Awardee Transumância e Natureza – Associação (ATN)

Place of activity

Center – North East Portugal Côa and Douro Valley, near the border with Spain

The Faia Brava Reserve (Côa valley) is the first private natural protected area in Portugal. This 800 ha area holds one of the most significant cliff-breeders bird populations in Portugal and encloses part of the best preserved cork oak area of the NE region.

Since 2000, ATN has focused on ecological restoration, through the re-evaluation of habitats and increase of food availability for threatened fauna species. This includes active conservation measures (restoration of riparian vegetation, fire prevention, promotion of prey species) and allowing natural processes (tillage elimination, grazing with large herbivores and supporting natural regeneration of oak forest). A specific management plan, diagnostic and trend monitoring, operational research and scientific peer reviewing form an integral part of the nature conservation strategy of the area.

Faia Brava is a model for regional and locally-based sustainable resources management, serving as a demonstration tool for stakeholders and population, through partnerships with landowners, farmers, local administration bodies and schools promoting environment services. www.atnatureza.org



Awardee URZE – Associação Florestal da Encosta da Serra da Estrela

Place of activity Centre of Portugal Serra da Estrela mountain region

Forest association of private owners URZE deals specially with the abandonment, forest fires and land degradation of large areas of the Serra da Estrela Mountain, where the small property dominates (>80 % of the intervention areas are small properties <2 ha).

Pioneer on the promotion of Forest Intervention Areas in Portugal (ZIF) for the joint management of small forest properties, URZE initiated this process in 2005 and manages now a set of 12 of these areas, promoting their sustainable forest management and their ecosystem services, which led to the development of the PRADSE project (> 20.000 ha), that includes (re)forestation and fire prevention interventions, recovery of pastoral activities and products, landscape diversity and promotion of rural touristic activities in a sustainable environment.

The work done over these past years for regional forest management and ecosystem services production with the local land owners / farmers has been increasingly recognized at regional and national level and it is translated into its 1.141 associates. www.urze.org



Awardee ACHAR – Associação de Agricultores de Charneca

Place of activity

Centre of Portugal Tejo Valley Region - Chamusca

The ACHAR - Farmers Association of Charneca was created to defend the interests of its members and represent them where necessary, participating in protecting the environment and promoting an adequate management of natural resources in the Chamusca region. It is expected that it will reinforce and create new forms of management of rural spaces: introduce savings and efficiency gains; promote and carry out experiments around activities and rural products with economic value and potential; provide services in which prevails the concept of usefulness, economics of natural resources and innovation; act to consolidate and expand national and international markets; offer opportunities for research and launching partnerships around common or complementary objectives.

In this context a relevant joint ACHAR project with universities and local municipalities for erosion prevention and land degradation mitigation in large areas affected by forest fires in the last years which deserve particular national attention. www.achar.pt



Awardee Terraprima - Serviços Ambientais, Lda.

Place of activity Portugal

Two projects are currently managed by Terraprima and funded by the Portuguese Carbon Fund which demonstrates how the payment of carbon soil sequestration can be implemented as an environmental service, at a large scale and with the involvement of the rural community. Farmers are directly involved since they are responsible for the activities that promote carbon soil sequestration during a four-year period. In one of the projects these activities consist in sowing and maintaining Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures Rich in Leguminous Plants (Project SBPPRL), which will then sequester carbon during a period of up to 10 years.

The second project (Project Shrub Control) comprises the payment to farmers willing to change shrub management techniques, from harrowing to using forestry mowers. Both projects strongly promote sustainable management practices and contribute to a large scale increment of soil organic matter, with a positive effect on soil recovery and drought prevention and/or mitigation. www.terra.prima.pt



Awardee LPN – Liga para a Proteção da Natureza

Place of activity South Portugal Baixo region

LPN is a NGO working for the last 20 years in the Campo Branco dryland region (, southern Portugal), which is the most important cereal steppe in Portugal and also one of the most vulnerable areas for desertification. Here, LPN has implemented a long term approach of a set of coherent projects focus on Sustainable Land Management, using a bottom-up approach and transforming theory into practice. The challenge is to improve natural resource management and environmental protection through collective work. LPN has been promoting best agricultural practices and land uses to improve livelihoods, within the general framework of nature conservation, desertification combat and sustainable development. Projects carried out, apply and act taking into consideration, on the regional level, the 3 Rio Conventions: protection of soils and its functions, recovery of degraded areas and natural systems, conservation and promotion of biodiversity with important habitats and populations of protected fauna and flora, also mitigation, adaptation and testing of new solutions related to climate change. www.lpn.pt



Awardee ADPM – Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola

Place of activity South of Portugal () For the NAP and Cape Verde (Santo Antão island) With cooperation for development with CPLP countries

ADPM is a non-profit NGO created in 1980 with the aim of contributing for active and harmonious development and heritage protection of Mértola region, sustained in the conservation and promotion of the local resources, privileging the involvement of the local population in the process of improving the conditions and the quality of the communities' life. During the last decades and in an area of Portugal particularly susceptible and affected by desertification,

ADPM has developed a large number of programs and projects working directly with the local population and regional institutions, aiming at development and sustainability standards that follow the 3 Rio Conventions: protection of soils and its essential functions, recovery of degraded areas and natural systems, conservation and promotion of biodiversity, mitigation, adaptation and testing of new solutions in relation to climate change. Property of ADPM, Monte do Vento is a place for demonstration of these interventions, as well as the multifunctional logic production using autochthones resources, such as herbs, honey or endemic sheep breeds.

Based on the experience gained with the development of such projects, ADPM felt the need to move forward with initiatives in developing countries, like Cape Verde, Morocco, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe. In these countries the projects were developed aiming primarily at improving the living conditions of populations, contributing to reduce poverty and combating desertification. The Cape Verde project “Casa do Meio”, in Santo Antão island, is a relevant example that makes the difference at local level.”



Awardee Associação de Produtores Florestais das Cumeadas do Baixo

Place of activity South Portugal NE Algarve region

The association resulted from the union of forest land owners to apply to UE funds and actively combat drought and desertification in an extremely impoverished region deeply affected by land degradation, drought and climate change.

The association, through its technical staff, has been dedicated to the development and implementation of afforestation projects, seeking the proper use of soil, applying the best practices to prevent land erosion, protecting land and water, correcting the widespread dissemination of pine tree at the expense of native species. The Association also promotes biodiversity and carbon sequestration, trough projects of replacement and rising forest density of evergreen and cork oaks trees, with plantation and protection of natural regeneration, and contribution to soil regeneration and to combat desertification.

The Association is a member of the Algarve Regional Commission to combat desertification and was an important partner in the implementation of the regional program "Estratégia das Furnazinhas" and also for the national / mediterranean Desert Watch monitoring program. www.cumeadas.pt



Awardee Associação de Produtores Florestais da Serra do Caldeirão (APFSC)

Place of activity South of Portugal North of Central Algarve region

The APFSC is a private, non-profit organization that focuses its activity on the development and sustainability of forest management and associated resources in Serra do Caldeirão (Algarve). Since the recovery in the last years of thousands of hectares of burned forest or in severe decline, due to the assaults committed over the years with the use of inappropriate practices, or just because of its abandonment, APFSC organized the whole Forest Intervention Area (ZIF), in order to achieve sustainability in forest management and to promote land recovery and protection of the various natural resources involved.

The APFSC has been the motivation factor for the land owners in the recovery of proprieties, replanting with native species, using appropriate procedures and best practices through minimum tillage of soil, protection of slopes and water lines with soil and water conservation. The action of APFSC is recognized as meritorious within the region and a real barrier to desertification that deserves public recognition. www.apfsc.pt



Awardee Sociedade Agrícola e Industrial do Algarve – Quinta do Freixo

Place of activity South of Portugal North - Center Algarve region

Quinta do Freixo is a private property and enterprise located in the northern Algarve, integrated in two sites of Natura 2000 Network – the European Natural Protected Areas Network -, with an area of 600 ha, composed by 35% of forest, 49% of permanent pastures and 16% of temporary crops and orchards, all certified as organic farming.

After long periods of cereal producing, aggravated by drought and climate change, the land became very poor and unproductive. Since 1994 the current family generation decided to adopt a different set of operations, implementing sustainable processes and developing more diversification.

The use of autochthonous breeds, in animals, plants and trees, the minimum tillage of soil, the grass cover in the orchard and the use of shredder, together with the abandon of chemicals and correct and clever water management, produced very positive results in terms of soil and water conservation, increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration and is in line with the concept of sustainable management in private lands that needs to be disseminated and promoted in equivalent conditions. www.quintadofreixo.org



Awardee Associação Almargem

Place of activity South of Portugal Algarve region

Promoted and managed by Almargem, “Via Algarviana " is a Great Route (GR13) all flagged and extended over 300km across the entire rural Algarve, from Alcoutim to Cabo de São Vicente. Its main goals are to foster and promote Ecotourism in low density areas in the Algarve, emphasizing its natural and cultural values in order to achieve a sustainable development and responsible practices. Divided into 14 sectors, all with facilities for accommodation and food & beverage, the project Via Algarviana helps in the economic development of local populations in order to mitigate human desertification of those territories.

This project intends to establish itself as the anchor project of ecotourism in the Algarve region, creating a network between pedestrian routes and the existing thematic routes in the region, increasing nature experiences along the track through equestrian. www.almargem.org



Awardee Ms. Maria José Roxo

Place of activity Portugal

Desertification, depopulation and soil erosion researcher and geography professor on the New University of Lisbon, Maria José Roxo is member of the Roster of Experts of the Convention and of the National Commission of the NAP.

Since 1990 Prof.ª Roxo has participated in different UE projects, like the Medalus (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use), where she was the responsible scientist of the Portuguese research team. During the first two phases of the project M.ª Roxo has carried out experimental field work for data collection and soil degradation monitoring, giving particular attention to soil erosion in Vale Formoso Erosion Centre / Alentejo. Between many others projects, she was also the coordinator of the LUCINDA project – “Land Care in Desertification Affected Areas – From Science towards Application”.

Accomplishing deep knowledge and understanding of the field work areas and its population, Prof.ª Maria José Roxo is a prestigious “voice” on desertification matters at global and Mediterranean levels, and she is one of the most important leaders of the Portuguese Science and Technologies organisations that deal with DLDD questions. Her example deserves the public recognition in Portugal and at UNCCD level.

Contact Prof. Maria José Roxo Title: Professor Division: Faculdade de CiênciasSociais e Humanas Institution: Universidade Nova de Lisboa City: Lisboa Country: Portugal Telephone: 351 217 957305/7933519 Email: [email protected]

Work Experience Since 1990, I participated in the Medalus Project (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use) as responsible scientist of the Portuguese research team. During the first two phases of the project (Medalus I and II) performed experimental field work for data collection and soil


PORTUGAL DRYLAND CHAMPIONS 2013 degradation monitoring. Particular attention to soil erosion quantification using erosion field photos (at Centre Exp. Erosao CV Formoso/Alentejo). Mapping of land use changes of the long run; Climatic and Vegetation Studies; Ecosystems regeneration on abandoned land; Fieldwork performed, on Lower Alentejo-Portugal (Mertola and Serpa) accomplishing deep knowledge and understanding of the area and its local people. Qualifications - Doctorate in Geography and Regional Planning - Environmental Resources Management - Human Impact on Soil Degradation Processes - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1994.

Number of Publications 12

Other Activities Member of IGU; ESSE; Associaçao de Defesa do Patrimonio de Mértola (WWF and Life Programs).

Publications 1. Roxo, MJ Casimoro, P. (1996): "Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use- Inner Lower Alentejo-Portugal"; ed. J.B. Thornes & Y. Brandt, J. Wiley & Sons. 2. Roxo, MJ, e Casimiro P. (1993) "A Monocultura Cerealifera no Baixo Alentejo Interior e o Processo de desertifiçao" in Seminario sobre la Desertification y l'a Utilizacion del Suclo en la Cuenca Mediterranea. Almeria. 3. Roxo, MJ (1994) "A acçao antropica no processo de degradaçao di Solos - A Serra de Serpa e Mértola. "Disserracio de Povoamente Univ. Nova de Lisboa, FESH 327p.

Discipline Geography



Awardee Eugénio Manuel Bilstein de Menezes Sequeira

Place of activity Portugal

Soil researcher and professor on soil sciences there are more than half a century and working with the Desertification Convention from the early stages of its launching, Prof. Eugénio Sequeira is member of the Roster of Experts of the UNCCD and of the National Commission of the NAP. Leader of one of the largest and older Portuguese NGO (LPN), and, in this context, promoting and coordinating European, Mediterranean, national and regional DLDD initiatives and projects, Prof. Sequeira is also one of the most prestigious “voices” of the civil society and environmental movement in Portugal.

Having dedicated all this life to soil knowledge and protection, to prevent land degradation and to combat desertification, Prof. Eugénio Sequeira life story and example deserves the public recognition in Portugal and at UNCCD level.

Contact Prof. Eugénio Sequeira Title: Professor Division: Humanidades e Tecnologias Institution: Universidade Lusofona City: Lisboa Country: Portugal Telephone: 351 1 214863455 Email: [email protected]

Work Experience Full Professor on a Private University (Lusofona University of Humanities and Technologies) Lisbon. Teaching soil science, Geosciences and soil solution. Since 1994 - Head of soil science Portuguese Society from 1994 - Invited Professor in Science and Technology Faculty of the New University of Lisbon. - Coordinator - Researcher of Estaçao Agronomica Nacional. After Public Exams from 1984.

Number of Publications 200



Awards From 1996 till 1997 - Member of Comité Scientifique Consultatif du Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterranéennes.

Other Activities Member, Scientifique Consultation Committee of Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranées. Publications 1. Giordano, A. al 1992. Corine Soil Erosion Risk and Important Land Resources in the Southern Regions of the European Community. E.D. of the European Communities. 2. Sequeira, E., Pinto Silva 1992 - Ecology of Serpentinised Areas of Northeast Portugal. In Roberts, Sol Procton (Ed) - The Ecology of Areas with Serpenting Rocks. A world view: 169-197 - Kluner Academic Publishers. 3. Mesquita, M., P. Silva, E. Sequeira, Domingues H. 1993. Copper and Sino Sorpriow and Interacion on a schistic soil and tono seinsage swase. International Conference on Pollution. SCC (ICEP 2) Soul Nort. 4. Barreiros, F., Pires F.D., Sequeira, E. 1996. Tilaag. Effect of Soil Eroginity. Soiliosies ba avab anplash in rodrogues. Barquera "On fertilizers and Environment. Kramer academic prose. Sequeira, E. Pratern do Solo do Alentejo. Programa de Investigacao. INIA Estacao Agronomica Nacional.

Discipline Soil Science