Hello to Everyone

This note is sent out to advice of the changes being made to within the Men’s SBL program.

As per previous communication our head coach Adam Forde has taken a further senior position with the . Whilst Adam remains committed to East Perth, the business nature and travel of his new position will prevent him committing the countless hours he has put into the Club.

We take this opportunity to sincerely thank Adam for his huge effort in raising the bar for East Perth Basketball programme, delivering an extremely successful tenure inclusive of the Men’s SBL Championship 2014, his success has also delivered runners up to the and top eight finishes.

Adam is a proud family member of the East Perth Community, which results in him never being too far away. It is his commitment and the Boards belief that we have managed to encourage Adam to remain involved in the club as the Director of Coaching, this continuance keeps Adams involvement, knowledge and passion for the game in the East Perth family.

From the Board of Directors and on behalf of all of the East Perth Community we wish Adam well in his new role at the Wildcats and look forward to his continued involvement in our family club.

Given Adams departure from the senior head coach position, the Board were able to secure the services of Joe Alan Tupaea as the new Head Coach of the Men’s SBL program. Joe who has countless achievements in basketball brings with him a passion to deliver and drive the performance of our great club.

Having successfully played in excess of 400 SBL games and participating in nine Grand Finals across his 16 seasons with his individual trophy cabinet including four SBL Championships with the Perry Lakes Hawks in 01, 02, 03 & 04 under the late John Gardiner before securing his fifth title with the East Perth Eagles in 2014 with an MVP performance. Joe’s basketball credentials are a great gain for the club entering the 2016 season.

Joe is a great Family Man, which was key in the easy decision to take him on in the role. Core family values are more important to our club than any other, with his wife Kyelee and his children, Joe’s involvement is an exciting one and wish him and the team well for the season ahead.

For and on behalf of the Committee of Management of East Perth Basketball Association


Tim Symons Director Communication

East Perth District Basketball Association Inc. PO Box 974, Morley WA 6943 www.eastpertheagles.sportingpulse.net