
J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-47-02-12 on 1 August 1926. Downloaded from


lReporta an~ BnaI~aea.

"PANTOSEPT" . THE samples examined were put up in cardboard cartons . labelled "D.R.P. 318899 25g. Pantosept nach Prof. Dr. Claasz. Pantosept G.m, b.R. Chemische Fabrik, Ulm-Ehrenstein-" etc. The preparation is marketed in England by the Barton Trading Co., Ltd., Dean Stanley Street, Westminster, S.W.l. It'is a white powder, free from odour, easily soluble in water, yielding a solution neutral to litmus, clear and colourless. The solution gave positive tests for hypo­ chlorous acid. . In composition it appeared to be sodium salt of Dakin and Dunham's "halazone," on which there is a report in the British Medical Journal,

1917, vo!. I, p. 682, and whereas halazone was not easily soluble in water, guest. Protected by copyright. this compound dissolved rapidly. . . The available in the substance amounted to 13·5 per cent. Its Rideal Walker Coefficient was one, that is, it is as efficient a disinfectant . as , killing Bacillus typhosus in ten minutes, using a one in one hundred solution. Added to water containing an aqueous emulsion of Bacillus. coli at a dosage of one gramme for every ten gallons, the free chlorine in the resultant water titrated to three parts per· million, and the substance· appeared to be an efficient sterilizer. Keeping Properties.-Another packet was preserved at 37° C .. for four months. The powder caked and the chlorine content amounted to 14'4 per cent, showing that the substance will not be likely to decompose whell stored in a tropical climate. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Sterilizing.-A one percent solution autoclaved in the usual manner for half an hour had its chlorine content lowered from 14·4 per cent to 13·5 per cent calculated on the original substance, a barely appreciable loss. Pantosept is also put up in neat tabloids for. convenience in preparing the correct strength of the solution for surgical use. The preparation has been tried in the surgical wards of a. large military hospital, and solutions of it have been found to be quite as good as the hypochlorite solutions formerly used, i.e., Dakin's sol and eusol. When applied to sloughing on September 29, 2021 by wounds in the form of compresses hot and cold, the wounds clear up rapidly and epithelialization is well stimulated. It is eminently suitable for surgical work in the tropics where the solutions of the hypochlorites are liable to deteriorate in chlorine content and so make accurate dispensing impossible. As an pantosept has proved quite up to the standard claimed for it, and it is specially recommended to medical men engaged in surgical work in tropical c01:lntries. .