Totton and Eling Royal British Legion

Visit to the Menin Gate and other World War One Memorials

The Menin Gate and

In early April my husband Chris and I visited the Menin Gate and other World War One Memorials in Northern and . We drove to Ieper in Belgium which is known as Ypres in French and we camped at a site about 15 minutes walk from the Menin Gate ( We visited the Menin Gate the next morning. The Menin Gate was unveiled on 24th and is the Memorial to the missing of

The Menin Gate

Commonwealth Nations (except and Newfoundland) who died in the during WW1. Every evening at exactly 8 o’clock there is a simple ceremony which is a tribute to the memory of the soldiers who fought and died in the First World War. Photos and details of the ceremonies are available on and there is also a Last Post Association phone app. On 4th April 2018 it was the 31,000th ceremony and we were lucky enough to attend. As it was a special occasion there was a large turnout including an Air Cadet Marching Band, six buglers, a piper and many wreath layers. It was a very moving ceremony thanks to the dedication and commitment of the Last Post Association.

Ypres is a stunning town which was known as “Wipers” by British Troops during the First World War. The Cloth Hall was built in the 13th Century and is now home to the “In Fields” Museum dedicated to the study of the First World War and is well worth visiting.

The next morning we set out to visit Cemetery and Vimy Ridge Memorial but on the way stopped at the The Cloth Hall Liverpool Scottish Memorial Stone.

The Liverpool Scottish Memorial Stone

Although he was only a teenager my Grandfather had fought at the Somme and the Battle of Passchendale as part of the Liverpool Scottish, where he was injured. We found the Liverpool Scottish Memorial Stone in Railway Wood just outside Ypres. This area was the site of intensive fighting in the First World War and the memorial was erected there in the year 2000 in memory of all who have served in the Liverpool Scottish and have died in the service of their country. Whilst walking along the muddy track my thoughts turned to the many young men who had sacrificed so much. I paid my respects at the Liverpool Scottish Memorial Stone which was in a pretty clearing surrounded by trees and daffodils.

Tyne Cot Cemetery Near the town of Ieper is Tyne Cot Cemetery, the largest Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery in the world. It is now the resting place of more than 11,900 servicemen of the British Empire from the First World War. Many who fell on the Passchendaele battlefields are buried here. The name comes from Tyne Cottage which was a barn

that stood near the level crossing on the road from Passschendaele to Broodseinde. It was a very emotional experience as there were so many white headstones. Many came from and other Commonwealth Countries and were very young. Sadly many bodies could not be identified. The Tyne Cot Memorial forms the north-eastern boundary of Tyne Cot Cemetery and commemorates nearly 35,000 servicemen from the and New Zealand who died in the Ypres Salient after 16 August 1917 and whose graves are not known.

Visiting Tyne Cot Cemetery makes you realise!

Vimy Ridge Memorial

The Canadian National Vimy Memorial is an impressive tribute which overlooks the Douai Plain from the highest point of Vimy Ridge. Located north of Arras in France, the Vimy Memorial is ’s largest overseas National Memorial.

It is dedicated to the memory of Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during the First World War. It also serves as the place of commemoration for Canadian soldiers killed or presumed dead in France who have no known grave.

Thiepval Memorial

Our final visit was to Thiepval Memorial which commemorates more than 72,000 men of British and South African forces who died in the Somme sector before 20 March 1918 and have no known grave, the majority of whom died during the Somme offensive of 1916. It stands on high ground overlooking the Somme River in France, where some of the heaviest fighting of the First World War took place.

Measuring 45 metres in height, the memorial is the largest Commonwealth in the world. Its walls are clad in brick and its sixteen piers are faced

with Portland stone on which the names of the Missing are engraved. The men commemorated on this memorial come from all social backgrounds and their ages range from 15 to 60 years old with an average age of 25. The memorial and cemetery are maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

For more information visit or

During 2018 there are many events planned both at home and abroad to commemorate the end of the First World War

Great Pilgrimage 90 (GP90)

In 1928 11,000 veterans, families and members of the newly formed British Legion participated in a pilgrimage to the battlefields and the Menin Gate Memorial near Ypres.

In August 2018 over 1,000 branches of the Royal British Legion are re-enacting this Pilgrimage and each Branch is sending a wreath layer and a standard bearer. There will be two ceremonies at the Menin Gate Memorial. In the morning of 8th August official wreaths will be laid by the Branch representatives and in the afternoon there will be opportunity for the representatives to lay personal wreaths.

The Totton and Eling Branch has received the support of the Town Council and local shops, businesses and clubs. Local schools to which the Branch is affiliated are asking the children to write a few words about WW1. It is hoped that pupils at Testwood School can turn these words into a short poem to be incorporated in the Community Wreath to be laid at the Menin Gate, with a centre panel designed by Testwood School Art Department.

Events are being organised to raise the funds for the two Totton and Eling Branch representatives to attend GP90 including a 500 ticket lottery. Tickets cost £1 each and will be on sale from early May. If you wish to donate a prize or buy tickets please contact a Totton and Eling Branch Committee member or Dave Taylor, Branch Secretary on 02380 863618 or mobile 07446 780367. The draw will take place on Saturday 14th July in Totton.

2018 Totton Memorial Poppies In 2015 Testwood School in Totton made over 600 ceramic poppies and placed them on the roundabout in the centre of Totton for the First World War Memorial commemoration. Tidal Arts and Crafts are repeating this event and want to make it more personal by involving the whole of the community. Already nearly 300 ceramic poppies have been made but we would like to make 800+

Workshops are taking place from now until July and details are available on

Tidal are asking for a contribution of £10 per poppy. They would like to divide the funds to enliven & enrich Testwood School’s Art department, as well as raising funds for materials for the non-profit community art group Tidal, which provides affordable access to arts and crafts of many different types to local people of all ages and cultures in the waterside area. Tidal will give the remaining poppies to the Royal British legion to sell to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal.

If you would like to book a workshop or have any questions please email Tidal Arts and Crafts at [email protected] or ring 07946 799043

2018 Poppy Appeal This will take place from Saturday 27th October until Sunday 11th November and we will be collecting in ASDA Totton and other locations. Volunteers are always needed to distribute and collect poppy boxes, collect in ASDA and elsewhere and to count the money collected. If you are able to help, even if only for an hour or so, please contact

Susan Compton Joint Poppy Appeal Organiser Telephone 023 8087 3143 or email [email protected] More details are on our website or facebook page @TottonElingLegion

Branch Address:- 91 Commercial Road, Totton, Hampshire, SO40 3AF. The Legion’s mission is to safeguard the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or have served in the Armed Forces. Registered Charity Number 219279 under the Charities Act of 1960 The Royal British Legion, Haig House, 199 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1AA