MAY 2017





Signature: ______Signature: ______

Professional guide: Juan Vizcaíno Tutor: Lady Ramírez

Signature: ______Signature: ______

English teacher: César Cacuango Career Coordinator: Lady Ramírez



To God for giving me his blessings and filling me with his strength to overcome all the obstacles that I have found in my way.

Also I thank to my family, especially to my mother and my father for all effort and sacrifice gave to me all the love and the unconditional support in every moments of my life.

I want to express my gratitude to my brother, nephews, friends and teachers who are helping me to finish one of my goals.

Johanna M.


This important work goes firstly to God who always has given me strength to carry on and especially to my mother, if she have not supported me I could not have finished my career.

I want to dedicate this to my second life in coming who will be my baby. Also to my boyfriend Jorge who has always helped me in every step of my work and my little Lucas, this work goes with all my love for you.

I want to dedicate this work to all the people who gave me the moral support especially to my friends who have accompanied me in every important moments of my life.

Johanna M.



The concept of religion has its origin in the Latin term religio and refers to the dogmatic creed and knowledge of a divine entity.

Religious Tourism is a journey where tourists renews their faith. It is a sector with great boom in some parts of the world, perhaps this is because it turns out to be more faithful to visit tourism site. It is a type of trip that involves feelings of hope, thankfulness, conviviality and approach to our religious beliefs.

Their destinations include visits to shrines or holy places independently, in group or pilgrimage; visits to tombs of saints, participation in religious celebrations.

Religious tourism grows considerably, in every kind of country, as economic surpluses allow travel to the upper and middle classes. In the XXI century in search of values, religious and spiritual tourism can represent a great opportunity for women and men of all faiths, philosophies and believing.



Ecuador is a nation that has a huge historical, cultural and natural heritage. This is a country that offers much in its small territory: nature, adventure and beautiful architecture, within which there is enormous wealth in terms of churches and buildings of the Catholic religion. This makes the country a power in the segment of religious tourism.

The historical and cultural legacy that Catholicism exhibits on Ecuadorian mainland is very extensive. Churches, chapels, convents, museums and other places of the Catholic faith in the country, are a great heritage legacy.

According to Population Pyramid in 2015 the country has 16.2 million inhabitants. Of the total population, 13.1 are considered practicing Catholic faith, according to information from the web portal Ecuavisa. Ecuador is considered the seventh country in Latin America to hold as many Catholic churches in its territory, according to the same website. The same site states that there are 25 districts and 1,301 Catholic parishes throughout its four geographic regions in the country.

On the other hand, according to the document "INEC (National Institute of Statistics and Census) presents for the first time statistics on religion, the document notes that" in regard to religious affiliation, the data show that 91.95% of the population claims a religion, of which 80.4% belong to the Catholic religion. "


Finally, the report of INEC indicates that "three out of ten said believers attend at least once a week to a religious cult. These figures demonstrate the importance of the Catholic religion in the country, where religious fervor is evident repeatedly throughout the year, through lots of demonstrations and processions.

In the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua there are a lots of temples and important pilgrimages, including: El Niño Isinche (Pujilí), the Lord of the Tree (Cuicuno), Hacienda San Agustin del Callo (Lasso) Monastery Tilipulo (poalo ), Lord of the earthquake (Patate) and Baños de Agua Santa (Bath) among others.

Each one keeps their own history and reflect in each church the wisdom of their artists. 8 out of 10 Ecuadorians who claim to have a religious affiliation are Catholics. The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) presented statistics on religion for the first time.

This information is part of the integrated system of household surveys, with a sample of 13,211 people aged 16 and over in five cities.Regarding religious affiliation, data show that 91.95% of the population claims to have a religion, 80.4% of which belong to the Catholic religion, 11.3% Evangelical, 1, 29% Jehovah's Witnesses and the remaining 6.96% belong to other religions.

Finally, three out of ten believers claimed to attend at least once a week a religious service (cults, masses, meetings, etc.); Two out of ten once a month and 15.9% attending only on special occasions.



The tour will provide knowledge about the great development of religious tourism in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. Ecuador is exceptional in both natural resources and cultural country. This is a country that keeps a history, mystery, legends and traditions.

General Characteristics of Ecuador

Ecuador is located in the middle of the world; is the capital of Ecuador. The official language is Spanish and there are other languages spoken by indigenous people such as kichwa. The currency is American dollar used since the year 2000.

Ecuador isn’t a large country, but it has four words divide per regions with different and amazing characteristics: the coast region, the beaches offer a lot of attractions for everyone. In the Ecuadorian coast there are mangles, a unique ecosystem, where a variety of species are found.

The highlands region shows an extensive mosaic of corn, potatoes and grains fields, bathed by icy waters from the volcanoes, some of them are actives like Tungurahua and Cotopaxi.


The Amazon region or jungle of Ecuador, part of the biggest lung in the world, there are a variety of flora and fauna. The scientific expeditions made to the Ecuadorian Oriente have shown the quality of a lot of vegetables and animal species to control de human sickness1

Finally Galapagos is a natural paradise, like nowhere else in the world, the islands are enchanted. It is a Natural Heritage of humanity with unique wildlife in the world2 It is important to mention the characteristics of the Andes region due to this field book is about the Agroturism in the Cotopaxi and Tungurahua provinces which are part of this region.

The Andes present in Ecuador three branches, the two bigger are known as Occidental and Oriental, and the third formed by small cordilleras of Condor, Cutucu and Napo Galeras, that are located in front of the east Andes named as the Ecuadorian Amazonia.

Here there are fertile valleys, cover by the rivers that goes down from the snowy Andes mountains. The variety of micro-climates and the diversity of the ecological floors will determine the huge and variety Ecuadorian production for example the tropical fruits and sugar reed from hot weather, vegetables and corn from warm weather, wheat, barley, potatoes and grass from cold weather. The Paramos are long areas that bring the opportunity to work on the grass3

1 Ecuador in the middle of the world. Characteristics of Ecuador. Pp. 2. 2 3 Ecuador in the middle of the world 5


In Ecuador there are different kinds of tourism, where people can visit attractions on the route they choose such as: extreme sports, cultural tourism, etc., but one of them is religious tourism.

There are a variety of churches, museums and religious complexes that are open to the public in the country of the Middle of the World and can be easily visited. Several of these sites are part of the cultural heritage of the nation, because they date back several centuries ago.

A lot of churches, convents, shrines and basilicas have been specially developed in the province of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua, this type of tourism, where guests involves feelings of hope, thankfulness, conviviality, closer to our religious beliefs.



The religious tourism is the reason why tourists can know the historical richness - culture of the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua, covering monasteries, churches and cathedrals.

Besides massive pilgrimages and visits of national and international tourists they are performed by the customs and traditions that each guard.

It is important to know new places for religious tourism because it develops and make grow tourism.


General objective

 Know the current situation of religious tourism and heritage for the development and strengthening of religious tourism in the country as it is an axis that has gained much force worldwide


Specific objectives

• Taste the variety of typical food of each place, while we visited and know the major religious sites in the province.

• Learn and appreciate the history and importance that keeps each of the churches and communities that are in our country.

• To shape in our hearts the diversity of attractions, climate, flora and fauna that encompasses our country.




It is located at 2.800 m.a.s.l. It is 40 kilometers long and 7 kilometers wide, its temperature is between 10 and 25ºC. It is the capital of Ecuador, the most accepted theory reports that its name comes from the languages Safiqui, "Qui", meaning half and "To", meaning earth. So the word Quito, translates as: "Land in the Middle of the World".

Quito has 2.5 million inhabitants; it is the second largest and populated city in the country after Guayaquil city. Quito was declared as the first world Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO on September 18th in 1978, it was founded on December 6th, 1534 by the Spaniard Sebastian de Benalcazar.

There are two seasons, rainy and dry. Quito's summer lasts about four months, from June to September and the rainy from October to May, but during this period the weather has a lot of variations.


Mariscal Sucre or Occidental Avenue

This avenue takes the name of: Antonio José de Sucre was one of the heroes of Latin American independence, he was a marshal of the troops that fought for our independence; he got fundamental victories to free the continent from Spaniards.


We are in the Condado neighborhood inhabited by families of middle and upper class who were attracted by the wide range of elegant and exclusive residential neighborhoods. It is an important commercial site, here is the "Condado Shopping", which is a modern and luxurious mall with exclusive shops of big brands, prestigious restaurants and entertainment places.


It is known as "The New North". It began to be populated in 1980, it is divided in Carcelen Bajo (Low Carcelen) and Carcelen Alto (High Carcelen), the sector grew rapidly and soon joined the city limits of Quito between 1995 and 2000. Carcelen Bajo is an industrial zone and some groups of families of lower middle class and poor; while Carcelen Alto is occupied by the middle class.


The huge community park has gotten commercial importance that serves as a supply center for the industry and people do not have to travel long distances to shop. Also here there are San Francisco Hospital of Quito and the Inter province Carcelen terminal.

Eloy Alfaro Avenue

When Quito began to grow, the city authorities realized that it needed more streets and avenues to get a better traffic. So Eloy Alfaro Avenue was built, it was considered a major artery to reach the north of the city, it starts in the south on 10 de Agosto Avenue and it ends in Carcelen north with a length of 13.583 meters4.

Eloy Alfaro

He was an Ecuadorian Military and politic, he was leader of radical liberalism, who was president of the republic in 1895 and 1906 periods. Also he was known for supporting women's rights and secular education.



Simon Bolivar Avenue

It is the longest way in the city, it has 42 kilometers long approximately, connects the north, south and valleys that surround Quito. Its name is due to the Venezuelan officer who led our troops against the imperialism; he founded the Great Colombia and was one of the leading figures of American Emancipation.

He contributed decisively to the independence of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. This Avenue, also is called Oriental for its location, it goes from Carapungo (North) to Tambillo (South), the two limits are near the Terrestrial Terminals. This avenue was built to avoid the traffic in the city and it has helped us to move from North to South faster.

Pico y placa Law

One of the problems he has had Quito is the excess traffic, for that reason the laws were regulate, PICO AND PLATE consist in From 7:00 to 9:30 and from 16:00 to 19:30 will not flow cars and motorcycles with the last digit of the plate:

 Monday: 1 and 2

 Tuesday: 3 and 4

 Wednesday: 5 and 6

 Thursday: 7 and 8


 Friday: 9 and 0

Police takes control on roads, people who do not respect this law will have a sanction

Panamericana Way

This way is a road system nearly 25,800 kilometers long. Panamericana way begins in the north in Alaska and finishes in Argentine. The section that prevents connecting highway completely is a path of 87 km called the Darien Gap. The highway is cut into Yaviza - Panama and Lomas Aisladas in Colombia, after continues to South America. In Ecuador, it begins at Rumichaca international bridge that is the border between Ecuador and Colombia.

It is named “Troncal de la Sierra” (E35) and the principal provinces that it passes by are: Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Chimborazo, Cañar, Azuay and Loja. In Ecuador ends in the international bridge in Macara and continues to the south.

Panavial is an Ecuadorian Company which began its work in 1996. It is part of the Herdoiza Guerrero Group, some companies are part of this group that are dedicated to building work, maintenance and road signs.



Tambillo comes from the word “Tambo” that means place to rest or it is known like the door of entrance or exit of Quito. The center of Tambillo is a small station where people rest when they travel to the coast region or central highlands region.

It has 10.000 inhabitants; most of them are dedicated to the small business, agriculture, livestock and major crops as corn and potatoes. The main tourist attraction is the train station that was restored in 1908, for that reason people can see the rail crossing in the Panamericana highway.

In the year 1970 the construction of the road to the Valley of the Chillos takes place. As for religious festivities in August is celebrated the Madonna of the Transit, September the feast of the Madonna of La Merced and November feast in honor of the Madonna of Quinche.


Alóag is one of the oldest parishes in this Canton, for its strategic location has become a town center, this is the crossing point between the two regions, Coast and


Highlands. In effect the road to Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Panamericana South crosses in this place.

People live from agriculture and livestock. The main products are corn, beans, potatoes, mellocos, peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, among others. In addition to these crops, there are vast fields of grass for livestock consumption.

Another source of income for the habitants is the work provided in factories settled in this town; there are 13 dairy factories. Currently, in this parish people prepared “allullas” or “manjar de leche”.5

Atahualpa Military Head Quarter

School and Specialized Services of the Army; it permits efficient and effective military performance. 1,000 students finish their career to serve the country.


It is located in the south of Quito, it is from the Mejia canton. In there are about 88.000 inhabitants, it is well known because it has a good agricultural and cattle production, and also for its thermal fountains in “Tesalia”, where there are

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some pools, so you can know the mineral waters called “Guiting”, here you can find the thermal waters of the Pichincha province.

In July you can enjoy the “Paseo del Chagra”, that are one of the most important festivities in the sector. A man on a horse with good skills in the rodeo, he is the principal actor.

The “Paseo del Chagra”

It is one show that had its origin in Machachi as a remembrance of the eruption of the Cotopaxi volcano in 1877. It is a procesional parade in honor to“El Señor de la Santa Escuela”. In the last eruption, people tried to reach the highest lands, and never worried about the animals.

The cattle especially, looked for protection. After the event, people tried to recover their animals and went to collect them. This is the reason why this town celebrates this parade. The cow boy wears chaps, striped ponchos, scarves and hats, ride decorated horses and demonstrate their skills.

In Machachi there is a principal church where is The Señor de la Santa Escuela, he is the Saint of Machachi. The celebrations are Saint Tuesday in Passion week.


Machachi Toll

We have to pass two tolls for arriving to Tungurahua province. The rates are authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Panavial has 9 stations along the highway. It is open 24 hours.

The daily use of pathways generates a steady declining; so, they need constant maintenance. These expenditures are financed through tolls, the collected money is used to maintain the roads in excellent condition in order to provide users more comfort, safety and time saving while moving from one place to another6.

“Los Illinizas” Ecological Reserve

The Ilinizas Ecological Reserve was created on December 11, 1996 and has an area of 149,900 hectares; it is located in the provinces of Cotopaxi, Pichincha and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Its altitude ranges from 800 m to 5263 on the highest peak; this variation makes it one of the richest ecosystems in Ecuador.

6 ecuador.php?tablajb=empresa&p=9&t=Filosofia-Corporativa& 17

There are some entrances that take you to the limits or to the inside of the reserve. The “Illinizas” are the highest elevations in the reserve and together with “Quilotoa” lake constitutes the principal attraction.

The north pick is less high and easy to climb, but the south one is a serious challenge even for the expert climbers. Snow and ice demand good techniques to going up.

To go to the shelter you have to take a little road that begins in the Panamericana highway, on the Machachi sector and takes you to Chaupi town. There is a second entrance from the Panamericana highway, close to Lasso town.


Map 1.Cantons of Cotopaxi

Fuente 1


 Capital: Latacunga  Population: 406.798 inhabitants according the last census in 2010  Surface: 6.100 square km2.

Cotopaxi volcano gives the name to the province and it is divided in 7 cantons. The economy: is based on the agriculture and cattle and also manufactures. There are industries such as: Food, beverages, metal, wood, milk, etc.

The weather: It varies very humid temperate, rainy moor, humid tropical according to the region, its temperature is between 12 and 17 ° C. Hydrography: The main river is the Cutuchi River, it is the result of the union of the Manzanahuayco River and the Rumiñahui River.

Cattle And Agricultural Production

Agriculture: In people cultivate corn, potatoes, wheat, barley and quinoa are the staple food of most of the population. Also there are crops of onion, melloco, broad bean, artichoke and firstly broccoli, people export this green vegetable especially to the United States, Japan and Germany.


Quinoa: Ecuador is the third country in Latin America that export quinoa worldwide. Ecuador increased by 45% product exports between 2010 and 2011. Its main buyer is France.

Broccoli: Broccoli is a very appetizing vegetable in international markets. The amount of sunlight that the crop receives makes the product has a color very green. It contains large amounts of vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A, which are important antioxidants.

Broccoli of Ecuador is mainly produced in three provinces of the Sierra: Cotopaxi; Pichincha and Imbabura, at an altitude between 2,600 and 3,300 meters above sea level.

Among the major export destinations of broccoli are the US, Japan and Germany. Also scientific researches mention qualities of broccoli for the prevention and control of cancer. The 65% of Ecuadorian broccoli is exported7. The Livestock: It is one of the most important in the country, due to the good pasture and productive efficiency.

Dairy farming is developed not only on farms located north of Province like San Agustin, La Avelina, San Sebastian, San Pedro, but also in small properties of indigenous people. Most of them have artisanal processes for milking.

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Holstein: In 1892 the first Holstein animals were brought by Mr. José Maria Fernandez Salvador, ancestor of Ecuadorian farmers.

The Holstein Friesian association was legalized in 1942. Among who formed this group were former presidents of the republic as Isidro Ayora Cueva and Galo Plaza Lasso, among others.

This breed was originated in two provinces of Holland: Frisia western and the North Holland. Holstein is the best dairy cow, its main characteristic is the color black and white although there are Holstein dark red with white, but these colors of cows are own of Holland

Pine And Eucalyptus Trees

The pines and eucalyptus have been for a long time the dominant trees of the Ecuadorian Andes. There are many species of eucalyptus and pine that have been introduced to Ecuador; however Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata are the most used.


Pine Tree

The pine was introduced by Luciano Andrade Marín into Ecuador in 1925; after the eucalyptus, this specie is the most planted tree in the Highland. It has many medicinal properties; it is used for respiratory diseases and helps to reduce the mucus in our respiratory ways. Also it is also used for furniture.

In Ecuador, these tree plantations are located mainly in Pichincha and Cotopaxi. The first big pine plantation was carried out on the moor of Cotopaxi volcano and its use spread from the year of 1960

Eucalyptus Tree

It was introduced to Ecuador in 1865, its seeds were brought from Australia by a family; they gave to Gabriel Garcia Moreno president two boxes with 2.200 seeds. After receiving them, the president got in touch with two families who were owners of big farms, so these people received some of the seeds to be planted in their lands.

Among the properties of eucalyptus oil include: analgesic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. The infusion of adult leaves of this plant is used in several kinds of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, asthma, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, colds and flu8.



Pine and Eucalyptus Trees


 They are easy to grow.  Easy to protect them.  Tolerate sites with low internal nutrients (and therefore require little fertilizer).  They are resistant to drought.

Negative aspects

The planting of these trees is bad for the land due to the following reasons:

 They are trees that need much water due to they absorb water that from the ground.  Erode the earth.  Do not allow any other plants to grow around them.

Eucalyptus leaves are waterproof so when are on the ground form a cushion and does not allow water to seep into the earth.



Alexander Von Humboldt was a German explorer who visited Ecuador in 1802. He traveled in the central Highlands of Ecuador, flanked by some of the highest mountains and volcanoes in the western hemisphere and named it “The Avenue of Volcanoes”.

The volcanoes that we can see are:

 Cayambe: is the third highest volcano in Ecuador, it is 5.790 meters above sea level (19.107ft.). It is the only volcano that is crossed by the Equator Line.  Pasochoa: is an extinct caldera, it is located in the southeast of Quito, it is 4200 m.a.s.l.,( 13.860 ft.) and this area is a Wildlife Refuge with 500 hectares.  Rumiñahui: is 4,721m.a.s.l. (15.579 ft.). The word means Rumiñahui: rumi = stone, ñawi = face. Sincholagua: is an extinct volcano, it is 4.919 (16.232 ft.) meters above sea level.  Antisana: is located between the provinces of Napo and Pichincha, it is 5704meters above sea level (18.823 ft.) its last eruption took place in 1801.  Cotopaxi: is the second highest in the country, with 5.897 meters above sea level (19.460 ft.) and its last eruption was in 1940.


Cotopaxi National Park

It is the second National Park which was created in 1979 after the Galapagos National park. It is natural reserve that share with Pichincha, Cotopaxi and Napo provinces. It has 33.400 hectares of surface. In the central part is the “Cotopaxi” volcano, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, to the northeast there is Rumiñahui volcano, it is another important elevation.


There is a flower that characterizes to this region it is the “Chuquiragua” or flower of the "Andinista". This plant grows to 3,400 meters above sea level.

Inside the park between the 3,400 and 4,000 meters, there are trees like Pumamaqui, Quishar or "the tree of God", Mortiño and Romerillo. The plains are covered with native grass. In the areas over 4,400 m.a.s.l, the vegetation is formed by líquenes and moss.


On the “Paramos” and forest is very common to find birds like “Pato Punteado” and “Pico Azul”, the “Condor”, the “Curiquingue”, “Gaviota Andina”, “Gallaretas”, hummingbirds and some mammals such as; rabbits, deer with white tail, “cervicabra”, wolf of the “Páramo”, puma, bear, “Zorillo” and “Comadreja”.


Cotopaxi Volcano

This is the highest active volcano; it reaches 5.897 meters high with perpetual snow in form of cone. It is the second elevation after the Chimborazo volcano.

“El Boliche” Recreational National Area

The entrance is located on the Panamericana Highway, approximately one hour trip to the south of Quito, its area is 990 hectares. It was created in 1979 and its temperature is between 0 to 16ºC.

This part of the mountains is known for being wet due to the mist that fall as permanent drizzle. Visitors should bring warm clothing due to the temperature averages 8°C, and make sure to have food and water with them as these are not available in the Recreation Area.

Flora: Approximately 40% of its extension is associated with pine trees; also, there are: romerillo, chilca, chuquiragua, and so on. Fauna: There are hummingbirds, wilderness wolf, curiquingues, Andean condors, white tail deer, Andean gulls and cervigoats.



The distance from Quito to Lasso is 60 km. It is a small town that belongs to Cotopaxi province where we can find nice restaurants to eat. Also can find “allullas” it is kind of bread with “queso de hoja


The city of Latacunga is located at 2,850 meters above sea level, which will determine a mild weather, sometimes windy and cold. Latacunga city has an average annual temperature of 12° C. It is the capital of the province, located in the heart of the country with 170.000 inhabitants approximately. The name omes from the Kichwa word “Llacata Kumka”, that means the God of the waters. The foundation of this city was made by Antonio Clavijo in 1599 with the name “San Vicente Martir de Latacunga”.

The “chugchucaras” are patrimony from Latacunga city, this dish has pork, mote, toast corn, popcorn, “empanadas”, and some others.


“Mama Negra” Festivity

The festivity of “Mama Negra” is known in the capital of the province. The festivity is divided in two parts; the first is in September and it celebrates the free markets, another is in November this is the official one. These two celebrations are colorful and some typical people participate.

Hacienda San Juan Bautista De Obraje Tilipulo

Its name comes from Colorado Shiglli: rope and Quichua Pullu: blanket. Here they were engaged in textile manufacturing, spinning, weaving and caring for animals. The first owners were the dynasty of the Jachos. Tilipulo has had several owners throughout its history. In 1696 he went to Captain Fernando Davalos who started the first textile mill on the farm. For this year the mill and fulling were in service.

After the death of Dávalos took over his family, but lack of experience was sold to the Marquis. He's got a family operated ranch. Costa in an appraisal, 15 Indians, a large barn covered with straw, a room with three sheds, an oratory of straw and walls cangahua provided with images of bulk and brush.


The mill was 8 wooden looms weaving cloths, 33 lathes, 3 skeins of wood, 7 pairs of carding. the interest of the estate then expand the number of looms and the number of service personnel was increased were reported.

In 1720 the estate was acquired by the Jesuits brothers of the Society of Jesus until 26 August 1757. Tilipulo was novitiate and at the same time obraje. After the earthquake of 1757 the Jesuits left Tilipulo and Latacunga.

Then he passed to the Marques de Miraflores Ramón Maldonado Sotomayor who commissioned the expansion of the church that we see today. In 1797 this estate was visited by Dr. Eugenio Espejo Santa Cruz y Espejo who admired the planting flax cultivated in this hacienda, which extracted the oil.

The Tilipulo hacienda played a very important role in the libertarian feat of Latacunga. Also from this site free of Machachi, Ambato, Riobamba and Guaranda planned. In 1861 Don Manuel Gomez de la Torre was the last to maintain textile production.

In 1979 he went to the Municipality of Latacunga at a cost of 8'770.000 sucres. It designated for a hostelry, previously used as a stable and modern cheese factory costrucción is performed.


Construction has a Spanish style built by Arch. Marcos Guerra check pumice, river stone, volcanic stone bonded with mortar is a mixture composed of animal blood, molasses, bait, egg, clay, lime, sand , cattle feces and brown sugar.

San Buena Aventura Pujili

It was founded in 1570. Etymologically Pujilí in Quichua inn toys. Pujilí in prehistoric times was ruled by the Cacique Mayor Alonso Sancho Jacho, it is a noble

sentry Sinchahuasín STRONG HOUSE meaning and a balcony where the beautiful landscape is contemplated not only the canton but elsewhere. This is an eminently indigenous village with narrow streets, houses with courtyards, colonial churches, cobbled streets, kind and gentle people.

Pujilí is famous for its pottery crafts. During the colony was missionary seat. It has an interesting Indian market offered on Wednesdays and Sundays in addition to artistic works made in clay. We can also see how the potters used clay to make tiles. which they are then carried all over the country. It is also known for its agricultural, livestock and handicraft production. In the main square is the church and there is a Madonna of Legarda.


Corpus Christi

"The Danzante, for example, is the central character of the celebration of Corpus Christ, which brings together the entire population in the traditional processional ride, which combines tradition, ancestral beliefs and popular religiosity. The Danzante has been classified as intangible Cultural Heritage of the Nation. "

Niño De Isinche Santuary

The niño de Isinche is located in the Pujilí, the age of the figure dates back to the seventeenth century, legend has it that the inhabitants of the area had no provisions and had to travel to villages to stock sites.

One day a merchant returned home and brought some loads on the back of a mule, but there was a time when the quadruped resisted keep walking and leaned the sack outside the door of the chapel Isinche. Suddenly, the merchant realized that the sack had fallen a beautiful image of the child Jesus.

The farmer thought it was a miracle and since then is worshiped by the faithful. Also it tells the story that the owner of the hacienda is what built the chapel and was the first prioste.


Before this place belonged to the Jesuits, in this work a center of crafts, textiles and other trades, so this place was considered a breakthrough chamber of population and community development.

Faith that devotees have to "Niño de Isiche" is large has the prestige of miracles and others say it grows. According to locals 80 years ago the child grew, this was noticeable when her outfit was changed.

The latest sign that this happens have happened just two months ago when Gonzalo Aguas native of Quito that always takes care of making the shoes the great surprise of his remaining small, despite having made with the same last took of shoes used for many years.

Clementina Collahuazo is the person who manages the sanctuary for 10 years, the estate of Isinche has passed through the hands of several families, including: Gabriel Alvarez who would have taken the first presidency of the council of Pujilí, is listed General Leonidas Plaza exPresident of the Republic, being the current owners Bolivar Leon Lara and Teresa Ramirez, is a private hacienda character, but the doors of the sanctuary remain open every day to welcome visitors.

Today the chapel, which was built in 1647, came under restoration, is made from river stone with carved and decorative geometric, a central dome and an indoor dome with tejuelos ceramic, its owners have emphasized the recovery of the property due to the frequent visits of tourists.



This is the canton with great agricultural and cattle production takes the name from the Agustin priest called Manuel Salcedo. It is as founded on September, 30th as San Miguel de Salcedo. The visitors love the fruit ice creams and the traditional “Pinol”, prepared with barley floor, cinnamon, “clavo de olor” and “raspadura”.

Yambo Lagoon

Yambo Lake is located in the province of Cotopaxi, it is about 10 minutes South of Salcedo. It has an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level. Surrounded by mountains, Yambo lake is 1256 meters long, 300 meters wide and has a maximum depth of 25 meters. The climate is arid.

Yambo is rich in nutrients, has a high algal growth and turbid water. The vegetation is dominated by small shrubs and cactus which are characteristic of the “Matorral seco espinoso” vegetal formation. Also there are native trees like the “Molle” and introduced eucalyptus trees.



Map 2.Cantons of Tungurahua

Fuente 2 :

A brave and hot colossus in the center of the Andes region and the country, one of the active volcanoes in Ecuador in eruption time, the Tungurahua watches this province that takes its name.

 Capital: Ambato  Population 542.583 inhabitants  Surface: 3.335 square km2


The Tungurahua province is very important in the tourism; it is a commercial center in the Sierra, Coast and Amazon regions where the principal cities are: Ambato and Baños.

The economy in this province goes around the agriculture and the cattle, most livestock activities are: cattle, pork, horses, sheep and goats rising. Others like the textile industry, methal-mechanic, food, leather, shoes, and some others like rural tourism.

The table from Ambato is based in some agricultural products from the zone like tubercles, vegetables and grains, the main crops are wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, oats, tomatoes and onion. In Tungurahua there are big variety of fruits like apples, peaches, membrillos, reina claudias, grapes and some others.

Cattle And Agricultural Production

Agriculture.- It is the most important event in the economy of the province, about 50% of the land is used for agriculture. The variety of soils allows Tungurahua count with a diversified and abundant agricultural production especially tubers, roots, vegetables and fruits.


The fruits.- Tungurahua is the province of flowers and fruits. In 1985 Tungurahua provided a 55% to the Ecuadorian market and in some cases 80% of some fruits like babaco, tree tomato, claudia, peach, apple, blackberry, pear and taxo. There is a big apple production in a special way in the Ambato and Píllaro cantons.

Tubers and vegetables.- The production of the province is between 13 and 29% of national production, in tubers and roots as: broad bean, melloco, oca and potatoes. In vegetables such as garlic, onion sticks, paiteña onion and cauliflower, production is between 20 and 48% of the total production.

Livestock.- The province has an important livestock production but is thirteenth place nationally for the stock of cattle. The poultry industry has achieved rapid development.

Small industry and handicrafts.- In Ambato has been developed the clothing industry, as in Pelileo. Also there is the leather industry in Ambato. In Baños has developed crafts wicker furniture and basketry.

Skilled carpenters working in Píllaro and San Miguelito while it is much appreciated in Salasaca (rugs, blankets, clothing) crafts. Ambato has a bakery industry and has been recognized good quality "pan de Ambato", etc.9

9 36

Tungurahua Volcano

With 5.016meters above sea level, it is a young active volcano. The slopes indicate that the geological formation hasn’t finished yet. People that live around the volcano is ready familiar with the noise that comes from the volcano.

Tungurahua comes from the word “tungur” means throat and “rauray” means burning so Tungurahua translates as “Garganta de Fuego” or Throat of Fire, also It is called by indigenous people like “Mama Tungurahua”.


Ambato is the capital of Tungurahua Province. It is known as “Tierra de las flores y las frutas” (Land of flowers and fruits) because of the great diversity in products. Also it is called “Tierra de los tres Juanes” (Land of the three Johns), because is the cradle of the famous writers like; Juan Montalvo, Juan Leon Mera and Juan Benigno Vela.

Its name comes from “Hambato” or “Jambacho” that means tadpole or black, green frog that was abundant and lived around the area.


Festival of the flowers and fruits

During the festival there is a international event of folcklore, artistic fairs. theater shows, dances and singing and in the traditional parade everybody participate with allegoric cars all full flowers and fruits. During the festivity there are some shows like popular shows and “comparsas”10.


Here we can see the church Santuary “Reina del Tránsito”


Patate has a warm climate, where one can see, traditional fruit gives this land, as are the great vineyards, plantations of tangerines, avocados, babacos, etc. And walk through the park decorated with attractive colorful flowers and trees captivating own place, such as its colonial houses still built with adobe.

The town of Patate is an ideal place for recreational and peaceful rest, from which you can arrange trips to las vegas the Patate river where a group of old farms

10 Guia turística ecuador en la mitad del mundo 38

and farms are preserved, and where wine distilleries is installed, where one you can taste five varieties of red and white wines.

Basilica Of Lord Of Earthquake

According to history, the image of Lord of earthquake is a wooden sculpture, delicate and skillfully carved natural size of an adult person, which represents a crown of thorns King, from which emerge the three powers (omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence) .

Seated on a throne, with a center cane, his deeply human face has a divine expression that radiates infinite love, tenderness and peace, his eyes possess superhuman strength that commands respect and veneration, the same that was found in the canton in 1797.

There is a museum where there are about 30 photographs of Patate before the earthquake of August 1949; along with a rich display of archaeological pieces of the culture Panzaleo - Puruhá recovered from the Sucre parish, among pitchers, bowls, serving bowls, tupos, earmuffs, bottles, whistles and human skulls.


On 5 and 6 February they are focused on the biggest party where there will be the parade of cultural integration and participate folk dance groups and floats, decorated with fruits that characterizes this picturesque canton.

The Basilica Of Baños

The Basilica, certainly for all Catholics is the most important architectural infrastructure Canton, this work of art challenged the time and history as it was in 1944 when construction was finally completed.

Its construction began on February 11, 1904 by Fr. Thomas Halflants pastor of Bath and was completed in its entirety in 1944 by Fray Sebastián Acosta. It is divided into 3 naves, the decor and the paintings that adorn the walls were worked by Fray Enrique Mideros. Inside the Basilica you can see a collection of murals depicting local miracles attributed to the Virgin of Agua Santa.

When the small town had just been founded by Dominican parents, a humble hut served as a church. One night the sacristan saw the image of the Virgin Mary left the hut accompanied by two angels coming to rest at the foot of the water jet. The father and the inhabitants of the town of Banos met and asked the Virgin to express its will.


The following night, the Virgin appeared to the priest and told him that his will was to be build a temple at the foot of La Chorrera, ensuring that the lady of heaven, heal the sick bathe in waters having great faith and would be freed from their illnesses.

Besides being a shrine, this church has served as a refuge when the Tungurahua volcano has erupted many times and it is surprising that people who have been here have come out unscathed, which is why the image remains within the sanctuary.

Every year in October the feast is celebrated in honor of the Madona of Agua Santa. It is visited by hundreds of domestic and foreign tourists who come in search of spiritual peace, some for the virgin or simply out of devotion



The Magic Of Spirituality

Day One

Pichincha - Cotopaxi – Tungurahua

07:00 Pick up UDET

07:00 – 8:30 Transfer to Machachi

08:30 – 09:30 Breakfast in “La ´Posada del Chagra”

09:30 – 09:45 Transfer to the greenhouse of roses

09:45 – 10:30 Visit in “Rosas del Corazón”

10:30 – 11:15 Transfer to Poaló

11:15 – 12:15 Visit the monastery of Tilipulo

12:15 – 12:45 Transfer to Pujilí

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch in “Posada del Danzante

13:45 – 14:15 Transfer to Isinche Grande

14:15 – 15:00 Visit the Santuary “Niño de Isinche”

15:00 – 15:20 Transfer to Ceramic “Olmos”

15:20 – 16:00 Visit the workshop, demonstration of their work and cultural presentation


16:00 – 16:45 Transfer to Salasaca

16:45 – 17:30 Visit the workshop “Curindi” crafts

17:30 – 18:00 Transfer to Patate

18:00 – 18:15 Check in “La Casta” Inn and free time

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner and Briefing

20:00 camp fire



07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast in “La Casta” Inn

8:30 – 10:30 Riding tour (orchards and arepas)

10:30 – 10:45 Tasting Arepas

10:45 – 11:15 Visit the Basilica of “Lord of earthquake”

11:15 – 11:45 Transfer to Baños

11:45 – 12:30 Visit the Basilica of Baños

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch in “La Casa de la Abuela”

13:30 – 17:30 Tranfer to Quito

end of my services






 Viajes Sudamérica. Revisado el 25 de abril del 2017, en: toda-america/

 MISVIAJES.COM. Revisado en 25 de abril del 2017, en:

 Visita Ecuador. Revisado: 26 de abril del 2017 , en: istro=311&Lugar=TUNGURAHUA#accesible

 Vive Latacunga. Revisado: 26 de abril del 2017, en:

 EXPLORED. Revisado: 26 de abril del 2017, en:

 Pichincha Universal. Revisado el 27 de abril del 2017, en: tambillo-la-parroquia-de-la-amabilidad.html

 ESNEMIL. Revisado 27 de abril del 2017, en:

 Panavial. Revisado 28 de abril del 2017, en: quito-ecuador.php?tablajb=empresa&p=9&t=Filosofia-Corporativa&

 Agricultura y ganadería del ecuador. Revisado el 28 de abril del 2017, en: GANADERIA-DEL-ECUADOR#scribd

 PRO ECUADOR. Revisado el 28 de abril del 2017, en:


 Holstein in Ecuador. Revisado el 29 de abril del 2017, en:

 Los Andes. Revisado el 30 de abril del 2017, en:

 Revista Iberoamericana de turismo. Revisado el o3 de Mayo del 2017, en : quence=1

 Instituto Nacional de estadísticas y Censos. Revisado el 18 de Mayo del 2017, en: primera-vez-estadisticas-sobre-religion/



 We savored and met the typical food of the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua as we toured the religious corners of our country

 We learned the history and importance of each of the churches and indigenous communities in our country, as well as their world view and their way of life.

 We were able to capture in our hearts the beautiful natural landscape of ecach snow, mountain, river, ect. At the same time we observe very old constructionswhich contributes with the religious tourism.



 Promote tourism to indigenous communities as they provide ancestral knowledge. Are wise people who know plants and have a healthier life.

 Encourage to know more about religious tourism to children and teens as they are the next generation, and is the only way to teach to value our culture and history.

 Travel and know every corner of our country and it falls in love with its attractions, its gastronomy and its people.



Itinerary Two

Day One

06:30 Pick up UDET

06:30 – 08:30 Transfer to Lasso

08:30- 09:30 Breakfast in “Los Pinos” Lasso

09:30- 10:00 Transfer to Cuicuno

10:00- 11:00 Visit the church of “Señor del Árbol”

11:00- 12:15 Transfer to Pujilí

12:15- 13:15 Lunch in “Baku” restaurant

13:15- 14:00 Visit to workshop Olmos and cultural presentation

14:00- 14:15 Trasfer to Salcedo

14:15- 15:30 Visit the factory of “Machica”

15:30 – 16:00 Transfer to Ambato

16:00 – 17:30 City Tour Ambato

17:30 – 17:45 Check in “Ambato” hotel and Briefing

19:00 Dinner and Bridfing

Day Two

07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast in “Ambato” Hotel


08:00 – 09:00 Transfer to Patate

09:00- 11:00 Riding tour (orchards, wine factory and arepas)

11:00- 11:15 Tasting arepas

11:15 – 12:00 Visit to Basilica of “Lord of earthquake”

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch in “La Casta” Inn

13:30 – 17:30 Transfer to Quito

end of my services


Day One

06:30 Pick up UDET

06:30- 08:00 Transfer to Tambillo

08:00 – 08:45 breakfast in “El Viejo Rosal”

08:45- 09:15 Transfer to Cotopaxi national Park

09:15- 10:15 Riding Tour to San Agustin del Callo

10:15- 11:15 Visit the hacienda “San Agustin del Callo”

11:15 – 12:00 Transfer to Saquisili

12:00 – 12:30 Visit the last carver in Saquisili

12:30 – 12:45 transfer to Latacunga

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch in “ Mama Miche”

13:45 - 14:45 City Tour Latacunga

14:45- 15:15 transfer to Salcedo


15:15 – 15:30 Tasting ice cream

15:30 – 16:00 Transfer to Ambato

16:00 – 17:00 City Tour Ambato

17:00 - 18:30 Transfer to Patate

18:00 Check in “ La Casta”

19:00 Dinner and Brindfing

Day Two

7:30- 08:30 Breakfast in “La Casta” Inn

08:30- 09:30 Visit the basilica and museum “Lord of earthquake”

09:30- 9:45 Tasting arepas

09:45 – 10:30 Visit the flowers in Patate

10:30- 11:00 Transfer to Baños

11:00- 12:00 Visit the basilica

12:00 –13:30 Lunch “Casa de la Abuela”

13:30 – 17:30 Transfer to Quito

end of my services


Monastery of Tilipulo

Monastery gardens


Isinche Grande

Arepas in Patate


Flowers in Patate

La Casta inn


Basilica of the Lord of the Earthquake

Restaurant in La Casta inn


Museum of The Lord of the Earthquake

Rooms in La Casta Inn Basilica in Baños de Agua Santa


Walk to Isinche Grande

typical person in Corpus Cristi


Temporary exhibition hall temporary exhibition hall

Church in Monastery of Tilipulo temporary exhibition hall


Religions of Ecuador

Percentages of each religion


Frequency of church visit

Religions in the world


Variety Of Rouses In ¨Rosas Del Corazon¨

Church In Tilipulo´S Monastery

Tilipulo´S Monastery


Corpus Christi In Pujili

Niño De Isinche Santuary

Cultural Demostration In Pujili


Salasacas Indigenous

Colors With Plants


Salasacas´s weaves

Curindi Workshop


Serenade In Patate

Wood Oven Of Arepas

Mama Lucha Restaurant


Lord Of The Earthquake

´Las Juntas¨ Bridge


Horseback Riding

Teachers In Horseback Riding