Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ISSN: 2226-4485 (Print) Review Article ISSN: 2218-6050 (Online) DOI:

______Submitted: 30/07/2017 Accepted: 08/01/2018 Published: 20/01/2018

Pathogenic : Advances in understanding the molecular pathogenesis and virulence

Ciamak Ghazaei*

Department of Microbiology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, P.O. Box 179, Ardabil, Iran ______Abstract Leptospirosis is a common zoonotic disease has emerged as a major public health problem, with developing countries bearing disproportionate burdens. Although the diverse range of clinical manifestations of the leptospirosis in humans is widely documented, the mechanisms through which the pathogen causes disease remain undetermined. In addition, leptospirosis is a much-neglected life-threatening disease although it is one of the most important zoonoses occurring in a diverse range of epidemiological distribution. Recent advances in molecular profiling of pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira have improved our understanding of the evolutionary factors that determine virulence and mechanisms that the employ to survive. However, a major impediment to the formulation of intervention strategies has been the limited understanding of the disease determinants. Consequently, the association of the biological mechanisms to the pathogenesis of Leptospira, as well as the functions of numerous essential virulence factors still remain implicit. This review examines recent advances in genetic screening technologies, the underlying microbiological processes, the virulence factors and associated molecular mechanisms driving pathogenesis of Leptospira species. Keywords: Leptospirosis, Molecular techniques, Pathogenesis, Virulence. ______

Introduction often suffer fatal loss and acute kidney dysfunction, Leptospirosis, a widespread zoonosis, has emerged as compounded by injury to the liver and lungs following public health concern in both developed (Centers for an immune response mounted to defend the host against Disease and Prevention, 1998; Benschop et al., 2009; the pathogen (Faine et al., 1999; Levett, 2001). Humans Desai et al., 2009), and developing countries, as well as are infected when they directly or indirectly come into in tropical regions (Bharti et al., 2003; McBride et al., contact with urinary products of infected animal 2005; Riley et al., 2007), with the latter populations reservoirs, making them unintentional and terminal being hardest hit. Despite its significance at the global susceptible hosts. In humans, infectious leptospirosis scene and severity, information on the molecular presents with varied clinical manifestations that range mechanisms of the pathogenesis, the evolution of from mild self-limiting incidences to severe disease that virulence and related factors of Leptospira species can cause mortality (Faine et al., 1999; Levett, 2001). remains limited. A severe disease is characterized by multi-organ The genus Leptospira responsible for causing damage that includes acute renal and hepatic failure, leptospirosis is classified under the order pulmonary distress, hemorrhage and jaundice, some of Spirochaetales, and is further sub-divided into three which can cause death, if left untreated (Faine et al., species namely saprophytic (such as the Leptospira 1999; Bharti et al., 2003; Herrmann-Storck et al., biflexa), pathogenic (Leptospira interrogans) and host- 2010). dependent (Leptospira borgpetersenii) (McBride et al., Leptospirosis is widely distributed geographically, and 2005; Lehmann et al., 2014). The infectious Leptospira can be found in settings with varied epidemiology, such exhibit specific affinities for the mammalian host, but as rural and urban regions of tropical/subtropical display variations in adaptation to specific hosts climates and temperate regions of the world (Levett, (McBride et al., 2005). 2001). Occupational exposure accounts for the majority Exposure to pathogenic Leptospira species in various of disease cases reported in developed countries environments cause general illnesses in a susceptible (Benschop et al., 2009; Desai et al., 2009), often host (Faine et al., 1999; Levett, 2001). Reservoirs for associated with tourism or sporting activities (Morgan Leptospira include both wild and domestic animals, et al., 2002; Stern et al., 2010). In contrast, developing and they target and persist mainly in their renal passage countries carry the major burden of the disease, that and are expelled through the urinary system (Bharti et affects vulnerable populations, such as subsistence al., 2003). Livestock and other animals that get infected farmers in the rural areas and slum residents in urban

______*Corresponding Author: Ciamak Ghazaei. Department of Microbiology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, P.O. Box 179, Ardabil, Iran. Tel.: +98 045-33512081-9; Fax: +98 045-33510803. Email: [email protected] 13 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______settings (Torgerson et al., 2015). In the year 2015, (Ramadass et al., 1992; Brem et al., 1999; Bourhy et analysis of the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) al., 2014). Collectively, these results suggest lower lost following infections caused by pathogenic variability within species across Leptospira genomes. Leptospira were estimated at 2.90 million DALYs per Mechanisms of Pathogenesis annum (UIs 1·25–4·54 million), a nearly two-fold Biological Mechanisms increase from previous year’s reports (Torgerson et al., The last decade has seen a plethora of studies 2015). Interestingly, the males accounted for (Fernandes et al., 2016; Gomard et al., 2016; Vieira and approximately 80% (~2·33 million) of the total disease Nascimento, 2016) and reviews (Murray et al., 2009; burden. The tropical regions of the world in the Asian, Evangelista and Coburn, 2010; Adler et al., 2011) Americas and African continents were reported to have aimed at understanding the biology of Leptospira and the highest estimates of leptospirosis disease burden disease pathogenesis mechanisms in leptospirosis, (Torgerson et al., 2015). which is still is not well defined. A recent study showed Leptospira species are highly motile spirochetes with that the persistence of the bacteria in an aqueous thin, slow-growing characteristics (Yanagawa and environment is mediated by a pathogenic Leptospiral Faine, 1966) whose unique helical shape (Paster and protein encoding gene (lipL32) (Vinod Kumar et al., Dewhirst, 2000). The cell morphology of Leptospira is 2016). Additional studies described the mechanisms for determined by the layers of the cytoskeleton and the pathogen adaptation to thermal conditions (Eshghi murein proteins (Slamti et al., 2011) and confirmed by et al., 2015a,b) and tolerance (Petrosova and Picardeau, cryo-electron tomographical techniques (Raddi et al., 2014) outside the mammalian host. In addition, the 2012). A recent study identified a novel 36-kDa inflammatory cascades that cause clinical disease Leptospira protein, shown to be the main component of (Gasque and Jaffar-Bandjee, 2015; Volz et al., 2015), the spirochete's periplasmic flagella (PF) sheath virulence related proteins factors (King et al., 2014), (Wunder et al., 2016). This protein, named the bacteria-host interactions (Lo et al., 2009; Vieira et al., Flagellar-coiling protein A (FcpA), was shown to 2012; Siqueira et al., 2013; Fernandes et al., 2015), determine the coiled structure of the bacterial flagella organization of the cytoskeletal and cellular in the host and appeared to be an abundant protein on the L. protein (Schuller et al., 2015) and defense mechanisms interrogans PF surface (Wunder et al., 2016). by the host (Werts, 2010) by pathogenic Leptospira Additional analysis of the gene that codes for the FcpA have been described. Recent studies also identified protein revealed a highly conserved consensus region leucine-rich repeat proteins that are known to be among Leptospira, a characteristic that was not seen in epitopes mediating antigen interaction (Nitipan et al., other bacteria (Wunder et al., 2016). Analysis of the 2013), immune response factors in lipoproteins on the (FcpA(-)) mutants generated for the FcpA showed loss outer membrane of L. interrogans (Lin et al., 2010), ion of potential to cause leptospirosis in animal models. transport mechanisms (Wu et al., 2004) and amino acid However, addition of a viable FcpA to complement the metabolism (Krajewska et al., 2016). These results mutant was shown to restore the morphology of the suggest tremendous progress in understanding the wild-type species as well as the phenotypes for motility various mechanisms involved in the biological process and virulence (Wunder et al., 2016). These studies of Leptospira species infections. suggest a central role of the FcpA protein in the ability Previous investigations (Nascimento et al., 2004; of the bacteria to translocate, infiltrate the host, cross Picardeau et al., 2008; Ko et al., 2009), and more recent tissue barriers to target organs and cause systemic analysis (Alt et al., 2015; Fouts et al., 2016; Vinod infections (Wunder et al., 2016). Overall, these studies Kumar et al., 2016) have focused on genome and show that the morphological orientation of the flagella genetic technologies in an attempt to define the coiling protein modulates Leptospira infectivity. mechanisms that underlie the pathogenesis of Numerous studies have investigated the phylogeny of Leptospira species. As such, mutant organisms that pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira mimic leptospirosis have been generated, that have (Ravishankar et al., 2014; Fouts et al., 2016; Gomard significantly enhanced the identification of metabolic et al., 2016). A recent detailed analysis of 20 genome systems such as amino acid synthesis (Louvel et al., sequences of isolates representing 20 of the 22 known 2005) utilized by Leptospira species. A recent Leptospira species was used to estimate the extensive comparative genomic analysis study of the phylogenetic distances between species (Fouts et al., Genus Leptospira (Fouts et al., 2016) attempted to 2016). The results revealed clustering of the species identify changes that are localized in pathogenic into three groups, namely pathogenic, intermediately Leptospira and provides an overall and important pathogenic and non-pathogenic (saprophytes) (Fouts et strategy in understanding leptospirosis. The analyses al., 2016). These results confirmed the genetic also provides previews into potential mechanisms relatedness among Leptospira species as previously adopted by bacteria to thrive in mammalian hosts established by DNA hybridization (DDH) techniques (Fouts et al., 2016). Additional horizontal gene transfer

14 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______and gene duplication studies conducted recently variations in individual sets of proteins with potential attempted to describe the process through which physiological and pathological roles were documented pathogenic Leptospira acquire virulence factors (Xu et (Buyuktimkin and Saier, 2015). al., 2016). These studies also described the virulence- Virulence Factors related protein families that showed virulence The factors associated with virulence of various characteristics, and paralogs associated with Leptospira species are often surface proteins that are metalloproteases-found only in pathogenic Leptospira thought to mediate the interaction between the (Xu et al., 2016). Putting together, these results show bacterium and the host tissues (McBride et al., 2005). that there are genetic determinants in infectious species Leptospiral virulence factors that have been extensively and clades of Leptospira that mediate mechanisms reviewed (Ko et al., 2009; Adler et al., 2011; through which pathogenesis occurs and that these Narayanavari et al., 2012) include, among others heme- unique genes and gene variants are not found in non- oxygenase, OmpA-like Loa22 protein, infectious Leptospira species. lipopolysaccharides (LPS), various adhesion Determinant of Leptospira Pathogenesis molecules, flagella morphology, hemolysins and Numerous previous studies (Masuzawa et al., 1996; sphingomyelinases, all thought to be important during Park et al., 1999; Vedhagiri et al., 2009), and more infection (Narayanavari et al., 2012). However, their recent efforts (Dietrich et al., 2015; Fontana et al., actual contributions to the overall virulence is not fully 2016) have been made to understand the determinants known. Additionally, although several proteins are that underlie the pathogenesis of Leptospira species. secreted by Leptospira species, including degradative Findings of a recent study on L. interrogans identified enzymes, there is no evidence of a specific protein FliM protein that was shown to mediate the correct secretion pathway for host interaction (Lourdault et al., conformational structure of the bacteria through a 2011). However, other virulence factors support the complete and accurate formation of the flagella, the pathogen’s ability to move as well as acquire iron (Ko ability to translocate and target host cells and modulate et al., 2009). virulence (Fontana et al., 2016). Additionally, a variety Recent studies have also shown that the mammalian of genes that code for the outer membrane lipoproteins cell entry (Mce) protein of pathogenic Leptospira (ompL) were identified, which when considered species is a virulence factor containing a motif with alongside antigenic determinants whose sequence vary three amino acid sequence represented by Arg-Gly-Asp at specific sites, were shown to alter the affinities on (RGD), believed to be responsible for infection of infectivity (Vedhagiri et al., 2009). Membrane susceptible host cells and animals (Cosate et al., 2016). lipoproteins had previously been shown to provide Binding of L. interrogans Mce was also observed with protection against Leptospira (Haake et al., 1999). the human leukocyte cell receptors alphaLbeta2 Similarly, the sequence conservation of the heat shock [(CD11a/CD18)-LFA-1] and alphaMbeta2 protein 58 (Hsp58) among leptospires was significant [(CD11b/CD18)-Mac-1], suggesting the participation in host humoral immune response (Park et al., 1999). of these proteins in the induction of host immune However, the exact determinants that drive the response (Cosate et al., 2016). These and other studies sequence of events following Leptospira species (Oliveira et al., 2010; Lehmann et al., 2013; King et al., infection are yet to be described fully. 2014) suggest that virulence of pathogenic Leptospira Earlier investigations (Evangelista and Coburn, 2010; is mediated by a combination of factors derived from Chaemchuen et al., 2011; Domingos et al., 2012) and both the pathogen and susceptible host. more recent studies (Fernandes et al., 2016; Gomard et Molecular Advance in Leptospira Pathogenesis al., 2016; Vieira and Nascimento, 2016) have described Genetic Studies antigens that mediate host-pathogen interactions Initial genetic studies in the 1990s relied on generation among Leptospira species. Recent genome analyses of Escherichia coli mutants through functional studies indicated that the leptospira characterized as complementation techniques (Stamm et al., 1991), that pathogenic possess a number of genes that coded for enabled isolation and expression of several Leptospira proteins containing leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains genes (Stamm et al., 1991; Baril et al., 1992; Mitchison (Nitipan et al., 2013; Miras et al., 2015), presumed to et al., 1997). In the absence of plasmid vector that could be important in structural motifs of different host replicate pathogenic Leptospira, alternative strategies proteins (Miras et al., 2015). Interestingly, these were employed (Girons et al., 2000; Bourhy et al., characteristics were not observed in saprophytes. In 2005). As such, models were developed that could addition, complex proteins were shown to be expressed generate a plasmid vector with the capacity to replicate during infection and were thought to mediate the independently in both E. coli and L. biflexa (Girons et interaction between the susceptible host and pathogenic al., 2000). However, the advent of progressive genetic L. interrogans (Domingos et al., 2015). However, manipulation techniques in the last decade saw contrasting observations were reported where minor generation of both saprophytic and pathogenic

15 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______Leptospira strains systems by deletion of chromosomal adaptation to specific habitats and changes in the host genes using targeted (Louvel and Picardeau, 2007) and environmental conditions (Xu et al., 2016). Additional random (Bourhy et al., 2005; Louvel et al., 2005; microarray analysis of L. interrogans expressing Murray et al., 2009) mutagenesis and pathogenic gene approximately 3,359 of all Leptospiral predicted open disruptions by site-directed homologous recombination reading frames (ORFs; 3667) showed 191 antigens (Croda et al., 2008). These strategies allowed the eliciting immunoglobulin (Ig) M or IgG response, emergence of series of transformation experiments that representing 5% of the whole proteome (Lessa-Aquino generated approximately 721 mutations affecting et al., 2015), with 14 significantly enriched categories, protein coding regions of 551 Leptospira species genes 50% of the which were immunoreactive antigens (Murray et al., 2009). Subsequently, in silico search for (Lessa-Aquino et al., 2015). DNA repair pathways in Leptospira species identified Various previous studies have documented the L. genes essential during infection (Martins-Pinheiro et interrogans transcript (Lo et al., 2010; Pinne et al., al., 2016), although chemical modification of 2012; Iraola et al., 2016). Recent investigations nucleotide bases through alkylation reactions was generated the Transcriptional Start Site (TSS) map of observed (Martins-Pinheiro et al., 2016). These studies Leptospira species (Zhukova et al., 2017), results of show potential gene transfer events in Leptospira which showed that a larger proportion (2,866) of the species. primary TSS (pTSS) were predicted in the genome of Advances on Genomics of Leptospira L. interrogans. Interestingly, significant numbers of the The International Committee on Systematics of pTSSs were located within the first 10 nucleotides from Prokaryotes, on advice of the incharge subcommittee the start point of translation, observations that signify for reviewing the of translational regions of Leptospiral species that display endorsed the genome sequence comparison characteristic leaderless transcripts (Zhukova et al., technologies to replace traditional methods to define 2017). Additional studies on the L. interrogans genome species of Leptospira (Smythe et al., 2013). The sequence identified two genes (LIC11122 and Leptospira Genome Project commissioned in the year LIC12287) that code for two novel proteins that were 2011, has generated significant whole genome characterized and labeled as a sigma factor and a information for a number of known Leptospira species potential functional protein, respectively (Figueredo et (Ricaldi et al., 2012a; Alt et al., 2015; Lehmann et al., al., 2017). Further, analyses of genome sequences of L. 2016). A recent study reported on genomes of 17 interrogans mined from databases identified two Leptospira species isolates, represented 8 pathogenic, 4 proteins (LIC10821 and LIC10064) predicted to be intermediate and 5 saprophytic (Fouts et al., 2016), exposed on the surface and versatile adhesin thought to results that concur with previous studies (Nascimento mediate the interaction of Leptospira to its susceptible et al., 2004). Generally, the genomes were projected to host (Silva et al., 2016). contain a protein-coding sequence with an average Genome sequencing analysis of a recently discovered length of 4,197 nucleotide base pairs per genome (Fouts L. weilii pathogenic strain L231 revealed a region in the et al., 2016). Further analysis identified genes and gene genome spanning 4.2 M base pairs. The strain L231 families that were specific for Leptospira species, and genome constitutes a proportion of 0.4067 G and C included those coding for sialic acid biosynthesis, base pairs and contains greater than 4,700 open reading pathogen-specific porphyrin metabolism and frames (Xu et al., 2017). In addition, the strain L231 riboswitch-regulated cobalamin (B12) autotrophy, all genome was found to have a larger locus for the constituting bacterial virulence factors (Fouts et al., biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharides than similar 2016). Put together, this information further improves species L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii our understanding the genes and the pathways that represented by pathogenic strains serovar Lai and modulate the pathogenesis of Leptospira species. Hardjobovis, respectively (Xu et al., 2017). These Leptospira Genome results suggest evolutionary diversity across species Numerous studies have described the genome of and serovars, probably attributable to environmental Leptospira species (Alt et al., 2015; Martins-Pinheiro determinants of Leptospira disease. et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2016). Previous analysis Molecular Characterization of Virulence factors classified approximately 45% (n=10) of the known A previous review focused on characterization of (n=22) Leptospira species (Bourhy et al., 2014), with Leptospiral virulence factors identified over 900 genes over 300 whole genomes of Leptospira sequences unique to either L. interrogans or L. borgpetersenii, published, most being those from L. interrogans some of which potentially encoded virulence- (Nascimento et al., 2004; Alt et al., 2015). Recent associated proteins (Adler et al., 2011). Multi genes sequence analysis of 102 isolates representing global that were identified but whose functions were not sources revealed a high genomic variability among known seemed to be over-represented in specific genes different Leptospira species, attributable to systems of that confer pathogenesis (Adler et al., 2011). In

16 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______addition, the compounding absence of virulence factor encoding the biosynthesis of various prosthetic groups, homologues among the proteins of known function transport carriers, cofactors, fatty acid and suggests that Leptospira possesses unique virulence phospholipid metabolism were present in both mechanisms (Adler et al., 2011). pathogens and intermediate pathogens (Fouts et al., The generation of mutagens of pathogenic Leptospira 2016). On the contrary, genes that were reported to be species (Croda et al., 2008; Murray et al., 2009; specific for saprophyte were represented by 10 out of Lambert et al., 2012a), has allowed the screening of the 16 categories that played a functional role (Fouts et defined mutants for attenuation of virulence al., 2016). Many of these genes were shown to be mechanisms in animal infection models (Croda et al., involved in metabolism, generation of energy, 2008). These studies have enabled the identification of regulation of gene, signal transduction mechanisms, a range of virulence factors, which include determination of the fate of proteins and various lipopolysaccharide (Mitchison et al., 1997), flagella functions of the cell envelope and transport processes (Raddi et al., 2012; Fontana et al., 2016), heme (Fouts et al., 2016). However, the mechanism(s) of oxygenase and the OmpA-family protein, Loa22 virulence remain to be investigated and experimental (Tettelin et al., 2008). studies of this gene family are warranted to further Regulation of Virulence Genes describe the processes leading to the development of Recent review articles have attempted to describe the leptospirosis. genetic mechanisms of virulence genes of Leptospira Advances on Metabolomics of Leptospira Species species (Adler et al., 2011; Murray, 2015). However, a A recent study developed a metabolic network of recent genome-wide analysis of 20 species of Leptospira and compared members of both pathogenic, Leptospira observed only three types of alternative intermediary pathogenic and non-pathogenic clades sigma (σ) factors (σ54, σF, σE), a number that was (Fouts et al., 2016), following genomically-predicted much less than that in E. coli genome (Fouts et al., strategies described previously (Fondi and Lio, 2016). Interestingly, all pathogenic species were 2015a,b). The recent analysis of metabolic pathways observed to contain two σ54 regulatory networks, reveal differential variability between infectious and LepA-σ54 and LepB-σ54, and saprophytic Leptospira non-infectious Leptospira in the synthesis of vitamin only have LepA-σ54 (Fouts et al., 2016), suggesting and porphyrin (Fouts et al., 2016). These analyses their potential role in survival for both pathogenic and showed that pathogenic L. interrogans contains a saprophytic Leptospira in the natural environments complete biosynthetic pathway for vitamin B12, which (Fouts et al., 2016). Meanwhile, the LepA-σ54 was facilitates in vivo synthesis of B12 using L-glutamate shown to be involved in pathogenic species survival in as a precursor, a pathway that was absent in L. biflexa the host. However, studies to investigate are warranted. (Fouts et al., 2016). Only pathogenic Leptospira (L. On further analysis, Leptospira was observed to contain interrogans and L. kmetyi) were predicted to have a between 5 and 10 extra-cytoplasmic function sigma complete pathway for the biosynthesis of folate, a (ECFσ) factors; pathogenic Leptospira have 5 more potential adaptation strategy for survival in nutrient- ECFσ factors than saprophytic species, consistent with limited niches within the mammalian host, as complex species that characterize pathogenicity (Fouts previously observed (Stalheim and Wilson, 1964; et al., 2016). Although the activity of ECFσ factors is Shenberg, 1967). Previous metabolic network models often regulated by an anti-σ factor (Davenport and of L. interrogans were observed to be deficient in L- Patil, 2012), both pathogenic and saprophytic glutamate oxidoreductase (Murachi and Tabata, 1987; Leptospira contain over 30 σE regulators, suggesting Bohmer et al., 1989), but the model for L. biflexa that potential variety of signals recognized by pathogenic predicted greater networks for metabolic processes and saprophytic Leptospira (Ho and Ellermeier, 2012). showed promise (Fouts et al., 2016), suggesting a A recent pan-genome analysis (Vernikos et al., 2015) potential mode for a pathogenic spirochete if curated revealed the presence of 1,764 and 17,477 genes for 20 and validated in a laboratory experiment. Leptospira core- and pan-genome genomes, Further analysis of pathway for the biosynthesis of respectively (Fouts et al., 2016). In addition, the cobalamin in Leptospira revealed that genes that code structural characteristics of the Leptospira pan-genome for the B12 autotrophy occurred only in pathogenic was predicted to be open with protein clusters (Fouts et Leptospira (Fouts et al., 2016), suggesting that al., 2016). autotrophy facilitates mammalian infection by Comparative analysis of the distribution of protein Leptospira irrespective of B12 sequestration by the host functions for clusters common to both infectious and (Fouts et al., 2016). In addition, recent studies observed non-infectious Leptospira revealed a dominance of that Leptospira could detoxify reactive oxygen species, “mobile and extrachromosomal elements” in the suggesting possible strategy to evade defense pathogenic Leptospira genome (Fouts et al., 2016). mechanisms by the host or adapt to the environment Additional analysis revealed that that the genes (Fouts et al., 2016). These results were further

17 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______supported by the observation that pathogenic Advances on Transcriptomes of Leptospira Leptospira contained a catalase and a putative catalase Recent studies (Xue et al., 2013; Iraola et al., 2016; ortholog, while the saprophytes contained only a gene Schons-Fonseca et al., 2016) and reviews (Murray, that codes for superoxide dismutase enzyme (Fouts et 2015; Picardeau, 2015) have described the application al., 2016). of transcriptomic technologies to decipher mechanisms Advances on Proteomics of Leptospira of Leptospira pathogenesis (Zhukova et al., 2017). Numerous studies have explored the role of Reports from the RNA-sequence technology that extracellular matrix (ECM)-binding proteins in enabled the generation of the first transcriptome (Iraola modulating the adhesion of Leptospira to mammalian et al., 2016) facilitated the investigation of changes in host cells, movement of Leptospira in and through the transcript turnover that were associated with the tissue interstitial, and advancing colonization processes biofilm growth and description of the functional (Eshghi et al., 2009; Picardeau, 2015; Schuller et al., Leptospira pathways (Ko et al., 2009). Furthermore, a 2015). Recently, a varied collection of ECM-binding recent analysis of the binding receptors for LexA and proteins has been identified, suggesting cross-reaction transcript turnover following stress associated with of adhesion molecules that probably form part of genotypic toxicity in L. interrogans (Schons-Fonseca et invasion mechanisms of Leptospira (Fouts et al., 2016). al., 2016), suggest that potential shifts in gene Multi-functional putative adhesins that bind to the expression occur following DNA damage, thereby plasminogen were also characterized (Fernandes et al., downregulating genes involved in cell growth and 2014; Vieira et al., 2014; Domingos et al., 2015), virulence, but upregulating genes involved in although the role of environmental biotic or abiotic generation of gene mutations and recombination structures in the biology of saprophytes is still unclear (Schons-Fonseca et al., 2016). In addition, a previous (Fouts et al., 2016). Previous studies have documented study described the potential role of iron metabolism in Leptospira, PLA reducing C3b and human IgG Leptospira (Louvel et al., 2005), and explained how the deposition, thereby impairing opsonization and pathogen responds to oxidative stress (King et al., restricting complement antibacterial functions (Vieira 2014). The results have collectively shown the potential et al., 2012). Analysis of complement evasion of transcript analysis to determine the mechanisms strategies have shown that binding of Leptospira to utilized by Leptospira in causing disease. factor (FH), factor H-like protein (FHL-1) and C4 Molecular Mechanisms of Infection binding protein (C4BP) (Meri et al., 2005; Barbosa et Consistent with previous studies on pathogenesis of al., 2009), as well as to complement regulators-binding Leptospira in the context of motility and chemotaxis proteins occur (Barbosa et al., 2010; Castiblanco- (Lambert et al., 2012a; Wunder et al., 2016), a recent Valencia et al., 2012; Domingos et al., 2012). All these study observed that pathogenic, intermediate and interactions are known to act through complement saprophytic species of Leptospira have all the genes inhibitory mechanisms (Potempa and Potempa, 2012); that encode functional flagella (Fontana et al., 2016) the Lsa23 is a known multifunctional protein with a role and are highly conserved within the genus, suggesting in the virulence characteristics of Leptospira (Siqueira that both pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira et al., 2013). Proteomics analysis has recently been show homology in gene sequences encoding flagella employed to determine the immune evasion strategies apparatus and structure. In contrast, genes encoding through degradation of complement proteins (Fouts et chemotaxis proteins showed high diversity across al., 2016). A recent analysis reported a sequence different Leptospira species (Fouts et al., 2016), with (LIC13322) encoding a putative thermo-lysin some chemotaxis proteins being absent in some associated with degradation of complement factors, species, a factor accounting for differential chemotactic indicating a role in immune evasion systems utilized by behaviors observed in pathogenic and saprophytic pathogenic Leptospiral strains (Barbosa et al., 2009; Leptospira (Lambert et al., 2012b). These results Fraga et al., 2014). These results suggest a dual system suggest that variability in genes encoding chemotaxis employed by pathogenic Leptospira, to evade the proteins may influence adaptation of Leptospira to complement system, first being the acquisition of host specific environments, such as the capacity to infect a complement inhibitors and degradation of complement mammalian host. components, either thorough PLG/PLA generation or Numerous studies have investigated the two- by the presence of bacterial proteases (Fouts et al., component sensory systems (TCSs) (Guerreiro et al., 2016). Sialic acid cluster (Ricaldi et al., 2012b) were 2001; Eshghi et al., 2009; Vieira et al., 2012) of detected in most pathogenic Leptospira species, but not Leptospira species, often the characteristic of potential in intermediately pathogenic and saprophytes (Fouts et variability of ecological niches that these species al., 2016), suggesting a potential role as a virulence encounter, as observed in other bacteria (Meri et al., determinant, consistent with previous studies (Ricaldi 2005). Pathogenic Leptospira have fewer TCSs et al., 2012b). potentially associated with host adaptations. By

18 C. Ghazaei Open Veterinary Journal, (2018), Vol. 8(1): 13-24 ______contrast, a larger proportion of unique TCSs in biosynthetic pathways for pathogenic and non- intermediates and higher in saprophytes facilitates pathogens Leptospira, where vitamin B12 de novo adaptation to varied wider range of environmental synthesis pathways in infectious L. interrogans were conditions. Pathogenic species encode more than 70 observed to be compromised. In addition, proteomics TCS genes, suggesting complexity of Leptospira studies have identified key structural proteins including signaling networks that are key to pathogen survival extracellular matrix (ECM)-binding proteins that (Fouts et al., 2016), although verification experiments facilitate adhesion and targeting of Leptospira to are required. susceptible host cells. In addition, modes of action of Conclusion immune evasion protein components, including the Leptospirosis has been reported to occur worldwide, complement and immunoglobulin molecules have been and several risk factors have been associated with the described. Finally, transcription maps based on RNA- disease in susceptible hosts. Significant proportion of seq technologies have been reported, and the resources and time have been invested in attempting to mechanisms of gene regulation inferred, thereby understand mechanisms of Leptospira pathogenesis. highlighting the mechanisms used by Leptospira Although significant advances have been made in the species to cause diseases in susceptible hosts. past decade towards understanding the basis of the These studies and results presented cumulatively show disease at the molecular and cellular level, challenges significant progress in our understanding of the to deciphering the mechanisms persist. This review molecular mechanisms that underlie the pathogenesis summarizes the advances made in research underlying and virulence of Leptospira species. However, most of the microbiological processes of pathogenic the results presented relied on analysis of pre-existing Leptospira. Further, results of various recent genome- databases or newly generated genome sequences using wide association studies are presented, outlining the in-silico, computational and inferred genetic and phylogenetic relationship among 20 species of molecular analysis techniques. Although these Leptospira, and demonstrating that infectious species techniques provide valuable information to aid our and clades of Leptospira contain unique genes that are understanding of the molecular aspects of diseases not found in non-infectious Leptospira. pathogenesis, these inferences may not hold in vivo Recent comparative analysis of genome sequences of following host infections. As such, experimental 20 isolates out of the 22 known Leptospira revealed low studies to test these hypotheses, confirm and validate variability within and across species. In addition, results presented should be prioritized. Importantly, various studies have documented possible biological attempts to develop animal models that mimic mechanisms of leptospirosis, and have identified genes Leptospira disease status are warranted. encoding proteins and/or processes thought to play a Conflict of interest role on pathogenesis, including environmental The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests. adaptation genes, interactions between the bacteria and ______host, activation of genes modulating virulence and host References response. Further, various determinants and virulence Adler, B., Lo, M., Seemann, T. and Murray, G.L. 2011. factors of pathogenesis have been identified, such as Pathogenesis of leptospirosis: the influence of motility and chemotactic factors. genomics. Vet. 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Immun. 77(3), 1137-1143. various functional ORFs and associated immune Barbosa, A.S., Monaris, D., Silva, L.B., Morais, Z.M., response functions have been identified. Numerous Vasconcellos, S.A., Cianciarullo, A.M. 2010. virulence genes, and their regulation mechanisms have Functional characterization of LcpA, a surface- been inferred, with possible roles including survival in exposed protein of Leptospira spp. that binds the natural environments for both infectious and non- human complement regulator C4BP. Infect. infectious Leptospira. Immun. 78(7), 3207-3216. Furthermore, some metabolic pathways have been Baril, C., Richaud, C., Fournie, E., Baranton, G. and described, such as the porphyrin and vitamin Saint Girons, I. 1992. Cloning of dapD, aroD and

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