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D. C. JONES, Chm- G. W AlWIN SANCHEZ, S,cm'1 CHAllES S. isLE", JL, Mnnb". LAWUNCE ROOEllS, Mnnblr CAll MANTON, M""b".


JULY 1, 1951, THllOUGH JUNE 30, 19'2

July 1, 19H

His EJ


Pursuant to and in compliance with the requirement contained in Section '~O . 02, subsection 2, Florida Statutes, 1941, as amended, the Florida State Racing Commission submits this, its Twenty-first Annual Report for the period commencing July 1, 19'1 to and including June 30, 19'2.

Membership of the Commission from July 1, 19'1, to June 30, 19'2, consisted of the following named persons and the Congressional District from which they served:

Carl Hanlon, Fort Myers: ______..1'First District G. Warren Sanchez, Live Oak Se

During the above sboted period of time D . C. Jon.. and G. Warren Sanchez served as Chairman and Ser:retary of the Commission, resj"'Clively, and Manuel M. Garcia, of Tampa. as Attorney for the Commission.

3 MEBTINGS DuriD& the period covered br this Annual Report formal meetings were held br the Commiaioo 00 tf.e following dates and at the following pla=: August 8, 19'1 ______-' Paoama City August 9, 19'1 T.n.b ..... October B , 19S1 November 17, 19S1 Miami D=mber H, 19'1 Miami January 11, 19'2 Miami February' 8, 19'2 Miami April 18, 19'2 Miami June 6, 19'2 Miami

RACING DATES Racing dates were granted the various operaton of Dog Tracks, Jai Alai Fronton and Hone Tracks for the seasons beginning October I', 19H, and ending September 17, 19'2, IS follows :

WINTEIl DATES DOG TRACKS (in order of opening dates) Orange Pull: Kennel Oub, Inc., Orange Pule n days----Octobcr n, 19H to November 17, 19H; Reopen April 12, 19'2 to June 3, 19'2 Bisayne Kennel Oub, Inc., Miami . 91 days-November 14, 19H to January " 19'2 (Oosed December 2,th); Reopen April 10, 19'2 to June 2, 19H Associated Outdoor Oub' Inc., Tampa 91 days-November I', 19'1 to February 29, 19'2 (Oosed December 24th) Broward County Kennel Oub, Inc., Hollywood 91 days-December 2', 19H to April 8, 19'2 JacIcsonville Kennel Oub, Inc., JacIcsonville 91 days-December 2', 19H to April 8, 19'2 West Flagler Kennel Oub, Inc., Miami 91 cIays-D=mber 26, 19'1 to April 9, 19'2 Sanford-Orlando Kennel Oub, Inc., Longwood 91 days-December 26, 19H to April 10, 19'2 (Oosed Janu­ ary 1st) St. Petersburg Kennel Oub, Inc., St. Petersburg 91 days-December 28, 19'1 to April 12, 19H Miami Beacb Kennel Oub, Inc., Miami Beacb 91 days-January I, 19H to April I', 19'2 Palm Beacb Kennel Oub, Inc., West Palm Beacb 91 days-JanUUJ. 2, 19'2 to April 16, 19'2 Sarasota Kennel Oub, Inc., Sarasota 80 days-March I, 19'2 to June 2, 19'2 JAJ.ALAI FllONTON Fronton Exhibition Company, Mi·mi 101 days--Decemb

HORSE TRACKS Gables Racing Association, Inc., Coral Gables 41 days-November 30, 19)1 to Januaty 16, 1952 Hialeah Race Course, Inc., Hialeah 40 days-Januaty 17, 19)2 to March 3, 1952 SunJhine Park Racing Auociati"", Inc., Oldsmar 49 days-Januaty 19, 1952 to March 15, 19)2 Gulfstream Park Racing Auociation, Inc., Hollywood 41 days-March 4, 1952 to April 19, 19)2

Su ....n DATES DOG TRACKS Pensacola Kennel Oub, Inc., Pensacola 92 days-June 14, 1952 to September 27, 1952 Volusia County Kennel Oub, Inc., Daytona Bea.ch 91 days-June 4, 1952 to September 17, 1952

FLORIDA A NATIONAL RACING CENTER Out State it today regarded as one of the nation's fomDOSt ncing cent.... Since the advent of authorized pari·mutueI wagering on borse and dog races in thiJ State in 1931, ncing has grown and spread from a small speculative, four·month seasonal touriJt attraction to a snlidly establisbed and profitable year·round industry, without losing its traditional color and thrilling attraction. Racing in thit State it no longer an incidents! seasonal form of enter· Wl1CDeIlt, but has become an integral port of our economy and today ~. mutuel wagering on races it authorized and conducted during pnmally the entire year. During the 19)1·'2 season your CommiJsion &ad under its supervision the operations of 4 running horse tndcs, 13 greyhound tndcs and 1 jai.aJ.aj fronton. These 18 operators expended a tots! of 1,423 ncing and playing days. exclusive, however, of the 17 additional days !bot the MOIlS operators expended in behaJf and for the benefit of the State Scholarship Fund. These activities tooIc place during the period from July I, 19'1 to June 30, 1952. Besides being the State's fifth largest producer of DQblic revenue, and • leading source of entertainment to the thousands of visitors it IItncIs, ncing stimulates additional employment to many of our citizms and income and profits to local business in sales and service rendered to raciog enthusiasts and many other persons who are directly and iodin:ctIy COD­ nected with thiJ sport wbiJe residing in thiJ State. During the period eo.ered by thiJ report u.- .... empJo,ed by the nrious operators 5,266 persons, of which 85% were citizms of FIoricIa and who were paid a like percentage of a total payroll of $~,793,876 . 20. In addition to the personnel directly employed by the operators, your Com­ mission had under its jurisdiction 4,781 other persons who were connected with other activities of the sport, such as players, ball boys. owners, trainers, jockeys, grooms, etc. In all, your Commission had under its jurisdiction and supervision 10,047 persons who were issued occupationallicea.ses.

It would be dillicult to C2.lculate the many other citizens that receive benefits through aod eml'loyment in other business channels that are stimulated by racing activities.

During the 19~1-~2 season wagering in this State rea

A more detailed account appears from the data and statements here­ after included in this report relating to receipts and disbursements, attend· ance, pari-mutuel wagering, and taxes, together with other information relative to the officers and operations of each licensed operator.

AlTENDANCE AND WAGERING Of the 1,4'23 racing and playing days graoted to and expended by the 18 licensed operators during the 19~1-~2 season, 4 horse tiacks oper­ ated 168 days, 13 dog tracks 1,1" days and the jai-alai fronton 100 aays. The combined activities attracted a total paid attendance of ~,279,674 patrons, of which 1,~~I,669 attended horse races, 3,392,618 patronized dog tracks and 33~,387 saw jai-alai games. There was an all-time high total wagering of $248,728,380.00, of which there was wagered at the horse tracks $140 , 133,~13 . 00 , at the dog tracks $I03 , 476,~9~.OO, and at the fronton $~,118,272 . 00 .

A com:rarison with the preceding 19~O-n season, which resulted in a total pai attendance of 4,643,293 patrons, who wageted a total of $204,38~,~97 . 00 during 1,378 racing and playing days, aJlinnatively dis­ doses a substantial increase during the 19~1 - ~2 season in hoth wagering and attendance. The record reBects that an additional 636,381 persons attended racing activities during the 19H-}2 season, or an increase of 13.7% in paid attendance over the previous season, and these additional patrons increased the wagering over the previous season in the amount of $44,342,783.00, or a 21.7% increase in total wagering. It is significant to note that while there was a. total general increase 'in both attendance and wagering, each individual operator also e>:perienced a substantial increase in both attendance and wagering. Over the previous season wager· ing increased at horse tracks $26,774 , 84~.OO, or 23.6%, and at dog tracks and jai-a1ai fronton $17,~67 , 938 . 00 , or 19.3%, and attendance increased at horse tracks 212,184, or D .8%, and at dog tracks~and jai-alai fronton 424,197, or 12.8%.

The substantial increases in attendance and pa.rticularly in wagering demonstrate that racing is in a sound and healtliy condition. These in-

6 l creases in wagering and attendance are directly accountable and attributed to your consistent and determined efforts in suppressing and stoPJ'ing all forms of illegal gambling in this State and by the enactment Into aw during your administration of the "Anti-Bookie Bill" in the 19H Legis­ lature. These two forces bave compdled U:~l persons to personally fre­ quent and attend race tracks in order to e their wagers, which. by necessity I brought about the increase in attendance and wagering.

REVENUE TO STATE Income to the State from racing is primarily derived from the State's commission on the volume of pari-mutuel wagering, while income from admission depends on attendarice at race tracks rather than volume of wagering. The State levies a tax of 5 % on the volume of wagering on dog races and jai-wi games, and 8% on horse races, and collects a uniform admission tax of IOc per person or 0% of the established admission price, whichever is greater, as well as collectiog other miscellancow kindred taxes. The total revenue derived by the State for the period covered by tbiJ report amounted to '18,090,497.77, which amount represent. a dollar increase of $~ , 09~ , OI1.67, or 20.6% over the previous season. The varions operators received as their total share from pari-mutuel wagering the sum of 'H , 69~ , 494 . 9S , of which the horse tr2da realized $IO,232,4S8.87 and the dog trades and jai-aLai fronton $1~,46I , O~6 . 08. There was dis­ tributed to the betting public out of the totaJ amount of $248, 728 , ~80 . 00 wagered, the sum of $207,697,SSO . ~S as dividends on wiuning pari-mutuel tickets. The 67 counties of tbiJ State each received, as their proportionate share, the sum of $112,000.00, which amount represent. an incr .... of Sl9,Soo, or 21 % more than received by each county during the previous season, and is greatly in excess of the $33,000.00 guaranteed to each county by aw.

The Old Age Assistance Fund also elCFienced an increase. It. share of income amounted to $9,991 , ~90 . 7~, which amow>t is 21% or $1,727,- 060.96 more than was paid into the Old Age Assistance Fund dwing the revious season. Of the aggregate amount of over $18,000,000.00 001- r.ected by your CDmmission during the current season from all racing activ­ ities, only 1.78% was expended by your CDmmission in connection with it. year-round activities in controlling, directing and supervising the opera­ tions and activities of the various licensed operators. It is evident that revenue derived from raciog compares most favorably with any other source of State revenue, particuarly as the expense of collecting, supervising and policing is concerned.

COMMISSION LABORATORY During the racing season covered by this report, the Commission's toxicology abaratory in Miami anaIyaed S,SOO samples of saliva and urine taken from horses and dogs competing at race trades, as well as several other miscellaneous samples of liniments, muzzle scrapings, salt, vomitus. tonics, food, syringes, needles, etc., for the purpose of determining whether

7 or DOt the animals competing at the rare tracks may have been improperly stimul.ted or d".l'rcssed prior to • race. The aforesaid SImples are col­ lected at the var,ous licerised tracks by the Commission', .gents under the supervision of the Commission's veterinarians and thereafter are submitted to Dr. Elsie S. Bellows, PhD., ClUe( Chemist of your Commission, for analysis, and the findings are reported to your Commission for appropriate oction. Of the ',"0 samples analyzed by your Commission', toxicology laboratory, only two were found to be positive for stimulants. Each case was investigated and the person in charge of the animal given the oppor~ tunitr to be beard before ihe Commission. After such proCedure, the COm­ missIon, in each case, barred the guilty offender from all rare tracks for life. . It is evident fcom the small number of samples found to contain stimulants, and the certainty of punishment to offenders, that this improper and unlawful method of affectlOg the results of raas is practically nif in this State. This is due to the very careful supervision and policing of your Commission by its officials and employees

In addition, your Commission's laboratory has analyzed 120 submitted samples of saliva. and urine from horses competing at the race track in Havana, Cuba, for which your Commission cliarges and receives $10.00 per specimen. • Dr. Elsie S. Bellows, your Commission's Chief Chemist, is a recog· nized authority and expert in this field of chemistry. On numerous occa­ Si~DS she has been called upon for assistance and advice by the State and Federal Nurotic agents, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Dr. Bellows was the first racing chemist in Amelia to make a derivation of identification pattern for the new synthetic narcotic "dromoran," as well as assisting the State Director of Narcotics in giving proper definitions to heretofore unrecognized n:urotics.

SCHOLARSHIP FUND Chapter 2'2'8, Laws 194'. known as the "Scholarship Fund," which, during your administration. was adopted by the Legislature It your instance and request. has proven to serve a most worthwhile cause. This law, whirh authorizes any race trade in this State to operate an additional day of racing for the purpose of creating and providing Slate Scholarships from the profits derived therefrom, the race tracks consenting thereto and operating the additional day during the current season paid into the fund the gener­ ous total sum of $239,147.74. These moneys are administered and super­ vised by the State Board of Control and have been made available to wortby students ottendiog State institutions of higher learning. During the three seasons !bot this law has been in effect, the various licensed OperatOR operating the additional day have made available to the State Board of Control for thi. worthy cause, the total sum of $6H,238.49.

LAW ENFORCEMENT Your Commission has been vigiIant in preventing and suppressing &Oy octivity within its jurisdiction !bot might be detrimental or oot con­ ducive to the best interests of racing.

8 · Each tnd: is required to submit to your Colllllliuion & d&iIy report showiog the !WIle and address of each {'C""" eject

All penons crol.'lOf«! by ria tacks, including sate croptoy.es, &If! prohibited from making any wager, directly or indirectly, on the rosults of any nee at such nee tnd:. This ~ avoids any opportunity for suspicion of irregularity by the general public.

To further preserve the integrity of the sport, your Commission will oot permit any penon who has purchased a Federal GamhliD$ Liceose to enter or remain within the enclosure of any ria tnd: in this sate.

Pursuant to Chapter 26832, Acts of 19'1, your Commission has inaugurated a system of identi.6a.tion of every penoo licensed by your Commissioo for employment by race trades. Each persoo licensed by your Commission, as wen as the officers and dir

Your Commissioo, io dea1iog with offenders charged with committing acts detrimental to racing and not conducive to its best interests, have. in each instance, given hearings, when requested, and in each case punished according to the seriousness and aggra.VatiOD of the offense, inclu

By leaal reciprocity your Commissioo's orders and rulings are hon­ ored by ill other racing authorities in the , and we, in turn, respect our sister States' ldions. Uoder this reciprocal agreement, & sate nang authority's deoi&! of privileges to a person in its State operates to deny such privilege to such penon io any other State ontil the deoiU has been lifted or set aside by the origioal sate racing authority.


Your Commission has made every effort to develop warm aod friendly relatioos with .n penons coooect

The business of your Commission has been administered publicly and openly and no person has ever been denied the opportunity tn express or voice their views or opinions on any matter or question belore your Com­ mission at any of its meetings and the records of your Commission have always been open and available, as provided by law. Although your Com­ missIon has strictly and rigidly snpervised racing activities and the persons connected therewith in order to protect the interests of the public and the State, we ~ve . nevertheless, been just and fair in all our actions. , Bouse we have demonstrated a sense of fairness and justice and a spirit of cooperation and friendly relations, your Commission was able to intercede in a. dispute between a horse track and horse owners and trainers and thus prevented an apparent strike whicb would have stopped racing at said horse track and the State would have suffered a. considerable loss of revenue, as experienced by a former administration when a. strike resulted in dosiog down racing at a horse track over an identical dispute.


In the case of Broward County Kennel Gub, Inc., v. State Racing Commission, " . So.(2d) 810, the authority of the Racing Commission to grant a pennit to opente a jai-alai fronton in Broward County was upheld.

There is now pending in the Supreme Court of Florida the question of your Commissioo's authority to pass upon the qua.li6.cations of stock­ holders and employees of race tracks. Your Commission toolc action to compel certain persons to sever their financial interests in race trades in this State and to prohibit them from being employed by said race tracks, which action of the Commission was held to be without authority by the lower court, from which order of the lower court your Commission has taken an appeal to the Supreme Court.


Your Commission, during its short time of service, bas diligently strived to Iceep racing upon a high plane so that it will always merit the confidence of the public, and we pledge to you and the people of Florida our continued loyalty and best efforts.

As heretofore, and in detail hereafter, shown, no other form of taxa­ tion in this State results in such substantial revenue to the State, with so little imposition on its citizens. as racing. Besides being a substantial rev­ enue producer, it has played a great part in bringing to our State many visitors. including those who make a livelihood from the sport, in addition to stimulating other businesses by the ioHux of people It draws. Many persons who would not have come to this State, except for the attraction of racing, have made Florida their permanent residence. For these reasons, racing should be fostered and encouraged in every way legitimately practicable. We would like to t2ke this opportunity of ex~ressing our sincere and genuine appreciation to those persons employed your Commission to carry out Its mandates and functions. It is largely ue to their lnyolty and diligence that this State has experienced a hanner year. Particularly are we grateful to Mr. Robert Kelly, our able and conscientious supervisor of racing for over a decade; Mrs. Inez Martin, our office S

We sincerely trust that in the future the same spirit of cooperation and high standards of racing will continue as they have during the period covered by this ttport. We wish to express to you, as Governor, our deep appreciation for the confidence and trust reposed in w in the administra­ tion of racing in our State.





JULY 1, 19)1 TO JUNE 30, 19)2, lNa.uSIVB

RECEIPTS AdmUsioD Tax: Dog Tracks ______~, 342,)70.86 Jai·AI&i FroDtOD 33,H8.70 Hone Tracks 317,103.43 TOTAL ______, 693,212.99 • Commission on Pari·Mutuel Sales: Dog Tracks 3% '3,039,)47.6) Dog Tracks Flat Rat. instead of 3% 26,700.00 Dog Tracks 2% 2,026,36).10 Dog Tracks Flat Rate instead of 2% 17,800.00 Dog Tracks Brealcage 3)0,994.98 Jai.AI&i Fronton 3% 1H,)48.16 Jai.Alai FrontaD 2% 102,36).44 Jai·AI&i Breobge 1),246.~9 Hone Tracks 3% 3,973,338.03 Hone Tracks Flat Rat. instead of 3% 144,000.00 Hone Tracks )% 6,622,nOm Hone Tracks Flat Rate instead of )% 48,000.00 Hone Tracks Brealcage 817,198.70 TOTAL ,17,H7,334.70 TOTAL AdmUsioD Tax and CommissiOD- ,18,030,)47.69

Occupational Licmses ------f. 49,)4).00 Greyhound R.gistntioos ),400.00 A.sumcd Name Rcgi.stntiollJ 2,300.00 Colot B.cgistntioos 1,2)6.00 MWeIl.neous Receipts 1,449.08 TOTAL ______, )9,9)0.08 TOTAL llcceipts fot Current Seaso,o.n __ '18,090,497.77

IIol,nce on Hand July 1, 19H, as follows: State Raciog CommiUlon Account­ , 38,848.90 Remittances in transit as of June 30, 19)1 39,219.49 TOTAL Anil,b1. and to be A(XX)UIlted for ,18,168,)66.16 DISBURSEMENTS JULY I, 19'1 TO JUNE 30, 19H Salaries : Commissioners $ 13,800.00 Commission Attorney 3,000.00 $ 16,800.00 General Office _ $ 31 ,803.n Special Auditor no.oo Laboratory 17,317.00 $ 49,870.n Track Supervision: Dog Racing Associations ____. $ 149,118.50 Jai-AW Fronton 8,961.00 Horse Racing Associations 58,796.03 $ 216,8n.53 TOTAL SALAIUl!S • 283,546.28 Trave1ing Expenses: • Commissioners $ 9,134.68 Commission Attorney 820.12 Special Auditor 276.46 Employees 2,89'.63 $ 13,126.89 Miscellaneous Disbursements: Association Dues .$ 400.00 Bond Premiums 384.14 Books and Subscriptions 48.00 Frei!ht, Express and Drayage '45.24 Inci ental Expense 186. 13 Insurance . 1,039.50 Judge's Fees, Occupational Licenses_ 2,463.n Laboratory SUPl'lies 3,342.76 Laboratory EqWc::'t 1,800.'0 Legal Hearing, Reporting, Etc. '47.'0 Office Furniture and EqwPQlent _ 480.'7 Postage 1,404.99 Rental-Miami Office 3,478.00 Rental-Laboratory 1,100.00 Rental of Equil;'ment 73.00 Repairs to Furruture and EquipmenL Inn Repairs to Laboratory ~menL- 426.90 Stationery. Printing and ce Supplies 2,613.27 Telephone ',680.92 Telegraph 313.8' TOTAL Miscellaneous Disbursements _ $ 26,'01.77

14 TOTAL Disbursed by Commission ______$ 323,174.94 Disbursed to Counties $ 7,'04,000.00 To State General Fund, Chapter 20890, Ads of 1941 190,781.10 To Generu Revenue, Ads of 1949 9,991,390.73 GRAND TOTAL DISBURS.MENTS '18,009,346.77 Blliance on Hand, State Racing Commission Account (June 30, 19H) 98,779.73 Remittance in Transit from Dog Tracks (June 30, 19H) 60,439.66 TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR ,18,168,'66.16



WK. H. JOHNSTON, PflsiiUnl tlnJ Gm"aJ MmraK" 1090 Arbor Lane Jacksonville, Florida

HARRy HATEa, R. J. HAaT, s"",,,,' CA.R.L M . ]BOLD, V;u-PruiJ,nl J. T"as",., c/o Aluminum Industries, Inc. 611 University Drive 14 Ladoga Avenue Coral Gables, Florida Cincinnati, Ohio Davis Island, T&mpa. Florida

Dir,tlMS E. A. ROULEAU WK. H. JOHNSTON L. D. AULT CAIu. M. IsoLD R. HAn HAlly J. HATER J. W ALTEa. lBoLD ASSOCIATED OUfDOOR Q.UBS, INC. 90 ll&cing Days-November 15, 19H to February 29, 1952, IncJ.-99 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ______-$. 7,242,970.00 Total Attendance ______Average Performance 73,161.31 Average Performance Attendance'-____ Average Wager per Capita 35.93 STATB RBvENUE TuCK RDVENUB FROM P-M HANDLE 3% of P-M Handle.e ______J. 217,289.10 12% of P-M Handle..e ______.$ 869,156.40 2% of P-M Handle 144,859.40 50% of Breaks 23,120.69 50% of Breob 23,120.31 Admission Tax 20,1~6.90 • 892,276.71 • 405,426.09 Oa:upatiooal Lio:nses ______1,536.00 DistrIbuted to Public (82.36%) • 5,965,424.10 - AuWDed Names ______-.:3~0~.00~ Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL- 9.82% '" Percentage of Quiniela to Total Pool 62.00% Total State Revenue • 406,992.09 Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.64% Pool Amount '5.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers Clusification Wasered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double . • 711,560.00 355,780 • 711,560.00 Quiniela 4,490,714.00 2,24),357 4,490,714.00 Straigbt 929,479.00 64,255 • 321,275_00 304,102 608,204.00 Place '89,064.00 27,390 136,9'0.00 226,057 452,114.00 Sho.... '22,1".00 17,987 89,935.00 216,109 432,218.00 TOTAL • 7,242,970.00 109,632 • '48,160_00 3,347,40' $6.694,810.00 The Attendance of 1,486 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of "7,186.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Jan- 29. 1952, not included in above. BISCAYNE KENNEL Q.UB, INC. Fint National Bank Building Miami, Florida


T. R. KNIGHT, Pmidm/ """ T"Mm" E1 Comodoro Hotel Miami, Florida

JOHN C. KNIGHT, Vir,·P"sidm/ JAS. C. KNIGHT, SIN"/.' 2467 S. W. Fifth Street E1 Comodoro Hotel Miami,. Florida Miami, Florida

T. It KNIGHT JOHN C. KNIGHT THOS. C. GUY J. H. ADAMS BISCAYNE KENNEL CLUB. INC. 4, Racing Days-November 14. 19'1 to January'. 19,2.lncl.-4, PerforllWlC

444,441.02 Distributed to Public (82.35%}_._ -.$ 6,495,464.30 Occupational Licenses .__ .. ______.. _ 72.00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL_... 4.59% Total State Revenue ______.$ -:-- -:-:-:-~:-444,513.02 Percentage of Quiniela to Total PooL...... _ ... __ 65.22% Percentage of Breaks to Total PooL 0.65% \ " Pool Amount $5.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers Classi6cation Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double ------$ 361 ,752.00 180,876 $ 361,752.00 Quiniela ___ 5,144,570.00 2,572,285 5,144,570.00 Straigbt ___.. __.. _____ .... _._.. ___ 1,168,886.00 102,476 $ 512,380.00 328,253 656,506.00 Place _.. ______622,499.00 34,761 173,805.00 224,347 448/694.00 Show ___ .. _ __ 590,209.00 . 25,899 129,495.00 230,n7 460,714.00 TOTAL . ... $ 7,887,916.00 163,136 $ 815,680.00 3,536,118 $7,072,236.00 The Attendance of 4,691 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of $154,533.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, May 21, 1952, not included in above. , , BROWARD COUNlY KI!NN1!L CLUB, INC. Hollywood; Florida


WILLIAl< J . SYMS, SR., P,uit/ml 1407 Harrison Street Hollywood, Florida

WK. J . SYMS, JR., Vir,·Prt,iJ,nl J. B. GALLAGHER, T"as,,,,, E. O. MCCURRY, SIC'""'7 1407 Harrison Street 1401 Madison Street 18~7 Jefferson Street Hollywood, Florida Hollywood, Fla. Hollywood, Florida

WILLIAl< J . SYMS, SR.. E. O. MCCURRY J. Eo GALLAGHEJ. WILLIAl< J . SYKS, Jao C. H. LANDEFELD, JR. BROWARD COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. 90 RAcing Days-December 25, 1951 to April 8, 1952, Incl.- 90 P. rformances Pari-Mutuel Handl. ____, ____ $11,937 ,330.00 Total Attendance ______421,912 Average Performance 132,637.03 Av.rage Performance Att.ndancoco'--__ 4,688 Average Wager per Capita... 28.29 STATE REVENUE TUCK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE 3% of P-M Handl.,______$ 358,119.90 12% of P-M Handl.______.....f . 1,432,479.60 2% of P-M Handl. 238,746.60 50% of Breaks 41,619.50 50% of Breaks 41 ,619.90 Admission Tax 42,191.20 $ 1,474,099.10 $ 680,677.60 Distributed to Public (82.30%) • 9,824,744.50 N ' Occupational Licenses ______1,826.75 '" Assumed Names ___._ .. _____ 40.00 P.rc.ntage of Daily Doubl. to Total PooL- 5.27% P.rcentag. of Quini.ta to Total Pool 61.71 % Total Stat. Revet>ue Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.70%

Pool Amount $5.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers '1.00 Wagers Classi.6ation Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Dwy Doubl. _ . 629,596.00 314,798 $ 629,596.00 Quini.ta 7,366,276.00 3,683,138 7,366,276.00 Straight 2,032,770.00 186,614 $ 933,070.00 405,246 810,492 .00 289,208 • 289,208.00 Ptare 1,035,063.00 70,421 352,105.00 196,875 393,750.00 289,208 289,208.00 Show 873,625.00 40,507 202,535.00 190,941 381,882.00 289,208 289,208.00 TOTAL ,11,937,330.00 297,542 $1,487,710.00 4,790,998 $9,581,996.00 867,624 • 867,624.00 n., Attendance of 3,089 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of $86,866.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Jan. 3, 1952, not included in abov •.

~------JACKSONVILLE KENNEL UUB. INC. JadcsonviIle; Florida


Ww. H. JOHNSTON. Prlsidml 1090 Arbor Lane JacbonviIle. Florida ,'"... JA)(ES J. PATTON. Viu-Prtsidml R. J. HAlT. Sa .• S,",I" ..d TrillS"," 18~6 Naldo Street 617 University Drive JacbonviIle. Florida Coral Gables. Florida



• JACKSONVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. 90 Racing Days-December 2', 19H to April 8, 19'2, /nd.-92 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ______., 4,344,460.00 Total Attendance 120,227 Average Performance 47,222.39 Average Performance Attendance 1,~07 Average Wager per Capit> 36.14 TuCK REVENUE FaaM P-M HANDLE STATE REVENUE 12% of P-M Handl.e.e ______~, '21,33'.20 ~% of P-M Handle'______,' 130,333.80 2% of P-M Handle 86,889_20 '0% of Breaks 13,4'2.40 '0% of Brea.b 13,4H.80 , '34,787.60 Admission Tax _ 12,022.70 , 242,698.'0 Distributed to Public (82.38%)__ , 3,H8,996.6O Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL_ 12.4'% Occupational Licenses __ 193.n Percentage of Quiniela to Total PooL_ ._ '9.61 % Total State Revenue , 242,891.n Percentage of Brea.b to Total Pool 0.62% Pool Amount " .00 Wagers ,2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double , ,40,978.00 270,489 , '40,978.00 Quiniela 2,'89,646.00 1,29 4 ,823 2,'89, 646 .00 Straight 613,9'1.00 41,821 , 209,10'.00 202,42~ 404,846.00 Place 334,0'0.00 U ,874 79,370.00 127,340 2",680.00 Show 26',83'.00 7,69~ ~8 , 46' . 00 113,68' 227,370.00 TOTAL , 4,~44,46O.oo 6',~88 , 326,940.00 2,008,760 «,017,'20.00 The Attendance of 792 and Pari-Mutud Handle of '32,460.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Feb. 26, 19'2, not included in above. MIAMI BEAOf KENNEL CLUB, INC. Miami Beach, Florida


WM. H. JOHNSTON, P'lJid~1 1090 Asbar Lane Jacksonville, Plorida

JAMBS PATTON, Vict·Pmidml J . R. JOHNSTON, S",·,la'1·T,.4JII,er P. O. Box 189' Columbia Drive Jacksonville, Florida Tulsa, Oklahoma

WM. H. JOHNSTON J. R. JOHNSTON JAMBS PATTON WILLLUl E. GARDNBI. CARL T. HOFFMAN MlAMI BEACH KENNEL CLUB, INC. 90 Racing Dayr-January I, 1952 to April 15, 1952, Jncl.-9O Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ______.11'967'819.oo Total Attendance _..... _ ..... __ ._.____ . __ ._._ 397,496 Average Performance _ 132,975.77 Average Performance AttcndanCL _____ 4,417 Average Wager per Capib 30.11 TRACK IlEVENUB FIlO>! HANDLE STATE IlEVENUE P-M 3% of P-M Handle' ______• 359,034.57 12% of P-M Handle. • 1,436,138.28 2% of P-M Handle... 239,356.38 50% of Brealc.s.__ .____ 34,481.05 50% of Brealc.s 34,481.42 • 1,470,619.33 Admission Tax 39,749.60 • 672,621.97 Distributed to Public (82.42% } _____• 9,864,327.30 Occupational Licenses ______~-.;I:::,7~9~4~.00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL_. 4.54% Percentage of Quiniela to Total Pool 66.36% Total State Revenue • 674,415.97 Percentage of Brealc.s to Tobl Pool 0.58% Pool Amount '5.00 Wagers '2.00 Wagers C1assification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Dilly Double • 543,674.00 271,837 • 543,674.00 Quiniela 7,942,408.00 3,971,204 7,942,408.00 Straight 1,816,063.00 175,811 • 879,055.00 468,504 937,008.00 Place 919,563.00 65,913 329,565.00 294,999 589,998.00 Show 746,111.00 42,443 212,215.00 266,948 533,896.00 TOTAL ,11,967,819.00 284,167 '1,420,835.00 5,273,492 '10,546,984.00 The Attendance of 2,971 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of '95,467.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, April 8, 1952, not included in above.

-. ------.~..------~ ,

ORANGE PARK KENNEL O-UB, INC. Orange Park, Florida

Offims WM. H. JOHNSTON, Pmidml JOHN A. RUSH, Vi"·P,lsidml 1090 Arbor lane 2'03 River Road Jacksonville, Florida Jacksonville, Florida JOHN R. JOHNSTON, Stcrtt4rl JAMES J . PATTON, T"as,,," 2830 South Columbia Place 1836 Naldo Street Tuba, Oklahoma Jacksooville, Florida R. }. HART, SR" AJliJlant St(rel41, 617 University Drive Coral Gables, Florid.


WM. H. JOHNSTON J. R . JOHNSTON JOHN A. RUSH W M. JOB SBARS, JI. JAMBS J . PATTON R. J. HAIT, SI. ORANGE PARK KENNEL UUB, INC. 29 Racing Days-October ", 19'1 to November 17, 1951, Ind.-29 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ___• 1,1'0,353.00 Total Attendance __ .__ _ 32,55' Average Performance .--:------39,667.34 Average Performance Attendance _____ 1,123 Average Wager per Capita..... 3'.34 STATE REVBNUB TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE 3% of P-M Handl<-e ______• 34,HO.'9 12% of P-M Handle_____ • 138,042.36 2% of P-M Handle 23,007.06 '0% of Beaks 3,536.81 '0% of B,...1cs 3,536.98 Admi.uion Tax 3,255.'0 • 141,'79.17 • 64,310.13 Oa:uparional Licemes ______720.00 ~istributed to Public (82.39%) _" ,,_$ 947,719.20 AssuiDed Names ______-:-_:-:-~1~0~.00~ Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL.__ 11.43% Percentage of Quiniela to Total POOLI __ '8.73% Total State Revenue $ 6',040.13 Percentage of Brealcs to Total PooL- 0.61% Pool Amount $'.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers ClassiJication Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double $ 131,'26.00 6',763 $ 131,'26.00 Quiniela 615,600.00 337,800 615,600.00 Straight 167,182.00 9,244 $ 46,220.00 60,481 120,962.00 Place 93,6'4.00 3,302 16,HO.00 38,'72 77,144.00 Show 82,391.00 1,491 7,455.00 37,468 74,936.00 TarAt $ 1,1'0,353.00 14,037 $ 70,18'.00 ,40,084 $1,080,168.00 The Attendance of 849 and Pari-Mutuel Hand1e of '36,442.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Nov. 7, 19'1, not included in above. ORANGE PARK KENNEL CLUB, INC. 4' Racing Dlys--April 12, 19'2 to June 3, 19'2, Ind.-46 PerforDWlces Pori·Mutuei Hoodle ______• 1,676,090.00 Total Attendance ______42,276 Avenge PerforDWlce 36,436.74 Avenge PerforDWlce Attendance ____ 919 Avenge Wager per Capita 39.6' TuCK REVENUE Fao", P-M HANDLE STATB REVENUE 3% of P-M Hoodl.e.e ______-'-- '. '0,282.70 12% of P-M Hoodle.e_-,-______• 201,130.80 2% of P-M Handle 33,' 21.80 '0% of Breaks 4,863.96 '0% of BreakJ 4,864.24 • 20',994.76 Acimission Tax 4,227.60 • 92,896.34 Distributed to Public (82.42%) ., 1,381,426.'0 Percentage of Daily Dooble to Toal PooL- 12.34% '"N Oaupmorud ucemes ______.~-~4~3~ . 2~' Percentage of Quiniela to Toal Pool 62.'3% Toal State Revenue • 92,939.'9 Percentage of Breaks to Toal Pool 0.'8%

Pool Amount ,'.00 Wagers '2.00 Wagers C1assification Wagered Number Aroount Number Aroount

Daily Double ______~. 206,792.00 103,396 • 206,792.00 Quiniela 1,048,0'8.00 '24,029 1,048,0'8.00 Straight 204,'69.00 9,823 • 49,ll'.00 77,727 U',4'4.00 Place 116,820.00 4,162 20,810.00 48,00' 96,010.00 Show 99,8'1.00 1,'8' 7,92'.00 4',963 91,926.00 TOTAL • 1,676,090.00 799,120 ,1,'98,240.00

PALM BEACH KENNEL CLUB, INC. West Palm Beach, Florida


BBR.LIN GRIFFIN, P,nid,nI1l114 TrlMu,,, ~H Sea Breeze Palm Beach, Florida

J. STOCKTON BRYAN, JR., Viu·PmiJm/ W. J. SINOT, S",,/""y 326 Palmetto 712 Palmetto West Palm Beach, Florida West Palm Beach, Florid.


ERWIN D . LAT1MER BERLIN GRIFFIN W. J. SINOT ARTHUR PIE1lSON, JR. EXHIBIT "C" FLORIDA STATE RACING COMMISS I ON PREVIOUS YEAR - " COMPARATIVE DATA 1959·19 60 SEASON ...... ~ ...... D_ c-a...... _ _ .... 0--.l /1t til_ ""PI...... 80uaca or U(lIN'O UYmfllE ... .. hWlo rr- •• . k~hr ..... ~;,z;:- ...... - 8..a.a.-_ 1_11' P/ ...... D_ ..... P{W.....u..- ...... -... - .. ..- - GREYHOUND RACING ASSOCIATIONS -- SUMMER SEASON $ 98",002.70 $ 7,"89.731.66 77 -Daytona Bcacb Kennd Club, Inc._ 261,837 $ 1I,683,87l.00 $ 27,219.32 $ 309,206.19 $ 206,1.37.16 $ 206.137.% $ 16,686.81 $ 50,062.17 $ 815,179.71 $ 231,09000 $ 1.030.687.30 $ 1,261,777.30 $ 9,630,865.31 5iI,1i7.80 3,803,839.81 91 _Florida Greyhound Racinj:. Inc._ 98" 120,755 .... 712,702.00 12,579.26 10",961.06 69,9H.Oi 69,97".Oi 7,008.02 21.025.70 285.522.12 206,380.00 319,870.20 556,HO.20 ],883,508.91 338,956.08 2,073.773.31 79 -.Jeffenon County Kennd Club, Inc._ 92 57,"60 2,i08,OH.OO 5,796.87 32,666.85 21,777.90 16,517.90 3.856.11 11,569.68 92,185.31 71,592.61 266,808.82 338,iOl.i3 1,983.2H.l3 336,971.8 1 1,978,258.38 _'V asbington County Kennd Club, Inc• . J07 75,258 7,525.80 31,089.21 20,726.H 1",826.1; 1,109.86 JZ,H1 .-t7 90,608.62 64,898.69 299,631.56 361,533.25 2,088,705.93 $ 2,201,078.39 $ I5,HS,606.19 338" TOTAL SU1U(U. SUJON 386 518,310 $ 21,3iO,921.00 $ 51,151.25 $ 177,923.H $ $ 2,,23,962.18 $ 17,586,311.31 WINTER SEASON $ 1.083,257.60 $ 8,309,809.11 90 ------Associated Outdoor Clubs, Inc._ .0 206,473 $ 9,763,258.00 $ 21,021.51 $ 260,107.71 $ 113,i05.16 $ 173,405.16 $ 12,237.55 $ 36,71H2 $ 616,89H7 $ 18,,810.00 $ 867.025.80 $ 1,052,835.80 $ 8,051,552.27 2,036,798.20 16,251,315.27 90 Biscayne Kcnnd Club, Inc. __ .0 501,817· 21,974,611.00 52,977.18 631,218.33 120,852.22 120,85212 35,592.50 106,778.97 1,668,331.72 158,+40.00 2,10i,261.10 2,262,701.10 18,096,555.66 H1,026.36 1,970,189.70 90 ---Bonita-Ft. Myen CotpOr.ltion __ 90 67,149 2,007,008.00 6,868.9] 19,225.17 12,816.78 7,156.18 3,312.77 10.029.9-4 59,HO.37 60,581.37 211,111.26 301,692.63 1,652,113.9] 891,090.20 7,106,97-3.50 _ Broward County Kennel Club, Inc._ 90 1B,825 15,920.071.00 11,816.22 +19,612.13 299,76I.12 299,761 .i2 23,588.58 70,767.09 1,188,366.86 1)8. .... 0.00 l,198,807JO 1,657,2i7.10 13,119,303.26 s-47.B7.20 3,9+1,520.91 ""90 __J2cblnville Kcnnd Club, Inc.__ 90 103,630 ".830,133.00 10,363.00 115,7-B.99 77,1.62.66 77,162.66 6.2 15 .18 18,6+8.13 305,295.92 165,210.00 385,813.30 551.053.30 1,981,1;6.78 176,508.17 920,150.71 8. ------Key West Kennel Club. Inc. __ 85 ]8,956 1,191,976.00 1,895.60 8,062.08 5,374.72 311.72 2,019.13 6,1i9.47 25,816.02 1,870.00 187.0 14.10 188,881.40 981,l11.18 2,433,298.80 19,218,170.08 "0 _ Miami Beacb Kennd Club, Inc_ 170,115 7,031.519.00 18,800.52 198,556.17 132,370.98 132,370.98 8,542.85 25,629.22 516,271.02 70,720.00 661,8Si.90 732,57;.90 5.,801,501.60 "l96.104 3.28 3,513,506.23 ., _Orma:e Pm Kennel Club, IDC _ ""8' 90,018 ",%8,862.00 9,001.80 105,505.86 70,337.21 70,337.21 5,637.96 16,915.33 277,735.11 161,810.00 351,686.20 )13,526.20 3,686,602.17 911,304.90 6.976,200.10 90 _ Palm Beach Kennel Club, Inc_ 90 176,875 8,J62,121.00 17,911.93 222,873.63 118,582.12 118,582.12 12,055.21 36,167.07 586,175.71 158,610.00 742,912. 10 901.522.10 6,892,338.12 928,360.70 6,819,6)7.79 90 _ Sanford-Orbndo Kcnnd Club, Inc._ 90 168,8 10 7,924,768.00 17,871.31 196,583.04 131,055.36 131 ,055.16 11 ,802.37 lS,i09.20 523,119.61 233,210.00 655,276.80 888,516.80 6,,30,345.87 882,8S6.70 6,171,614.22 90 __Sarasota Kennel Club, Inc __ 90 1"1,559 6,715,391.00 11,584.10 162,878.10 108,585.10 108,525.10 9,999.20 29,999.15 431,571.85 221,310.00 545,388.08 766,728.08 5,558,678."7 1,600,067.50 12,111,376.87 90 ~t. PetersbufJ Kennd Club, Inc._ 90 421,019 15,321,610.00 13,518.12 122,929.20 281 ,952.80 281,952.80 21,709.88 65,111.56 1,117,191.66 208,590.00 1,109,761.00 1,618,351.00 12,632,609.76 2,271.109.10 18,182,670.96 90 _ W ... Kennel Club, Inc._ 90 521,832 ZZ,519,082.OO 51,806.81 618,392.16 132,261.64 132,261.61 32,513.16 l 18.585,684.51 $31 6,119.99 $3,111,778.20 $

$16,800,537.70 $.J27,19',392.1 ; 1508 --Summer and Winter Scuoos __ 1,500 3,550,288 $119.437,39".00 $169,631.21 $3,919,701.51 $ 2,613,134.31 $2,591 ,191.31 $216,947.71 $ 650,869.13 $10,161 ,778.53 $2,520,802.67 $13,759,221.12 $123,165,219.92 HARNESS RACING ASSOCIATIONS NOT OPERATE _ Ponce de Leon Trottinr Assn., Inc._ " 15,185 $ .586,901.00 $ $ $ i,533.98 $ 2.7 53.98 $ 1,155.20 $ ;,366.07 $ 21,965.21 $ 10,617.78 $ 75.036.46 $ 85,684.21 $ "81 ,306.,6 '" c-. c-. ... $ 1,222,"69.80 $ 8,291,107.66 100 -F'ronton ExhibitioD Co., Inc.__ lOO 3+1,099 $ 10,209,981.00 $ 12,290.32 $ 306.299.52 $ 201,199.68 $ 18,80030 511,589.82 S 1,225,198"" .08 SI8,79t.91"" $ 1,213,992.99 $ 8,116,691.51 372,878.20 2,522,042,37 lOO The FrontOD, Inc. lOO 110,301 3,098,061.00 1".030.10 92,911.83 6t,96P2 6,981.81 175,914.96 37 1.767.32 6,962.81 378,730.13 2,557.116.01 +H,682.57 3,003,933.10 JOO __Gandy Open;tiIll Co., Inc. __ lOO 168,351 3,811,191.00 18,398.80 111,3+1.79 76,229.86 8,559.67 217.533.12 157,379.16 8,557.96 %5,937.12 3,1%,121.56 I'OH,21 .... 75 7,251,027.38 lOO MODro OpentiIll Co. lOO 353,938 8,517,501.00 52,719.97 256,425.12 170,950.08 17,603.72 197,698.89 1,025,700."8 17,602.16 l,Oi3,302.61 7,059,222.11 586,225.70 3,967,102.J6 ll8 _ Volusia . Inc. 81 133,185 2,817,J1O.00 13,739.58 85,420.20 56,916.80 6,501.-+9 162,608.01 141,680.80 6,181.85 318.165.65 18.. 1,110,177 $ 28,511,382.00 $111,178.77 $ 855,131.% $ 570,287.61 $ $ 21,550,087.38 HORSE RACING ASSOCIATIONS I" o..a. .. ~a:.... $ 3,461 ,802.0 5 $ 11,7n,198.7S 10 _ Gulfstream Pad: Racin, Assn., Inc __ 10 151,191 $ 53,695,335.00 $127,909.78 $1,610,860.05.... $ 2,681,766.75 $ 333,97l-50"'" $ 4,757,510.08 S 3,758,673.45 $ 3,758,673.45 $ 15,307,061.25 1,760,615.12 57,396,7 19.8 5 10 Race - 455,568.95 5,075,249.11 -Hia1cJ.h Coune, Inc-- 616,035 72,503,563.00 169,182.18 2,175,106.89 3,625,178.15 6.125,036.17 5,075,2"9.41 61,172,159.60 1, 133,111.90 7,78 1,999.15 50 ~uoshine Park Racinl Assn., Inc._ ""50 126,196 9,558,731.00 20,965.05 187,500.00 62,500.00 65,8S6.20 lJ6,851.25 1,183,809.65 1,183,809.65 8,059,035.15 27,119,072.45 Tropical P2d:, Inc 10 2,985,207.20 2,355,582.71 2,355,582.71 28,386,372.70 "" Ho~ 2,180 6,209,688 $11,212,959.96 $2,594,248.32 OTIlER INCOM E: Occupational Lioen'C' $ 87,230.25 In 2ddition to tobl recc:ipb xc Assumed Namel ReaiJtntionL..- 4,020.00 Emibib ''0'' 2Dd "E" for other Color Reaistrations 1,598.00 Miscellaneous Income 2,790.06 funds c:oDc:ctcd. 1Y.TAL OTHER INCOME---S 95,638.31 GRAND TOTAL RECEIPTS_ S26.609,331 .61 PENSACOLA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Pensacola, Florida


W. W. HAltBESON, PruidtnJ At VlLLANE, FirJI Vic,-PreJidenl San CasIas Hotel 100 South "0" Str«l Pensacola, Florida Pensacola, Florida

HERBERT l.A11LUl. Second V;'~-P"JiJtnl CARL T. JOHNSON, Surtiary-TrttIJllr,r Florida National Bank Building 325 Brent Building Pensacola, Florida Pensacola, Florida


AL VlLLANB W. W. HARBESON JOHN C. PACE H1!RBBJ.T LA11lAM WlLLLU< RAy J. W. DASHIELL DR. ALVIN WHITB CARL T. JOHNSON DR. R. P. STRITZlNGER PENSACOLA KENNEL CLUB, INC. 89 Racing Da~July 2, 1951 to October 15, 19H, Incl.-a9 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ______._ .. ___--' 2,D8,HO.00 Total Attendance ._ ...... _... _. ___ ._._._ .. ___. Average Performance ___... _.. _ .. _ ..__ _...... _.. . 24,251.01 Average Performance Attendance ______Avenge Wager per CapitL.___ .. ___ '2.45 TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATE REVENUE Track Slure of F-M Handle (14.94%) ('% of P-M Handle) Flat Rate "00 per Day_, 26,700.00 (After Flat Rate to State is Deducted} _. __ ' '22,417.80 (2% of P-M Handle) Flat Rate '200 per Day_ 17,800.00 50% of Breaks-.__ .. _._._. _____.. _____"'7 ,,,,47:..;7,,,. 7-'.6 50% of Breaks ______. __ .. __ 7,478.2 4 Admis.sion Tax 6,650.80 • 329,895.56 • 58,629.04 Distributed to Public (82.31%} __ .. ___. ___ ' 1,776,466.20 Occupational Licenses _._._.__ ... __. __ .. _.. 718.00 Auumed Names ._.__ . .______. ___ .__ '0.00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL_._ 5.65% ..,----,-,-:-::--c-: Percentage of Quiniela to Total PooL 61.64% Total State Revenue • 59,'77.04 Percentage of Breaks to Total PooL_ 0.69%

Pool Amount '5.00 Wagers '2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double , ...$ 121,918.00 60,959 • 121,918.00 Quiniela .______I,HO,'92.00 665,196 1,330,'92.00 Straight _._.__ .. _.__ .. ___ .... ___ .___ . __ ._ 267,'85.00 12,253 • 61,265.00 10',060 206,120.00 Place ___. __ ._. ______._ .. _ 221,607.00 6,507 '2,535.00 94,536 189,072.00 Show _ 217,0'8.00 ',978 19,890.00 98,574 197,148.00 TOTAL _ $ 2,D8,340.00 22,738 • 113,690.00 The Attendance of 614 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of '21,608.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Aug. 30, 1951, not included in above. Th. Attendance of 464 and Pari·Mutuel Handle of '18,610.00 for Charity Day, October 2, 1951, not included in ahove. PENSACOLA KENNEL CLUB, INC. 14 Racing Days-June 14, 19'2 to June 30, 19n, Incl.-14 Performances

Pari-Mutuel Handle .__ . ___ ._ ... ____.. ___ ... _$ 39',986.00 Total Attendance ____ .. ___. __ . ____ . _.. _._ 14,016 Average Performance ___.. _____ Average Performance Attendance __. ___ ..__ .. __ 1,001 , 28,284.71 Average Wager per CapitL___ .. _. ____ 28.U TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE 12% of P-M Handle.-____. ______-S 47,'18.32 STATE REVENUE 50% of Breaks ... _.____ . 1,211.65 3% of P-M Handle_.. __. ___ .. __ .__ .. _. ___ .... _.... _... $ 11,879.'8 48,729.97 2% of P-M Handle_.. _.... _... __ .. _...... _ .. __ .._ .. _.... __ . 7,919.72 ,0% of Brealcs-.. ____ ... _. ___.. _._. __ . 1,211. 73 Distributed to Public (82.39% } __._._. ___ $ 326,24'.00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL. ._ .. _ 4.63% Admission Tax _._._.. __. _ .. ___._._ ;---:,.:1"-.,4::0,.:1::.6,::0 Percentage of Quiniela to Total Pool ____.. _ .. _ '8.44% Total State Revenue._...... __ _.... __ .. __ .$ 22,412.63 Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.61%

Pool Amount $5.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Qouble __ $ 18,344.00 9,172 $ 18,344.00 Quiniela _._.. _ . 231,422.00 115,711 231,422.00 Straight ._._._.. ____ .____ ._ 60,8'9.00 3,231 $ 16,1".00 22,352 44,704.00 Place _ .. __... _... _... __ .... ____._ .. ___ .. _..... __ ._._ 43,402.00 1,306 6,530_00 18,436 36,872.00 Show _.. . 41 ,959.00 921 4,605.00 18,677 37,354.00 TOTAL _ $ 39',986.00 184,348 $ 368,696.00



W. C. ANDEIlSON, PflJiJ,nl·Treaslirn ANABEL McPADDEN~ VicI'P"Jidml, AJJiJlanJ SIt:r11ar1 50 South Avenue 50 South Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut Bridgeport, Connecticut

LLoYD F. BoYLE KATHBRlNE NICHOLS, Second V;"·P"Jidml 202 Noeth Park Avenue 50 South Avenue Sanford, Florida Bridgeport, Connecticut

W. C. ANDERSON ANABEL McPADDEN MARy KELLY LLOYD F. BoYLE CATHERINE ANDERSON SANFORD-ORLANDO KENNEL CLUB, INC. 90 Racing Days-December 26, 19)1 to April 10, 19)2, Incl.-90 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle .______• 3,471,9)7.00 Total Attendance ______Average Performance 38,)77.30 Average Performance Attendance' _____ Average Wager per CapilcblL...______31.76 TUCK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATE REvENUE 3% of P-M Handle _____• 104,158.71 12% of P-M Handle • 416,634.84 2% of P-M Handle: _____. ___ _ 69,439.14 )0% of Breaks.______. __ .. 11,691.09 )0% of Breaks ______._ .__ _ 11 ,691.)2 • 428,32).93 Admission Tax ____.. _. __. __ _ 10,933.10 196,222.47 Distributed to Public (82.33%) _ . 2,8)8,341.70 Occupational Licenses _. ____ ..... __.. __. ____ ._ 661.2) Percenblge of Daily Double to Total PooL-._ 10.68% Assumed Names ______20.00 Percentage of Quinie1a to Total PooL-__ 48.80% Total Stote Revenue • 196,903.72 Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.67% Pool Amount ').00 Wagers '2.00 Wagers '1.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double - -


G. V . WIDEN, PreIiaml 1449 West 79th Street Chicago, Illioois

C. E. NEWMAN, Vicl -Pr,JiJ,nl JERRY CoLUNS, S,,,elarl-T,,aJurer Sarasota, Florida Sarasota, Florida . . Director]

G. V. WIDEN C. E. NBWMAN JERRY CoLLINS SARASOTA KENNEL CLUB, INC. 79 Racing Days-March I , 1952 to June 2, 1952, Ind.-l07 Performances Pari·Mutuel Hlllldie .. ______$ 4,299,482.00 Tobl Attendance ______100,210 Average Performance 40,182.00 Average Performance Attendanccee'--___ 937 Average Wager per Capila-, 42.90 TllACI< REVENUE FIlO>l P·M HANDLE STATB REvENUE 3% of P·M Handle<--______$ 128,984.46 12% of P·M Haodle $ 515,937.84 2% of P·M Handle 85,989.64 50% of Breaks_ 13,349.66 50% of Breaks .______13,350.20 Admission Tax _._ 10,021.00 $ 529,287.50 $ 2'8,345.30 Distributed to Public (82.38%) __$ 3,541,870.20 '"... Occupational Licenses _. ____. ______' ~4~04::.~00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL- 8.23% Percentage of Quinie\a to Total Pool 64.50% Tobl State Revenue $ 238,749.30 Percentage of Breaks to Tobl Pool 0.62%

Pool Amount $5.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double ______,$ 353,720.00 176,860 $ 353,720.00 Quiniela 2,772,980.00 1,386,490 2,772,980.00 Straight 488,162.00 31,030 $ 1",150.00 166,506 333,012.00 Place _ 355,806.00 17,360 86,800.00 134,503 269,006.00 Show 328,814.00 9,636 48,180.00 140,317 280,634.00 TOTAL $ 4,299,482.00 58,026 $ 290,130.00 2,004,676 $4,009,352.00 lbe Attendance of 1,184 aod Pari·Mutuel Handle of $39,293.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, March 27, 1952 not included in above. ST. PETERSBURG KENNEL CLUB, INC. i400 Central Avenue St. Petersburg. Florida


J. E. BROOKS. President 1261 Brigbtwater Boulevard / St. Petersburg, Florida

A. V. WEAVER, Vk,-P"Jidtnt O. L. WBAVER, Se",,,ary-T,,aJllrer 5190 38th Avenue, North 834 26th Avenue, North St. Petersburg, Florida St. Petersburl!, Florid. L. C. SHAW, AuiJ1dnt Se(reldfy.r"aJU,1f 1135 12th Stree~ North St. Petersburg. Florida


T. L. WEAVER A. V. LAUGHNER A. V. WEAVER J. E. BROOKS OTTo L. WEAVER GLENN E. LoUGHRJDGB L. C. SHAW ST. PETERSBURG KENNEL CLUB, INC. 90 fu.cing Days-December 28, 1951 to April 12. 19'2, Incl.-121 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ___ .. ______.12 ,143,309.00 Total Attendance ...... --.--.-----.... -...... - ...... -.. - 420,486 Average Performance _____ lOO,~'7 . 92 Average Performance Attendance __ ._ .... ____ ._._ 3,475 Average Wager per CapitL. _.__ 28.88 STATE REVENUE TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE 3% of P-M Handle______.... __ ... ____ • 364,299.27 12% of P-M Handle ...... _.. _ .. __.. _. __._ .. _. __ ..$ 1,457,197.08 2% of P-M Handle- __._ 242,866.18 50% of Breaks._._ .... __ ._...... __._ ... _ ...... _.... _... . 43,673.07 50% of Breaks_. .. __.. __. __ 43,673.60 Admission Tax _. __. ___ . ______42,048.60 • 1,'00,870.1' • 692,887.6' Distributed to Public (82.28% ) .__ .. _.. _.... _._ .. _ .... 9,991,'99.80 Occupational Licenses ______._ .. _._ 2,572.'0 Assumed Names ______.._. ______._ 10.00 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL.._._ 6.'7% Percentage of Quiniela to Total PooL.._...... 62.43% Total State Revenue ______$ 69',470.1' Percentage of Breaks to Total PooL•. __ .. _ . 0.72% Pool Amount ,'.00 Wagers $2.00 Wagers Classifintion Wagered Number Amount Nwnber Amount Daily Double ______.. __ .___ .. • 798,316.00 399,158 $ 798,316.00 QuinieJa • ___•.• ____ 7,'80,8,6.00 3,790,428 7,'80,8'6.00 Straight ..• ___._ .______... _._.• ____ 1,'96,'93.00 89,401 $ 447,00'.00 574,794 1,149,'88.00 Place _._. ______• ____._ 1,068,400.00 40,694 203,470.00 432,46' 864,930.00 Show _ __ 1,099,144.00 30,6'6 153,280.00 472,932 94',864.00 TOTAL _ $12,143,309.00 160,751 $ 803,755.00 5,669,777 $11,339,,,4.00 The Attendance of 2,092 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of '76,167.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, March 6, 1952, not included in ahove. VOLUSIA COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Daytona Beach, Florida

Offims IERRY CoLUNS, Pre/iatnt and Gm"aJ Managlf' W. L. KIRxPATlUCK, Vict-P",sid,nl Sarasota Kennel Gub Ripley, Tennessee Sarasota, Florida.

H. E. TooKE, JR., S'~'lar1-T"a.JlIf" P. O. Box 117 Sanford, Florida


H. E. TooKE, JR. JERRY CoLUNS L. M . Koua>ATRlCI< W. L. KrRKPATRlCI< VOLUSIA COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. 67 Racing Days-July 2, 19' 1 to September 17, 19'1, Ind.- 74 Performancos Pari·Mutuel Handle ______• ',,22,6n.OO Total Attendance ______176,692 Average Performance 74 , 6~0 . 7I Average Performance Attcndanc:ee ____ 2 , ~88 Average Wager per Capita ~1. 2 6 TuCK IlBVENUE FROM P·M HANDLE STATE IlBVBNUE ~% of P·M HandlLee ______~. 16',680.19 12% of P·M Handle' ______~ . 662,720.76 2% of P·M Handle 1I0,4H.46 '0% of Btuks.... 18,8'8.26 '0% of Breaks 18,8'8 . 6~ AclmUsion Tax _____. 17,669.20 • 681 ,'79.02

• ~ 12,661.48 Distributed to Public (82.32% ) _ • 4,'46,101.70 Occupational Liccnscs _ _ 1,24~ . n Assuined Names ______I~O~ . OO~ Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL ._ 6.74% Percentage of Quinic1a to Total Pool '9.66% Total State RCVCDUC- • ~H,9D . 2~ Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.68% Pool Amount ,'.00 Wagers '2.00 Wagers Classiliation Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double ______~. 372,434.00 186,217 • 372,434.00 Quiniela 3,294,616.00 1,647,308 3,294,616.00 Straigbt 8'2,'06.00 71,'36 • 3H,680.00 247,4H 494,826.00 Place '10,211.00 31,337 D6,68'.00 176,763 3'3,'26.00 Show 492,906.00 17,162 8',810.00 203,'48 407,096.00 TOTAL • ' ,H2,673.00 120,03' • 600,175.00 2,461,249 '4,922,498.00 VOLUSIA COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. 22 Racing Days-June 4, 19~2 to June 30, 19~2, Incl .-2 ~ Performances Total Attendance ______Pari-Mutuel Handle .$ 1,731,442.00 Average Performance ____.. _... ___. __ ... __. 69,2'7.68 Average Performance Attendance_ .... ______Average Wager per Capia __ 27.43 • TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATB REVBNUE 12% of P-M Handl<-.. _ .. ______• 207,773.04 3% of P-M Handle....__ . ____ ._. __ . __ .. _... _ . '1,943.26 '0% of Breab._ ... ______._. __ .______',862.47 2% of P-M Handlle.e___ 34,628.84 '0% of Break.s:______~,862.'9 • 213,63'.H Admission Tax _____ .______._",,6c;,3;.;1;;2:;.,~0 $ 98,747.19 Distributed to Public (82.32%) __.___ ' 1,42',371.80 Occupational Licenses ______",--.....,.._1~66~.2' Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL- 6.30% Percenage of Quioiela to Total Pool '8.H% Total State Revenulee______• 98,913.44 Percentage of Breab to Total PooL___ 0.68%

Pool Amount '~.oo Wagers '2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double ______.... 109,134.00 '4,'67 109,134.00 Quioiela 1,013,687.00 8,017 40,08'.00 486,801 • 973,602.00 Straight 270,228.00 21,8'8 • 109,290.00 80,469 160,938.00 Place T . 163,130.00 9,892 49,460.00 '6,83' 113,670.00 Show 1n,263.oo 6,281 31,40'.00 71,929 143,8'8.00 TOTAL • 1,731,442.00 46,048 • 230,240.00 nO,601 ,1,'01,202.00 The Attendance of 2,433 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of '~9,40' . 00 for Scholarship Fund Day, June 19, 19H, not included in above. .-- _. WEST FLAGLER AMUSEMENT COMPANY, INC. 1108 ConS .... Building Miami, Florida


JACOR SHEa, P'~JidenJ S. C. LEVENSON, Fir!1 Vic,-P"sid",t 4~0 S. W. 19th Road 1330 S. Venetian Way, San Marco Island Miami, Florida Miami, Florida

1. BENJAMIN. S"ona Vic'-PrlliJ,nl A. W. EMBRY. S,",11"1 and TrtIlJM'" 43~ West Hst Street 11241 N. E. 13th Avenue Miami Beach, Florida Miami, Florida

S. C. lBvENSON JACOB SHER I. BENJoUlIN A. W. EMERY I.AUIU!NCB S. LEVENSON GEORGE D. MEIWTT STUART S. GoRDON WEST FLAGLER AMUSEMENT COMPANY, INC. 90 Racing Days-December 26, 1951 to April 9, 1952, Incl.-9O Performances Pari·Mumel Handle __ '13,448,H2.oo Total Attendance _ .. ____ Average Performance ______... _ 149,425.91 Average Performance Attendance: ____ Average Wager per CapibL.______._ 26.65 STATB REVENUE TRACK REVENUB FI.OM P·M HANDLB 3% of P·M Handle _____. ______, 403,449.96 12% of P-M Handle , 1,613,799.84 2% of P-M Handle 268,966.64 50% of Breaks_____ 48,424.84 50% of B.... ks 48,425.32 Admission Tax 50,458.60 , 1,662,224.68 , 771,300.52 Occupational Licenses ______1,919.00 Di.stribu~ to Pnblic (82.28%) '11,065,265.40 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL- 4.38% A~~N~ ------7 __ ~_3~0~. 00~ Percentage of QuinieIa to Total Pool 6l.57% Total State Revenue .____ , 773,249.52 Percentage of Breaks to Total Pool 0.72% Pool Amount '10.00 Wagers '5.00 Wagers ,2.00 Wagers Classification Wage~ Number Amount Numbet Amount Number Amount Daily Double '589,632.00 294,816 , 589,632.00 QuinieIa 8,280,476.00 79,410 '397,050.00 3,941,713 7,883,426.00 Straight 2,217,285.00 35,772' 357,720.00 107,523 537,615.00 660,975 1,321,950.00 Place _ 1,195,3H.00 11,700 117,000.00 42,761 213,805.00 432,264 864,528.00 Show 1,165,606.00 9,089 90,890.00 28,760 143,800.00 465,458 930,916.00 TOTAL '13,448,H2.oo 56,561' 565,610.00 258,454 '1,292,270.00 5,795,226 ,11,590,452.00 The Attendance of 4,192 and Pari·Mumel Handle of '103,846.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Dec. 27, 1951, not includ~ in above .

-- - .-. .• _"""0 ~-~--


FRONTON EXHIBITION COMPANY 3160 N . W. 37th Avenue Miami, Florida


RICHARD I. BEIlBNSON, PrlJiJtnl 109 E. Rivo Alto Drive Miami Beach, Florida

BBN)AlON A. T1tUsrMAN, LiJlislanl Surdary ]asBPH WBlNBBRG, T"fljllf" 71 Federal Street 111 Milk Street Boston, Massachwetts Boston, Massachusetts GEORGB A. WOIUBY, S#(("ary and Cbairman 0' Ib, Board 1616 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida


Pari-Mutuel Handle _._. ___._,, __. __ ... _.___ • 5,118,272.00 Total Attendance ".... _.. _._. ___ .... __ ".. _"_"_"",,._,,._ Average Performance _ _ .___ .. _____.. _ 51,182.72 Average Performance Attendance ______... ____ Average Wager per Capita..... ____... __ 15.26 TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATB IlJ!vBNUE 12% of P-M HandJe _____,,_ .. __ • 614,192.64 3% of P-M Handle___ • IH,548.16 50% of .Breaks.___ ._ ... _._. ___ ... _ .. ___ ._. __ "". __ 2% of P-M HandJe __. ______._ 102,365.44 0,246.07 50% of Breaks ______.______15,246.59 629,438.71 Admission Tax __ '_" __ "_" __'_'_" ___"""" ___'_"_ :---:,.:3,:;3':.:;5:-:38:..:,.7:..;.0 $ 304,698.89 Distributed to Public (82.40%) _____.. _,,__ ._,,_. 4,217,673.10 Occupational Licenses "_____ ". _____..,.--::-::-:-8:-1:..:2"".2:..:5 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL._.. _ 7.83% Percentage of Quiniela to Total PooL. __ ,,___ 61.21% Total Sb.te Revenue ___ ._. ___ .. __.. ___. ___ ._ ' 305,511.14 Percentage of Breaks to Total PooL. __ " 0.60%

Pool Amount '5.00 Wagers ,2.00 Wagers Classification Wagered Number Amount Number Amount Daily Double _."._ .... ".. "_" __ .__ .. ",,._,, .. __. __ ... __ ...$ 400,560.00 200,280 • 400,560.00 Quiniela ._. ____ ""_" ______,,,,,,_. ____.. __ .. _ 3,132,978.00 1,566,489 3,132,978.00 Straight _. ____.. _" __ ._._,,._ 788,186.00 37,662 • 188,310.00 299,938 599,876.00 Place _. ___" __ ._". __. ___ ,,._.. _,, __... 474,277.00 17,)47 87,735.00 193,271 386,542.00 Show _ 322,271.00 8,921 44,605.00 138,833 277,666.00 TOTAL ._ .. _. ____._ .. $ 5,118,272.00 2,398,811 $4,797,622.00 The Attendance of 2,965 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of $42,950.00 for Scholarship Fund Day, Dec. 24, 195 I, not included in above. Tbe Attendance of 2,22) and Pari-Mutuel Handle of '29,863.90 for Charity Day, December 31, 1951, not included in above. GABLES ~CING ASSOCIATION, INC. Coni Gables, Florida


NATHAN E . HERZFELD, Presid,nt B~ Madison Avenue New York, New York

JEROME V. O'GRADY, Vi,,·PrtJidml ALFltBD O. HoYT, T"as",,, 183 Craig Avenue 70 Pine Street Freeport, Long Isbnd, New York New York, New York

GBllALD H. BRADY, Secr,ttW1 Coral Gables, Florida


Pari·Mutuei Handle _. .$29,2~7,H9.oo Total Attendance ______.__ _ Average Daily Handle _.___ .... _ 730,9~8.4~ Average Daily Attendance.e ___. Average Wager per Capit2.. __.. __.. __..... _.. 89.82 TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATE REVENUE 7% of P-M Handle__ ... 2,046,627. 7~ ~% of P-M Handle $ 877,126.17 )% of P·M Handle'____ . ___ _ 1,461,876.9' Distributed to Public from P-M Handle (84.40%) $24,6n,~97 . 6) BreW (0.60%) ...... ______176,)10.)0 Admission Tax ____.. __._ .. ____. ___ .. _._ • 67,)28.01 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL._.... _ 6.64% $ 2,)8~,O41.6~ Occupational Licenses ______17,047.00 Percentage of $100.00 Wagers to Total PooL 6.48% Assumed Names _ .. __ 1,)80.00 Percentage of $ )0.00 Wagers to Total PooL._ 16.10% Color RegistratiolU .__ .. ______822.00 Percentage of $ 10.00 Wagers to Total PooL._ 2).01% Percentage of $ ) .00 Wagers to Total PooL._ 21.44% Total State Revenue._. __ ..... __ .... __ .. __.. __ ... _.. __ .._ .... .$ 2,602,490 . 6~ Percentage of $ 2.00 Wagers to Total PooL ~0.97%

Pool Amount $100.00 Wagcrs "0.00 Wagers '10.00 Wagers ,).00 Wagon '2.00 Wagon Oassi6cation Waaerec:t Nwnoo Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Dail, Double.-' 1.942.)00.00 )0.868 • )08,680.00 716.910 ,1.4H.820.00 Straight 16.396.836.00 13.406 " ,340.600.00 62.12) $3.106.2)0.00 464.293 4.642.930.00 696.772 $3.483.860.00 1.911.)98 3.823.196.00 Place 6,161.,47.00 2.589 2'8,900.00 18,201 910.0'0.00 11'.950 1,159.'00.00 3H,339 1.7)6,69).00 1,038,201 2.076.402.00 Show 4,736,6)6.00 2.9)7 29),700.00 1l.792 689,600.00 100.241 1,002,410.00 20).318 1.026,)90.00 861,178 1,722.3)6.00 TOTAL ,29.237.)39.00 18.9)2 '1.89).200.0094.118 ,4.70).900.00 731.3)2 '7.313.)20.00 1,2)3.429 '6.267,14).00 4,)27,887 $9.0)).774.00 The Attendance of ),860 and Pui-Mutuel Handle of S)17,~98.oo for Scholarship Fund Day, Dec. 11, 19H, not included in &bu.e.

·C.- . ~--- GULFSTREAM PARK RAONG ASSOOATION, INC. Hallandale, Florida


JAMES DoNN, P,esidml Miami, Florida

H. H. WOODSMALL. Vic,~ PrtJid,n/ JAMSS F. MACK, Viu-P"sidmJ Nortli Miami, Florida Hollywood, Florida

MILo CoFPRlN. Secrttary-T',aJllrn ALBERT I. ApPLETON, ~i"-Prl1iJ'n/ Coral Gables, Florida OUcago, Illinois


JAMES DONN EDWARD D ONN H . H. WOODSMALL DAVID S. WESTCOTT ALFRED A . SMITH ARTHUR I. ApPLETON WILLIAM L. HUTCHESON ALBERT I. ApPLETON FRED C. PUPSS JAMES F . MACK A. VERNON WEAVER MORTON GUILFORD GULFSTREAM PARK RACING ASSOCIATION. INC. 40 Racing Days-March 4. 1952 to April 19. 1952. Inc1.-40 Performances Pari-Mutuel Handle ._. __ .__ ... __ .. _..... __ ... _._._ .. ___ .$42.570.013.00 Total Attendance ___.. __ ._.__ ___ ... ___ ...... __ ...... Average Daily Handle__ Average Daily Attendance ... __._ .___ _ Average Wager per Capita.. ______92.13 TRACK REVENUE FROM P-M HANDLE STATE REvENUE 3% of P-M Handle_.. _ ... ____ .. _ .. ______..$ 7% of P-M Handle .. __._._._. ____ . __ ..$ 2.979.900.91 5% of P-M Handle__ .. __ .. _._._ ... __ ...... ____ .. _.... 2.128.500.65 Distributed to Public from P-M Handle Breaks (0.57%) .__ .. _._ ...... _... _... __.. __.. ____ .. _ 240.637.85 (84.43%) _._ _. __. __ ._ .. _$35.943.873.20 Admission Tax __ ... __ ... _._ .. ___ .... _ .. _.... _.. __.____ 104.296.58 $ 3.150.535.47 Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL-_ 7.15% Occupational Licenses .__ ._.______... _._ 1.733.15 Percentage of $100.00 Wagers to Total PooL._ 5.98% Assnmed Nacoes _____. _ _ __.. ____ ._.__ 110.00 Percentage of $ 50.00 Wagers to Total PooL.... 16.31% Color Registrations _._ .. ___.. _._.____ . _ __ ._ 47.00 Percentage of $ 10.00 Wagers to Total PooL 2}.07% Total State Revenue._ ...... __._ .. _... _.. _... _.... ______..7-:- $ 3--:-:--.752.426.22 Percentage of $ 5.00 Wagers to Total PooL.._ 17.28% Percentage of $ 2.00 Wagers to Total PooL.._ 33.36%

Pool Amount $100.00 Wagers $:50.00 Wascrs $10 .00 Wage" '5.00 Wogers ".00 Wagen Oassmcation Wa&ered Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount

Daily Double.. ~.0·O,552.00 8M97 , 8~4,970 . 00 1.104,291 , 2,208,582.00 StWsht _ 22,95M20.00 17,415 ,1,741 .500.00 89.00~ $4,450,150.00 720,322 7,203,220.00 761.178 '~,805,89O . 00 2,878,780 5.757.560.00 Place 9,016.841.00 ~,994 ~99,400 . 00 26,561 1 , ~28.050 . 00 199,268 1,992,680.00 ~89,6O~ 1,948,015.00 1,674 , ~48 M48,696.oo Show 7 , 551 , ~00.00 4,0~7 40~,700.00 H , ~oo 1,165,000.00 149.109 1,.91 ,090.00 ~20 , H4 1,601,720.00 1,444,895 2,889,790.00 TOTAL _ $42,570,OU.00 25,446 '2,544,600.00 U8,864 '6 , 94~,200 . 00 1,152,196 '11,521,960.00 1,471,125 '7,355,625.00 7,102,H4 '14,204,628.00 The Attendance of 7.150 and Pari-Mutuel Handle of $722,338.00 for &hoJarship Fund Day, April 8, 1952, not included in above. HIAU!AH RACE COURSE, INC. Hialeah, Florida


JOHN C. C!.ARI<, P"sidml SAM H. MCCoRMlCK, S,m1arl and Trias,,,,, 20' Riverside Drive 3800 Alhambra CircIe Binghamton, New York Coral Gables, Florid.


HIALEAH RACE COURSE, INC. 40 IW:ing Days-January 17, 19'2 to Much 3, 19n, IocI.-40 Performances

Pari·Mutuel Handle ______~$60,6H,049 . oo Tou.! Attendance -,-______678,74' Average Daily Handle 1,'1',926.21 Average Daily Attendanace'--______16,969 Average Wager per Capita 89.34 Tl.ACK RBVENUB PilON P-M HANDLB STATB llBvENUB 7% of P-M Haodl. • 4,244,'93.43 3% of P·M Haodl<--______~$ 1,819,111.47 '% of P·M Handl<--- 3,031,8n.4' Oittributed to Public from P·M Haodl. Breaks (O.H%) __. __ . ___ . 347,880.80 (84.43%) _ ,)1,193,610.8' Admission Tax _._.___ 134,'83.34 Percentage of O-,ly Double to Tou.! PooL­ 7.13% • '-333,428.06 Occupational Licenses ______8,020.'0 Percentage of '100.00 Wagers to Tou.! PooL 11.87% Assuined Names ______210.00 Percentage of • ,o.00 Wagers to Tou.! PooL U.96% Color Registrations ____. ______.:-:...,....:-:~99~ . 00~ Percentage of, 10.00 Wagers to Tou.! PooL 27.47% Percentage of, '.00 Wagers to Tou.! PooL 14.68% Tou.! State Revenue • ',341,n7.'6 Percentage of, 2.00 Wagers to Tou.! PooL 30.02%

Pool Amou.nt $100.00 WI8

HARRy JACOBS, PrtJiJenl W. FRANK H6BBS, Vi,,-PrtsidmJ Todd's Lane and Bellvue Avenue Stovall Professional Building Wilmington, Delaware Tampa. Florida

• JOHN W . KANE, Stcrdary ana TreaJl/flr North American Mutual Insurance Building Wilmington. Delaware



• SUNSHINE PARK RACING ASSOCIATION. INC. 48 Racing Days--January 19. 19'2 to March D. 19'2. Incl.-48 Performances

Pori·Mutuel Handle __• ______$ 7.688.912.00 Total Attendance •.. _ ..... _ •..... _ ...••. _ .. _ .••.. _ .•.• 8'.~68 Average Daily Handle 160.18'.67 Average Daily Attendanc<--_.___ _ 1.779 Average Wager per Capita 90.07 TRACK REVENUE FROM P·M HANDLE STATE REVENUE Track Share of P·M Handle (12.'0%) (After Flat Rate to State is Deducted) _ ..$ 961.H6.80 (~% of P·M Handle) Flat Rate$~.ooo per day_$ 144.000.00 ('% ofP·M Handle) Flat Rate $1.000 per day_ 48.000.00 Breaks (0.68%) _.,,_ . . '2.169." Distributed to Public from P·M Handle Admission Tax _._. __ .._ .... __._ ..._ ____.______10.69'.'0 (84 . ~2 %) ...... •...... •...• _._ ..•....•...... •. , 6.48~.405.65 , 2,4.86,.0' Percentage of Daily Double to Total PooL.._ 7.07% '" Occupational Licenses 4.087.2' - Assuined Names ______Percentage of $,o.00 Wagers to Total PooL . 7.90% 1'0.00 Percentage of '10.00 Wagers to Total PooL.. 27.87% Color RegistratiolU ______288.00 Pera:ntage of $ '.00 Wagers to Total PooL.. 14.61% Total State Revenue_.. __. Percentage of $ 2.00 Wagen to Total PooL.. 49.62%

Pool Amount $'0.00 Wagers $10.00 W""" $).00 W'8

The Attendance of 1.1'2 and Pari·Mutuei Handle of '140.9 8~ .00 for Scholanhip Fund Day. Much 6. 19'2. not included in above.