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9-1-1994 Hastings Community (Fall 1994) Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association

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TWENTY-F LEOP LEAVES ITS IMPRINT MESSAGE TO ALUMNI MAJOR DONATIONS ON HASTINGS AND THE 19 LEGAL COMMUNITY The Keith R. Ferguson Dean Mary Kay Kane 16 Admiralty Law Award Fund. reports on the Coll ege's Hast ings program for altern ati ve means of eva luat­ accomplishments for the past yea r. ing an app lica nt's potential for the Harry H. and Lillian H. Hastings stud y of law turns 25 this yea r. Memori al Fund. A look at its history and profiles of two grad uates, Hector Chinchilla ('86) and Jayne (Ware) Williams ('74).

FACULTY NEWS 3 " A CANDID CONVERSATION Four new faculty members ABOUT TRIALS" join the College: welcome to Profs. 18 Ashutosh A. BhaglVat, Rory K. Little, Shauna I. Marshall , and Ugo Mattei. High lights of Hast ings' Continuing Lega l Education Program U .. Department of Education gives in June, featuring Roy Black, CLASS OF 1994 COMMENCEMENT grant for Immigrati on Law Clinic. james j. Brosnahan, joseph W. Cotchett, PHOTO ALBUM Diana E. Marshall, Michael E. llga r, 14 and the Hon. Barbara Caulfield. hare the joys of Commencement with special photos.

CLASS NOTES 20 Catch up on your classmate' activities. ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS Have we heard from you recently ? 4 Pril'ate support for Ha tings reached an all -time high in 1993-94. The Donors' Honor Roll lI'ithin thi annual report HAROLD S . DOBBS, 1919 - 1994 recogn i:es those ge nerous gifts. 19 Hast ings memoriali zes the former Chai rm an of the Hastings Boa rd of Directors and 1983 Alumnus of the Year

ON THE COVER: Commencement speaker U.S. Representative HASTINGS COLLEGE Robert T. Matsui ('66) joins Class of 1994 OF THE LAW Valedictorian Douglas A. Axel on the stage. Photograph by Court Mast. UN IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA H AS TI NGS, ...

rect those re ources to our on-campus clinical program, where they can more effectively enhance our clinical education offerings. MESSAGE TO It is important to highlight the extremely productive yea r that the faculty had in its scholarship, research, and public service endeavors. Specifi cs will appear in upcoming issues of the Has tings Community. Suffi ce it to note here that during 1993-94, the Hastings faculty pub­ li shed 8 books and 15 annual book supplements; 17 law review arti­ cles; 8 chapters in books; and 5 book reviews. Faculty members also presented papers and made speeches and pre entations at 37 different events, ranging from national scholarly conferences to state and local bar meetings and various pecialized organization meetings. Addition­ ally, more than 13 CLE talks we re given to vari ous groups. Many of these activities were supported by the 1066 Faculty Development Fund and through our summer research stipend program, and the faculty is very grateful for these most critical means of support. In the public ser­ vice arena, Hastings facu lty members sa t on more than 30 governing boards and advisory committee. These ranged from national educa­ tion assoc iations to state commi sions to local bar committees to com­ munity school boards and other charitable organizat ions. Turning to programmatic developments, the faculty continued its review of the upper-class curriculum and agreed to review next fall spe­ cific proposals for possible speciali za tion programs in several areas within the ].0. curriculum. The objective is to approve one or more in time to implement them for the 1995-96 academic yea r. Also, the trial skills courses were integrated to provide a more unified structure, r T ITS SEPTEMBER MEETING I PRESENTED TO THE all owing for the development of advanced offerings in the area. Board of Directors my annual report for 1993-94, detailing Finally, the first preliminary report of the Bar Passage Study was issued r the numerous things the College attempted and accomplished and will form the base for review of numerous academic and admis­ in the past year. Thus, I thought I would share with you some of the sions policies this next year. highlights of that report so that you, too, can appreciate what an excit­ Our auxiliary academic programs were very active and imple­ ing and active place the Coll ege continues to be. mented a number of improvements during 1993-94. For example, in the Moot Court Program increased efforts were made to more PERSONNEL AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTS actively recruit and involve local attorneys and judges in our intramur­ The enormous turnover in personnel this past year produced al moot court program. The result was the involvement of more than one of the most significant challenges to the College. During 1993-94, 200 lawyer and jurists as judges in that spring program. Also, the 31 staff members left Hastings, 8, including the Dean, as part of the College se nt students to participate in six intercollegiate moot court University's early retirement program (VERIP), and 5 faculty retired, competitions where Hastings students distinguished themselves, win­ 2 as part of VERIP. O n the decanal side this necessitated two major ning several regional awards and advancing to the national level in searches, for a new Dean and later an Academic Dean, with three competitions. Board/Faculty Search Committees. Both were successfully completed O ur scholarly publications program continues to be an important with my appointment as Dean in December and the appointment of and highly visible component of our academic program. This year, in Leo Martinez as Academic Dean in July. Three new tenure- track addition to the publication of 20 issues by our 5 established scholarly faculty members also were hired. Details about our new colleagues journals, a new journal, Wes t-Northwes t, focusing on environmental appear on page 3. issues of particular interest in the western region, was founded, and its Looking to the future, the faculty completed its review of the 65 first issue published. Three very successful sy mposia also were held on C lub and recommended to the Board-who approved-the reconfigu­ campus where cholars, practitioners, and students were able to explore ration of those pos itions into Senior Professorships. This will allow highly topical issues ranging from "Constitutional Theories of Hastings to maintain its tradition of hav ing an excellent senior faculty Adjudication" to "Privatizations in the International Arena" to while recognizing that changes in retirement laws and the like have "Computers and the Law." altered the market for attracting se nior national scholars and teachers In 1993-94 our academic support program, LEOP, completed a to Hasting from their current institutions. total restructuring of its tutorials, moving to a skill-based program The departure of so many staff members also provided the oppor­ focused on legal writing and analytical skills, rather than on substan­ tunity to re-evaluate staffing and service needs in several areas. For tive review sessions. Further, a seven-week performance workshop was example, after the retirement of our Director, a careful re view was con­ added for third-year students in the spring, replacing a three-day work­ ducted of the Legal Ass istance C linic, which was operated at UCSF to shop, in an effort to try to improve our bar passage results. provide bas ic legal services to medical, dental, and nursing students. Finally, the Library embarked on a program to increase services, After we reviewed its educational components and talked with UCSF developing special training programs taught by library staff for judicial about their needs, it was determined to close that facility and to redi- ex terns, scholarl y publication members, and faculty research a sistants .

. O N E ' . . H A T l G

new "eri e" of open brown bag lunches also was inaugurated this past In 1993-94, the College continued to host several high vi ibili ty "pnng, dlscu sing va ri ous "pecialized research tasks, such as how to events that were open to students, faculty, and alumni, and that conduct a legi lative history earch. rece ived excellent---oftentimes national- n w coverage. We spon­ so red the Second Attorneys General Forum (with TV coverage by C- PAN and Court-TV), the Tobriner Lecture featuring Judge Leon FISCAL MANAGEMENT AND AUXILIARY SERVICES Higg inbotham, and the Founder's Day Marvin Anderso n Lecture, Undoubtedly, the most ignificant event in 1993-94 involving our featuring Judge William Webster. Additionally, our Continuing Legal long- range financ ial planning was the deci ion of the Boa rd of Education offerings were expanded to include a pecia l program on Di rector in Decemb r to offer for ale the four re id ential buildings on the new Federal Rules of Civ il Procedure, with more than 100 lawye r the We t Block. The deci ion came after a multi-year rev iew of the attendees, and the second in the Ultimate Anatomy of a Trial eri e: oll ege's needs and opportunities for development of those properties. "A Candid Conversation About Trials." This latter program had Thei r pub li c bid sale in the ea rl y summer has brought to a conclusion an audience of more than 200 and was filmed by Court-TV, which yea rs of uncertain ty and problems a ociated with the mai ntenance of co-sponsored the program with u . These events, coup led with our those holding s. es tabli hed College of Advocacy programs in June and "Beat the Reports on the Coll ege's other business holdings are equall y pos i­ Clock" program in January, provide an important se rvice to the bar, tive. For the first time in several yea r , the Tower had 100% occupan­ as we ll as enhance Hastings' reputati on as a high-quality provider of cy. The Coll ege's other operating business, the Book to re, expanded its lega l training. services and outreach, adding new section for law professionals (alum­ Off-campus alumni events also were at an all -time high. A total of ni) as well as for students, and adding two mall law schools as users 22 events were held, ranging from new stud ent receptions, chapter din­ when the neighborhood lega l bookstore closed. ners, and lunches recognizing loca l alumni achi evements to new bar everal of Has tings' other auxili ary or support services also had a ad mittee recep ti ons. These event were held across Cali fornia, as far very busy year and inaugu rated addi ti onal programs or initiatives worth east as Washington, D.C., and as far west as Hawaii. More than 1500 noting. To begin with, for the second time in the past four yea rs, alumni and gues ts attended these off-campus ga therings. Our alumni Hast ings adm issions app li cations exceeded 5800. We extended sli ghtly reunion weekend also was a great success, with attendance increasing more than 1300 offers of ad mi ss ion to this group in order to yield a by 25 percent to 424 attendee. The Alumni Association also spon­ class of approx imately 420. so red or co-sponsored 12 different tudent events on campus. pecial To improve the servi ces provided to tudents while they are at the receptions for potential and ex isting major donors also were hosted by College, security in the 198-class room building was augmented , and an the 1066 Foundati on, including small lunches with the Dean in Lo electronic data exchange was es tab li shed between the Financial Aid Ange les and San Di ego , and larger receptions in conjunction with the Office and the U.S. Department of Education to simplify and exped ite Attorneys General Forum and Founder's Day activities. the loan application process and rece ipt of funds. In addition, the plan­ Finall y, it is important to note that Hastings won th ree awards ning and de ign of a computer network for the Career ervices Offi ce this past yea r from the Council for Advancement and Support of to increase tudent acces to job inform ati on and exchange and for the Educa ti on (CASE) for variou aspec ts of its College Relation pro­ installation of an E-mail sy tem for faculty and staff to facilitate their grams. One awa rd singled out our Attorneys General Forum for excel­ work was accomplished . lence in special programs. Another recognized our achievement for Several activities and programs also were hosted on campus, carrying out an ex tensive pub li c affa irs campaign "on a shoestring." increas ing the sense of community. These ranged from Hast ings' 115th And the third and most recent awa rd was given to our alumni program birthday celebration during Orientation to the Faculty-S tudent for its many and varied events. The e awa rds are a furthe r indicati on Cabaret in January to the alumni -sponso red Third-Year Gala that the kinds of ac tiviti es and approaches we are taking in this area of Champagne Reception in April. Additionally, in an effort to expand the College are recogni zed by other professional as being excellent personal contac ts throughout the Hastings community, a tudent models in building a successfu l and comprehensive alumni program. buddy program wa initiated and an alumni mentor program was begun. The e latter two programs got off to a successful start in 1993- 94 and will be refined and expanded upon this coming year. CONCLUSION Finally, numerous outreach efforts were made to try to help tu­ It is appropriate to conclude by noting that I have presented onl y dents in their job searches. Of particular note is the fact that Has tings highlights of this past year. 1 cou ld not possibly detail all the things taff worked with the Disability Ri ght Committee of the San that have happened and that have contributed to our successe . But Francisco Bar to develop a new ummer pilot clerkship program. Of the even this brief review illustrates, I believe, the essential trength of the 22 Has ting students who app li ed, we re hired-more than from any College-desp ite increas ing financi al constraints due to decreasing other schoo l. im il arly, the College participated in the summer minor­ levels of tate support, we continue to be forward-looking, display ing ity clerkship program fo r first-year student . That program is ponsored through our efforts an abiding commitment to keep Has tings at the by the anta Clara, Alameda, and an Francisco bar assoc iation and forefront of lega l education, and to have students and alumni who are nine of our fir t-year minori ty tudent were selected as a res ult. justl y proud and pleased to be part of such a grand institution.

ALUMNI INITIATIVES mJ ~a- klUv<- The re ult of ou r va ri ou fund- rai ing efforts in 1993-94 appear later in thi i ue. What I would like to highlight here are some of the Mary Kay Kane event and acti\'ities ponsored by the College, it Alumni A sociation Dean , Has tings Co llege of the Law Board of Governors, and it 1066 Fou ndation T ru tees. September 1994

. T wo· . HA ST I NG S, . ..

This semester, four professors joined Hastings' talented full-time faculty:

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PROF. ASHUTOSH A. BHAGWAT will teach contrac t and anti trust law thi yea r, after practicing reg ul atory and appe llate law in Washington, D.C. for two yea rs. His primary research and teaching areas are ad ministrati ve, an titru t, and economic reg ul atory law. He rece ived a B.A. degree in history fro m Ya le Unive r ity in 1986 and a J.D. deg ree in 1990 from the University of Chicago Law choo!. Afte r law school, Bhagwat clerked for Judge Richard Posner of the eve nth Circuit, followed by a clerkshi p wi th U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Ke nnedy.

PROF. RORY K. LITTLE, who was recently fea­ tured on ABC's "N ightline," will be teaching criminal proced ure, criminal law, and professional responsibility. He first taught at Hastings in the fa ll of 1993 and has taught as an adjunct professor at Boalt Hall since 1990. He clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justices Potter Stewart and William J. Brennan, Jr. , and , in addi tion, worked for Congresswoman Olympia J. Snowe. He also wo rked for pri vate firms before joining the U.S. Department of Justice, where he served as a trial attorney fo r the Organized Crime and Racketeering Strike Force and later as chi ef of the Criminal Appellate Section for the U.S. Attorney's Offi ce in San Francisco.

PROF. SHAUNA I. MARS HALL will be teaching the civi l justice se minar and helping supervise the Civil Justice Clinic. She received her B.A. degree from Washington Uni ve rsity, St. Louis, in 1976 and her HANKS LARGELY TO THE EFFORTS J. D. degree from U.c. Davis in 1979. She served with T the Justice Department's Honor Program as a trial of Prof. Richard Boswell, who has taught attorn ey in the Antitrust Division and as a staff attor­ immigration law at Hastings for the past four years, ney fo r Equal Rights Advocates. Marshall recently received her J .S. M. fro m the College received a $70,000 grant from the U.S. Stanford Unive rsity and direc ted the Eas t Palo Alto Community Law Project. Department of Education Law Clinic Experience Program. The grant will be used to establish a legal clinic dedicated to assisting the community with immigration law matters. The clinic is scheduled to PROF. UGO MATTE I joins the Has tings faculty a the first holder of the Fro mm Chair, an endowed pro­ open in the spring and will be housed in the Civil fesso rshi p allow ing Hastings to add a distinguished Justice Clinic on the third floor of 100 McAllister professor of international and comparative law. He Street (the Tower). will be teaching comparative law and a law and eco­ nomics seminar. Mattei received his LL.M . degree in Boswell also served as an election monitor 1989 fro m Boalt Hall , where he was a Fulbri ght for the Deminican Republic elections in May. Fellow. He also attended the London School of Economics and the Faculte He was part of an international delegation selected I!(, Inte rnationale de Droit Compare in Strasbourg, where he has been a professor by the National Democratic Institute for Iiherna­ since 1992. He is a tenured professor at Italy's Unive rsity of Trento and is a member of the edi to ri al boa rd of both the International Review of Law and. tiona! Affairs and led by former Congressman Economics and the Itali an law rev iew Quadrimestre. He had been involved in Stephen Solarz . .::t:. field research in comparative law in Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Cameroon, Japan, and I rae l. -:t:-

... THR EE . . HA TING


PRIVATE SUPPORT FOR H A TING REACHED A ALL-TIME HIGH I 1993 -94. HASTINGS DEVELOPMENT REsULTS 1984-1994 Contri bution rota led 3,020,266.67, which repre ented a nearl y 200 percent $3,500,000 Year Ending Jun e 30 increa'e over the 1992-93 fisca l yea r's gift total of 1,035,257.68. Overall gifts in 199 -94 included both Annual Fund and Has tings 1066 Foundation donation, as well as a variety of other gifts, including a very generou bequest from the Harry and Lillian Hast ing Estate of more than 2, 150,000. $3,000,000 $3,020,000 Gifts ro both the Annual Fund and the Ha tings 1066 Foundation also regis­ tered some impressive ga ins in 1993-94. More specifically, Annual Campaign do na­ tions increased by nea rl y 7.5 percent thi pa t fi ca l yea r, from $3 14,976.25 of such $2,500,000 gift reported in 1992-93 to 338,527 .40 in 1993-94. The number of donors to the ____...- Annual Campaign increased during the same period

of time by nea rl y 4 percent, from 1,568 campaign $2,000,000 donors reported in 1992-93 to 1,629 reco rd ed in 1993-94. In announcing these result, Dean Mary Kay $1,500,000 Kane noted several key fac tors that had contributed to the obv ious success of last yea r's va rious fund­ $1 ,250,000 raising efforts. She began by citing the leadership $1,092,000 $1,005,000 $1 ,035,000 efforts of the National Chai r of the 1993-94 Annual $1,000,000 Campaign, Alfred M.K. Wong, a 1964 Has tings graduate who resides in Honolulu . Wong's efforts $716,000 included, among other things, the undertaki ng of $500,000 $429,000 some special fund -rai ing initiatives in his own $264,000 $262,000 home state to help expa nd private support for $250,00 $254 ,000 Has tings. Dean Kane went on to comment: "I also want to salute our ve ry ac tive cla s age nts, as well as o 83184 84/85 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 91 /92 92193 93/94 the dedi cated members of the 1066 Foundation's Boa rd of Trustees. The initiati ves of these most loyal graduates and fri ends of Has tings have helped make this past year's significant ga ins possible. Both INSTRUCTI ONAL they and Al Wong cannot be complimented enough UN RESTR ICTED SUP PORT for all the time and effort th ey put forth on behalf of the College." 80.45% 3.38% STUDENT Dean Kane al 0 expressed the College's deep appreciation to the members of ORGANIZATIONS the student "phonathon" committee for conducting a mos t succe sful annual tele­ 0.66% phone campaign. Indeed, a Dean Kane ob erved, "The students this past year OTH ER increased the annual phonathon results by more than 25 percent, from the 1992-93 0.65% phonathon tally of 30,563 to $38,830 generated in 1993 -94 1" SPECIAL Dean Kane also shared the re ults in the annual-and friendly-competition PROGRAMS among the classes for the highe t rate of participation in the campaign. For the sec­ 0.53% ond year in a row, the Class of 1938 registered the highest participation rate, with 52 percent of its members making contributions to the 1993-94 Annual Campaign. The Cia of 1976 recorded the larges t number of donors, with some 81 of its mem ­ bers making contributions to Hasti ngs in 1993 -94. And the Class of 1977 registered the largest overall gift total, with nearly 17 ,000 hav ing been contributed by mem ­ ber of that class in 1993-94. Dean Kane sa luted all the members of the various classes who made contribu­ Percent of 1993-94 Overall Gifts tions to the College this pa t yea r, when she obse rved: "Once aga in , our alumni Unrestricted constituted nea rl y 90 percent of the to tal number of donors to the Annual Endowed------$2, 15 8,577 .00 Campaign . Thei r loya lty and ge neros ity to their alma mater cannot be overstated . Unendowed ------271, 154.87* At a time of continuing decline in the overall economy-a time that has been a Subto tal ------2,429,731.87 ------80.45 % particularly to ugh period for attorney -and of ongoing reducti ons in tate financia l Financial Aid ------43 2,508.27------14.32% support for the Co ll ege, our grad uate have answered the challenge by prov iding the Instructional Support ------102,000.00 ------3.38% private upport that is so essenti al to pre erving our law school's widely recognized Student Organizations ------20,056.56 ------0.66% Special Programs ------15,890.97 ------0.53% maroin of exce ll ence. Thank s, in part, to their mo t loyal and much appreciated Li brary ------150.00 ------0.0 1% contribution, it' no wonde r that our law school remains ranked among the top 10 Other ------19,929.00 ------0.65% public law chool in the country in the U.S. ews and World Report's latest rank­ ing of the nation' top law chools." -.:- TOT AL ------$3,020,266.67 ------100.00% */ndudes $131 ,047.04 in gifes w the Hastings 1066 FouruUz/101l .

. FOUR' .. · . H AST I NGS ,


NORMAN T. SELTZER WILL BE SERVING A THE NATIONAL Chair of Hast ings' Annual Campaign fo r 1994-95. A 1942 summa cum laude grad uate of Hast ings, Seltzer is the senior partner in the San Diego law firm of Seltze r, Ca plan, Wilkins & McMahon. The National Chair of the Annual Campaign works close ly with the Has tings 1066 Foundati on and class agents in culti va ting private upport for the College. In addition to being a donor to the 1066 Foundation and a loyal supporter of his alma mater, Seltzer also has played an important ro le as a civic leader in his community. To cite just a few instances, he has served as a member of the Boa rd of Trustees of the San Diego Community Foundation and is the current Chairman of the Mercy Hospital Foundation. Having had a long-time interest in the qu ality of lega l education, Seltze r also has been a member of the Board of Visitor of the University of San Diego Schoo l of Law since 1975 . The two members of the 1066 Foundati on Boa rd of Trustees who reside in the San Diego area, Elizabeth Bradley BUS INESSES and Robert Wright, could not have been more complimen­ 0.9% LAW FIRMS tary upon learning of Se ltzer's selection as National Chair. ALUMNI 0.5% As Wright noted, "Norm an eltzer is one of the most respected lawyers in San Diego County and is truly an excel­ lent choice to serve as the National Chair of the 1994-95 FOUNDATIONS Annual Campaign." Dean Mary Kay Kane added: "I can & TRUSTS 17.0% only echo the fin e sentiments expressed by both Mr. Wright and Ms. Bradle y about Norman Se ltzer's appointment to this most crucial position. Under Mr. Seltzer's leadership, I know that the annual fund-raising campaign wi ll prove to be a great success. All my colleagues at Hastings and I are look­ FRIENDS ing forward to working thi year with this most gracious and 72 .7% highly respected gentleman." In a fall letter to alumni and friends kicking off the 1994-95 campaign, Se ltzer noted that "".the overall reputa­ tion of our alma mater, its faculty, and tudents is something we can all be proud of. Ours, indeed, is a long tradition of exce llence in legal education. We also have another trong "~AIIA'rl"'E SUMMARY OF tradition at Hasti ngs-private support to help preserve the p!~IIIPI~ TO HAST..... (1993-94) law school's margin of exce llence. Indeed, the law school was estab lished in 1878 thanks to a 100,000 endowment provided by the College's founder and namesake, Serranus Percent of C. Has tings. Si nce that time, many other alumni and fri ends 1993/94 Overall Gifts of the College have made generous contributions in support Friends------2, 196,9 14.56------7Z. 7% of our continuing miss ion of providing the very best training Foundations & T rusts------514,262.35------17.0% to the next generation of lawyers." Alumni ------268,2 12 .76 ------8.9% Seltzer also noted "that private support has always Businesses ------25,748.00 ------0.9% played a pivotal ro le at Has tings and, indeed, is becoming Law Firms ------15,1 29.00 ------0.5 % even more crucial during the tate' continuing economic TOTAL ------$3,020,266.67 ------100.00% downturn." Seltzer, who has encouraged his fell ow alumni to join him in making a contribution to the Annual Campaign, wi ll be serving in his ro le as National Chair from July 1, 1994, to June30, 1995. -1:-


july I, 1993, ju", 30, 19940/c5::(j},ndrs

he following pages recognize the many generous donors, Karen Karpen '83 CLASS AGENTS William F. Kenney '60 including the members of the donor clubs of Hastings College of Angele Khachadour '62 George Kmg '5 the Law, forthe fiscal year July I , 1993, to June30, 1994. John T. Knox '52 Gifts made after June 30, 1994, will be recognized in next year's Philip M. Knox Jr. '49 Bert T. Kobayashi Jr. '65 annual report. If you find any errors or omissions, please contact John A. Koeppel '76 the Office of College Relations at 200 McA llister Street, San Guy O. Kornblum '66 Elliot 1. Kroll '77 Francisco, CA 94 102. Han. Annette LaRue '52 Han. Robert M. Letteau '67 ALBERT R . ABRAMSON (,54) The Co llege honors these alumni and friends whose gifts add Matthew LeVitan '76 DaVid Maher Lilly Jr. '76 immeasurably to the quality of legal education at Has tings. Prof. Stephen A. Lmd Wilbur F. Littlefield '49 "Lh III!..} '£III}.;!} wlr .I"flil"vrl Kneeland H. Lobner '44 Thoma; J. MacBnde Jr. '75 James E. Mahoney '66 FOUNDERS Mary Ann Barngrover '76 Melanie Stoff Maler '8 1 (IndIVidual GlflS Totaling Elame R. Bayus '77 Prof. Peter K. Maler $100,000 or more) Paul Bennett '7 4 Charlotte Makoff '87 Hili Blackett III '77 Jeffrey T. Makoff '85 PHILIP ADAMS ('38) Harry and Lilhan Hast mgs Estate Stephen D. Bomes '71 Jerome Marks '64 athenne Poetz Ferguson and Donald E. Brad Ie)' '68 Charb J. Mazur;ky '69 A. Barlow Ferguson Estate Elizabeth Franco Bradley '77 Douglas C. McClure '69 A. Frank Bray Jr. Thomas E. Miller '73 BENEFACTORS Robert J. Brus:. '67 Terence J. MIx '66 $10,000 to $99,999 Terrence A. Callan '64 Franklm K. Mukai '70 Wil ham C. Carr '62 Bernard W. ebenzahl '66 Matthew Levitan '76 Merle C. Chambe" '77 Stephen E. Newton '67 Han. Wilham R. Channe ll '49 Peter P.J. Ng '64 THE CLUB LEVELS Su,.nnah J. Convery '60 John E. ordm II '69 Peter W. DavIS '69 Jonathan Novak '79 SECOND CENTURY CLUB Marcello M. 01 Mauro '73 John F. O'Hara '46 JAMES S . BUBAR ('78) $5,000 to $9,999 Edward ~1. Dlgardl '47 Wendell K. Pang '70 John FrancIS Dlgardl '28 Prof. Jennl Parnsh Jack D. Fudge '63 Harold . Dobbs '42 Han. Blame E. Pettitt '41 Bert T. Kobayashi Jr. '65 Kenneth B. Drost '7 Aletha R. Ragan Prof. Rudolf B. Sch bmger Fnt: L. Duda '64 El1:abeth B. Richards '57 Ruth H. Schlesmger Betty M. Falk '46 Guy Rounsaville Jr. '68 Prof. Warren L. Shattuck Roberr C. Field '60 Jane A. Rummel John K. "Jack" Smith '54 Gregor\' E. Fischbach '66 Robert Sakal '74 Rosabelle R. Tobnner L. Richard F"cher '70 FranCIS O. Scarpulla '67 M. Wam\\'nght FIShburn Jr. '81 Barry A. chulman '64 TOWER CLUB Kenneth J. Florence '74 Norman T. Seltzer '42 TERRENCE A . CALLAN ('64) 1,500 to $4,999 Valerie Anne Fontame '79 Garnn James Shaw '68 Keith S. Fraser '61 Da\'ld J. Silbert '94 tr,. George O. Bah" Eugene L. Freeland '51 Cynth .. Kerwm Smith '83 Robert C. Wright '71 Gregory E. F"chbach '66 Robert E. Freitas '77 Jane Peterson Sm ith '75 James B. Young '69 ~ ladall'Tl Hoberg Jack D. Fudge '63 John K. "Jack" mlth '54 Martin I. Zankel '74 Dean ~ lal""l' Kay Kane Wallace . FUJlyama MIChael T. Solomon '73 Philip M. Knox Jr. '49 Han. Bruce R. Geernaert '53 John A. proul THE HASTINGS Jerome larb '64 Abraham Gottfned '30 Harry D. underland '61 ROUNDTABLES orman T. Selt:er '42 Ruth Church Gupta '48 Mar\'m u man '50 Da\'Id J. IIbert '94 Jame, c. Hagedorn '63 Prof. Joseph Sweeney HASTINGS PARTNERS ~ ladalyn Hoberg teven M. T akel '81 $500 to $1065 1066 CLUB Richard W. Horton '50 Richard J. Thalheimer '74 1.06610 -],499 Robert L. Hou,e '66 Bnan DaVid Thiessen '67 Dudley G. Akama '76 Kenneth W. Hovermale Jr. '77 Thomas Van Voorh IS '59 Janet Ambrozek '77 Albert R. Abramson '54 Rebecca A. Hull' I Alan J. Vagi '66 Donald B. Belkin '66 Eugen C. Andre, '6 Prof. William T. Hutton DaVid W"ton '77 Robert H. Bunzel '81 Remald G. . Au '63 Bnan C. John n' 0 John A. "Jack" White '42 Joan L. Cassman '77 J",erh J BabICh 'SO Hon. Edward Y. Kaklta '65 Knstlan D. Whitten '73 Dana MIChael Cole '79 Jame> & haron Bach '79 Robert J. Kalmbach '80 Han. Philip C. Wllkms '39 Alfred V. Contarino '64 Jame, R. Bancrott '49 Dean Marl Kay Kane Alfred M.K. Wong '64 Joseph W. Cotchen '64

UJ tic

IX .. '\ N N L1:\ I R rI' II R T l) I (" I 1 "

Paul H. Cyril '62 Ell en O. Collins '77 Han. William D. Mudd '69 Gerald L. Anchor '67 Steven J. Eli e '87 Harold R. Collins Jr. '64 Bruce H. Munro '66 Clifford R. Anderson III '78 Ga il A. Fl esher '88 Conrad M. Corbett '81 Jeffrey I. Nadrich '75 Gary Harmon Ande rso n '66 Donald S. Gray '74 Robert W. Crabtree '66 John 1-1 . Newman '77 Kendra Ga le Anderson '73 Diane Ca rl otta Graydon '88 Douglas G. Crosby '69 Hon. Les li e C. Nichols '66 Lowe ll Anderson '82 Lisa Dorann Hart '80 Jose ph A. De Giro lamo James Cl ifford Noonan '84 Joseph Andrews '78 Cheryl K. Hetherington '79 James B. De Golia '76 Mi chael F. 0' onnor '7 1 Robe rt O. Appleton Jr. '70 J. George Hetheringto n '78 Eli za beth A. Delaney '92 Kenneth E. Oli vier '77 Murray M. Aron '74 Robert L. Hughes '57 Kev in Domec us '79 Hon. Walter Osborn Jr. '43 Dav id Aronoff '86 Allan Kirk Jacobi '85 John F. Donovan '63 Melville Owen '56 Carolyn S. Attkisson '75 Guy S. John son Carol Wlec kowsk! Dreye r '79 Albe rt F. Pag ni '64 Kimball . Atwood '8 1 Joan MaJenls Roge r Artu ro Dreye r '80 Bruce R. Pfaff '79 Thomas Yu in Au '75 Dorsey H. McLaughlin Jr. '83 ec il y Anne Dru ker '74 John M. Rector '69 DaV id M. Axelrad '77 WilliamJ . McLea n III '66 Donald T. Dunn111g '89 Ph yllis Riese nfeld Alan B. Axe lrod '6 1 Samuel J. Mercer Jr. '36 Robert A. Ell sworth '62 Pro f. Stefan Ri ese nfeld K. Robin Baggett '76 Hon. Robe rt W. Merrill '52 Dougl., A. Em eri ck '86 James F. Rogers '57 D. Mic hae l Ba dey '8 1 John H. Mullen Myron E. Etienne Jr. '52 Ri chard L. Rosett '67 Da nie l W. Baker '49 J. Marti n Obten '66 Leland Bl anchard Eva ns '80 Robin Russe ll '78 Dani el C. Ba lough '78 Basil N. Plastiras '75 TI,omas N. Fat '65 Howa rd A. Sagaser '76 H. E. "Bert" Ba rk er Jr. '63 Michael Raoul -Duva l '67 Mi chae l J. Fish '80 Philip M. Savage III '67 Nestor Ba rrero '84 Stanley M. Roden '66 Hon. Donald R. Franson '5 1 Paul J. Sax '68 Zinnia Coronel Barrero '85 Jeffrey Bryan Rosichan '88 John Charl es Ga rrett '66 Charlotte M. Saxon '82 Ruth . Ba rrow Prof. Thomas H. Rothwe ll '5 1 Steven J. Gee '88 Stephen J. Schneide r '70 James K. Batc helor '59 Dwight M. Rush '53 Kenneth B. Goodfried '71 Bruce W. Schwa b '63 James M. Baynes '74 Jerrold C. Schaefer '66 William A. Goul d Jr. '63 Richard L. Seabolt '75 Thomas La ne Becket '76 Hon. Robert H. chn ac ke '38 Mauree n A. Grattan '8 1 Theodore F. Shiells '83 Bruce W. Belding '63 Prof. Louis B. Schwartz Barry R. Gross '66 Paul M. himoff '72 Robert J. Beles '67 Larry D. Shamp '67 Thomas A. Haeuser '73 Eliza beth Hassard Sil ve r '74 Ri chard George Be ll '72 Joel A. Shawn '66 Kathlee n M. Halli ssy '75 Franklin S. Sil ver '74 Robert A. Belzer '68 David Siegel '8 1 James F. Hann '77 Hon. Loth rop E. Smith '38 Hon. Richard A. Bennett '73 Harold Silen '5 7 The Hartzell Famil y MarkJ . Smith '78 Liza F. Bereovici '78 Be rnard P. imons'6 7 Robert T. Has lam '76 Claud e M. Stem '80 Ellen R. Be rk '84 Charl es D. Sooy '32 Hon. Prisc illa H. Haynes '51 Henry E. Stiles II '66 Dan Mi chae l Berkovi tz '82 Gregory W. Stepani cich '77 Candace J. Heisler '72 Hon. TI,omas W. Stoever '60 Irv ing S. Bertram '70 David V. Stiles '76 James Edgar Hervey '50 Sharon J.A. treicher '7 1 Robert A. Biom '68 Charl es A. torke '70 Gerald M. Hinkley '75 Stanl ey L. Streicher Robert Bishop '63 John W. Sweitze r Douglas D. Hughmanick '74 Gerald W. Stu ts man '39 William J. Blair '76 Michae l D. Tom '75 W. Ronald Ingram '62 Hon. Benj amin M. Tashiro '32 Adrien Blanchard '34 Hon. Tenney Z. To ngg '60 James H. Irish '8 1 Theresa . Tay lor '88 Ali ce Blanchard Mark L. Vorsa tz '79 Cynthia Wachter Ise r '8 1 Law rence Alan Towers '8 1 Sonj a E. Blomquist '81 Euge ne J. Wait Jr. '54 Lawrence Ise r '80 John J. Vlahos '61 Bradley Lee Boeckm an '70 tephen Walter Howard A. Janssen '69 Charles F. Vulliet '71 Kenneth W. Bond '72 Jeffrey C. Wilk '74 Hon. Thomas M. Jenk ins '49 Thomas A. Vyse '62 Terrence J. Bonham '63 John Kakinuki '84 James E. Wallace Jr. '69 Donna M. Boosrrom '82 HASTINGS ASSOCIATES John Michael Kell y '65 William J.A. Weir '68 John C. Bost '73 $250 10$499 Campbell Killefer '77 Jeffrey R. Williams '78 Stacey L. Boyle '87 Steve n Koch '84 Kenneth K.P. Wong '78 Thomas A. Brady '67 Robert L. Bacon '51 Sha le F. Krepack '66 Richard W. Young '74 Brian S. Braff '69 Stanley L. Bauer '51 Ri chard L. Land es '68 Louise M. Zeitze w '87 Dale L. Bratton '86 Hon. Marvin R. Baxter '66 John H. Lejnieks '73 Laura A. Brenner '91 John D. Bessey '66 Mildred W. Levin '3 4 HASTINGS COUNSELORS Arthur R. Bridgeman '49 Norse N. Bl azzard '62 Jan Lewenhaupt $100 - $249 John P. Briegleb '49 Kenneth W. Bolinge r '72 George M. Linda hl '74 G. Da vid Brinton '85 Prof. Patricia C. Bradford '81 Rebecca Litteneker '83 Freda Emily Abbott '71 James McNeil Brower '50 Anthony R. Brookman '53 Lawrence John Ludgus '69 Mark B. Abelson '76 Les lie R. Brown '86 Paul Camera '60 Tracy Anna Lynch '88 Douglass M. Adams '53 M. Kingsley Brown '76 Robert E. Carlson '58 Kenneth M. Malovos '69 Philip Adams '38 James S. Bubar '78 Annie Y.J. Chang '91 Rac hel Markun '81 Ga ry T. Aka '74 Thomas K. Buck '76 Roy T. Chikamoto '76 George R. McClenahan '50 Lorraine Hi roko Akiba '8 1 Betty C. Bullock '79 Peter W. Clapp '82 Bruce B. McCrea '73 Jack C. Alhadeff '64 James K. Bullock '40 C. Don Clay '8 1 Peter Z. Michael '67 James Michael All en '71 Linda J. Burnstein '88 Li sa Coughlin Clay '8 1 Ronald Allison Miller '73 Marj orie Frances Allen '88 Hon. William E. Byrne '57 Michae l D. Cling '75 Jamoa A. Moberly '76 Nancy L. Alva rez '83 Frederick H. Bysshe Jr. '62


NAN M . CASTLE ('83) ROBERT M. DAVIS (,37) WM . BRUCE DAVIS ( ' 90) BETTY M. FALK ('46) ROBERT C . FI E LD ('60)

S EVEN Holen H L.,ke '72 \viI""mJ . Ewmg'51 Caml V. Holland 'S7 TlIll Lemon ~ L"k Al,m C.,merlm '81 KJthleen ~1. Eyre '83 Walton D.Y. Hong '69 Prol. Juhan II LCll Rllllnie Caplane '75 John H. Farmer '56 Henry chuyler Horn III '66 M". Juli,m II. LC\'I J"d Cm"h '67 Damel G. Farthmg '71 Steven H. Hough '64 Pror. DavlJ Lcvmc Chn, A. Carbon '82 AI"on Smith Fa, '81 M. Brooks Houghton '67 Norman Lew '62 Thl)m,,, H CarmoJ, '71 teven H. Feldef>tem '73 Gregg B. Hovey' 3 MIChael & Man]atl Lew!> '79 D',II1C Werthen Caner '76 Bret E. Field '92 M. Les"e Hovey' 6 Ro,e-Eve K. Lew" '80 ally Canl>o-McCarth, Thoma, R. F,er '77 Carl Howard '49 LOIS R. Lllnbach '82 AnJrea Wlrt:er Cassidy' 4 Paul DavlJ Fife '84 Bernard G. Howell '72 DaVid B. Lillcoin '71 Patricia Toole CNle' 7 Usa Fmkebtem '77 Scott Hoyt '80 Law rence L, vlIlgstll n Jr. Lauren Wabtm Cesare '83 BemarJ J. FISchbach '70 anJra V. Hughes '79 Richard Griffith Logan Jr. '79 Peter S. Chalfant '76 Robert O. F1eckn er '54 Helen Yuen Hmg HUI '74 Michael A. Lorman '73 Hayle, B. Chambe", '93 Ferdmand T. Fletcher '35 DaVid M. Humiston '79 Jud y LOUIe '82 Ruth . Chance Anthony Peter Foster '84 WiI "am T. Hunter Jr. '68 Shea Hutchms Lukacsko '9 1 Han. RlCharJ F. Charvat '63 James E. Fox '79 Marc Sean Hurd '87 Don A. Lynn '73 Chmtma Yu-Chmg Chen '78 Donald R. Fra nson Jr. '78 Joseph R. Ige lmund '71 Cel ine MacDonald '84 Oren T. Chlkamoto '73 Wilham E. Freedman '53 Denms A. Ing '67 John A. MacKerro n III '84 EdJ,e Y. Chm '74 Laury M. Fneber '82 Lawrence N.C. Ing '66 William R. Mackey '59 Rachelle B. hong '84 Dona ld A Fnend '77 Lester J. Ishado '75 James B. Maguire II I '68 Duane E. Clapp Jr. '68 CarlO Teru Fu]isak l '85 James F. Iwasko '70 Do ris Hoffm an Maier '35 Prof. Marsha N. Cohen Brad L. Fuller '83 Eri c A. James '77 Wi ll iam Gary Mai mone '76 Jack L. Coll ison '62 Enc Jan Fygl '66 William J. James '74 Michael F. Malloy '74 John R. Connelly Jr. '8 1 Wallace H. Gallup Jr. '70 Gregory Walter Jarrett '80 Donald M. Ma lone '63 Karen A. Connoll y '86 Ray D. Ga rdner '8 1 LOUIsa M. Jask ulski '75 Mi chael G. Ma lone '74 Han. DonalJ B. Constme '48 tephen K. Ga rdner '75 Juan M. Jayo '76 Jon . Malsnec '72 C. Randall Cook '79 Lynn Mane Gamey '88 D. Lowell & Barbara Jensen KaZlio C. Maniwa '75 Han. J. Hilary Cook '58 James H. Garrett '77 Edward Jew '73 Harrert W. Mannina Sr. '46 M. Stephen Coontz '70 Chnstme Gasparov ich '86 Spencer A. Joe '73 Heidi Skuba Maretz '89 Paul D. Cooper '66 Richard J. Geddes '74 Michael M. Johnson '76 Peter Belous Maretz '89 Steven M. Cooper '89 Richard Lawrence Ge rou ld '8 1 Richard E. Johnston '6 1 Kim MaroIS '76 John M. Coudures Jr. '38 Denms W. Ghan '77 DaV id Arthur Jones Jr. '85 Thomas M. Marovich '64 DaV id J ustm Cowan '88 Leon J. Gladsto ne '76 Philippa Lyn Jubelirer '83 Ka ri n T. Martin '68 Cameron D. Coy '86 Robert J. Goetzmge r '75 Phihp L. Judson '69 John Royal Martinea u '69 Leland M. Crawford '5 3 Gary GolJberg '9 1 Jac k I. Kaise r '72 Laura Massey '79 Laurence E. rouch '89 C. Martin Goldenbe rg '67 Hon. Stephen J. Kane '76 Edward Mastrange lo '78 Dean W. Crowe ll '74 Barry I. Goldman '64 Robert J. Kan eda '82 Coralie Chun Matayoshi '81 James B. Cuneo '65 Idil ,o A. Gonzalez '91 Stanley T. Kan etake '68 Jerold T. Matayoshi '80 Thomas R. urry '70 Han. Frank A. Grande '65 Theresa Wa lker Karle '89 Han. Paula Devens Matayoshl '8 1 Han. Loren S. Dahl '49 Timothy A. Gravitt '84 Scott L. Kays '76 Edith R. Matthai '75 Robert L. Danaher '81 Arthur W. Gray Jr. '52 Jennifer L. Kell er '78 Ph ilip R. Matthews '77 Robert H. Darrow '53 Nancy Wilton Green '79 Joseph I. Kell y '58 Michael A. Kelly '76 Ri chard DavuJoff '78 Prof. Jay E. Gremg '71 CLASS AGENTS Susan K. Davidoff '79 Thomas M. Gnffin '6 1 Han. Donald R. Kennedy '52 John J. DavIS Jr. '75 Joseph Albert Gross '82 Michael Kennedy '62 Jonathan J. DavIS '74 DaVid J. Guman '72 Parker S. Kennedy '73 Matthew D. DavIS '89 James F. Gustin '63 H. Smcia" Kerr J r. '74 William Bruce DavIS '90 Patnck J. Hagan '75 Ri chard K. Keyes '76 Han. John W. DeGroot '74 Han. Cynthia Holcomb Hall Isam C. Khoury '73 Han. William C. DeMartml '53 Patrick T. Hall '76 Sarah J. Ktllgore '60 Kirk E. De l Prete '84 E. Alan Hampson '72 Kay Thora Kingsley '8 1 Srephen P. Dena '86 Violet N. Hand elman '81 Thomas W. Kintner '83 George Hallett Denton '84 J. Terence Hanna '80 Han. Richard W. K"by '64 RlcharJ A. Derevan '74 Mona Z. Hanna '87 Roy B. K"konan '70 VALERIE A . FONTAINE (,79) Edward Dc nnon '54 Mark Thomas Hansen '84 Mark Alexander Klem '71 Dona ld William De usch '70 Ian Hardcastle '89 KarlaJ. Knieps '8 1 Warren C. Deutsch '62 Ne il A. Hatrls '86 Paul L. Knight '75 P. Steven Dobel '64 Charles Richa rd Hart Jr. '64 Roy Jerome Keegen '74 Thomas Dobyns '72 George K. HartWick '40 Phihp D. Kahn '79 Vlrgmla .H. Dodoe' 2 James M. Ha 'an '73 DaVid H. Kremer '78 Richard Domholt '76 Edward J. Hega rty '63 Ma tthew R. Kretzer '9 1 John P. Do,le '78 R. J. Heher '78 Henry C. Knvetsky '60 WIlliam . Dre' er '82 Jerold Wayne Heller '70 Gtlbert N. Kruger '66 Mary There"" Dumont '85 RIChard A. Helm '70 Jack . Kusaba '5 4 JoAnne L. Dunec '90 Thomas G. Hendricks '63 John M. Landry '88 KEITH S . FRASER ( ' 61 ) Han. John J. Dunn '52 Richard W. Henson '68 Edward Va il Lane Jr. '65 tanley L. Dunn '51 Wmlfred L. Hepperle '43 Free man Damel Lane '66 James RlcharJ Dunworth '73 Jame, H. He",hey '8 1 Edward F. Lanlgar '72 Do""y K. Dwelle '40 Matthew Campbell Hervey' 4 Diane Larrabee '80 tephen K. Easton '70 James Covmgton Hester '70 Matthew Larrabee '80 Michael R. Egger '91 Arthur E. Hewitt '38 Ch ristopher L. Lau '76 Bruce R. Elhsen '82 Gerald me Hill Jeffrey Damel Lau '77 Wilham De hay Engh,h '51 Lloyd Hmkelman '56 Chns P. Lavdiotis '80 Eugene Epstem '60 Han. Edward A. HiruJr. '61 Carol Man Lee '74 Richard A. Erwood '73 DaVid P. Hodges '77 Douglas T. Y. Lee '60 oeml Espmosa ' 4 Charles R. Hoge '53 RIChard Ym Sung Lee '73 Carmen A. Estrada '77 William R. Holcomb '50 Bruce Legemes '70 GARY GOLDBERG ('91 )

. EIGHT' "l\IREIlIT It"l



Janet Evelyn Mm"ck '85 Lon K. Okada '78 Alan W. chulkin '80 Julian R. Warner '69 Hon. Franc!> W. Mayer '41 Douglas W. Oldficid '81 Prof. terhen Schwarz John W. Warnock '67 Sally Jea n McCabe '79 Gary L. Ohm!,ia '66 Joserh raig Scott '76 Frankhn T. Watson '89 Hon. Francis L. McCarty '33 Mark F. Orncila, '74 Gera ld T. ekimura' 0 Kelly Ferrell Watson '90 Robert McCaskill James E. Orr Jr. '67 Eh zabeth Page l erebransky'84 Hon. Reginald M. Watt '39 Gordon E. McClintock '67 Earl D. Osborn '75 Peter W. Sheats '76 Hon. Elamc Mahsch Walter> '79 Jack B. McCowan Jr. '74 Gary Anzel Owen '69 Robert S. Shelburne '67 Michael G. Watters '74 Donald James McCubbin '69 Arthur B. Page '78 Merritt I. Sher '66 Law rence E. Wayte '6 1 Geo rge T. McDonnell '79 Vi ken K. Pakradouni 'S8 SCOtt Showier '71 James R. Webb'77 Willard W. McEwen Jr. '60 Ernest A. Panizzon '60 Fannie Y. Shual Stephen E. Webber '72 I-Ion. Robert G. McGrath '68 Douglas S. Paris '73 Yee-Horn Shuai '82 Ronald H. Wecht '75 John J. McGregor '7 1 Lisa G. Patterson-Foster '85 Cathy Mendelson Siegel '76 Tim B. Wed lake '92 Thomas B. McGuire '56 Timothy G. Patterson '8 1 Andrew C. Siga l '72 Han. Stan ley A. Weigel David G. Mcinnes '49 I-Ion. Charles S. Peery '40 Hon. Shar i Kreisler Si lve r '74 Prof. Joanna Weinberg Richard D. McKay '78 Carol Pegnato '88 Bruce Lee Simon '80 Edward A. Weiner '65 J. Keith McKeag '66 Karl R. Petrey '76 David P. Sinai '49 Philip H. Welch IV '75 William T. Mclaughlin II '84 Robert Joseph Pia '84 Alexander H. Singleton '65 Lisa Amalia Wellsfry '87 Dennis E. McLean '80 Gary B. Polga r '73 Charl es M. Sink '77 Jack Werchick '49 David W. McMurtry '63 Drew E. Pomerance '8 1 Rik N. iro '82 Jay P. Wertheim '79 Michael P. McNamara '82 Robert J. Popelka '48 Rona ld G. Skipper '65 Ga ry D. Wheatcroft '58 M. Michael Meheen '64 Henry A. Poy'56 Sa ll y A. klar '79 David E. Wheeler '78 Lee Mermelstein '67 Warren Thomas Pratt '80 Kenneth E. Skousen '55 Marshall Whitney '78 Robe rt G. Merritt '91 Jim Gerhart Price '85 Harold S. Small '70 Karen Ka y Williams '85 Mrs. J. Robert Mese rve Timothy P. Prince '90 John L.B. Smith '75 Dennis F. Wi llson '76 J. Robert Mese rve '41 Han. John Jam es Quigley '51 Tami S. Sand er '69 Douglas E. Wi lson '48 Han. Willis Mevis '49 William A. Quinby '67 C. Darrell Sooy '69 Kenneth A. Wilson '67 Han. Leonard I. Meye rs '4 1 Han. John T. Racanell i '52 Diane L. Sovereign '93 Stephen Payne Wiman '72 Han. Rudolf 1-1. Michaels '48 James L. Racusi n '66 Philip F. palding '62 Benjamin R. Winslow '72 Jon T. Miho '67 Martha C. Radcliffe '75 John H. Stephens '78 W. Bruce Wold '7 1 Russe ll 1-1 . Miller '83 Marcy Railsback '78 J. Leonard Stern '65 El ai ne 1-1 . Wolff-Bubar '79 William C. Mi ll er '55 Terrence D. Ranahan '73 Randall K. Steverson '78 Peter M.O. Wong '93 Nola Nobuyo Miyasa ki '84 Han. Nancy L. Rasmusse n '76 Han. Charles V. Stone '57 Teresa A. Woody '85 Jo Ann Montoya '87 Gary R. Ray '88 Stewart R. Suchman '69 Suzanne Mulkern Wozn iak '90 Michael D. Montoya '87 Michae l B. Read '73 Ben Suter '82 Randall W. Wulff '74 James W. Moore '82 David E. Reese '87 Han. Philip K. Sweigert '6 1 Robert A. Wy ler Jr. '68 Nicholas G. Moore '67 Han. Norman S. Reid '57 Prof. Peter Nash Swisher '73 Jea n Nancy Kung Yeh '85 Stan ley M. Morishige '77 Eric R. Reimer 'S7 Russe ll Parker Taft '53 Daniel S. York '87 William R. Morris '73 Jeanne C. Reimann '9 1 William Lew Tan '74 Antoinette M. Young '76 Michael W. Morrison '76 Han. Bernard E. Revak '64 Fred L. Tanenbaum '66 George S. Youngling '52 Ma rsha L. Morrow '76 Wi ll iam M. Ri chardson '78 Ralph W. Tarr '76 David Robert Zaro '86 Russe ll M. Martyn '92 I-Ion. W. Blair Rlxon '35 John D. Taves '6 1 Vick i Bleiberg Zatkin '78 Robert A. Muhlbach '76 Bruce D. Rogie '72 Jeffrey M. Taylor '74 Thomas D. Zeff '76 Robert 1-1. Mullen '38 Deborah R. Rohrer '83 John Landau Taylor '66 Susan B. Zimmerman '76 Michae l A. Mullery '80 Robert A. Rose '52 Susan E. Teller '79 Edwin J. Zinman '72 Arnold B. Myers '69 Stephen N. Rose n '70 I-Ion. James F. Thaxte r '59 Ron S. Zollman '90 J. Roge r Myers '69 Eugene N. Rosenberg George Preston Thomas Jr. '73 Glenn Zwang '83 Stephen D. Natcher '65 Mark 1-1 . Rose nthal '74 James B. Thompson '52 Peter A. Nathan '66 Gary B. Rothbart '71 Lawrence W. Thorpe '66 HASTINGS ADVOCATES I-Ion. Robert A. Neher '60 John David Rothsc hi ld '7 1 Jeanette Elaine Traverso '86 $1 to $99 Prof. Melissa Nelken Frede rick E. Royce III '77 Daniel P. Trump '86 Peter Martin Nelson '79 Larry C. Ru ss '78 Mark Logan Tuft '68 Prof. Mark N. Aaronson Prof. Nell Jessup Newton '76 W. Lance Russum '66 I-I arold Henry Turner'S I Gregory R. Aker '82 Patrick A. Nie lso n '75 Grego ry J. Ryken '73 Thomas Louis Uniack '64 Vic tor N. Alam '89 Frank J. Noll '73 L. Joanne Sakai '85 Douglas A. Unsworth '82 Tony Albertazzi '93 Han. Ra lph Nunez '68 Jeanette Marie Salkin '78 William G. Van der Mei '74 Cesar V. Alegria Jr. '89 Jennifer M. Nutt '87 Nancy Beth Samiljan '82 Paul Vapnek Karen Tietj en Allen '88 Bernard E. O'Connor Jr. '65 Jerome Sapiro '39 Wayne Veatch Sr. '35 Leopo lda AI ve ntosa '84 Jennifer Lea O'Connor '84 Joseph PretiaII' Savage '87 Theodore P. Veganes '64 Richard B. Amandes '53 John Michael O'Connor '72 Patrice Carm el Scatena '88 Stephen P. Villano '86 William S. Amsbary II '88 Dennis D. O'Neil '66 Joseph H. Schieffer '76 Victoria L. von Sze li ski '89 BenJamm O. Andersen '65 James. P. O'Sullivan '83 Ryan Perry Schmelz '74 Bruce D. Wagner '55 Bryce C. Anderson '70 Ca rla B. Oakley '87 Jean L. Schmidt '76 Richard W. Walden '55 Eda B. Anderson William B. Oberly '79 Judith A. Schneider '79 Edward M. Walsh '59 Kathryn R. Anderson '74

NINE I\,'n Luncll \. ' ,-\nJ",,,'n'i) k,lth""nc Chien 'bi P,u rlck 1-:<'\ F,lu lkner '76 C:LASS AGENTS h,hn R .-\n,lr.I,Lt'i6 Lee A Chdo'll' Jr 'i2 Paul Fedelln Jr E..h,.uJ \ I Ar,hl~ , IIJ '; l' Nann' G..:-nrgll)U ChllHll1Jn'l '~"i John ~ I FeJcr '78 ~llch.I,·ll'c,' r ~e Ark"km '/1 Gard Ch"holm ')3 Su,an Gdendcr FeJer '79 \ ·Kh.'n.l Eh:.l~th -\rnbtr(ln~ '7) Colm \XI Ch ,u '69 LInJa S. Feldman '76 H,'n \\'dklm ~I -\u,len ')2 Carol J. Chmten,en '91 Phd'r R FelJman '83 ~I Su:,mn,' R.lIknh,,)!, ',I John A Chr"te,",on '~9 he Marie Fchttl '89 Damel .I'''''rh Raill'\ III 'bb John Chu '82 Roger A. Fe rr~e '68 n,mJ \\' R",J '6 i Grant Y. Chun' 6 Dakin Nl'l'I lIe Ferrh '88 R,l\monJ I Ba ker '50 Man,mnc Chumey '8i Peen, Bdl F,elJ '79 De~ora h L. Baldocchl '89 Jame' S. Clarr '74 Ge nna", Augu,t Fd,ce III '74 Ge'1rge A Balk o III '86 Alhert G. Clark Jr. '63 Kel'ln W. Finck '80 MARK F . ORN ELLAS ('74) tephen Lee B.lrixhe '76 D,WlJ CU rtIS Clark '75 RanJali S. FirNone '78 Prot. Margreth B.mett Diane D. Clark e '78 Herman H. FIt:gerald '62 J,)hn P. Barrie 'il Wdh am L. Clarke Dougla, C. Fl adseth '78 J,mathan Coorer Batte), '79 Hon. Frank Cliff '52 Dianna E. Fl em ing '74 Greg"'\ MIChael Beck '78 Jonathan DaV id Cohen '85 Robert L. Fletcher Jr. '69 Wilham Lawrence Belden '84 Lawrence M. Cohen '82 Hon. Rl charJ S. Filer '70 Jo,eph Wilham Bell '84 Han. Michael C. Cohn '7 I BrenJan J. Fogarty '9 I Judith A. Bendor' 0 Prof. James W. Coiliton '73 Alan W. Ford '5 I Cary and Holl y Bennett LOU ISG. Conlan '29 Prof. Wm . Ray Forre,ter Arnold I. Benmg,on '72 A. Byrne Conl ey] r. '83 Jame, Horkm, Fox '82 Hon. Ga il Bre\\ ,ter Bereola '79 Michael T. Connell '73 Michael Wdllam Fox '84 WALTER OSBORN , JR . ('57) Kathryn Guillou Bergenholt: '83 Jame, M. Co nway '9 1 Kell y Allen FranCl>co '78 Cu rti> W.lkrner '71 Hon. Robert J. Cooney '49 Prof. Benpmln D. Front: '33 Mark Bem'tem '68 DaVid Cooper Jr. '86 Han. Richard O. Frazee '66 Jerome A. Blaha '7 I Eh:abeth A. Coyne '74 T"norhy M. Freudenberge r '88 Jonathan Kuk Blaufarb '84 Michae l E. Crady '72 Michael FrleJman '67 Jeffrey E. Boly '67 Barbara A. Cray '79 Peter F. Fro,t '83 Robert Lowell Bond '69 Dianne Ga llant·Cro,by 'S5 Arthur Steven Frumkin ' 4 eil BooMyn Thoma, C. Crosby '81 Dal'ld T. FUJikawa '72 Bnan T. Border> '80 Robert S. Crossland ' 35 Lance S. FUjISaki '86 John JI"eph Bor>os '70 Richard E. Croll' II '76 Mary B. Fylstra '83 Han. Robert L. Bostick '49 Su:anne Care Cummms '79 Jesse Ga in es '76 Wilham E. Boyd '74 Linda N. Cunningham '86 Daniel F. Gallery '56 KENNETH ROSENTHAL ('58) Han. tephen Douglas Bradbury '76 John . CurtIS '71 Ca rl yn F. Galway '52 Mark Brandenburg '79 Pau l W. Daniel, '74 Anthony F. Gantner '75 Susan S. Bnggs '67 CanJ ace C. Davenport '7 5 William R. Gargano '71 Shawn Mane Bntton '90 Melyssa D. DaVidson '9 1 Robert J. Garon '85 Stuart A. Bronstem '78 Edmond R. DavIS '52 haron K. Ga rrett '77 Larry G. Brou--a rd '77 Kathlee n K. De SamlS '83 Norman J. Gat:ert '68 Edward J. Brown Judith A. DcFronco '89 Stephen D. Gau,e '86 June K. Brown '78 Haro ld E. DeGraw '68 Ga ry NIChols Gershon '73 Zane A. Brown Jr. '9 1 John F. DeMeo '58 Matthew J. Geyer '85 Wilham John Brumck '69 I. Braun Degell>heln '88 SCOtt L. Ghormley '76 Wilham J. Bruweao '77 Donna Marie Dell '85 Wdllam D. Gibbs '63 THOMAS ROTHWELL ('51 ) Cathryn Bryck ' 2 Han. Terence M. Dempsey '62 James Burke Gildea '75 Ronald Buckly '7 Mollie J. Dent '77 Charl es M. GIOvanetti '50 V. Craig Bull '52 Prof. John L Diamond John J. GlOvannone '75 Han. John Anthony Burke '59 LUCia Diamond '82 Ruth V. Ghck '9 I G. Web,ter Bums '76 Ch"'tlna Dickson' 0 Hon. Bernard Gli ckfelJ '4 I Wilham M. Bush '66 Haradon M. Ddlon '5 I Paul F. Goldsmith '80 Clark R. Byam '72 Pau l H. Dobson '73 Marc L Go ldstein '78 George L. Cadwa lade r '48 Mimi EiI ,.beth Doherty '85 Larry M. Golub '83 Wilham Calertl '62 Marl' A. Donovan '76 loUiS J. Goodman '79 Kathleen A. Ca llaghan '77 Harry M. Dorfman' 4 Jennifer Frances Gordon '85 Jed Z. allen '76 Michael R. Dougherty '74 James Shinn Graham '73 John Cardona Ca lma '84 Pnscdla H. Douglas '84 John A. Granger '76 HOWARD H . RUBEN (,82 ) Dal' ld L. Canas' 7 DaVid R. Dowell '72 teven Joel Gray '82 Parnck George Cannon '89 Peter Charl es Dowler '69 Patricia Stern Gree n '76 James G. Harlan '76 ChrIS topher M. Carlettl ' 0 Hon. Samuel Drellen '37 Bruce R. Greene '67 Km ton P. Harper ' 3 Mane LOUISe Caro '83 Duane W. Dresser '56 Michael L. Greene '87 Cha rles L Harringto n '63 Kieran Kdcullen Ca rt er '79 John K. Drury 'S5 B,on M. Gregory '68 Le,ley B. Hams '86 Joyce Mad ve r Cartun ' 9 Prescdla M. Dugard ' Gordon W. Gregory '78 M. Robert Ham, Michael W. Case '7 1 D. Greg Durbm '78 Dan C. Grimmer '73 Randal G. Hams '7 Edna F. Cash.DuJ ley '82 Jeanne Win, loll' Durbin '78 James Gnndllngcr Han. William J. Harri sJr. '5 1 an M Ca,t1e '83 Denn" P. Eckhart '76 Hon. Edward R. Grogan '50 John G. Hamson Jr. '76 Ga,le J Chan '76 Cha rles L. Eichhorn'S I Gad Renee GuJJer' 8 Hon. MarVin G. Haun '58 ]<1<: 1-.-1. Chan '73 ancy EISensch,ml '83 Dal'ld Edmund Gunn '76 James A. Have rk amp' I Howard T. Chang '6 Jon E. Ellmgson '74 John Randolph Haag' 2 Robert A. Hawley '78 LI'<1 Klemer Chanoff' '5 Ten hugart Enckson '84 Benjamm Hagan Jr. '65 Phd,p Joseph Hayes' 7 Robert Chargm '53 tephen Joseph Engero '85 John M. Haggerty '75 tephen M. Hayes '78 Martha M. Chase '76 A. Be n Ewell Jr. '66 Allen A. Halm '65 heryl Lee Heckm ann '80 AlexanJer J.,me, Chen' Janet L Fallem·Mo. ' 5 Frances LOUISe Hancock '5 1 Harvey E. Henderson Jr. '6 Emc'>t G. Cheon" '57 han non F. Fallon '90 Theodore M. Hankin '77 Michael J. Henderson' 0 Thea ~ larlene Che,ter' 4 Bar~ara u:anne Farley '76 Paul T. Han,on '71 Ru"ell B. Henry, '44 \ Nl \1 f, I' )I( ('F (,/1 T

Lawrence Herbert '75 Va nessa Holton '83 Perry L. Landsberg '82 Robert John Menifee '69 Han. John F. Herlihy '74 Arnold K. Hond a '8 1 John Lange r '34 A. John Merlo 'SO David W. Herrick '74 John Wolph Hopkins '60 John Andrew Larimore '76 Dani Jo Young Merryman '87 Thomas AE. Hesketh '79 Fredric Roy Horowitz '75 Collin Lau '79 John M. Meyer '71 Barbara Ann Hickman '84 Loren D. Hostek '75 Gustavo Enrique Lavaye n '84 Patri ck E. Meyers '90 Frederick J. Hickman '86 Elizabeth A. Hotchkin '8 1 Benj amin B. Law '38 Robert D. Meyers '72 Han. Richard A. Hickman '52 John William Houts '71 Alexander Leonard Lawrence '75 hoko Tanida Michael '88 Richard Hicks '78 Han. Dav id E. Hunter '67 David O. Ledbetter '77 Alexander J. Michalak '80 Daniel J. Hi gg ins '40 Kim Mi chele Hunter '85 Judith Ledbetter '76 Timothy Grant Middleton '69 Dennis L. Hightower '92 Walter S. Hunter '38 Allen B.P. Lee '68 Do nald F. Miles '74 Barry E. Hinkle '76 Bill & Barbara In gram Elise Kam Yuk Lee '93 Han. George Hubert Miller '52 Kathleen A. Hinkle Richard P. Inland er '68 Francie Lehmer '84 James E. Miller '62 Thomas L. Hinkle '7 1 Jon Masa Ishibashi '84 Paul a Lei bov itz '79 Robert C. Mills '9 1 George Hinoki '57 Ronald W. Ito '86 Lawrence J. Leigh '76 Robert C. Mires '53 Richard H. Hira i '67 Steven H. Jackman '91 Michelle E. Lentzner '91 Harvey D. Mittler '68 Robert W. Hodges '80 Meredith S. Jac kson '88 W. Robert Lesh '76 Gerald F. Mohun Jr. '83 Christopher T. Holland '92 Audrey Sullivan Jacob '86 Terry Lynn Levich '90 Staff of Judge R.H. Schnacke Allan Jacobs '67 Han. William F. Levins '49 Rick Montfort Jr. '92 J.T. Le vitt '83 Han. Thomas M. Montgomery '48 CLASS AGENTS Robert G. Jacobs '40 Sharon Ellen Jaffe '84 Thomas Charl es Levitt '79 Andrew R. Moore '88 Han. Steven E. Jahr '74 Mark P. Levy '80 Genevieve M. Moore '89 Thomas H. Jamison '75 Claes H. Lewe nhaupt '89 John W. Moore 'SO Bruce J. Janigian '75 Han. John R. Lewis '66 Sull y W. Moore '90 Faith Jansen '81 Douglas C. Li echty '60 Walter T. Moore '92 Mari anne . John son '88 Carl Lippenberge r '75 Willson C. Moore Jr. '53 Michael Kenneth Johnson '87 Linda G. Lipscomb '82 Ne il Jerome Moran '80 Richard L. Johnso n '60 Mary Louise Loc kh art Elinore C. (Charles) Morgan '5 7 Gail E. Jonas '76 Prof. William B. Lockhart Carole Morita '78 James V. Jones '67 Gene Lollin '65 Chester Morr is '6 1

HAROLD SILEN (,57) Lawrence Jones '58 David W. Long '76 Jackson E. Morrison '73 Han. Talm adge R. Jones '67 Han. Joseph R. Longacre '5 I Sharyn Moss usa n Yee Jong '84 Les li e C. Longenbaugh '86 F.T. Muegenburg Jr. '64 James J. Jordan '89 C. Dennis Loomis '78 Anthony M. Muir '73 Jeffrey Mi chael Judd '88 Bruce M. Lorman '78 James J. Mulgrew '80 David B. Judson '69 Martin Lov inger '79 Teryl S. Murabayashi '90 May Louie Jung '83 Tracy Lucero Terrence P. Murphey '90 Dale W. Junta '64 E. Patricia Lucey '71 Linda M. Murphy '90 John M. Kah eny '73 Monica E. Lukosc hek '87 Peter Scott Myers '84 John E. Kalin '74 Cora K. Lum '75 Richard L. Myers '70 Nicole S. Kamian '92 Bruce A Lyon '77 Lawrence M. Nagin '65 Barry L. Kanel '77 Samuel A.B. Lyons '64 Myra Ann akelsky'89 JOHN F . STALEY ('72) Kenneth L. Kann '86 Michae l Ross Ma cPhail '88 Tanya M. Neiman '74 Steven Edward Kaplan '73 Lillian L. Machado '91 Clyde A Nelson Jr. '5 I Richard K. Karren '52 Collis P. Mahan '44 Duane L. Nelson '67 R. Michael Kaspe rzak Jr. '82 Donna Chapin Maizel '78 Jeffrey C. Nelson '74 Edward C. Keller '56 Mary Catherine Mali n '84 Philip L. Nelson '68 Kathleen Kell y '84 Thomas Edward Malley Jr. '69 Catherine N. Nia rchos '86 Maureen A. Kelly '92 Prof. John S. Malone Jennifer E. Niles '92 Jane M. Kensok Richard B. Maness '75 Robert E. isbet '48 Thomas J. Kensok '87 Warren W. Mange ls '49 Mi Young Noh '91 Caroline Ann Kerl '7 4 Pamela Mann '83 heila C. Nolan '77 John T. Ketelsen '69 Ma rc Gregory Marcus '76 William Wade alan '76 BRIAN D . THIESSEN ('67) Bruce D. Ketron '70 Milton H. Mares '67 Mich eal Terence O'Connor '86 Han. Shunichi Kimura '6 1 William C. Markley 111 '74 James J. O'Donnell '85 John C. Kinney '49 Linde ll L. Marsh '66 Han. Lawrence J. O'Ne ill '79 Han . James Joseph Kirner '59 Douglas E. Marshall '65 Victor Peter Obninsky '69 Rod ney A. Klein '64 Susanne M. Martinez '70 Kenneth COtt Ogden '7 1 E. Barry KI ine '66 Thomas B. Mason '76 Patricia Marie Olcomendy '85 Jay Adams Knight '71 Rod ney T. Mathews Jr. '83 Elizabe th Ufkes Oli vera '85 John H. Knowles '60 Eilee n Therese McAndrew '85 Rod ney C. Olse n '73 David N. Knudson '8 1 John J. McBeth '78 Karl Olson '82 Jan A Kobayas hi '86 Richard G. McBurnie '74 Betty J. Orvell '86 Lori B. Kramer '84 Charles J. McClain Jr. '74 Joseph c. Owens '84 Eric R. Krebs '91 Gary Evan McCurdy '72 B. Mitchell Palmer '35 WAYNE VEATCH , SR . ('35) John Krebs '57 Robert J. McKee '33 Beth A Palmer '9 1 Ronald Frederick Krelle '77 Joanne McKillop Diane Damis Papan '88 Matthew Hayes Krimmer '88 Madeline G. Mclaughlin '71 Gregory C. Paraskou '7 1 Noe ll K. Ku bota '77 Peggy McMahon '82 Dvora Parker '81 David S. Kupetz '86 Stephen McNamara '86 Alaine Parry '83 Han. Robert K. Kurtz '73 Va lerie L. McNamara '86 Sarah Foxman Pattison '82 Thomas J. LaLanne '72 George A. Mc itt '91 Han. John K. Pearson '73 Han. Edward M. Lacy Jr. '67 Arnold W. Mednick '79 J. Vi rginia tevens Peiser '75 Jerrold M. Ladar Edward A Melia 11 I '68 Jack E. Perkins '72 R. Bruce Laing '75 Paulette Janian Melkonian '7 1 Daniel W. Peters '8 1 Philip B. Laird Jr. '73 Han. Rodney S. Melville '68 Mark Petersen '83 DANIEL S . YORK ('87) Charles R. Landau '77 Raymundo G.S. Mendoza '86 Kurt C. Peterson '78

ELEVEN ' 11,'n. I\'nn" Petre '76 Rohert J. SClarom '75 Anne Unvcr:agt '72 Ila~er & ~ IcKen:le ,'u"m F. Petr"nch '/5 Dand D. Scott '79 ~ 1. Lupe Valencia' 9 llI"h" & HartforJ (j,,,J,m C Phillip, '57 ~ lark D. Segel man ' 6 Catherme M. Van Aken '76 Blecher & Collm, H,m. The,,,,,,,,, D. P,att '66 Jo Anne Zoff ellner '74 Han. Bruce Van Voorh" '74 CLEO atlonalOthce ~\ich"d R. Pm,ltdli Jr '74 D. Scott Shaffer '87 Ann M. Veneman '76 Chen & Chew J L\mllmque Pm~ne\ '85 V. Blair Shahba"an '86 Peter L. Vestal '91 Chevron, U.. A. [\Iugla, LlI'?rt L. Pollak '78 Peter E. Sibley '70 John V. Wadsworth '93 D,cks & Dunnmg Jeftrey Dmd Polsk\' 5 Dand Anthony Silva '90 Arthur C. Wahlberg '38 Ewmg & Johnson Esther B. Pomeran:' I Robert N. Silverman '66 Jeffrey G. Walker '80 Franklm Cole Foundation Stanley E. Pond '77 ~lichael R. Simmonds '80 Hon. Vaughn R. Walker Theodore H. Geballe Chantable Income Tr"" u,an M. Popik '75 Kathleen A. Skmner '75 Hon. Arthur E. Wallace '63 Grande Properties Han . Milo popo\'leh '37 Denms D. Slattery '70 Mrs. F.R. Walsh HH>tmgs PC U,er's Group Kathleen Porter-J orne '85 KennarJ R. Smart Jr. '70 Prof. Franci, R. Walsh Hewlett-Packard Mary L. Poteet '79 Craig Alan Smith '76 Kwan Kwan Wang Houts & HOllt, Joan Graham Poulos '62 Jeffrey L. Smith '66 Prof. William K.. Wang Jaress & Raffetto Jame, B. Preston '72 Peter L. Smith '73 Melissa Bauman Ward '92 Jory, Peterson & Sagaser Morgan Prickett '80 Hon. Jo>cph T. Sneed John . Warnlof '72 KPM Peat Marwlck Foundation Jame, A. P"etto '86 Gary P. Snyder '67 Howard K. Warkms '72 Kilpatrick, Ka ys, Daniels & ConllSky Donald Primavera '76 Lee E. olomon '52 Laune L. Watkms '91 Knox, Lemmon, Brady, Anapobky Peter J. Pullen '83 Andrew Sorokowski '79 Carol K. Watson '87 & Sheridan Hon. Roland ebon Purnell '63 ~"ke Soumbemotls '72 William Way '89 Klivara & Cohen Kurt H. Pyle '65 James Jose ph Sowers '88 J. Victor Waye '82 Lavorato, House & Granberg Wallace G. Qumlisk '49 Mark pangler '73 Susan icholas Weber '72 L,eff, Cabraser & Heimann Han. Shackley F. Raffetto '68 George V. Spanos '75 Janice L. Weis '88 Richard Coyle Lilly Found ati on Lawrence Robert Ram sey '79 Elena V. peed '90 James L. Welch '70 MTS, Incorporated Cra ig Z. Randall '5 1 K. Jacquelme Speier '76 Theodore S. Wentworth '62 Mahoney, Coppenrath & Jaffe John T. Ready '70 Geoffrey Spellberg '85 Eric Hunter Werner '84 Marcus & Regalado Hon. Timothy A. Reardon '66 Hon. Leland H. Spencer '66 Jame, c. Weseman '82 Mendelso n & Brown usanne K. Reed '81 Lloyd V. tamp '52 Brooke Ann Wharton '88 Moorad, Clark & Gleason Barry Rehfeld '66 Dana Stanculescu '85 tephen L. Wheeler '66 Morrison, Frost & Olsen J. Michael RCidenbach '72 Charles P. Starkey '75 Michael E. White '8 1 Mlisick, Peeler & Garrett Frances P. Rice '77 Enc S. Steinberg '74 Richard O. White '42 Myers, Widders & Gibson TrUitt A. Richey Jr. '53 K. James Stemer Jr. '86 David Purcell Whitndge '74 O'Bnen, Watters, Davis & Piasta C. H. Richlin '78 Jeannette Stephan '83 Gary L. Widman '62 PacCom Management Services cott D. Richmond '64 J. Christopher Stevens '89 DaVid Lee Wiggms '84 Tony Patii\o Memorial T rllst of Allison L. Ricks '81 Thomas Foster Stewart '85 Hanna Ruth Wilber '33 Has tings College of the Law tephen A. Ricks '79 Timothy L. Stewart '80 Paul S. Wilcox '75 Peninsula Assoc iation of General Counsel Paul Jeffrey Riehle '84 Richard S. Stone '73 Herman Wildman Peninsula Community Foundation Bnan A. Ripley '83 Robert Maunce Stone '82 David E. Willett '58 Pond, Shjeflo & Wohl Kenneth N. Rivera '62 Han. ChrIs Stromsne» '67 David J. Williamson '74 Queen's Bench Mary Maloney RobertS '8 1 Nancy Jean Suout '85 David Hughes Wilson '58 Roberts FOllndation Peter R. Robinson '80 Prof. Raym ond L. ullivan W. Leonard Wingate Jr. '64 Rose & Brutacao Henry Dav id Rome '70 Thomas Patrick Sullivan '8 1 Ellen Winograd '83 Rouda, Feder & Ti etjen Hon. Hugh Rose III '63 Wmlfred C. Sullivan RIChard Hungerford Wise '66 San Francisco Foundation Kenneth W. Rosenberg '86 Amanda F. Susskind '8 1 Randall R. Wittman '78 San Francisco Legal Auxiliary Shan Cohen Rosenman '88 Lowell F. Sutherland '65 Barry Wolm '72 Shannon Construction Co. Herbert M. Rosenthal '60 Keith K,yosh, Smuka '84 Betsy Wolkin '79 The Sharper Image Kenneth W. Rosenthal '58 John T. wan '74 Nancy Elizabeth Fong Wong '82 Shepard, Shepard & Janian Steven S. Rosenthal '7 Robert M. Sweet '58 Anita L. Wood '85 Siemon, Larsen & Marsh Abby Rosmarm' 2 Hon. Taketsugu T akel '6 1 Barry C. Wood '67 Skousen & Skousen Andrew B. Ross '88 Kevm K. Takeuchi '82 Hon. Robert E. Woodward '41 St. Clair, McFetridge & Griffin aul N. Ross '41 Robert L. Tan '77 Prof. Wayne S. Woody Sutherland & Gerber Oliver E. Rostain '51 Hon. Julie M. Tang '82 David cott Worthington '76 Tanenbaum & Dempster William l:aac Rothbard '76 Michael K. Tanlgawa '80 Edward M. Wnght '57 Law Offc. of James A. Thompson RonalJ H. Rouda '59 John F. Tannian '87 E. Suzanne Wyatt '79 T olVnsend & Townsend Barbara Rowland '85 George G. Taylor '46 Prof. Margaret J. Wynne '82 United Way of the Bay Area Howard H. Ruben '82 Paulette J. Taylo"73 Gordon Y. Yamamoto '74 Van Loben Sels Foundation usan Grody Ruben '82 Diane E. T eilh ' 0 LI-Ann Yamash"o '87 Vargas & Bartlett Joel Richard Rubm '75 DaVid G. Tekell '86 Richard A. Yanagi '85 Varni, Fraser, Hartwell, & Rodgers Joseph D. Rubm '90 Jonathan B. T eperson '91 Gary T. Yancey '68 Waite, Jacobs & Atkinson Alyce A. Rubinfeld '82 Lora Jean Thielbar '82 Erica R. Yew '85 Wyckoff, Richardson, Sanson, Kyle T. Sakumoto' 3 Susan Stuermer Thomas '79 Paul Hung Yong '88 Allen & Locke-Paddon Marc L. allus '79 Cha rl es M. Thompson '75 Ellen M. York '75 Paul B. Salvaty '93 E":abeth A. Thompson '83 Hon. Jane York '76 MATCHING GIFTS Gary D. amson '73 James Aubrey Thompson '70 Bennett Gregorie Young '82 Roger PlCrre ans '43 Hon . Thomas N. Thrasher '64 Hon. tanley C. Young '52 Arthur Andersen & Co. Foundation James D. Santml '62 William G. Tiffany '76 Timothy E. Young '8 1 The Bank of Cal ifornl2 Karen A. Sarrail '79 Terence Joseph Tighe '86 Michael E. Zacharia '76 BankAmerica Foundation Kay E. Tmdel '81 Joseph T. Zichichi '68 Bankers Trust Foundation Hon. Damel J. Tobias '68 Boeing Company John Monhlde Tonaki ' 5 INSTITUTIONAL DONORS Cha rles chwab Mary Chnsterson Torrez '89 Chase Manhattan Corp. Breck C. TosteI'm '8 Regents of the UllIversity of Caliform a Chemical Bank Paul R. Tourangeau '89 Chevron, U.s.A. Hon. Michael A. Town '68 CORPORATE/FIRMI Conllle Lee Peter L. Trask '77 FOUNDATION GIFTS Continental Insurance Foundation E. Dale T rowe"7J Davis, Polk & Wardwell Nora I. Tu' 6 Associated tudents of Hastings Dole Food Company Jeffrey Allan T urkell '85 College of the Law Freddie Mac Commulllty RelatiOns Le.lie R. Tyler '77 Baggett Farms GTE Foundation Glenn H. Uesugl '88 Baker & Hostetler Founders Trust Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher


TWEL VE' ANN II A I 1(1 I l) R ' () I (," T <,

MELISSA E . E . MAXWELL Hawaiian Electric Inc. Shell Oil Compan y Found ati on FACULTY Kirkland & Elli, Found ation , Arps, Slate, Meagher & Fl om DEVELOPMENT FUND MEMORIAL FUND Morri son & Foerster Foundation onnensc hein, Nath & Rose nthal Dea n Mary Kay Kane The Hartzell Fam dy MUSIck, Peeler & Ga rrett Sony Pictures Entertainment Prof. Stephen A. Lind Kim Michele Hu nter '85 O'Mel ve ny & Myers Times Mirror Deborah R. Rohrer '83 PaC ifi c EnterprISes Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarth y 1066 FOUNDATION Padic Teles is Foundation Watkins·Johnson EVENTS FUND MOOT COURT afeco Insurance Corpora ti on Wells Fargo Bank Phi lip M. Knox Jr. '49 1066 Founda ti on Donors Salomon Brothers Wtlliam Penn Found ation Mahoney, Co ppenrath & Jaffe John K. "Jac k" mlth '5 4 Charles J. Mazursky '69 Jane Peterso n Smith '75 PICAP LOAN John K. "Jack" Smith '5 4 FORGIVENESS FUND ASSOC iated Students of Hasting, KEITH FERGUSON Co ll ege of the Law ADMIRALTY FUND David J. Si lbe rt '94 Ferguson Family Trust Theodore H. Geballe Charitable Income Trust

FIRST-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP PROF. WILLIAM J . RIEGGER Prof. Mark N. Aa ronson SCHOLARSHIP Prof. Margreth Barre tt Prof. tefa n Ri esenfeld Cary & Holl y Bennett Pro f. Marsha N. Cohen SAN FRANCISCO LEGAL ~e donors named above made their generous gifts to the AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP Dea n Mary Kay Kane San Francisco Legal Auxi li ary Has tings 1066 Foundation and the Co llege for both unrestricted Prof. Julian H. Lev i Prof. David Levine and restricted IJUrposes . Restricted gifts this past year were made HON. ROBERT H . SCHNACKE Prof. Stephen A. Li nd MEMORIAL FUND by the following donors for funds and purposes listed below. Prof. John S. Malone Deloitte & Touche Prof. Melissa Nelken Paul Fedelin Jr. ACADEMIC DEAN ' S J. Martin Obten '66 Prof. Mary J. Parrish James Grindlmger DISCRETIONARY FUND Gary L. Olimpia '66 Prof. Stephen Schwarz Hon. Cynthi a Holcomb Hall Peninsula Association of General Counsel James L. Racusin '66 Prof. Wa rren L. Shattuck Bill & Barbara Ingram Stanley M. Roden '66 Prof. William K.S. Wang D. Lowell & Barbara Jensen ARTHUR ANDERSON Jerrold C. Schaefer '66 Prof. Wayne S. Woody PRIZE IN TAXATION Jerrold M. Ladar Joel A. hawn '66 Arthur Anderse n & Co. Founda tion Tracy Lucero Merritt r. Sher '66 GIFTS-IN-KIND Mari an Mon Joseph A. De Girolamo Joan Majerus Henry E. Stiles II '66 Sharyn Moss Guy S. Johnson Diane Carlotta Gra ydon '88 Alan J. Vogl '66 PacCo m Management Services Robert McCaskill Jane A. Rummel Ri chard Hungerford Wise '66 Hon. Jose ph T. Sneed John H. Mullen Prof. Rudolf B. Schl es inger John W. Sweitzer Hon. Va ughn R. Walker Hon. Stanl ey A. Weigel Mark L. Vorsatz '79 CLASS OF 1964 HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL Wyckoff, Richardson, anson, 30TH ANNIVERSARY FUND & COMPARATIVE LAW BAKER & MCKENZIE Jerome Marks '64 REVIEW FUND Allen & Loc ke· Paddon STUDENT ASSISTANCE Chevron, U.S.A. GRANT T .J. SCOTTO COMM/ENT JOURNAL FUND Baker & McKenzie Ruth C. Barrow HASTINGS GENERAL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marc L. Sallus '79 ADRIEN PRICE BLANCHARD COMM/ENT JOURNAL AWARD Arnold r. Bennigson '72 MEMORIAL FUND Ruth C. Ba rrow Brad L. Fuller '83 1066 FOUNDATION Alice Blanchard Pamela Mann '83 ATTORNEYS GENERAL FORUM FUND COMM/ENT Mary Maloney Roberts '81 BLUM FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM FUND Knox, Lemmon, Brady, Anapolsky SCHOLARSHIP & Sheridan Hewl ett·Pac kard Blum Found ation Bert T. Kobayashi Jr. '65 HASTINGS VOLUNTEER '54 CON LAW QUARTERLY FUND ASSOCIATION SUPPORT John K. "Jack" Smith CLASS OF 1966 Gibso n, Dunn & Crutcher Eda B. Anderson 2STH ANNIVERSARY FUND 1066 FOUNDATION STAFF Patrice Ca rmel Scatena '88 Juli an H. Levi Gary Harmon Anderson '66 RECOGNITION FUND Hon. Marvin R. Bax ter '66 Mary Louise Lockh art John E. Nordin II '69 STEPHEN E. CONE MEMORIAL Ph yllis Riesenfeld Donald B. Bel kin '66 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Tim Lemon John D. Bessey '66 Celine MacDonald '84 HEARST SCHOLARSHIP FUND Robert W. Crabtree '66 STUDENT SERVICES FUND Mrs. Geo rge O. Bahrs Gregory E. Fischbach '66 DEAN'S Hastings PC Use r's Group DISCRETIONARY FUND Matthew Levitan '76 Hon. Richard O. Frazee '66 HOBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sa lomon Brothers Eri c Jan Fygi '66 Ronald G.S. Au '63 Madalyn Hoberg Barry R. Gross '66 Baker & Hostetler Founders Trust MATHEW O . TOBRINER Henry Schuyler Horn III '66 Prof. Rudolf B. Schles inger S.S. JOHNSON LOAN FUND MEMORIAL FUND Lawrence N. C. Ing '66 Prof. Joseph Sweeney S. David Takakuwa '78 Ruth C. Chance KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Ga ry Nichols Gershon '73 Guy O. Korn bl um '66 DEAN PRUNTY MILDRED LEVIN PORTRAIT FUND M. Robe rt Harris Shale F. Krepack '66 SCHOLARSHIP Joseph W. Cotchett '64 Lawrence Livingston Jr. Freeman Daniel Lane '66 Queen's Bench John T. Knox '52 Eugene N. Rose nberg Lavorato, House & Granberg Jan Lewenhaupt DEBORAH J . LONG Rosabe ll e R. Tobriner James E. Mahoney, '66 John K. "Jack" Smith '54 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Paul Vapnek J. Keith McKeag '66 Jesse Gaines '76 Herman Wildman WilliamJ . McLean ' " '66 RUSTY DOBBS Bruce H. Munro '66 READING ROOM JAMES M , MACINNIS WEST-NORTHWEST Peter A. Nathan '66 Geraldine Hill SCHOLARSHIP JOURNAL FUND Hon. Leslie C. Nichols '66 Joanne McKillop Stephen Walter Communi ty Foundation of Greater Memphis Roberts Found ation Van Loben Sels Foundation

THI RTEE N Courtney H. &iIey, student commencmterlt (Right) Part of the faculty speaJcer frw the Class tf '94. procession: Profs. H.G. Prince, Calvin R. Massey, William T. Hutton, and Stephen A. Lind.

Sandra D. Matthews receives her hood from. Profs. Marcia N. Cohen and MaTgTeth Barrett.

Andrea E. Barr shares graduation day with a relati.,e. Photographs by Court Mast PHOTO ALBUM Robert J. Hcu1lock receives his hoodfrmn Prof. David Faigman.

Terry M. Symens.Bucher prepares rClKron gets a hug while John Milani removes his for the ceremony. ~. LEOP LEAVES ITS IMPRINT ON HASTINGS AND THE LEGAL COMMUNITY "Being a part ofLEOPwas By Susan Piper a terrific transition into the whole new world of being in law schooL"

Jayne (Ware) Williams ('74)

TWENTY -FI VE YEARS AGO HASTINGS ESTABLISHED ITS LEGAL Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) . The program prov ided fo r the admi ss ion of stu ­ dents whose educational, economic, social, phys ical, or cultural backgrounds affected tradi ­ tional preparation fo r law schoo l. LEOP served then, as it does now, as an alternati ve means of eva luating an app licant's potential for the stud y of law . According to Professor C. Keith Winga te, the idea was that "there are students who are capable of successfull y com­ pleting law school and becoming excellent attorneys but who are at a disadvantage in the admis ions proces wi th the traditional so-called predictors of success. Given an op­ portunity, a carefull y elected applicant will do a good job. The program i proof of that." The benefits of the program are quickly ev ident. Professor Howard Downs, who headed the faculty committee that made the initial evaluation of the LEOP program in 1972, recently obse rved, "There is no ques ti on that LEOP has given the school a much richer base, intellectually and culturall y, in the teaching and experiencing of law. I am hopeful that the impact of the program at Hastings has reached back into the minority communities at va rious levels and has helped to influence them in the protection of their ri ghts and the ge neral implementation of American law in the va rious segments of our society." Although the Ha tings fac ulty originally conceived of LEOP as primarily an ad mi - sions program, the facul ty soon recognized that to achieve its goals the program had to be expanded. Today, LEOP also serves as an academic support program committed to the suc­ cess of LEOP students while at Has tings and their eventual admiss ion to the legal profes- ion. "It was an academic, emotional, and social support system," sa id Patricia Barrera (,9 1), a lawye r with the Latina Coalition of Pu blic Advocates in San Francisco. "It was a pep talk, a confidence builder, and an academic help, prov iding us with the skil ls we wo uld need to start 'running' the first year," added Barrera.


"LEOP Leveled the playing field. "

Hector Chinchilla ('86)

Today, LEOP is an integral part of Hastings' academic program under the full-time di recti on of Sue Lunbeck. The ed ucational philosophy of LEOP has two principa l tenets. First, professional ass istance fro m lega l educators experienced in training students fro m unde rrepresented backgrounds is essential to the achievement of academic exce llence; second , students helping students creates a supporti ve environment that is mos t beneficial to learning. Mark Canepa ('88 ), a lawyer with the Fresno law firm of Baker, Manock & Jensen, says, "My second yea r as a LEOP instructor gave me the opportunity to teach oth­ ers what I had been taught in LEOP. It was one of the mos t rewarding aspects of my expe­ rience at Hastings." Lunbeck presides over a LEOP that provides a wider array of se rvi ces than its prede­ cessors. It start with an intensive ori entati on program for first-year students. The fi ve-day program before the start of the fall semes ter introduces students to lega l analys is and teaches the fund amental skills necessary for the stud y of law, including how to write legal bri efs, how to organize outlines , and how to approach the Socratic method. During the academic year, group study sessions are held for all first-year course. Second- yea r and third-year students teach the group sessions, helping first-year students to rev iew substantive law and to develop problem-solving techniques. Individual tutoring also is ava ilable, if needed. Special workshops on outlining, examination strategies, writ­ ing, and legal analy is are held throughout the yea r. First-year students also take advan­ tage of a nine-week test-taking workshop that provides feedback on exams. The LEOP Colloquium Series supports second-year and third-year students in spec if­ ic courses, such as constitutional law, ev idence, corporations, and criminal procedure. Instructors are third-year students, who are selected on the bas is of expertise, dedication, and teaching ex perience. Finally, the LEOP "Bar None" program helps Hastings graduates to prepare for the California Bar Exa mination. The program emphas izes study techniques, exam taking skills, and practice, and provides constructive feedback. Instructors are practicing attorneys. LEOP graduate Ri chard Sakai ('77) became a LEOP tu tor because it gave him the opportunity to teach. "It helped me find the very reason I went to law schoo l. As I started to run tutorial essions, I rea lized how much I enj oyed teaching." Professor Sakai returned to Has ting as the full-time director ofLEOP fro m 1986 to 1989 and now is on the faculty at Santa Clara University School of Law. He added, "I remember sitting there as director and watching tudents walk across the stage to ge t their diplomas , and then continuing to hear from them over the yea rs. I would hear about their progress in their careers, and their marriages, and ex panding fami­ li es. It was wonderful! That's what LEOP is all about-allowing people who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to go to a law school of Has ting' caliber to ge t edu ­ cated there, and then turn around and serve their community." Currently, 279 students benefit from LEOP's many services. Dean Mary Kay Kane states, "From its inception to the present day, LEOP has been a valued part of Has tings. The gains it has made through the years and the many successes LEOP graduates have had are something we can all take pride in. It is an important legacy to celebrate and to pass on." -:l;

Susan Piper is an Oakland-based writer and public relations consultant who frequently contributes to Ha rings Community.

. S EVEN T EEN' nne JVER ATKO ABOUT TRK L B)' David Ross Berson

ON OPENING STATEMENTS. Tiga r attacked a strategy that many attorneys follow of not offering an opening statement, declaring that he would never, under any ci rcumstance, waive that right becau e it permits the attorney "to sugge t to the jury a way to see the facts." Judge Caulfield said that, in contra t to a closing statement, an effecti ve opening statement must be understated. Cotchett, the success­ fullead counsel for 23,000 plaintiffs in the Linco ln Savings & Loan trial, countered that he doesn't believe in "a low-keyed approach. I take as much time as I can possibly get. I use whistles, buzzers, TV monitors. You name it, I use it." He added that although waiving the open ing statement may be good policy in criminal trials, the same is not true in civi l litigation. "The opening statement is what it's all about. Get up there and be aggress ive, go for the throat, don't codd le the other sid e. Let them know that this is a ve ry big, important case." ON DIRECT EXAMINATION. Marshall emphasized that, despite thorough preparation, witnesses can be unpredictable. In her folk y style, the Texas attorney, who was recently named one of the five .i:'" top women trial lawyer in the nation by Time magazine, said , "I have ::> U seen the devil, and I have tried to figure out how to cast him out of my Qi '" client's body. Up there on the witness stand, they come out with some cr:'"::> of the most incredible [stuff] yo u ever heard, and it's all new! You may o have spent week and months with them [clients], and you've never .r:::o D-- heard that stuff before. I've had people up there, and suddenly I realize that they've got multiple personalities - and each per onality has a dif­ ferent di orde r! No matter how much yo u prepare [them], you cannot prepare too much. Of course, you certainly don't want to ge t their spon­ taneity crushed in the process." n June 3, Hasting ho ted "A Cand id Conversation About Black, famed for his successful defense of William Kennedy Smith, OT ri als," featuring five of the nation's lead ing trial attorneys and characteri zed the courtroom as "a foreign place where everybody's scared a federal district judge: Roy Black, James J. Brosnahan, Jo eph to death." He has on occasion arranged for instruction of witnesses in W. Cotchett, Diana E. Marshall , Michael E. Tigar, and the Hon. expressing their inner selves. "If the witness cannot explain himself or Barbara Caulfield. her elf, the case cannot be won." The li vely interchange, interspersed with video clips from notable ON CROSS- EXAMINATION. A video excerpt from the trials, provided many insights and much laughter, as well as three hour William Kennedy Smith rape trial showed Black demanding yes or no of MCLE credit for the 220 attorneys who attended. answers to short, simple questions that were repeated when a prosecu­ Court-TV Network's anchor Gregg Jarrett, a 1980 Hastings gradu­ tion witness tried to give interpretive answers. Cotchett observed that ate, moderated the event. Jarrett, a former trial lawyer, divided the dis­ repetition should and often does draw objections. Brosnahan noted , cu sion into sections representing key trial pha e . Each ection wa pre­ however, that "when you really get the momentum going, nobody's ceded by video clip from notable trials. A few highlight from the pan­ going to interrupt you." eli ts ' statement follow: Marshall added that too many lawyers wrongly think the cross­ ON LAWYERS V . JUDGES. Judge Caulfield, a Hastings fac­ examination phase is a time to display hostility. "You look ill y. The jury ulty member and trial attorney before serving on the federal bench in thinks, 'Why is thi lawyer mad? He looks like he's out there dancing by the Northern California District, remarked that an attorney can create himself. He looks ridicu lous.'" The very best tool people have in the art in urmountable problems by appearing bent on antagonism. "You can't of persuasion, she sa id, is "a gentle, seductive, wooing process." win that. Judge go through fitne training to deal with tough lawyers." ON CLOSING STATEMENTS. Tiga r commented that the he recalled situations in wh ich juror had to ld her they topped Ii ten­ effect of a closing statement quickly wears off and is a loser if delibera­ ing to lawye rs who were continually irate. tion goes beyond thirty minute. Black joked, "I do everything to exalt that wonderful person in the Brosnahan ca lled the closing statement, "the time to put good facts black robe itting highe t in the courtroom, whom everyone, particu larly in the hands of those jurors who are going to argue for you and to soften the jury, love beyond any doubt whatsoever." up those who are against you." Cotchett, a 1964 Hasting graduate, said he typically tries to see pace limitations prevent us from printing more of the event, but how far he can go with a judge. "You push that envelope across the table the entire three-hour program was taped and wi ll be teleca t nationally. until you feel the give, the take, or the wall that you may sometimes hit. Con ult you r local cable TV listings for the exact date and time of the When I hit me wall I generall y stop. If I ee I'm going down in fl ames, Court TV broadca t in early January 1995 . -1"- and mat has happened, I take on the judge in a more agg re sive fashion. You cannot let a judge steamroll you. If you do that, the judge decide David Ross Berson is a freelance writer from Emeryville who is a frequent contributor the case and not the jury." to Hastings Community.

... EI GH TEE N· . II \" 1 J N l, .... .

HARRY H. & LILLIAN H. HASTINGS HAROLD S. DOBBS MEMORIAL FUND 1919 ~ 1994 illian H. Hastings, who died in 1992, made provisions in her will that continue the legacy of the Hastings family's generosity to the College. She was the widow of Ha rry H. Hastings, who died in 1985 and was the sole direct descendant from the male side of the Hastings family . With proceeds from the sale of several works of art and real estate willed to Hastings, an endowment of more than $2 million establishes the Harry H. and Lillian H. Has tings Memorial Fund to be used for the benefit of the College. Additionally, two large oil portraits from the estate, one of the founder of the College, Supreme Court Justice Serranus Clinton Hastings, and the other of his second wife, Azelia B. Hastings, now hang near the third fl oor elevators, outs ide the Dean's office in the 200 McAllister building. A smaller, seven­ teenth-century biblical painting is in the Board Room on the mezzanine of the 198 McAllister building. t-

AROLD STANLEY DOBBS ('42) , former Chairman of the Has tings HBoard of Directors and 1983 Alumnus of the Year, died on August THE KEITH R. FERGUSON 14, after a long ill ness . He was 75 . ADMIRALTY "Harold attributed the educa ti on he rece ived at Hastings to be one of the most important events of his life," sa id Max K. Jamiso n, past Pres ident of LAW the Alumni Assoc iati on, emeritus member of the Board of Directors, and for­ AWARD mer general counsel for Hastings. Jamiso n added that Dobbs, a Board mem­ ber from 1967 to 1988, was one of his best fri ends, a superb lawyer, and won­ FUND derful family man. "Haro ld deemed it a high honor to be elected to the Boa rd and to become Chairman. Time and time again, he put the business of the school ahead of his own personal practice and personal time. He believed n October 7,1993, Hastings deserved the best because that is what it provided to him." Hastings received Dobbs also wi ll be remembered for his many generous financial contri­ $100,000 from butions to the Coll ege. His fa mily donated funds for a large seminar room on the Arthur Barlow the fifth floor of the library dedi cated to the memory of his son, Roger Ferguson and Catherine "Rusty" Dobbs, a former Hastings law student, who was killed in a 1974 car Poetz Ferguson Family acc ident in Spain . Dobbs contributed faithfu lly each year to the 1066 Trust to establish the Foundation and supported many projects, including the building of the Admiralty Law Award Alumni Recep ti on Center and the creation of the Attorneys General Forum . in memory of Barlow In addition to his support of Has tings, he was well known for his work Ferguson's father Keith with philanthrop ic organi za ti ons, serving as director and president of more R. Ferguson. than a dozen organizati ons, including the Florence Crittendon Home for An adjunct professor, who taught admiralty law at Hastings Unwed Mother, the Lighthouse for the Blind, the San Francisco Zoological fro m 1965 until his death in 1974 at age 80, Keith R. Ferguson Society, the Sa ints and Sinners Foundation, and the San Francisco Jewish received his law degree from the University of Michigan in 1916. Home for the Aged. Duri ng World War II , he served as a U.S. Navy legal officer, Dobb practiced law in San Francisco for 52 years and was a member of setting up the admiralty section of the 12th Naval District. He the San Francisco Boa rd of Superviso rs for 12 yea rs. He also was a succe sful ret ired fro m the Justice Department in 1964 after singlehandedly entrepreneur, estab lishing, among other things, Mel's, an innovative drive-in establishing their West Coast admiralty and shipping office dur­ restaurant, which was featured in the film American Graffiti. He is survived ing his 17 years of service. by his wife, Annette, daughters, Marilyn Higuera and Cathy Goldstein (,80), He had two children, Arthur Barlow Ferguson, a San sons, Stephen and Gregory, and many grandchildren. Francisco lawyer who received his law degree from Harvard, and Current Boa rd Chair Charlene Mitchell summed up the feel ings of Nancy Dollar, wife of R. Stanley Dollar, president of the Dollar many in the Hastings community, say ing, "As a member of the Board of Steamship Company. Directors and as Chai rman of the Board, Haro ld Dobbs was an outstanding The Hastings Admiralty Law Award will provide much­ leader of the highest integrity. On a personal level, he was a great fri end - needed spec ial resources for students and faculty to assist them in warm, compassionate. I will miss his sage adv ice and his charming company. the study of adm iralty law . .::t;. I will miss Haro ld Dobbs." -1-

. . NI NETE EN' . .. C LAS OTE rc: fall 1994 IiSl;ng of /n;s 01" ;S based on items received before Allgust 26 , 1994. Items received after that date will appear in the spring 1995 iss ue. l[)tou have news for Class No tes, send it along in the envelope fO Ll nd in the cemer of this issue. YOLl may find the form on page 28 helpful.

CLASS OF '38 HON . JAMES V . PAIGE, retired Fresno Municipal Court Judge, was honored with Fresno's Fourth Annual Bernard E. Witk in Lifetime Achi eve ment Award for his 55-p lus years of service to the lega l community.

CLASS OF '49 DANIEL W. BAKER received the Lifetime Achi eve ment Awa rd from the Transportati on Lawye rs Associa ti on in June. He is a transporta­ ti on speciali st at Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlaho & Rudy in San Francisco.

WILBUR F. LITTLEFIELD retired fro m BERT T. KOBAYASHI , JR., has become a the Los Ange les County Pu bli c Defenders Offic e Fellow of the American oll ege of Trial Lawyer . after 36 yea rs, serving as the public defender for He is a partner in the Honolulu firm of Kobayashi, the last 17 years. Sugita & Goda.

CLASS OF '52 CLASS OF '67 HON. ANNETTE LARUE retired inJune JOHN M . CARSON is the first intell ectual after more than 40 years of service to the lega l property lawyer to be Pre ident of the Los Ange les community, including 15 years on the Fresno County Bar Association. Carson has been at Municipal Court bench, with pl ans for tennis, Robbins, Berliner & Carson since 1974. sa lmon fi shing, and some work a a fill -in judge. J.E. HOLMES III has been elected to th e Nati onal Board of Directors for Ameri ca n Trial Ad vocates. He is a partner with Thompson & CLASS OF '58 Colegate in Ri verside. ASSEMBLY SPEAKER WILLIE L . BROWN , JR., has join ed Christensen, White, NICHOLAS G. MOORE has been elected Miller, Fink & Jacobs, merging his San Francisco Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand 's U.S. division. practice wi th the Los Ange les firm . He will continue to serve as Speaker. WILLIAM A . QUINBY has been elected Chairman of the Boa rd of Directors for the Bay Area Tumor Institute. He is a seni or partner in CLASS OF '60 th e Oakl and firm of Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May, specializing in business litigation and alter­ ROBERT C . FIELD was named Pres ident of the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce for native di pute resolution. 1994-95. He is the manag ing pa rtner of the rea l estate constructi on and business law firm of Field , Baker & Richard on. CLASS OF '68 HON. THOMAS " MIKE" KELLY was appoi nted to the North County Municipal Court CLASS OF '65 by Governor Pete Wilson in May. He has prac­ ticed law in Bu tte County sin ce 1969, fir t as a BENJAM IN HAGAN , JR., an attorney wi th the State of Ca li fo rn ia Department of deputy district attorney and then in pri vate prac­ tice ince 197 1. Transportation, has co-authored with FRED FLOWERS ('63) CEB Mechanics Liens and Other Remedies 1994 Update.

. • . . T WENTY .... C LA SS NOTES , ...

CRESSEY H . NAKAGAWA received a MICHAEL T . CONNELL is assoc iate HELEN V. H . HUI , who ha lawoffices Service Honor Award from the In titute of ge neral counse l with th e Bank of Californi a in in Sa n Francisco, was recently elected Chai r of International Education. Nakagawa, who has San Francisco. the Immigration Law Commission, advising the practiced natu ral resources law in San Francisco State Bar of Ca li fornia. She is the general co unsel for 25 yea rs, recen tl y completed his second term to the Orga ni zat ion of Chi nese Americans and as national president of the Japa nese-American the imm ed iate past Chair of th e America n CLASS OF '74 Citi zens League. Immigration Lawye rs Association. EDDI E V . CHI N ha been appointed to a

GEORGE J. SILVESTRI , JR. , whose second term as rep resentative on the San ROGELIO QUESADA , who practices practice i devoted to real estate, muni cipa l, land Franci co Democratic County entral immigrati on law in an Diego, won a po li tical use, and business law, is a ca ndidate for the Marin Comm ittee. He is an in vest igator for the an a ylum case before the Ninth Circuit Court of Cou nty Board of Supervisors (North Marin Francisco District Attorney 's Office and a part­ Appeals in Jun e involving the persecution of a District). time instructor of Engli h a a second language at 15-year-old boy from Ethi op ia. San Francisco City Co ll ege. HON. MICHAEL A . TOWN has been WILLIAM LEW TAN , of Tan & akiyama in appointed a Famil y Court Judge for the First JONATHAN J. DAVIS is a partner with Los Angeles, is practicing real estate, immigration, Circuit in Honolulu. Walton, Lantaff, Schroeder & Carson, a Fort and international business law. Lauderdale, Florida insurance defen se firm. HON . MICHAEL D . TUCEVICH is an CHARLES J. MCCLAIN , who is Vice ad ministrative law judge with the U.S. Office of CLASS OF '70 Chairman of Boalt Hall 's Jurisprudence and Social Hea rings and Appea ls. He and his new wife, HON. ERNEST M. HIROSHIGE, a Poli cy Program, was recently elected to th e Boa rd Monica Schmelling, recently moved from San Los Ange les Superior Court Judge, received of Directors of the 1990 Institute, which sponso rs Rafael to Phoenix. UCLA Alumni's Community Se rvi ce Award in research on the Chinese economy and legal Ma y, recogni zing his contributions to the Asian­ syste m He has published a book, In Search of BYRON F. WONG has been appointed by American community. Equality : The Chinese Struggle Against President Clinton to be deputy director of the Discrimination in Nineteenth-Century America, Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice University of California Pres . Assistance. He is a founding member of the CLASS OF '71 National Asian Peace Office rs Association and HON . PATTI Jo McKAY is a Municipal serves as Chairman of the Marin Human Rights PETER C . DAVIS is a workers' compensa tion Court Judge in Los Angeles and presided ove r the Commiss ion. attorney in Salem, Oregon. earl y stages of the 0 .]. Simpson case.

REV . WESLEY B . H ILLS, a litigator for 13 years, has been an Episcopal priest since 1986 at the Church of the Redeemer in Hermitage, Pennsylvania.

JAY ADAMS KNIGHT continues his work in employee benefits and ERISA at Loeb & Loeb in Los Angeles.

CHARLES F. VULLIET (FRANK) is starting a new firm in eattle, concentrating in commercial, casualty, and property litigation.

CLASS OF '72 JEFFREY LEE AMESTOY , Attorney General for the State of Vermont, received an honorary Doctor of Public Admi nistration degree from Norwich University in May.

JOHN W. COTTON , a se nior li tigator, is managing partner of Leboef, Lamb, Greene & MacRae in Los Angeles.

CLASS OF '73 SANDRA BLAIR, a State Bar--certified family law specia list in San Francisco, was appointed by the State Bar Board of Governors to the Family Law Advisory Commiss ion of the Board of Legal Specia lizat ion.


CL SS OF 5 justice fie ld and was honored with the ell' LEO P. MARTINEZ was named Academ ic HON . CAROL A . CORRIGAN was Coll ege of Californ ia's Outstanding Profcs or Dean of Hastings ollege of the Law in Jul y. lie appointed by Gm'ernor Pete Wilson in July to Award fo r 1994. has bee n a profe or at the ollege ince 19 5. the ahfornla Dun of Appeal in an Francisco. WILLIAM W. HODGMAN , Los Angeles JULIETTE TOPACIO SARMIENTO, MARGARET S . GLASS \\'as elected Vice deputy district attorney, is assistant prosecutor fo rmerl y wi th the I , has a so lo practice in Da ly President of Carolina Powe r & Light in May. in the 0 .]. Simpson case. Cit y, with emphas is on immigrati on matters. ~ he had been Treasurer for the utility.

STUART D . HANLON has a criminal CLASS OF '79 defense practice in an Francisco. California KRISTIN ADRIAN was pro moted to Vice Lawyer featu red him in its July 1994 issue. Pres ident, deputy general counse l for N stle U.S.A., and Vice Preside nt, general counse l of MARCIA N . ROSEN , an attorney fo r the Nes tl e Beverage Company in an Fran i co. Lalovye r Committee on Civil Rights, was featu red in the Ju ly 27 issue of the Bay Guardian as a local H. THOMAS HICKS is practicing bu ine s he ro. Rose n helped build the Coalition for the and pe rsonal injury law with Slocumb & Hicks Medical Rights of Women and the Coalition fo r in Irvine. Community Housi ng Organizations.

CATHERINE A. LYONS is med iating CHRISTINE V. TEJADA is director of fa mily, business, rea l estate, and land lord -tenant the City of Chi cago's major construction and rea l and employment disputes with Harmon Lyons estate project . Associate in San Franci co.

NANCY C. POWERS, formerl y of Lillick CLASS OF '76 & Charle , is a solo practitioner in San Franciso, MARCIA G. MOULTON is Pres id ent of concentrating on estate planning and tru t . She Mediation Works in San Franci co. She also is has founded PROFESSIONAL MOTORCYLE on the fac ul ty of Pepperdine Uni versity School SORORITY TM , an informal networking club for of Law's Institute fo r Dispute Resolution. profeSS ional women who rid e motorcycles.

STATE ASSEMBLYWOMAN JACKIE SPE I E R gave birth to a daughter, tephani e CLASS OF '80 Katelin Eliza beth, on August 10, 1994. KATHERINE FOULK ASCHIERIS was elected to the Boa rd of Trustees for the Long RONALD R. WARD, a partner in the Beach Community College Distri ct. ea ttle personal injury law firm of Levinson, Friedman, Vhugen, Duggan & Bland, was elected Vice Pres ident and re-elected a member of the Board of Governors of the Washington State CLASS OF '81 Trial Lawyers Association. JOANNE R. BETHLAHMY has joined the strateg ic se rvices practi ce of Anderson Consulting, a worldwide manage ment consulting firm based CLASS OF '77 in San Francisco. W. PATRICK HARMAN has formed the Harman Law Firm, P.c., in Albuquerque, DANIEL KOLLER , D.V.M., is a concentrating on commercial transactions, veterinari an at Companion Pet Clinic, P.c., litigati n, ba nking, real estate, and intellectual CHRISTOPHER R. HUGO has merged in Tualatin , Oregon. property law matters. his law practice with JAM ES V. NOLAN' S (,78) to form Gardner, Janes, Nakken, Hugo ABBY J. LEIBMAN was featured in the

HON. KENNETH KAI-YOUNG So is a & No lan. August 21 edition of the Los Angeles Tim es for Municipal Coun Judge in San Diego, hav ing her work with the California Women's Law been appo in ted by Governor Pete Wi lson in Jul y. JENNIFER L. KELLER , who speciali zes Center. he recently received an LA Alumni in criminal law with Earl ey & Keller in Irvine, is Chapter Award . serving as the Chair of the Board of Lega l Special­ KIRK RANDOLPH WILSON , a State Bar-certi fied specialist in estate planning, probate ization Criminal Law Advi ory Commission, DEBRA L. MELLINKOFF of Mell inkoff and trust law, ha opened an office in Moraga. which certifi es criminal law specialists for the Medi ation in Sausa li to is med iating ca es in San tate Bar. In 1995, he will become Pres ide nt­ Franci co, Los Ange les, and . he was Elect of the Orange County Bar Assoc iation. fo rmerl y a partner at Long & Lev it.

CLJ'SS OF 78 KENN KOVITZ is the execu ti ve edi tor of the ANA M. MONTANO isdirector andartcura­ JAMES R . BELL, staffattorneyattheYouth Multi-State Corporate Income Tax Guide published tor of the June Steingart Ga llery at Laney Coll ege. Law Center in an Francisco since 197 ,received by Commerce Clearing House. He and GA I L a three-year study grant from the W.K. Kellogg E. MITCHELL (,78) , who practices civil lit­ DAVI D 51 EGEL of Irell & Mane lla in an Foundation. He at 0 was awarded the Livingston igation, pe r onal injury, and fa mil y law and is an Francisco was featured in the Jul y I I edition of Hall JU\'enile Justice award by the American Bar arbitrator in Emeryv ille, married in October. They California Law Business, along wi th JOSEPH A sociation fo r hi contributions to the juvenile met at Hasting 19 years ago. COTCHETT (,64) , in a list of uTop Ten Lawyers of the hareholde r Bar. "

. TWE NTY - Two· ... . CLA SS N O TES ,

JOHN H . F . UFKEs ha asolopractice MATTHEW J. ROTHSCHILD is a in San juan Capistrano, speciali zing in workers' dep uty city attorney in San Francisco and was compensa ti on case. recentl y elected Chair of the San Francisco Democratic Party.

THOMAS F . STEWART i a share hold er CLASS OF '84 in the commerci al rea l estate law firm of Trainor, RACHELLE B . CHONG was sworn in as a Robertson, mits & Wade in Sacramento. commiss ioner of th e Federal Communications Commiss ion by justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in june, following her appo intment by President linton. She and her husband, KI RK CLASS OF '86 DEL PRETE ('84) , have moved to SUSAN G . BLUER is a partner with the Washington, D.C San Francisco firm of Arnelle, Hasti e, McGee, Willis & Greene, practicing general business KATHLEEN M . HAYES was elevated to litigation law. noneq uity partner with Bronson, Bronson & McKinnon in june. he practice corporate law. KAREN A. CONNOLLY works part-time at Latham & Watkins in London, follow ing the birth of her daughter. She previously worked with Romani an judges in Bucharest on behalf of the CLASS OF '85 American Bar As ociation. LYNN K. CADWALADER-GUNTER recently joined Gutierrez & Associates in DAVID F . FEINGOLD is a shareholder San Franci co as part of it Business at Feingold & Youngling, P.L. C, in San Rafae l, Transaction Group. specializing in representing condominium association and planned unit developments. TIMOTHY A. COVINGTON is with Palo Alto's Fenwick & West, concentrating on JAMES T. HAMMER just completed his biotechnology intellectual property law. second year as a visiting ass istant professor at Santa Clara University Law School and was DONNA M. DELL was appointed ABM awarded the 1994 Galloway Professor of the Year Industries Incorp orated's Vice Pres ident of Award. Last yea r, he co-founded the East an jose Human Resources in San Francisco. Community Law Center with the Santa Clara La CLASS OF '82 Raza Law Student Association. COLETTE M . JOLICOEUR i practicing real estate law with Manfredi & Levine in Camari llo.

RONALD L. ROOME is a partner in the Bend, Oregon, firm of Karnopp, Petersen, Noteboom, Hubel, Hansen & Arnett. He has been appo inted to the Procedure and Practice Committee of the Oregon State Bar.

CLASS OF '83 NAN M . CASTLE practices business, real estate, and franchise law with Rab in & Cas tle, P.C, in San Francisco.

DONALD E . CONANT is senior counsel with the Trademark and Brands Group of Intel Corporat ion in Santa Clara.

KATHLEEN M . EYRE is sen ior director of Policy and Research for the National In titute for Health Care Management in Washington, D.C

SERGIO A. GUTIERREZ is the first Latino judge elected in the State of Idaho, retaining the post on the Third District bench to which he was appo inted last yea r.

DAVID INGERSOLL is the District Attorney for Stanislaus County.

STEVEN S. MIYAKE is an assoc iate with Nea l & Associates in Oakland.


M A TTHEW J . OREBIC W,b recenrly KEVIN R. BROWN has an estate plan ning CLASS OF '89 pn)ml)ted to ,enlllr deputy cIty attorney 111 the practice in Hemet. He also is a stude nt in the PATRICK G. CANNON is a public defender Berkeley ' It\ Attorney\ Office. LL.M. tax program at the Unive rsity of an Diego in ontra osta Du nty. chool of Law. GREG J. Fu REY is a deputy di,tr ict attorney MARK B . CANEPA isapartner with Ill, Level "B," in the Office of the District S OF 8 the Fresno firm of Baker, Manock & Jensen. He Attorney in tockton. LINDA M. ALTA is a solo practitioner specialize in med ical malpractice defense. concentrating on immigration lall' and general TERI R . PREZANT, who prac tices orporate cI \·il litigation in an Francisco. he writes for MARTIN KASSMAN has opened a San law, has moved fro m Pettit & Martin to latthew Bender. Francisco so lo practice, foc using on state and Tomlinson Zisko Moroso li & Mase r in Pa lo Alto. federal appell ate litiga ti on, first amendment THOMAS HOLDEN is practicing in urance issues, and insurance law. FRANKLIN T . WATSON is practi cing law as a partner in the an Francisco office of constructi on litiga tion at the acramento offi ce of hicago-based onnenschei n, ath & Rose nthal. KRISTINA LINDQUIST KOLTUN is an Marron, Reid & heehy. He is married to in- house counse l at ARCO Tran portation KELLY FERRELL WATSON ('90) . GAYLE M . JONES is handling rea l estate, Company. She marri ed Greg Koltun in April 1993. antitrust, and fraud matters as a partner in the an Franci co office of Chicago-ba ed onnen chein, Nath & Rose nthal. CLASS OF '90 AMY L. BROWN has join ed Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy as an assoc iate in their labor and employ ment law secti on.

ERIC A. DEJONG is an assoc iate with Dav is Wright Tremain e, prac ti cing corporati on and securiti es law.

NANCY C.K. FIELD, a anFranci coestate planning, trust, and probate so lo practitioner, was honored as hair of the Month by the Bar Assoc iation of San Francisco for her pro bono acti viti es, including work on the AIDS Lega l Referral Panel and other bar activiti es.

CHRISTINE M. GARCIA is a deputy district attorney in anta lara County.

ANDREW S. GRANT is practicing family law in an Francisco.

SUSAN FAY JOHNSON has join ed the Ve ntura law firm of Dav id B. Doud & Assoc iates, handling real estate and corporate transacti ons.

VIRGINIA R. LYONS is in vo lved with soft ­ ware design with CCH, Inc., in San Rafae l.

SUSAN H. MOSK has become of counse l to th e an Francisco law firm of Knecht, Haley, Lawrence & Smith. She will continue her practi ce in fa mily law and business litiga tion.

MARGARET S. TILLINGHAST ha opened a 0 10 practi ce in San Franci co, specia liz­ JAMES L. PRIMM has been named general JOHN L. WILLIAMS is practicing insurance ing in famil y law. law a a partner in the an Francisco office of cou nse l fo r il ver Lion Film in anta Moni ca, Chicago-based onnenschein, ath & Rosenthal. fo llowi ng assoc iat ion wi th White and Case at KELLY FERRELL WATSON is a partner their office in Los Ange le , Prague, and England . in the ac ramento firm of Yim, Okun & Wat on, speciali zing in environm en tal, ERI A, and labor SHARI COHEN ROSENMAN prac ti ces law. She is marri ed to FRANKLIN T. CLASS OF '88 bus iness law with Christen en, White, Miller & WATSON ('89) . ALISON A . BERRy-WILKINSON is a Fink in Los Angeles. he wa married in May. pa rmer with Carroll, Bu rdick & McDonough in an Francisco, handling labor and employment TAMINEH ROSHANIAN is an attorney matters. with the Wa hington, D.C., law firm of Akin , CLASS OF '91 Gump, trau , Hauer & Feld, L.L.P. he JEFFREY S. ADELMAN is an attorney with repre ents government and private entities Gurew itz & lieb in Los Ange les. He married involved in intern ational transactions. Carri e Tellalian in eptember 1994.


PHILIP D . BARHAM was named general DENISE M. MciNTOSH isan assoc iate CHRIS P. AYAyo isanassociatewith counse l fo r Miss ion Bay In vestments in San Diego. with Reynolds, Roux, Price & Casas in Los Altos, Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold in an practicing rea l estate, family, entertainment, and Francisco. CHRISTINE L . JUDAS is practicing civi l law after pass ing th e Ca liforni a and environmental cove rage law with Long & Levit Washington bars. RACHEL L . BARACK is an assoc iate with in Los Ange les. Hardin , Cook, Loper, Engel & Bergez in Oakland. STEWART PHARIS is serving a judicial JOHN W . KRAMAR is worki ng on the U.S. clerkship wi th Judge Marilyn Morgan of th e U. MARK D . BARRISH is an assoc iate with Navy hip Comfon, anchored a mile offshore Bankruptcy ou rt, Northern District, San Jo e. Townsend & Townsend, Khourie & Crew in Kingston, Jamaica, as an INS officer interview ing Palo Alto. Haitians to determ ine their refugee status. SUZANNE SOLOMON is practicing insu rance cove rage-related law with Fi sher & SHASHIKALA BHAT is an assoc iate with WILLIAM G . STRIPP III , a San Francisco Hur t in an Francisco. McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen in an Jo e. solo practitioner, has co-authored Dynamics of Successfullntemational Business Negotiations. KENNETH R. VAN VLECK practices KATHRYN M. BURKE isa JAG officer in insu rance defense law in Haywa rd with William the U.. Air Force. W. Haske ll & Associates. GORDON B. BURNS is an assoc iate with CLASS OF '92 Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer in EM I L C. C HANG is an associate with Bronson, Sacramento. Bronson & McKinnon in San Francisco, practicing CLASS OF '94 inte llectual property law. VICTORIA E. ALZAPIEDI is a public MATTHEW H . BURROWS is an associate interest law fellow at the Center fo r Law and with Corbett & Kane in Emeryv ill e. SCOTT D . ELLIOTT was honored for pro Education in Cambri dge. bono work done on behalf of San Franc isco's STEVE M . CHABRE is a so lo practitioner Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe for the As ian CARRIE L. ANDERSON is an associate at in San Francisco. Women's Shelter. He is a general corporate Murphy, Weir & Butler in San Francisco. attorney. SOMNATH CHATTERJEE is serving a EDWIN P . ANTOLIN is an as ociate at two-year judicial clerkship with Judge A. Andrew JANET L . GREENE has co mpl eted her Morrison and Foerster in San Francisco. Hauk of the U .. District Court, Central Distri ct, LL.M . in International Business and is an in -house Los Angeles. associate counse l for Montgomery Securiti es in DOUG A. AXEL is serving a judicial clerksh ip San Francisco. with Judge David Kenyon of the U.S. Di strict LECH CHOROSZUCHA is an associate at Court, Central District, Los Angeles, for 1994-95. Debevoi e & Plimpton in New York. ANDREW S. H UTTER is teaching Anglo­ Later in 1995 , he wi ll begin another yea r-long JUDGE MELVIN American law, language, and culture at the judicial clerkship with JENNIFER C. COATES is an associate at Uni versity of Oslo, Norway. BRU NETTI (,64) of the U.. Court of Ropers, Majeski , Kohn, Bentley, Wagner & Kane Appeals, Ninth Circu it, Reno. in Redwood City. MICHELENE E. INSALAco isan assoc iate, practicing family law, with the San Francisco firm of Sucherman & Collins. She was se lected June Volun teer of the Month by the Vo lunteer Legal Services Program of the Bar Association of San Francisco for her pro bono activities with the Lega l Advice and Refe rral Clinic and the AIDS Legal Referral Panel.

SUZANNE F. SEAVELLO is practi cing intell ectual property law with Hopkins & Carl ey in San Jose after clerking in the patent office of Lawrence Laboratory and working in a molecular biology lab at UCSF.

BRETT P. WAKINO is an associate with Graham & James in Newport Beach.

MELISSA BAUMAN WARD practices real estate law with Miller, tarr & Rega li a in Oakland .

CLASS OF '93 JONATHAN E. DEMSON is serving a judi ­ cial clerkship with Judge Dav id N. Edelstein of the A s usual, it was full house at the Kakita's when Dr. Lenore and the Hon. Edward U.S. District Court, Southern District, New York. Y. Kakita ('65) hosted the annual L.A. Chapter Barbecue for incoming students at their home in La Canada-Flintridge last July. Son Neil Kakita (left, front row) has a DAVID P. LENTINI is practicing intellectual lot to smile about. He's anwng the entering Class of 1997. property law with Hi ckman and Byer in Palo Al to.


ELIZABETH A. HOWARD I ~ an assoc iate with Brobec k, Phlege r I Iarr iso n in an Francisco.

LESLIE SARA HYMAN IS se rving a juuiCla l clerkshi p wi th Judge Edll'ard Prauo at the We~ t c rn Distri ct Court of Texas in San Antonio.

DANIEL K. JANISCH is an assoc iate with Robinson & Wood in an Jose.

KAREN P . KIMMEY isan assoc iate with Farell a, Braun & Martel in San Francisco.

MERYL A. KIRSHBERG is an assoc iate with Skadden, Arps, late, Mergher & Flom in Los Ange les.

MICHAEL J . KISKINEN isa JAGoffi ce rin the U.S. Marine Corps.

ABIGAIL KLEM is se rving a judicial clerkship with Judge Robe rt Kelleher of the U. S. District Court, entral District, Los Ange les.

BARBARA MURPHY LANGE is an STEVEN M. COLEMAN is an attorney with STEVEN GOON is an assoc iate with Rutan & assoc iate with Pillsbury Madison & Sutro in Rutan & Tucker in Costa Mesa. Tucker in Costa Mesa. San Francisco.

JAMES B. CREIGHTON is an assoc iate ROBERT J. HADLOCK is instructing JEFFREY M. LAURENCE i serving a with Thirkell & Cretan in San Mateo. paralega ls at the Southern Californi a College of two-year judicial clerkship with Justice Frost of Business in Brea. the New Mex ico Supreme Court in Sante Fe. ALEXANDER S. DEHGAN is se rving a Following this, he wi ll be an attorney with the judici al clerkship with Chief Justice Dominick CRAIG F. HOLDEN isan assoc iate with Palo Al to firm of Brown and Bain. DiCarl o at the U. . Court of International Trade Kee ai, You ng & Loga n in Long Beach. in New York. OTTO OSWALD C. LEE is an associate HOLL Y L. HOLDREGE is an assoc iate with with heldon & Mak in Palo Al to. RACHAEL H. DIAMANT is an assoc iate Kirkpatrick & Loc khart in Pi ttsburgh. with Bu chalter, Nemer, Fie lds & Younger in Los Ange les.

MARTIN D. DIOLI i an attorney with Ropers, Majeski, Kohn, Bentley, Wagne r & Kane in the Bay Area .

MATTHEW DAVID DISCO is an associa te with Pillsbury Madison & Sutro in an Francisco.

DAVID A. ELIGATOR isan assoc iate with Pettit & Martin in San Francisco.

JULIUS A. EROLIN in an a sociate with Perkins Coie in Seattle.

SCOTT R . FERGUSON i an associa te with Petti t & Martin in San Francisco.

GREGORY A . FLOYD is an a sociate with McCorm ick, Ba rstow, heppa rd, Wayte & Corn tn Fresno.

ARON M . FRIEDMAN is se rvi ng a jud icial clerkship lI'ith Judge amue l Conti of the U. District Court, Northern California District, an Francisco.

ALEXANDRA P. FULLERTON i an a oClate with the law office of Joan G. Pou los tn Da\'1 .


DOLLY SLOAN REYNOLDS is serving a judicial clerkship with Magistrate Wayne Braz il of the U.S. Distri ct Court, Northern Distri ct of Californi a, San Francisco.

ROBERTO A . RIONDA is serving an attor­ ney fellowship with the Cali fo rnia Appe ll ate Project in San Francisco.

CATHERINE A. ROGERS is servi ng a judicial clerkshi p with JUDGE MELVIN BRUNETTI ('64) of the U .. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, Reno.

EDWARD B . Ross is an assoc iate with Steefel, Lev itt & Weiss in an Francisco.

MATTHEW J . RUGG LES is an assoc iate with the Thierman Law Partnership in San Francisco.

JULI E A . Rupp is an associa te with Pi llsbury Madison & Sutro in San Francisco.

ROBIN J . SAMUEL is an associate with Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May in Oakland.

RENEL A. SAPIANDANTE is working toward an LL.M. degree in tax at Golden Gate University.

SHIVADEV S . SHASTRI is a law cl erk/intern for Dyer & White in Menlo Park.

DAVID J . SILBERT is serving a judicial clerkship with Judge Judith Keep of the U. S. Distri ct Court, Southern Distri ct, San Diego. MICHAEL J. LEVY wi ll serve a judicial DAVID M . OLENczuK isa law clerkfor clerkship with JUDGE ROBERT P . David W. Brown in Monterey. ALEXA SMITH will join Wi ll kie , Farr & AGUILAR ('64) of the U.S. District Court, Ga ll agher in New York in 1995, when she com­ Northern Di trict, San Jose. CHRISTINE A . PADGETT is employed by pletes her LL.M . degree at Harva rd . Franklin Resources, Inc., in San Mateo. FRANCISCO X. MARQUEZ is an DANNETTE L . SMITH is serving a judicial attorney with Landels, Ripley & Diamond in ANNA M . PARK is an associate with Burke, clerkship with Judge Frank Magill of the U.S. San Francisco. Wi ll iams & Sorei in Los Ange les. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, Fargo , North Dakota. Beginning in October 1995, she wi ll work BRIAN D. McALLISTER is an associate JOHN DOUGLAS PARKER II is an for Willkie, Farr & Ga llagher in New York. with Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue in Los Ange les. associate with Kev in John Witas ick & Associates in Phoeni x. JAMES G . SNELL is an associate with ROBERT C. McNITT, JR., is an associate McCutchen, Doy le, Brown & Enerse n in San Jose. with Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in Los Angeles. MARGARET A . POWERS is an a sociate with Townsend & Townsend, Kh ouri e & Crew in PHYLLIS T . SOLOMON is an assoc iate PAUL MIHALEK is an associate with Arnold San Francisco. with Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal in & Porter in Los Ange les. San Francisco. JULIA LYNN PUGLIESE is erving a ANNA MARl MILLER is a financial planner judicial clerkshi p with Judge Kelleher of the U. S. HEATHER A. SPRIGGS is an associate in San Ramon. District Court, Central District, Los Angeles. with Sonnesnschein, Nath & Rose nthal in San Francisco. SARA J . MOODY is an ass istant public SANDRA L. RAPPAPORT is an assoc iate defender for the County of San Diego. with Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rud y of SUSAN L . STAPLETON is an attorney with San Francisco. Wi lson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati in Palo Alto. KENNETH A . NORELLI is an associate with Feingo ld & Youngling, P.L.c., in San Rafae l. KEVIN D . REESE is serving a judi cial clerk­ GUITA TAHMASSEBI has received a ship with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of grant from the Rockefeller Foundation for CINDY M . OAKES is an associate with Appeals in San Francisco. performance art. Sheppard , Mullin, Richter & Hampton in San Francisco.

TW EN Ty -S EVEN C LAS N OTES l'LL" "I 'Q.j «munu

BRUCE A. TELKAMP IS an assoCiate with JEANNE L. VANCE i an associate with ARMANDO G. VILLAPUDUA IS an a. II l­ l\ IcKennd uneo In Los Angeles. To rkilolson, Katz, josse m, Fonseca, Jaffe, Moore & ate with Diepenbrock, Wulff, Plant & Hanncgan Hetherington in Honolulu. in acramento. TRACI L. VAN PELT is an associare with Bronson, Bronson & McKinnon in an Francisco. ERIKA M. VARGA is an associate with Hoge, VALERIE M. WAGNER isanasociatewith Fenton, jones & Appel in an Jose. Furth, Fahrner & Mason in an Francisco.

MATTHEW M. WALSH is an associate with Dewey Ballantine in Los Angeles.

ERIN A. WILLIAMS i an LL.M . rudent at the University of Washington, catrle.

MARK R. WOLFE is a research associate for the Republic of Hungary before the International Court of justi ce Hun gary v. lovakia.

EILEEN S. WRIGHT i an associate with Scadden, Hami lton & Rya n in San Francisco.

VIRGINIA K. YOUNG isa lawyer in the U. IN MEMORIAM Navy Judge Advocate General's office.



You NEVER CALL Name ______

Address ______ust like Mom, we'd like to know what you've been up to lately. Use this convenient form to update us on your City ______State ______Zip _____ activities and we'll include it in our Class Notes section in an upcoming issue of Hastings Community. Phone ( ___ Grad Yr. ___ Even if you're not into show-and-tell, we could use the data to update our alumni records. In particular, we need Your Professional Emphasis ______information about your professional emphasis. This comes in handy when we are asked for referrals from other attorneys Firm or Company ______Business Phone ( and to assist us in matching students with prospective alumni Address ______mentors/advisors. Or we may just want to invite you to some­ thing of special interest to you. You never know. City ______State Zip _ Return this form to: Hastings Community c/o College Relations News 200 McAllister St., Room 209 San Francisco, CA 94102 or fax to (415) 565-4863. Thanks! ATTENTION: ALL HASTINGS LATINO ALUMNI'

) n effort is being made to form a La Raza Chapter of the Hastings Alumni Association. This orga­ nization can erve many purposes, including profe ional networking, plan­ ning and sponsoring programs and events, and developing mean of mentor­ ing current La Raza students. The involvement and participation of all Latino alumni is welcomed.

We need to start compiling lists of alumni (especially prior to the Class of 1989) and organize a steering/planning committee. Patricia Barrera ('91) , La Raza Chair for 1990-9 1, has volunteered to serve on the steering committee and encourage others to get involved.

Please contact Hastings College Alumni Relations Office with your name, phone number, and address, so that you can become part of this important organization: Alumni Relations Office, 4151565-4615. JANUARY 5-8 "Beat the Clock Program"- 36 hours of MCLE credits

JANUARY 18 Mathew O. Tobriner Lecturer Justice Richard Gold tone of the Appeal Court Republic of South Africa

JANUARY 27 Hawaii A lumni Chapter Luncheon

MARCH 3 Founder's Day

APRIL 29 LEO P Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration

For information on these events, phone the College Relations Office at (415) 565-4615.


DlreClOr 0/ College Relallons Hasti ngs Co ll ege of the Law Tim Lemon Boa rd of Di rec tors

DlreClOr 0/ Alumni Relallons ChOIr Judy Lane Charlene Padovanl MItchell ('77)

DlYecloro/ Hastlngs 1066 FoundatIOn Vice ChOIr Suzanne Needles John T. Knox (,52)

DlreClOr 0/ Pubilc AfiQlrs/ Hon. Wtlil am R. Channell ('49) Edl!or. Hastmgs Community Maureen E. Corcoran ('79) usan con Eugene L. Freeland ('51) Jan Lewenhaupt DesIgn Kneeland H. Lobner ('44) PatrICIa Walsh DesIgn James E. Mahoney ('66) Hon. Blame E. Pettitt ('41 ) Phowgraphs John A. Sproul Ru»ell CurtIS Judy Lane DlYectors Emeriti Court Mast Ralph ant lago Abaseal ('6 ) usan con Hon. Marvm R. Baxter ('66) Joseph W. Cotchett ('64) Pnnong Myron E. EtIenne, Jr. ('52) Amencan LIthographers, Inc. Raymond L. Hamon ('36) Ha\ward, Calli Hon. loIS HaIght HerringtOn ('65) Max K. JamIson ('45 )

Hasongs Communi!) "rublt,hed three urnes a year for alumnt and fnends 01 the College. ~latenal ior "Class otes" and correspondence IS always welcomed and ,hould be addressed to the eJ,tOr at 200 McAllIster treet, -an Franmco, CA 94102. Pnnted on Recycled Paper ®