Repellency of Two Essential Oils to Monomorium Pharaonis
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Repellency of two essential oils to Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Tufail Ahmed Wagan, Hamada Chakira, Yueping He, Jing Zhao, Man Long, and Hongxia Hua* Abstract The pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis [L.]; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is one of the most important pests in populated areas around the world where food and water are abundant. In this study, the repellency of the essential oils from Curcuma longa L. (Zingiberaceae) (turmeric) and Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. (Lauraceae) (litsea) to the pharaoh ant was evaluated. For the tests, the area choice method was used, and 0.1 mL of essential oil at 1 of 3 concentrations (10,000 ppm, 1,000 ppm, and 100 ppm) was applied on a half disc of filter paper to obtain a final concentration of 31.4 µg/cm2, 3.1 µg/cm2, and 0.3 µg/cm2. The same volume of mixture but without essential oil (distilled water + dimethyl sulfoxide + Tween-20®) was used as a control. The repellency of the oils was tested with and without availability of food to the ants, with the food consisting of small maize kernels. Both oils repelled ants with and without the availability of food at a concentration of 10,000 ppm. Turmeric oil showed a higher repellency than litsea oil in both the absence and presence of food. Furthermore, with food present, the repel- lency of turmeric oil increased whereas that of litsea oil decreased. The minimum percentages of repellency recorded for turmeric and litsea oils were >80% and >70%, respectively. This study demonstrated that the oils from these plants have a strong repellent effect on pharaoh ants in laboratory tests. Further studies are needed to determine the concentrations of these oils that can be used effectively for ant control in buildings and in open fields. Key Words: pharaoh ant; Curcuma longa; Litsea cubeba; repellent effect Resumen La hormiga faraón (Monomorium pharaonis (L.); Hymenoptera: Formicidae) es una de las plagas más importantes en las zonas pobladas de todo el mundo donde la comida y el agua son abundantes. En este estudio, se evaluó la repelencia de los aceites esenciales de Curcuma longa L. (Zin- giberaceae) (cúrcuma) y Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. (Lauraceae) a la hormiga faraón. Para las pruebas, se utilizó el método de elección de zona, y se aplicó 0,1 ml de aceite esencial a 1 de 3 concentraciones (10.000 ppm, 1.000 ppm y 100 ppm) sobre la mitad de un disco de papel de filtro para obtener una concentración final de 31,4 mg/cm2, 3,1 g/ cm2 y 0,3 g/ cm2. Se utilizó el mismo volumen de mezcla pero sin aceite esencial (agua destilada + sulfóxido de dimetilo + Tween-20®) como control. Se probó la repelencia de los aceites con y sin disponibilidad de alimentos para las hormigas, con la comida que consiste de granos pequeños de maíz. Ambos aceites repelaron las hormigas con y sin la disponibilidad de alimentos a una concentración de 10.000 ppm. El aceite de cúrcuma mostró una repelencia al aceite más alto que el Litsea tanto en la ausencia y presencia de alimentos. Por otra parte, con el alimento presente, la repelencia del aceite de cúrcuma aumenta mientras que la del aceite de Litsea disminuyó. Los porcentajes mínimos de repelencia registrados para los aceites de cúrcuma y Litsea fueron >80% y >70%, respectivamente. Este estudio demostró que los aceites de estas plantas tienen un fuerte efecto repelente de hormigas faraón en pruebas de laboratorio. Se necesitan más estudios para determinar las concentraciones de estos aceites que se pueden utilizar con eficacia para el control de hormigas en los edificios y en campos abiertos. Palabras Clave: hormiga faraón; Curcuma longa; Litsea cubeba; efecto repelente Monomorium pharaonis (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is com- When ants find food, they secrete a trail pheromone as they re- monly known as the pharaoh ant, which is a small (2 mm), yellow or turn to the nest. This pheromone leads the followers directly from the light brown insect (Bosik 1997). Ants are the most common indoor nest to the food source. When all the food is consumed, the workers pest in urban areas; overall, ants have adapted to the artificial environ- no longer secrete the trail pheromone, and eventually the trail fades ments created by humans, and are now thriving in most of the world’s away (Bailey 1999). When ants infest structures, they will eat any kind big cities. As a result, they are the most abundant of all social insects of substrate, ranging from food items to dead insects. In addition, they (Hansen 2011). In the northern hemisphere, they are commonly found can cause structural damage in homes when infesting building materi- in warm, humid conditions and are considered pests, potential patho- als (Dobesh et al 1993). Ants are also regarded a nuisance to humans, gen vectors (Edwards & Baker 1981), and a source of indoor aeroal- given that some species can sting or bite, and they disturb human rou- lergens (Kim et al. 2006). tines with their food-searching habits. As of 2011, 14,000 ant species Hubei Insect Resources Utilization and Sustainable Pest Management Key Laboratory, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; E-mail: [email protected] (T. A. W.), [email protected] (H. C.), [email protected] (Y. H.), [email protected] (J. Z.), [email protected] (M. L.), [email protected] (H. H.) *Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] (H. H.) 608 2016 — Florida Entomologist — Volume 99, No. 4 Wagan et al.: Repellency of essential oils to pharaoh ants 609 have been described, as compared with 8,800 species in 1990. Taking for the first step. Filtrates from the first and second extraction were into account the undescribed ant species in the world, the actual num- combined and concentrated in a rotary evaporator until no more water ber of ant species is possibly more than 30,000 (Hansen 2011). Overall, droplets were observed. The extracted crude oils were then weighed anti-ant sprays can affect only a small percentage of an ant colony. In and stored in brown collection bottles at 4 °C in a refrigerator. a mature pharaoh ant colony, only 0.7 to 5.6% of the ants forage (Vail 1996). Pharaoh ants are also classified as agricultural pests, causing REPELLENCY TEST damage to crops either directly or by acting as a vector of noxious pests (Pest Notes 2012). Crude oil dissolutions and repellency tests were performed accord- Using plant essential oils as biopesticides can be very efficient in ing to Su et al. (2009), Yao et al. (2011), and Caballero-Gallardo et al. controlling pests. They can function as fumigants utilizing their topical (2014) with some modifications. The repellency of the extracts was de- toxicity, or as antifeedants utilizing their repellent properties. Further- termined with area choice tests in Petri dishes. To prepare the biopesti- more, botanical oils can be toxic and repellent to adult insects and can cide, 0.05 g of the crude oil was dissolved in 0.3 mL dimethyl sulfoxide lead to an inhibition of reproduction. This wide range of applications (DMSO), 1% solution of Tween-20® was added, and the volume was means that botanical oils are considered for both household and indus- subsequently brought to 5 mL with distilled water for a biopesticide trial uses, and essential oils are presently regarded as eco-friendly tools concentration of 10,000 ppm; of this stock solution, 0.1 mL was mixed for pest control (Regnault-Roger 1997). For example, an experiment with 0.9 and 9.9 mL distilled water to obtain 1,000 ppm and 100 ppm, in which red imported fire ant mounds were drenched with citrus oil respectively. Using a micropipette, 0.1 mL of the prepared biopesti- formulations containing d-limonene showed that this treatment was as cide was uniformly applied on half a filter paper disc (9 cm diameter), effective as a conventional insecticide (Vogt et al. 2002).Litsea species in order to get a final concentration of 31.5 µg/cm2, 3.1 µg/cm2, and (Lauraceae) have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes and 0.3 µg/cm2. The same volume of mixture without essential oil (distilled as insect repellents (De Boer et al. 2010; Budin et al. 2012). Crushed water + DMSO + Tween-20®) was applied to another half disc to serve leaves, flowers, fruits, and bark smell and show a potential repellency as a control. To test for repellent effects of DMSO, the same amount to several insect species (Santiwitchaya 2004; Trongtokit et al. 2005; of DMSO was used on a half disc as treatment and an untreated half Tawatsin et al. 2006). disc served as negative control. When the liquids were fully dried, 2 Because many plant extracts are not harmful to non-target organ- half discs (1 treatment, 1 control) were placed into 9 cm diameter Petri isms (including humans), plant-based repellents could be more envi- dishes. Six 1 mm holes were made in the Petri dish cover to allow extra ronmentally friendly than synthetic products (Bhat & Kempraj 2009). fumes to exit. To our knowledge, there are no studies to date on the use of biopes- Twenty pharaoh ants were placed in the center of each Petri dish. ticides against pharaoh ants. Therefore, we conducted this study to This was replicated 3 times, and each assay was repeated 2 times. Petri determine the repellency of two plant essential oils to adult pharaoh dishes were kept in the same environment as described for the rearing ants and to identify the essential oil components.