~+/; . ........%+ .... " I ~ i i ; + , PAP-LIHENT BUILDIIIG3 " .Victori~,~ B.C. - .~i+ +':~; .,, ~ .............. , : ', , i . i;! " ! ' ~ . '~:::t+.<, i~ ! :.iL :.: ;. '+!;. + ~, '~ :; .+}..t!. " ', zz+l/, " :, :~;.G¢ Di + + ;+ / 7{JL + • ......; . i ": + ,'+ ,t ;J +':)i/'~ +'X+"~+'~+ !t/:+~+~:~'++ii~':'+++i,+.+i~ ., t ; :, f".. • '" ierlld8tolfWHler : L :L~+." . !,; '~ f', d" \/~" ///";' re~onMdoveiopmentweremade plbHe atili' ,/m ; +~ %..'~; X mee~olthe~D~SEco.omlcDevein~me~C~, ~,t~'+~..:' '/~ d~m ~ewed+doemmenm P+ "~+~+ +~, ;' +~ ' instiuetion r by, Andy< Weber; asalstant. It~'++) N': ~ -' d+velopm+nt eom mis+toner, e+~cerning d+v /• . ~/;.L.' ,.,'i+' ;.i' iwm~S•~OU~hout•the rei~al d~dc~'. ...... :/~ ram, ,.;.I.,. ?,, ,~., +: .... ,. ,+ "' t.: .~ <~ ' . Some;.iumm appear := horn .Weber.!, -"" | ' .'++=mines" u,l ~ rosily those items ,tat the be= w ..~, • 25 .¢eM~ i oe Volume 77 N0.~I" made a policy statement on as yet and.which areen~i "high preme'L+ . ; .,, . - _ - m the area of transpoftatinn, the rq)ert mam+~f;l Ferry Service should be established in Kitimat. Stow~'fi; - Ian NaeI~ ,mid.at the meeting that be also wahl~l'i ferry to stop in "~.'~ ~.;~,";.'. I" ~ EConomyiserging l~ mmm~ty ..... 7' • ~. , . As a pl'eeedent to KiUmat's industrial diveillfication/i~;i"~; • ' CN Rail eivtsinn, there should be upgraded, the re~L~ ::: i; WAmblINGTO, (AP)- sevem+receml0n that ~man i states.Uak-~em~ ~ Earl ~m.ton Slatedbe w""i ." 1 ~m~ ~ Of a rapldiy .~mid-1981,. "" " recovering eeonomy Based on the current Several higfiwny develoPmonis are sought acoerdlnglo .;: almadYhave convinced the for~casti the deficit for the rt~solne of which were addi~by.;~";.,~i'.-:+:. Re,an admlnlairation+ that fl~al'ige3, which ends sepL armommemcef of u~ pro~ made by ml~wo~ ~r L:.,'. i'.~ • its. ,month-old, economic ~0,Lwil! be a record+#~0e ~ for; ~ms :is too billl0n;, and' the .defldt for as"oido upgrading on-itli~woy le betwe~m Prince .~.m~ i' eeonomlsUihavecontonded..; blllion;-mwuming Congress " Tenace, pav~ ~ the Ten-aco~Naas V~ney road, con~m~ ' upgrading Of ~ghway 37, +a connector, r0ad throu~ U~': ~'-Iniiie wake of a string of appre ,~ I a +package of ~piox Valley from ltaselton to l~t~w~y37, and a new unexpectedly, strong. Ig'euta and..tax in. eednom!c ,reports, ad- creases, ....... bridge over the BulkleyRlver. " .... :<~' m_~lplllx;ation offlcinh sald . 'The .: .:1983 forecast The report also indicates that U~e levels of Thursday +they, plan to, predicted the economy diversifiealJon within the forest industry is to be !i encouraged. One, ecmplete utilization o~ hardwoods. Two, replace " their ..: cautious would grow:at a 3.1-per-cent f~~. April: with.' a : rate between theendof 1982" more manufactured and specialty wcodproducta. Three, ~+ m0t'e~;"+optli/ll. tie, 0utl00k., of and the endof this year -- new markets should be sought especially on the Paeifle Ran. ~!i'~f hikheT~+::growth, lo~er qJ 1 ~ ~e ~ for an and away frmn the U.S. In addition, silviculture activity ",~ Itmempbymont. lower In: economy recovering from should be increased and play a more pemumemt role in the '~ flaUon and P0aslbly smaller the~ worst <renesslon since ares's economy. " !i bndgetdefieits, • the sacond World War. Even though ])<]me has announced It has chasm Port i :i.~elak in~cated • that" • Thefootwas based on Simpson as thelocaUon for its LNG plant,' tile/FJ)C sUll ~e growth over the the belief that the economy supports the Kltimat site.. yelu'. ,eonld be one er two,~ would mount only a slow Three !lydro-electrie Itonm are IdsMlghted un consensus percm~+e .~m h~mr. +roCoverybeghu~g in the list. Both small and .medium scale hy.dro-electric than l~d been forecast, spring. It predicted developments, and~laitomative power generation A ,revision of that unemployment would stay technologies such ii Vertical ants water I~lrbl~s are said to magnitude would ~nean that, abo~,e 10 per Cent all: year require examination, Toavdd thebtghcost of diesel fuel, it tmmpisyment by the endof .' and inflation would run at a is proposed that Stewart should be connected with the B.C. thLs ye~ could f.li to as low S 6-per cent cUp. " ............ ~++ +'+ ' ....... >..... + t,~+4~ HydroJ~ ......... as' 9.e per .cent . the • • " ~ + ln additlun uatural gas sorvice should be supplied to the eq01vnlent Of about 900 000, " Plans for revising it come . + ..... ' Hazeltons, the report ~ ~ + ~ ..... J " ' fewer.......... joblessAmerieam-- in the wake of decllnes• in+ oil• ....Ion ....... , ......... ycllng-Ceittre..: ,+~,.~=_ .... : two~ ....................... other stores that were contacted. At any • Newngrionlturalmarkeinandspecialtypreductsshould: ' " f.~.~"ma•~. M;,~ :.,.~'~.~:-, trices a .,lek ,;n in fact0r~ tins me usa o; one OV eignT ,Dins aeing p!aceo'.:, m me,e SITe5 On e can get rio Ot ctean glass and !,= mrn~im~l - nmd =: fmq~m+'o'mm4r,~F ~=hila 'lG=;d in tl~ ~o'~d .-'. ?;";:":~'=''='" ~o~ a~'~ <~rders,:'a around town. This one 15 ' at ; .N0~th.i .old cardboard6r, newspapers. The bins were ¥'~---'~~:~'~'~ .~'~e~.'~ L ~! "?" " ~:~ -; "+:~ "-.; . :. ;; revival of the- houmin, in- Delights; ethers will beat the Co-op/Uplands ' built .on./a Community Recovery .Program ~,,,,~o~ ~-~im,, ,,,. ~,,,,.,=,,~ ,,,a mr~;J=~;,,,' +,,,=~ Dn: Jm. si, Predidont : dustry and '.Wednesday's + ;~arletx: Safewpy,.and.C0p~r.slde Gr.o~r.!es. _ grant.. -. " . + ' " +' ' ~L~ai~ +'1~ eeitSemm= is that the Pm~. Island ,. Realms. •~, a: lm _+ ~0mmere.e +Depariment'. ,~Ine W!I!W to usK0no WOpalS awaimo Ire m : L,. ' : ~ . ...~ " • , Camilround should'be ~mlroved ~d a heritage ~le • lereenslr~t;~+qte:md+:-~+.Umt~Im 'game,of : .... .. ~ ' •. • . ~.i . ,• /' :' ).) ' .... eonon~i+m~ncled as"belnl envlsionei~ A to~t : ~+~ji~..~i~:O¥+ I!+,++ J!l~ ' ".3,6":..+~..:_,;¢.~t., +in ." D]: "P : /iil +it+iil.ll::/.:`i'+~A:ili+ '3i illLl " ltaieli'./M!~a llpro~d~ a pronmotid ~l / ' th.~•li0upeei i0r, l .J~nl,. l+ I+a~est< One "~ ' ' : - ~+ .... L0~+I + i + + w ~2ere • " ed ' • m~ k +4..... r "l'i+ + ' i ....... ' "+''+ .... " + ......~ +J r'+ ' i'" , / ..........." -- "(+ ',3'~. .',.'"--ll' :";"'el + '") • "Wlll<gO• " +: " Oe~r+-- i-- I" ItG.... ilebttoneID'smaB ~ nclmeus• . +-- a+m' :=~ t +I ~ ' DPOaO~- , . '+, emnomlc + nase m mls nmvmce-- ..... .... k : :: " " " ' i + f+ " " ..+..,+' ' .........,~,= .+.+ ,i~,w.!.i+,+~,...... P ..p ,+o' .,,.,+m. w+ " . .....~..+ . I;4~,,~r I irlf~ml~,P~'h+l~/i~ pro!memong the road to recovery, F'i'emier Bill, Bennett . Thepremter, h0we,/er, w,arned that job, are not created..i~.d~:..Pp~t.•~ti+ +to a. wi+r range, of., I.~1 .t,II I~,~1 1 I[J~l~tlU v rS~ promised "J[~ursday,~'. .... • +. + ' :.~:.. byg0Ve~rnments. He said a rent-a-picket: who asked him people, in~udinli, women, +the phyMcldiy disabled,,and~+.+~e :: ?+ /:/ : i +"' .... ~ !, • ~+ Foll0winga Mashing attackon anew Democratic Party for a ~j6b dining his recent tour of the l~rovince, was yonng. , " + ' ........ :~ANCOUVER (CP):.~ GOvernment. regulatinns and pm +l~Sal to borrow $500 minion:for job creation, Be~ett knocking 'at the wrong door." " - - " Itew~ listed under:the heading ?'issueaof conflict" t conlrols are directly respunMble for a. lack of ihealthy promised that. the government will continue to "prov/de a . Theptemiersaidhewill provideall the helphecanltothe + ineinde the-obligations;of B.C. Timber, potontlal forest competition among B.C. breweries, says an academic helping hand for small busineus as We are doing now by private sector, to individuals, to business,, ".but it in their ~harvestlng, d; West Skeeas, and mlnbtry, of forests " working paper based On a sturdy of beerpricing and com- issuing development bonds." -. ,. initiatiie +that Will p/'ovide a job for:that person."; ~lvieulhn'e policy. ; .. " • - • petition. ' The flrstlssue of the B.C: Development Rondsi tota]]h~-. The I~emier Said he can best helll people get ;jobs by +In the a~rea of +energy, the Kenumo completio~ the' The'paper, +introduced to a iJulverslty of B.C. commerce $150million went on sale Wedaesdav.: The ~ovei-nmont also helping'++the private +sect0r.'grow+ ~ by going out in. Stikine, lslmt development and transndseion.ltnes, policy i mday,.recommends~ several-changes in the .waY. is bon+owing~ million through.the sale of. treasury bills ternatio~ly and. helping 7the .private..sector. market its ~ alto'native -energy generation, and offshore be~+ is marketed in ~e p~yinee.: ' ' tode&aYLf~ex-penmm,Orasl~me{tputit---to payi+oi~the produclJ~lntemation-dliy. ;-++ ..".. : "+ :'--:'/ ;.- Palr~olelim'dl~l~pmont'Bre m~ " ' J " A I, " q " " " • Belkthe study, commissioned last year by Peter Hynd. rotaries, " " " h # '+ ..... ": " : " d t 9 " = " ' ' ~ .... " r ......... g + • " i ~ ~ ; ......... ~ •. " But ff that person+thonght I was going to take your tax TWo locations for pmalbla future industrial development~ man.+ ~_~+"~ when ~., he was_ .....Consumer ,Mfairs ..... -minister, .. - ."and . __the ,,ThisisJustthefl•rstissue, Imi~btiellyou--justtheflrst do]isrsand~ovelili~ut'.with~a bigshOvel, ~ndeaJl'that a mmh~lontedintheomfl[etseciico.-q[heyaretheKffinzat- aonaemme""= ..... +~i worming .... Paperu...... w~'e mrgmy. me worx ol ur.': issue of man+ y~ assist sin all business, "•. he eaid..::~ ' ~b~',then +~es, got thewrong ~y; ,, + , . .- ~ . : .~elxaco corridor nnd the llamtoli:~e~0n .... " Miemel uoooe!g, asmsumi oeun ,el commerce ana " +TheB,C. pramS'was addre~ina 475 members ofthe 14.... li~i~ih~sNPiP'+rd~.ll.ai,l ..... +,,Ms;tin'mere i~herles enhancement, native fisheries, and Inland :, + , , t ++ + , • , , , , + + I . , , ~ . ,, , •
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