, a ...... p.m. the •winner of A The Daily Herald trophy - B side. . SAT. mn: 5 z- .-, L> K!~p~at B:I":te~m, team i ~'" Casalar, Hazelton and •suai me. s Prince Rupeart ned three

__,.c._.,., ,-."",'--, '.,'.,,. ' ~co ~mS, inciud~ ImMlay. MBrck ~ IN3. -.. " : Murd starts' " 'road~ J back" .... 1 , ~q. Terrace Chrysler four-te.mEiOhttuniSrokmd.robln,Wlll I~I dlv|d~Ii~io~slnto twou CRANBROOK, B.C, (CP) being voted the game's first get stronger.. [ have to. ff I ~, "?";:IWES'iTIIY AT 71I FiIIIA¥ n~inoi',,hockey raps, • ju~,~..Idle' ~oi~s~-IIm A ~- ' rIKIIm S --When Don Murdoch star. wanttogetbaek." .~, ;~,~a~eB a~tars and -CmI.r ' ~,~,~,Cnry'~,r" joined the National Heekey The hometown fans gave ~ And hedoes want back In , ' AN 7i SATIiIAYAH SUHAY,:. Kltlm~t A. ~e.-host Omineca , Kltlmat e League in 1976, he:appeared He~II~ Prlnc~ Rupert him a warm welcome. 'the NHL,. although he P, Commendni A~staro, Twr,m s Terr~eOmlnensdestined to : I become= a "It was good to be. back menLions.~the possibility of The ~ght}~eams will-~ FRIDAYOAMII, 1 S~ g star with New York / p.m.:Kitlmet A vs. Terrace B playing a,d~It's alwaysliice -playing in Europe next " CIe ut aid see Ciss~, HmH~, • ~ded ~i~o fo~um 9 p.m.: Terrlce A vs. Kltlmat S l~angem. " - • to play at'home,, says the Lseas0n.Murdoehi~ buoyed ~'Ou~.for~und rob~ p~y 11 p.m.s HIZII~I vs. Cai~llir IATURnAY OAMIS In the r~st month he 'five-feet-a1, 180-peund right by seeing 30-yenr-oldLanny ,pdIce IIIIt, la~d "i'. ~, over. the ..~r~ days of ~e 7 i.m.s Terrace Chrysler vs, Prince ~um- scored five goals in. one winger who was the McDonald ~core 50 goals. tournament..The'-top two 9 =.ma Kltlmst A VS. Hsxeiton game and by the time me Rangers' first draft, plck,in .:, ~i~.;' ;,:~;i~ ;Lfi'-~' i,m tOO ' teams from each section 11 I,rn,l Clular vs. Terrace B season ended-he had 32, one 1976. . . .. ~.'-": , ';, ..... ,, . 1 ;.m.: TIrl'l~l A VS, Prlncl Rupert • B: " _ . ...,=' _ bld at20, he says,..lkanow. will advance to the :l p.m.. TerraceChryller vii. Kltlmat . less than rookie of the year at playmg m me ~:asv :h,,,,.;,.-.=,~,~lM, andthe ~. / I " " ' I L '* " ".,., ]DUUIInV~MI~L~ ~.~, . crossover semifinal round, B L~eetenay eomm~ty where , .'- e NHL" Kfiliit ,,'B"~& ll,-'T .imlce ¢~sl|r S P.m., KlllmstA vs.Ceular Wi]]i Plett of Atlanta...... , .".:.... .,ability to, playin th ...... , u,m, li~t~.~ which' a rc0nso]ati00 7 p~m.s TMr41C~B vii.' Hmlllml he. grew up. im t where ~'~;~,,,.~,,h,.q downfall 9 p.m.8 Terrsce A vl, Terrace llmd, and the tournament ~:.rya~ ' But Murdoch is back Mt~doch .wants.to end his ; ")';~'A"~'~ ~. ran of 19"78" Jnv0nllu pby Sir lie ".> ":~':: " nnni game. will be p]a~L II p.ma Prince Rulz~rlv~ KItlm=t~S home. now. He played his on,,,,,~v " ...... ~,i~18~1 m p g •~,~ IUNDAY eAMll -,=,-' :.._ : '_- : .~;il. he w. arrested for Thq ,tournament final I Ii.m.s Semi;No;1--IMA vii. 2nd B first game last week with ,came oaeK ' to ~,~'an.... ' " ' f cocaine " ' ' 9~31@#.m.s SemiNo.2-1st B vs. 2rid A the senior Cranbrook , , • . peSsenslon,o ... :. "begins at S:20 p.m. Sunday. Break . brook to get:away from ..... ,...... " DAILY iRALD: ,nlOPHY The defending champions 2131 p.m.: ComlOlstlonFImII--LoNr Royals of- the western everything,"Murdoch says. : '!'~-H~WaS rme~ t~oe~"c0~'t : ~ . No.1 VII, Loser No.2 Mr thin 811d In~'ernational Hoekey "This summer I'm going'to "~~uspended for half a from Kitimat open the fourth pllcn • , ~.~',,: tournament tonight at 7 ItN p.m.¢ Final Gomt-,Wlnn~"No.1 League, scoring a goal and train hard. work hard and seasonby the NHL. VII; WIn~ef NO.2 for flrit 8nd NCmld p.m. against the Terrace places. I I i k• B , ,.. , •" ,EVENING' . EVENING-":* PHONES • PHONES, i.,. INCOME TAX Laurie Forbes Rod GDIWns. ,.: • ~pecialists at.H&R Block are specially trained 63S-5382 ' t0.provide you an accurate and complete ~rdon glean. ' ' St an IIii~I'. ','r'': 638-194.$ iElllliel ' I ,: RETURN • ~i~. • :.~. • =.,,..st, Judy Jmn Jim Duffy ' ' " r ., and to check for all deductions, credits 1 63S-6688 ,, .... • ~,,:.. ,. ' 'and exemptions so you pay the lowest i ' ~=~ ." legitimate tax. Our work is Prime Iocellen ,~ : Located In, choice LII#.. ,'. : ...... Cemfwtabl. ib,drm~ subdlvlslo,n " in : : WIGHTMAN & SMITH REALTY GUARANTEED Horseshoe area Is this ~IL,~ ! : .1~~ ,• Oi~ICM IS " INDIPIlNDINTILlroWmJD AND O~qUiUSTIBD' , • " . : ~., " baqIIthw alluehMin.v= -~and if your return Is questioned we will six year old 1126 lq. ft. . . .:.,' . ' acre lot in town. 'Large >- ~rop'resent you to the tax department a't home. : Full 'ba~mlent Fmlly ,,,me . I~ln~l wl~"lr~llnuo-' I~a~. 'A~, , Just reduced • View prqw~ ' [ ' * 1 n O extra cost. four bedrooms.. F~mlly This attractive 2 level Waft mnlnlelned 'home Is the price on..'~hls roern. Natural geI heat. . home " on • excluiIve on Sol sized,. 70'xlZ2'. This f~ N. It. home C~rport. Fen~ed yard. excellenf side by side duplex.i.,.: ~S , an Wentvlew Drive offers ~In floor: has. 3 Je~ums ~W bedrooms ',yeW well/:ma|n,talned. investment or,live In one •luXury living at an- bedroums. P0hmltal two on the -.maln floor. B~n~h m 3 ~ 4 IT PAYS TOBE '.Well • worth checking. ,n rut! he=,ment.. Priced EmulM plumbing. Self- aflrectlve ' price. 2 I~. ~ ,vthl ~' ~'.:' Priced 'at $79,000. side yourself. 1332sq. ft. each, side :plus 'full fireplaces end lots of In told/O's.. cantalmd 2 bedra~l I ~nd dth~l roc~. riving Ipace. Wet her In suite. Fenced yord. Kltcbon with family, oW~rth 'WWydlllar basement~ Three cmm,~-~l :/PREPARED ..... 'rite family room down. , txs~tck. Gird~ =r~. I off. This borne hi • .~,Thls,vls:' probably the bedrooms. :Hardwood 11m~ lea ~xl l~d.ctloo so see us soon. SmKleck, I~tlq. Large A.kthi prim of ~,~. mdrlntly Will built ~d Iowqet priced ..14x70' fl0Ors. I . 'Fireplace. which Inctl i 4400 iqo . L. This year. have your tox.return done l)y Carport. L i Appliances Iumable mortgage. has many attrKflve n~d)lle home on . the ,~.kthg S.s, ooo~ ! ft. bolkIInl at MS,000 lime wI reveme leetwen. Goodhome tjr L I market~, Three Included. Reasenably and 'a 1620 sq. ft. ~"i pricedaf*m,~oo. "fIIllS 2 bedroom full • f, mlly. {**. bedrooms. Built.In : :nmi udtthi . - buiMin0'm .6,..~¢re st basement..home Is china cabinet. t~S,O00, both well , ; Ath~active, 3 ,bedroom locelN m t gore macl H&R BLOCK Appliances - Included, • " , * i "' ~" Io~Md on LIkelse Ave. I starter brae . 1i20Iq. IL home In quilt I~ikolsn Lake Road. pr..~.M uam= Setup In Pine Park. Call us for cletolll. THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 3 bedroOm . lull Id)divlsJm. CompisMiy Included on ' the Straume Priced at onlyS24,000. ; basement home Lea ' .1~ is a =q~rm Ave. II l~oM LlS.ltOI MIblle bomw • , ...... ,..... - . . . Ag0r. ,Recently :i '" Futures field stone Wl 'have . • good. duplex with. i'ental SllgAndenon m~It 'D' .'4~0 I.akelse Avenue Ix'l, Ii right i " c0mpltt=ly 44 r • " " I ' .. fireplace, wood heater, .i =mKemw SJ~00 (opposite Set=way) /.~ :' .= mlectlen in nil ,LXlce Income. of ~il0 me, 3 yNr old Immaculate N0,I=.I MulW61i TERRACE S bedroom mobile home red,:or'sled, Vendor ranges m rented pads situated In local IraIIer will Ilkl a mobile homo c:0ndltlon ' and large us well ee their own lot=. mM0 nk~I ==rEby - ' Weekdays 9:20- 5:30 court. Only iS;600. In Irade. AlkI0g S51,0e0, assumable morlgege. Call us for detelli. price. ,. z~Sp,rb .. W~I :-:'*' Prlcld at S~6,S50. • Apl~lntment= Available i ' : ~r s~,:, .-'-::,+,:+.",'?,:~:~.'::+:.~+~:.~ifi'~.~,~.~.~i+~: ' '~;+l"" '~.:"~'~','";~ " :':.:~": "::~;" :;" '::'i';}" ...... " ...... ": +, •• , • .... :V':: .4:fl "'.: i : I + " ..... ' " ,I ~ +'+ "+~ : : ' : ~ ':+ +"i'] +:';' '+t ' I: ~'':

• ' • ' :'L::i ;iliTi:; . + :,:: i .... ' ...... -.:.i/ i •++: +': ::

irYSA :, +.r+:ii open,+, 1 iRAHAMPAL~R "' (~ii'~ lS .~ident, Terrace Youth 40o games weree scbe~ee:sch~ ere ::mli way :~, 'liar, tt rAssoctaUm" ! between'" -;May .' ind:: levelSofg0vemm~t to ~,!i for the 'are .well under way..!!.m~el that-!tl Is year :girls" hclil~m..,tn the+ m' too: t ~ight rea~h:",~t"future~: - ,:: ~," ": terrace, with the', Youth" .registration im/gbt reach.. . 'i ,c, ;. ":.:'. ....

~ee" early::Februnry.:.~ < thes ,',.".. :. .::, •~tho h'theofflclal serum ...... :. ,, .:. ,,, :~vil]' ~tbe :Co~encing :: i....~ti'atlou J~m'Mon:iO i:~ :'+'"" alrill ::: ~ntil; the. end :of 'Apr,_ .whm' ,.: pc.r.eest eve~ year.for ,nee': +'.:all ::..,.:,,,:::; me. grass'should'be.lit, i~L :~I II ~, ~' ~ ~it :mW ~t i 11 e ~~Joy~ment "at::.:,a;. Cost"..: .,-.. o,~um~-u ""' r ' :' :"'. me; regisiiiltlon lii~ :" de .,~Um,,d ,...h~..; ~c~:i ~:;' riots,~ ~ ev~:!you~.: :..::~ ~w~ be .h~d toward ,','.:.:, •:':;.:7 for~.~xlay."a~l.itur~y in : ,availab!efac!U!. m~d:the .:.C(ConsideraUon',lii, ,i .been t 0f.J.unb :•~ .sar]y r lill;~" II I me-~~U' i I III /I: "L,: "." : ~' O! '~ lieMs. • m " !!": Forthel~.flme,Te~aee +:L for~'aettceandga.meme)s: ee • -from, osolo~ to eeono~c ba~l~ip • tosether i -M Youth Soccer:"Aiseclation' a..:major exercise ..in ~thwt o~ ~ ratm i .e:i::tot~ -0~ embodies', be~ boys, ijnd logistical; especially now torfo families...".In 1979.. I; Who are' separate girls and the two co- thatmen snd:women's regiS~tlou Ior the year ; :' ~the..... CoasUii erdinato~ Who piloted .last. _ meeer a~ gr0wing., well., was $10 ln ereesing to oaly: ' ~lflm. :Wl~ners from season's girls soccer • Despite ..the " growth in'. SIs In 19S~:: " ~"" t T~t~0r go tO the program ~ have' :been popularity 'of :the sport the This season thecost alla ' weleo~ned into the TYSAstfil has n0 building to.. remains the sameand a. meet • the': coastal executive. . - store equipment, no ~)arate"~ri, al bo~s ~Le~oos irou~;. in the Various- 'l~he 1982-seadon saw changing roans or showers • rellstratlon of!iik two , or~ most e~ all. a properly approximately 75 girls an d players irem th,:,.,ame 7:'~eewtlibep,,.m,.vl~in ~ It s almost time for soccer,to.star,:again In. bail around. Registration forthe Terra~ 550 boys/re~istei, forming. eq~pped field suitable for ~m~ eaU~ at!:~:" ~"om~l~.~ f~'ii~ Terrace, andas soon as .thb. fleids get ready Youth Soccer Association starts tonight at the 40 team"between the ages besting tmn-naments with with addittonaU~pinyers : .on fiw teams:fromtbe ages people fromthis age up will beout:b0otlng the Skeena Mall. " ...... t~l.ded at :n,0 ~ e~: oi io.~ m years to compu~ " We' have. eo~tent!y in thelrrespectivedM~0~ p~cti~,.o~=d~.c~ s.ppori/ l"ter.t and is iiml~d, o.e of the .tghe. b.d rd~ (~- ~urreo mrse :k~ses m :Play~si~tw~ ~ee; Girls and boys from 10 en~tminsmof parenis and: _executive wouldlike to hear 7562); JullUs.~/Xbni!os,. ...unuorm reO,u'n::.~:~?In |9~. ,-Prlnc'e Rupert, Williams years up will beon semrate, interested' . people...who, from you.. " directer of coae~!!and .was spept.- .~y m Lake.zoo d qutioel,are a tesm~. The bgys' I)r~'am . beHeve the youth 0/ Te~race :The IM3 executive of the player -developl~eiit-,-(~35- u~aung eqm.pment, and. preretUtsite for meeting the is .wellestab~mhed with deserve&fewhouma'weck Terrace Youth Soccer 5798!, . Al';.Sh:ei)h~rd,

unnorma and. p~oviding scuU~'n eentrm su~ an many players'havin, g now ....in encouragement~ .and Association IS'. . registrar (~);"Dm most: playe.rs ' 'w!th a Pentieton, .Kelowna:and, received " five years ' example . ,whether ,: it i be Graham. palmer, Stark, treas~i/(e.~S4~); • compmm s~lp : O! shirt, ~.~i~ ' The sue~ of continuous instruction.l.c0ac!~ng, aeflngas'ine~p eft 'president (635-3178); Mike Art weiSm|flei'~:/ti~Ids

sbem'and ~.at a total our" .... ~s In last .... " ether with coaches:and iinesmen.,behindtlmsoems Brady, vlcepreside~t and manager (~)'~//.~atl ~ outfitted coat of el..ole to~ playoffs and the gold medal refereestog who .+ too " are "' supplying" ...... oranges or. publicublic relations (838-1884);q 8hesshy, girls' soccer,co- per player. Rati~or tl~.n wonbY the und~.18,s in the bec~miing more proficient ~schedulesurJmt Sucha Dhami, secretary ,ordinator (835-4754) ; ! pen me cmi of l0mes on m Notilern " aseashyear'seliniemsHs, chosringfremthesiillnm. (838-1382); , Richard Lauren Williams, girls' registratio 0 feei, a , G~ lndooBr'C'tou~n~ The success of ;u~a H you Would like to get Hassett, '.equipment •soccer co-ordinator i(635- L; LAGONDOLA " 1~91 ~l:~l mF I~i q~l;Q /#| uniform deposlt'wlll be is p~f Terracb: .~ program depends-on the • involved; even ff your time manager (635-~49); Don 7251).

: _ _ . _ -_. _ .... .~ ~pmmuer im s deposit m - ember in future Dlsirlct . ' ' ... - ...... - ...... refun~ble on return o~ the competltido " ' ' L "°'++--'""-|- , - ""°-'+-"-|' I.~zmpiete uniform~:Thts will Amelection of 15 l~year- Vik tes- start:'f!nals well • II .... .- .~ . il .,ow rot,re registration ol~WlllbesenttoVeroonin-. il ~-~-... ~--~,---~ .=.. ~ ,~,-~ ~--~,~ !1 '~e~t°'ren~nat~l°west " 'June~to oul'ticilmte big'the " (CP) -- overLaurmtlan Vees. " semifl'nal games this at- withal0-0recordthenbeat I1. IPI!JI ~1 ff I D/_,\~'311~'~ I1' pc_rublele,l.. :~:i :. a"nuai Da'iry la" d Victoria Vikettea, going for . In the ether semifluid; It ternoon, with the cham- Calgary 70-52 tnthe p!ayoff - |! ~m ~m~ ~r w..~'~l~'~ |i our orgamzGUon is - Jam~, In. this-event, their fourt~ consecutive ~wiilbe.Blshop'sGalters, the plonship semifinals set for final, had little trouble || TOTHE l|~'gely .depende~ !:ion the play~ and /coeches are- national Women's. ln~ Quebec University Athletic tonight, against the Bisons;Vleibrla El 11 -generosity of~. local divided into diffe'r~nt.teams terc01legiate basketball Association- champion, 1~! 34-20 in. the : flnt~:20 t ~(~ 10uainessoswhol~Q,~de$100 with the objective Of- title, got off on the rtght foot agoL,~t'Brock Badgers of The Vikettes, who minutes, then outset)red • . ~r.t.samas.aq }m~ or- e~co~agingsperismaoship Thursday night with a s$~8 St. Ca~m'ises, Ont. finished first in Canada Manitoba 31.8 in tbelJsst ~ ~~~' ~00 per testator flret-time, and.r~,i.frtend~hip. while .. win over Manitoba Bisonn. .Th~ .Oaltero,- who lost 'in- West regular-seas0n play. half, ' .... ~ i,. sponsors. This y~r, with Participating i'n Thecbnvincing~,ictory.in thefinal last year. to the br s'ea pbone numbers. If you find ~hem and one Is ~,o, rs tsams,i=.,m.® addittonali~)anscre The house league system Canadian,.e ++, Inter~nlve~sity:+n, o, liranswlek Red_. Bloomers..w Hawks get the you win two FREE. passes.. . " . will be sought t0~-~emure...... in,' :~-oourse,' where'the Athletic Union'tournament • 77.40 ~d Brook shaded ' :~'~;-". • .Tlckets must be.plcked up at " | " those '~iayers .slart the mai0r~ty of ~ames are -movedtho Vikettes lii~the, wfimipeg Wesmen 47-40 in As Ricky .,%be~'S-"tJf~ ' -In~ether games, .Kq.nsas The Oaily Herald | , mmson properly eqldppedto nl,vmt "~hi~ v~n~ otrl, and championship :semlfinqi other first-round games, point shot spun around the City l,~":: 'fr0ni local I ~li~.'~,.'tl--tiil;-'v,-~lil-~i;>.-~,,,,of',quii~;o~tllle"St~'-::.B~s~ and..L,the:~host hasket'rh,~.l~,, avnilthtwi~.. Jall,,hold,, off,.'Cleq~and, | _- ...... _ ~ ~, .... I eommunities it is likely that _' dl~-t~im~, wh;,,h ;, ,,miii~v,ldtdvan~ed~~,.with?.,a.~246'--.Y~61~l:tealti} V! ,'I ~lll/~l~tet " tett.to.pl,~y, tt .Cakaliebtll~l~l~l ,:i~.jl .fi . :----:-'!--'-- - '.... ---- • " '- -,-: " , " i" ',, --'"~--Y --.''. -~."~" trlumph earlier in the day Laurentlan. in consolation wasbbvhus~'d~'lJa~ Kinl~(SlZ$.Pht0ds !18; ..... i - FIIIDAY ' pmi.2am i : " - ...... : ' were' riding a winning At Pontiac, Mich.,; Eddie • ~ ": ': streak and Washington Johnson sc0red'30:p~Jnts ':."" !:",l~~t~Ch~h' : I (Bullets wers in a slump; and Larry Drsw addedii as ": = 3 '4:5 : 9: :it ;i:13- I " " KansasCltybr°kel"inintoiS°bers'~ithe Hawks'sh°t'fell grasplaway the second hnlfto beat "/ --~~~'''~J'' ~:: r//~~ . i ":i Of Your . ' ,,,,0,National Atlanta Basketball ,a 9i-89 g~inteDetroit losingandanapa.. streak. Itwas 5i ~ ~i, +~O ~v~,l, 7~ ~r: II.'i' Asl~oclatlon victory, its fifth 0nly the third vlet0r~ lii the iiiii'i : " . i., i " i i... :.... , inarow, and sending me last m road games f0r the ' " ' - ' i I ' Bullets totheir ~venth loss Kings, who squar~cl ~eir Nsc • '. ." II "' TERRACE ' ' ' " 'qll~ " T E • [ " ~ DAY. in eight games, season record at ~-~. :iS flr~S Co#~lMmy ~Mew~" • Hour ' Re~ort Chl!d • HUlk .... ;PENTECOSTAL . ' ~ .. SALVAT|ON J " ADVENTIST Greg' Ballard . of ' ' i ..... n ..~o KING $ Enhwtiln. ; :KOMO . Co~'~ • . MKNell In. ~on't . * ~ :~ .~ + . " T~ ~' ~ ~ 4 ~'~ i ~r q I' ~ " i ~ ~'~. ~ ' ~ " r :~ ~; ASSEMBLY'' " m . ARMY L] 3306Griffllhl . Wasl~ton led all scorers Jazz ilS CavsllerSll3 . •" ..... " , " .' ' , 'Pas~orJohnCaplln' • . ~b~V~TWalshAve. [ PastorHenr~Sorl ,sfh, " wlth30 points, ~eff Ru]and At SaltLake City; John W~ :~S Tmt~e~'~n"r' Fr~'S~ ,Noflhw~t!'PM' Co,'tS°'P .. Tt~'"N~,~" ' Cimroom. i ~;i'l.~m~m) i :' ~11EbySt .... , ~.. 6~.2~2~or ,[~ .... ~1~7~12 , :had ~ and Sobere 19. Dan Drew scored aseascn-hlSh E :~ .Tic TIC '. M0vle..~" 'MOldier. FSlt o~ . .W~O0~ .mm~,, .. ~ " Teri;ace, B.¢. • ' . ~-S~I6 ] Servlcm, Sat. 1:20 .?~ -Boundfleld had 16 points 40 points and-Darrell ,iv ,:4s ' ~, TI~ SHOW " Complmy. TI~III~I Today i ' .,. 63&2~ : SUNDAY SERVICES_: ;, I .a.mi ,'~- Sabbath school and Eddie Johnson 12 for Griffith added 35 'to/power " yore;, a.m~,~" "'. ~ ..... • "rr,, " wmln~ ' Tomorrow T,tq.~- ~ SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m. --- SUnday:, I (SundaySchool). Atlanta. . ~ Utah. ". " " O.:ls uf. " . Con°t .. co~'t .. ouk, : w,.~ c~'~ ~ . ~ ' "9:4sSondaySchool . School' for all ages ii'. i:'/ I 111:00 a.m; --~ worship ' __ ~. . . Ill..'lo i~,~v, con',' .,t ',ol--/." iv-.. I~,lc .Ointo~. •,liOOMorningWorshlp 11:00 a.m. --FomIIy,:,~ 0UVmB " :4S Stllr .C~:,. f,. ,E....lm. ril $trle|.. /MIn ..'..' i. :,~-(t0,v~nlng Serv,ce, Worship ...... ,(, .. :....,lrl=RiLillCll.. , .,.~.. eel A~DA. 'iS': ,nl0ht " .Dill.I' ' - eTV' " lVllir.o ' .....'" . ~ ' ~. m ' - " . , : 30 , s . sp. m - r ~i ~ s' M " C,,,,, ,A . q ' VAIIC ['i . C COOt : n~legsdes Specl|l. - t.ap~.. Cmt . Co,'t . ~. :: ~.." - OU '. Evangelistic/.. Salvation ~ 1 ' REFORMED : , ' . :M Cm't . .C4~'!. "¢on',. ' Pre~ntatlon Con't ' con~- .Om't ' ...... ~ F ' ' ' " ~.:~s' cm't . con'~ con't .. T~ . Cen't , con'v . . con,t, ...:,,,. , O E : t,~4'Ing;. ,,. " ' ".': i. CHURCH • ~.' n.mmu~on ~, .:/ T,m' Womm'l E,~ worm . ~n,~rm- .\! _-'. PR AIs . . " WEDNESDAY " " '.Revm~mdS~,VanDaaisn i •";" mI=IS Strife'" NMlonll"- "~tlw'': Rootn/: C~n't • . m*... ,Con't" /. ,'""" ,l~aSt~:Ar_n.oldP.mers 7:~ 'p.m. -- .Ladlas'...... '~..Sl~rksSfr~t& : ' .AI~I:~ ¢orrt The . .Oold ... Con,! • . Maibr,lece War . (~on;t , . ,,:: -'::.: ..340~l)y.~t -H o'm • ... I, ea |u e " StraumeAvehue ' 3 DAYsBy Reservation 2 Only NIGHTS /II ~:~s con', ao,rrm .._ M~lkeV .,. Co~', " • ll*,em ~.~,~ • ,V~nt.... , ~301S~15-3~7 ;Fellowship. "" Sunday School -- i0~e~'', '. .:'~ ,' Sunday Services " I ..~J~m ,.... 11 K,NOS ,,, 'KO~O CTV can't • C,, ' L 10:20a.m; ZION a.m. :~:is ~.,~m . F,M,,m ....: ~s¢Nllu4" ..."o ~r,,,~ " c~'t-'.Alll, :' '- hi'.",-,,.~* ""/." " ' " BAPTIST W.orshlp~lirvlces- 11 T0nlght N~ roW,. " HOW sty " • '< , • :- e.m/a~l 5 p.m. .... • - .... ~'~ ,~ , . _ " -:, eHUR¢H : I • . . ' - ~,c "- Tim _ . t.,mlt., q . p:~ ~ 1 q SACRED : Pmtor Pau!.K~ninger Listen to tho Back to

: is ~'t ' I ~'' A" ' 1 ~m. cm, r.~,t ~ ' ' e.~ . ' HEART ' :Homo&I.~S309 . G0dHo~r'eve~S~mdiy 12-::i~ "* o-,.." ,.: llll,ii,' show ess ..... ClrtN,li ! ..'/ PARISH ' '£o&ner0fSparks& atS:Xia.m'.oneFTK.. ,'i NI;tht wlth ' i . Word " I • L~m11~llt.. GMor i'. " , " , " ' t'i."-..: ~1S-2313 :' :". ,Keith . . ' .i . . ' !'. ., . . /libel ' 1 :::is mvtoLitt~rm.nC''t q " ".,,~nlP.p.rCen":::'.F.":483~Strsu,e " M~li:-~ L -: Chmm" ' '. con'tNlomllto .... . " * ~'m°tI~dlt ":/ i"' ' ;' Terraco -. -, .9i~ a.m. i,, .Sunday * r CH"]'CH J0F ~k0 F ~ ~ 1755 0av,e Sl::lettSh |q sear $isRhy i~tp~,n~. ~;n~:lA,! cm't .: cm't ' i,. ~mm-...... ' ... ¢~' 't. ,.., ) -.tmt. Even.--. 7:30 p.m. ' ~ M M ;' M " M'" L'' "J ~I~I MlWlr.Odva ' ' '" ' ' " : ~ . " SundayMos!es li:00 a,m..-- Morning "SondaySeevlms ' ' SATURDAY" 81im ::i' ~ 10:00a.m, , :Wor,,,p• - ,,:~ • Mornings. Worship,0,. ...,. il:O0 , ..... , . , , f 11:30o.m.. ' : . ST. M&~rHk'3fPS ' "a;m. ' . " "

Smurfl ' " ,. LIHle' " Re ' T~N,W. . . C,~ti,n* ' . " ANGLICAN EvRngellstlc Sorvl¢e : R': ton', . • n,m F,mm" Zoohvtm : ' ~v,rm . ~'; CI4MIST " . .. CHURCH • '6:35p.m. " ... •O ::m : con,t _ m~I. . L~,.. ~ -., . . - .~H~.., : : "4725 Lazelle Avenue. Family Training Hour-' , c0wt n ~ Go one ~ ~,rmm . LUTHERAN Wed. 7:30 p.m. ' . ', " |" '1 . , ., . ,.i; Cowl.,: .-' prm~ k~uy sOn. ho.d. -., ~ ' i~,t : CHURCH , " . .' .535-90111 "+ . - !Rev. Herman Hmgen " .SUND~Y St=RVICES." .TtPraca Christian " ~ con,t"/ ". ,m ooo c~mtrv e~mw "'" I= ~ i~4mstkm. 9:15 a,m, -- Holy .A¢edmy,~ :: .., - .. , plus 6% room tax Plm, 6% ~ tl~

o.r~ ' :--* Re~..h #or PuPIl' . Story ' lq'tt~ ' _m :. c,~et . . . • B.A., M.DIv. I " commm • me ~o~ ~.. " tlr~ ' mm~ ' e.ofW..oro,! . Om't, . ' 4kI~0 " . 53S.3485 . Communlon " I~ K:.3 lhr~ IMhgrldas 'I . Pa~or R,L..WhlII .i S~ptemb~r 30th, 1982 thru Aprll 30the 1983 i.110~ :Is mcr~ro~ sperm --, ' ztg i~lt' ~tl;mi' . ~ " i'.i 3'J~SparkiStrest .10:00 ".a.m..-, Sunday based on availability, (by reservation,on!y) ",,~ vmmmn0, ' mnov zam m~)~r~ ~ .. A~res (Corner of Sparks Sclmi . ",em0¢M.'Patter John Amllll~l " Con't " iv. " M¢Oo~n 'C~I, ! ~et. ' N~ e 10 s.m. Spldlrmln Con'! < .. , Shirley, c~!t',., :ce,'t,. cm't.. . PIe " ' ,, & Park) Sc~o"i.. -- Sundey . I I C.:HulBIn~... Jr,. / ': . Ab,i.e 'l,dt~d~x':., :

.m.mJ~i°m ' con',Cm't . ,mmc/mWmU~d ,showH~nd~';"- Tlm.e~,~,'-: own~mrNom... N,t~imo~" ' Worammfoo~rI10ula~,. 'S~tlcl ~. Holy'Corn-. '-- '::S~iST :~,. :!i :'~ '~ Beautiful Guest R~m - oonm . .om~ . , s..n~.,~ ;LOiX ..... ~am.. ~ . . C~ 11:00 mornln0 worshlp. '-munlon"' ixcepl fhlrd. ~CHUIICH .... ~,,u.;~,., . :~, .~. ,-, " ...... - ' " - ' .... " PasloeBdILewk : i • ~ ,,~:.: i..i: ...... <...~ ..... 12: :" *,,....,,. ~r ".- ~'CO~ ~W'~Pa;"'I-- C~q,P¢o'~ .' p~lo~mil~,,m.. ,~m~~ • ':,i~ .a.m.- SundaY': '7~."~ndaY;n:- Informel " ", &~.~10'#: i i,, i:;,':;:'i ~ ..... ~'°' Breakfast :(2) Momlhgs . ~: .C~I~ *. ~ ~I~: .IM~I~ : *:* "C~let ' " ~I' ~ Church School (Kin- ~' ' "-:~ ~:'": ~' :';'" ":Srl~IN;Tho~Ikl!:':::_.,~'~ t .... i,..,,(;, • • ,d~rgnrten through " co~'t con't ' .up.-" ,, Wldl :': " t~,e .; Con't - ' ll~t.~~, ' i~OIt) • '' KNOX ui~ITEO 9:A! a.m; I 'is'" :]con,,c°n" Om'|°m" FrOm'T. ' ' World..,. :'l.r~ cm't,rol~.t ' " COo', . 11:00' a.m.- ni~lar' !i:'.i:; " '.;'.CHUI~CH:'. - elble.'rHchhM i' ~ :Steak,jiis50R....SeafoodBay CafeDinner" :~ ~'t : i ~'* i ; " I~ ' I ~ rI I l~*I " ' U"I~ r' ~:~ 1 " ' ~30 p,m.- ii'.nIng 1 " '., . • Sunuav seJ~t at En : 1 " " m~ ' ~,;~,'.. .. ~,~,) . ' ~q:.' r.~,t "' " ~t~t . ~m W0rlhlp sarvl¢l 3rd : Lazelle Ave, . i.m.. ;i " " I " ...... II ",~ :1'-" Invwrllry Corl'l C(mlt ' . co,,r , :~,.:. ,,:.. ~' ] ,OR $14;00 per personC it " ~l~ly mm'~J 1014r " 'iml we.rap ' '~ 'for a "Nite L :m C,mi¢ c~q. llw to . c~t c@t,t : ' ~ Tll - " e,acl~ : Rev. Dar~ld A~irtyn .... Sei~dCl." ~ -- .... I I' ' I " ..... H , " ~'t ' ~'t ~ I , ~' 1" ~' " ~''Oi~ . ~ r-Ch@Ir#, Conflrmatl0, .... of: Fun af gibers!!7.11~:" .... ' .... , . • ...... , ~ ' y0olh, Adult:. Clilm,'. B.A;~ M.. Dlv,...... ?:30 p~rm.. . "...... el~le~lll Huntlli C~xt! ,• . Wlntorl~ : mm~f~t/ , I~lt'iT.----~ .... . limil,., P " Sl~glr~lind,BibMg~W - . , . :4s "cowl cowt • e~.~i., .; ; .se orew ,. C~,.':.:; ':.' ::i~,Inl '. ~::O,mv.. :~iiIi.L.~:bni,%rViC~ NwNI'ytoOr~ki:~--11 .Wl~nI~ S:m. ;/. _:: • rwin e.ds SS.00 e~ra • . : '-" ., " irl~ns,to • ~n~ : -,.~io" ll.m; !beglml ASh .e.m'. ' :' . " Home gl~ S~ll... ,. c.., . ::+,. : <"" • Grade 7 I0' Adultl -~" 10 ".qYo~ ~u1.Welmrnl , ; " ':.~, ~'t ' co~.t. • ~ " m~d~.. : . "i mMay (Fib..15).. a~m;. ,- .

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i,'.... " L'...... -. " "/" i and . Ki .I ~.. ,, ~ ". , . ~.~. \ ,',~ ~ ." ,, .[v~ege? Are you a c~lst of.three tables set up Archers will be ho~ting ,an'.. The spring. C~'afts~ Alive 1963. The Lions Tra Fair lecture ' (ff, ~U :,m In elass~ bothat prof,~i0nal Or' volunteer - Inone area'of the mall and ArcheryT0urnamenton Festival will be~/ held had been termed the takinsthew0rkshop)in~. nutritio~ I WorkerLin the so~la] service ' Wi]l.':include displays of cePo01 and. In the Sund~y,/March 6L~-~e Saturday May." ? at. ','Business Showcase(f the For more Information ~m a n a i(e'a~ ""field? Do you believe'that proper-. 'nutrition, audio-. RiVerlodge Gy'm .. an(I ~ Riverledga . applications../: N0i'th" and was the largest contaCt MarBle .'Hardy at are ,emcondsot Starts next week thequalitY0fseelal-e.~.v.lc~m.vi~unl, info.rn.atlon, b rmh spectators arewelceme,, ;'are now available* frem of ltskind.inthenortbern 833-5848. Reglater at- II H "~'" : ~" ,~0 thls :~IS the : time 'to in . the : northwest :' is swappm8 -a~!..a' question. Annllcati0im* are" now' crafts Alive ,=..m,v*",~,, -,,,,aM ,,~',G, aoe,~,,,~.,,a,, Riverlodge; or mail• ' ~ 'I " combl'ned.~,:/wl~ ~ga you a',T ~G~~s~r~:,If. ~ ,:_,Z,-~:, are, . ..:...~-~.~:~ thr.tened.:-..~..- ;....',; by. ~.-~., :'..~unding ..., -- . L table...,,..,,.~.__.__,. Save.. ----.'''~--.'±~.~Z" your., old~, : ";'"~ ava.~5,, ~.~;', ~'~ ~U~-~ ...... "U~...'..¥ -'d"/-i ~'"~ ...... Up a[ ~e Z~m" ~*""~"Om~ i Fawn~c~...... evor~ IU,~;--*~ Ree~eaUon;~pa.me,L'/.~a~~,~ 0.it ~.~:~L~ m ,"vmB yo~ p~;,~ ~!tl)!wj~., ann, .gQvernmen~., wu~n.mm.~raue Ul;., Riverlod~e 'for the Sprin~ at Riverlod~ze ..... ,' ' • .' miens rrm~' the northwest" 'Distrfct of Kithnat, :r/o City :; !a .:fu, ;and* l'.~ • 'i ~,c_n~!~.lea~ to skateL,sign budgetary, restraints? , for ~rand .new.men.. ~..,./, "--Hockey " DeV'elopmcnt . The-Weavers. &:S~ers*".'area and president Al.F.~an ,Center, Kltimat, B.C, ~. weekend for all/..r ~L .. nun up now ~or Tots on ~ee. .... would you like to meet ~th . Mcouy, April 11- ", .'~..~ . School'to be held A-"' 4-8 ' " Guild Will ~-~" ~:'..... " ::~" ~' -' -- ' ' " " ~ : " '. . . . . , . ' . ' .. . i~u , . • m~[ .mouuay, :.81~Uclpal~s. an- attenrmnce Tim eforTote,~ apregramof:~ others m your-field in • Entry forms.for theB.C. : • • • .... ," * . : • ,. ; .... • ' games arts n-'-~ _z ...... • ,,;_ ;: ... • ..... • ,, ...... ~_,~"_.:,_,L,,L-....This. school bo0-sponsored ~:March14mtlmRiver10dge. this year.well over this : , atorJ ~a~d .....much more" -~ . ....of, action .... ;-For.*..... more . are...... now .... available .ana'~.,LZ~^...,~_.~.,a';.~.~'-.,..--~ ...... ~ ...... "g ~;.L.._..~.._.L_~ .wv.~,/ ,. -. ~. ",,~. ~ _____~3 ~ ~z~ L.--al© ~o|ha".,.- ~. "^#d,~.= •;_ " • -.. ' '-,... ~ ./'~.:.. .. :. . ,~_...~.=.;...~._ ' ._:_;~-- .~ .. ~ .-~ ~-~m~;w, ~m...... n .t,~a. t,,u'uc.~ora ' .'usw OVer ~,~ squ~e.le~ . • ,.Tuesday and Thursday: ' Sbrvic~ Wbi'ker Conference .~• They ~.may~ be. obtained - i~ ~e~'~e~r~o..,.L-' ~ ~.~.'=~'~,,_"_'_~_'_~':~'~, '," ":. ~.eo'%,~''° ."!~.~ mordln~s for 3-to-~:vear- - ,~,-~ -~-~- ,~,.-.~..,hi,; .".-~ h~n,, o Ii.:;.~ ~,a fa:, ~,i ;. t :..: . . ~.~. ,~, .v~~ ..~/.. ?,~,,.-.,~ v.~ouv~ zm~.., unmemam aoL)acen~ m. me.'

~ " '' n n * ...... ' ' -- " n ' " " ' " ' " ' n n ' ' " ' ' ' i n ' n 'Um ~ W0r ~ " IS ' ~i~ ~ for ~yl ' I ~ at the new Tamatik: ~.~:a.~°.~cfl°n:~.~ - : daT.:and .sa,urday...¢.al!. s~o.~.en..~ff_~h~..comic.up Saturday M~ I A~ ~P~ ~.in",~t ',~. ~bitors~g • r, ev.. -- ~.um ,a.v.i .~er~ee neauqaartere at . mu.;> - xeuura~mn .:;"~ O[ , . I I i . .' ' " I ' m ' dI .... ~Ime'n0wh the ~' ~t '~ ' 1'*~Lr "'~ ...... inA^n~n~.,,, ,;.~^_, 19-~-0in the Riveriodge Arts more details will be spaee are asked to contact ... , . :..; as • : " ' '' ' ' • "' o ' " ' " " ' ..... " ' ' " po~bie: ~m~.T~ ~',' ;/- -':."~ ;. ' '~-":'--'-="-=-'"'--?;'~-' W~. Pa~p,~nts In th~ availablei~y. :. • ,U~g~ at ~-,~ or a~ ~.e~.~ -- .~., ...... • ...... ~. ,..., ...... class complete a. picture...... • m bar, of the.'Kitimat . elaea atoll haSroom for more also thedate for the min~ .-ministry . of educatmn ',:_=., _ ... • _ ._ A BMX .. (Bicycle . ...e~ _ _ . nungmg ana. lampsnaue; .or~,..s.~.flena I -.u~ (.;IUD. - ' 9.- nu~en' .... - ' " " . '-.of'.the , Ten'ace. Public.~----c, Art ,...corres~naence ...... div~!m.;...... made ~;-,,,. s,~'~,',~ ,i...'" '~ ""~e~oeress)' . s,---,, . .: lror tho women of Terrace "Gali~;~'8'-m;:.to.lO ,.~:?~6U~alitisteSh0uldplanto .-__-/'"" ~"~ Sam.. meeting, will be held en . __ _ SUHDRY SPECIAL ;' I Y ' " " " ' d ' , ~ J .... r I ~ .... Y 'P " " ' i I ' r "" ' " u~,mter nowl. , " ' ' T Thu ' • ; in~y, March 10 .' "-.. -- the~.aRe~oon Aerobic pm ....Ous~mR tlmes and 'submit thelr paintings, .~.,,~...,~., _~^,. ~,.A. . rsday, March I0 In the - .,~__ ...... -- ~ SounorSalsd ' ' " ' ' :" " " "' ~ d ' i ~ L 'V " -- ' " ' .' • ' . " -.~e,o~.u.o zm" my " . .' " ~ului~ mmmg nM mc Fltnessclsnseshave~rlotof '• exhibit informatian will be drawings,, prints ...... N .... ~" t ~.... fl ~ Seho~ Library atF mA~L'i ..... r .... • " • , . .~ . /-.. : ,,.. , , " . : • ' P ' JI~U'~N~n Z~DDI)II' Worim~' " - . . - :. . nmmwm[ ts me subject oz. room br newcomers.. Our. .posted In the library and on photographs and other two- are .....",-- ,:,:-.-,",""~ 7,30 P.m.....:... thetalkbvT~.~h,~,.,., ~ OZ'e mest;/reeent ndditiun,- rm.e.,Art .G~,llet7 =do0r dtmensi0nal.works by April ,~ "'~""~. ;'~ "/" ,~"~',;, - The spring .program ,,._: ~_~-'~.-~_---T---" .---- kl= ,~xerelsexorme~erwei~ht-" ~ "-' ' " 23 at me'" " ' mereareeniymspeceS,le~t~, brechucewlllbs~,,_,,..,L~ m~ ueparunen~ o~ mines Meanwhl]e, Edna Cooper is vancouver so hut -,--a-M~-,--~.-~'.-: .... --"and--']-,,-. .... "" ~ew York Steak . .1~: .a gen"er, fll~lm ~aes thenewlyeleetedpres]dent, Teachers~'center; 123 East 'd~',~,~ "~ ~:,'.~S--~.~: .~.tSeweekofTueeday, March.",,~... _'~'--.";_--~:;"~v_ "~--'. ... gned specafically, for Barbara Kanney is the vice- 6th Avenue,. Vancouver, a~.... ,.,~., . .,.. • ...( . 6 - watch for it and all/lie, at ?.~ n- ...... Creamed Fresh Carrols .~ -' ,~. ~,_ .... .,,.., ,~__ ...... *, ~:"'; ,,,',,~,'o,- ...... women" .'.-20- . lbs" ' or ' more " "preslQen( in• • caal['~e- ~ • . o|, ••-,~ r..~... ~U mot© .UV'U mr~ -.--v~-,,,~,~ __,_~.,.." _.._~:~::.~:',,'.~ excitin~o s',ri-~,,-'-~ e--~---- Mu~mm r.m.~11~.~ m me ;.,.~o..sumnat Buttor~lGresnPcos 0verwelght should be ~vhihiHrm~i '~v,,vw,,m,,, works oor. art/st wll]. Jn ' I . '. ~" . . ' ..... offermgs. - . . ~ • Dessert ten'Idled by these of OU ...... ,. .. , • . . . mg . .!o~rested .... • T~C~ee ,~ , . ... , . ~ . seeretary.~ .LMarllaret ancepSed,. Entries maybe : Incommit~r:~'uma )~IR'~"~-~' .Once a~|n after a ~.wn .Frklay, March II ~.W get m anape for • r" "" '" ' " ' '' ' " ' * --'r~'--*--~'" "--'~' ~" " ~-- " ' ...... ~l;mm~ ~.^..^ ..... [,__ ~ey in ~bll~ ~d ~deby anyo~ 18-y~ Feb,~witha:lar~e~ year layoff, ~at '~ ~~.,f~m the --i*.s~.vs. ~iU~i~ VMI,IUli lull" . J ' ' ) , . .... r . d " d~ ~ I : * * 1 1 L 4 4 ~ ' lp • Beuyuemmettlsmelu~e omanayounger.. . Asa resu}t, tlieKltimat; Lions Club is plan~ to put TVsenes KaresnsY~p ' ' I f.itness, the Aquanizes of pLetu~".loan.~ The art SatUlrdMy, Ap~ |e Computer Club for e~l h~ne on the15th TradeFalr .in onmes to Kitlmat and will • program at the Terrace gallery, ..in .:the.llbrarY The. annual Arts and computer owners la.being KiflmatfromMay~-~8. In Bive aleeture from 7:~ 95 Pool"abo 5ave lots Of space '8 base~nent, will feature the Crafts show wW he held this_ organized. The +next. ~ thepast, the Trade Pair hes / '` p,m. to 9:30 p.m. 'thin day Inl-b0~./the. morning and eve~l classes. ~e~.l~r-an the•third day. and Sunday at the meet!~.Is Tuesday Mat~h"*~ been the inrgest community and a wlop from 9:30' :i:A~i~:.l~}}mber of speeiai Wednesday of every month Caledonia ' School. gym. 15 ati'Tamitik; . Everyone" .: attraction held annually In a.m. to 5 p.m. co Saturday. at 7. p,m.:~exeopt MarCh Anyone ~doing arts. and ,.welcome. .i .... .:' '///Kitimat since its~origin in " It is in the Riverlodge sangman INN @~r~'.pa have bee~ set up when. lt"~will be seen erafls, of 'any.. kind W~ "1~ "~ - . .... onmmunlW room for ~ HWy 16 W Tarraco ~9)51 mzdi~any-intez~sted people Wedneeday,•March~at7 welcome to exhibit their . each. The. Friday ~gbt "~ [~0idd;~ister Soon at the _. ;.:__/.--'~ ' the ,recreation 0race iu the p.m..~m,~ancete art- w,k. The"att,dance'at. companiesunited f gallery is:on south',vest 1 ~ show ~ b always., very :arena!' We:rkshops include- the' • - I •National Coaching Cer- corner of,f,thc; libra,. "high. so if people want. to KAMLOOPS. B.C. (CP) -- Forest company orgaulzaiions tlflcation Prosram -- Level Anyone who wants to show. sell or display their work 'have banded together, to present a common no-wase- ~ • II Theo~ Course March 11, th.r work In the a. gallery this. a gsod place to be, increase front in neg0tiations this year wj.. B.C. 1o.{ i ~~]~J~'~~• • • f--,, T---~. f'C'~.I--~,T--~. 12and.i3., B.C, Sports Injury should calIBarbara Kenaey For further Inforrnati~ncAll unions, - • . at 635-9960;..Membetshlp in Rod Taylor at 635-2744 or The Forest: LaborRelatlon-~" Council comprises Van- ~e r~ 'Saturday, March 19: Nti~tlon and"Exercl~ the art association in enly ~ Edna Cooper at'635-2~0. " couver:bused Forest lad .ustrial Relations Ltd..(FIR), two o for a year. In retm~ for ~ k 1' " ' simi]pr organizationsin Kel0wna and Prince GeOrge, and E -sai~y, March s.i • members receive :a three independent operations in the northern Interior, the " Anoiher workshop of ~.~--.,e,..~o... Kitim t ...o,~. chamber.of commerce was told Thursday. " interest to thoee who work / • Losses in the industry Were "probably in the order of $I ' with the handicapped -- Will :,keep. them informed .This past weekend, saw a billion,- said D0nald- Suunders, .chairman and chief both meats] and physical, workshops,about picture, the arts loans, and successful Level I executive officer Of FIR nnd the Pulp and Paper Industrial ,• - i I will be the Community .craflsshow,~actigi~esatthe Gymnastics Coaching Relat}ons Bureau, InteiP'i~tlun ' Workshop on Course held with ll people , gallery - all of which are '.'How do you expect an industry that h~ts lost $i billion t(~ Friday, March 18,.,.This spo0sored by the~ completed the Technienl' lay money onthe table?" he asked~ "We're talking no cost w0r~.~hop,.,.wlll' cover all course in gymnastics, increases in 1983..~: ,i ' a~'_ of Integration'in- assoclati0n, ~. plus Coq.gratulatioan to ali. wh0 "Our;colleelive.bargaining.m~t, reflect the economic information I f~ ~ other...... elu~: how ,to a~ompilab~ it. It:~411 I~zM~'edo~ • #'4~J,.9'~" .l~a u.lu, .... I ! -. ~ . ?. .,t,~;.4. P ..,,,. ~',.;~ I dividuals who' v~rk'or live' ... * .. _ ... with handicapped people as o well as; those interested in The Terrace parks and. SATU DAY - spm- m [ volun~eering timeto work the re(n'eation, branch R SUNDAY 5pm-2am with such~a program, FrMay, Msrch 4 workshop t~ 9 a.m. to ~. ~ . ' ' " ' . "/i. ~ '. The Seimce Fair begins ,:.,,... .t ,. 3 L 4 , 5; 9,!, 12 1 .; =2 3 4. 5 this night from 7 p.m. to Z0 PubliC;-. LlSrar);, /" " The =2 12 n13 nn p.m. a~l from 10 a.m, to 10 "p" ~ KING-5-- H0Ckay ."' "NYIde ",, • All-'Star. ": IKaihV,a , Sawlno' ¢l~ml . S CB¢, .: ' KoMo Untamed Tha .~lwir~ workshop Isfor recreation i~s N~ NI0ht World Wri~lllng iKitcho~ ." Power. G#O, SO~Iiy ' N~vS 4 World Waavlfl Power p.m. :Saturday in the practitioners, school 3 :: NBC in o, ., Can't' ! ~ 0 d ", Polka Dot Paris " NB~ Frl~Klhe. ABC W~for Moro of . FIbl~ M It', ';" Caledonia ~ymnasium at teachei% mez~bere of beth ~, NeWS Canada , ; ~1 Con't " ~ • C~ • Coo't 5 Nlntl i Reck News Con's That' G~ Fornt ~ .... the.corner of Straume and mentally and physically • Kllnl~r ~ Welt. Town ' News Great Story .; Schm¢t T,IIW.k'. C~'to.,, C~', ,.~.r...' el. Faona.F,. " ~,t .. Oi~' i" : D,..y A~,. H.r Amlricln BOOk RHi.'.'. •Munron, It is desiga~to disabled .• ~groups and Con't C~'I " KOMO" . Untam~l Con't .. ' " That Other Cinema - Coo't COW! For tim Oo~el - I~..ret , LA TrsfM" ~: 'r ' foster the community.idea voluntoem Interested in the .V :45 ~'t ~'t• 1 " ' News• 4 "" , ~. _ ....W~ d ~'t World Arias • e' Con't Corl't • R~'cl .. Sound Rlllrold • ~etr~ n , , , ri . innducatico, to help te keep pra(:tical'*'apPlication of • BoMnlc Revolution ' . I~' '~ KINGS Con'S .m0rles Different Life '. Men Con't. I~I ;~'= Voy.. The.- RIpIIy'. That" Con'S The. " Metro,"

the community In. touch" recreati0n ',~ integration ~gesl~ ~'t with L St~k~ on " DI~I ~'t " BI~ ¢. hllerl I~rNIbll. ~'f ~tl~ ~ principles.; '2Ules Hopkins, ~'t .. • ~'t Lawrence Circus . " Sa~h {.l~fln~ A~ do So~r r I t or ~'t ~ly'I World witS'the current work of. ff x4S Con'l' Con'f Weik Con'S . C~'t Ing ,/A9role • I :4S ' icon's~'t ' Comedy Not ,' Con'S MIr~le B~lne~' " ~•~ ~ ;. educators and the schools special needs facilRator of • a "' DllthrlM The .T.J. TJ. N"o~a, 6onavonlure con't ~ Chl.' Con', ~, -- /ill World D~I~" and to m(~ivate students to. North Vancouver z/~zeation ' Strokes ", Tommy ,Hooker Hooker Geo. Travel Con't . - :IS Coo:t Coo't Ho~lon Ho~t~t on M War C~n't " ' high achlevementIn the commissiQn and Trish Sliver Honter r..~'t Con't ' Con't Thin ice . S~r ,, 0 :~ C~'t . From ' Cml" Can't Eerlh COn'I C~"' V :4S' Spoons. . Show Coo't Cou'I • Con't . Survival Blanc . ~oll't. Page. . CoWl CGn'I C0n'l C0fl't Coll't . arts and skills associated R a wluk, ~. community with the research and intesratim 'supervisor for il~ " ~ma's Po~lrai~ Love Acad~ T0gother .of. COIY, ~ Nac ' Forthl ' AS(: ~Uincy MalllrpllcI C,,o~lnlcllc~ll Con't ";'. ':IS F,amlly. i Con't Boat Perf. In Ide~ " C~'I, :15 Sonday ' Record Sunday M.E. TheMre Con'l C~t't '" development of projects. the Surrey parks lpnd Toocllers Con's CmYI The Concert ' ~°t D'Hler :.~ Night Con'S ~ Night COil'S C~'t Can't ~ C~I'I i;~ .,recreation ~departme~t are ' Only " C~'t C~'I 1 Swarm" Con'S Coil'S I • at the Con'S " Movla C.~Yt C&l't . Ce~'t*, ~'t * Saturday, March 5~ i " resource persons. Cost is English Placement Test :'t's i Lair SCTV ~.n,o,~ co.., con, J.;" W-s Night " Now ~ .' ~.. '" $t5. Re~k~afion must be 1 /t In the Nalwork Island Can't_ 1 " C~ , t ~ 't " ~on't :lS The Pla¢l ' Sister .. COWl 8omberl lhe - "" CIm't for all those taking first. promised ~,, ~'t ~', ~',, ~la's CoW1. ~'1 ~1~ Cml't :, madeby Wednesday, JL U :~ I Talel. ' Demon M~n . Con'f .. year university 'English Land " ~'t ~'t Con'l , ~'t ' -" 10:=-. ~rder Ca., Alive-' ' CO~'I"°' ~'t " :an'f em Down ~'t ,. March T9, . Call 638-1174 ,or KiNG S ~ N~. " KO~ CTV . ~ The ~1 thin" faU will be Cinema LI'" KINGS N.., KOMO '. write Terrace Peri~'~:~;~dnd -' N-- ell V" i~ I LI : News NIt. Bill. NIWI Nows Cll~llm Clne- - written on tlds dale; from ~lurday NI~I FIBI B~I of Nm Con'l ' - Con'l '. Alexa~lre .ReercaUm Department;. ~ 145 5 NI~hIFI~I, Fourmost - Hour ".~ - N!ght Fantasy ~ Hour ~ Con't ,, densDlable ~ Star .%~'tllln~ gA~#la . Flna~ ~'t N~I • 9:30 a.m. to noon in Room 3315 Eby Street,- Terrace, i 208 at :'~ Northwest B.C. VSG 3){6. The • • 2~ Community. College in : lS Coo't Spo~hit '~' ' Late Con't l~Ite Ak:Cullochl ' David . ': e' "'r~' Saturday, March 1!: : .. COn'S • F~rl~4t Show Saturday Con't ' • . S~ssklnd • . ' C~'t Movie I Night . Clne-fluit,. 12i =. ~, ,. " I " ~ • ~-,~a~, .;.i~ The Terrace ~Cen~al . i Sundsy, ~reh 6 lions are_p~ to mmonce L''~'' ~ ' Evening Lago~KI ' The ., ~vlo The CBS "- ",i: SO~lllILI ~ - 1"1S.: ~• • " Terra0e~ international the 1983 Ladies Diamond : el' ~ Journey Mlckey 1; Wheeler Late • tha. ~ Machine One • uuvage Ll 30 • " " Dnelars Movie ' " .'- Order of Joba Dat~hters Dinner will be held at the :45 Improv ~ • Gun Kelly ~1:4~ ' Con'! '.• will hold a fashionsbew at Lakelse Hotel. The , i the Bavarian Inn at 13 noon, "hi~liaht of the evening will There will be a.chelce of .he-the presentation d a • ' SUNDAY s,,m-spm ;MONDAY- 8am-4pm four selonlianS for lunch beautiful diamond, ring, I with th9 fa.hlon show to donated by Erwhi Jewellers * 61.111 Blue '. Kenneth Boomerang O~tdoore sunday ' ~m~ ~ 1 Film Pi~l :IS . ~la Copeland ~'t Unlimited Morning " Jimmy follow,~:TlcketS will be eg Terrace knd Kltimat, - ':N Eve~l~dy'a Con't KI~ 0rli ~ Con't ' ' '" Pore- available, at Sears, SiSht Other major jewel!ery I Wlnuer ~'t WOrld .. R~I ~ ~'t • 7 • 100 Cm't ~m,t Roglrl .

and Sound and any mere- prizes along with many A~ : MullC Prelim' Vlewl~lnt " ReX - ' Malinelthe .i! Foufmlll" - IJ A Norlhmt Honnly ben of Jobs DanShters. :IS Magic ~ NeWl Humherd It Con't Jmr :lS . Today Slroet I~rlhe~st Ccm't Street Door LAi 100 Tc~ra more prisns will bewan by 30 Ogrdlmlng Lord " This Week Plier" • Vhl~* do ~ :~ C~'t Con'r Con't ' Con't Con't Rltd- : ArTInl the ladies attending this ~_. :45 with Ed COn'I with ~ BIIou Off • SiIgmmr ..;:~ ' Con't Fr. Gloot • Cm~°t ~m't ~'t. . A!I Bob'It, T•fl~-T~n ,., ' . r , , | ,, N~U Jmes will lnsb'uct s phi ev(mt. Tickets Will be 'the Om't Electric Prelect P41~e~ one.::l£J~.]r ~eallery,, :11. ¢on't' in 8.C. ~0~'t Wrlflln" ' , , OlrdlMr Olman~ht :IS Fl~d Hul~lfl l"hlnk~:¢~t U~el~ T~IIIhlS aeleefleh0fJob'lpplieunin ..... Elegance .~ashi0nn and~ ~'t P~ fie ~'t ~ ~ ~ .,~ ~*" ~'t ' ~r~'for" Th~ Edge KI~'I" Sly It ~ " . ~ CI~ M Night YOlll . With Sign ¢~1't ~ ClIW .will be i success. Hiring In Wlshbnun and Smith and I (i ~ , • l i me 80a is deal for ar~O~rl~q~t~w..~y4P~eed~ I employers, managers and of. ~ fund raising event I • ' mvorrgry Wr~flen ol Swog~rl Lcwmakor• Idondlng : 11 News MY " ; ~ News • . Rer.herdw: supervisors who are Involved In the .process o~ and~i~anJem. mploy~. in 1t~ Frklay, April .8 C~'t My Llfl W~M ~ V~ ~ ~ 'rI" ~ Will ' Cl~lldr~ ~ ' ~" e~l~.. ~ ~ ~ ~* .08 :, of Northwes| ~prtl 5as been declared C0mmunlty College from ;9 National Denial Health A $ondly.. The- ~1'he nlll1 • Nix'lh outi~ll - 11 Stilt llil~.ilW ?'Mil a,m.. to 4 P,m. for Mo. Call Canada, MOVIe RI~ camel s, iW. ' • ~" TH ', UM F~S Karan Birkedal at 63S-6511, £ eAhlll Des Will ,; ~ 'i i ~. ~ -~ .. Tag .KII~ : Con~. ., ~ ' ~" * CIA'I Art StMIS VeYMN ., v,,g~l"I !o~1 sal. for res~tratioh. will be a public table elinic'

ThurMay, March 10 held In the Skee~ Mall this xJ a~ iclwl ~ ~ ~ Hulm i C!nadian Frunch is In. day and Saturday.- This ¢on't coo,t .~ f.els~ ~elns AtW~, ~Vt " ~'t' ..~.,~ In Caledunts Room 3 from 7 event b, being i.sp~xwered by L'I n p.m, to io ~.,~: the dental Students at Frkliy, Mar~ iS r Northwest "Community ~ So~!al'Bei~teesi A right or COHeM. The clinic will ' Rlcerd ' ~ ' , ~ I~ ~'1 . - ~ ~ . , ~ " Fro~ ~ ~,f Pllel~Nlte Herald, FrMay, March4, Im ~ " -;:. +;. + . .- ." ' --"....: ...... • .- .' . " . :. : ,:, . ,j ...... ,: .+'~ : ' ': '~ ~ +;~"*:~n~ ; '.. ~ ' U ] " , t ...... : +.... : "" nn'. .... : ~+ ...... n m ...... 4 + ~ ~ , nw ' p .' nnln' " ~

+~+:+:''+!:~.m:++:+++'+++~'"+ .... '''0Ull' .+'';': .....INDWIOUAL ''/.. :'" :" : .*+ : ' +:+ +:' i;':~~ ! +:2~'q'/~:+'+ ++ :"• :: ':',+:;+':'.+:+

:,.+, . W~ Ikl=IWdi~nlm~. stm me, ~ le lweem~ .: , :., ,~ ,..,=,:++. - -,~,,, • ~:~*{+. *I - "r°wbePT°ll~l~tMmtlbe llbmnlorT0m'lidrlklJP, . : +" :,-' .+ if."; ....

" "'1 +~:'*~~:~+ +'.+ ": . " (r ,+ .Ym~. :,/ have a. mmrpdsi~, ,, ,':-/..Thln~ go'p'~+..~. " ~. '~~o~da: pvea...e~e,..", :.., ,~flci~/: ~.:.:.-!:, ,,.; +.wap..Sli~, y~ U • ~=,z~__ ..a !Pine .:~,_ exu'a . . ..thneadlvlties m ~./ .:- Inltl+atlve :In romance,. ; ..

' m am. @] 1" " . "r +lq andgosomep]ao+moe. :' ..... ':+l~l!fg~ng; " .... : '- :'' ......

(~.ff~m~m=)':~ :~: (/mS.=+os+t:+-).,,'"P~ . :':-'-:(om.~-to~an:~9) ~.:"::+:/:-ANIM~L.CRACKERS : ''r' I I II :" : I ~ I " " :' 4' " ' I I q", : :4'. : 4 dl ' + I "" @I + . . mmyoummamrs ; + .! Favorable " uomestic ~ .-;:":Busl,ess-prelmdtlousmay-,:~.L:/'::.: .... . '" .'': :'.V': :. ::.: " ' • -'. '': " ' . " . .

v esu~n[ol~.ons.~mmals ' -.~mng:ana renl~g/are-.. , hidghl~A.charllaSle.mood. " itT',:- ' +/'/ " ,~//I/],,///t ' /_/;~/'/// + " "" I~ ." I// ,,,.,==,~=)+~.. ,,,=,~,,,~ (,=+~++.,,,=j.:... .+, + ,/,:, >, ~++,,.,. ;-,.

"ce]ebrat~Y~ my bulda ' others; you'll get .imp0~..t " win+'Imve good flmes':in4he : ...... " / parly for your mends; .$11.n(~es. • .f.eedba_ek.Ge+on+ana+e~|oy -olothem. Groupae-:, " d0#]~ ]+//,~/.,...]_A :/ y/.//// . + o //..~ . ~ ..I]// ,

..+.oh m...tem_h~y.e+!.m; Bemomm~.., w, ha~v~t .Pa~!~__~ m.mmmumt~ + "+' ['?~_//7~~~'~/~,' +/////I///M'It'd/]lff' '~]I:]+ ]'I 'I'I']//]//]/!.~2_],

compeUflon, Besln health drive and Ingemudl~ ~ sad a career qporlmlly.~, i-c:. ~., " - .... , ......

prosmms, eareer~um. • .mm=yourm~,. , ::SHOE ....

(~n'.~1Io/koe.19) '@'~L~ (Ju]y23toA~.~+) ,-m,~.. (Nov.=toDee.m)Seek.....,-,~r I I lld ~P-I,'.AI~.U.~PJlI~I~:M~II~ • ~I~N~T]P,I~.~ ,~ ' ~--o:---~ C+'+ I You~lseeafi-leMinanew Collaburative,effm~ will 0uUet-for Your _+: ++m~m+ I :- ++ ' : ": " P 4O "1" r ' + '' ~ ~++ 4 hi + t,,,~.,~=,,] .. =,=~m,~,e~,,,~++,, • ~u~,.w,.,,.,,m.,,,~ I.."--. -,+" '-;.._c~------4 ..:,gt~+,H+l, le+ ,,..k. . - ..-".0..,~++/.~ I

T+URm H,dl'~':~ m. I~ ql,l~ CAPRICORN id'4Pt'2~ E , ":4~ :~P : i" ;m'';.'~. I (Aix..20toMay20)+v't~" (A~.mt~Sepl;.~.) . -,,x.~ .(De~.ntoJan.19) vat, IV Youql_ find a more. effect/ve Youql feel inspired about News ybu hear today relates ldea.Businessbund)esareon nets .are bulphd. Domestie lind a!rip to a-gallery or memme~.Soc~Ufehasups _t~mion is o~ tempomr~, museum respire, mmmm ~ ,.:~1 ' ~ --- .... ~- ,~:, :.-~+~'.+~

mmsmu~ n,,s~" ~ " ' .rL~ AQUAmm ~,~ (my~ltoJune20) --"7 (Sept.mt00et.22) __w .,, (aan. ~0 to Feb.18) +~ug. ..:.+'...... • Put the flailing tmmhe~ on Take your mind off awork You nmy be Invited to a ,~ ...... worry and induce yow~elf a ~'eat/ve project Revise if masquerade party or some BROOM-HILD~ i neeemm~. A t~'tmr inspm+ with your favotlte hobble~. unusual festivity. -New in- you to greater ae- Relaxation Is needed to dear about the meani~ ct , .. .. ~ ' _eomplLo.~ts. yourhead. •eS•+~nbe~ou.dtod~. SCORPIO " " m+~ (June 21 to Ju~ ~.) (Oct. 23 toNov.21) "'vf'jlr (Feb..19toMar. 20) "~ (~:~. A co-worker te~ you o~ an A private chat with a tamll.v Youa.dap~.erwmasme ~es~ ommmmtty.-You membur is reveal, mmpp, on many Issues. Take advan-:, may change some ing for the home Is favored ff tage oean ~ty toshow redeeoraflng plans. It's a poor you avoid extravagance. off dormant skllis.+ Do some. .l~e toseek advice. _ .. Watch budgeto; .. bookkeeping.

~,~~.~:~ j . .~.~+~=.mo_+~ .~, ~~~ me.=,+, ._ - ...... ~:~~,..~ -:rot-or:- a ...... mm*pepc~cmmp~- - _reyourl!kl~. The ~ ...... me AMAZING SPDERMAN : eomree ~ ~udy. You'll be suits Lm'eoceupy you after touch tm a factor in eareor ffl+vy to some secret news. dark. Keep abreast el new mattors. Evenlng hours favor ~V~.':'J~-Y~r~" eXP~r~mv~,+~ ~N ~v~ex~r~Nr+~ em~ 6 w~m.om~ w~ V ~ ~om Y~,,~ X +.e mY I abuut work tntoresto. dovelopment~ in your field, social life.. (~c Th~ ZO,ST (..OHT/N~NT. O/= ATZANT,~--ANO ,.~I~O ZH~'LIFE LI..I~'I~ Ftt3~ RIEVIINW.I IN ~'~ A+t~/e~w,~,~-~! • Hm W~I-C~I.~---~ ] ' ~ I~ KNSW/~Y LEC-~R~q~TO ~TRO~ /E' • :),+~JpY Youm ] AT,+~m+'~ I TAURUS U,-~- ~ + ~X PlP ~ INTeNTIONhLLY ~ KIN~ITC3~A WA~ . YOUI~ ,~LI~ /

l'm~ yaw' l~w~es abuut an immslmmt matlor, but seek advice almut pemmM ~me~. A ~lend serves as a mmndlng CROSSWORD Imml. .... , b9 Eugene Sheller -- .,y+ (Maya!to June,0) ACRO~ 44 Soak !1~ Z Gem ZZ '~he Red"

watch fanta~.'It,s a good 4 Adrl~fle solar year 4 Rustle ~ Office note ++~ ":. , time to present Ideas to wind 50 Reject S -- pro nolz~ N Enough: ..... ~+~:,:.,j.' • 8 Western 55 And not l Ethloplan poe~ ei~ ~ Woodwind flue, . . _ 22 Martin or I~GI's address instnnnont 2 Chdr Jagger B,C. (June21 loJ~y~.) 14 Wife of U Blue Eagk g~ vestmont You may do a. favor for a co- • - .w0rk~. __tional __is L~ Lab animal $9 Hairless queen Genesis, ~ ' +

+ severely • - " shee~ ll Pindarle - SI.A-- for . . _ " +; • :.. " b + : . .. me . UTe,m~m..S-- ., -~ ~ o.w~.~) J~/~ , Wood sorrel DOI~I + 11Rlverln 3SAvenues" ,"qh '~,t~,.~~~:,'i ~-+i d ';'' " " You're effecflvein speech or 21~runil lScarlett's Brazil 38FILtted ---_.~.~,;~,. - doedm'll/~"~mnlne,but bebus down you to PA Fortifiedfestivals homeA.vg.~luflomlgSmall rugl4me:N rain.. 40Sklpaover water stone ' .~i,.,:;. .+_~ f=r .~U~IIIq~R,,~..~cI~p.~t~I4TH~R "=~I , , I I,', _ ~- l'~',, "--~-+'-..'/' ,++~+ ....×]'~-',,, '., ,., earth about work. Take pmc- ~i)/~ _. ~...... flcalstqm. ZSUnyleldlng 4~e ,,~.+.~.~,m fpL.', --'I; ' i"'~ ''/l' +z:~l l.l!,~,~, -++ • ;i' :: •. 32 British sand ~ 45 Peter or . . Vi]~O - : . hill... -_ . -~ ~-'__ - _ Ivan . ' L

An olderrelative needs ez. Hollywood ~ ++Gra..mr or Bettor or or Worse Ira eonslderaflon. You're on the same wave length as a" nightclub snow i " . - ' -- +--- = ,:'--- . • • . IW~F~.~J'~¢:~,819,~ rmmmlUe Interest you may 311EzUnct bird 49 Serving ' " , remmwanoldemtaet. 32 Await " ------" - ~! - - receln,. e~e.* ' I wBs ~m~T!-tT~...... •"----. ~ - matem.m ' I POSmBLyT~B~m- ~gUt;ui©lu. _ -'- -- - -" - _~- ' ~ I ~ir-,,st,- .e~l~_. ~'~le,-o . Lm~ ~m To depress • -_+ _- ! ~ _ ! : s~ Sleevelem t r ,r-.,.+~ ~; .'~+ _~, h (~pLmtoO~.~+) .I~ 41"Pompmd -.._"---;. .'.I.'i iPmnent ~ .+I~JI~II-II~N!! olhera find extra work that Re~mk your kitchen cu~ lined;-'+-- abup for e~l~ds. .o ++g-

(Om.n~Nov.~) ,,ve~" ~., ~ !

~m.+.t.",'"~'o++ w~ not bemme a m"m I +I+, '+I I I + L~- -- ...-++... ~i

smosyoum)oiPl~.Wdtoim..-~': ;""--+ l 2~ 22WIIU z ~ I lJl~2s 2o 27~I .' ~ , ...... +, + --,--,-- I. I+ R| II I . + • I++,• I I I P ~II+ I I I p,e WIZARI) el ID (Nov. ~to ]:)ee. ~) ac"IFt,-~ 34 • • 3o • - ...... ! .+®---,~. ~ I I B i , I m m @iq ~~ I r +R m i+ A+ + 1+~I+ ~ +Tin+ ~''~""+ I~++++||+ , I i+ I ' I H~,,~o~ II ++e~ee~mmmu,~ I mmm~" -+,o,,,,m,+,....-'"' I,' +". + ~* +"+'I+ ., imm ml -. Tam, M:~,, ,i.k ,TO~,~ NeWme~' +, j',!~,l~-A +: F : l!l++'l ,. , _ N++ -----.~..+- I II| I III t I I ~'~ II i:::~P%?,~,~ - ,--,-. + I: Iron ell i +tIVA ll,:+;:r+~/~ ~ +'--~://~+.

+...... +.,,,:,;:;,,,,:,;,'/,:,:,',,,.,,:,,+;,,.b~,'-','.?,';,;,;,',:,'. __.r.~.~!' ~.~J --- . •., .:,:'+,,Y'+-'*.'~... I i ...... e~:~:; ...... ~.:.:.:: ;~. .

"~ : :-::iv ./,',; ~,"':.-'+""i '+ • ~ v &.~+~i;~GtN~.,., ' .: .,, .... + :. :,. +:+.,+.. ; ::.: +: ,!#

I :" ," Jl + " + ~L [ I' " i "L~ .' !F+:.,I ~. I'~,I~:~..... i|::•+b..,"-;'~~:~ . '.~.. ~ :~. " !~.. ..,:+ +. .... "U [ li.,.,. , I ,. I I ,,:_::~

I ' I LI: I"' L ' • • Late last+November I re- er 'of tlMIbride O~ .... ./j~.... ~ived an:~ letter, in ath]eton, and the hst~ tO be mere all ~to~ me that cboeeu were embarrassed and • _orated+Wile we+ ba an to 'I her a.ml~alr.. I: t.hen.' a+cc~nV~_~ • 13 Divide the group mmo_rdinl ner. , iouua, a- ~a~mutm In her to blrthdltte. Team One: to me becauso I've Iil a Eye.one born.in January tam m ~ue~..my. (Also, ! ~ not Iie- ._l~nro~_ ;June.TeamTwo,'-:j+ • ,we~U ~e~ I~m~ ~ff,) I ~be Iml~o~m-, li.tn my~ +'... , . • -: .:., ...-:_::. •.-,• • ~n with be~ I ~' som.etlffng.. • " " " wehaw~ iI ~+:~, • s,+v,+,~h~d~l " t~0K a pill I i •~.,d ~../',~ed - several holes ~+one or, ~v.. ,~he'"ouu" ,~Len !~ around the edges of the dis. '~''h': . " ++d',+...... '+--I +''+I' "''': "1+: +. '~, I " ....;::+ ,+ + '' " 1+:+ p + ' ' ~+:' +''': : p: '+~: ~ : " I ' :Id:I I ~+"'. " ' h . ":1' +:d :d hip "00'' "On. p hragm and ~lpped.. Jt back ''m~~~'~ + 1 into ner~ • . :~'i~""': :\ " : ,f -er.~ u. " --~IXI~ 11.1~ ~' I~IT ++IX~I, Aq1~ ~8~ ~q~| :.i.: .: : +~/+ .-,--~+..+4...,. ] ~L~tre.m,, mmmm~mvw"eme tomseemedme ,. : , ere tom ...Ith t~ doo~ ~', - ~_I~t~ ~ I..~~'~.'~N~I I " :,' ' ' ::" | extremelyb+im~llmcamewe .m h~rt I.+ I'~- ~'JI+i

Nhed holes In her din-.' klutz, I never made li out of thl.uland talel overtlie puragm. She bellevei the that category.) .+ + ' unnuttonlnl, unzlppii+j~ v~.+~ came mndi - - i " mmr nd~ mayer, You can ~ei ~m ~me do -- .mMI that It II 0o1141 rI. ++:: w~_m~b~olmjl~I= +he mother who chewed =th+t ,ou ou, fOr +m +..-, mwhIlmleln bed~l .of beh~ a fathor Imt I am hkv. k.bou.t sex was CrtIy. ~_ .~d I uI~nlei problem~ l'm .~e had to get. the NImer before will] e~ lif j~" ~ ~th It mr M~ saw it andcat out car. ~g"~ '' ~v~an um x~.-. ~m~_, .nmr.~m~an~. ,m a~ b no~ ia~ ~t~+~ k~ t who Prom M~mh®l sophomore + .m, ummm u ~ ~ Im -, ~M~l'th~ and have learned io Iy f..u t aee~ to let, Ioul~_ -' tbe~b i valuable thJngs'from your col- ~ I~ ~ ~ I .. -'+"" +""---+ _.won I can't,tlu~ you enough. m.t,on. ,his on.... You nave oeeu. n terrific Ideal and the tom me I m .'. ... ; . :.. .- . .. ,.' ~L+.. ,.,.,',/,: .+.~;....- ::.-..:. !~.... so attentive and adoring l. ..munomI of other.teen~Ie, rm • Moat women would sayyou can't belleve,lL. What is your r, eep uPthe good worx. -- have ,high:clam. worries, dear, : '~, .~,.~'+ +•: ~'~ ~Oa~inThe~ .... Thanks for the klnd words, rite. greater I your, s. • There s a i-~;lO,~O e~nce We all need to hear them. you neM mote real What,e that the vasectomy did 'come • . , Red-fuced I man dm't see can't arouse F~ ~ .I~'~i ~.~ -, I V~ thoughtsundone, 6utso oYyour put,all headother and Today_ I found myoeU with n +--hlm':-.m Im--;~c°+Feeis "---~lt~l m. p+ych yo(ir~elf into bellevln~ ~ red face, , : I met a iIlrilrloud on the thrilled about the upcoinlng ~ I had,not seen her In pea~ In her arms the WaS • ~ event+ will :help obliterate the flrlt-tl~ OUt. of my mouth hooray for love! +.'t ,. w., Inl. lle I ____.,.Lm.o11" tO I I . 'Shared grtol mmpyle~L"+She replied, "I It

...... • ...... • m"~d~ ~ml ~ ~easethe Why put the question at all? ~ w ~l~tT -- MI - • " : ~ ~e~lU~or both my IIlmd A ~ar more gracious (nnd safer You donq say how lanli lPou ud ms ¢~. ~reetlnC would be, "What a • .were n ~ If it was two lovely chlld.., how old.ls he?" I'd say you have e iqltl- by Ru.on Myem+ ,I m amazed at the Insou- mate tempi!lot+ If your at~t .slllvl~ el pcop~ who sbeukl • wm you please change the wu Io_nger. she miRht have or. now better. Almost nil the names and printtills amp ranged n luncheon date for you ~p athy cards and. notes nouncement In your column? I with the mother of n friend Io I.P~EOPLE.W~F~I'T +.]HIM+ELF'ATTITU~. 16N'T +(~Ki' FOR HI~R+I~LF If~,:,: come ad~mm~ to "Mr," would like to. know what you youwould net have been alone Or "Dear John." I it brltitod Ind your remlel~ lldnk of it. 811 afternoon+. . ': • ~mkWelFmcanlng friends who me to feel- __My husband and l m ap-. com~thalr but then myhe we don't ~et around much. l'l~I.~t mty~ Ttwnks for ~ wmaom. -- ther, 'but I could not have Mr. And Mrs. Simple Simon loved blm more If he were. I Mr. John Doe m hurt 1~, theh- fuilure to ac- and thn late Mar~ Marpret • knowledge_ that I, +tOo,suffered Doe a personui loss. What do you . are pleased to announce s.u~pt:.. - or/ev~ JU~Ullpl[e]PIMl'JJlW

u~at:elllldrensuffePr+~b~'Pr+m " Ill lhe Into MI~.,l~e ~llMth'~" the death of a parent.than an In-law. Of course,, one 'should offer condolences to, both the "~,~:,''r?" ' "-- .~.:. , . • , - ,.. by Stan Leo and Fred Irlda husband and wife under these Maybe ! don't get.around -+ i n " n n n ' circumstances but many peO-+ mueh either, but It seems ~ - +_..., o ], pie don't know it .. likely that the deck., moth- kIT.~ L~ ~ ~ "" I~ I~~~~'++'~'~""I.-: ..~ ,,,~ ~, TWO sticks " ~;+~ " " "' " " " I ' +:~..~+~'.<:~::~.:::.+ Please tell tKe Irntl~: WIMn . :::: .: ..., , you w .eta, a Girl Scout could you acto~ .make a Ore by rubbing two Ple~es of wood to- ~e.lhe~ -- E.G. In 'Akron, uquo. *~-- • , • . - • HEATHcLIFF _ 9 Yes. If one. of them wasa. 2 1 :.'+ . !/f'I:" match. ., • :: No reply " VeN~l I + I " I'mI ~' ' "' ' I +:!: I) You would, not, behave how i~-l + ve~ooa.I . many Job applications and re- sumes I have mailed.without receiving a word in. return. II I Surely employon realize tim •: a gre~t daii of lime and ener- j, go Into ~b ~ dis~ppointmont is devastating • when no one respm~ Nee+I/+ ,, • .+ .,.. .. •. I am plann~ to send alen~ ,.," by lohnn~r Hart • .+ _p~/tion you se . :- i +::[f rour e e ' '..i, :.:... ' ~IW ~I IAi~" Whnt do ,_:.+ :-- .... : +,: +:['wo~!l • :1/, r~a~,a++~e ":/:.i: .... an~ about this ida? --

Give it the deep six. ltwouid : + ~ ..... • make It too easy to eliminate ,.(,~., you as a ~erlo~ contender. - ;:+.::'::.?' !(: :~n't risk it. :+.,; ..... - The letter from the profes- .::./' '+ ~oual photographer who re. + + +~: : sen~d ~- +~mhed ..a~w~.d hy ~. :~+, . -mma~eun.at the w~!~__ re- ,i y+::?~+.'-,'-: -.. ~ed me of a near disaster • +. .. .:L,:;:/ . that occurred at my own wed- " cling I0 yea~ ago. \ .? :! ; ~1~4~ ~+¢., rl~ " ~,~ "" " " "':" ";T "I,' "" " " + ' " ~ " • i -' :_ ..~! ": My parents engaged the , ... ,, + +~ .... , . . +++ .. • , - best and most expenmve • ' ":: i'.-:: ..... " :;.':~: . ~f~Ion,l photographer ,- ..... i ,,.e +: b + : ]hin-o-n-lo- tow. to .vet my w~, " -" ,I~]~" l~i~v"t'tlilt i . ~+p"ou and dlnner+, He. ! .~...:~'C, : " : + / .," c + ..... ' ~snie with two mdstants ano a load of special equipment. - , ,: :.~ • M[y 17-year~ld cousin, a photography h.ulf; decided to ..++L'++'++ + + .+++++++ invest his whole month's IIIIAN allowance Ln color film. His imiiii camera w~ from a second- hand store. ? When we returned from our honeymoon we got the bed news. 3me prefer, onal'J lint camera "malfuncuoned," No~ a ~q[.le picture came out. His ramona pronuced plctm~ t~.! were ;o dark we couldn't to. whotbe people were. HIs third wasqoet somewhere. The film wuinlt, The hero of the eve.n.IC was the 17-year-old kid..Him+ pie- Ira were terrific, u I; were.

Thanks for the happy, end. InI, Good ionic mtmt tell.your, however, that the p roreISlonls ' . ,./' .+ , : :, : +by Bront Porker and l0hnnyHorl is IolnI to come mrouth N : ::~.. . , ' ~ /+ ,, ,/ - . times out of 100. - Gym teacher wrenl C,. Where wercy.ou ndaed? +:,, ++,,..+, You/rmem. e+ to-ore erl ip!ml on my all', Tile ! on.anon Instructor, Gel ~ It or pack it In. :- Boaon ereppy. • ,:- .: Sorry i offended you...... Humane iele~On • "Old George has been with the , l'kue mlIlla ll~mImio lento,ulto fF bie methmM..k~l ~II company 38 yeers. Do I. heer i3007. mem~m ~ NmB~ ntu~. uL !, too, ~.ml theoM totem wuore each eaptsln . t

'•'! !!' ' : I. : ~':, : < ~:-~;~

:~:T U. • :,, ~ ': :~, : •i, ",],:~, ;~,~,

•", :: ~"-- :. ~' ,;~...,:;.I,. - .:. ~.~, ':'"" :~+'ri' ~ COPY:OPY DERDLINE FOR CLRSSIFIEI :n.m. -OXE0nY PRiOR TO F JaLiCRTION : I. q

* . "" Ja " ~4

TERRACE P~RO.LIFE WELCOME WAGON NEW • YELLOWHEAD.:KARATE ARE Your TEENAGERS A GENERALMEETING of I=ILTERI' ~U 'E N ~N~V~ ~VO'DID' :'R~M FOR RENAN" :~'' I'T EDUCATION In Town? Let us put out the Club, Thornhl!l Communlty gefl!ng out Of hand? There the Royal Camldlen Legion; - Sales &:Set,vice Informal ~S. 3141sk " bedroom for gentleman.; ASSOCIATION a non- mat for you. Phone Nancy • 'Centre. : Mondays and .ll lomethlng you can do. Branch 13, Terrace will be' ~,:. Pl~one :.~ • ,. St. Terract~ B.C~ VgG3M2 ~With.l.kltchen ~facllitlea.~ political group Involved In Gourlle 635-7877. Thursdays. Phons 63S.3867 Form a. parents support held Tuesday, March8at8, ~;70N.~ " /: '~ '- : ~,:':':"." :.*(l~m)", ..~63s.~3, .- • community education (nc-ffn) and 6,IS.S692 ask for Jonor - group. ~FOr more In- p,m. otthe Leglon0 : :. -. ~ i ' .,,::. ":\: ' , , , ~...~...... (l~7m)~ programs promotirlg the' Robbl. formotion Call Lynne 632; • '(nc.am) . NOTICE : TO. ',:~'. • ..... dignity of human life. MEALS 7335.. :,,' ./: , :' OVERWEIGHT PEOPLEI~,", D IETS .FOItART:HR~ICS TERRACE PARENTS for Become Informed. ON WHEELS French meets lit. Wed-" (nc-ffni MARCH le 11113"C W.~ :•• Would.lrou' Ilke,~o:l.ose. 10 to IL ~n a~ ~' ~n" Extensive resource Avallable to efclerly, hen-...... ~'Ibs a month~ I h~wea ,nmrmmmn $I0;~O 31141 . nesdays of the moMh at 8pm Spring ,Tea & mlni6ezaero, _ .., :~,___., ~j~::..... --. :::Sklnner St, Teff~, B C materiels available. Non- dlcepped, chronically Ill'or ALCOHOL& DRUG * ,ms, rq=,o~,m~m[ p,an ,rmr ',• ...... L, .... " In Klti.K.Shan : School.:. Bake Sale, Craft, Table~ , :- ...... - .:-- ,-~VIIG3M2. ' ' active members welcomes. convalescenll -- hot ful ! ... . INFORMATION---~ ~ ...... r can OO ISle, ,I we - oe in, -' ...... C~tact 6.~21Si; ¢~.124S; Whlte Elephant.and Books.,, .; ..... :' . : .:, .... _...... : * - , t,,, .m ~ Box 852, Terrace; 'B.C. Course meals delivered Evening " -• Fllm .:& 7.M n m ~, o.~, •'..~ " ierrece, Msr~ r: ~t • i~ . dd"r ~" ' " ' d '~ t Roberte 635.7749 or Mark: .~ ,- ...... v.,,,. ' Se . • :' THREE ROOM ba~mont Monday, Wednesday and Dis¢m~lon ~'~ Verltas Hall .... .,: ',~ nd name and phone,,, • " : . . , 63S-S841. Thursday. Cost: Minimal. Mmldays. atMIIIsMemorlal " ' n" ~' " number ~ to: :;{McRae ,.,~,i.,,.,, ~ I ~ su HeI Phone 63S~7d0;:':';',~;~;';:::,;: TERRACE RECYCLING - (ppd-30J) Phone Terrace Community • " ( c-8,,, E ter .... r, ..; 'rVLI~IIAT • : (I~E~I'+) warn .you to ~rl~ :your Itmpltal - PsYch Unit. " ' " "*" r'H~s~oP~I'S~c V~)~xiZ;'~ GREENHOUSES~- Sturdy ...... '~;:~' :~ INCEST V!TIMS Are you Services at: 13S-3178 Northwsot,AIcehol & Drug clean... 9111i, r;:~ :h0'Itle~l Councelllng .Sgrvh~:' ~ .... FASHION "SHOW--: March arrange appolntmeMs. ¢onstrucH~n;~ completely 2 BEDROOM furnished experiencing depression or .- SEXUAL ASSAULT HELP oartl)eard and newspal~., Tlme:7:0~.p,m, (* 6.83, A choice of:.f0ur (ppd.em) portable. '.Only $134.95, apartment. Close to town. anxiety? Perhaps LINE to their depot hehlncl melectlons for lunchwlth the Phone ~lS-3S.~. No pets. Phone 635-5350. In~,d)lllzed by fears? •Do If you or someone you care Finning Tractor on UNEMPLOYMENT ' "" fashion show i to L follow, (sit.fin) ...... ~ :(p3; ,.'~1) you drink abusively? Are .about has bean sexually Evergreen. For more ACTION CENTRE A no~ Bavarian inn;'12 n0oli, ' • you feallng suicidal or lust abused, we are here to help. Indrormaflon Call 635.7271:. profit, ms-political earviCe March6th.TlcketeetSears, HOUSEHOLD .SALE-,- •2suite, BEDROOM: with fridge boi;n~Dt:~, & etevl. o0~fumd?' These problems We offer support and un- to the unemployed, offering ~ Sight- & : Sound~ Qnd any Queen si'zi : waterb,d, . Close to school End ~Wn'. maybe related to sexual darstandlng to vlcflms Of counoalllng '. and edvncacy member of'Jobs Daughters. sewing machine; Couch, Phone LIE.S943...~:i;O~, .~:~,i ,. THE • abuse that took place during sexual assault and for the Unemployed people . ' - '(snc;tfh).. GIANT MOVING SALE,,- woodenrocker, Akal stereo .(Rl-4m)~.~ • harrassmenf. Sexual TERRACE FOSTER your childhood. Would you regardless of. union ...... "Toys, books, furniture, set, three rl~llil,~tINO ten ': .... , !,:,::;:: .~ : Abusers wile not stop PARENTS ASSOC. IIIw to talk with other affiliation. 200.4721 Lazelle TERRACE PARKS & desk, baby Items, clothes, speed:bike, 'Weight set, NEW 1 aed I, BEDROOM voluntarily, they need In. offers education resources women, • " share your Avnst~,Terrace, B.C. V|G RECREATION L'Dept. -- footwear, 'skates, ,,etc. cross country skies; Phone apartments; "Wall -to,wall; terventlon from Others. and support for local fos~r experlemcos and learn new 11"3. 635-4631. Time for Tots Feburary 24. ~ Saturday, MarchS, 1983, 9-3, 635-96~6. " ., Chlldren and adults suffer' parents. If you are a foster" March 29, Tu~s~ly r a~ld; 2713Ha11. " (pS-7m) idoueandfrldge, roos~abla ways of copieR? You could parent or would like more serloos problems when they TERRACE Thursday 9:30 -~11:30'a.m. (p1-em) rates. Phone &~LS47. get .support by Iolnlng the have no one to hJrn to. We Information call us • ~ . • (l~l-3~m): • Incest :Victims Therapy can help. Call 63S.40~ (24 anytime. Jacqule. 635.6727, LOAN I at Terra~ Arena. Fo~more ~ ': DISCOVEI Dr, David K. ," L ' I " ' ~ : ~ 'I~ I:~ ' Group. For Information call hr. line) Trean r- 63S-2e~S, Bey. 635- 638-0311. •. (fin) 3248 eve. only. • Hospital equipment Parks ,. & :..., Recreation welgM Icel breakthrough. RESPONSIBLE personable*" :; available for use In the Department. 638-i174." " .LoltlS-2?poundsondmany share 2 bedroom duplex.!." home, For more In- (nc.29Mar.) . Inchesewmly In four weeks.. 638-1999 or after 4 p.m. 638. formation please cell: .. ~ I ' : I : I * 'Dllcbve~' the leC~11tof betel 1647. " 8:30to4:30 THE NEXT MEETING for for s healthier life. - (l~i-7m) 431-0311 the Terrace Foster Parent AOMINISTRATIVE Approved" by Canadian . •INDEX Eventngs . Association' Is "ru(~'sday, ASSISTANT Food and Drug.. Phone 435- MOUNTAI HVlEW :. ' I Community Services ~. Services 43S-4S74 .... ' March 1 In Room 208 at Accepting written .. 9373. APARTMENTS Now 2 Coming Events 24 Situations ~Wanted. 49 Wanted to Rent 3 Notices 28 TV & Stereo S0 Homes ~r Sale • ~ Northwest Community applications, for above. • • (n24,ilrn) 4 Information-Wanted 29 MuslrJI Imtru~mmtl .51 Homes .Wonled " '. College at 8 p.m.-F()ster position. Responsible for': " •. renting - one bedroom, : 5 Births " 30 Furni~re & Appliances ~ Properly Iklr Sale TERRACE •PAREN.T~: parents and . Interested ' lacreterlal and receptionist : " ~, |ultes. Located .rlgilt • 6 Engsgements 31 Pefa ~ Properly W4mfod 7 Morriepes 32 Livestock S4 BuIdnele Properly SUPPORT GRO.UP,. i. persons arewe~c0me, For .duties. Boukkeeplng sklile: | i ~ downtown. Forappo!ntme.nt 8 Obltuorles 33 For Sale MIIOIllatlu~Ji Salines 01PportuMty ityouare IncrlslSWlmyour Infurmaflon cell (~'1,%6727or (payable . experience 1'& i HAWKESEAFOODS. to vlewcell 635.9ge0 day 9 Card of Thanks 35 Swep& Trade S~ "Motorcycles tsenegerondnosdsomenne. ~3S.32.48, . , ~' • medlcal bllllng), Wenlag, --.,.'. 10 In Memoriam 31 MIk'ef IInlO~l Wlntod S'/ salary-~o~-~l :~::".:\m.m4 \ : 11 AuCtiOns 39 A~lrlne Si TruCks & VlnS TO talk TO, feel fr.ea to :call • ' ' ". be' n'egotiatod.. P~itlon ~I :Sl~:iollzlng, In Fresh -.(l~m). 12 Garage Sale. 4O Equlpmeftt $9 NIoblle .~..m.us'wec.annelP• .Y~.U: TERRACE PARKS AND: vacant tr0m AI]'il ii.e3), i:Prawns. :• ~ . '"' 13 Personal 41 Machinery 40 RKreatlonalVehl¢let /VtlIIS memorial hospirel ...... ,___ Deadllne:f0r a,--Ilcatlons' I • : ..... :.., |.BEDROOM side by sida 14 " 0uslness Persenol .43 For Rent MIl~lllenlmus 43 Aircraft Educ .... -'" ~' KI=I~KI=AIIUN ' UI~I~ 1" , _ , e,e- ,~ '1 .... " t p&v'41 m/. 15 Found 44 Property for Rent 44 Flrtlnclll eTion ~oom. inira _ -.. .: -r ...., ' " • N~rch 18-83 : A,,,-llcatlonl ' i . ~ -... dWtex, In Thornhlll, l=rldge )6 . IOst 45 Roam & Board 41 Llgll ...... ' .. I=vem: NutrITIOn ~ ana , , r~. ' i 19 HMp Wanted 47 Sultes for Rent • M monoay m every mane, Exer~lNCilnlc': -. should be sbbmltted to ..... : .... Indstovelncludsd. Clooato For Hire 48 Hprnes for Refit ..30.. p.m. Llnda. 635:_9048or Date' Sat,, March Sth Terrace Child Development ~ _ - . llchO~IG 1317 Per.month. V= ~3atl: 63~280~, "~ Barb: 635.... ' --! ' • • : Centre, 2Si0 S" Eb" ' • ' • .~ .damngo~p~, and

..... lecture anddisculalon - 9:30. •. °l~n'..'=''''' . "', .." "'",'~. ' " ' CLASSIFIES RATES CL/JilPIIO INnOUN¢IMII~i • " . - 1"30. . p • m • .~ ~ cyllndor neaas sn¢l " ' " ~ .(nc~mi ~': LOCAL ONLY N~l¢le. d.00 20 worde o¢ leSs $2.00 per Insofflon, .Ovlr 20 Blrthe - - 6.00 IREASTFEEDING For more Information or to casting repairs. words 5 cents per word. 3 or more consKuflve "nngapemesto 4.00 SUPPORT s ~ ROU'~ WANTEDn ' --Exchange.4-S3 er~ 4~71 CLINTON M~kblR~ ' Imarllons $1.50 per inso~lon. M~. 6.00 reglstm" cell Terrace Parks "Experienced coach for :cyllndartheiKIs,"ll~lN,:r/. ,B~c~or/ofld onQ I~1~11~ 0bltmlrles 6.00 Everyone, Including* bebles,& Recreation. Department Terrace Men's Soccer --Exch~ing~ : 33S,400 su Ites av a.I i;~b le REFUNDS Card of Then~s £00 First Insertion charged for whether run or not. In Memorlum , 6.00 ere welcome to our 638-1174.. Team. Apply to Box Cummins heads c.w Immediately. Frldge and Absolutely no refunds after ad has b4en let. Over 40 w~ S ~ iKh IKldlll~ ttorcl. meetings. For support and ~ (nc.em) 1446, c-o Terrace Heral d valves, SlSO;g0. Cat stove Included. Furniture PHONe 4.1S.4357 ,~. Clplllfled Advuf~llng" your concerns cell us. 4719 by March 10, 1983. CORRECTIONS Del~rtment, Park Avenue• Second heads also ' available, avellable. Phooe 6353902 or Must be n~ade before .second ~ln~erllon. Allowance ca hbe made for only one Incorrect IUIKRIPT00N eATII Thursday of month at 8i00 ~ (pS-1Om) ,2.7811 " 63~S1~91t(~ vlow; .:': :. ad. nftocnve oofM~r I, lml p.m. (Except July & .•~~~ : * . TRI.PAR (p~0-da)" Slnglecqw " ~¢ ROX NUMBERS ey Clrrler., mlh. 13.S0 August) Lynne: •63S46~ or~.~ ...... $1,00 pickup By ¢lrrlor .. '. yell" 31.00 Pare: 635-5271. : :~ ~ • : (occ-Fr) BIRCHWOOD $2.00 mailed By Mail . 3 rathe. 2~00 By Mall . -- 6 mlhe.~:B00 (pr~aprlL) * APARTMENTS-- Fgr, rant ~ CLASSIFIED DI SPLA~( ByMall - 1Yr.SL00 ! & 2 b~room suites, Fro!dee Rates available upon request. SImlor Clllnm : 1yr. 30.00 i and stove and drapes NATIONAL CLASSIFIES RATe " erltleh Commmtwealth imci Unltoci Stlths Of included. Adult orl'onted. 32 cents per agate line. Minlmum charge 15.00 Ameri¢l 1yr. 45.00 _ per Insertion.. Province of' Security entrance. Please The mra~ tie*rye .~ rl~ to cl~fy ~ British Columbia WILL DO PLUMBINg phone 63.54422. Immedlato LIGAL • POLITICAL led TRAMSIRNT AD* UndM' ilpproprluto heKIIiIgs Imd to set rates ~;~ work. Repairs, new occupancy. • '~ ~~ VlRTISINO tm,~0~ a,dt~ (~mm.ir4 me ~¢~. Ministry of renovations.: Reasonable '" 37 cents per line, -The Herald m t111 right to mill, edJh PRIME TIME GROUP Trenspertsflonand Highways rates. Phone 635.2633.(pS-gm) WANTED TO EUY120 Bass (p12..em) IU|INI$| PERSONALS cim~lfy or relect my Im~vertlllrmmancl to showing film entitled 13.00 par line per mo~th. On a minimum four main any anm c,rect~ to tht Harem Sox Terrace Highway Accordion 635-9530. C L I H TO N '~M AI,~.~OR-- month bmls. naglysafVlalllXltoreplytoeCmltomorflwsum "Breed and Roses" March Dlstrld (snc.tfn) Bachelor:and one bedroom, mid tot me ~'vorNm~e~t ass box rentoi• 8th, 1983 7:30 -9i30 Ten'race PUBLIC NOTICE TREE TOPPING " '¢OMINO IVlNTS suites av erl'r~b le : For Non-Profit OrganlZlttonl./V~xlmum 5 dlyl eoxrel:llnon"Hold, lnstructlonsnetplckldup Women's ResoUrce Centre. LOAD.~ Have your danger tries, FOR. SALE OR TRADE ImmedlMely. Frldge 6nd insortlen prior to event for ~1o char(HI. Mult he 15 worcll or leSS, typed, and submitted toour offlcl. wiminlOdaysMexMryofmadVerlllln~ntwlilbe duVoyed unlell mailing Insh~ctlons ere For more information call RESTRICTION" - topped ~or removed. : By FOR Tools or Bu!ldlng stBve included. Furniture nmNwd. Tho~ anw~r~ aox Nummrs or. 638-0228 afternoon's• . Pursuant to Section 26 of ~" expert. Free eaflmales.Call Supplies available. 635-3902 or 63S- r~um.d not to lend ertm~s of do~um.~toto (nc-am) 638-8068. " DEADLINE '[email protected]~ll the Highways Act and --6'Xl" new patio doors • • 5189 to view. DISPLAY m~MberleMvNUyH~ll)Ubllsh41"wlthhl~deys ~ Commercial Transport Act, (p54m) ---5 stud 15" GMC rims . (p20.8m) N~ tWO days prior to publication day. ~ me nr~lt pof~lcatlO~. " ~.,,~P M TEENAGER the foil owing .... :load .. • --Toehlbe,VTR & tapes CLASSIFIED . It IiiioNedbytoeNIvurtlllrreques~in0eNml. ' Join "The Terrace Tough restrictions ...... are hereby. --7" angle grlndar " ' WOODGREEH APARt ' 11:00 a,m. ~n day pmvlo~a to dly of Publlcatlo~ ~ ~ IIIblllly m ~ It~rlld In the ~ Of LOVe Su.pport Group" We amended effective 12:01 --Skll law .... Monday to Friday. feflwe to pvlMleh In idvatllllmetM or In the - " MENTS 1, 2, 3 b~lroam ~ , .~ ev,ofof~nemw,~W, rl,~mm.aevm~mt offer support to parents A.M. Wednesday,/~afch 2, --~" ele¢hlcdrlll apartments. Dowqtown MWm.m~mmhellmltodtome,m@,nt~.ld with wllfull teenagers. 1983: : --1974 LTD Squlro Shltlen locality. Complete with ALL Ci.ASSIPlSO CASH WITH ORDER ofker bytoeildVM~hlerlr~ro~ly~e tocorrenttollrt~ NOeday evenings at 7:30 In All road within the Terrace wagon, elech'lc:w!~. - for me l~le. Of the l~Ing ~e e~ dishwasher,: .fireplace; ACCOUNT.tlum BUSINRSS|SWITH AN ESTASLIIHIIID bytlllin¢~rectoromltll~lltemonty, ~ndmof theeduceflon room atMIIIs Highways District, except AC.nanr' new tire. ~ frldOe, stove &i dr.apse, , tlwresheiihe~ollabltiWtoenyextoM'gnlam- Memorial Hospital. Contact those, specifically • listed CKC "REG" AMERICAN 635.7044. " " ':: :' Undercover parking.

.m~m, en~mt p~d for we, ~v~t~re. Llnda at 635.9048. below, shell be restricted to COCKER SPANIEL PUPS. 1 ..... ~ (i~.em) Sec;urlty.- entrance. Phons SlrvlcI charge of $|.N oll ill N.S.F• ¢hNuse• ~ Adverthlemefl~ mt~t comity with the Brlnlh c~,muto Hum,., H~*,t, Act ~. im,,m...~ (fin ~• 70 ~Inn cent of I--'1,~a ,a^--'- m Black & Ton's. S200' end up" ...... ," • , . 635- I • WEOBINO DESCRiPTiONS idvernsfog t~m d~¢r~mfo~m ng,|mt ~y weight. The following roads Phone 635: 3060" ,.,,_s i ~ "i ". ~ " " " 93 7 (ecc fin) Nochlrgoprovldednews lUbmittKIwitNnoml ~ersenhecauwofhlero¢o. reflEIon.sex.(oler. TERRACE CHAMBER OF will•be restricted: to' legal "" """ •; ! " moflth, neflomlllty, Imcestry or piece of o1101,1, or bl¢lmlhlelgelslNtwten441ndMyear~ COMMERCE dinner; axlewelght: Y(tllowhead .... 1~~:~i'! 1' " ' ' . lex|lgl, TerrKe, ll.¢. HemaDeflvefy u, ms the undnto~ to Iv*tm*d b~ • ~ fro* meeting. Tuesday, March Highway N0•i6, :Terrace~ C.K.C. REGISTERED'::' ~;In;~.|~ . : ./.- I v~4~, P~e,,em nmlrm.~rm*v,~m~d, g, lee3 at Terrace Hotel. Kltlmat Highway No.25, SHELTIES (Miniature, ~l.°~.~•(~irls-..l~°. ! I i KEYSTONE l Speakers from Dome Kolum Lake Read from Collies)One.male, #no ~~:,~,',":1 ' APARTMEN, L' Petroleum end Welt Coast Cedar, River Road to Cedar female. Sable & Whltlh L 'tl. Imone e3S-2~44alTm'4 | I oowtsklagabpllceflons, i _ Transmission. Those Rive r Bridge, :'oil: roads .• Homeralled'wlthklds, Cilia p•m. ~_~ ~,~ ,,~;_ | I Spacious, clean NNIHI,,i 'rJL~ERRACE" d~ Interested phone 63S-2063. within the Thor shill We.tar and other dogs. phase ikl~, •/--_ - \ "nc"m, I 1L?...d 3 ~k~. ' • (nc-Om) Improvement District. ' 4217 :. " . • " ~ :" I suites. I=xtrss Included • The* percentage , of ' ..... I h--t..hofwater, n*y.i KITIMAT ...... -r ER..AT.ONAL N . " ....tolerinces , , provided "- ,-..... :. ....- ... --"'" ...... I~ lrac.ilitles, _. storagel W O M E N " S D • Y .undai'lactlon 7:06 (2) of the ' .... ~~,!~ II..~c~or, playground. II CELEBRATION• " ' - , regulations.... pursuant to the., ' ---:]i~- : -- .... .~~| i PleNe.pSm~._ ,d~,,~.i Sunday, March 6t11, 1983 12" Commorcla! Transport Act __ /~_-: :: .- - -: ~:~ |, I ' . " lacCa:llfii) I noon ,-4:00 p.m. Royal,' ~'*:' "La~[~: '* ' : :" "'~ P ~ ;: 1 " / --"' ~ ~;~': ~" 'Canadian Len~On Hall Fret "VlOI0tOf~i aT me rngulatlons -: ~ ------: 1 ---- ...... ~ ..... edmisslona~ lunch:'fltm, ond::roatrlctlons wlltbe I~, :19ge,~,~Mi~ CAMPION:C;Ik' sppakers, dlsphlysandchlld ~fod• . .... MONROE'S"~":~,:;~ o •TWI.,:Merc. ,o.s.rs. f111RgLT:"l • • care. Formoreinformation w,,-...... ~mntey .' ... 'get the secOnd o~..~,'~,,,..4oeded,.r~3j~,~t.,.~01m.;, . =--mWlllll, l~l~lllll l call~Ig-02~ofternoon's.. OlsfrlctHighwaysMeneger price. MA;~I~'.U~N~;ci!, "~':~:'":~:: flirt= I (n~.dml for: ' Minister of : HANDLER ~& RADIA.L-.-;v, ~ ~;~*,.~,.,'- : i::~ a mB~lb I Classified Mad m Form ...... Transportatl0n 'and } NvkTICONL~', ...... I1 BOATFORS k .I| ": ImnmBTS Your Ad ...... • THE RE G U LA R HighWayS. Kei~mTirs& :~*::'~ UreteR Gie~'a L~Sedan: ...... "-'-," ...... MONTHLY MEETING Of" .Da~M:/~arch 1,1983 AutomofiyeSupply crulmr.For, ni(we~lnf(F'4~L~.~:~~| Frldolll *sfo,~,' .~:~ ' ...... '" ...... ; ...... the Terrace Utile Thaatre :e.t::*•;Terrac°,'' British 480eHIghwoy16W. ~3hvas,,. .,v,-- leave ~;~,,,,~m~= aicarpatlng, -, ...... off street,~,r ~ • , will be held Mondoy, .March':. :, C01'umbla. " ; : Terrace ~3.¢4902 . at 635-6326 Mrs Lewis, t narkln- • -- Name ...... ,.Address • ..... 7 lfll3 at *,,m, in the: :''~ * ."(acc3-3,4,Tm) ; (tu&fri.31m) .. • " " . " ( p I0.9m)': n,,- w security • " : " Isystem' . Town ...... ; • . I~ . .1 ...... ', • • •. ~ r+" ':"r' *N0" : of O'YS ...... Terrace. LIHIo*, Theatre .... : 1' ~ ' " ' " ~ I ~,~ : : : Classification, ...... ,':, ...... ;.;..Send adalong with l~,kll~.. After the genlral': I ~ r ~"" ':'; " . ' I hill slid I: 0.o,d.orte.i.per y Cheque Dr money" order to : bu.lne,=nducted. d,r.ctorha, Ker; !I .. :II | IIII • I : DAILY.HERALD wil, Introduce the I'. B ,lJ[11 Jl)r,t fl UPl fl I . , $4.50 for thre e¢onsecUtivedays " . " . 1 3010Kalum St. S6 f0rfour•C0nsecutlve day~ '• .Terrace, B.C. Saw". whlch will be read by ~~ la~'~ 1.11 ,/ $7"50f°rfivec°nsecutivelday s I " " " VOG2M7 the .. group. Newcomers I:. :. _ r I r I WEL'L'.DR|LLINdI:RIG: I ,,;i- . I" welcome . : B.C.-HEART FOUNDATION . OR' .LE ~..,~.,~ I I 1-11 1 I ...... "" ...... (nc.7~ ° (p20-9m) ~mmmmmmmmmmJ . ~',.:": ~'.,.'~" ...,,,; . , ~,., , :.-: : .. .,: . ., . .~, ? ':' ,, : .~ .; . ,~ ~ ~,,~ .. -" ~¢

k .- : 11i~.Herald, FHdiy, I il

'~'~ ,~ '~,"d ~V "'''~*- /. :, • i! . ,. :,*'~.~.~ : ..... :." ~'~.~.~;.;:~, u,/Dc,n!:Sch ,. -~, , .... •r;j

Ph~~ 3 ~.5,P~,=~"i~•'~.~.~.~:~4,i~t~=l-~ ~.YW,18Y!NGB.Y~4~I~)OI4 ¢. andBru~eSprmgst~ea0na:.. No{ that thi:s, is a- boa:.:_" Tha~ l~'ta c~t,as good s~e~.I'd:,e~'"•" 'most": of imp; I~"~_':~L'~~ ~e da~.~i~r:ij~' ~• l'~nabode,on.~ ~ocre~; :i"Dire : 9tralte ~.(Yer¢Igo z~eord.wSe~e: the:sh0~tes~ r~. ~rd. In fact,' lhe nnly. asT~Bad, a!so~ that'll 10~an~.-Aod[eot~d...count ,, .musi~.:~l~.'~ ' *,' :'. I i':"::::i• •.. i o, it, e .' ..... ,- ::Fvliy: furnished at rJ~ht'he~l), The~p]ewhoi .....~~'~~'* ...... ~ ;" 'i ~ L' '" 4r " 'i i " ' ' th Work ~

s~Ite/"withfl~Id0elmdsfove' :avail'ab"Q~!:w~'°ca~ed I. L°ve0v~,riG°Id,.m.ade. the. • ~,~~nflal , •extended I J~C "~ t ~ "~" .~:..Ny|6~,.0n b~cIolp'vo~a]& .. 'the .: S|',,,~ sound.,Sinw...,-.,Bennett'e;son~,:am ~ !. Noi~•~ .am/;!Fm 'm0r~ ..: w!t~,-:s~" ,o.fs O!l's Ii~. band, ~ •...::i }eader'/" and:• Iday!wi~four sh~t son~S "audience that . w0uidn't.,"~iThere'snoU~Ini~ as clew ~s ',,~,;,~, ~,~,,,t: =;~ ~"," may drift; •:away*fro~ ~ ~/ • inf~mat!~i/!!:/~l :~7,;i ~ Place,' .Call ~ Webber. son ...... " ...... d "' " ..... i L ...... ~ ...... ' ...... * I Avallol~le;~r;l~:/.r...... ~ ..... ~,.,: .~. :J,.-. ~m~-it~. soupd: like. a ~,t:loye;:..danch)gi,,and-.,.-normally bother 'with; a. ~'die;-ori.~lihi, ~; .as.: *~z..~,,,,= ;'-':,,~,h,,'.,,,,,..band.,il.it g@el 0~ • R.eal~, pr!nce-Rupert, i.: 'e~ be~we~nBob Dyhnnd alrheads '~isfinS~'t "n-- group called the Slugs : ~Y true" as Forg'.~.-'..."N'.".~ " l~l~':'~'*"f~'~ ~ r~om~1~a| ~-: ..... '~'~ ':~: ' ~!'~',:.~!i:!i/~'i~"/~'~;~!';:::Ip2'9~f)"da~'s,.!6"~..75~r;l~.~j~,vcsi-}I' I P ..... "' I' " ...... " ' ¢ I , " ' ~ I * ' " ' + " , ' 'I I "' ~ ' mli " ' " , ~ 4 ' 1 ' i ' P I " ~ wltll its~.~ggae-msp~re~:: . :... .., ,,,-:' ,'4.:~:?:. :~:~:~'...... ,~.~';i:,, ~ :i: ,~, ~,i;, ;,-,.-...... ~.~ :. ':'_:'-_ ~ : .bad~d.bu~itswa.Y°.ut' Music form e ]latd".0f-: ~0n~Meer E=~, .be~t,..~,., ;~ ..,: -....-:.' ." But, Muslc i~t a'l~/;~,:.; FOR. RENT: In Th0rnhlU.i .... '.' :.'(~i"-.'..~'~-'1"-'~,~-.,|,:~. - iof,charactei" forKnopnerL,. Thinking ia .beKer than'. 99.:. '::. :...... '~: ",''.', ' ~ ]' : ~r ' ' ~' '" ,1, J ' ,' , ,"." ' ,' •' :" ::'" : '[~ ''1'' r"~ ~..~, t ~ ~d~c'o~d 'r''':' One'-,,'hedlf~'~ tornished -~ .: .,:,.,:;.-.'.Irl.-2S march) /} .~~~~ ...... " Two, of.the. sefigs,• .... thetitle' ...... pet . cent of the ...... To¢0clu .L ~. . are...., a comle..... ~ ':"And,~desplto:K°l°tkin..... ,, ...... and-", combi,e: the imagE°OtiS::,_.. . •: apartMt~.fi,,~blteble f0rone'~,"- ~|" ~~ . track !pnd? TwO • Young. ~tl~t dog .the.AM air ,like. %standoutmlm~ onMusle; ".: C°.!~. ll.s~ .besl~ e/forts,,.,tbe ~. that shone through their:.,

ouiof~;!.~slbl~" oerson:":' ;'::.,.:~;~ :-: • " I'". ~~'# : TO y.Ors , sound:.... like filler ,.so88y .... cottont10ate~l~tthe " ' ..St." .. .Laerent Summerr is as,":,:~unigue: ...... Slugsound...... ,still ~t tworeeerds...... with ,.tl~: ..... ,- . •.. ~.. ,..,,.,, .~:_;,,., ,' . tu~8.t~ bduid-mi~hi USe ill.: '" cleverness is gone from ~e/.--g~1 'a ballad'as you'.ll:,liear c: .m~a.~..g~.... to.sh.ine. ~ Droduction".va]ues..on:tlds ::: ,.~{~. :/: n,..=~r,~ :~vn..~,_.. a.live sh0w.'.. Twisting is a .. Lyrics and all those* ~ood "anywSere, aod it fea~ ' un- au.u~,numoe~s, except .one,they'd have it mad~ ~''. .~'_!°wmueage'.sa". e°°''&&~'. .,. re~0-r.~kabUlY: ; nmnber, . production values ba~e • oneof :tha few fbmhes~ !/.the...d08~ .which wam't . (Records graeio'uii~"

" (pS-4m) wb~-~Ig. Y OLLI~ ~el'e,.Lq., taken the b:te out of the. Beunett's I~dea] turn :e/ :evea written by.Bennett, donatedferreHewbySIght, a's.trisght .cop from an old -- - arrangements. 'phrase (I had time to freely " Ui~m'tunaf~Jy,. the Slugs and 8euml, Terrace. .

....':DOUBLEWIDE: " L" I " " * ChuckBarrytone.withnew .... , . ' -......

R~ORUNHERSKIO@O& W0~d~. ; : "" ,...f,: "'~ . k . " I li ...... I I i 11" " 'i ~': ~ UTILITY TIkT TRAINER : :.The oChe~ two are l~tter, "!.. - "1 ' "".:./glH!-Ililll gpplnnlly .... : i: -:u;s.,.,.~, .. ",. .:. :...;:~' wlth, 'Badges,"Poste~s; : ' m ..... " : I : " ,GU~JL&NTEED,~kLARY " ' I:...... " opportunlt For :... ". :.IGilumlrlm& ,,.,..,: ~ $flekers.,,.*~-d)iris a,.ja~ " ' • ' • . " . " . .- . 3 BEDR@OM house for rent, Y" ; " "' ' : " ..... ' PeStlV ,...... n _,...,,_o~ -- I,ofo..otton p o. I:'': ~ i +I" Y.' :"' ' ~ ~ ~ ' I'~ "',~ I ~" ' I ' I . OI - : i : :..,4o...,o...ooPer Year . • --::, n 6T~'..O~,'~l.~4T~(r~li.ngs ..~:._4808Hignwe~.!_6_W..- ,;. ,.idde'0Die0.Bve flbn Vim: a '., - r - .... ;...... ' '- '-", I • :. ; : ,PLUS " ' . ' . I: ..... ; "- :' I or 4948 dayn,'ask for . /.T.erra~ ~vvz: .:-',z~k?~t~:(Me'mumthiii~" . i , ! .. |1 n irillt elm.l,, , ' 4 " r I I ' ' ' " ' • " " (tu&frl-31m) " q~ P N ...... " ..... " k ' " "I i m%!1 ., n ' I V'U" unmiun i ' " I' .~i:-~ i.~, :.. nennu~Jak£: =.. : '" ~ -- ' ~.. .W~n.~o~o~~l '"Music~es~vnit~e~a~tqOo.unand|-st:~.te ! :' .: .. : • 2 "/BIIDROOM dbplex. | ,..~cc.iues..~,rl.ffn) .' hleofReNimmbn ~'- "./aay:,::badg'@,. :iposters; /prel~.rations are keep~g:both:entrants and•0rgaal~ers, n --.na,'.", -to_managepo o~.. etlon :ln:f..o~_~: ~|. : Fr!dgo.and-stove¶ !n tow n. ' r U~."t~'~nai ' " '.'stt~'s.;T-shl~s?) ,~ ." bus~. ~Jl ent~anis should :haVe now received. the~" | .~a~r,.~us~.neu,,.in~ retrace ana...~.a, lm,oW. I'. N.°:~:~ .P~d ,&l~ 5~'1':~: '". " .... - ~,,, :;, -" ; sakisC~kct ' ..... ~'.best:~cUt is H:I ]"lmd .:: competiSor cards lnformins:them of their ]~orma]nee | I " lU ~V "~ ~' '~ I~ I~ U ~ ' ~"" ;: I d " " n ~ " " " -- n ...... :'..,~,e ~.,.:./,,,: :'. !Fl;em) . _- n .... -.On ' Instructlone," from 'You,whichatleast-fea[m'es : date; time and pince Ques'flo~ In this~area dtou]d be i ~" ran,,' ~, n,,,, ' ' ' '/- | • ,,,,~ ~uMp=:-wHh. ;,. ~ -:!nternat,!onal Harv_estor n .]~. q~er 8~dtar. ~o over:.i ~ ..d~ted to Bertha Wa .tm.ousb4 ~ .... •" . i: I ""; I.:* I :.. : I ' ' ." " I i .... I " ~ I I I" I " ":I '1 ~,~ ~ I~,~ ei__i ~ I~ ::1 I , i~ : ~ ...... C~ t ' f o,p4)a ..... Lml.~d .A]aaC~..k:sorsan.line..,.It --::_ .... ;;... ' ~ ~'" " ; ' ' I ...... " I :' I ' : ' .n NEWAY:":"::. : " : : . ' , ...... | . - ";.'~'~::""Y"T.'~';""~.. '7 = ~- _ - .... [1',. weareimtructedtos'ell (I) " sounds ii~e.~Dlre: Straits : yrosrams wm oe.on sale starting ~oaday,'March,~ at |..ld83WEST:TrH • . ' " ' ~ .. . '|- icnooi .an0. nosp,ai, ...... F~[ International, Model 1700, whe~.e m0st.~-the mat $iSht and Sound Stores in Klfimat, Prt~:Rupect.and " VANCOUVER, BC " .' " " : , AvdHable::lMmedlately: No~..: FOR RENT-., ~,000 ~ fl .. :high,sch0o! :.Terracei Tillicum Terrace-knd pefiL:Phone&~9'430... :. '.. i offiCe spo~.'"~23 L~el~ Serial" No.AA172JCA300TL sound ]|ke a " '..... Keyboards, tbe,Terraco "~' '" ~ :'~ : " The truck ~n be viewed at danee'l~nd,~ :'4:4:4klk 1: ::P ":I : ~': I " PublicUbra~,- During the.two weeks o~ competition they .... : -. L:=~'~,~,,-.~..: . ...(p2-,lm) Ave, Phone 635-2552. Rl~rSiSe T0wlno;Terrece, Rven" at-that~ the~ ]~des.,';..: win also beavai]ah]e at all threeTestival ]0eaU0~s. The . " i

N "AI ~~ N~" 3 11--- -~; +' ' (a~ ~°c"n) -Br!tl~ -c°lumbla- .... arena|him| te w~teb0me'~:Preg rams contain ii)formatto,• on i'~]es; •awards, n , m. M, A or°To H " ~ "'" ...... ' • duolex on Sofia Frldae uu~v. ~ :n=UYA,;C=A'~L' ~,',*.., ~,.:. ~_ C.,,..~:,.~ abo~tandU~tas~g, .....workshops, concerlsandalUllscheda]eofevenis. ~li~soll and-. ~.stpye, :. NO., pets~: aviliable ln"thi:'AII ':West"- Sorvicu4~td,, : : .. : ' .s:~eoneo[the ~tthin@ ~:' ~" ," ~'-. ...." : ' ./' /'"....': .... :.. -.. - : Avi]l~..|~Apd! 1..-83...Phone ~ Centre ~Mlf0~ t All" iA/~ 1~'I0e67, ;120 Shreet,..Surrey, ab~t Dire..~lzait~.:recQeds..-,/.,.o. ,. " " " '"" ; L " "; " " " -- " " i ...... ," . " ' ~S~"' ' " ' L" " I ; " '"I I, I LI ' I " " I : ".,....-, .,. ; ." ": : ...... -..,-~ , *" ',.-" k,,,~ ,:;,~.. ~ ~,~;~--'. ,k'.~; . mmr monms o[. practice an(I rehearsal smoen[s 1oo~ :~,.~'~" . "" . -, . - ,., :' '~ ';~.' ,~.~;, .~' . ":/ ." ' ~,~., - . -,, ' , . a,~v~ o~w4m~= ul=~ii-.'"l,u~ . " .... ' .... ' . • , :";'..-.~ ,: • .., (p54Bm) • Gla~...., ;..~: .;. ".=::.. ,.'|V3V 469:. :"' " ' ' " wo~ds ' : ' ' ...... forward to DeT fo~mln ~ their select!oos;,! .ea~.fromthe :. . ; " :::,: : .... : " : " : ,,,,....,:<,~a.~'.a]-mar-cn~. , "Hi,hut hl,~ not,,~mmarl~, . ,,-_.i- ;;_:: ;,.:_~.-~;::;~-~. adjudications and.hearing other ~tranta. perfprm. The .i

Thornhlll;:All furnlshed. '~~ L . , Peop|e .wSo ~omd Doug " With~H~i"m*.t~.~mM.,~'h~n~..a.d.,i..'~.,,." " • NO.~ Tlmberland Troller Coud. | 2S0 men|hi " Onl one ..... ~.-! FOR SALE --.1967 10x50 and .the S]uga fl~..two . -...... - S + Y ' I Y + ~ ' ~" " 1 1 I : ..... ' ...... : adjudiceted'sessions is free ..... " • : .... : .... .~ .Avellable Morch ~!{ frall~ No. 7.1 Woodland ,re~ords.a bit too far o~f tlie "' ...... :...... ' " " .... ,I ..I: Phono 636-4400 , 1 15 1~13,Call" ~...... d&~ld~ "or &lS,,:'.-~~:~.,:~ ~ " Hel 0 'h ts..Trailer.-..... Court. -' wail' " " sho,ld" + ; really' ' like "i : ...... " ~: " " :"" ."' " ~ " ' " ,"," ,~ 1 ' ' ..... ~ ~" .... " .... " ' ".... ' "

• .., ~ ~,~ , • , • ,ARE YOU LO@KING • • • " . . . . - ...... ~ ..... L . "..... ~ ...... ' ...... ]

bedr~_..houM on Straume / ~R~;i{~or~' r .{~xxidove, porch and-shed. , .head:~$]u~aod-:l . ,.: :. - ..... !.., ../ nziuz zNn m.zmma [ !] Ave:. Frldge.'and sfove /-~ bedroom home / Good condition.. P~rlvate s0dg~adter, isho]dingouton " Includes fridge,. stove; dcapes,, wall to ./ " WOIII[IM TH~ T|II|A£~ AIIli. I ' J : : ~ !nc!~...~N?,,l~ts,. !300 sq; --workshop, ...... | pad, fantastic view. S17;00& :them. " ' ..... ::. ' " wall carpet;'close to" schools and'bus; . | ~':"'.'-"'...... I "~ _if/ , All 1,0~,ted :OI1 HWy, / : er,: .. : d.ctl0n . 'Inquire about reduced rates: . " / .m:.Sal,mon.id i :] m~~'.,n0,.~&~L~;~l~ a,er s. .ff~ki-~e ¢10~ ' ' "~ tOWn I I " ".: "I" .- (l~-4m) 'i~ecord is a Zof suo~, " " . " ~. • • / Enhancement Society. is seeking a ~ ,[.~ p.m: .... ' ..... '- . .... • with .a'pprox.. ~:..acre i' i'. ~: ~...... ' thankstoG]onKo]0tkbn~md ' - .... ' - ' : foreman. - - ~:j ; 'I"'' : ~ ~I ~I' : I " ; I' . (p~m)--' land, subdlvldedlnfo 2| ' I • " I ' RiddeCordeH *w,"-*me '' " . ' . lS;dl O~¢ 1011 • " /

• " Iots ,. , ' ...... "...... kdlUl OOSF=I@I . "" ' ', :"-~>'*~.'-'; ...... • ' -":.".. :'.. :~.. :;" , . l)roducers, whohave done. .. • _ . .. ' . _ ' " ' J. Duties - include supervision , and ii OM/I~I ACRE.3.~Idroom 7erms:Ca,~.and:or~do, I ~.~~ ,,,,,iw,~,l,,;uh~i;m.,;~;,~' "', " .... ' .... t-P h0UlO" nl"l'" ":-" k .... ' li ~l~.-ll 'i i ~~ .... : I I ~ "~ ...... " " ' I " ...... insfrucfing a crew of approximately 10•to vwT,u. L : '_!', . ,? 3=.. , ~yv .uv~, .~p;:,.~m~ W,u~ ....~II ~e [~st "'Tha' soULBd is '~" " ' " "" " " " - dos]ream clearing, fisheries habltaf .! dining room, :fireplaCe. cam? .... :" J ' i ' "k " I _ "::.:'..' ..... Frldgeland efove. Loundry Interested'parties c~ll.| [._JL!I~I...... ~.- cl.earer•an.(l,[uuer.uian.oo • reclamation, capfuring adu.!t salmon and r0om, .;Wn'$h'room 63S.2540after S p.m.-..| ,i~10 :-23 ~." "ft, " KiT me previous: two:)~lug trout f0r. egg .taking,. trapping Iuvenile do~M!rl..Cne ~iMro~m, ...... /'~' {p10:i4m)"l COMPANION TRAVEL reeorda, , but. ... there's salmonand trouf;as Well as a variety of 'p~oyii~a~d/atore r~m. .:.". -: • I TRAILER Phone &~14~, som~missi~, : - other fishery related duties, .Incloding PhdHe;.'d3~54iS::• after :4pm . .. . . m ~. (p4.15,~f,l,em). .'Tsere a~-e no bizarre , record keeping and data gathering. /::: ;:~[~" . . ..(p3-4m) . : I , .~ ...... , . y . li~agos :lk~ I~; h~ .~?~ n ~ k . I • &i . I.. L ' I' ' ' + I " . :.:.:..':.,.~..: : ' . :;./...... ~~;~.~ OEALER'FOR 4~4 PARTS smiles, leper a g~m or The available .posLtioo requires the "°l .... |~..~.,~,~ & ACCESSORIt~T " peoHe bowli~ .with U~etr aRplicant to have previous supervisory " ~ .... ~ ~ & " '~" , "" ' " t .... " " " ~~ ~.~ . ,l(alumTIre&. lovers heads. The stags skills and .fisherigs related experience, ~~ ~'~~ AOfolMIIVe Supply are s]owe~; It's ahn~t as,, " ' " -" . . ~~ ,/'- ...... - .- , _4~°eHnoh~..a.Y]~6.w ])~.nunttWa'Str~gtoavoid If yOU are Interested.in al~plying:for the

~~'~ ...... :IN2'HONOA .CRI. :Ex- " ,lorr.ace(~4tu&?i3;m ) the dangerous qunlit~ of the above..:position please:send :your ' I

i .,.' , . . • cellent condltl0n,10w hours. ." -' " ~" . " first ' .'* two . .records application .In confidence .to: , ' ' " " I WA,T o To rent. 2-3 I ...... /, , ' . ' dellberateJy to 'make the '~ ' Prolect Manager . I h~lroom house or I .... (n0vl~.sffn) i~_. :~ :-:-_ -_ " group's" sound" less ' T-K S E S , . ' Itral|era~tupon.ownlof,'l . ' ~- ' ~ outrageous a,d more . :-Box 21 " . .. • I March. 635-4591.. I .MINT fflDI. Yameho~ 650 ~-~ ~ -:~--- -" "'finGer-table" " r ~ ..... " " e ' " ' - - ...... , ' • ~ro-4or/ ~lg~l~fll IVMIAIIII ~ O~K ~~ • - ' . (Competition closes ' March" 4, 1993) L I and gold, drlveshafl, disc ~ ...... II II I , " ", , ,'~ ...... ,,,- • .. brake, 4 cylindor;.dSOOkm. • : .LEGAr.NOTJCE " ~~ -/ - - ~ -' ' - " . " . - $2,350 firm. Phone~l.~-3073. B,C. HYDRO :: ~ - -- ~-~- " " " ..... " " ' " ' ; -- ; ~ ' " ~ -I: ~ :_~ :#,~ .. ,..~(Pe-~Wr.) invltat10n :"to tender for :~ ~¢~~ ." ' " .~ . '' ~ ', ' , " vehicle washing, (cars, . • • " ili ~~ IIIIIII I IIII " trucks, .efc,) at the '- :-- ~ SUMMIT SQUAREAPARTMENTS :-'- ~~;~ ~':~:~;~_.~ .' Divisional Centre, $220 : : ~ " I " " ' I ~ " I I " - I " I ' ' I " • . ' ~ l~~ ~ ~ "': ' I ..... ' " " TERRACE .... .s" mmeenuum i~m, we , .: ...... • ...... ' Kelth Avenue, .Terrace, . • • .... • ". ' . ....4 ,. - ' rome with 10x12 " ", •., ...... v... , w,* m, w,,,. .,m... w ", • , • . . eddltlo~ ~~~ Tender forms end e.-....., m.-,...,,.....,.. ~ " , ,.J~ Hialalle la~lllale la a ii ,_ m 4 acre lot In subdivision ---ciflcations a-- avellab;e Sk~ EIKMrel Dlstrld ~ -Frl,~e, stove & dra-..~ • VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN D.C. ,:~.,, ,.. , , . al~ rw I p K w --I r-- , . - I lust.horlh.of T.re.. 635- .1RI0.DODGEOMNIA.skIng frdmMi~.T.M. Kempfotthe " .. /i~o~I~°dI|.~,13~14J " ~ " • , eWailtowal, carl~llno " ~ i, l'hls compellflon is open to both menondwom.. 74~/,a,~,.~:,~ P.mi. ~.. $5,000,OBO. Pl~ono 635.7107 at)ave eddre~l.' ::: '.: ~- ~ ~_~'~,~.'~'.'Y.,, ~- . " : eRAQUETBALL COURTS ~ | Indian end Northern Affairs Canada is Inter°lied in :~.~'~" ~ ~ "~'~ '~ "' (p" 1 0`11m)' .... ~.d38~.'L' evenings:..ask' - .... : : for Cloli~g,, -., dahl for.eul~rdsston" ' ,~ - , • ' Alou'Old,ane-r~emlUlllle Hhallin m • ....~ . tGymneslu m facilities . ~ • | ' " ' bolldlno' up itl Inventory of elaslroom- flNIchlrs for" ' ,~ /; -;~ ..... i, ~.... Dave.- ' ' ' of tendeil IS 11:March 1903. -"~,[;~"_:~ .... ~ °On.site. management - . J I antlclpaMd ...vacancies for grades : 1.7. l:0j~10 MORTGAGE ON " ...... ' ; . {a c~10"?m) ., :: .:' (acc3.2i3,4m) • ~ ~ •"~-~'-" ) " For your ,,-rio°el vlewi-,, visit. ] '1 " 0f you ere: * . .... mflplshed~:.llvable? duplex. / .. ' • ": .... .:" -. '.' .-- . Ti.~....,.~o,|...... =....~ § ' ,,,..',.,,~.~.,,,,,,.,,I,,.,,,e, ~ .| (1) Inforesfod In working in Isolated or semi. Al~ellmd~;et 15"/,000 -Will 1NOMERCURYZEPHR-2 ,,w.,,,~",~,~ -_':."--.-.'.,'.""_".'.~.'" t, vu'"l~"""w""~m"l"" ~ l IsolaM' locations n.. Northern OC : ~'L ' * " . .... " ...... ' .' " TerrKeHlllllWlySlRIlricl Y. ., ...... < • ~ , ...... ' ' lro~}.~:land,, trailer, or door. Low gaS. mileage. UBS NTIAL ' .... ~' " .... ' ~ i (3) willing to become Involved In the activities of ~' ' ' " xCellent :c " k " S TA . • Seetld Tonde,s., .... k=d .- . --....., ; : . - . • ; • aq,lpment, J%r .equity E . ~ o~d~ ~.i !ng * eo.p TiO. : ...... 2607 PEAR ST ..... i - N(x~wn Indian communities. i~lm~!&l.~.;0342pm-,pm:.' ' ' ?.,, ~,0(XIOBO,• " .... ] Phono63S.4744.,.... , pROJECTs!_,' ------: ---- . ' ,,~,m, i~wnlvvul-Vl.lg i.,,,h,.,,.'m,, vHIrurall ..... :,, ~ ' " . ,rex, " .", ', " ° ' . .1]" .!' ' ,(3)!.l~ese~..e.valld: ' " ~: .... ', ,.C...teaching cerflflcehl or ,i-: • ; ' 1 m ' 7m ~- -.-.w ,,,1,,,,-o• ,,,,.,, -,,, - .... - . - ,~ , ...... ~rrn'q "~. ' (p 0,10 ) 11 ,,,...... (1~" ), , Niish" Deveioomont • ~,~,a,~,,,,,,,o ,- --- ~ . ' . " ' ' " ~ ' , m,: i~llglbillty~for c~tlflceflon In B.C,

i, *".~-'~ ' " ' |'Wi IVlAZDA ~,~4..•doori. ".Riai~mtlr---~ ' an~ Addlton ~"~o;~ ;-'~ ~,a'~,-, ~ " .... -.. vvv. ~--~r.v. . . i::. ~ | Addllloneiloblnformetionlsaveilablehy~vriflngto III II I I li~, ~ '. ,mm, J~, ",' %'~lut I1=~ .... ,, . . , . . " . -., .... ,,,~,,, IiauI ------' - ~ - - -' - - | • ~ ,,a,~,u,,,. i.,,,L,.~.. ' . ' .. ". , ~.~ , ~ ~:.. ~::.~ i~,~ ,,,,r,~: •" ~,-,.r,,, Terrace; u.C " . ' end sfodmlle ~ nine ~ "~ - - - ~ -- .T. ~_'~ i "W m~J,~m immw,. . . •; - . _ _ -=_-..,,milesUt~.. Good,%~ondJtlon. '' @WNER ..... •., '. '.. .': .~f-i=~.'T.":'--%';-: .... " ~"" _. l . ,~ : - .". " ;' • • :"' " • ~, .~, p . . :, - ant no-post guarorall from : ..... -/ ~ii~, ~,.~,~~ '" •N aah~. I nveltment.e Idlomofir04"to-kiiome~r ,, ~7 ".i-I.1 I.,. o ce ,,

LOTI.FoR S~LE--~L6t S3 ,I . ~:.i._...... :,...... ,(.Terr~j..,e.C~:~ " :" ." ~ dU~ fo.tho" District I ~ ~ ~-,'~,"~"'~''"W" " I. I ...... ,,. ,,, . :.- ,, ~nholgh~:S~v!slon, ~ CO~RA.~.'Rs: " .lghweyl Menmger. / • :. \ .... I: I. :::' ~ Pr ' " ~` '+.` ~ phi.. ,t, :"'";'of lot ~- -- : -- 1 : ~'~ Mllar'C~cflOnCo;rtd 1 ,Ol.iil~ .., ;r..,, ..... I . " /l - ~ ~ _- . ~ l i:' I!~l~kl'for employment (PSC.~7) (available. ' ~or..de.r~, .,. g . i~ ~ • • .. , .., . and,.HI0hweyl. Suite 300. • . .,. - . . are~. ~Lor ,iZeApprox. :; Smi,~., B.C.V. 3~ -:;: 4~ Park ,~v.uefT.race, / ~r~lce Co~iss~n) • i...... ;,. • Wx~14~,,Rhme'Ve~on ~-. - ' Tiffs Is fo ce'~Jfy 15at.ilia S C .. veq~' iV4 (Teltphmo -I ~ ; ---; " , , I I .~oa~m .... ! • ~e~z,: ..~,...:, .~.. . ,; , ,- ,. tmFORO ECONOVAX ~=- date • of ~S,b.tenti,i ~).," , / , : ' l ~~~~/ r " ~ I I' [e~.c.~ (~).m°s°r~t ~o~or.~ai~tio,~. ' " ~" ~,...... (p10,14m)~ pasanoor, tinted windows Completion'for '1he dl~Ve. Tend~ f0rms'and ;;,,-'let I ~d4~,..~/o,,,,. I I - u . . ioomor ~ellflce,on' ~;°ro .. " ' . .it

~':;. .... " " . " ' t,'. IEC~.~00(~ Phone 63.¢3476 or project ,has. been provlllonl are available it' I -Geollrai~. colin|west, *. ; , 4~.;ELTONI-' 1N acres' ,&ls411e0. Establlllied.as.March Srd, " ;'1 I .Grade(. prmre.ce. .... , , .....

~r~loi1. lld~l:l" Will ;'.. . " ..... ' .N ¢hanlcl i.em Acl ot DistrlctHIgliweylManeglr I .. " ' " ' :: : a r ~', .*- ' ~'. ' .]1: , -: ~ . ~;~ ~; :; ] ] i- . = ~ BOOGED~TRUCK .~ltl~lumble. ; for; :; Mini/let" "of /~~ " : ~::~1 I _ : . " . i ' :l , : .... I . ' ..... i " : ~T'J ~

,.~:,,~t~.'!~, , :i . ." :QBO...... G,@o~ ~run~lng/.~,,~LemlleAv~ue Hlahwe~ - ...... I " I:~~.llil~ml ...... • .... I I . .u.~.xl~I, PKIII¢OH~I,~0 ,~ ~

• ,~ ~.!.'!i:~.{(p13;.~..II) ;,;: ,i .... -/,..,,-",' (elM)...... : . • .... -(ecc1~Im) .',.""., ' ' (acc~igm) .... - .... :- .-.--=-.- . " . . .J Reference Number: II~IAN.VARiOUS.IV.T ,. ,:.~,.~. '

~ "~,

...... 1ill ...... • ' .' ' , ";. ' ' ': +' • '.~, -"' '~/,~3 ~ " .::'. :"- .* "','~'\"/ ~"-' '. " .' , .... . ': ' ' ~'~'*"',+ ,' " , k + q q • m " ' 1 ,~ " . " ' " d k ' :" . : ~ " " " ' : + :" ~k'" ':'d ". ":: ''. ~ r + ' p: " ' ': , ' = 4'':' ~ + = : 'f +<~ ;= ~ + '+ ' = " d= : " ' .... : ~. f + ~ .~t"

• ~ • . . , ' ~...... , ., . . '. , +. +. . ~ + ', .... ., • ~ ', ,. ,+. :-,.:, i,+ . .,, . , ., ,., ,,,,.:, - . . - , :, . ; ~':,:+,.+" I I , I I + d " ' I ~ I . I q t ' . + kr 1 r . I " ~ d ' ~ '' ~J; .k,j'*~ ~I" #~. " ' . I ~ ' ~ + : +.. : %q +I i I j . i " ' , . k , "4+;';;+:;1,'1 , I ~Id, Friday, A~lrdl 4, 1~ ...... ' ...... " $ - j ...... ~ I. ' * k .' " : t ~ ' i" [~ I I ...... " ...... ~ ..... :+' " "I " ..... ~'~+ " ...... continue k . , : " i P+ sear " ), J ....Yell .... + I ,1+ ..... , " "'" "i,+ ~ ~ ;~L'~ ~mh ~ + :~:'~ ~1 +p~J~ ' I"+~++" +~ +' R' " rl 1.... ,5 ~ ,', +'$ tt "''t ? ntnlnn." ..... P # ..... ? ,~ ...... , + , ...... + ...... +,+...... : .+..,,,.+++,.++,+, ...... I~ ~l~ ,,( )--Ont~rtoProv~claiPollcecentin + whet Hneeaidwer'e- , . ; ..... , . t .. '+ ~ :+."::?: :':':"+ " '-L'," : +' :,' ";''"'~"".:":~:~,!',~ "~::" '., + ".... '**''L" ;~ + ' 4 k ' "' i ' I I d ' I p I + ; " + ; I , ' ..... +" ...... ' .... :+k" ' $ ' .... : ...... "":k , I '41'.+ k.4 + I I+ +'q ' ...... '' : I # + + ' ill . t ~. "+ .... ' + ...... I ...... ' ' q+ +:' + ' : ..... +:4'' k

. . , . , . . , aurg , w e~. laid. ,+ .: ..,: , L , fede al and p~ovinclal.goVe~ ~ts" ' ...... "'-" ..... s "' ' .... ' ':+,'+-, and massl~ e raid on the.M ~ ~ ut~lay. • ~ $clentoloct, • public relatt0ns-s' '"~ kesman' , N .....i~e. ~'* L • su~' -" b y " misrepmeentafl"...... +• m..f , ..... - , .chea "~ ~ ...... •oz. • eun-" .~ rare ...... nan Imest ~. assist,,j~overnmem.. ,in. rmsmt•"-~ :r-' , . . , ,, . , . , ...... _ . ., ~ . .,. . , .. o~..,, o .~01ento] mursea . • said d~l~ldedts, eximlled by the church , ,.. said lice wero ev '' ...... ' +' .... ~" ...... ~ ...... " ~ re.... than t00 officers, ridingin three~...... chartered Imses, ~ seizfng ~gandanyttihg, l~t.no offered to.thepuhije; and. a ...... ~h ...... unit • : ped dawn on the nines tore y, mid,town...... betiding in the one was hint ...... ~++ " +...... '.eod~acy to commit in.-...... years and members of the psychiatric comm y ~ > .. " " .... -- ...... , I ' " " , , " M T: ' ' '; " .'" ".. ;:+.' " dictable offences ; by-, Sclen -...... J , ~. t ~ ,. L

.... :: Thepolice also were arn~ed "wtth,a bett~ irwin,-, 'A#mr'.,,,,,,i .e ~'.~ ..~,',, -e~+.;.- ~.-J i',.~;,,,'~'" +~-'"" ~; • .'~. :, ,..., . ~08y,',wmen e+s, to 5aye:+bou+ the'choreh to.cleanout members whohad viomted•cn~.- ~L -"'. ',',", * • : ..... :" " .. . ' ."" , :t, - ~,--~," :' .,-~ ,.,~u,'u,~i~m~:m~nsnuu'l~["l~L. "JOe' L~louowersa ross " L k ' " r" "d" '" ' '" ' " rIk: ~'' ~" ' ~ k"" i~ " ~ + ' r " '' " L " " I" " ' :•~ .~e~d~mm~,am, tapu rocorde~ and.cemeran; ~,d C~o~er+'~f , ;.,_,.o, ,..,_..,.,,_..':,~.~_ ".~P-~ ._, _ :: •.,. ,_ ..,!~ .•..~Oo,:~no!!e~my~~ •puney, asld.Charboaneau We.have foand th~t.~ ' ,,. , ; . .. ,...... , " • . ..- ...... :., ",., ..... -..~he,~--,,,~--.,,y~ulr~mm ~rUncn,' fme, a enuren in unumo ann eanno :;..... :.... - "' ,...... -:, ,:. +<,...- ... , - • ' ' .... , ' ',. .... fire Jextin~dshe~ to be u~Dd if someone:~ed to bern ni tsil tSm ch~e ...... si~ • , • ...... t ~+olLm m~ages• : ~e~vein ~ gone t O goven~mento an dcompt~ ...... ~ ...... , ,. gh Ling ug h hflIes.assist~Ibysoveralother . Toronto president Caroline Charlxmn ...... , ...... I d~mm. II i, , + , ~ I I + ,+s:::: : i +...... , 1: I r , ' a.~.V~ A.~ + n~ ..M,.,O.}O I + k ...... ~*...... i, ' I. -- __ ..... eauanm sue was+ a~Uta+em~e~themsewes egmmt!t~mmmeflono~ • .-- The~id +pped :a.:two,~,y.e~,,in+edm/,tlo+P+mpted'+::~ '-~'s-ta~an'~t~':'r~+'~-~'u~"y" J+ 'I++~ I+ ~mml~Janer " :at~ta~,,me. experience' but ad.~:-Na.t~y,.w+,/~: .:.~Smh,"~l!eie~:,;.. '+/: , ; : t ':' : :'' I "+d'' I" I : t''q'I :q 11''4 l::+d:"" .-..../..: ..,,:,:...~::..!...: . ,:....:,: • ...... +..!..:: ... :., ...... :.. ,: .. + : ' ' ...... :~ ..... '...... , :: ,': : ":"i::'~ '" "/+: :./:~ "~i ~,::',Beb~ith, anothermemhe~;~suldbe+th0ughtthe.. t " " "' ':+~ +''''k'+ ql "i .... " ' q #:; "'+r" :'' : '+' * '+ ; 4" ~ P :' " + +":'" +'•'" "" ' ' ' " " ;. ': " ' . " ....' ' , '' . " " ' , ...... :'+'.: ..... • O..ra!dwanludlcm~++ddlnghe.. ~/ouldntheabitsu~. " s~.i ~ • /. . 1ff-..~.;~_ ,:"lk JI #'~..-_' ..=..... - " -...... I:: .~+,-.. ',',: :+~+,+IftSeral.dwastherssultofaconspiraeybetweenix>lle~ ,.,...... ,.,Oney neeaea--=-.,-+ ,i; ~'~r~,.,(~ .~. r~_~.i~lI#,:; .... .~+.l~l..++,,...... ~. .+:.(. " -:?:...::/.: ;tSe.l~ehla~i'¢. ___,._.,++je: iimfesslan.-./. w;.+. i.+, ., . :':; ' :.ii :!.:i:.? • : .. . .. • ' . ; s ;Vlr. :•.l.W I v.- ! ,..~..vyq~]..•~!;.I ?• : :' ...:.: . : .~ :]."ph.hece am'ch ld:~mbably the largest'cr!tl,e:oflmyddapsYCk .~+i .: - , - . ".. ,.,. -. :,: ...... ::;i:~,.i~i,.::..::,/.+;~::.,. . :,::iintomati0nnlly/,saJdD0bann.Smith.~,We~animpt0V, " ~'ove,t~ mDMONTON {CP) ..~ There is little.money ai/allable'ier then the pmsl'bllity of repeat~ troatmmt~eeuld Ira'con- ~.~.ding,. warre~.~ys:... :,/ ,:i:::,/~i.!':.",, ..i:':. L*''" -i~ ':e0~dltl0nd 0f::tl~,'mind hatter. 'ihan any psychta; ~'hepingtofludaourefortheeripplingeffeetsof sldered.': .. .. , chiatrls • ' ~ . .The,ldgl~est prev..a!enco of .the_.~i~.in.tS. e ~d-:~ ~ ps~. tW,has,~a.in~!a .hue.and,ery against ourrel mult/pleSde~slS, seystbe d/reet0r of the University of .It will be several years before the team kno~v~Whether imanns, on.tn.e norm coast of.Seothmd,.Whe~e.~oo,of~,.~., andoUr ~fformS.", • " " ...... "~"rsligl~ in AIborta's multlple soleruals re'arch aniL the new therapy is successful., r 100,000 remnento are strlck~. Between 150+ and 200",, +/ ' '' ...... ' Dr. Ken Warren says the unit is leadingthe country in .The d~easeis reaching epidemic proportions in Alberta, Albertans out of every" 100,00Oareaffeet~l... : . . .i.- ; " : " : " :/!'' ' '"...... " • ' resoarch to unlock the'kec.rets of the degenerative disease, •Warren says, The unit has. served more. than. 900+patients The rate in Texas is 0nly/i0~!oi:e.V~:i00,00~ r~ldants,~ ~1 " " ' " ...... = Canada were reduced and the unit can't get mmney to do a 20and40year~eld. " ' ...... W--n+.--:: : ''"" ...... ,:""'= "~'i ":

study on the prevalence of the disease. ..+ r " '"" '" m :" +; "+ " " +" - The diseaso kLta:eks..in:earl/i~ldi++;+m m puSerty:~ [ ~f0r""unii"! • "eK''~d;+" "" .... "We'could go a lot faster'if we had the equipment and ,'The post-war, haby-beom babies are!now l~that.'.age and then may remain Jatent tor-~anyy.ep.rs]*.Warran says.:,, ~'.]~ ' , people to.do the work,'.' he says. group, .henee the rise in num.~.')"he say~.;L':"/ '/'. :. The natural history of:thedis~/se.ls Varlahie',. ..'++. • " ' The disoaee+ attacks {hebrain and central nervous - Mostso•lentistshelievemultiple'scler~sisis.~ec~edto : ,,Iteanbesoa~jre~lveandm~(.fl~tlteanklilai! i '! S~S i. i " systom, oftm leaving its.victims in a'wheelchalr, theenvirenment hecame tbe h~,heat hi~nbor0f eases have ' ~tlentwithinr on.e.year~,or.a pat/mt.could'live'acompletely:

been found in cold ellmatea such as sashatchewan ~d i full life with no:handicaps?'..' i i ~" :'~!i~ '~: "L : : '"" " ' ~'~" " removalTbe~anlt of is'U~ying plume fromaiiewtherapy the blood. program involving the AI~. " , ' ' . ' " ' " '. •" He calls multiPle sclero~s;worae~than IWy...+ .* "/ L :stummtsantorin0 most pesf4eomdary Institutluns ~-'Weare.l~"for ~.~nporery imprm;emant in these ' We desperately wouldlike to do a proval'encostudy'in ' "Atlesatwithlepi-i)syye,cinwalkmdandthei.eisa~ . . inB,C.are~nXlUlredtowrltetho English Ptscenumt puople,~!Warreaanys. ".ff temporary improvement occurs magnltudeofthesedisea..sosinAlberta, but we can't get the treatment, but with multlple seleroels there is nothing." / ~Tmt...... , .... - .

.... + ~' "+'dJ''P'+':~ '+I14 d'~' J : + ~ " L"~ :' :" I i'~ ~ ~' ..... I " ' ~ a-eagn c om plains about bad pr' e"ss ,+ + + +.d.~l,"~fl~-Ye+Engllsh'coursua,tOl~latotoi: ~"'. --,fr+}h,stosfare u~edto,l, sfudonis In • . ~,]r ~+:::: ~.: " . + " - , +'-" .

LOS ANGEI~_~ (AP) .-- U.S. Olympic Committee country" because of theory that good news isn't which has been used. by'-:".-"we l+d"lutnlght.wtth~! :Pia~S:'i~WCC :Terrace..Reom:20e ;, • :( " ?:NWCC - Kitlmat Resoui'cl Center Pr es i dent R e a g a n fund-raisipg luncheon, television's penchant for the good for the. rat~, but. I presidmts of hath parties,. (artificial heart re¢lPlmt)i: elmlIanged U.S. television R e a o a n f u gg e s t e d negative, only wish Dan Rather (of to try to convince the public Bai-ney'.Clark, 'lhat"s':Sad" on Thureday to dwell for a- tho$televisln,nf2side April "The Olympic effort has CBS)," Tom Brokaw (of that problems are not news? We hed a story oathe-;'~ Tirne: 9i3di!a~m.to noon"' week on good news, namely 17-23,or National Volunteer the support Of People like NBC) and Ted Koppal (of problems, that the people, upturn' ~in~jthe eeanomy.~. Date: • .Satui~d6y, March 8, 1983. "the magnitude of vols. Week, totest the theory that (ABC sportscaster). Jim ABC) and 0the/'s /n:the who call attention to the .That'slmdn?,3~epo~: tary activity" across the "good news isn't good for McKay, (ABC News media would fodun a bit problems are - the was had.news? ~ :- " : • I.~e:.reglst~atlan li advls~l aS there will be a Ilmltsd • country. - the ratings." President) Roone Arledge more on some of the truly problems." _ ~ . , •.' -., number of ~ available. ' But the "netWorks "Then, ff theratings" go and, ,yes, '(ABC Sport- admirable things being "What is he talking Planl[e call ~11 local ~ or 532-4756 to register. we.~kmd CBS anchorman down,-they can go hack to " scaster) "Howard CoseIl," done by the American "There, .is a Iotof good about?'": • * ' Dan Rather eniled it a had news," Reagan said. Reagan said. people," Reagan said. •news on' television,-butr -/ . "' ' : .. • /' ~*1' discredited ploy "to try to Reagan asserted that ABC will be broadcasting Rather called Reagan's politicians are" always convince the. public that Americans were unaware of the 1984 Summer •Olympic proposal "a very bld and.l trying to sell theidea that, problem6ot problems." .~, "the magnitude of volun; Games in LesAngeles. . would have thought the-only coverage that is Ina~eochpreparedfora tary activity going on in this "Now I realize thereis a ,'seredited technique, fair is coverage :that is, .' favorable." THE +District of Terraca .are'currently exploring the provision of rm~v office --accom. mod,iflon .f~/.fl~eTerram R.C.M. Poil~ Detachment. Such accammndatlon Paul Greenburg, . w~ld .haVe .to meet'the ~l~mlellzed',Instliotlo~al constructlon~ crltot'l~ of the executive preducer'of the -:R.C.M.P, P~ Management-Se~lon? Plus be cantrally 'locatsd with good NBC Nightly News said: vehloular acc~u~egrass and contain a total floor area of approxlmstoly 15,000 sq. K9 Kcxpers "We get" this from every ft. We would at ~ls time be Interested In receiving prq0<~cals ~ parflso administration. Interested In providing]he required acco~modotlon, eltherby renovating an lstlng building or undertaking new, co~strt~t~lno Into a I~torm su with theDIsWIct. It would be appreclatod If Intoreatod'p~irUesea~ld reply to By Ihe Terrace Dog Club dog wandering unrestrained. the underslgne~l. Indicating • desire to explore the mattor.f~rther and ntsflhg,the Be~erewe start our first column, let m give you an idea of Rural dogs aren't immune from such cqneeras. While it's location and prq~rty dimensions of any existing I~lldlng+they might propose to unrealistic to expect comte, dwell.e~.t0 p~-l~d ~ tbeir renovate, or of vacant land on which they could' construct a building. provide Items .of interest tO tie dog fimclera *inand doss every time :they,step ~tsido; asld~.~mt ,part~Of y~" ...... e..R;~stlwr; around Terrace and Kitimat. Eaeh week we will be here to property be eompletuly fenced isn't. Free-roaming dogs Cl~-k-Adminlstra~., answer your questions, help you with problems eencermng~ " have been known to form packs and attack livestock. The. .: Dlsh'lct of Terrace, dogs, and provide lips on file care and feeding of K-9,as well, dogs themselves rue the risks of being shot; caught in traps/ No.5-3215Eby Sh'~t; an printing articles wh/ch we hope will interest you all. skunked or "quilled." , Terrace, B.~" VOG 2X6 Oneeam'onthwewWhavea guestcclumnlat tosivem thetr We've talked about the real "eosta" of dog ownership. • '.... :'~ ...... '.~ 7~,.-~, "- news and views of man's best friend. We also look forward Then there's money. If you think a few hundred dollars is I to hearing from you. Do you have a tip on dog care you too much to pay for a doS, forget the whole idea, even if you would like to share? Do you have a Poem, short.stery, can get one for free. What are yougoing to do ff your dog article pertaining to dogs, if so send them in, we will print needs expensive veterianry ears? Dump him. as many as space pormits, each week. Or maybe you Just What all this means ts that you should think ling and herd business directory would.like to tell us whet you think of the eelunm, for or" before adding a dog to your life. And neyer give one to against; we would llke to hear from you. Now a little anyone an a surprise. something about the Terrsen+Dog Club, though it. is true If you decide a do8 is what you want, please take the'nest that the TDC does hold some events that only. registered step slowly. 8eleeling the dog that's most likely to be your PROPANE AND H@G purebreds esn rater, the TD~ also hold several events for ideal pal requires research and thought. All we e~k is that NATURAL GAS WELDINO THIS SPACE AVAILABLE all do~ such as obedlenoe elamm; fun days, and a mother's you be aware and responsible owner, It's a amafl price to APPLIAM.CES SUPPLieS day parade, membership in the TDC is open to all dog PaY. OFoII lime of • eoxyo~m ind ACOfyM~ FOR!YOUR AD. ownem-fanclers. Now on to this Weeks article, something Prlmos Camping I~,mllll Tm'~MS SUI~PlIII IIAI~ Wildl~l \ " o . that we all can think about whether we are presently a dog article concerns all ' eBrollmlller ~, SWOfdlI'KI Rod lind ill Though this next purebreds, almost Gas BBQ'$. Accssl~ln I~1 owner or are planning tO benumB one. dog fanelers-ewners know about them, so therefore this . +: +',/rhone Awareness, eemidoration and time are really all it takes next item is to provide information for th~ of us who own, 1Oi LI|IID ||S ~.TB. to ~mne a responsible ~ owner- little enough for the Ireed or are thinking of owning a purebred dog: Your love returned, Pup's Papers. 4516 Keith Ave.Terrace .... 635-91S8 635'6357 " ~I~-2920 Ever sat beside someone Who you're sure must have All dogs sold .as purebred in Canada must have. consumed a.whole dove of garlic the night before? The registraUun papers provided by the owner. It's the law. In r • ~enderfls usually blissfullyunaware that be can wilt fresh thiscoantry, purebred dogs fall under the jurindiel/on of " flowers at 10 feet away. AgricultureCanada and are included in theLiveotock Act. ABVAN BUILDERSLTD. OMNECABUILDING SUPPLIES Too many dog owners are like that garlle eater- The CoundianKeanel Club (CKC) is the government's tmconsciom of the effect of their dog en noighbours, efficlal regtst~y body for dogs. • Residential eCommercial visitors, even close friends. SHALL.MOTOR SHOP A person selling a dog may choose to Plunge any price • + "'r'+~ DOg owners cannot afford to beoblivioua. But it shonldn't that she or he wants but they cannot offer the animal for " -Custom Homes SALES AND SERVICE FORMOST take the force of law to force you to be a res~ll~e, suleat ~ with papers, and 1300 without. The registration' Cbelnuws, Lawnmewers • Pumps eonsldamte dog owner. lot r " 635'5.628 v0or papers is part;of the deal. _ . or ours : III The incredible, unqusl~ed love which a dog gives yon • ~ ~u pureheeea purebreddos andthe papers aron't • Remodelling • Renovations should he ample incentive to make am no me else has to forthcoming within a reaeonable amount of time" you are pay for your pleasure. LA d~ is real. Worries miraculously privilegedto take the matter up with the CKC, RCMP or the Abe VanderKwaak 3571 Walnut I~'. + . AUTHO~iZEDHOMELiTE DEALER disappear whea you c~ne home to a wagging tail and that courts. But be patient. Registration papers are rarely (if .Terrace, B.C; " , R.R.No. 4 • ,101eHw~.i6West." ' Terrace 6_'j~_ r~ solid drool/an which says you're special and ali's right with over) available at the -lime of ~ and are usually' I 1 .... tSe world. forwarded at a later dote, Afh~r a litter is born; the Windshield & Auto Glass ICBC Claims " CUstom car stereo Installation +Tbel~e +.'priCe"of dog ownership is the change it makes. . I~'eed~ submits a form to the CKC. The entire litter will he in your lifestyle. You'H always be conscious that you have a given a re~tration number and me form will be givan for Specialists Handled -- Service on most brands dog at home with an overfall bladder and too empty inlmy. the reSistretion of ouch individual pup will be sant back to tv'S and stereos Doll hair will he a pennanant part of your wardrobe, with the breeder. ,m;A~ Promptly -- Service on Sony, RCA and dog slol2)er as an-occaldeaul faddan accent Then there's Moet breeders wait till the pupa have been sold before Sanyo video recorders the necessity to gird your loins and take your dog out in all . ~ out the individual forum, so t~t they can take care of manner of beeetly weather. (And please clean up after the rogistedng+ the anming and the ownership transfer in him.) one operation. The breeder must slso identify each pap, TERRACEELECTRONICS The biggest inveahnmt you have to make is the time either by, nmseprint or tattoo, and include that on the, 6354543 noeded to Iraln yom~dog (hat yon get a grs~t return), Adog regimtraliun application. TheCKC staff cheeks the names' TERRACE KITIMAT' " who ham't been tanght the ground rules in the kind that to sen that they don't counter any rules and aren't already ;~ %1 &~1.11~ . 532.4741 No. 4 - 2903 K~rmey St. ~ many people end up abandoning or destroying. It's not the r~tereff for nnother d~ of that brea~ I d~'s fault that he didn't know any bette~but be's U~e ono' All the paperwork can take a fair amount of time to i . SL • limit suffers. complete and return Io the b.'rnoder, whothm sends it on to- W..t d, Iog•ho=eP in these limes when mast of us work in orderto the lwchaser. If, however, more than six mou~ go by, ,,,q+ home the ~ bkoulte, leav~ a dog alone all day is a cheek first with the seller, then with the CKC, se~om probl~n. It's a bored dog that gels into/rouble, and In Canada, breeders may prelect their bloodlines by = lily doll that sl~e.,s. Think'~ou.ly about provldl~ means of a non-breeding contract..YOU sl~n it at time of another ~ or cat as a emlpanien. purchase and it's submitted to the CKC. If yougo against Lussomes Despite increasing legislation, far.too many dog owners the seller's wishes and breed the dog, the pups will hot he let their dogs ruu loose. There's that uaennoclous garlic ra~ by the CKC end cannot be sold as l~red.. da,lyihorlldldmsifmds eater again. It in not Idnd to give your dog his freedom, He However, should .the dog turn out to be a:reai winner,, the. cmld out rotten prbege aed become i]]. He eeuld be hit by breeder may choose to request that the CKC Wt ,the non- ' 63s7 a ear, Heeonld father or she could mother unwanted pups. breedingroetrictim and it wW be ~.r ,Terrace, B.C. " 63S-740G • I! he'.a picked up by a.dog.eontrel officer, and not claimed i I right away, he could bocmne one of the hundreds of Anyone with articles, helpful hints an DOg Care, Poems, thousands.of "dogs. put to death each ~ by kin~ne or sliort sterim for the eulunm or couunenis for or against>/ soe/etius,. the column enn sund tJiem to: K-9 KAPgI~ mS Kirhalcly :i For information on .runningyour.ad in the. business Such "freedom" also puts n lmrden on the eommunity.. Street, Terrsee, B.C. YSG 3M8 Ne~hl}o~"s' ~ and pablic:park8 Can be danl~ged or Til nest week, we leave with this: Have you petted your" soiled. Small children er old people could be frighhs~d by a dos today~ .... direct0ry call 63§'63§7