
Anal Bioanal Chem DOI 10.1007/s00216-015-8717-z


Separation of hydrolyzed from without the need for derivatization

Mark S. Lowenthal1 & Eric L. Kilpatrick1 & Karen W. Phinney1

Received: 20 January 2015 /Revised: 27 March 2015 /Accepted: 16 April 2015 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA) 2015

Abstract Chromatographic separation of monosaccharides Introduction hydrolyzed from glycoconjugates or complex, aggregate bio- materials, can be achieved by classic analytical methods with- Characterization of and in biological out a need for derivatizing the subunits. A systems is of critical interest in several diverse areas including simple and sensitive method is presented for characterizing therapeutics development [1, 2], disease diagnostics (cancer, underivatized monosaccharides following from heart disease, diabetes, and numerous others) [3–5], and elu- N- and O-linked glycoproteins using high-performance liquid cidation of biological processes [6–9] (cellular , chromatography separation with detection biosynthesis, and development). Additionally, greater under- (LC-MS). This method is adaptable for characterizing any- standing of folding [10, 11], immunity, energy storage, thing from purified glycoproteins to mixtures of glycoforms, and other areas are dependent on knowledge of com- for relative or absolute quantification applications, and even position. Due to the sheer numbers of possible forms, along for the analysis of complex biomaterials. Use of an amide with their chemical similarity and structural complexity, car- stationary phase with HILIC chromatography is demonstrated bohydrates are among the most difficult classes of biomole- to retain the highly polar, underivatized monosaccharides and cules to characterize and/or quantify whether they exist as to resolve stereoisomers and potentially interfering contami- purely saccharide forms (mono-, oligo-, or poly-saccharide), nants. This work illustrates an original approach for character- or bound to other types of forming ization of N- and O-linked standards, mixtures, glycoconjugates (glycoproteins, , or proteogly- and for complex biological materials such as a total cans). While complex in the aggregate, glycoconjugates are extract. principally composed of a small class of similar, yet measur- able, subunits of monosaccharides. Mammalian glycosyla- tions are made up of a limited number of monosaccharide Keywords Bioanalytical methods . HPLC . Mass forms – principally , , , , fu- spectrometry / ICP-MS . Separations/Instrumentation cose, N-acetyl (GlcNAc), N-acetyl galactos- (GalNAc), N-acetyl (NANA), and rarely, N-glycolyl neuraminic acid (NGNA). Other minor components are seldom included such as , iduronic ac- id, others. Each of these monomeric forms can be uniquely Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00216-015-8717-z) contains supplementary material, detected in a mass spectrometer as an underivatized com- which is available to authorized users. pound based on a fragmentation pattern alone, or in cases of stereoisomers, with additional chromatographic retention * Mark S. Lowenthal information. [email protected] Monosaccharide characterization offers valuable compli- mentary data to the analysis of intact glycans or glycoprotein 1 Biomolecular Measurement Division, National Institute of Standards characterization. Total monosaccharide characterization is and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA possible for simple or complex mixtures, and can take account M.S. Lowenthal et al. of monosaccharides originating from non-targeted or an approach for monosaccharide characterization that isn’t unexpected impurities. The characterization of biosimilars – currently available. protein therapeutics sharing similar function but with intrinsic structural variability – relies on data obtained at the glycan level, a technically difficult task often hampered by the lack Experimental of commercially available homogenous glycoprotein stan- dards and by the complexity of known and potentially un- Disclaimer Certain commercial equipment, instruments, and known glycoforms. Furthermore, biases of omission are com- materials are identified in this paper to adequately specify the mon in glycan profiling. For instance, contributions from experimental procedure. Such identification does not imply host- proteins, excipients, or glycation to the overall car- recommendation or endorsement by NIST nor does it imply bohydrate composition of a biosimilar product are often that the equipment, instruments, or materials are necessarily overlooked when measured at the glycan level, but are intrin- the best available for the purpose. sically considered by monosaccharide measurements. The qualitative approach presented here using mass spectrometry detection offers the potential to perform quantitative measure- Materials ments using isotope dilution (ID) techniques, which is not currently possible using HPAEC-PAD or other detection tech- All chemicals and solvents were purchased through Sigma niques. Monosaccharide internal standards are available com- (St. Louis, MO) unless otherwise noted below. Isotope- mercially, and may be applied generally to IS-MS measure- labeled monosaccharide standards were purchased through ments. Monosaccharide characterization is therefore sug- Omicron Biochemicals (South Bend, IN). Unlabeled mono- gested to be a valuable complementary tool for assessing the saccharide standards were purchased through Sigma (Aldrich degree of biosimilarity. and Fluka). Casein from bovine (C7078), fetuin from Although there are previous literature reports that describe fetal calf serum (F2379), and yeast extract (Y4250) were also acid hydrolysis of glycoproteins into their constituent mono- purchased through Sigma. saccharide units with subsequent analysis using LC-MS [12–17] or capillary electrophoresis [18], each of these studies Sample preparation requires derivitization of monosaccharides for detection, like- ly incorporating measurement bias in proportion to the label- Stable-isotope (13C) labeled analogs of each monosaccharide ing inefficiency. The current industry standard for analysis of were purchased from commercial sources and pre-spiked at non-derivatized, hydrolyzed – anion exchange chroma- the earliest possible step in the sample preparation (se tography with pulsed amperometric detection [19](HPAEC- Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) Table SI). In the PAD) – is capable of chromatographic resolution of monosac- case for a total yeast extract sample, a glycoprotein extraction charides and can be a very sensitive detection technique, but is step with /chloroform (MeOH/CHCl3) was neces- inherently incompatible with direct mass spectrometry detec- sary to first precipitate the protein sample prior to spiking tion, and therefore incompatible with isotope dilution tech- the labeled analogs. Protein precipitation was performed with- niques. In contrast, the work described here presents a novel in a 400-μL glass autosampler vial insert (Agilent 5181-3377) method focusing on chromatographic resolution and mass that was then used for the acid hydrolysis, reducing protein spectral detection of monosaccharides without modification. loss. In all other cases, pre-spiked samples were dried in a One certain way to improve monosaccharide measurements is speed vac (ThermoSavant SPD1010) and subjected separately through simplifying the sample preparation. This effort reports to each of three unique acid hydrolyses. Hydrolysis was per- a workflow for releasing monosaccharides from intact glyco- formed in a similar manner to previously reported studies by proteins and characterizing them by multiple reaction moni- Mechref’sgroup[16, 17]. In all cases, gas-phase hydrolysis toring (MRM) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass was achieved within a capped glass vial housing the glass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) techniques. An amide stationary autosampler insert. Figure 1 provides a schematic of the sam- chemistry was used within a normal phase (HILIC) environ- ple preparation procedure for each monosaccharide class. ment to resolve ten underivatized monosaccharides prior to Briefly, glycoproteins were denatured, and neutral sugars negative polarity electrospray ionization, and detection in a (mannose, galactose, glucose, fructose, and ) or amine triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. This analytical approach sugars (GlcNAc and GalNAc) were liberated from their gly- is demonstrated in principle for N-linked glycoproteins (im- coprotein precursors using 2 mol/L trifluoroacetic acid (TFA, munoglobulins, RNAse B), O-linked glycoproteins (casein, Fluka 91699) or 4 mol/L hydrochloric acid (HCl, Fluka fetuin), and a complex yeast extract. The combination of sim- 84410), respectively, at 100 °C for 4 h. Sialic acids (NANA, plified sample preparation presented here with chromato- NGNA), being terminal subunits and less chemically stable, graphic separation and mass spectrometric detection provides were hydrolyzed under milder conditions (0.1 mol/L TFA for Monosaccharide characterization without derivatization

Fig. 1 Schematic for the hydrolysis and preparation of each monosaccharide class (neutrals, amine sugars, sialic acids) prior to LC-MS analysis

2 h at 80 °C). N-acetyl groups that were observed to degrade phase B, followed by a gradient elution of the sialic acids due to the harshness of the hydrolysis conditions, as reported using a linear gradient over 25 min from 95 to 50 % (v/v) previously [16] for amino sugars, required a re-acetylation mobile phase B, followed by a column wash and re-equilibra- step. Re-acetylation was performed for one hour at room tem- tion. Column temperature was maintained at 80 °C; perature by the addition of 50 μLofNH4HCO3 buffer, pH 7.8, autosampler plate temperature control was set at 5 °C. An with 25 μL of neat acetic anhydride to the dried sample. Agilent 1200 HPLC system (Santa Clara, CA) was coupled Following hydrolysis, samples were cooled, dried complete- in-line with an Applied Biosystems API 5000 triple quadru- ly, and reconstituted in for subsequent enrichment pole mass spectrometer (Foster City, CA) equipped with a using a solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. A C18 SPE standard micro-flow electrospray source. Ions were detected cartridge (Sep-Pak, WAT023590) was primed ac- using a multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) method in neg- cording to the manufacturer’s instructions and samples were ative polarity with a dwell time of 100 ms. slowly (≈0.2 mL/min) vacuum-drawn through the cartridge. Three or four fragmentation transitions were monitored for Flow-through fractions were pooled with the first single-bed each monosaccharide for both the native (non-labeled) volume wash and were retained for analysis. Any partially and its labeled analog. A total of 35 fragmentation transitions hydrolyzed proteins, , and other contaminants that were monitored in one MRM method. During data acquisi- were bound to the SPE sorbent were discarded. Washed sam- tion, all source and fragmentation parameters were set identi- ples were dried and reconstituted in 50/50 % (v/v)H2O/ACN cally for non-labeled/labeled transition pairs. Source condi- for LC-MS analysis. tions were as follows: collision gas=2.7×104 Pa (4 psi), unit resolution in Q1 & Q3, curtain gas (CUR)=7.5×104 Pa LC-MS analysis (11 psi), intensity threshold=0, ion source gas 1 (GS1)= 2.1×105 Pa (30 psi), settling time=3 ms, ion source gas 2 Liquid chromatographic separation was achieved using a nor- (GS2)=2.8×105 Pa (40 psi), pause between mass ranges= mal phase method on an XBridge BEH amide XP analytical 3 ms, ion spray voltage (IS)=4500 V, capillary temperature column (2.1 mm×150 mm, 2.5 μm particles; Waters) at a flow (TEM)=400 °C. Fragmentation conditions were as follows: rate of 200 μL/min. Mobile phase A and B consisted of 0.1 % for all monosaccharides, the entrance potential was set to

(v/v) ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) in water or acetonitrile, 10 V; exit cell potential was set to 15 V. Collision energies respectively (Honeywell, Burdick and Jackson, MS Grade). and declustering potentials were compound dependent and are Monosaccharide elution was accomplished primarily by an detailed in ESM Table SII. Data acquisition was performed isocratic separation for the first 20 min at 95 % (v/v)mobile using Analyst v1.5 software (Applied Biosystems). M.S. Lowenthal et al.

Results half the peak height, and assuming complete baseline res- olution has Rs>1.5. Chromatographic resolution was achieved for ten ÀÁÀÁ underivatized monosaccharides commonly found in natu- Rs ¼ ðÞtR2−tR1 = 1:7*0:5w0:5;1 þ w0:5;2 ð1Þ ral mammalian glycoconjugates using an amide stationary chemistry under normal-phase liquid chromatography con- Neutral monosaccharides (mannose, galactose, glu- ditions. Figure 2 shows a typical MRM mass chromato- cose, and fructose) that are detected in the MS using identical graphic separation of monosaccharide standards with their MRM transitions, are mostly, but not completely baseline re- heavy analogs. It was important for this work to demon- solved, and can be reproducibly quantified based on peak strate that the separation method was capable of resolving heights if necessary, rather than total peak areas. Other mono- stereoisomers that could be present within the same mam- saccharides, such as fucose, xylose, and the sialic acids, are malian glycoprotein (i.e. GlcNAc/ GalNAc; mannose/ ga- chromatographically resolved and distinguishable by their ), as well as resolving stereoisomers or isobars that fragmentation within the mass spectrometer. could be present as contaminants (glucose, fructose). Non- Sample preparation conditions were initially optimized on isomeric monosaccharides were differentiated by their monosaccharide standards for hydrolysis time, temperature, mass and fragmentation patterns if not also resolved chro- and pH. To determine stability of the measurands during hy- matographically. Amine sugars, GlcNAc and GalNAc, are drolysis, monosaccharide standards were subjected to a nearly baseline resolved under isocratic conditions, with timecourse of hydrolysis over 24 h under three optimized resolution (Rs) estimated as ≈1.4 using Eq. (1)below conditions for the amine, neutral, and monosaccha- where w0.5,1 and w0.5,2 are the peak widths measured at ride classes (4 mol/L HCl, 100 °C; 2 mol/L, TFA 100 °C;

Fig. 2 Representative MRM mass chromatogram for the separation of underivatized monosaccharides using amide stationary chemistry under normal phase LC conditions. The method is capable of resolving stereoisomers likely to be present within mammalian glycoproteins Monosaccharide characterization without derivatization

Fig. 3 Representative time- course plot for the hydrolysis of monosaccharide standards demonstrating the relative stability of each measurands at various time, temperature, and pH conditions

0.1 mol/L TFA, 80 °C), respectively. Representative plots of of hydrolysis demonstrated that amine sugars can be re- normalized MRM peak area vs. time are provided in Fig. 3 for acetylated after hydrolysis and should be considered stable monosaccharides hydrolyzed under optimal conditions. In for the purposes required in this work (Fig. 4). Sialic acids general, neutral monosaccharides were demonstrated to be were completely destroyed under harsher hydrolysis condi- stable under milder hydrolysis conditions (0.1 or 2 mol/L tions even after 15 min. Re-acetylation was not found to be TFA at 80 °C to 100 °C) but were not stable when subjected an effective remedy. Under mild conditions (0.1 mol/L TFA, to 4 mol/L HCl for more than one hour. Similarly, amine 80 °C), sialic acids were verified to be stable for up to 4 h. For sugars (GlcNAc / GalNAc) were demonstrated to be all subsequent analyses presented below, 4 mol/L HCl was completely stable under very mild conditions (0.1 mol/L used for hydrolysis of the amine sugars, 2 mol/L TFA for TFA), but significant degradation was observed after 1 h in neutral sugars, and 0.1 mol/L TFA was used for hydrolysis 2 mol/L TFA with complete degradation observed at 8 h; in of the sialic acids. However, because there were only minimal 4 mol/L HCl, amine sugar degradation was complete at 4 h. differences observed in recovery of amine sugars subjected to This is attributable to the hydrolysis of the N-acetyl group and 2 mol/L TFA or 4 mol/L HCl, either hydrolysis condition not degradation of the entire sugar. Further timecourse studies could be used.

Fig. 4 Representative time-couse plots for standards of the amine sugars subjected to 4 mol/L HCl hydrolysis conditions and analyzed with and without re- acetylation. The plot demonstrates the need for re- acetylation of GlcNAc and GalNAc prior to LC-MS analysis M.S. Lowenthal et al.

This separation scheme was subsequently applied to simple are provided in Fig. 6a–d. Internal standard monosaccharides and complex biological samples to demonstrate applicability were spiked into the samples prior to hydrolysis, and were of the separation scheme, and to validate the robustness of the observed co-eluting with the native analog monosaccharides. sample preparation. Different classes of glycoproteins (N- Mass chromatograms are displayed separately and reflect their linked, O-linked, mixtures) were subjected to acid hydrolysis separate hydrolysis and detection. Figure 7 shows the average and LC-MS/MS analysis as proof-of-principle that monosac- MRM response from three to four fragmentation transitions charide characterization can be achieved without the need for for each monosaccharide. When considering the amine derivatization steps. As is the case with any biochemical reac- sugars, GlcNAc was detected in each N-linked glycoprotein tion, parameters such as duration of hydrolysis should be op- whereas GalNAc was only observed from the IgG3 material. timized individually for a given glycoprotein to ensure com- GalNAc is rarely observed in the N-linked bio- prehensive monosaccharide release. A hydrolysis timecourse synthesis pathway in mammalian cells [10], and when it is was performed for a representative glycoprotein – immuno- observed is only found to be expressed in very small amounts globulin G – and the individual monosaccharide concentra- [20]. Therefore it is likely that this signal was the result of tions were monitored by MRM. As expected, timecourse data contamination of the IgG3 material during protein expression, (Fig. 5) was incomplete for several monosaccharides (fruc- or potentially due to an unknown O-linked glycosylation in tose, glucose, GalNAc, sialic acids) that were not expected IgG3. Fucose was observed in all N-linked glycoproteins with to be part of the glycosylation pattern for this N-linked glyco- the exception of RNAse B, which is a glycoprotein made of protein. Fucose was observed to reach a maximum concentra- only mannose and GlcNAc, therefore the absence of fucose in tion at 4 h hydrolyzed with 2 mol/L TFA and then degraded this case was expected. The neutral monosaccharides, man- thereafter; galactose and mannose were saturated between 4 nose and galactose, were found in each N-linked glycoprotein, and 6 h of hydrolysis with 2 mol/L TFA and remained rela- as expected, with the exception that galactose was not ob- tively stable; GlcNAc was equally hydrolyzed by 4 h using served in RNAse B. Fructose was not observed in any sample, either 2 mol/L TFA or 4 mol/L HCl, and degraded somewhat as expected. It was surprising to find glucose at some level in by 8 h. each IgG material and in RNAse B, likely a result of glycation Optimized hydrolysis conditions were applied in parallel to or a contamination from the purification of the proteins. N-linked glycoprotein standards. Three different immuno- NGNA is not a mammalian compound, however, NANA globulin standards and ribonuclease B (RNAse B) were sep- was observed in small amounts in both the Sigma IgG and arately subjected to acid hydrolysis followed by LC-MS anal- the IgG3 material. ysis (no derivatization) to demonstrate the capability of this Hydrolyses were subsequently performed for the O-linked workflow. Total ion extracted mass chromatograms for IgG glycoprotein κ-casein, a glycosylated phosphoprotein found from human serum (Sigma standard I4506), a purified IgG3 in milk, and fetuin (α2-HS-glycoprotein), a major plasma car- material (prepared in-house), an IgG monoclonal antibody rier protein secreted by the liver that contains both N-linked reference material which is currently under development and O-linked glycoforms. The commercial casein product was (NIST RM 8670), and an RNAse B standard (Sigma R7884) purified from milk and can likely be considered a mixture of

Fig. 5 Hydrolysis time-course plot of a representative glycoprotein, immunoglobulin G, under optimized temperature and pH conditions. Relative monosaccharide concentrations were monitored by MRM (LC- MS) Monosaccharide characterization without derivatization

abMRM of amine monosaccharides MRM of neutral monosaccharides hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins 1.6x105 2.0x104 1.4x105 GlcNAc fucose internal standard 5 1.2x10 internal standard NIST IgG RM 1.5x104 NIST IgG RM RNAse B 5 1.0x10 RNAse B Sigma IgG Sigma IgG IgG 4 IgG 4 3 8.0x10 3 1.0x10


5.0x103 4.0x104 Relative abundance Relative abundance 2.0x104 GalNAc 0.0 0.0

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5678910 Retention time (min.) Retention time (min.)

cdMRM of neutral monosaccharides

5 hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins MRM of sialic acid monosaccharides 6x10 hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins 1.2x104 mannose

5 N-acetyl neuraminic acid 5x10 (NANA) internal standard 1.0x104 NIST IgG RM

5 RNAse B 4x10 Sigma IgG 8.0x103 internal standard IgG3 NIST IgG RM 5 RNAse B 3x10 6.0x103 Sigma IgG fructose galactose IgG3 2x105 4.0x103

Relative abundance glucose

5 3 1x10 Relative abundance 2.0x10

0 0.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Retention time (min.) Retention time (min.) Fig. 6 a MRM of amine monosaccharides hydrolyzed from N-linked hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins. d MRM of sialic acid mono- glycoproteins. b MRM of neutral (fucose) monosaccharides hydrolyzed saccharides hydrolyzed from N-linked glycoproteins from N-linked glycoproteins. c MRM of amine monosaccharides the related family of αS1, αS2, β,andκ-caseins. Figure 7a Furthermore, fructose and glucose were clearly detected in the shows a mass chromatogram of overlaid MRM XICs for the fetuin material, and fucose was observed with a signal com- hydrolysis of casein. The sialic acids ionize very efficiently in parable to casein (Fig. 7b). The absence of GalNAc is not negative polarity ESI, and are observed with a robust signal. unexpected. However, the presence of fructose is most likely The precursor and product ions from NANA and NGNA are evidence of the purity of the glycoprotein mixture itself. non-isobaric, consequently, these monosaccharides are distin- Glucose is most likely explained by some degree of glycation, guishable in the mass spectrometer. Sialic acids and galactose which is typical for serum proteins, and was evidenced for have been reported in the literature [21–24] as major mono- fetuin previously [27]. The difference in fucose signal can be saccharide components in O-linked glycoforms of casein, and attributable to the diversity of both O-linked and N-linked were observed in this work. A peak corresponding to mannose found on fetuin. As noted in the literature was observed but was determined to be due to contamination. [28], both sialic acids, NANA and NGNA have been previ- Glucose and fructose were not detectable. Both amine sugars, ously identified in fetuin glycosylations. NGNA levels have GlcNAc and GalNAc [25], were chromatographically re- been reported to be up to 7 % (m/m %) in fetuin [29], a level solved and detected from κ-casein. Surprisingly, a small high enough to elicit an immune response. amount of fucose was detected from this assay. There is some A mass chromatogram of a total yeast extract is provided in precedence in the literature [25, 26] for the presence of fucose Fig. 7c. The results reflect the glycoprotein complexity ex- on O-linked glycoforms of casein, which is supported by this pected from a natural biomaterial, and the capacity of this observation. analytical method for characterizing this complexity. Yeast, The analysis of fetuin was qualitatively similar when com- in contrast to , are capable of higher forms of post- pared to casein except that no GalNAc was detected in fetuin. translational modifications including glycosylation although M.S. Lowenthal et al. a ƒFig. 7 a Monosaccharide XICs from the hydrolysis of casein. b Monosaccharide XICs from hydrolysis of casein Monosaccharide XICs from the hydrolysis of fetuin. c Monosaccharide 5 1x10 XICs from the hydrolysis of a total yeast extract 1x105

5 mannose galactose 1x10 there are considerable differences observed between the gly- 5 NANA 1x10 can structures of yeast and mammalian origin. Yeast glycan 9x104 structures are typically represented as high-mannose types, or 8x104 as non-enzymatic glycation (glucose) products [30, 31]. 7x104 Accordingly, mannose, along with galactose and glucose, 6x104 NGNA were observed as the major monosaccharides from this ex- 5x104

4 tract. Other minor monosaccharides were detected in this com- 4x10 GalNAc Relative abundance 3x104 plex yeast extract and include GlcNAc [32] and fructose, as

4 fucose well as very minor contributions from the sialic acids, NANA 2x10 GlcNAc 1x104 and NGNA, which are not typically expected to be present in

0 yeast, but which have been recently suggested in several re- 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 ports for yeast, and other fungi [33–36]. Although it is very Retention time (min.) uncommon to see sialic acids in fungi, the very low levels detected in this work could also potentially be a result of b Monosaccharide XIC from hydrolysis of fetuin contamination or carry-over. As expected, neither fucose nor

5 mannose 7x10 GalNAc were observed in the yeast extract hydrolysis.

galactose 6x105 NANA

5x105 Discussion

4x105 The use of a silica-based amide stationary phase in a bridged ethylene hybrid column was shown to eliminate a major con- 5 3x10 NGNA tributing factor of quantitative bias – the need to derivatize glucose monosaccharides prior to LC-MS analysis. Several chemis- 2x105 Relative abundance fucose tries and column types were tested unsuccessfully for the abil- fructose GlcNAc 1x105 ity to bind and resolve all relevant monosaccharides without derivatization. These included C18,amine,amino, 0 pentafluorophenyl (PFP), ion-exclusion, organic acid, HILI 4 6 8 101214161820222426283032343638 C-sugar, PGC (porous graphitic ), and polymer-based Retention time (min.) amide columns. Although several of these phases were shown to bind and resolve some or most monosaccharides, the silica- c Monosaccharide XICs from hydrolysis of total yeast extract based amide chemistry provided the best resolution and most

5 importantly provided the most robust column. The separation 8x10 galactose conditions were necessarily optimized at high temperatures mannose 7x105 4 fructose glucose 5x10 (80 °C) and high pH (>9) often leading to poor reproducibility GlcNAc

4 6x105 4x10 and often to column degradation. Although this is not an ex-

3x104 haustive list of column chemistries, the results of this work 5x105 NANA 4 demonstrate that the goal of reproducible underivatized mono- 2x10

NGNA Relative abundance 5 4 saccharide separation is attainable. 4x10 1x10 Monosaccharides, like other classes of metabolites, often 0 5 3x10 9 121518212427303336 Retention time (min.) share isomeric or structural similarity making MS characteri- Relative abundance 5 zation challenging. When considering which monosaccha- 2x10 fructose GlcNAc NANA NGNA rides to include in the current LC separation, it is necessary 1x105 to consider only those of biological significance. Of the eight

0 possible D- of hexose, for example, is consid- 9 121518212427303336 ered an unnatural monosaccharide and is not commonly Retention time (min.) found in nature as a monosaccharide. , , and are not found in mammalian glycoproteins and are very rare otherwise. The remaining – galactose, glucose, Monosaccharide characterization without derivatization

and mannose – are common to glycoproteins in mammalian [A1F]=[x], and [G1]=[y]. In this simple mixture, one cells and were targeted in this separation. A similar approach set up a system of linear equations which can be solved was considered for the other monosaccharide classes. simultaneously: Exoglycoside digestions were also considered for monosac- 4½Šþx 4y½Š¼½ŠGlcNAc þ ½ŠGlcNAc ¼ ½ŠGlcNAc charide release from glycoconjugates, but this approach was x y total rejected due to the inherent quantitative biases associated with 3½Šþ ½Š¼½Šþ ½Š¼ ½Š using multiple and buffers for hydrolysis of numer- x 3y mannose x mannose y mannose total ous monosaccharide linkages. 2½Šþ½Š¼½Šþ ½Š¼ ½Š x y galactose x galactose y galactose total Characterization of monosaccharides is directly applicable ½Š¼½Š¼ ½Š to the relative comparison of biomaterials. Future and ongoing x fucose x fucose total work is focused on considering a comparison of biosimilars ½Š¼½Š¼ ½Š x NANA x NANA total (follow-on therapeutic biologics) by relating the relative quan- tity of all monosaccharides between a biosimilar and its inno- This approach is limited by the complexity of the glyco- vator product. Monosaccharide characterization should be proteins in any given mixture, and prior knowledge of what is viewed as a valuable complementary, orthogonal technique being measured. to current validation approaches for glycosylation of In summary, this study focuses on one approach for biosimilars. In addition to providing indirect measure of com- limiting biases in monosaccharide quantification. parability between total glycan concentrations on biosimilars, Quantitative biases arise from many places in the sam- monosaccharide characterization accounts for biases ignored ple preparation workflow, including incomplete hydroly- by other assays such as, 1) contribution of excipients (specif- sis, improper internal standard selection, sample losses ically binders or coatings) and/or host-cell proteins to the during preparation and cleanup, derivatization/labeling biosimilar’s total glycan content, 2) the incomplete knowledge inefficiencies, and detection bias. It is essential to dem- of the glycan heterogeneity resulting in glycoforms which onstrate that glycoprotein hydrolysis has reached com- may not be targeted by other assays, or which may be present pletion, and that minimal degradation of monosaccha- at concentrations lower than arbitrarily established thresholds, rides biases the results through timecourse analysis. 3) the lack of suitable commercial glycoprotein standards, and Internal standards selection requires that an exact- 4) detection bias due to the large dynamic range of potential matched, stable-isotope labeled analog with known pu- glycoforms when compared to that of monosaccharides. rity and labeling amount be employed for each Additionally, this technique can be important in the direct measurand. Sample losses should be minimized and in- detection of immunogenic saccharides which may be present ternal standards should be spiked in at the earliest pos- in some of the different culture conditions such as bacterial, sible time to account for any losses. Monosaccharide yeast, or mammalian (non-human and human) expression derivatization should be avoided in most cases due to systems. the variability of labeling efficiency between In limited cases such as purified glycoforms or sim- measurands and variability between preparations. ple mixtures of glycoforms, monosaccharide quantifica- Furthermore, although it has been reported in other pub- tion can also be used to indirectly measure glycan con- lications, it is not recommended to derivatize a centrations. Consider a homogenous glycoprotein with a measurand and quantify/detect that derivatized single glycosylation site (i.e. A1F) containing one fu- measurand by monitoring (MRM-MS) the loss of the cose, four GlcNAc, three mannose, two galactose, and derivative in a triple quadrupole instrument (i.e. the one NANA residue. One can equate glycan concentra- fragmentation transition of M+(derivative) ➔ M+). tion to monosaccharide concentrations as: Lastly, it is suggested that mass spectrometry should be considered the gold standard for quantitative mea- surement of monosaccharides due to its unmatched se- ½Š¼glycan ½Š¼fucose 1=4*½Š¼ GlcNAc 1=3*½Š mannose lectivity and specificity, wide detection dynamic range, ¼ 1=2*½Š¼ galactose ½ŠNANA sensitivity, and the ability to perform experiments using an isotope dilution approach. The novel method de- In such a case, agreement among monosaccharide scribed in the current study demonstrates the potential concentrations further validates the measurement accura- use of LC-MS for characterizing underivatized monosac- cy. In the case where total protein concentration can be charides from typical mammalian glycans. Future efforts determined concurrently, such as with the use of amino will be required to obtain comprehensive coverage of all acid analysis, an occupancy rate for the glycosylation possible sugars including rare abundance and non- can be estimated. Consider the example of a mixture mammalian types and towards applying a quantitative oftwocommonglycoforms,A1FandG1 where approach for reference material certification. M.S. Lowenthal et al.

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