Classifiedswill Be 6:45Pm at Benzonia Township Hall, 1020 Michigan Ave

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Classifiedswill Be 6:45Pm at Benzonia Township Hall, 1020 Michigan Ave Business and Service Guide Call Sandy at 231-408-3532 to Advertise Here Complete Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Generator Service & Installation 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 231-325-3079 1-800-504-1058 Licensed • Insured Locally Owned WWW.MOOREMECH.NET July. 07, 2021 BenzieM CountyARKETPLACE Record Patriot Classified: (231)408-3531 • [email protected] Deadlines: Weekly ads Noon Friday Real Estate Noon Wednesday BENZONIA TOWFREENSHIP ADS! 1020 Michigan Highway Rates: Benzonia, MI 49616 Email us your “items for sale” ads and we’ll Are you a current231-88 2Benzie-4411 County publish them for FREE!* Up to 15 Words, 1 Day $9.25 (add words 25¢/ea.) Combo, 15 Words $31.30 (add words 35¢/ea.) SPECIAL TRUTH IN Email your name, address, phone number & ad text to: [email protected] Garage Sale, 20 words, 1 day $21.25 (add words 25¢/ea.) Record PatriotTAX AprintTION MEE Tsubscriber?ING Multiple insertion rates available upon request. July, 14, 2021 *Some Restrictions Apply TherePLEASEwill b CHECKe a sYOURpec ADia FORl m ERRORSeeting on Cancellations or corrections must be received by 12 p.m. Friday. The Record Patriot is responsible only for the first day’s incorrect ad. Liability for errors shall not exceed the cost of space in which the error or omission occurred. PAYMENT: All ads must be pre-paid Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, CheckWe dorn Cashes dPrioray to, Deadline.of the STANDARDS:Benzon iPioneera To Groupwn- reserves the right to edit or reject any ad at any time and to determine ad classification. 417 Main Street, Frankfort,ship Boa rMId. T49635he tim |e be 6:45pm at Benzonia Township Hall, 1020 Michigan Ave. The purpose will be 0032 Public Notices t0032o disc uPublicss the T Noticesruth in Taxation tax 0050 Help Wanted 0050 Help Wanted rate for the township and if any ac- BENZIE COUNTY BOARD OF tion needs to be taken. This special COMMISSIONERS meeting will take place before the MEETING NOTICE regular monthly meeting. We will be BEULAH practicing the rules of social distan- The Benzie County Board of Com- cing. missioners will be conducting their Thurs, Fri, Sat, 8am-4pm regular monthly meetings each Diana Heller 32 S. Center St., Beulah month which are now open to the Clerk Sunfish Sailboat, used 3x, an- public with ZOOM option as well. Benzonia Township tique ice cream chairs, fishing The Regular meetings will begin at July 7, 2021 COMPUTER AND MEDIA SERVICES TECHNICIAN poles, pots/pans, old baskets, 9:00 a.m. AND Committee of the JOIN OUR TEAM It takes exceptional people Speciman Pudding Stones, cop- Whole beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Ju- to make exceptional West Shore Community Col- per from copper mine, tools, ly 13 and July 27, 2021. REQUEST FOR BIDS ingredients! lege is seeking applicants to much misc. provide direct technical and The call-in information is as follows: INVITATION TO BID instructional support to stu- $750 New Hire Bonus! dents, faculty, and staff, in- Full-time Year-Round J o i n Z o o m M e e t i n g Benzie County invites bids for the cluding campus-wide audio- 0032 Public Notices Employment completion of engineering planning visual, coordinated com- Competitive Wages puter lab support. Coordin- 921 documents and construction over- BLAINE TOWNSHIP Full Benefits ated evening coverage of Meeting ID: 749 355 5921 sight for the Shoreline Protection PLANNING COMMISSION 401K Match Computer Labs/Help Desk is One tap mobile System at the Point Betsie Light NOTICE OF Innovative Pay-for-Skill also required. Will support +13126266799,,7493555921# US Station; Benzie County, Michigan. PUBLIC HEARING Program organizational goals by work- (Chicago) ing collaboratively with mem- REGARDING The work includes reviewing and Incentive Pay bers of the Department of In- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO Paid Time Off If you would like to submit written evaluating the proposed treatments formation Technology. Asso- THE BLAINE TOWNSHIP ZONING comments to be read into the meet- in the Historical Structures Report ciates degree in relevant ORDINANCE Additional Information area of study (Computer Sci- ing, you may submit them to Dawn (HSR), coordinating with the regu- available at ence, Network Services, In- Olney, Benzie County Clerk, at dol- latory agencies, conducting de- PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the formation Technology, or an- [email protected] or mail to 448 tailed data collection and analysis of Blaine Township Planning Commis- or contact Cody Allen other discipline related to the Court Place, Beulah, MI 49617. The the shoreline, and preparing de- sion will hold a public hearing on a directly at: duties of the position), or deadline for submitting written com- tailed engineering and dimension- equivalent IT/Media work ex- proposed amendment to the Blaine [email protected] ments is Monday prior to each ing of all aspects of the project ele- perience with a history of Township Zoning Ordinance on meeting at 12:00 noon. ments. 231.352.2051 progressively increasing re- Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. sponsibilities required. in the Township Hall located at 4760 Please visit our online portal Public Input will be provided at the The background, details of tasks, Herring Grove Road, Arcadia, start and end of the meeting. If any and other information for this project THE MANISTEE COUNTY Med- Michigan 49613. The proposed or- about/employment/ for fur- person wishes to speak during pub- may be viewed or obtained at the ical Care Facility is now accept- dinance amends the Township Zon- ther required qualifications, a lic input, they should indicate by Benzie County Government Center, ing applications for CNAs. There ing Ordinance in the following gen- position description, and to stating so when the chair calls for Clerk’s Office, 448 Court Place, are full-time and part-time open- apply. Screening will begin eral ways: (1) adds the definitions of public input. Any individual may also Beulah, MI 49617. The recently ings for all 3 shifts. Shift hours are immediately. EOE Long Term Rental, Owner Occu- contact any of the seven county completed HSR is available in elec- 6:30a.m.-2:30p.m., 2:30p.m.- pied Short Term Rental, and Short commissioners with their comments. tronic form upon request. Contacts 1 0 : 3 0 p . m . a n d 1 0 : 3 0 p . m . - Term Rental; (2) adds Short Term Public input rules adopted by the for questions about the project are 6:30a.m. Wages starting at Rental and removes model Homes board still apply and each person contained in the bid information doc- $15.00 per hour with a $1.00 in- from the Table of Land Uses in Sec- would be given 3 minutes to speak. uments. crease after 6 months. Through tion 5.8; (3) amends Subsection Individuals are not required to September there is an additional 7.3.F concerning the expiration of a identify themselves to participate in Firm fixed price sealed bids will be $2.25 per hour direct care worker special land use; and (4) amends the meeting but would be required received from qualified marine en- pay. If you are not a licensed Sections 8.14, 8.15, 8.16, and 8.17 to identify themselves prior to gineering firms or consultants with CNA but are interested in becom- concerning parking and loading reg- speaking. work on the Great Lakes at the ing one, the facility offers 100% ulations. A copy of the entire text of Clerk’s Office, Benzie County no paid tuition while also paying Hiring RN's and LPN's in the proposed zoning ordinance The County of Benzie will provide later than 1:30 P.M. on Monday, Au- $15.00 an hour during training. Ludington and Manistee. amendment are posted at the Blaine necessary reasonable auxiliary aids gust 2, 2021. Firm fixed price bids Please apply on our website or $1,000 hiring bonus. Township Hall and are on the Blaine and services for individuals with dis- shall be submitted in a plain envel- call the office @ 231-723-2543 for Please send resumes to Township website: abilities at the meeting upon five (5) ope marked “Point Betsie Shoreline an appointment to pick up an ap- [email protected] The pub- working days’ notice to the County. Protection System”. Bids will be plication. Please do not enter the or call 231-845-7922 lic is invited to attend and present its Individuals with disabilities requiring opened publicly on the due date, building. EOE comments on the proposed zoning auxiliary aids or service should con- read aloud, and recorded. ordinance amendment. Written tact the County in writing or by call- comments may be submitted at the ing the following: Benzie County Benzie County reserves the right to DIRECT CARE WORKERS public hearing or may be sent to the Clerk, 448 Court Place, Beulah, reject any and all bids and is not ob- NEEDED! $500 signing bonus, Blaine Township Clerk at the above Michigan 49617, 231-882-9671. ligated to accept the lowest bid and $250 after 30 days, $250 after 6 address before the public hearing. may waive any informality and irreg- months. Moore Agendas are posted on the County ularity in the bidding process. Living Connections is hiring Persons with disabilities needing ac- Website at: full/part time positions in Manis- commodations for effective particip- This project is funded by The tee, Bear Lake and Onekama, ation in the public hearing should Dawn Olney Friends of Point Betsie Lighthouse shifts vary. contact the Blaine Township Clerk Benzie County Clerk Inc.
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