TIDES +Water Condition 6:g2 a.m. + lIZA Charlie.III 1 8:4p.m. ~ 4~ Storage Ashore 2:44 p.m. 14. 0 12:22 p.m. First daily paper ever to win the CHINFO Merit Award MILLION GALLON. S U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA

Phone 9-5247 TUESDAY Date July 23, 1968 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Da Hang Bases Hit By Artillery Barrage Czech Soil Free of Troops, SAIGON (AP/AFNB) Enemy gunners have gone on a rampage in the northern sector of Kremlin Aims at Border South Vietnam. PRAGUE (AP/AFTB) Reliable sources in Prague say Soviet Some 135 rounds of rocket troops have completed their withdrawal from Czechoslovakia. and mortar fire struck United But other sources say the Soviet Union has told the Prague States bases around Da Nang government the nation's western borders must be strengthened. Monday in one of the heaviest The sources say the Kremlin leaders contended the Czechoslo- attacks of the war. But Unit- vak Army is incapable of de- ed States casualties were re- fending its western approach- ported light. Damage to air, TV Special To es. The informants say tte Naval and Army facilities is Soviets demanded "a solution said to be light to neglig- Turn On - 'LSD' to this situation," presumably . able. Did you know that a person meaning that Soviet Army for- Other enemy artillerymen who has used the drug LSD can ces should be stationed in the shelled government administra- have a relapse at any time country. tion centers throughout Quang even though he has not touched The sources say the Soviets, Ngai Province. the drug since, and that some in a communication to the Five rounds of 81MM mortar of these relapses have oc- Czech government, also demand- hit in the vicinity of Marine curred as long as two years ed "internal consolidation" in Amphibious Force headquarters after the drug was taken? Czechoslovakia, and "suppres- just across the Da Nang River This is one of the many sion of counter-revolutionary from the city itself. facts presented in a special, tendencies." The Soviets use Thirty rounds of the same 40-minute film entitled,"LSD". both terms to describe the type hit Marble Mountain, five It will be aired on Channel 8 democratization process in the miles south of Da Nang. A Television tonight at 8:00 p.m. Czech nation. spokesman said there was no Narrated by a Navy doctor, The sources also report the ground attack at either point. the film offers an interesting Soviet Union has demanded the A heavy volume of small arms and informative look at the removal of the head of the fire could be heard from Da controversial, much-discussed Communist Party's Central Com- Nang, but it apparently came drug. mittee Department which is re- from U.S. Marines firing on The presentation is another sponsible for defense and sec- suspected enemy positions. community service of Armed urity for the patty. However, The last (Cont'd on Page 2) Forces Television. other informants say the last of the 18,500 Soviet troops who remained on Czech soil af- ter the Warsaw Pact maneuvers Israeli Plane Hijacked: Flown to Algiers three weeks ago had crossed ROME (AP/AFNB) An Israeli airliner with 48 persons aboard the Czech-Soviet border near has been hijacked on a flight from Rome to Tel Aviv. Officials Presov. say the plane was forced to land in Algiers. The leaders of the feuding The Boeing 707 was operated by El Al,Israel's national air- Soviet and Czechoslovak Commu- line. It carried 38 passengers and a crew of ten. The pilot nist Parties have agreed to radioed from the plane that he had been forced to divert from meet in Czechoslovakia, an of- his route. ficial Tass News Agency an- The plane had taken off from Rome with a veteran El Al pi- nouncement reported yesterday. lot at the controls. El Al's Rome office says the pilot radi- No date was given for the oed that a passenger had forced him to change his course an meeting. hour after he left the Rome airport. The Kremlin had first de- Israel's Foreign Ministry, its Transport Minister and the manded a showdown meeting in airline made strong representation to international bodies, the Soviet Union, but Czecho- including the U.N., to get the plane freed. (Cont'd on Page 2) siovakian (Cont'd on Page 3) Page 2 Gitmo Gazette Tuesday, July 23

EAETY GUNN1ERS1 O1N RA>VPAGE (Cont'd from Page 1) )vtmo time Da Nang was hit was July 5, when it was QAzdtt o hit by rocket fire. ComNavBase RADM J.B. Hildretb meanwhile, a North Vietnamese spokesman in Public Affairs Officer LT Paul E, Lamey Paris says the three American fliers who did not leave Hanoi as scheduled last week are Editor J03 Tom Meyers free in North Vietnam. But the spokesman said Layout J03 Lonnie Sexton he does not know where the pilots are or when Sports YN2 Dave Nadolski they will leave the country. The GITdO GAZETTE is published according to the rules The Americans were released by North Vietnam and regulations for ship and station newspapers as out- last Friday, and were expected to return to lined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Laos on the same day. United States author- Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed four ities are hoping they will reach Laos by this days a week at government expense on government equip- Friday. ment. The opinions or statements in news itmes that A member of the anti-war committee that flew appear herein are not to be construed as official or as to Hanoi to meet the fliers cabled his Phila- reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Navy Dept. and notices will be accepted between the hours of delphia office Monday that departure has been Ads 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. MON thru FRI only and willbe publish- delayed one week. ed in either Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. And in Saigon, President Nguyen Van Thieu No ads or notices--except command notices--will be pub- said Monday he and President Johnson agreed to lished more than once a week nor will they be run in take "the initiative" in fighting while the .3tiday's paper. Vietnam talks are going on in Paris. The Gazette welcomes contributions of a newsworthy "The President of the United States and I nature. All contributions should be forwarded to Box agreed that we would not allow the Communists 22, in care of the Gitmo Gazette. The Gazette reserves story to make it to take advantage of their policy of fighting the right to modify the content of any conform to typographical and format standards for pub- while negotiating," Thieu said. "We did not lication. discuss cessation of bombing and we did not discuss coalition." ISRAELI AIRLINER HIJACKED (Cont'd from Page 1) Late word from Saigon reports that heavy Israel has no diplomatic relations with any shelling continues this morning throughout Arab nation. South Vietnam. Among the passengers was an American woman. American casualties are reported light. A The airline says she is Mrs. Rena Tsuriel of full report is not available on South Vietnam- Brooklyn, New York. Also aboard was a party ese casualties, but initial reports say four of seven Roman Catholic priests on a pilgrim- civilians have been killed, four soldiers age to the Holy Land. wounded and two houses destroyed. The Israeli Embassy in Rome said there are The enemy slammed between 200 and 300 rounds no important Israelis aboard. It said eight of mortars and huge 100-pound Russian rockets of the passengers were Israelis and the others into U.S. and South Vietnamese military in- of various nationalities. stallations around Da Nang, south of Hue, and The Italian Embassy in Algiers said it was in Quang Tri Province, where a follow-up told the nine Italian passengers would be free ground attack on the provincial capital was to leave Algeria. This includes the seven repulsed. Roman Catholic priests. U.S. aircraft losses over North Vietnam have One source said two armed Palestine refugees reportedly dropped dramatically since Presi- broke into the captain's compartment and took dent Johnson limited bombing raids to the over the plane. country's narrow southern panhandle. A spokesman in the Defense Ministry said the An Associated Press check of daily military possibility of Arab saboteurs being responsi- communiques shows 30 U.S. planes listed as ble for the incident was not ruled out. shot down over North Vietnam since the re- The Boeing 707 was the first Israeli air- strictions went into effect March 31. The U.S. liner ever hijacked and was the first time an lost 133 places during the same period last Israeli commercial plane was forced to land in year when raids were conducted against most of an Arab country. North Vietnam. Algeria declared a state of war with Israel Intelligence reports say the Viet Cong are during last year's six-day war, and this has getting ready for a new offensive timed for never been officially ended. Diplomatic re- the U.S. political conventions in Augast. The lations between the two countries are non-ex- reports say the Viet Cong are holding high- istent, and no nation is charged with repre- level meetings in hideouts around Saigon to senting Israeli interests in Algeria. review mistakes of past offenses. Algerian officials refused comment. Tuesday, July 23 Gitmo Gazette Page 3

CZECH-SOVIET MEETING SET (Cont'd from Page leaders refused. 1) Man Steals Gun - Kills Without Reason The announcement followed a Soviet Communist SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (AP-/AF1') Police in Party attack on the Czechoslovak Party leaders San Luis Obispo, Calif. say they have arrested_ for defending their liberal course. 38-year-old William Duff and booked h 4M on In Washington, the State Department's spoke- suspicion of murder in the slayiuigs of two sman described as "just ridiculous" Mon- people. day a Russian accusation linking the Washing- The man had allegedly broken into a sportingj 7- goods store, grabbed a 38-caliber revolver anc. S shells, ran onto the sidewalk and shot three Baltic Sea persons, two fatally. Officers say Duff is from -Javre do Grace, -d Police say the gunman fired four times, 4EAST- GERMANY POLAND then ran and was caught three blocks away. * SOVIET TROOPS 'The dead were identified as August Llarsa2la g= S and 'victor Cricco of Yonkers, N.Y. The sur- IN EAST EUROPE 'Gvivong victim is Marsala's wife, Evelyn. Shie CZiECHOSLOVAKIA, is reported improving after being in critical condition at Sierra vista -lospital. "AUSTRIA! HUNGARY

RUMANIA' Assassination Attempt Made on Policeman NEWIAPK, N.J. (AP/AlEND) 1Gewark Police j-Di YUGOSLAVIA Blac rector Dominick Spina escaped injury when a shotgun blast was fired through his living_ rs i Adriatic' room window at home last night. Sea LGR - Police say Spina was watching television in the room. Spina says the attackers appeared ton visit of the West German Defense Minist er to be two Negroes in a late-model car. But with events in Czechoslovakia. police say there are few other details avail- Pravda, the Soviet Communist Party newspap er able. said the Washington visit of Gerhard Schroed er was aimed at trying to shape Atlantic Allian ce support for Czechoslovakia's present leade in their quarrel with the Soviet Union. gRioting Reported in Manhattan Asked for comment, Press Officer Robert J. MANHATTAN (AP/APNB) Reinforced police un- McClosky said Schroeder's visit had been pla n- its moved into a portion of the lower east ned a long time ago, and it is "just ridic u- side of Manhattan early today. Crowds had lous" for the Soviets to link this visit to gathered in the streets for the third succes- such allegations. sive night and sporadic incidents of arson and "Indeed they should know better," he added bottle throwing were reported. A short time later, Schroeder told newsmen Police say racial disturbances erupted for concerning the Pravda report: "All this is a the third night in a row in Benton Harbor, big nonsense." Mich. Police reported widespread rockthrowing He met briefly with newsmen after conferri rig and isolated fire-bombing. for an hour with Secretary of State Dean Rus k. Police arrested ten persons early today as a He arrived Saturday to meet with Rusk, Secr a- crowd of 200 went on a brief rampage along tary of Defense Clark Clifford and other U. 3. Avenue "N" on Manhattan's lower east side. officials. the crowd threw rocks and bottles and smashed He said he and Rusk touched on such subjec ts store windows. At one point a fire was set, as the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty a:rid but battalion chief Thomas Ryan ordered his the stationing of American troops in German Y. firemen to withdraw when the crowd began pelt- He said the Berlin situation also was discus a- ing them with rocks and bottles. Police say sed in the light of recent East German tra f- quiet was restored before 3:00 a.m. fic regulations requiring visas for travelle rs Although some store windows were broken, to Berlin. there were no reports of looting. Fire Chief Secretary of State Rusk called on the Sovi at Arthur Kauffer says most of the violence was Ambassador in Washington late Monday to de ny aimed at firemen. There was also some tension the Pravda allegations. reported between residents and policemen. Page 4 Gitmo Gazette Tuesday, July 23

Demands 12 Bulldozers for 12 Soldiers I U BANGKO C, Thailand (AP/AFNB) Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia is demanding 12 bulldoz- ers in return for the release of 12 American soldiers captured on a small river boat that 1. W1 strayed into Cambodian waters on the Mekong 4 8 9 River. 7 JI) * 3-- A2- =- i - + - i- - Sihanouk, in a speech July 18, the day after 42 Ay 14 1 A6 ; J7 the boat was captured, threatened to send the .J soldiers to jail for six months if he doesn't 21 22 23 24 get the machines. The speech, monitored in Bangkok, was made 04A available Monday through diplomatic channels. mk The boat took a wrong turn on the Mekong Riv- er July 17, and sailed into Cambodian terri- tory, as did the Philippine tug Bream and its lighter of beer six weeks ago. The Bream car- A GOOD GAMBLE - It's a sure thing that beautiful Linda Gam- ried two Americans and a dozen Filipinos. Si- ble of 20th Century-Fox Films does a good job of dressing up our hanouk demanded bulldozers for those Americans August calendar. as well, but released them as a mark of res- pect after the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy.




K ENIEE Tuesday, July 23, 1 GGitmo Gazetteae Page 5, Gitmo SPORTS And Elsewhere Pro Mills-Price Takes Yacht Race In baseball action in the majors yesterday, The fi fth race of the Summer Series of Yac-t Dave Giusti pitched a neat seven-hitter as tne Club races was held Surday ofF te Naval Sta- Houston Astros downed the slumping Los Angeles tion Fish and Gear Locker. Dodgers 4-0. It was the Dodgers 13 setback in First place in the contest went to WC1 their last 21 ballgames. James Mills-Price of Fleet Training Group. The beat the Atlanta Braves by Second place was taken by LCDR Edwin Bobrek, a score of 5-2 and extended Atlanta's losing of Naval Air Station, and third went to LTJG streak to four games. With the score tied 2-2 Robert Francis, also from NAS. in the sixth inning Ron Swoboda tripled home a The competition was run under the Portsmouth run and scored a moment later Jerry Buchek Handicap System, which means, basically, that doubled Swoboda home, Don Cardwell got credit the racers are competing against the clock,not for the win. against other craft. The National League leading St. Louis Card- The Yacht Club will be racing again next inals rallied for three runs in the bottom of Sunday. Come out and enjoy yacht racing at the ninth to slip past the Philadelphia Phils its finest. 5-4. Don Lock's three-run homer in the sixth inning gave the Phillies a 4-2 lead until the ninth when the Cardinals exploded. In the only day contest in the majors, the The following golfers compcse NAVBASE GTMO Chicago Cubs blasted out 17 hits in defeating entries for the COMTEN Golf Tournament: the San Francisco Giants 7-2. Pinch-hitter Willie Smith delivered a two-run double in the OPEN DIVISION SENIOR DIVISION eighth to break a 2-2 tie. Joe Niekro picked YN3 BROWN CAPT RAWLINGS up nis ninth win. Frank Linzy suffered his RM1 SMITH CAPT JOHNSON seventh loss. Glenn Beckert extended his con- ET1 HODGE WO FARTHING secutive game hitting streak to 27 games, this PN1 PERRYMOORE LT ROLLINS is the longest streak in the majors this year. Pittsburg and Cincinnati were not scheduled. Over in the junior circuit, the Cleveland Indians took over sole possession of second Probable pitchers for Tuesday: olace by defeating the Baltimore Orioles 7-3. The Birds were within one run of tying the National League contest in the fifth when pinch-hitter Lou Johnson connected for a two-run homer, but New York Seaver 8-6 at Atlanta Reed 9-5 Sunny Siebert keot his string alive to defeat Cincinnati Maloney 8-6 at Pittsburg McBean 7- the Oriol'es. Siebert has beaten the Orioles 9 Philadelphia Wise 6-6 at St. Louis Jaster 7-3 straight times. Houston Wilson 7-11 at L.A. Osteen 7-14 The Red Sox nipped the 7-6 Chicago Nye 4-11 at San Francisco Perry 8-3 last night as Jim Lonborg won his first game of the season. Lonborg a 22-game winner last season has been plagued by injuries throughout the year. Boston collected 16 hits includ- California Brunet 10-9 and Burgmeier 1-3 at ing homers by Ken Harrelson and C. Jones and Minnesota Merrit 5-11 and Keller 0-0, 2. four safeties b Mark Andrews. Cleveland Williams 7-4 at Baltimore Bunser 1-) Homeruns by Reggie Jackson and Dave Johnson Boston Pizarro 2-1 at New York Bahnsen 3-6 led the Oakland Athletics to a 4-0 blanking of Detroit McLain 18-3 at Washington Pascual 9-5 the Chicago White Sox. Oakland Krausse 6-8 at Chicago Priddy 1-6 California jumped to a 6-D lead then managed to hang on for a 6-5 triumph over the Minn- All games are under the lights. The contest esota Twins. Elio Rodriguez was the big gun between California and Minnesota is a twi-nite as he drove in three runs for the Angeles. doubleheader. Detroit and Washington were idle. -Sportscope By Jim Noone Baseball's Hall of Fame Adds Three Although we're still in the midst of Cooperstown, New York--Three former out- baseball season--admittedly, a rather dull one fielders, Joe Medwick, Leon "Goose" Goslin and -- football is only a couple of weeks away. the late Hazen "KIKI" Cyler were inducted The National Football League has announced a formally into Hall of Fame yester- 68-game pre-season schedule, beginning with day. the Green Bay-College All Star tilt Aug. 3 at Goslin and Medwick were on hand to accept Chicago. the plaques presented by Commissioner William One of the highlights of the NFL exhibition D. Eckert, while Goslin, who died in 1950, was will be a contest between the Philadelphia represented by his widow, son, daughter and Eagles and the Detroit Lions Aug. 11 in the two grandchildren. Olympics in Mexico City. Medwick had a .324 average from 1932 to 1948 Only one other NFL game--New York versus with the St. Louis, Brooklyn and New York (all Chicago in Toronto in 1960--has been played on National League) clubs. He won the Triple foreign soil. Crown with the Cardinals in 1937. Speaking of the NFL, the new players' Cuyler, who played with Pittsburg, Chicago pension plan is a real creampuff. It and Cincinnati and Brooklyn hit .321 from guarantees, among other things, $1,600 per 1921 through 1938. During that span, he led month for 10-year veterans after reaching 65. the league four times in stolen bases. The difficult part is surviving those10 years. Goslin, whose hitting helped Washington Lu It's generally expected the price of tickets its only three championships, had a lifetime will rise to help finance the musgrooming fun. average of .316 with the Senators, St. Louis More than 6,000,000 persons paid to see rec- Browns and Detroit Tigers of the American Lea- ular season NFL games last year. gue from 1921 to 1)38. NOTES, QUOTES, AND ANECDOTES. Detroit's Denny McLain, who wore glasses last season while compiling a record of 16-17, now wears Mexico City--With less than a month left to contact lenses.maybe more -pitchers should sign up, 109 nations have registered to take follow McLain's example .his record is 18-3. part in the October Olympic games in Mexclo Nugget: Fans at the recent All-Star game saw City, the highest turnout in Olympic history. little in the way of exiting baseball but they The Mexican Olympic Organization committee certainly ate well.they consumed approximate said the last four nations to sign up were No. 25,000 bags of peanuts. .40,000 beers. .40,000 Korea, Morocco, Sierra Leon and the Congo- soft drinks and close to 100,000 hot dogs. Brazzaville. Like the man says, that a lot of hot dogs. The organizing committee said registration not to mention the 20,000 full meals served in for nations closes August 16. the Astrodome's five air-conditioned rest- aurants.Rumor Department: We hear Jerry Marshall and Rich Ball have been "signed" as coaches of the Navy Exchange girl's softball New Orleans--Percy Pugh of New Orleans out- team.Junior League baseball is in full swing pointed Johnny Brooks from Las Vegas, Nevada around the base. Last we knew the Dodgers and in their 10 round match last night. Cardinals were front runners in the Little League and Pee-Wee League, respectively. Tokyo--Hiroshi Kobayaski of Japan knocked out Oddity: Leading swatter in the Ulisses Botero of Columbia in a non-title con- Carolina League this year is a chap named test last night. Tolia Solaita, who hails from the South Pacific island of Samoa. Is it true that CAPT Ace Johnson needed a pick-up truck to cart off the enormous golf trophy he won?. Flashback. Sweden's "WASA ill" yesterday won the first Eddie Mathews backhanded Moose Skowron's hot race of the International Gold Cup sailing con- grounder and stepping on third base on a sunny test in the Baltic. October day to give the Milwaukee Braves the With star boat sailing expert Sune Carlsson 1957 World Series victory over the New York at the helm, "WASA III" crossed the finishing Yanks. .The word in track and field circles line one minute ahead of Bahamas "JON B" oi lot- these days is the "Fosbury Flop". It refers ed by Bobby Symonette of Nassau. to the backward high-jumping style of Oregon In third place was Denmark's "WEB IV" with State University's Dick Fosburg, who won the veteran William Bernsten at the line. 'NCAA championships last month with a leap of Finishing fourth was Italy's "MANUELA VII". 7ft. 2Lin.Fosburg, who actually clears the Noto Zucchinnetti was the helmsman. bar backwards after spinning around from a forward approach, is expected to be USA's There will be a meeting of the Mixed Couples number one high-jumper in the upcoming Mexico Bowling League tonight at 7:30 at Marblehead City Olympics Hall for the election of new officers. There will be room for a few new teams. Tuesday, July 23, 1963 Gitmo Gazette Page 7

The Beeline 95551

Tomorrow the Special Services Summer Recreation Program will Wanted hold an open house for the bowl- Someone to do ironing. Call 98198 AWH. ing classes. The Monday-Wednes- day class will bowl against the Tuesday-Thursday class. The Lost and Found tournament will be held at Mar- Found, prescription glasses, underwater at blehead Hall from 2:30 to 4:30 Cable Beach, in a blue case. Call 85292 DWH. p.m. On Thursday there will be an Found, orescription sunglasses, near coffee open house for the Drawing and shop Saturday. Call 99262 AT. Crafts Class. Both of these open houses will be from 9 to 11 a.m. at the High School. All parents are invited to at- Services tend these open houses. For further informa- Will do mending, alterations, and replace zip- tion, please call Mrs. Leslie at 95373. pers. Call 98190 AT. The National Supervisor s Association will hold a business meeting and luncheon tomorrow at the CPO Club at 12 noon. For reserva- Give Away tions call Joe Keraghan at 85637. I German Shepherd and col lie dog and 2 alley The second Summer Swimming Session sponsored cats. Call 97213 AT. by Special Services Summer Recreation Program is starting on Monday, July 29. It runs until August 23 and the cost of the lessons is $8. The CPO Wives Club will hold its monthly meet- ing tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the CPO Hut located at the CPO Club. All CPO Wives, old and new, are cordially invited to attend. Topic to be discussed will be the upcoming Little Miss Gitmo Contest. So, all ladies are asked to please be on hand. Classified Ads

For Sale Akai tape recorder, model M8, $225, 2 weeks old. Call Roger Byous at 64269 AWH.

Straw oval rug, 9xl2, GC, $10. Call 97223 AT. Washing machine, good for parts, $10; vacuum, $3. Call 97213 AT.

Sunbeam cordless electric shaver, $15; Poler- oid 230, with flash, UV filter, cloud filter CDR. H. E. GOEBEL JR., Naval Station Executive and carrying case, only 3 weeks old, $95; Officer inspects Special Services new glass Garcia fishing rod, 20 lbs. test, and Mitchell bottom boats. The boats are available at the reel, ABU 170, both I week old, $15. Call Naval Station Fishing Gear Locker. Rental fee Kitson at 85432 DWH. for the boats will be 50U per hour. It is re- quired when using these boats to wear either Couch and chair, $10. Call 90112 AT. sneakers or shoes with soft rubber soles. Page '3 Gitmo Gazette Tuesday, July 23, 198C Polls Show U.S. Popularity Dropping WASHIN2TON (AP/AFNB) Attitudes in other countries tc!ard toe Uniced States are tumb- lin, to new lows, muchly because of the Viet- nar War and assassinations, a new series of foreign opinion alols snowed \,esterday. Three indenendent sources, whlo surveyed nub- lic opinions in crenaration for their ancear- ance, reported the results before a House For- eign Affairs Su;bcommittee wnicn is looking into t'e U. S. image abroad. The witnesses included Floyd Free, director of the Institute for International Social Re- search, Princeton, N.J.; George Galluc Jr., president of the Gallue Polls; and Edward L. Berna'