Discussion: "An Electrical Method for Determining Journal-Bearing
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440 JOURNAL OF APPLIED .MECHANICS SEPTEMBER, 1953 it is very important when the two-dimensional analog}' is con- to applying the relaxation technique automatically and instan- sidered. For this application a note of warning should be added taneously at every node on the bearing surface. The question for future users of the hydraulic analogy, as pointed out pre- arises as to the accuracy of the solutions obtained using this viously by the writer.3 It must be remembered that the group electrical method. The author answers this question for the velocity of water-wave propagation will not be constant unless case of a journal bearing of infinite length. However, it is desira- the water is V-i in. deep. The group velocity is the actual rate ble to know what results this method would give when applied of propagation of the energy of the wave and is the only analogy to bearings of finite length. to the speed of sound in a gas. The group velocity is less than In order to obtain such results and to determine what diffi- the so-called wave velocity which has no analogy to the speed of culties, if any, would be encountered in applying this resistance- sound unless the water is y4 in. deep so the wave velocity be- network method to the more difficult finite-bearing problems, comes independent of wave length and equal to the group the apparatus, shown in Fig. 1 of this discussion, was built. velocity. Therefore we must restrict ourselves to 1/, in. water With this device it is possible to obtain the pressure distributions depths and weak hydraulic jumps in order to obtain equations for bearings having an L/B ratio equal to 1 (L = length per- that are comparable to those corresponding to a two-dimensional pendicular to direction of motion, B = length in direction of Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/appliedmechanics/article-pdf/20/3/440/6748130/440_2.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 perfect gas flow with a specific heat ratio of 2. motion). As precision resistors were not available, plain '/j-watt carbon-type resistors were used throughout the apparatus. The AUTHOR'S CLOSURE commercial tolerance of the network resistors (located in Fig. 1 The author agrees with Professor Laitone's comments on approximately on the center of the board between the two banks the principles of the hydraulic analogy to compressible flow. The of switches and rheostats) was given as ±5 per cent. However, main virtue of this analogy is the fact that the behavior of the measurement of the individual resistors showed that they did not two analogous systems is governed by a similar set of nonlinear deviate more than 2 per cent from each other. This deviation equations of motion, the nonlinearity resulting in the transition was not considered serious for Liebman5 has shown that because from an elliptic to a hyperbolic type. The physical implica- of the averaging properties of resistance networks it is possible tion of this property is the creation of discontinuities appearing to obtain solutions ranging in accuracy from one part in 103 to in the form of bores in the hydraulic system and of shock waves one part in IO4 (depending upon the geometry and scale of the in the compressible flow. The electrical field does not exhibit network) when precision resistors accurate to ±1 per cent were this property and consequently the electrical system cannot be used. used for this purpose. On the other hand, the details of the proc- In the tests conducted it was thought desirable to obtain values esses such as the velocity profiles, viscosities, and so on, are not of the pressure at ten different points along the bearing surface in the same, and in particular, the energy conditions are quite dif- the direction of motion and at ten different points across the ferent. Hence the analogy can only yield information on the bearing surface, perpendicular to the direction of motion. How- "behavior or nature of the solution," as Professor Laitone rightly ever, advantage was taken of the symmetry of the pressure dis- pointed out, and any attempts to utilize it as a basis for an analog tributions which necessitated the determination of the pressures computer, similarly as it is usually done with electrical analogies, at only five different points across the bearing surface and thus are deemed to be futile. reduced the size of the required network by a factor of 2. Hence the network, rectangular in shape, was made of 10 X 5 = 50 resistors and consisted of 11 X 6 = 66 nodes. An average An Electrical Method for Determin- value of Ri (i.e., the resistors which lie along the center line of ing Journal-Bearing Characteristics1 the bearing) was 1020 ohms; Ri (all other resistors in network) averaged 515 ohms. These values were made very low in com- A. A. RAIMONDI.2 By suitable transformations, the author parison to the resistances used for regulating the input currents has succeeded for the case of journal bearings in reducing Reyn- la, for the reason set forth by the author. The bank of switches olds equation to the form3 and rheostats shown at the left in Fig. 1 were used to regulate the input currents I0, while the bank of switches and rheostats 111 at the right were used to set the leak resistances rL, to their proper !Hf f values. A precision-type potentiometer and a sensitive gal- vanometer were used for accurately setting the input currents, The partial derivatives in Equation [1 ] can be approximated by leak resistors, and for measuring the node voltages. finite-difference equations with the result that it becomes Early in the tests it was discovered that when a 135-volt B- in B\2 battery was used for supplying the input currents it was not ( — — ) ("3 + «4 — 2«o) — possible to check the node-voltage readings any closer than 4 + ff(?o) = 0 [2] per cent in some cases, depending upon the amount of time the battery was delivering current. A more satisfactory stable which can now be solved for u by applying Southwell's4 "relaxa- voltage supply was obtained by using the circuit shown in Fig. tion" method. However, the author has substituted for the 2, herewith. With this arrangement it was possible to repeat manual relaxation process an electrical method which is analogous node-voltage readings to better than 0.5 per cent accuracy. 3 "A Study of Transonic Gas Dynamics by the Hydraulic Analogy," The first pressure distribution obtained with this apparatus by E. V. Laifone, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, vol. 19, April, was that of a 120-deg journal bearing with Type I boundary 1952, pp. 265-272. condition having an e = 0.2, dA = 67.4 deg, and L/B = 1. In 1 By D. S. Carter, published in the March, 1952, issue of the this problem it was required to simulate four negative leak JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS, Trans. ASME, vol. 74, pp. 114- 118. resistors near the entering edge of the bearing along a line of 2 Research Engineer, Mechanics Department, Westinghouse Elec- nodes perpendicular to the direction of motion. This condition tric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, Pa. Jun. ASME. was handled with little difficulty by the method given by the 3 The nomenclature used in this discussion is the same as that used in the paper. 6 "Solution of Partial Differential Equations With a Resistance 4 "Relaxation Methods in Engineering Science," by R. V. South- Network Analogue," by G. Liebman, British Journal of Applied well, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1940. Physics, vol. 1, 1950, pp. 92-103. Copyright © 1953 by ASME DISCUSSION 441 Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/appliedmechanics/article-pdf/20/3/440/6748130/440_2.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 FIG. 1 RESISTANCE-NETWORK APPARATUS TO NETWORK NODES. QC 3/VR IQ5 FIG. 2 VOLTAGE-SUPPLY CIRCUIT author. Needs6 also had obtained the pressure distribution for this same bearing by using the electrolytic-tank method de- veloped by Kingsbury.7 Thus it was possible to compare the pressure distributions obtained by two different experimental methods. Fig. 3 of this discussion shows this comparison, the circles being the test results and the full curves graphical inter- polations from the data of Needs. It is evident that the two methods give pressure values which agree quite closely. The load-carrying capacity of this bearing was obtained using 40 60 80 graphical integration methods and was found to be <jl (DEGREES) HUR*L FIG. 3 COMPARISON OP PRESSURE-DISTRIBUTION METHODS BY IF = 0.316 , (resistance network) THE AUTHOR AND BY NEEDS C2 If this is compared to the load given by Needs for the same bear- Then ing bh d/i dx h, HUR'L h' = — = — — = - - (o - 1) [4a] TF = 0.319 • -, (Needs) of Ox of n C2 it will be seen that the two values agree within 1 per cent. and since The resistance-network method is not restricted to journal bear- ings but is equally applicable to slider bearings and, indeed, H = h'/> = j^a — (a — 1)J [46] bearings having odd film shapes resulting from distortion, mis- alignment, and so on. In order to set up these problems on the then resistance network, it is necessary to introduce the proper equa- tion for the film shape into the general equations developed by -'A .... [4c] the author. For example, for a slider bearing, the film thickness 4 ?i2 L ] at any point, x, along the bearing is expressed by Substituting the foregoing into the author's Equation [5], dividing by fi/io-1/2 and setting q proportional to the new func- h r ho.