Sap from Various Palms As a Renew- Harifara Able Energy Source for Bioethanol Rabemanolontsoa Production Shiro Saka

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Sap from Various Palms As a Renew- Harifara Able Energy Source for Bioethanol Rabemanolontsoa Production Shiro Saka Available on line at Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia AChE Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng. Q. 22 (4) 355−373 (2016) CI&CEQ DUNG VAN NGUYEN SAP FROM VARIOUS PALMS AS A RENEW- HARIFARA ABLE ENERGY SOURCE FOR BIOETHANOL RABEMANOLONTSOA PRODUCTION SHIRO SAKA Department of Socio-Environ- Article Highlights mental Energy Science, Graduate • Review with focus on an evaluation of various palm saps for bioethanol production School of Energy Science, Kyoto • Origin of sugar-rich palm saps and their chemical composition are reported University, Yoshida-honmachi, • Non-destructive tapping is the most sustainable method to collect sap from palms • Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan Ethanol production via acetic acid fermentation could improve carbon efficiency • More sustainable bioethanol production from palm sap than from traditional crops REVIEW PAPER Abstract UDC 582.521.11:662.7:60:66 Sap is a watery fluid that transports plant photosynthetic products towards var- ious tissues to support growth. Tapping palms for their sap is reported to have DOI 10.2298/CICEQ160420024N originated from India approximately 4,000 years ago. Palm sap is rich in sugars with some inorganics and nutrients, which are attractive components for bio- ethanol production. Based on advances and current knowledge on the avail- ability, collection, yield, and exploitation of various palm saps, this article evalu- ates their potential and sustainability as feedstocks for bioethanol production. Keywords: palm sap, tapping, sugar, fermentation, bioethanol, sustain- able. Rapid depletions in and increasing prices of Arable land areas for crops such as corn and fossil fuels to meet continuously rising demands are sugarcane are limited. Agricultural expansion can of global concern [1]. Petroleum-based fuels lead to result in deforestation, which is one of the main fac- environmental pollution, which results in global warm- tors causing climate change [2]. Planting, maintain- ing, health hazards, and ecological imbalances [2]. ing, replanting, and growing such crops for ethanol The shift towards sustainable and environmentally- production require various fossil energy inputs such friendly energy sources has generated significant int- as fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, machinery, irri- erest in developing biofuel production from plant bio- gation, and electricity, which can cause social and mass [3]. environmental impacts [5,6]. The use of available Bioethanol is one of the main commercial bio- plants that do not require extensive maintenance and fuels and is used as an attractive petrol substitute. It much fertilizer will be more appropriate for future can be obtained from the conversion of natural bio- bioethanol production. One such industrial plant is mass that contains sugars or starch via biological pro- palm. It can grow abundantly with little care and can cesses [1]. A recent report indicates that the total provide sugary sap as a feedstock for bioethanol pro- global bioethanol production in 2014 reached 93 duction [7]. billion liters with main contributions from corn ethanol Palms are monocotyledonous angiosperms that in the USA (58%) and sugarcane ethanol in Brazil belong to the Arecaceae family (also known as (25%) [4]. Palmae). They include six subfamilies, approximately 200 genera, and around 2,500–2,700 recognized spe- cies [8,9]. Geographically, most are native to tropical and subtropical regions from 44° north to 44° south Correspondence: S. Saka, Department of Socio-Environmental [8]. Dowe (cited in [8]) indicated that palms prefer Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto Uni- versity, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. tropical regions (between 23.5° north and south) E-mail: [email protected] whereas only ∼130 species grow naturally beyond Paper received: 20 April, 2016 this zone. Asia and the Pacific Islands show the Paper accepted: 20 April, 2016 355 D. VAN NGUYEN et al.: SAP FROM VARIOUS PALMS… Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng. Q. 22 (4) 355−373 (2016) highest palm biodiversity with approximately 1,385 ORIGIN AND TRANSPORTATION OF SAP INSIDE species, followed by North and South America with PALM ∼1,147 species (Moore, 1973 cited in [9]), Madagas- car with ∼167 species, and mainland Africa with ∼50 Origin of sugary sap in palm species (Dransfield and Beentje, 1995 cited in [8]). Many palm species (e.g., Arenga spp., Caryota Even though palms have a low biodiversity in main- spp., Corypha spp., and Metroxylon spp.) preserve land Africa, they are spread widely throughout the their photosynthetic products from leaves as starch continent [8]. inside their stems [16]. During flowering and fruiting, Palm is an agro-industrial crop; oil is extracted starch is converted into sugars and enters the nutrient from its seeds, mature leaves are used as thatching flow to be transported toward the growing parts of the and building materials, young leaves are used as plants [13]. The liquid that contains the nutrients and cigarette wrappers, young fruits are used as food, sugars constitutes the sap. Photosynthesis, starch hyd- buds are used as an aromatic tea, leaflet midribs are rolysis, and sap flow require water that may be taken used as broom material, stems are used for firewood, up from the environment through the roots of standing and roots are used medicinally [7,10-12]. However, palms or from the tissues of felled palms [17]. little attention has been given to the sap that can be In contrast, palm species such as C. nucifera extracted from palms. and N. fruticans contain little starch in their stems Palm sap is a sugar-rich exudate that can be [15,18]. To explain the sugar source in this case, Van obtained from wounding growing parts of a palm [13]. Die and Tammes [13] proposed that soluble sugars As reviewed by Francisco-Ortega and Zona [14], ∼40 from photosynthesis in the leaves are transported as global palm species are used commonly to produce the mobile phase of the sieve tube system throughout sap by local people. Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), vegetative parts of the palms before they are used palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer), sugar palm directly to form fruits or sap without starch accumul- (Arenga pinnata), nipa palm (Nypa fruticans), kitul ation. Ranasinghe et al. [19] found that soluble sugars palm (Caryota urens), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), are available in leaf and trunk tissues in sap- and nut- date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), wild date palm producing coconut palms (C. nucifera). Sugary sap (Phoenix sylvestris), and raffia palms (Raphia spp.) appears to be the major reserve in this palm rather were reported as major sugar-yielding palms in Asia than starch. and Africa [15]. Limited harvesting of these palms Sap transportation in palm occurs for domestic utilization as a fresh beverage; in animal feed; and/or for the production of brown sugar, Figures 1a and 1b compare the anatomy of a alcoholic beverages, and vinegar [5,14]. typical tree trunk and an oil palm trunk. Palms are These saps contain a high amount of free monocotyledonous angiosperms and their anatomy sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose that differs from softwood and hardwood [21]. As shown in can be fermented to bioethanol much more easily Figure 1a, a typical tree has concentric vascular tis- than starchy or lignocellulosic materials [3]. There- sues: xylem includes sapwood and heartwood parts, fore, this review aims to evaluate the potential for use whereas phloem is only a narrow layer separated of sap from various palms for bioethanol production. from xylem by a vascular cambium. In contrast, as Figure 1. Structure of a) cross section of a typical tree trunk compared with b) cross section of an oil palm trunk and c) its vascular bundle [20]. 356 D. VAN NGUYEN et al.: SAP FROM VARIOUS PALMS… Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng. Q. 22 (4) 355−373 (2016) shown in Figures 1b and 1c, xylem and phloem in sap in maple trees can be exuded by drilling holes palms are not concentric but are dispersed inside into the trunk. Because of differences in structure and numerous vascular bundles. These vascular bundles sap transportation, palm sap tapping is very different. are embedded in ground parenchyma, which is a sto- rage tissue where starch, a sap source, can be det- METHODS FOR TAPPING PALM SAP ected [20]. According to Berg [21], water and dissolved Tapping is a technique that is used to collect minerals flow in xylem, whereas phloem is used to sap from palms. According to Johnson [9], tapping transport aqueous solutions of sugars and other nut- has a long history and is a pantropical activity. This rients either from the leaves to the consumption and practice is believed to have originated roughly 4,000 storage sites or from the storage to the growing sites. years ago in India (Ferguson, cited in [15]). Now- Consequently, sap flow, which originates from leaves adays, sap extraction is very common and is technic- and/or storage sites, may be transported in the ally advanced in Asia and the Pacific Islands. In phloem to growing sites during flowering and fruiting. Africa, simpler tapping practices are used on E. guin- An early study by Molisch (cited in [17]) found eensis, Hyphaene spp., Phoenix reclinata and Raphia many plugged xylem vessels in the inflorescence stalk. spp. to produce alcoholic beverages [14,15]. In con- This indicates that xylem vessels are unable to trans- trast, it is an uncommon activity in Latin America [45]. port bleeding sap. Later reports proved that sap is rel- Table 1 shows tapping methods for various eased from phloem only in a sieve tube system [13]. palms. Palm species are tapped distinctively in differ- The sap of deciduous trees such as the maple ent countries. In general, tapping methods are class- tree (Acer spp.) can be tapped in early spring and has ified as destructive or non-destructive [14].
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