MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN PORT ISAAC SCHOOL MONDAY, 10th JULY 2017 @ 7pm Present: Cllr. Raynor (Chairman) Cllr. Bell Cllr. Cleave Cllr. Coles (Vice Chairman) Cllr. Collings Cllr. Dawe Cllr. McCormick Cllr. Penny (CC/PC) Cllr. Phelps Cllr. Webster Cllr. Williams Mrs Thompson (Clerk)

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – the Chairman welcomed those present and advised them of exits, local hazards, location of WCs, etc. Representatives from the Trelights Village Green Committee were not present. Ms Sue Walter, Situ8 spoke regarding PA17/05320 (Minute 143f/2017 refers). The plans differ slightly from those previously approved by CC. Ms Jo Thompson and Mr Luke Basset said they were to listen to Members discuss their planning application (PA17/05288). Minute 143e/2017 refers). Mrs Barbara Bell spoke regarding the proposed sign at Port Gaverne (Minute 143c/217 refers). She felt it was over large and totally out of keeping.

139/2017 Apologies for Absence – County Cllr. Mould (clash of meetings).

140/2017 Members’ Declarations – a. Registerable Declarations of Interests – Cllr. Raynor, Webster and Williams Clerk Minute PL143d/2017. b. Non-registerable interest – none. c. Declaration of Gifts – Members were reminded they must declare any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. Dispensations – none.

141/2017 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 12th June 2017 AGREED as a true record. b. Secondary Council Meeting – 26th June 2017 AGREED as a true record.

142/2017 Outside Bodies / Reports – a. Parish Council Chairman – Cllr. Raynor said he had nothing to report that was not included on the agenda. b. Police – in the absence of PC Stewart there was no police report. c. Council –– in the absence of Cllr. Mould there was no CC report. d. & Community Network Panel Meetings – Cllr. Penny had attended the meeting held on 15th June 2017. He reported recycling of

mixed plastic would be rolled out across the county by September. Mr Chris Cooper-Young, CC had spoken about advertisements – what is enforceable and what is not. A copy of the presentation had been circulated previously.

1 /END/Meetings/Minutes/2017-07-10.doc It was RESOLVED Cllr. Penny would provide an article for the TRIO encouraging businesses and local organisations to abide by the advertising Cllr. Penny planning rules. Cllr. McCormick felt that this would not work. Cllr. Williams had concerns about some of the signs causing a H&S hazard. The Clerk to report any complaint about advertising signs to CC’s Planning Dept.

The Clerk to contact Mr James Ortiz and seek clarification as to how the additional recycling boxes for plastic waste can be obtained. Clerk

143/2017 Planning Applications – Cllr. Bell said that he will look at all applications online in future and will not attend site planning meetings. Cllr. Phelps said he, too, would follow Cllr. Bell’s lead. Members considered the following: a. PA17/01631/PRE-APP, Rectory – pre-application advice for extension and alterations to Grade II listed property - replace flat roof

extension, replace some windows and some modern fireplaces, remove bitumen coating on the west gable, renovate the garage/store, and other Clerk minor alterations. SUPPORT, Members felt this would be an improvement on the existing extension. Cllr. Bell said it was a missed opportunity, the old extension could have been replaced with something much better. b. PA17/04936, Slipway Hotel Apartment, Middle Street, Port Isaac – internal alterations to create a 3-bedroom apartment from former hotel rooms.

(Revised design to application no. PA14/11886 dated 16.02.2015 to include re-building the chimney stack and replace windows and re-alignment and replacement of rooflights with new conservation roof lights.) SUPPORT, but Members query if the NCDC reserved policy relating to the preservation of Clerk hotels is still relevant. Cllr. Phelps said he was in full support whether or not the policy is still in existence. c. PA17/05052, Land E of Port Gaverne Beach, Port Gaverne – application for consent to display an advertisement namely siting of 1 internally illuminated

porthole feature sign with reverse printed logo onto clear acrylic and 1

externally illuminated post sign. Cllr. Coles said the sign is already in place. He referred to the decking and fencing that had been installed, The Clerk to tell the case officer the application is incorrect – the owner is Brewery and this is not shown on the application. SUPPORT but Members feel the lighting should be subdued and illuminate the sign only. The post sign is Clerk too high. The lighting, including that from the port hole, should be turned off when not in use. d. PA17/05094, Land S of 8 Rose Hill, Port Isaac – proposed dwelling - alterations to design of permitted dwelling. Cllrs. Raynor, Webster and Williams left the meeting whilst this item was discussed. Cllr. Coles took the Chair. Cllr. Penny Clerk said the amount of glass had been reduced. SUPPORT. e. PA17/05288, Land S of Homer Park, Port Isaac – proposed live / work unit. Mr Basset was given permission to read from his written report. He explained this is an application for a local couple who wish to continue to live and

work in the area. He sought Members’ support.

Cllr. Dawe’s planning application for a live / work unit had recently been granted. He explained the requirements / process. The neighbours were in support. The site was screened from the road. Cllr. Williams said she had a problem with the work element not being part integral with the live element. Cllr. Coles said he did not believe the application meets the live / work criteria. Cllr. Bell queried the noise level from a joinery and asked how the applicant would sound proof the work unit. Cllr Williams said she did not believe the application met the exemplar of a work / live unit. SUPPORT, with Clerk a request that acoustic insulation of the work unit is made a condition if permission is granted. Cllr. Williams abstained. She clarified her view was based on her opinion the development is not one which could comply with the definition of a live / work unit. She felt the site is eminently suitable for such a development, or indeed an exception site for a self-build house, but she believed the proposal did not constitute a Live Work dwelling. She believed a recently passed live / work dwelling should stand as an exemplar.

2 /END/Meetings/Minutes/2017-07-10.doc f. PA17/05320, Former Football Field at Homer Park, Port Isaac – variation of condition 2 (plans condition) of application PA16/03282 dated 8th June 2016 Clerk to enable minor changes to dwelling. (Material amendment.) SUPPORT. g. PA17/05844, Sea Winds, Trelights – replacement roof structure as to accommodate rooms in roof with rear balcony. Alterations to access and Clerk parking. SUPPORT.

144/2017 Other Planning Matters – a. Neighbourhood Plan – Members received an update: i. NDP Housing Land Assessment – Cllr. Williams referred to a quotation from Mr James Evans, Evans Planning, to submit the Regulation 14 (of the

Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012) NDP to CC with the various supporting documentation and the Townscape Assessment. It was AGREED that a further quotation was required. Cllr. Williams to Cllr. Williams obtain.

Cllr. Williams reported Ms Victoria Regan, CC had indicated there would be a charge for Highways to assess access to the housing development plots identified in the NDP Housing Land Assessment, Mr Evans thought it might be possible this could be provided free of charge.

When the quotations have been obtained, the Clerk to approach the PCs who had used the services of those quoting, to establish if they were Clerk happy with the work done. ii. NDP Consultants – covered by [i] above. b. Planning Policies – CC are consulting on the following planning policy and planning guidance documents from Monday, 12th June 2017. Details previously circulated via email. i. Allocations Development Plan Document (eight-week consultation): www.cornwall.gov.uk/allocationsplan. ii. Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document (eight-week consultation): www.cornwall.gov.uk/mineralsdpd. iii. Community Infrastructure Draft Charging Schedule (eight-week consultation): www.cornwall.gov.uk/cil.. iv. European Terrestrial Sites Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (six-week consultation): www.cornwall.gov.uk/europeansitespd. v. Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (six-week consultation): www.cornwall.gov.uk/biodiversityspd. c. Enforcement Cases – i. EN17/00519, Land NE of Port Gaverne Hotel – untidy site, unauthorised stationing of a shipping container, land being used as a waste storage area, car park and boat storage – application PA17/00546 withdrawn. Case Officer: Louise Whitby reported she had spoken to the owners of the hotel and they had advised they would be resubmitting the planning application for a temporary use of the land. The enforcement case is still pending consideration. d. Planning Applications Approved by CC – information only: i. PA16/00071, Plot on Trelights Farm – three bed live / work dwelling (including florist studio). ii. PA17/02693, 37 Fore Street, Port Isaac – existing lean-to demolished and new proposed lean-to constructed in its place. Replacement windows, re-rendering / painting and new window and door openings in existing cottage dwelling. iii. PA17/02694, 37 Fore Street, Port Isaac – LBC. Existing lean-to demolished and new proposed lean-to constructed in its place. Replacement windows, re-rendering / painting and new window and door openings in existing cottage dwelling.

3 /END/Meetings/Minutes/2017-07-10.doc iv. PA17/03682, Merrywood Road from Chapel Villa to Rose Cottage, Trelights – outline planning permission for two dwellings on separate plots. v. PA17/03799, Little Garrick, Trewetha Lane, Port Isaac – extension and conversion of garage to additional bedroom. e. Planning Applications Refused by CC – information only. i. PA17/02668, Springside Barn, Trewetha – application for variation of condition 3 in respect of PA16/11404 (The development hereby permitted shall only be occupied by members of the family or non- paying guests of the occupiers of the dwelling knows as Springside Barn and shall not be used at any time as a separate residential unit of accommodation. f. Planning Procedures – Members considered the draft procedure note, i.r.o. the procedure / method to be followed in responding to planning

applications. Cllr. Bell felt the wording of the planning responses should be

agreed at the meeting. Cllr. Penny queried the remit of the Planning Lead.

Cllr. Coles said Cllr. Williams had been consulting with the case officer as she had been encouraged to do. Cllr. Cleave felt it was a good idea to have a couple of people look over the response before it is sent. Cllr. Penny said Members could make any comments they wish – it is only if an application goes to CC’s Committee for decision that planning reasons need to be identified. Cllrs. Bell, Dawe and Webster were in agreement with this view. Cllr. Williams said she felt that the PC had been more professional in its approach since planning reasons were given in planning responses. Cllr. Phelps said he felt the introduction made by Cllr. Williams to each application was overlong. It was RESOLVED that in future the Clerk would write the planning responses. The procedure note to be amended Clerk accordingly. It was further AGREED that site meetings would continue, but would be to establish facts about the planning application and not to express opinions.

145/2017 Highways Matters – a. Drop Off Zone – Minute 114a/2017 refers. Cllr. Raynor to bring possible Cllr. Raynor wording for a sign to be placed where the coaches park. b. Traffic Speed – a resident had written to say that the traffic speed of 30 mph is not being adhered to down New Road and past the Co-op. The Clerk to Clerk request a radar speed monitoring sign be deployed on the site. c. Church Hill – traffic issues had been experienced at both ends of Church Hill: i. A Cormac vehicle had become stuck at the pinch point at Homer Park at the top of the hill and a photograph provided to Mr Jones, Cormac. ii. Posts at the top of the hill have been demolished. Cllr. Williams said the posts had been reinstated, but one of them has since been demolished.

Mr Oliver Jones, Cormac had offered to meet Members on site to discuss the issues. It was RESOLVED to request an experimental ‘No SatNav’ sign. Clerk Members wanted the a ‘Keep Clear’ sign installed outside the RNLI station. The Clerk to request this and ask for the school warning sign to be repainted. Clerk d. Off-street Parking Orders – consultation i.r.o. CC’s proposal to consolidate all current off-street parking orders.

146/2017 Environmental / Amenity Matters – a. PC Terrier/Land Registration – i. The Main, Port Gaverne – 7762. Cllr. Bell has an appoint at the County Cllr. Bell Record Office on 11th July 2017 to inspect and copy CC's tithe map for the Port Gaverne Main. ii. Trelights Village Green – June Public Forum Refers. Cllr. Bell had made a check of the ownership of the Green, but it was not listed. He said the PC would need to make a legal declaration as to their ownership. To be considered further at the same time as [i] above.

4 /END/Meetings/Minutes/2017-07-10.doc Cllr. Bell left the meeting at this point. b. Sale of Slate – Minute 205c/2016 refers. There was no update on the value of Cllr. Dawe the slates. c. Trelights Village Green (TVG) – in the absence of representatives from the TVG there were no proposals and costings for Members to consider. d. Firework Noise – a resident had written to seek Members’ support on having a deadline of 10pm for fireworks. There was sympathy for this point of view, Clerk but Members felt there was no way of enforcing such a deadline. NFA. The Clerk to advise the resident. e. Beach Waste – a request to Ms Verity Palk, CC asking for the beach rubbish collected by Rock Tours at Port Gaverne to be added to the normal waste

collections had been refused. The beach is owned by the National Trust who advise they do not have the funds. It was RESOLVED the Clerk and the Cllr. Raynor / Chairman would write to the National Trust and the Padstow Harbour Clerk Commissioners i.r.o. Port Isaac beach and seek their (financial) support. f. Friends of Port Isaac School – it was AGREED to grant the Friends permission to have a Pop-Up Takeaway Cafe (Cake and a Cuppa). This would be for a

day or possibly 2 days in August to raise money for school funds. They would like to operate by the double gates of the hard standing next to the playing fields. Possible dates are Wednesday 9th August and Tuesday 15th August from 2-4pm. The Clerk to advise both parties. Clerk g. WC Sign – Members to consider a suitable location for a sign indicating the Clerk way to the New Road WCs. Deferred to the Secondary Council Meeting.

147/2017 Financial Matters – a. Accounts for Payment – Schedule No.04 to a value of £9,633.40 was APPROVED for payment. A full list of payments is available on the PC’s website. It was RESOLVED the shop rent would be paid quarterly in advance. Clerk The Clerk to issue invoices. EXPENSES NET VAT Total Administration 1,248.25 15.00 1,263.25 Car park 4,541.02 46.01 4,587.03 New Road WCs 1,179.26 141.86 1,321.12 Maintenance - various 1,905.00 557.00 2,462.00 £9,633.40 The bank reconciliation was made available for inspection. b. Budget Monitor – copy was circulated at the meeting. c. Banking Charges – Members to receive an update. Cllr. Raynor

148/2017 Documentation / Correspondence – not covered elsewhere on the agenda. a. Cornwall Electoral Review – the Local Government Boundary Commission for England has formally commenced an electoral review in CC. Details previously circulated via email, together with a link to parish statistics of the projected electorate in their parish and Community Network Area http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/elections/electoral- review-of-cornwall-council-2016-18/electorate-forecast-information/. It was Clerk RESOLVED to support CC’s recommendation for 99 County Members. b. M&S Energy Community Fund - M&S Energy has made £300,000 available to support community groups like across the UK. It is aimed at those seeking to raise money for a renewable energy based project in the community. See www.mandsenergyfund.com/signup. Details previously circulated via email. Cllr. McCormick queried if this could be used to install an electric car Cllr. charger in the car park. He will investigate further. McCormick c. Cornwall Takes Tea with the World – Town and Parish Councils, churches and community groups are asked to come together to help bring our Immigrants and Migrant Workers into the communities they are working in during this post Brexit time. Contact Bev Wilson on 07772565655 or email [email protected]. Details previously emailed

5 /END/Meetings/Minutes/2017-07-10.doc d. Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2017. e. Vital Signs Questionnaire – research questionnaire from Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF). Previously circulated via email.

149/2017 Diary Dates – a. Secondary Council Meeting – 24th July 2017. b. Main Council Meeting – 14th August 2017. c. Clerk’s Leave – 21st August – 1st September 2017. NOTE – her apologies are given for the August Secondary Meeting. d. Cruse Cornwall 2017 AGM – to be held on Monday 17th July 2017, at The Council Chambers, New County Hall, at 7.30pm.

150/2017 Information Only / Future Agenda Items – a. Shearings Coaches – the Clerk to write to the company and request their coaches do not approach Port Isaac from Port Gaverne. Clerk b. Resignation – Cllr. Webster was upset because of an incident caused by Cllr. Williams’ behaviour. Cllr. Williams said she will apologise to the resident concerned. Members were keen that Cllr. Webster should not resign.

151/2017 Meeting Closed – 21.19pm.

Signature: ………………………………………….………….…… (Cllr. Raynor) Chairman

Date: 14th August 2017

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