Self-help at the grassroots How communities responded to the Northern Ireland Troubles compiled by Michael Hall ISLAND 90 PAMPHLETS 1 Published October 2008 by Island Publications/Farset Community Think Tanks Project 466 Springfield Road, Belfast BT12 7DW © Michael Hall 2008
[email protected] ISBN 978-1-899510-83-2 The Farset/Inishowen & Border Counties Initiative is part financed by the European Union through the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the Cross-Border Consortium Printed by Regency Press, Belfast 2 Introduction The recent handful of Island Pamphlets undertaken under the auspices of Farset/ Inishowen & Border Counties Initiative have focused on the largely unrecorded efforts made by grassroots community groups to not only counter the traumatic impact of the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’, but to reach out to other communities in an effort to create better understanding, as well as engage those communities in purposeful debate and dialogue. Feedback at a grassroots level to these pamphlets has been positive. However, some of that feedback has clearly revealed that while people knew there was an amazing amount of work ‘going on in the background’, just what was going on was largely hidden from public view. And yet, at a recent community-awards event (for the PATCH programme linking East Belfast and Drogheda) held in Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Peter Robinson, Northern Ireland First Minister, admitted that if individuals and groups in the community had not persevered in the often difficult work of building bridges between people – in order to break down fears and counter misperceptions – then the politicians would never have been able to move forward.