Dushanbe – 2010

– 123 – БКК 66.72 (2 тадж) + 66.5 (2 тадж) М – 63

The development of youth policy in Tajikistan at the turn of the XXI century: K. Miraliyev, , 2009 – 00 with.

This monograph covers all components of formation and development of state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan in the period from 1997 to 2010 Recommended for use by professionals in the field of youth policy, creative young scientists, creative young people, students and young leaders in work activity process.

Edited by Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences V.M.Nabiev and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.B.Ashurov

© Miraliev К., 2010

– 124 – THE TITLE...... 4 CHAPTER 1. THE STATE YOUTH POLICY FORMATION IN TAJIKISTAN FOR THE PERIOD OF 1997-2000...... 5 1.1. Normative and legal base...... 5 1.2. The main infrastructure of management and implementation of state youth policy...... 6 The main achievements and barriers...... 13 CHAPTER 2. THE FORMATION PERIOD OF THE STATE YOUTH POLICY IN TAJIKISTAN IN 2001-2008...... 15 2.1. The reforms of management infrastructures of the state youth policy...... 15 2.2. NORMATIVE-LEGAL BASE, TARGET GOVERNMENTAL PROGRAMS...... 20 THE BASIC ORDERS OF THE COMMITTEE DURING THE PERIOD Of 2010...... 23 2.2.1. THE NATIONAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION «YOUTH OF TAJIKISTAN»...... 26 2.2.2 STATE PROGRAM REALIZATION «PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF YOUTH TAJIKISTAN»...... 38 2.2.3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM «DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN» FOR 2006-2010...... 42 CHAPTER 3. STABILITY AND PERSPECTIVES OF STATE YOUTH POLICY REALIZATION IN TAJIKISTAN...... 49 3.1. Stability of the state youth policy system realization...... 49 3.2. The basic priority of state youth policy implementation in perspective...... 51

– 125 – THE TITLE

Youth and eternity- everything is changeable in the world. Adult changing with youth, and old and tied with fresh tools. The main thing in this untruthful world is that, everything should be in his place of destination and be changed timely; the other one is not foreseen. The breach or attempt to change this axiom can break the balance of life, and bringing to the catastrophe finally. For example: in case of staff change delay in any kind of management sphere, probably that progress comes down to zero. What does it mean? This axiom is equal with life process. The man is growing, come old and dying. According to the medical and psychological evaluation, the pick of growing is beginning from 50, that is, the majority part of the mankind starting to lose their force, power, vitality, accordingly coming lower man producing. The staff policy is also like this. That is to say, that, when the age of the specialist reaching the pick, certainly it is necessary to replace him with more younger and vigorous. Moreover, if we comparing the process of aging and society developing, the speed of the society developing and reform is more faster, that the growth of mankind. That is why, the specialist of any class, walking by the time, along with that, he losing gradually his youth and force, also haven’t force to get the new modern education in condition of society development and labor market. For example: XI century, evaluated as a century of electronically technology, to mastering of which the young people succeeding better than older. From the psychologists and physiologists point of view, for the older people it is not easy to mastering the corresponding knowledge and skills of world novelty. If evaluating the labor market of Tajikistan, on work skills with informational technology, approximately, it consist 90 to 10 in favor of young people. It means, that, by all parameters, moreover in modern society conditions, for any state it is necessary to treat seriously to staff policy. Rejuvenation of staff – it is not just need of labor market, modern society or economical benefit of state, it is also the life.

– 126 – In this relation, in the condition of transitional period on rights protection and youth interests appeared the necessity of forming the system of equitable relationship between the state and youth-state policy. Implementation of state youth policy system realized the majority of former USSR countries and present CIS along with Tajikistan. Moreover the current policy, also realizing in many western countries, which is confirming its importance and meaningfulness in state development and world society. This edition, practically, covering all process of state youth policy formation in Tajikistan for the period of 1997 to 2010, the achieved measures on realization and perspectives of state youth policy for the near anniversary. Moreover, the main attention was paid to the achievement of state youth program and corresponding barriers for the realization of definite components. In this edition, the author affected all spectrums of problems and the ways of their solving, covering the questions of state youth policy realization. This book is recommending for the specialists, whose function are have direct or indirect relation to the realization of youth policy and everything what is relating to the young generation.


1.1.Normative and legal base

In the process of forming the fundamental legislations are become the first steps for any kind of organizational activity. In transitional period conditions, the adoption such a steps by the government was not so easy. Meanwhile, however, after the recent sovereignty, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, March 13, 1992 one of the first countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) adopted the legislative base formation of the state youth policy - the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On State Youth Policy»1 . That was 17 years ago set the legislative base of state youth policy, which is recognized today as one of the main priorities of state policy in Tajikistan. Further steps towards the establishment of state youth policy based under this law. The legislation contained 6 chapters and 32 articles aimed at providing integrated services in the field of breeding, education, culture, health and economy of young people2 .

Formation of main agency For the implementation of the priorities of the Law was necessary to develop an appropriate institutional mechanism, through which was the establishment of the Committee of Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (the former). With this aim the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on September 4, 1997 №414 was released “On Issues of Youth Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan” and from December 27, 1997 №569 “On Approval of the Committee for Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan”. Since that time, on the basis of these documents was provide the main agency for the management of state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan - Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan3 .

1 Nabiev B. Seedlings of independence flower garden (in ). – Dushanbe: «Avesto», 2001.-p.22 2 Ashurov S.B. State youth policy of Tajikistan: conditions and perspectives. Dushanbe, 2002. – p. 12. 3 Miraliev K.A.: state youth policy realization and its role in youth movement potential strengthening in modern society development conditions in Tajikistan.-Dushanbe.-p.22

– 128 – 1.2. The main infrastructure of management and implementation of state youth policy

Youth policy - is a cross-sectoral policy in this case, all actions are aimed in implementing of youth policies and have a cross-sectoral nature. The competence of state bodies for youth are also interdisciplinary i.e. the structure of youth have right to attract and guided by the respective state authorities in the framework of the state youth policy implementation. Powers and impact of youth authorities are vertically - from top to bottom. At the national level agency for youth affairs, implementing the state youth policy, coordinates activities of ministries and departments, organizations and institutions, youth public associations and councils, citizens and other individuals and entities in the implementation of state youth policy, concludes in the prescribed manner of the contract and other acts of cooperation in the field of state youth policy is a list of youth associations, state support of these associations, drafting a national youth program and submit it for approval to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, developing a position of public authority of youth affairs and submit it for approval to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, developing standards to ensure the rights of youth in training and education sphere, science, culture, sports, health, social protection and presents them to higher authorities for approval, establish special scholarships for young people with exceptional abilities and girls, students in public institutions of professional higher education in the presidential quota, extending financial support to assist the efforts of youth labor exchanges in terms of contract with foreign organizations, provides juridical services to labor migrants, and ensures their normative-legal, informational and methodical materials, assists with the republican center of vocational guidance, public authority, labor and social protection of population, with other republican bodies of youth employment creation of additional job vacancies, take the necessary measures for state support of young families, and organizes summer vacation teens and young adults develop a list of number of young specialists in order to nominate them

– 129 – for positions in the governmental service and governance of public organizations and institutions, submit to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, organizes and provides training improving the skills of governmental employees who implement the state youth policy, carries out other activities stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. Accordingly, the regional and district authorities of youth affairs in relation to the relevant bodies in the same manner, in particular: Regional and local authorities of youth affairs to provide in the redistribution of its powers and tasks of the implementation of state youth policy, within the limits of its capabilities in the care of family members of the Great Patriotic War, left without a guardianship, the disabled, orphans and children left without parental care, promote the establishment of centers providing medical and social rehabilitation of young drug addicts carry out public education orders on a competitive basis for the preparation of specialists and young professionals in local institutions for vocational training, high schools and colleges for job training, conducting meetings and interviews, scientific-practical conferences, methodical seminars on education, employment activities, occupancy and patriotic upbringing of youth, demography and family planning, women’s place in society, to fight drug addiction and its consequences. Power authorities of youth affairs of the state youth policy is realizing on a collaborative, inter-sectoral cooperation, coordination, support and understanding base with other management authorities, including the education, public health, labor and social welfare, culture, sports, family and women, radio and television, justice, law enforcement and etc. State policy in relation to young people, realizing by the republican authorities of youth affairs and the implementation of policy, organize the local authorities of youth affairs. Activities of the republican state authority for youth affairs realizing on base of the provisions approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan according to which the Committee of youth affairs is defined as an authority of state administration, realizing the functions of state

– 130 – regulation in the sphere of youth policy and inter-sectoral coordination of state authorities and the management of organizations working with youth4 . In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Committee Condition, its main objectives are: - unit governmental youth policy implementation «On youth and state youth policy” for the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan. - assistance for legislative and normative-legal bases of state policy in regard to young people, preparing and implementation of the main provisions of the state youth policy; - Providing the most complete consideration of interests and requirements of young people as expressed by youth organizations in the drafting of normative statements; - Participation in the development and implementation of measures for the creation of conditions for comprehensive development of young people in various spheres of public life, disclosing and its potential realizing for the independent living adoption, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the country youth; - Assistance the physical, military-patriotic, cultural and moral education of youth, strengthening friendship, cooperation, unity and cohesion of the country youth; - Conduction of purposeful work for the creation of reserved specialists for the national economy and complimentary authorities and administration; - Implementation of international relations in the sphere of youth policy, coordination cooperation with the international and foreign youth organizations and assist in the integration of Tajikistan youth movements in the unified global youth system. These basic tasks of the Committee of youth affairs, according of which are implementing the management and state youth policy realization of both at the national level and at the local level, also abroad.

4 Miraliev K.A.: State youth policy implementation and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements in Tajikistan in the development of modern society.- Dushanbe.-P.39

– 131 – The structure of the authorities activity of youth affairs

The structure of the Committee of youth affairs approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from September 4, 1997 №414. In conditions of modern society and the requests of the public service, the structure of the Committee up now been reformed twice, which dwell in the following chapters of literature. The below showed structure functioned until 2007, and it follows: Structure of the Central apparatus of the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan5 : 1. Administration 2. Students and youth creative Department 3. Social policy Department 4. Department of Military-patriotic and cultural education of young people 5. External Relations Department 6. Associations society and Ethnic Relations Department 7. Household Department 8. Analytical research sector 9. Public section 10. Accountant department The management structure of the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan: Central apparatus. Regional Department of youth affairs – 3. Dushanbe city Department of youth Affairs. Urban and District sectors of youth affairs - 72 In addition, according to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On state youth policy” under the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan created the following structural organizations: 1. Youth labor market in Tajikistan 2. Youth Cultural Сenter “Oriyono”;

5 Regulations of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan ,Dushanbe, 1997

– 132 – 3. Young Scientists Council of Tajikistan 4. Association of youth, public children organizations. 5. Republican Center of information and guidance of youth. Also with the aim of youth educating in the spirit of patriotism, culture and ensuring the necessary conditions for creative activity, healthy lifestyle, leisure and recreation in the cities and districts of the republic established and operate the following youth movements: Youth Resource (cultural) centers - 45 Youth Information Centers - 3 Youth volunteer clubs - 30 Student Clubs Youth Information Centers - 3 The Students Clubs. By enhancing of students youth and ensure the protection, rights and interests of students in higher educational institutions are established and operate the following youth movements: Youth sections in Higher Education Universities of the country. The Students Clubs.

– 133 – Functions and management of the central apparatus of the national government authorities of youth affairs

Functions and management of the central apparatus of the national government authorities of youth affairs are based on the provisions about the activities of the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan as follows6 : Administration; Chairman of the Committee: - supervising the Committee activity and managing personally responsibilities for implementation of the Committee and the performance of its functions - allocate duties and responsibilities between his deputies and heads of structures departments and coordinates their activities; - Introducing draft legal documents and decisions on matters within the competence of the Committee to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the prescribed manner; - issues the orders and regulations within the competence of the Committee; - Approve the structure, staff schedule and provisions of the departments of the Committee within the limits set by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the number of apparatus staff and payment fund, also an estimate of expenses for apparatus maintenance within the approved budget assignations period. - Appoint and dismiss the Central Apparatus staff from the occupied post, chiefs and the main accountants of the structure divisions, subordinated organizations and establishments of the Committee, and also the deputy chiefs of the Dushanbe city and provincial departments. Appoint to the occupied posts and dismiss the Dushanbe city and regional administrations, municipal and district departments’ chiefs of the Committee in coordination of the Chairman of the local executive authorities; - Represents when due hereunder especially caused a stir workers of the Committee to assignment of honorary titles and rewarding by the state awards of the Republic of Tajikistan.

6 Regulations of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan ,Dushanbe, 1997

– 134 – - participate in meetings of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and other ministries and departments in addressing the problems of youth. Vice-Chairman: Chairman of the Committee under the Regulation on the Committee shall have two deputies, who: - Are empowered to promote and coordinate the activities of certain bodies of Youth, both at the regional level, and at the level of cities and regions, including the departments and the substructures of the central apparatus of the Committee - to ensure the realization of state youth policy in certain areas; - To represent the interests of the Committee to conclude a contract and an agreement on cooperation at the national level and at international level in the absence of the Chairman. -participation in national working groups, boards and commissions to develop and coordinate the implementation of laws and regulations; - Management the national working groups and the Commission on the development and implementation of state youth policy.

MANAGEMENT of the COMMITTEE: Students and youth creative management: - Promotes public support and ensure equal rights and opportunities for young people to education as a priority, supports young people, especially those from poor and large families, rural women, and young people with exceptional abilities. - Promotes the creation of legal, social, and economic conditions and effective structures for the education development and support, career guidance - developing the standards to ensure youth rights of in the area of training and education, science; - Establishes special scholarships for young people with exceptional abilities and girls studying in governmental institutions of professional higher education in the presidential quota, providing them with financial assistance; - Organizing conferences, symposia, seminars and other forms of training and experience exchange of young specialists, workers in youth

– 135 – sphere, and also develops software and provides training and retraining of personnel; - Coordinates the activity of youth affairs structure in schools of the country and take the necessary measures to address the problems of students;

Social policy department: - promotes the creation of legal, social, and economic conditions and effective structures for developing and supporting career guidance, specialists training and retraining of youth entrepreneurship, labor resource migration in order to address the employment and employability of youth; - Develops standards for the rights of youth in public health and social protection. - promoting economic development and activity of youth entrepreneurship materially logistically and financially, within the framework of national, regional and local programs realization for youth on the basis of competition; - Promotion of youth labor exchanges in terms of contract with foreign organizations provides legal services to migrants and ensures their regulatory, information and teaching materials; - Assists with the republican center of vocational guidance, public authority, labor and social protection of population, with other republican bodies of youth employment, creation of additional job vacancies; - Take the necessary measures for state support of young families - organizes summer vacation for adolescents and youth; - Develop a list of reserve of young specialists in order to nominate them for positions in the governmental service and governance of public organizations and agencies, and submit to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan; - Organizes and provides training, improving the skills of public staff who implement the state youth policy; Management of Military-patriotic and cultural education of young Develops and promotes special programs for the physical, military, patriotic, cultural, and spiritual education of young people, focusing on

– 136 – prevention of negative phenomena among young people in conjunction with respective organs of state power and administration. Assistance in development of physical, military, patriotic, cultural and moral education of youth, friendship strengthens cooperation, unity and cohesion of youth in the country. Organize conferences, symposia, seminars and other forms of informational and educational campaigns for the raising of knowledge level, culture, life skills and education.

External relations department Accomplish proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on youth policy, participates in the preparation and implementation of the international contracts and intergovernmental agreements on youth issues. - Develops and promote purposeful programs on international cooperation in the field of state youth policy; - Accomplish International relations in the sphere of youth policy, coordination, cooperation with the international youth organizations on the issues within and competence of the Committee; - Attracts various domestic, international and foreign funds, institutions and organizations to develop and realization of specific youth programs and projects; - Organizes sponsorship for the growth of talented and creative young people; - Developing proposals and accomplish the conduction of national and international youth festivals, forums, competitions, conferences (including the scientific and practical), and also participate in international events on youth policy; - Assists in preparing questions of the ratification of the Republic of Tajikistan Convention and other international instruments in the field of youth policy, protection of rights and legitimate interests of young people; - Analyzes and summarizes of other countries experience in the field of youth policy, accomplish cooperation and exchange of delegations of foreign countries.

– 137 – Relations of public associations and ethnic relations department: - Develops and assist the implementation of special programs on support, coordination and promotion of public youth organizations activity and communities of different nations living in Tajikistan in the field of state youth policy; - Accomplishment of communication and cooperation with public associations, political organizations on youth issues; - Assist in integration of youth movements of the Republic of Tajikistan in the unified global youth system; - Compiling a list of youth public associations, accomplish state support of these associations; - assist on participation of public organizations in competition for the placement of state and local authorities orders for the supply of goods (works, services) for government and young people needs. - accomplish the necessary support on total state youth, children and other public associations in state youth policy field, charitable funds, attracted, in due course, youth and children groups to develop public programs and legal documents on state youth policy; - Assistance on network creation of institutions, enterprises, social organizations, associations, foundations, whose activity directed to the solution of youth problems.

Analytical and research Sector: - Assistance of legislative and normative-laws base of state policy related to youth, training of key provisions of state youth policy and its implementation. -perform as a customer ahead of scientific institutions and organizations; organize the investigations on the actual problems of youth; - Participates in the creation of information centers development and documentation centers for youth, consulting and social network for young people services, specialized services and centers for counseling and employment of youth, support and development of youth entrepreneurship; - Analyzes and forecasts the social processes among young people, their impact on political and socio-economic situation and development of the country, prepares and publishes newsletters, brochures, methodological and other materials, collections of materials, the results

– 138 – of sociological research, analytical reviews, directories, press reviews and other publications on youth issues; - Conducts scientific research on youth issues and national youth policy, provides the penetration to the practice of their results, studying public opinion on youth issues; - Specify the types and forms of state statistical reports describing various aspects of the social situation of young people in conjunction with the State Committee of Statistics. -Request and obtain the materials uncover the social, economic and legal aspects of the youth vital activity, as well as information necessary for the accomplishment of the Committee functions, in specified order from the public authorities and management, appropriate enterprises, organizations and agencies. - - Use the press, radio, television, in its work, participating in international fairs and exhibitions, has its own newspaper.

General Department: - Organizes paperwork and documentation of the Committee; - stabilize a list of reserve of young specialists in order to nominate them for positions in the governmental service and management of the governmental organizations and offices and submit to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan; - Organizes and provides retraining, perfection of governmental office-workers qualification who realizes the state youth policy; - Conduction of purposeful works for the creation of reserve specialists for the national economy and public authorities and administration. With the development of modern society, Committee of Youth Affairs has sustainable potential, a good experience and practice, to achieve effective implementation of state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan. The main obstacle to the development activity is the weak financing and low involvement of civil society, including non-governmental and international organizations. While for the supporting of non-governmental youth organizations government made the necessary legal framework and mechanism overall support. In fact, those in the law of the Republic of Tajikistan (Youth and national youth policy) are defined modern approaches of assistance and support non-governmental organizations and their participation in the implementation of state youth policy.

– 139 – The main achievements and barriers

In the period 1999-2000, which was the period of public policies formation in relation to young people, achieved some measures aimed at the stability of state youth policy in Tajikistan. One of the main achievements of the young state, recently acquiring independence is the formation of national youth policy system, that provides a complex of measures for the development, self-dependency and adapting to the conditions of modern society of the younger generation. Another most significant contribution to the lives of young people was the establishment of a state governing body of youth policy, as a mechanism for implementing state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan. This governmental body or a former Youth Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has the structure of the vertical control of all the cities and districts of the republic, which is an important step in the development and implementation of state policy relating the youth. An important step for the young generation of the country was implementation of comprehensive measures for the development of youth through the state - National program “Youth of Tajikistan for 1999-2000”. Originality of the Program is that, it was developed and realized at the level of all cities and regions of the republic, taking into account the conditions of the local community. This program was the primary mechanism for promoting of youth policy in the republic, and the cover package of social services for youth, such as support for creative young people, healthy development, provide entertainment and culture, entrepreneurship and economic self-independence, rights and other 7 . The period 1997-2000 was the period of state youth policy formation that’s why the main consideration was focused on the regulatory framework, which can be considered implemented, as the main mechanism for the implementation of youth policy is filled.

7 Reports of the Committee of youth, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

– 140 – BARRIERS In this period, along with achievements, observed a lot of barriers, which directly or indirectly impacted to the course of state youth policy realization in the Republic of Tajikistan. One of the major barriers was the determination or allocation of dedicated funding of state youth policy in the republic. Repeated negotiations organized between the former Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan as a result has developed and adopted the National program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000. During the realisation of local programs arise similar problems, local government authorities in developing programs asked the local structures of the Committee about the sources of funding, since it was not defined at the national level in a separate article of state budget expenditures, in other words has not been systematized. In this regard, local Hukumats out of the situation by selecting the appropriate funding for the increased profits of the local treasury, but it did not provide the full requirements of the youth program. The other most significant barrier of state youth policy realization is a poor knowledge (information), both public and nongovernmental organizations on the principles and objectives of state youth policy. This involves a lot of misunderstanding in the process of implementation of events. Employees of the Committee entrusted the organization weekend public works (subbotniks), cotton pickings, executions of preparatory activities dedicated to the historic days and other public events, however, youth participation in social activities identified one of the principles of state youth policy (but not all at once), and the main activities of the Youth Affairs is implementing the state policy relating youth, implement comprehensive measures to provide education, health, culture, rights, interests and economic independence of young people.


2.1. The reforms of management infrastructures of the state youth policy

In the conditions of development of a modern society and transition period of government control system there was necessity corresponding reform allowing an effective utilization of human resources in realization of the state problems. According to structures of all ministers and departments were transformed in the conditions of these requirements. The former committee on youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan two times passed these stages of the state reform. First time full-scale reform of structure has passed in 2006. The basic reform was the governmental order of Republic of Tajikistan from June, 3rd, 2006 №253 “About entering changes in the governmental order of The Republic of Tajikistan from September, 4th, 1977 №414” and has served the Decree of the President of The republic of Tajikistan from June, 7th, 2006 “About modification of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan from March, 20th, 1997 № 967” As a result of these certificates the governmental structure of the state youth policy has been changed partly, general staffs were reduced to 50 % (268 people ) and functional duties have on the contrary doubled and have united on several sectors which looked as follows8 : The chairman; Two deputies-chairmen’s; Managements of social policy and the international relations; Patriotic education and analytics management. Management of international relations and work with public organizations. General department and supervision. The current stage of reforming though was claimed in the conditions of a transition period but for the state youth policy sector was not permanent.

8 Regulations of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe 2006

– 142 – Because during this period in the conditions of development of a society and a recent meeting of the President of the country with youth on May, 21st 2005 ahead of the structural stood the realization of significant problems having socially-economic character. In conditions when states are reduced problems of all managements are especially doubled and also considering moral shock («will not work» «to work») of the personnel, it was very difficult to be join and realise high problems demanded special attention and efforts. By other hand the structure of the state youth policy is an ideological type especially as political, supporting and realizing problems of the state and experts of the given structure are the instruments of realization of these problems. That is, reducing number of personnel of this type of structure, logically that we reduce instruments of impact of steady ideology in the country. In the condition of today’s Tajikistan the valuable ideology formation can be achieved just by direct impact and participation in process of informing, change one’s mind, training, education peaceableness, friendliness of patriotism, cultural values, personal and national values and others. For this purpose the given structure should has character of school which makes experts of ideology, will balance mutual relation of the state with a society as in the conditions of national values well in the conditions of world transformations. The second period of the reform of the state body structure of youth affairs occurred in the condition of priority directions definition and tools of its effective realization in the end of 20069 . The basic reform has served the decision of the Government of The Republic of Tajikistan from December, 28th, 2006 № 609 “About the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. As a result of these acts the structure state youth policy has completely changed and has changed into the Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. In new structure sphere of the state youth policy has defined the leader. Though, the given reform also as well as the previous, reduced the staff and has doubled functional duties within the limits of one management (department) in structure with two sectors: department of social policy and sector of patriotic education and work with pupils once again. Actually management of youth affairs entrusted the functional duties of the former Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

– 143 – That is to mathematical analyses, if before the state youth policy was realized by the whole ministry (to the national centralized body) with five managements and 468 personnel staff, in the conditions of the state reform this relation was changed on one managements and 9 states. This transformation is possible to prove by one reason - it is a transition period of the state in the conditions of democratic system and modern society under the motto “Few physical strengths and a lot of technological (automated) results and several relevant negative and positive consequence. Firstly, the given transformation has lifted the sphere of the state youth policy at the level of basic state priorities, by the means of sport policy realization, which is present the image of any states and tourism state policy, which also is one of the basic priorities of economic development of the country in the world. That is here having united 3 sectors we will have more success as ideological character and economics, allowing attraction and realization of enough financing in branch activity as a whole. And the economy plays an essential role, as well as in any state of the world in realizations of the state strategy and a life as a whole. Secondly, in this case, Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will be necessary directing especial attention to the developments the activity of institutes of civil society within the frame of the state youth policy realization, including public organization of youth initiative groups of communities [9]. That is if in 2006 the basic actions were realized by the structures of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in places, in present structure, such a possibilities limited basically by the coordination and valuation activity (disclosing the potential organizations, support and advancement of activity, realization of youth policy, sports and tourism in whole). The following step is realization of state youth policy actions via formation of the support mechanism of public organization of youth,

9 Ashurov S.B. State youth policy in Tajikistan: conditions and perspectives. Dushanbe, 2002. – p. 32

– 144 – initiative groups of communities and which are rather timely, effective, accessible and economic methods of influence on the basis of political sciences. However here required similar responsibility of data of the organization in the strengthening of potential, realization of action effectively and qualitatively, and reorientation of programs activity in conditions of modern society development, having principle of globalization subject to the required of youth. Hereby, the Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan possibilities will be extended and turns to the steady tool of realization of the state youth policy. Thirdly, Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will create the necessary regular coordination mechanism of valuation and monitoring of youth organizations activity, including public, within the framework of youth policy realization in the country, which principle is not liking to all organizations though, the given mechanism can be already created. Association of the youth organizations of Tajikistan, or the same similar organizations, uniting youth organization efforts in Tajikistan. As experience shows, the youth organizations, including, public are not always supported these initiatives, though they are directed on development and support their activity. Fourthly, reduction of regular staff of state youth policy realization in third, impact itself to the actions quality, for certain time and will be observed the backlog from functional problems. Thus, the structure of operating Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan looks as follows: Management Management on youth affairs Management of physical training and sports development Management of tourism development Department of the international relations Department of Finance and accounts The general department and control Department of personnel development and legal ensuring Organizational and general service department Information and analyze sector.

– 145 – Functions and board of management of the central republican state apparatus body of youth affairs

Functions and board of management of the central republican state apparatus body of youth affairs is defined on the basis of Position about activity of the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan as follow10 : Management Chairman: - Distribute obligations among the vices-chairman: - Confirms positions of structural divisions of the Committee: - Appoints to the post and dismisses Committee workers and Heads of entities in charge; - Solve the questions of state service, connected to the state service passing at the Committee, according to The Republic of Tajikistan’s legislation: Confirms the staff schedule and structures of the Committee in the range of the established remuneration of labor fund and number of workers by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, budget of expenditure on the maintenance of Committee in range, within the assignments confirmed for the corresponding period provided in the republican budget: - Confirms the annual plan of work and prognostic activity indicators of organizations system of the Committee, and also reports on their execution: - Confirms the projects of the position on representation of heads of the subordinated organizations, limiting personnel numbers of the organization system of the Committee and remuneration of labor fund of their workers: - Submit a proposal to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan regarding the republican budget formation to the part of financial support of the Committee activity and the system of its organizations. - Submit the projects of the normative-legal certificates, other documents specified in point 5 of the present Position to the Government of The Republic of Tajikistan.

10 Regulations of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2006

– 146 – - Within the bounds of the established powers gives assignments to the system of Committee organizations and supervises their execution; - Cancels decisions contradicting the legislation of the system of Committee organizations if the other order of cancellation of decisions is not established by the law; - Appoints to the post and dismisses vices on representation of Heads of the system of the Committee organizations; - Represents in established order workers of the Committee and the organizations Systems, other persons realizing activity in established sphere, awarding the honorary titles and rewarding by the state awards of the Republic of Tajikistan: - In established order under the current legislation within the powers, in case of functional duties non-fulfillment, infringements labor discipline, takes measures concerning employees and the system of organizations: - Accepts the legal certificates provided by the legislation of Republic of Tajikistan, and on operative and other current questions of the organization of Committee activity - orders of not normative character. In Committee formed Board composed of the Chairman of the Committee (Chairman of Board) and his vices according the positions. The Committee board is made of executives of Committee, heads of the subordinated organizations, representatives of public authorities and departments, representatives of youth and children’s public organizations. The board considers the major questions connected with activity of the Committee. Decisions of Boards are effecting by the Decree. Financing of the expenses for the maintenance of the Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, realizing the expense of means of the republican budget and in established order, at the expense of special means according the coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan. Financings expenses of actions of the Committee realize on the expenses of means of programs branch and in annually foreseeing republican and local budgets. Management on youth affairs realizes questions of the state youth policy. Management composed of two sectors, department of social

– 147 – policy and sectors of patriotic education of youth and work with the pupil. The management personnel consist of 9 employees. Actually functions of the former Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan have replaced Management on youth affairs. Management of physical training and sports development realizes questions of a state policy in the field of physical training and sports development in the Republic of Tajikistan. Management of tourism development realizes questions of a state policy in the field of tourism. Coordinate all tour agencies and company activities. The department of the international relations is intersectional sector and realizes questions of the international cooperation and Committee external relations. The department of the finance and accounts is intersectional sector and realizes questions of the finance and accounting of the Committee. The general department and the control, is intersectional sectors and realizes questions of the correspondence and control over the Committee documentation. Department of personnel development and legal ensuring is between intersectional sector and realizes questions of selection of personnel and legal ensuring of activity of Committee. The item sector of formation and the analysis is between sectors and realizes questions of cooperation of Committee about mass-media and the analysis of the information of activity. Organizational and general service department is intersectional sectors and realizes questions of economic character of the Committee. Information and analyze sector is intersectional sector and realizes questions of cooperation of the Committee with mass-media and the analysis of the information activity. The structure of vertical management of the Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism, under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan looks as follows: Central office: Managements of youth, sport and tourism of Mountainous – Badakhshan Autonomous Region, areas and Dushanbe city: Departments and sectors of youth, sport and tourism of the cities and areas.

– 148 – Besides, the Committee has 21 republican subordinated organizations responsible for realization of special measures of the state youth policy sport and tourism at level of all cities and areas of the republic, which are following: 1. The state educational institution «Tajik Institute of Physical training» and “ Tajik college of physical training» 2. The State Institution «Republican school of the higher sports mastership and kinds of struggle» 3. The State Institution «Republican school of the higher sports mastership on applied kinds of sports. 4. The State Institution “Republican school of higher sport mastership on athletics” 5. The State Institution «Republican school of the higher sports mastership on football» 6. The State Institution «Specialized child-youthful school on tennis» 7. The State Institution «Specialized child-youth school on winter kinds of sports» 8. The State Institution «Republican comprehensive school - boarding of sports profile» 9. The State Institution «Center of sport support» 10. The State Institution «Automobile economy» 11. The State Institution «Republican methodical office» 12. The state unitary enterprise «the Republican Youth Cultural Centre»Оriyono» 13. The state unitary enterprise «the Republican centre of information and youth orientation» 14. The state unitary enterprise «Central Republican Stadium» 15. The State Unitary Enterprise «Sayoh» 16. The state unitary enterprise «Republican swimming pool» 17. State unitary enterprise «Hotel» Varzish» 18. The state unitary enterprise» Club of young entrepreneurs» 19. State Unitary Enterprise» Youth Labor Exchange» 20. The State Unitary Enterprises “the youth centers in cities and areas” 21. Newspaper edition «Javononi Tojikiston»


In 2001 to 2009 the normative-legal base questions of the state youth policy have become stronger by the acceptance of several acts representing the significant contribution in realizations of the state youth policy in Tajikistan (the information is resulted more below). The law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth state policy» accepted by the Supreme Body of the Republic of Tajikistan from March, 13th, 1992 had a legal force during 12 years, which period was named process of formation of the state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan and it was: On the base of the given legal was much done, including, formed the system of the government a youth policy, network of state body of youth affairs, gifted youth mechanism support, including; young scientists, students and pupils of comprehensive schools, system of patriotic, civil and cultural education of youth, support of public children’s and youth associations, development of economic independence, youth entrepreneurship, young family, support etc. According to the conditions and reforms of the state system, and also taking into account an active participation of youth in a sociopolitical life of the country, sustainable development of the state youth policy since 2002 from national experts of area of youth policy there has been begun working out The law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and the state youth policy» in a new wording. Thus, the project of the given Law in the end of 2002 it has been developed, in coordination with the corresponding ministries and departments of republic and it is offered on consideration and the statement the Government of The republic of Tajikistan and “Majlisi namoyandagoni majlisi Oli” of the Republic of Tajikistan.Project law has been considered during one year, studied and modified by deputies of Parliament of the country. After passage of these stages the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and the state youth policy» was adopted from July, 15th, 2004 №52 in a new wording11 .

11 State youth policy implementation and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements in Tajikistan in the development of modern society.-Dushanbe.-p 41

– 150 – Current legislative act really increased, developed and covers significant aspects of a life of youth within the framework of the state youth policy realization. The present Law, establishing organizational, legal, socially- economic bases of education, formation and youth development, defines principles and measures of realization of a state policy in the field of the effective usage of intellectual and spiritual potential of youth directed to interests of society. The youth policy is intersectoral policy, it contains all-round intervention, assistance and support in rising the activization of generation, provides youth participation in a political life of the country with necessary conditions for self-development. Integration of services in youth development is defined in articles 1 of the present Law where the “State youth policy - united system socially - economic, organizational, legal and educational measures which are implemented and realized by public authorities, by the organizations and establishments “irrespective of organizational-legal forms and own; public associations of youth and citizens with a view of ensuring of education and training, formation and development of youth, a legal protection and an effective utilization of its potential in interests of a society”. Really in the conditions of development of the Tajik state operating united efforts it is possible to overcome all vital obstacles and to bring up intellectually developed youth, youth in the spirit of patriotism and friendliness. The law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and the state youth policy» is made of 6 heads and 32 articles which contain basically: Chapter 1. The general provision define: the basic concepts of subjects of the law (e.g. persons at the age of 14-30 years the youth are): the legislation of youth and the state youth policy; the purposes and principles of the state youth policy, (purpose of the SYP is protection of the rights and interests of youth, assistance to spiritual, cultural social and physical development of youth, creation of conditions for the ensuring of independent and responsible inclusion of youth to the society life, material, financial and social support of young citizens):

– 151 – The basic directions of realization of the state youth policy, scientific bases and supply with information of the state youth policy ( for example, for the ensuring of information service of youth the state creates informational system and the centers, a wide network cultural - educational establishments, mass media and the edition, directing their activity on realization of the state youth policy); problems of the legislation on youth and the state youth policy ( an establishment of powers, the rights, problems and responsibility of public authorities, the organizations and establishments, youth public associations and councils, physical and legal bodies in the field of education, formation and youth development, their potential usage in interests of society). Chapter 2. Organizational bases of realization of the state youth policy defines: controls in the field of realization of the state youth policy: powers of the Government of The republic of Tajikistan in the field of realization of the State youth policy (e.g. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan provides an effective management on realization of the state youth policy, performance of laws, decisions, decrees and orders of the President of The republic of Tajikistan, concerning the given sphere); powers of the state republican body on youth affairs, that is here are defined functional duties of the Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on realization of the state youth policy at all levels, as on state, and on non state (co- ordinates activity of the ministries and departments, the organizations and establishments, youth public associations and councils, citizens, others physical and legal bodies in the field of realization of the state youth policy): powers of other ministries and departments in the field of realization of the state youth policy (develop, consider г and confirm branch programs of assistance of realization of the state youth policy, supervise and provide their performance): powers of bodies of local authorities in the field of realization of the state youth policy; powers of local bodies on youth affairs, bodies realize youth policy on places (e.g. hold meetings and conversations, scientifically-practical conferences, methodical seminars concerning maintenance of labor activity, employment activity and patriotic education of youth, a demography and family planning, woman place in society, struggle against drug and

– 152 – its consequences): powers of non state organizations in the field of realization of the state youth policy which participate in process of realization of the state youth policy according to their constituent documents. Chapter 3. Legal bases of realization of the state youth policy, defines: the rights of youth in the field of realization of the state youth policy (the state takes under protection of persons not reached 18th age, established a special procedure for the realization of their rights): realization of the rights of youth on the property and enterprise activity: realization of the rights of youth on labor (e.g. Priority state measures of ensuring of employment of youth are carried out concerning the young citizens who graduated establishments of general education and have reached 16 age, for the first time arranged in job, and also concerning the minors reached of 14 age and working in free time from training at school): realization of the rights of youth on rest and health protection (e.g. the Health services of children and teenagers in all educational institutions, including in vocational education establishments, are free); realization of the rights of youth on education; the State support of young families (e.g. with the aim of stimulation of aspiration of youth to create a family, its strengthening, the birth and education of children is established the material both financial help and other forms of the help according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan); Chapter 4. Economic and social bases of realization of the state youth policy, defines: financing of realization of the state youth policy (annually in republican and local budgets for realization of the state youth policy divided financial means for the realization of the state, regional and local youth programs, realization of international contacts of youth according to the international contracts of The Republic of Tajikistan, creation of republican and local funds on assistance of realization of the state youth policy, expenses on building and repair of the objects belonging to the state bodies on youth affairs) ; bases of the state economic and social support of youth; social support of youth (e.g. vocational counseling, retraining and improvement of a trade of youth, their informing on workplaces and vacant posts, consultation of official bodies of employment about a choice of suitable work and youth

– 153 – employment); social youth establishments: the specialized organizations on youth affairs; assistance funds on realization of the state youth policy ( for financing of the state, regional and local youth programs probably establishment of funds, republican youth fund, regional, city and district funds); infrastructural social divisions of youth. Chapter 5. Youth public associations are define: a legal status of youth public associations: the state support of youth public associations (e.g. public authorities and local bodies of the government support youth public associations organizational-legal and financial in realization of their authorized responsibilities); Council about work with youth ( advises about work with youth by means of their representatives have possibility to participate at sessions and meetings of the state bodies, local public authorities, other controls considering questions, concerning the state youth policy); Chapter 6. Contains the conclusion of law Despite to it, the given Law in the conditions of new world transformations demands today a little, but considerable change, which could will give open possibilities of youth in participation and realization of the state priorities and problems. The state is young, and only active participation of the majority which makes youth, can lead to fast growth and development.


1.The Decree of the President of The republic of Tajikistan from February, 26th, 1998 №949 «About establishment of grants of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for the pupil of comprehensive schools, lyceum, gymnasium, professional-technical training colleges, technical schools and colleges «; 2.The Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan from March, 20th, 1998 №967 about establishment of awards by “Ismoili TJS” for young scientists for outstanding works in the field of science and technique”: 3. The Decision of the Government of The republic of Tajikistan from August, 5th, 1998 №304 «About the realization process of the Law of The Republic of Tajikistan» About the state youth policy «in area and Tursunzade city»: 4. The Decision of The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from December, 30th, 1999 №531 «About the realization process of the regulation of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan « About the program of educationof youth of The Republic of Tajikistan in the spirit of patriotism and respect for the state symbolics «from March, 30th, 1995 № 234 in Tursunzade city, - and areas of Lenin, , Varzob»: 5. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from December, 31st, 2002, №510 «About formation of republican inter branch coordination Council on patriotic education of youth of Tajikistan»; 6. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from June, 3rd 2005 г. 31 84 «About the Plan of actions on implementation of orders and directives containing in presentation of the President of The republic of Tajikistan at a meeting with youth on May, 21st, 2005; 7.The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from August, 1st 2005 y. №283 «About Position of grants of the President

12 archive of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan , 2009

– 155 – of The republic of Tajikistan for pupils of comprehensive schools, lyceum, gymnasiums, professional-technical training colleges, schools, technical schools and colleges»: 8. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from October, 31st, 2005, №421 «About the Government program» Patriotic education of youth of Tajikistan for 2006-2010": 9. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from March, 3rd, 2006, №107 «About the Development of Program of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006 2010». 10. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from November, 1st, 2006 №485 About the Program «Youth of Tajikistan for 2007-2009». 11. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from November, 1st, 2006 №484 “About the Concept of vocational training development in the Republic of Tajikistan”. 12. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from October, 31st, 2008 of №532 “the concepts under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan about the child rights”. 13. Decision about the statement Program of youth of Tajikistan for 2010 -2012 №372 2 July 2009. 14. The Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from July, 2nd, 2008 № 297 about the statement of National strategy of The Republic of Tajikistan on health protection of children and teenagers for the period of 2015 15. The Decree of the Government of The Republic of Tajikistan «About the declaration of 2010 year of education and technical knowledge» 15.09.2009 №707. The above stated acts are a basis of realization of the state youth policy in Tajikistan which was issued in the conditions of the decision of the disclosed problems of youth. The most successful year is considered 2005,when on May, 21st it was organized a meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan with youth, and the same year by the Government of the Republic was issued three decisions containing of complex measures for the youth problem solving. Including was issued the decision of the Government

– 156 – of the Republic of Tajikistan from June, 3rd, 2005, №184 «About the Plan of actions on implementation of orders and directives containing in presentation of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan at a meeting with youth on May, 21st, 2005». In the plan which contained 42 actions, to all ministries and departments it has been given order about acceptance of the prompt measures on the decision of the disclosed problems of youth. These problems defined by the President of the country have strategic and complex characters and are dependent both from the state structures, and from a civil society as a whole. These problems till today’s time are realizing and reached much, on example of acceptance of government programs «Youth of Tajikistan for 2010-2012»: «Developments of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010» and «Patriotic education of youth for 2006- 2010». Increment of presidential grants, quotas, fund for foreign students from Tajikistan, establishment of the youth centers, including the youth centre in the capital of the Republic, Dushanbe, Youth Housing Complex containing 8 nine-floor houses, creation of cultural youth television channel «Safina». The informational-educational centers friendly to youth etc. The realized problems along with achievement also have a number of sector problems which results are inefficient. For example: concerning the building of the Youth centre and the Youth Housing complex containing of 8 nine-floor houses in Dushanbe. The project «Programs of the State support of young family for habitation acquisition in Dushanbe» was developed by the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (direct authorship and the initiative of the author) also it is offered to the Executive committee of Dushanbe for experiment. In accordance with the given Program and direct participation of the President of the Republic had been put in pawn a brick of the Youth Housing Complex in Dushanbe, however on the end of building the name of the given inhabited complex was renamed on an inhabited complex for social groups, inhabitants of Dushanbe. In this connection, the given experimental Program has suspended, and was considered as the unsatisfactory. Though by the result of influence of this Program was

– 157 – planned the designing on the national level accordingly because of the unsatisfactory realization of the program by the Executive committee of Dushanbe was not realized on the national level. Other unsatisfactory Project it was creation of the Youth centre in Dushanbe city. Also as well as a youth Housing Complex all has been begun under «the Youth centre», however on the end it has turned or renamed into «the Capital business centre». As it became clear, successfully years on acceptance of statutory acts are considered 2005 and 2006, during the period which were variety decisions and orders by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. These years by the theoretical point of view of experts of the Committee on the analysis of problems of youth and preparation of statutory acts worked much, for the purpose that it is possible more widely and accurately cover the questions of a youth policy in the country. However this time there are many sector problems that create the basic barriers on realization of the accepted acts. The basic problem consists in misunderstanding or limitation of leaders thinking level of corresponding sectors in the field of realization of the state youth policy. Despite it experts of Committee carry on corresponding negotiations with the ministries and republic departments, and also with representatives of civil society on the decision of sector problems.


National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000

For the implementation of the basic principles of the Law as a sub-decree, was required to take an appropriate programs and national plans of action that could assign integrated services for young people. In this aim, the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on October 5, 1998 №400 was approved the National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000. Current program was contained from the 6 following priorities13 : 1. Patriotic, political, moral and ethical education of youth 2. Governmental support of Children and youth social and non- governmental organization. 3. Young and adolescents social health 4. Support of young talents, creativity and social activity of students and youth 5. Youth employment and entrepreneurship support 6. Personnel Priority 1. Patriotic, political, moral and ethical education of youth. For the implementation of the priority direction by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on 30 December 1999 №531 “On the implementation of the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “About the program of education of the youth of the Republic of Tajikistan, in the spirit of patriotism and respect of national symbols” on March 30, 1995 number 234 in Tursunzade town, Leninsky, Hissor, Shahrinauskom and Varzob regions” have been accepted local programs of patriotic education of youth. On the framework of this program conducted numerous educational activities in schools, universities, colleges, military units to engage young people in the military and their upbringing in a spirit of patriotism, self-consciousness, culture and customs.

13 Miraliev K.A.: State youth policy implementation and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements in Tajikistan in the development of modern society.- Dushanbe.-P.50, Reports of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

– 159 – With the aim of mass youth involvement and self-consciousness, decision of the Majlisi Oli of the republic of Tajikistan on May 22, 1998 № 628 “On introduction of amendments to the law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the national holidays of the Republic of Tajikistan” on May 23 declared “Day of Youth in Tajikistan». Since that the Republic hold annually “Youth Week” from 17 to 23 May, in the framework of which realizing various mass cultural and recreational, physical and educational activities, which involves thousands of young people, young talent, singers, writers, poets, etc. Priority 2. State support for children and youth non-governmental organizations For youth organizations the period 1997-2000 were the formative years and adoption to the globalization conditions, as well as in neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in this period, public organizations have found their own path of development. The state in its line in the framework of the state youth policy realization has taken all measures for the development of civil society, including NGOs. Public interest groups were invited to participate in civil society, thereby assistance families in the upbringing of children in the new transition period and democratic society. In those years, much has been entrusted on the shoulders of youth organizations, although their numbers were insignificant. More attention was paid to their education through the media. Priority 3. Adolescents and young social health. After a cataclysmic civil war, young people had much experienced, somebody lost his mother, somebody brother and father. These serious troubles attracted more negative alternative classes. Certain of young people at an early age began to use drugs and alcohol, the consequences of which have a negative impact on healthy lifestyles. In this regard, the public authority of Youth from 1998 began the implementation of specific activities among the younger generation who has information and educational nature. In conducting of informational activities involved the community and international organizations which also have specially designated programs. Priority 4. The creative Youth In the framework of this priority area released Presidential Decree on February 26, 1998 №949 “On establishment of grants of the President

– 160 – of the Republic of Tajikistan for the students of secondary schools, lyceums, high schools, vocational schools, technical schools and colleges”. This public support was aimed to the increasing of young people interest in learning, acquiring knowledge and skills, adapting to the conditions of modern society. This initiative was also supported by local government authorities, which establishes additional scholarships, fellowships chairmen of local government authorities, farmers and even the wealthier citizens. The number of scholarships has increased from hundreds to thousands and students became more interested in studies, increased level of visits to libraries and bookstores. Parents are interested about the activities of local structures of the former Committee of Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Offered the organization of other similar initiatives on creation of the necessary conditions, for self-development of the younger generation. Also, within the framework of this priority was released Presidential Decree dated March 20, 1998 №967 “About establishment of awards named after Ismail Somoni for young scientists for outstanding work in science and technology”. This initiative provided facilities for free competition among young scientists, presented an occasion for the improving of the labor of scientific researches. The most important thing the youth has started to try to engage in scientific work, increased intake of postgraduate study in the country. More young people began to visit the branch ministries and departments for access to scientific and other necessary materials. Priority 5. Youth employment and entrepreneurship support In a democratic society conditions, where economic development is the basis of Tajikistan market economy, which is more than half of the population are youth and needed to take appropriate action. Hereby, by decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on February 3, 2000 № 57 it was decided on the “Republican program to support young entrepreneurs of Tajikistan. The first steps in the realization of state youth policy was the creation of the Club of Young Entrepreneurs in Tajikistan, which was

– 161 – carried out educational activities for young people on the base components and the concept of entrepreneurship and business in modern society. The implementation of the Republican support of young entrepreneurs in Tajikistan was working of subsidiary farms establishment in authorities of youth affairs in urban and region areas of the country. Inferiors of this program was that it had no purposeful public financing, despite this, the National Program of “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000 were appropriated funds for the implementation of relevant activities in the republic. Priority 6. Personnel and methodological support In the framework of this component, specialists of the main public body of youth affairs developed a variety methodological and analytical administration for the implementation of the components of state youth policy in the republic. Make up trainings, seminars and conferences on preparation and development authorities of youth affairs. Conduct comparative analysis of youth policy in the CIS countries and abroad, and to take appropriate measures to stabilize the activity in this area.

– 162 – National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2001-2003

Another most significant statuary act of state youth policy in the modern society conditions contains an integrated approach on support and overall development of youth is a state program of youth who are being implemented in phases, starting from 1999 till 2009. On the results of the Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000 is clearly identified in section 1.1. Next program is the achievement of state youth policy in the period 2001 till 2009. National program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2001-2003 (the Program) was approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 30, 2000, №518, which is an extension, of implemented National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 1999-2000, which is the basis for the formation of the state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan. National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2001-2003 was compiled from the following subprogram: 1. Patriotic, political, moral and ethical education of youth 2. State support for children and youth and non-governmental organizations 3. Military-patriotic and physical education of youth 4. Social health of adolescents and young 5. Support of young talents, creativity and social activity of students and students 6. Youth employment 7. Youth socio-economic support 8. Youth entrepreneurship support 9. International cooperation 10. Personnel Program financing was carried out mainly from two sources, the state budget and no budgetary funds. More than half of the financing of the program was non-budgetary sources, which unfortunately were not fully engaged.

– 163 – In accordance with the state budget at this stage of this program was provided for the amount of TJS 225600, which is implemented 100%14 . Apart of these, the implementation of specific measures has been involved in so-called non-controlling funding, which in the condition of vulnerability measures and unqualifications of key personnel may not be centrally coordinated. These measures are initiatives to support education, creativity and youth culture, providing scholarships, awards, stimulation. The vulnerability of these initiatives is that they are organized as provided by local government authorities and by individuals separately at defined time. They had a system of registration, but each separately. It was very difficult to gather thorough information. However, these funds are also a great contribution to the realization of state youth policy in the field. Generally, the financing of the Program, including working capital for the period 2001-2003, amounted to 0,2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the republic15 . Achievement Program in accordance with the intermediate reports of the State Authority of Youth in the framework of the priority areas as follows: Realization of the priority areas: 1. 3. and 4. “Patriotic, political, moral and ethical education of youth”, “military-patriotic education of youth and “Social health of adolescents and youth” is to paragraphs 2.2.2. and 2.2.3. Priority 2. The State support for children and youth non- governmental organizations. Current priority was aimed on enhancing of youth movements in Tajikistan. In the transition period from year to year growth more felt needs of civil society in educating of younger generation, to promote their adaptation in modern society. In these circumstances, it should be an appropriate mechanism for impact in attracting young people for an active lifestyle, through, which could only serve to unify their

14 Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Bulletin for 2004 Statistical Bulletin: Annual statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2007, Bulletin № 2-2008: State youth policy statistics. 15 Statistical Collection: annually statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2007 Bulletin №2-2008: State youth policy statistics.

– 164 – organizational structure, as youth centers and associations. Public associations are mainly created with the cooperation and the impact of international institutions in the implementation of certain programs and mission. However, it was necessary to create youth movements, which could attract a lot of young people as part of the public and government targets. And it served as a top initiative for the establishment of youth centers. To support the activities of these youth centers was sent a small portion of funding for the program. The implementation of this problem was allocated TJS 162000 , which aim to support the activities of youth centers Jirgatal, Ayniyskogo, Darband (former) Soviet (former), Faizabad, Kohon (former), Khovaling, Khujand, Kurgan-Tube, Khorog, Vanj, Mastchoh, Ragun and Dangara and Cultural Center for Youth Tajikistan “Oriyono”. The above mentioned were used purposefully, for example Dzhirgatalsky district has created a farm economy; Artik; for potato growth in 3 hectares land Dangariysky region the equipment and repair of the Youth Cultural Center, etc. Another part of the financial support went to the realization of the defined projects of public organizations such as Foundation “Haft paykar” Youth Union of Tajikistan, the Commission on Juvenile National Association of NGOs, Youth Theater Vohidov M which is implemented by trade “Kulolgari” protecting the rights of waif, youth creativity, etc. Priority 5. Support of young talents, creativity and social activity of students and students Under this component, as in other countries the special attention paid to youth development. In order to support young talent, creativity and social activity of students and student youths in the framework of National Program has been allocated TJS 50000, which went to summer camp support for the presidential scholarship, former Committee of Youth Affairs in the field of literature, journalism, art and architecture, establishing scholarships for students enrolled in universities of the country on the presidential quota, the Conference of Young Scientists, and Competition for Young Singers “OST”. Also financed the participation of young artists at the international competition in Moscow, supported by television program “Mahzar”, an event for students on the presidential quota in the area

– 165 – Dzhirgatol, the Republican contest of young tourists and athletes, the disabled, the Republican competition of young poets, conducting children’s musical contest “Oftobak” Youth Festival Tajikistan, etc. Priority 6, 7 and 8. “Youth Employment”, “Socio-economic support of young people” and “Youth Entrepreneurship supporting” Social policy of youth is a major component of state youth policy. The year 2002 on support and social assurance of youth in the framework of Government decision of March 4, №196 financial support of young families, the water flood victims. The share of financial support for social policy of youth in the period 2001-2003 is TJS 90000, which were sent to the support of business projects of the former authorities of youth affairs of town, company “Humoyun Ep” , farming economy Farhor Area, school Muminabad region, the support of the Republican Center for information and orientation of youth, labor market of youth, farms beekeeping Darvoz area, growing potato in Rasht and Tojikobod areas, also supports the sociological reseach “Socio-economic situation of young people in Tajikistan”, supporting young families and Kabodiyon, Farhor area, etc. Priority 9. International cooperation In globalization condition current component was one of the key positions of State Committee on the implementation of international public tasks. In 2003, with the aim of promoting the international cooperation was signed action plan for implementation of the Agreement between the former Committee of Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the former State Committee of Tourism, Sport and state youth policy of the Kyrgyz Republic prepared a draft Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan by the RF Government in the field of state youth policy. In the framework of the program during the 2001-2003 year has been allocated an amount of TJS 54800, which directed for the trip of young people of Tajikistan to take part at the festival “Youth Initiative” in Moscow, Russian Federation, for youth participation in World Youth Festival in the Republic of Panama and participation in the regular meeting of the Club of Ministers - the heads of state bodies for Youth CIS in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic.

– 166 – The regular meeting of the Ministers Club - the leaders of public bodies on Youth affairs CIS held in Dushanbe, which was attended by representatives of young people in Tajikistan Youth Festival in Kyrgyzstan. Conducted an international festival of young people of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, supported the participation of representatives of Tajikistan in the first Assembly of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS and supported the Y-x Game in Central Asia, etc. Priority 10. Personnel This component in the staffing sector of youth affairs played significant role, but very difficult to establish a mechanism for the effectiveness of its impact. Because the activity in the sphere of youth policy, was not a professional or was not specialized. In spite of this the State Committee of youth affairs to take certain measures. In the realization component of “Personnel” and the scientific methodological foundations of state youth policy has been allocated 30800 TJS, which is directed to the designing and publication of teaching materials, conducting regional training courses for the increasing of experience on the basis of “Sarwar” (Leader) seminars and round tables on the essence of state youth policy in Tajikistan, building workshops Youth Volunteer Club, edition of “State youth policy: status and prospects”. Conducted regional (districts) seminars on the topic “Methods of realization of state program “Patriotic Education of Youth, 2002- 2005”, seminars for the leaders of the former departments of Youth districts of republican subordination Universities in Dushanbe, and supported the publication of the book “Youth of independent Tajikistan”, newsletters on the activities of the Committee, a seminar “Water source of life” etc. The above activities had purely practical and national character realized in the framework of the National Program of youth in the period 2001-2003. In addition, similar activities were implemented by the local structures of the Committee of Youth Affairs in the framework of local comprehensive programs administered by the respective horizontal structures.

– 167 – National Program «Youth of Tajikistan” for 2004-2006

National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2004-2006 was updated in the development condition of modern society and the following priorities: 1. Youth Patriotism; 2. Youth Initiative; 3. Youth Health; 4. Economic independence of young; 5. Talented youth; 6. International Youth Cooperation; 7. Personnel Programs Funding for this period, as well as the previous mainly was carried out from the state budget and extra budgetary funds. Not a small part of the Program financing was planned from the extra-budgetary sources. In accordance with the state budget at this stage of the Program was provided for the amount of TJS 805,000, which is implemented 100%. Extra budgetary part of the Program was TJS 2147300 34% was realized. Defined that, funding of the Program, for the period 2004-2006, 4 times higher or 400% than the previous stage. Also, extra-budgetary financing planned and drawn four times the previous stage, the more that 34% of schedule tasks implemented. Meaning that there is very clearly expressed by the sector and its demand to the whole Tajik society. However, funding of the Program for the overall review, including working capital for the period 2004- 2006, was a little 0,35% of GDP of the republic16 . Program Decision in accordance with intermediate reports of the State Authority of Youth affairs in the framework of the priority areas as follows17 : Realization of priority spheres 1 and 3. “Youth patriotism” and “Youth health” would be bringing in paragraph 2.2.2. and 2.2.3. Priority 2.Youth Initiative. This priority is the continuation of the implementation mechanism for supporting of youth organizations, including associations formed in the second phase of the program (period 2001-2003).

16 Statistical Bulletin: Annual statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2007, Journal № 2-2008: state youth policy statistics. 17 Archive of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2009

– 168 – Hereby for youth organizations supporting in the framework of the Program was allocated an amount of TJS 31,013 for creation of National network of youth organizations in Tajikistan. Volunteer clubs, conduction of information- educational events on the World Day of protection of children rights, support to existing youth centers, the former Department of Youth affairs of Shurabad district, Youth Union of Tajikistan, and etc. In the framework of Youth Week, which is devoted to the Day of Youth of Tajikistan annually conducting competitions; “Young speakers” ”Best essay” and “Arian revival” under the active participation of youth initiative groups and NGOs. From March 2005 to prevent the social problems of young people in Tajikistan for the first time was established a service “Hotline for teens and young adults” (24-80-59), which within two years of activity covered 2,500 young people with different socio-psychological counseling. The uniqueness of this service is that it functioning in a redirection conditions and friendly services to young people. In the framework of the Program supported the activity of the Commission on juvenile affairs to provide friendly services to adolescents, including street children. Was held the first and second national forum of youth organizations of Tajikistan, in the framework of which was created United Youth Organizations of Tajikistan (UYOT). Priority 4. Economic independence of young people With the development of a democratic society where all life is dependent on the economic market, labor market and relationships, young people have easy to find their place in society. Moreover, the country is very young, independent state and in transition period. Therefore, one of the main priorities of the program is the economic independence of young people, covering issues such as unemployment, employment, entrepreneurship, etc. In the framework of the Program for this component was allocated an amount of TJS 133,300 and covered such activities as: - Regular fair vacancies for the unemployed youth; - Support the activities of youth labor exchanges for the Coordination of labor migration and employment of young people abroad, including, those in Russia; - Support the activities of the Club of Young Entrepreneurs of

– 169 – Tajikistan in the creation of business entities, and the development of entrepreneurship among young people through educational activities; - A regular round tables with international and public organizations on youth employment and their adaptation to the labor market. Priority 5. The talented Youth Current component of the Program directed to support young people from the school. In development condition, any state is targeting at young leaders, creativity talents, and communicative, who have the ability, knowledge and skills in management issues. That is, generally focuses on youth education, education quality, professional orientation and specialty in accordance of labor market and the global economy. These aspects are actual and peculiar for the personnel policy of state in the conditions of change and development. In this regard, support of gifted young people identified as priority of programs. Under this component within the National Program allocated TJS 13,3700, which went to the formulation and implementation of Ismoili Somoni Premium for young scientists, the Presidential Scholarship for students (honors) between secondary schools and colleges, Fellowship of the Committee of Youth under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the students of the Presidential quota, by organizing educational and recreational camps, to support the departments of Youth at the universities, annual conference of young scientists, to fund youth participation in conferences and competitions abroad, etc. Initiative scholarships (Presidential Scholarship and scholarships of Chairmen in regions, cities and districts) in 2006 were 300 in the amount of TJS 180000. A similar amount of scholarships are also provided in the period 2004-2005. Priority 6. International Youth Cooperation By the current component in the period of implementation, concluded agreement on cooperation with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan, Ora International, etc. International organizations involved to implement public strategies defined within the framework of youth program, most of which are interested in cooperation in the development of youth health. In connection with what, in collaboration with UNICEF has begun implementing a strategy with young people on health services and youth participation in the UN Population Fund-established component of youth education on family planning and reproductive health of young people.

– 170 – For the implementation of activities having an international character, Program allocated the amount of TJS 90,100, which went to the support of the Second Asian Youth Congress under the motto “The initiative of young people and public institutions: Path to the exchange” supported the activities of the Club “Hambastagi” which brought together over 20 representatives of foreign young people studying in Tajikistan. Priority 10. Personnel For the realization of component “Personnel” and the scientific and methodological foundations of state youth policy has been allocated 79700 TJS, submitted for the development and publication of teaching materials, conducting regional training courses on the basis of “Sarwar” (Leader), seminars and round tables mainly for the state youth policy in Tajikistan, building workshops on Youth Volunteer Club, the publication of manuals in Tajik language, such as, “Coordination of youth centers activities”; Bulletin of the Committee“ Information about the activities of youth NGOs in Tajikistan and their role in democratic society building”; “Peacefulness youth”, “The role of interactive teaching methods in social development of young people”; “Socio-economic situation of young people in Tajikistan”; “Presidential Scholarship”, etc. by the Initiative of former head of the national center for information and orientation of young people (Miraliev K.A.) has been developed statistics of state youth policy, and the first release of the Bulletin of Statistics State Youth Policy issued in 2006, covering the statistics of youth activities in Tajikistan in 2005. In order to improve human resources capacity, in the framework of Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on August 26, 2004 №1384 “On Approval of Regulations on competitions for vacancy positions of public workers” under the Committee established a Commission to conduct competitions for public service. Also, for the information of industry professionals of Youth affairs held seminars in the regions. Held theoretical-practical conference on “Social problems of youth: Proposals and Prospects”. For the first time experts of youth affairs participated on two week courses from January 30 to March 1, 2006 on theme “Youth of the XXI century predecessors” at the Institute of upgrading qualification for public workers, which involved young people from various cities and regions. Since the functioning of the public body of Youth affairs it was the first step to the personnel policy sector development.

– 171 – The program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2007-2009

National Program “Youth of Tajikistan” was renamed to the Program “Youth of Tajikistan” for 2007-2009. This program is more modern (modernized) than the previous ones, as it’s required under the resumption of development of the state and society in general. It contains the following priorities: 1. Formation of the spiritual and political culture and legal enlightenment of young 2. Youth health and development of mass sports and tourism 3. The initiative of young people and youth social associations 4. Economic independence of young people and development of youth entrepreneurship 5. Education, upgrading skills, personnel training and talented youth support 6. International youth cooperation 7. Statutory -Legal, scientific and informational support of national youth policy. Program financing for 2007-2009 years realized from the central budget and extra budgetary funds. Not a small part of the financing planned from the extra-budgetary sources. In accordance with the state budget at this stage of the Program was provided for the amount of TJS 2.200,000. 54,5% of the funding, which accounts for 2007-2008 is implemented 100%, but 45,5% of 2009, in connection with the financial crisis reduced by 30%. That is, the total amount of public funding program for 2009 is TJS 700,000. Program financing for 2007-2008, was planned in the amount of TJS 409,430, but the actual implementation was 64,7%. The reason of this is basically a low awareness (knowledge) of heads of local executive authorities on the principles of state youth policy and goals and objectives of state programs. Extra budgetary part of the Program is TJS 5.800,000. In 2007- 2008 planned to attract TJS 3.000,000, which are implemented on 78,2%. That is, these indicators of success achieved in the condition of development cooperation with international organizations and the Government of the Republic support in the implementation of state youth policy.

– 172 – As it became clear funding of the Program for the period 2007- 2009, almost three-fold or 300% higher than the previous stages. Also, extra-budgetary financing planned and drawn three times more than the previous stage, more that 78,2% planned tasks implemented, and probably on completion date, that this figure may reach 100%. However, program funding for the overall review, including involved funds for the period 2007-2009, was 0,4% of GDP of the country18 . Program Achievement in accordance of intermediate reports of state body of youth affairs in the framework of the priorities directions for the 2007-2008 are follows19 : Realization of the priority area 2. «Youth Health and development of mass sports and tourism» is contained in section 2.2.3. Priority 1. Formation of the spiritual and political culture and legal enlightenment of young Under the current program component allocated TJS 309,000, which went to the various activities of spiritual and political, cultural and legal nature, such as Republican Navruz of Tajikistan youth in Istaravshan town and Timurmalik district, Youth Week devoted to the Day of Youth of Tajikistan - 23 May, a mass event devoted to the Day of Memorandum of peace and harmony signing - June 27, a regular event among students in educational institutions, etc. Priority 3. The initiative of young people and youth social associations The main purpose of this task is to ensure youth participation in society development, including the realization of state youth policy. The active participation of young people is ensured only through their representatives in the places, united as the initiative group and community organizations. Therefore, the program supports all kinds of initiatives representing the interests of young people. For the implementation of this component, the program allocated the amount of TJS 334,000, which went to the holding of Third

18 Statistical Bulletin: Annual statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2007, Journal № 2-2008: state youth policy statistics 19 Archive of the Committee of Youth affairs, Sport and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

– 173 – Republican Forum of Youth Organizations of Tajikistan, in the framework of which discussed the questions of Association of Youth Organizations of Tajikistan (AYOT), activity development, support projects of NGOs in the framework of AYOT such as “Nakukor:,“Triumph”, “Nidoi duston”, “Nouri irfon” and other.Projects directed to the development of youth entrepreneurship, youth participation in education and healthy lifestyles process of youth. Priority 4. The economic independence of young people and development of youth entrepreneurship In the framework of this component allocated an amount of TJS 341,000 and covered such activities as: - Regular fair vacant positions for the unemployed youth ensuring with working places; - Supports the activities of labor exchange on the Coordination of Youth labor migration and employment of young people abroad, including, those in Russia; Supported the activities of the Club of Young Entrepreneurs in Tajikistan in the creation of business entities, and the development of entrepreneurship among young people through educational activities; - Support the activities of farms such as Muminabad - beekeeping, Shurabad - beekeeping, Hamadoni - growing potatoes, Vanj – chicken complex, Darvoz - growing potatoes, etc.; - A regular round tables with international and public organizations on youth employment and their adaptation to the labor. Priority 5. Education, upgrading skills, personnel training and talented youth support The current component of the Program is the most stable and vulnerable than others that the funding being allocated to two levels of national and local. The national part of the funding in the framework of the Program is TJS 282,000, which went on the formation and implementation of Ismoili Somjni Prize for Young Scientists, organization of educational- leisure camps, support departments of youth affairs at the universities, the annual conference of young scientists, funding of youth participation in conferences and competitions abroad, etc.

– 174 – The local or initiative part of the funding scholarships in the following ratio: - Presidential Scholarship - annually 300 pieces of TJS 226,800; - Chairmen Scholarships of districts, cities and regions - 3051 units annually - amounting to TJS 207,706; - Scholarships of the Committee of Youth, Sport and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan – annually 30 pieces - TJS 6,750. As it became clear, according to mathematical projections contribution of local initiatives on financing for this component is four times higher than the national. This is a logical axiom, so it should be for all the parameters of state youth policyrealisation. Priority 6. International youth cooperation Each year this activity will develop, travel professionals abroad for youth meetings, participation at international conferences, seminars and exchange of experience increases. For the activities implementation having an international character, program allocated the amount of TJS 260,000, which mainly went for the financing of travel professionals in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Iran, Bishkek, Almaty, Ekaterinburg, etc. Also supports the work of foreign students Club, an international forum of creativity and intellectuals of the CIS in Dushanbe. Priority 7. Statutory-Legal, scientific and informational support of national youth policy. According to the components of the program allocated the amount of TJS 176,000, which went to support the activities of the republican institutions of the Committee on Information security and development of courses in foreign languages and computer skills. Also, financed the publication of methodological instruction books as, “Statistics of state youth policy” ”A practical instruction on measure of social policy” Instruction for the grant assimilation, the methods of projects development, etc. Supported a two-week course of professional structures of the Committee at the Institute of upgrading qualification for public workers, which involved young people from various cities and regions.

– 175 – In general, as it became clear the total amount of state funding for the National program “Youth of Tajikistan” for the period of implementation was not more than 0,4% of GDP of the Republic. If we divide this amount by the total number of target groups, i.e. young people aged 14-30 years, it is approximately 0.8 TJS for each of three planned year. At one year, for one young person is TJS 0,26. For the disclosure of significance dimension of funding of national youth policy, undertaken some analysis of this experience in the CIS countries, including Russia. In the Stavropol region on a young man from the regional budget in 2008 allocated 62 rubles 50 kopecks (TJS 52). In the Arkhangelsk region for three years of funding for youth policy has increased 10 times: from 3 million to 30 million rubles. The Law on Youth Policy prescribed the financing of youth policy at the rate of 20 rubles (TJS 14,2) on one young man. At that time, Russia is aging in relation to the population, and the average age of the population of Tajikistan is 24.7 years. That is, Tajikistan should pay special attention to the younger generation and allocate considerable proportion of funding, including the country’s budget in the implementation of state youth policy. Accordingly, strengthen this position by the legislation of the republic that it should have the decisive power. Because the principal investment of world powers is human resource in the world today, and those are rich in these resources, they are the advanced countries and can be economically independent in the coming decades.


In the condition of modern society of independent Tajikistan, patriotic and moral education of youth is one of the strategically important issues of the ideology of the state. Normative-legal base: State program of patriotic education of young people adopted in two stages from 2002-2003 and 2006-2010. The first phase of the program was experimental in nature and period formed a basic framework mechanism for determining the precise and clear ways to develop the second phase of the program of patriotic education of youth. That the decision of the Board of the former Committee for Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on April 30, 2002 № 2.15 was approved pilot program “Patriotic Education of Youth” on 2002-2003. December 4, 2003 №526 Government of the Republic of Tajikistan issued a decree “On the implementation of the state program “Patriotic Education of Youth of Tajikistan for 2002-2005», by which the sectoral program has become a national strategy and implemented at the national level. It meant a lot for the sector of youth. All the key ministries and local government authorities involved in implementing the Program through the adoption of local programs to teach young people20 . The next step in strengthening of normative base of civil education of youth was the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on October 31, 2005 №421 “About the state program “Patriotic Education of Youth of Tajikistan for 2006-2010”. Thus, the patriotic field or civic education of young people entered into the system of state strategy and implemented at the national level. Since, the program is implemented at two different intermediate periods, which are different, the following analysis and evaluation is taking into account the entire period.

20 Ashurov S. Main Youth Law in Tajikistan: status and prospects of its implementation (in Tajik) - Dushanbe, LLC “Status”, 2002.-P.11., Miraliev KA: The implementation of state youth policy and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements of Tajikistan in the development of modern obschestva.-Dushanbe.-P.36

– 177 – Program priorities are: 1. Formation of the regulatory framework of military-patriotic education of youth; 2. Organizational and public events; 3. Military sporting events in the direction of patriotic education of youth; 4. The formation of scientific and theoretical and methodological bases of patriotic education of youth. 5. Next stop for each component separately. Priority 1. Formation of the regulatory framework of military- patriotic education of youth Patriotic education of youth is a part of a number of ministries and departments of the republic and everyone realizes the extent of their functions individually. That is, there was no single mechanism that combines these services and that the corresponding information on the process measures for the education of young people was available. In this regard, the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 31, 2002 number 510 established an Intersectoral Coordination Council for the patriotic education of young people with the Committee of Youth affairs, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, who collected quarterly meeting to discuss issues of patriotic upbringing of youth. Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the 16th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan the decision of the Board Committee on March 13, 2002 № 1.12 adopted Action Plan, under which conducted a series of events. In order to support youth creativity and development of the cultural education of young people in two years, once there is a contest of young singers, “Orien--Tojikiston” (GRL). To address the activities of the competition on February 7, 2003 order of the Chairman of the Committee approved the provisions of the GRL. For legal support for youth education activities recessed order Chairman of the Committee on February 7, 2003 № 1.03-5 “On the strengthening of legal education for young people”. Under the protocol the state Commission on 17 June 2004 released on Presidential Decree of 17 September 2004 №1394 on raising awareness among conscripts.

– 178 – In support of youth organizations in the field of patriotic upbringing of youth adopted Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on May 10, 2005 №167. In the framework of which is annually allocated to 10 government grants for educational projects of youth organizations. College and the former Committee of Youth №3 on 30 April 2002 adopted a program of “Ihtiyori” (Volunteers), the purpose of which is the involvement of youth in voluntary service in the National Army. Priority 2. Organizational and public events Mass events determine the program priorities for the fact that they are the most economical type of event on the number of coverage and public awareness, including young people. Youth itself is vigorous and more susceptible of the population to mass events. The program is mainly conducted information and education activities to improve the education level of young people on issues of culture, national traditions, love of peace, tolerance, civic education, etc. Informational and educational campaigns are mostly done on the historic and significant day, where the majority of participants were young people from such groups as students and employees in the army. Under Program “Ihtiyori” (Volunteers), the purpose of which is to involve youth in service on a voluntary basis in the national army. This initiative creates opportunities for young people to voluntarily participate in the service of the army and protect the homeland. With the implementation of this program the local structures for youth have regular contact with volunteers in the military units and encourage them to conduct various cultural activities. Volunteers have the opportunity to participate in the mass cultural activities and leisure campaigns. Devoted to the 10th anniversary of the National Army were held cultural events with active participation of war and labor veterans, where campaigns to organize cultural and rescued them incentive prizes. Devoted to the National Army of Tajikistan, annual cultural and entertainment events with a massive participation of military officers, recruits and war veterans. Annually on Victory Day in World War II conducted cultural-mass events with the participation of youth and veterans. As the framework

– 179 – of this celebration, veterans shared their feats with youth in the anti- fascist war. Priority 3. Military sporting events in the direction of the patriotic education of youth The education of young people a healthy lifestyle plays a significant role in both the public and in personal growth. A healthy society is the key to a healthy person, especially in the ranks of the army in compliance with a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise occupation is considered necessary behavior. The sport occupation allows young people to be in physical shape and be ready to defend their country and society in general. For the activisation and rise the interest of young officers in the Army for physical training and sport held regular sports competitions and games in the framework of the Program. Committee of Youth affairs (former), in cooperation with the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports Committee of television and radio and DOSAF produced television program “Maydon az Daler ast”. The Committee supported the holding of several events and participants were rescued with incentive prizes. In the framework of this cooperation, also was held sport events in boxing and mini-football among young students and employees in the national army under the slogan “Homii Vatan”, “Sipar”, “Vatanparvar”. Also, were the competition between the border areas of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In the framework of the program, the local executive bodies of state power are provided with materials in the form of food, clothing, installed telephone line, local radio, repair of lodgments, establish of libraries, held sports events for the improving of social situation of employees in military units. Priority 4. The formation of scientific - theoretical and methodological bases of patriotic education of youth Any kind of activity for effective impact required the scientific- methodological and theoretical foundations. In implementing of normative-legal acts, this criterion is an integral part of all activities, starting from the situation analysis and assessment, development activities, substantiation and to achieve results. The whole process

– 180 – requires constant scientific and analytical foundation, and renovation in existing conditions. By the Scientific-theoretical basis of the Program of patriotic education of youth constitute of specific measures that will assess the process impact of the Program at all levels. For the strengthening of theoretical base, the Committee concluded an agreement on cooperation with all relevant ministries and departments of the republic. Devoted to the National Army of Tajikistan, annually conducts educational campaigns, including Republican the sport and athletic meeting of students and competition “Patriot”, where participated the enthusiastic students and young people of the republic. With the aim of educating the youth in the spirit of patriotism and love for the motherland regularly held a roundtable discussion on the republic independence questions, unity and peace, legal security, cultural heritage, etc. Also, both, in national and local levels are regularly conducted seminars and conferences to raise the level of expertise of the relevant state authorities. Dedicated to Victory Day, with the participation of war and labor veterans were regular meetings and discussions on the theme “Let’s go the way of fathers” in schools and military units. Also, there have been meetings of the Committee leaders with the members of the Great Patriotic War under the slogan “Nobody is forgotten”. In the national and local newspapers were issued rubric with educational nature, as well as in the newspaper “Javononi Tojikiston” has a separate rubric “A young soldier”, in which published over 50 articles. For the strengthening of methodical professionals capacity in the structures of Youth affairs, were developed Guidelines in Tajik language “Will be ready to defend your country”, “Love for the Motherland”, “The state youth policy and patriotic education of youth”, “Normative- legal acts on patriotic education of youth”. For support of social organizations and attracting their investment for the education of youth by the Government of the Republic of

– 181 – Tajikistan on 10 May 2005, was adopted a decision “About grant of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for youth community and NGOs in the field of patriotic education of young people in Tajikistan”. These grants are given annually to 5.6 youth public organizations to implement projects in the field of patriotic upbringing of youth in the amount of up to TJS 10,000. This initiative is a mechanism for state support of youth organizations, where anyone can participate in open access and compete. All the above activities were conducted both at the national level and at regional and local levels, and drew thousands of young people to cultural development, knowledge of citizenship and love for the Motherland.


The development strategy of the health of young people in Tajikistan is one of the main priorities of state youth policy. Practice and conducted research are show that one of the key factors preventing the development of life skills of young people in the field of health are: poor quality of provided services for youth in the area of health from the standpoint of their goodwill, low level of participation of young people especially the most vulnerable in the process of development and implementation of preventive interventions weak communications strategy in development of life skills of adolescents in health, poor social partnership among various sectors of civil society and international communities in the development process of preventive interventions, etc. Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (the former), since 1998 initiated the realization of programs and projects, both public and social health of youth. In this strategy, taking into account international experience, from the first days of formation of the initiative used the methodology of learning “peer to peer”. In the process of development of the methodology and prevention of especially dangerous diseases among young people raised the need to expand access to health services, and started the realization of various informational- educational activities21 . In 2002 started the implantation of component services friendly to youth, which is based on the principles of voluntariness, friendliness, accessibility, confidentiality and trust. Created net of volunteer clubs and youth information-educational centers for these components. Prepared hundreds of volunteers and regular realized education company of healthy lifestyle of young people.

21 State Statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan and the analysis of the national center for information and orientation of youth: Dushanbe 2004. Development Program, Health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010ys Quarterly Report of the Committee of Youth affairs, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

– 183 – In order to effectively implement preventive interventions by the decision of College of Committee of youth affairs on March 13, 2002, № 1.3 adopted Action Plan for the prevention of drug and HIV / AIDS among youth in 2002-2004 in the framework of which conducted a series of informational- educational campaign in the republic. The next sustainable step is that in improving of the health of young people, including prevention of STIs, HIV / AIDS, drug and behavior risk reduction among the younger generation through the development of services, youth-friendly Government of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted “Program of development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010”, which was approved by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on March 3, 2006 № 107. Youth Health Development Program in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010 is a novelty in the condition of development of modern society in Tajikistan. Analogues of the Program in the CAR, it may even be in the CIS does not exist, that is, the states of these countries while paying special attention to the health of young people, but they have not adopted a special program that covers all components of the health of young people. The uniqueness of the Program in that, it has wide opportunities for the participation of the international community and civil society in the implementation of preventive interventions on the health of young people. This program was developed by an intersectoral working group established under the Committee of Youth Affairs in 2002 from the representatives of the Ministries of Health, Education, Labor and Social Welfare and community organizations. That is called the program was developed with the participation of representatives of different sectors and taking into account multi-sectoral approach and coordination activities of various governmental and public structures in the area of youth health. The program aims to improve the health of young people by reducing the impact of risky behavior, such as casual sex, drug use, sexually transmitted infections and HIV / AIDS The main objectives of the program are22: - prevent and reduce the impact of risky behavior on casual sexual relations, drug use, sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS

22 Youth Health Development Program in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010.

– 184 – through the provision of wide access to information, education and obtaining life skills in the field of health; - assistance the protection of the rights of young people, including vulnerable groups, social and legal support, gender equality and participation of young people in targeted programs aimed at the healthy development; - increased participation and responsibility of young people in targeted programs aimed at the healthy development; - improving access for young people to quality and friendly services in social institutions; - strengthening the role of society in creating a friendly environment for the healthy development of youth. Strategy of the Committee of Youth Affairs, is to ensure the effective implementation of this program for the next five-year plan with the attracting of relevant governmental t and non-governmental structures, including the active participation of the international community Priorities of the Program are as follows: 1. Development and implementation of policies friendly services to young people 2. Life skills training in health 3. Assistance the protection of rights of particularly vulnerable groups of young people 4. Participation of young people in programs aimed to the healthy development of young people, with an emphasis on reproductive health, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, HIV / AIDS, drug 5. Development of communication strategies 6. Monitoring and evaluation Financing of the Program is not foreseeing by the state budget. All components of the Program provided funding from extrabudgetary sources and targets of the budget of the ministries and departments of the republic. By implementing of this program in the period 2006-2009 raised more than $ 5 million, which were realized both by the public and by the public and international organizations. Priority 1. Development and implementation of policies friendly services to young people

– 185 – Policy Development and Implementation services to young people, is a basic component of the Program which refers to the normative base for all activities of the Program. Under this component, in collaboration with relevant ministries and agencies, public and international associations are achieved the following progress: - At the national level on program coordination “Development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010”under the Committee of Youth affairs, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan operating Intersectoral Coordination Commission (ICC) the staff of which are leading specialists from relevant ministries and agencies, international organizations and NGOs. The main tasks of the Commission is assistance in development of national policies, support and coordination of relevant government and social institutions activities in the area of youth health, as well as monitoring, evaluation and coordination of the implementation process of the Program “Development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010”. - Constructed a mechanism for active youth participation in health programs through the establishment of youth volunteer movements on the principle of learning “peer to peer” who conducting activities on the basis of unified position approved by the ICC and educational standards, “peer to peer”. - Constructed a mechanism for accesscable and anonymous provision of services friendly to youth. Under the Committee of Youth affairs , Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from March 2005, operates Emergency “hotline” for teenagers and young people, work situation of which developed by intersectoral working group that comprises mainly of specialists, psychologists, teachers, doctors and lawyers. - Created conditions for integrated services friendly of young people in the field of health in three selected regions of the Republic (Dushanbe, and Javan), established 30 youth informational - educational centers, and 8 clinics, youth-friendly. Activity of Information- education

– 186 – centers of friendly young people are conducted on the basis of special provisions approved by the ICC23 ; - Constructed mechanism of services friendly of young people of rural youth. Established youth volunteer club in 50 districts of the republic, the coverage of which is more than 80% regions of the country. This strategy covers essentially rural youth informational and educational campaigns in the field of health. - Created the Association of Youth Organizations of Tajikistan to the full support of youth organizations, including the public in the field of youth policy implementation, including improving the health of young people; - For services questions friendly to young people developed national standards on educational program for “peer to peer” based on international standards, already adopted at the level of most countries. Conducting training sessions, on preparation of trainers in the area of youth health education on the principle of “peer to peer”. Priority 2. Life skills training in health Along with the Committee of Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education, Health, Labor and Social Welfare Program identified the main executors of youth health development program in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010. Under this component, which aims to improve educational conditions for the health of young people ensuring, the main executor is identified the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. This Ministry, in cooperation with relevant international and public organizations, including the World Health Organization, UN Children’s Fund, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, etc. developed textbooks (Manuals), including “Tarzi Hayoti Solim” for secondary schools, conducted studies to assess the health situation of students, selected pilot schools and realized variety information and educational n campaigns. In secondary schools, by public youth organizations conducted a series of trainings and seminars on the prevention of especially dangerous

23 Information Journal CARE Tajikistan. 2009, Dushanbe

– 187 – diseases among the young and healthy lifestyles. Trainings conducted by the interactive teaching methods. By the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Education began reformation of health clinics in schools, including Universities of the country under the principles of friendly services to young people. Priority 3. Promoting the protection of the rights of particularly vulnerable groups of young people Promoting the protection of the rights of particularly vulnerable groups of young people went to the following target groups: 1. The homeless children, street children, orphans 2. Sex workers 3. Migrant workers 4. Children with disabilities 5. Teens intending to suicide In this area, within the framework of the Program public organizations work and have some achievements, but because of poor coordination and cooperation, both among NGOs and between the public and state organizations, accurate information are unavailable. Along the country created and lead the activities of a variety of specialized public organizations working with street children, commercial sex workers, migrant labor, etc. Under this component with the aim of ensure that young people anonymous and confidential services under the Committee of Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in March 2005 established a service “hotline” for teens and young adults, which provided opportunities for young people divided their anxieties and difficulties, address with problems. The uniqueness of the service was that it was not necessary to make an acquaintance, call your personal initials, also, the consultant is not allowed to speak his real name. This ensures the anonymity of appeals. Another fact that has applied must be given the opportunity to obtain necessary services through the diversion. In working with street children have well achievement the Global Fund to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, through support of projects

– 188 – of NGOs “Youth Information Center”, “Nasly Navras”, “Gamhor”, etc. These organizations are mainly working on principle of outreaches or volunteering. Volunteers, who were trained from street children environment. Also, for services of friendly to young people from the group of injecting drug users, established a point of trust and needle exchange points. This proposes that access of IDUs to obtain complex of anonymous services. Priority 4. Participation of young people in programs aimed at the healthy development of young people, with an emphasis on reproductive health, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/ AIDS, drug addiction. Under this component is mainly implemented information- educational campaign, participants of which are mostly young people. As part of the Youth Health Development Program in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010 in three selected regions - Dushanbe, Vahdat and Yavan established 30 Informational- educational centers for youth friendly service the base activities of which is providing well-disposing information- educational, advisory anonymous and confidential services in the area of youth health. The main components of the Information- educational centers friendly to young people are: a) Education of youth for computer information technology program; b) The implementation of prevention programs among young people on HIV/ AIDS, STIs and drug addiction and healthy lifestyles (HL); c) The development of life skills of youth, including leadership skills, creative skills, and learning foreign languages; d) Creating conditions for business development and wider employment opportunities for young people by: - Training on creating and maintaining business directing; - Advice on employment, including requirements for admission to micro-credit and other forms of support in the implementation of entrepreneurship; - Implement tutorship program for young entrepreneurs.

– 189 – All 30 created youth centers in three chosen region Dushanbe, Vahdat and Yavan, are modeling and as a result of successful realization of the Project the given model is transmitted to the rest region and city of the republic. The Realization of the project is calculated for 62 months, from 1 June 200 to 1 August 2011 from three following stages of realization. 1. The formation of which are realized. Under the given component are created 30 Information-educational centre friendly to youth (are provided by necessary accommodation, with equipment and furniture), prepared personnel in composition of 80 persons, who passed the certain level of instruction and have an experience and skills on work with youth. 2. Stability or development –the time of begin of the given component enters from 1 July 2009, where will required an additional education and material support, directed to the shaping of mechanism (possibility) to stability of Information-educational centre friendly to youth; 3. Independence - in given stage of Information-educational centers friendly to youth is converting on potential independent youth organization the beginning of which is determined on August 2011. The First Component of the Project realized supporting by Care Tajikistan within the framework of realization of the project «Making the favorable environment for the improvement of sexual and reproductive of young people health» (subproject). In development of the project CARE Tajikistan had close co-operation with the Committee during of which parties are based on Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and state youth policy» and state Program of the development of health of youth in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010. In these documents very efficient and clear reflected the main principles of the work with youth on all life questions, including, questions of the preservation of health and lifestyle. The Given documents also are based on the Document of Aims of Millennium Development and Strategy of the Reduction of Poverty, which are strategic for the country. The Base of the Project as a whole, are these strategic documents. The Project is directed to reduction of the risky behaviors and satisfaction of requirements of youth, including from specifically

– 190 – vulnerable groups by means of education youth life skill, knowledge level increasing, inoculate to the health lifestyle and creating conditions for self-development and self-realization. Activity of the Project is, directed to young people at age from 14 to 30 years, and for each age subgroup is provided possibility of the education with provision of gender aspect. The Programs of the education for girls have especially significant meaning, because the possibilities of the participation of girls and young woman in social life are highly limited, especially in rural territory, where they have restricted admission to the public health and potential education. In accordance with SPR, the project will assist to transparencies and openness of the process of the active participation of state executive authorities’ power and civil society in development and realization of the measures on local level. The Participation of youth in civil society will supported within the framework of interaction of youth and executive state authorities power in different level of everyday activity of IOC. The Representatives of executive state authority’s power will be in constant interaction with IOC within the framework of realization of the certain measures of state youth policy on places. The Methodology of the given project is adapted with provision for local leading experience and worked out by European Council policy measures, also similar youth programs realized in Central Asia and East Europe such as Macedonia and Moldova24 . Also within the framework of realization of the strategies UDM, Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic Tajikistan have cooperation with Subdivision of the Global Fund in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Project has a preventive nature and is realized among rural youth. The Base of which is a Program of development of health youth in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006- 2010. Within the framework of realization of this Program and Project in 50 chosen regions are created volunteer clubs, covering 1000 youths, volunteer and 150 volunteers-trainers, which conduct preventive functioning among rural youth on preventive maintenances of AIDS

24 Reports of the youth health development program in Tajikistan for 2006-2010 Bulletin of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

– 191 – under the principle of the education) «Equal equal». This project in 2007-2009 periods covered more than 500 thousand youth with necessary information on health lifestyle. The Actions of the Project are realized with provision for united Standard on youth education under the principle of «Equal equal», which is approved by the intersectoral Coordination Committee, created at the Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The main attention is the realization of the complex Project «Creating the conditions for social-economic development for youth of Tajikistan», which is realized in cooperation with World Bank. The Main goal of the project is the fortification of social and economic potential of youth, included to the group of risk and living in poor , offering (i) to local youth and friend occupations for them; (ii) inoculated business and entrepreneurs’ skill and professional training; and (iii) institutional development. The Priority 5. Development communication strategy Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic Tajikistan within the framework of realization the given component in cooperation with such international organizations as World Bank, Global Fund, UNFPA, UNISEF, and Care international, IREX regularly realizes information-educational campaigns25 . Conducted annual youth actions, devoted to the history days, World day of the struggle with AIDS, World day against drug, Day of health, Day of youth of Tajikistan and etc. Actions basically contained the quizzes, competitions of quick wit, drawings, essays, gala-concertos and etc. Also for the reason of the masses informing coverage in partnership with key organizations were conducted regular television and radio programs in terms of health lifestyle. The annual Republican Forum holding of youth organization in Tajikistan enters to the tradition. In the framework of this Forum the members of the Association of Youth Organization in Tajikistan get together and address the issues realization component of the Program

25 Reports of the youth health development program in Tajikistan for 2006-2010.

– 192 – on development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006- 2010. Within the framework of all information-educational campaigns were regularly developed and spread the information material amongst youth. Priority 6. Monitoring and evaluation. Within the framework of given component by Ministry of education in common with Children fund UN was conducted research among the students of 8-9 classes on health terms and revealed key problems of youth on knowledge, relations, behaviors and practical part. For the evaluation of specifically vulnerable groups of youth, including children from the street, by the Republican centre of information and orientation of youth was conducted fast evaluation of situations. As a result, were undertaken corresponding measures on prevention of street children problems, including, their coverage by school education. Rural youth in Tajikistan constituting more than 70%, and accordingly the main problem is embraced exactly these categories of youth. In this purpose for the aim of the situation evaluation, by Committee of youth affairs, sport and tourism under the Government of the Republic Tajikistan was conducted fast evaluation of situation at the beginning initially 2007 and middle 2009 among rural youth26 . For the reason of efficient realization of the Project of the preventive AIDs among rural youth created System of Information Management which assists for timely realization of action and achievements of the Project.

26 Statistical collection Annually Statistical collection of the Republic of Tajikistan 2007, Bulletin №2-2008:


3.1. Stability of the state youth policy system realization

Stability of the state youth policy is provided through the efficient realization of the complex measures defining functions, value and role of state policy related to growing generation. For this should show these ways, methods of the achievement of the effect of the state youth policy measures. But, what presents state youth policy itself, following: The State youth policy in contrary of traditional social is not defined only on development of compensation mechanism. It contains an active innovative and productive nature, reflecting labor and creative potential of youth. It allows considering the state youth policy as one of the important directions of the development strategic resource society. The State youth policy – is a policy state on regulation of youth relations and state. The Youth - an object of national-state interest, one of the main factors ensuring the development of tajik state and society. The Future of new generations must be inseparably connected with problem of the country preservation and developments, history and cultural heritage continuity, rebirth of native Fatherland. Formation of necessary conditions, assisting for the space of full value to develop the state youth policy is one of the basic normative in society. State youth policy is a component of state policy in the sphere of social-economical, cultural and national development, and as an integral measure system of legal, organizational-administrative, financial- economic, scientific, informational, personnel nature, directing to the creation of necessary conditions for the choice of life road of young citizens and responsible participation in government development. The Realization of state youth policy is directed to the creation of legal, economic and organizing conditions and guaranty for the self- realization of the personalities of the young person, for the development and support of youth and child public associations, movement and initiatives. The State youth policy reflects the strategic line of state for the provision of social-economic, political and cultural development of the country, on forming of young citizen patriotism and respects

– 194 – Fatherland histories and culture, to the other nation, on observance of rights and liberties of the person and citizen27 . The Main aim of state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan is a creation and strengthening of legal, economical and organizational conditions for civil formation and social self-realization of youth. Realization of delivered aims supposes the realization of such priority youth policies, as: - Youth patriotism formation, moral and spiritual development of youth; - ensuring the social rights of youth in the field of labor, education and protection of health; - Creation of conditions for self-realization of social-economic requirements of youth; - Creation of conditions for intellectual and physical development of youth; - Support and stimulation of the positive public youth initiative; - Involvement of youth to international cultural, economic, scientific and educational processes. Realization of state youth policy, mostly depending to its adherence to principles and directions of activity. The main principles of state youth policy is a production of united approach to the questions of formation and realization of youth policy by the organ of state authorities must be realized from the following basic principles: - Democratic approaching to youth, observance of rights and liberties of the young people; - Progressivity and novelty; - Purposefulness, realities and rationality action on constant base; - Universality - coverage of youth regardless of sex, nationalities, social position and religious; - Differentiated approach with provision of problems of the social stratification and age level; - Address protection and supports of the social vulnerable part of youth, including children-invalid, children with limited possibility in health, orphans, many children and unhappy families. These basic principles of formation of youth policy must be taken into account by central and local organ on legislative and executive authorities and serve one of the main standard of evaluation of their activity concerning youth development of country. Observance of these principles will add to the state youth policy the sequence, real and holistic nature and will provide the necessary history continuity, create the unified methodology and reference point to the realization of its basic directions.

27 The law «about youth and state youth policy», 2004

– 195 – 3.2. The basic priority of state youth policy implementation in perspective

Hereinafter considering conditions and perspectives, ways and methods of the effective measures achievement on realization of state youth policy in nearest decennial events in Tajikistan. The Model - Strategy of youth policy development in Tajikistan. The main methods of efficient measures realization of the state youth policy supposes in prospect the determination the most basic priority of activity, strategy of development of state youth policy. Priorities, which are in condition of modern society development is possible determined following28 : 1. Legislative and normative-legal base 2. Activation and participation of the public associations in realization of the target programs on youth 3. Information development of youth policy 4. Civil education and youth culture development 5. Economic position of youth - youth in sphere of labor and employment 6. Development of youth health 7. Staff reserve of youth policy

28 Miraliev К.А.: state youth policy implementation and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements in Tajikistan in the development of modern society.- Dushanbe.-p 42

– 196 – The Priority 1. Legislative and normative-legal base

The State youth policy –is imminent need, coming up at the transitional period process of the state. This is imperative need the young state Tajikistan aware from the first day of independence. After the recent sovereignty, Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan from March 13 1992 has taken one of the first amongst post soviet states a legal base of formation and realization of state youth policy – Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About the state youth policy «. This 17 years back were founded legislative base of state youth policy, which is recognized one of the strategic directions of the state youth policy development in Tajikistan for today. On the base of given legislative act was make a lot, including is formed system of state management of youth policy, network of the state organ of youth affairs, mechanism of talented youth support, young scientist, student and pupils of general schools, patriotic, civil and cultural system of education fo youth. Also public, children and youth associations support, development of economic independence, youth entrepreneurship, support of young families etc. According to the state system reform conditions, as well as with provision of youth active participation in social-political life of the country, steady development of state youth policy, since 2002 was started the development of the project of Law of the Republic of Tajikistan « About youth and state youth policy” in new edition, by the national experts of youth policy sphere. Thereby, project of the given Law at the end 2002 was designed, coordinated with corresponding ministry and departments of the republic and offered for consideration and statement to the Government and Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Project of the law one more year was considered, studied and corrected by the deputy of the Parliament of the country. After passing these stages the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and state youth policy» in new edition was accepted in July 15 2004 №5229 .

29 Reports of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan 2004-2005

– 197 – The Given legislative act is really advanced, designed and covers practically all life aspects of youth within the framework of state youth policy realization. The current Law, determining organizational, legal, social -economic bases of education, formations and development of youth, defines the principles and measures of state policy realization in the field of efficient use of intellectual and spiritual potential of youth, directed on society interests. However in society development condition, the given legislative act adopted 5 years ago, already loses its essence. On given law, it is necessary to conduct the evaluation of bases and related legislation and inculcate corresponding changes and additions. In process of the development of the project of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About changes and addition in Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About youth and state youth policy» it is necessary to pay particularly attention to the economic development and informational well-being of youth. On ensuring the rights and interests of youth on public level over the republic acts the law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About public associations of Tajikistan», which formed main legal base for realization and developments of activity of public associations, including youth organization. The Law «About public associations of Tajikistan» in condition of modern society, also requires changes and additions on account of obstacle, which are a reason of instability of activity of the public organizations. For example: Participation in development and realization of the state programs, co-ordination of activity, reporting, state support etc. In this connection, in prospect will be necessary: 1.1. Create constantly-acting working group from number experts, specialists of youth governmental and public organizations on analysis, evaluation and development of recommendation on introducing the change and additions in corresponding legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. For example: Determination of legislative aspect on co- ordinations and state support of the public associations, certification of their activity and etc. Also in given component will appropriately consider the questions of realization of the social order of government through the youth organization,

– 198 – including public. The Principle, which in world community condition, including developed states, also realizing by public organizations and corresponding commercial organizations. Yes and no determination of state – it is an instrument of people mutual relation, and public organization – in an institute of corresponding measures on development of these relation realizations, that is to say, actually, all practical measures are entrusted on public. The State will regulate and supports development of these relations. The National complex programs and strategies in development of modern society condition, are one of the most powerful and efficient mechanisms for the state policy realization, including youth policy. The necessity of development and realization of this action is that Tajikistan in transitional period, but the promotion of goal-directed and measured approaches are one of the key adaptation conditions of the given period. Besides, youth policy – is an interindustry policy, and for it realization, should take into account all the necessities, needs and interests of all corresponding branches, then undertake the necessary measures, including national inter sectoral action mechanisms. Exactly, the adopted National program «Youth of Tajikistan” is one of such measures, which will really allow us to obtain more in realization of state youth policy. Presently, already developed 4th National program «Youth of Tajikistan». This is testify, that we shaped mechanism of complex realization of state youth policy, and it’s steady. Therefore, in the republic are adopted five National programs «Youth of Tajikistan» for 1999-2000, 2001-2003, 2004-2006, and 2007-2009 and 2010-2012 they have found support from the Government of the Republic Tadzhikistan, they are the base of the shaping system on state youth policy realization in the Republic of Tajikistan. The National program «Youth in Tajikistan» for 2004-2006 was approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 30 2000, № 518, which is a continuation of realized National program «Youth of Tajikistan» for 2001- 2003, which was already the base for the development of the system realization of state youth policy, in the Republic of Tajikistan. Given Program was designed in transitional condition period of society, including moral transformations and requirements of youth in Tajikistan. The Priority area of the National program, this time, is designed more concretely and covers the approaches, providing efficient realization of the Program.

– 199 – Within the framework of National program realization are realized a number of events, including Ismoili Somoni premium, for young scientists supporting, Presidential scholarship for pupils of educational institutions, quotas for the entrance to the high schools of the country for youth from not sufficiently provided families, founded more than 45 cultural youth centers etc. In modern society condition, independent Tajikistan, patriotic and moral education of youth is one of the strategic important questions of the development ideologies state. Normative-legal base of the Committee on given direction of activity with adoption of the State program «Patriotic education of youth of Tajikistan for 2002-2005» and in stage by stages on 2006-2010, which was recently approved by resolution of Government of the Republics of Tajikistan. In accordance with given Program of the Committee of youth affairs, was defined in cooperation with corresponding ministries and department, was conducted a number of significant campaigns. Notable that within the framework of realization of the State program on patriotic education of youth, for the first time in Tajikistan, was formed mechanism of state support of public youth organizations. As a result of this period 2005 on 2006 by the Government of the Republic was chosen 15 grants for public organizations, rated 2 to 3,5 thousand dollars in the field of patriotic education of youth 30. In the field of improvements of youth health, including prevention Contagion, CIDA, AIDS, drug and reductions of the behavioural risk amongst growing generations by means of development of the services, well-disposed to youth was adopted Program of the development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010, which approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from March 3 2006 №107 31. Given Program is designed on the part of intersectoral working group, created under the Committee of youth affairs in 2002 number of the representatives of ministries of public healths, education, labor and

30 State program «Patriotic education of youth for 2006-2010. 31 Miraliev К.А.: state youth policy implementation and its role in strengthening the capacity of youth movements in Tajikistan in the development of modern society.- Dushanbe.-p.33

– 200 – social protection of the population and youth public organization. That is, entitled Program is designed with participation of the representatives of the different branches and with provision of inter sectoral approach realization and co-ordinations of different state and public structures activity in the sphere of youth health. The Target of the program is an improvement of young people health by the reduction of the risky behavior influence, such as casual sexual relations, drug, and infections transferring by sexual way and HIV/AIDS disease. The Main priority areas of the given program constitute of the development and introduction of policy services, friendly to young people, education of life skill in the field of health, assistance in protection of the rights of specifically vulnerable groups of the young people. Also, the participation of the young people in programs, directed to the health development of the young people, with the accent to the reproductive health, development communication strategy, monitoring and evaluation. For the reason of efficient realization of the Program in development of health youth under the Committee of youth affairs created Intersectoral Coordination Commission, which is coordinates the realization process of the Program and undertakes the necessary measures on revealed obstacle decision, in improvement of youth health. Given Program is one of first in Central Asia, maybe in Union Independent States also. Building of democratic society with social oriented economy is impossible without moral and spiritual development of youth, shaping young generation such quality, as patriotism, professionalism, responsibility, youth mastering of socio-cultural experience of past generations, achievements of world civilization. The Realization of these aims expects active attraction of youth to direct participation in shaping and realization of policy, concerning of youth and society as a whole. The State must create the conditions for widening of possibilities of the young person in choice of its life way, achievements of the personal success, regardless of his material level and social position. Only in this case will be found the effective primary task of youth policy - provision of youth self realization. For this purpose by the Government of the

– 201 – Republic Tajikistan was adopted Concept about youth policy of the Republic of Tajikistan32 . The current Concept is called to define the main purposes, principles and priorities of state youth policy. In accordance with its positions must be defined normative-legal mechanisms of realization by state youth policy, formed the base of its methodological, organizing and informational ensuring. One of the main conditions of present Conception realization is a legal provision of organizing and economic mechanism of state youth policy, in the first place - changes and additions of acting legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, directly controlling that or other relations with the young people participation, youth and children public associations. Within the framework of Concept, the realization of state youth policy, expects the phased actions in main directions, such as, provision of observance of the rights and liberties of youth, provision guaranty in sphere of education, labor and employment, making conditions for professional, spiritual and physical development of youth. Also, development and support of young talent, shaping the system of social help and youth adaptation to the modern conditions, assistance in development of youth and children’s associations. The Above targeted programs are contribution of state organ of youth affairs for improvement of the position of youth in Tajikistan as a whole. Using this experience, youth movement of Tajikistan, including public organizations, can achieve a lot in its activity. Alongside with achievement, exists the number of barriers in overcoming of which, necessary to undertake the corresponding to measures. 1.2. Define the target sources of the financing of the state programs of youth. This is the main problem, which prevents in realization of the local programs of youth. The Local programs usually are taken by local executive organs of state authorities. However, when affair get to realization and assigning necessary financial means, starting the problems with lack of budget, absence of the source, not planned amount and etc;

32 Reports of the Committee of youth affairs, sports and tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

– 202 – Practically this is the problem of specialist of local executive organ of state authorities, but state youth policy does not cover the retraining of these specialists, however, all are entrusted on young leader co-coordinating the branch and from its resourcefulness, dexterity, ability, conviction and etc depend the level of realization component of state youth policy and activation of terrain youth. 1.3. The Activation and participation of the public associations in realization of the target programs of youth. Unfortunately, traditionally, programs covering questions of youth policy are developed by state employees and realized accordingly by them. The Public participates is not enough in development and realization of such sort of the programs, passivity, which, eventually impacted negatively on target group of youth. In given process the enormous influence has public organizations, which are not always work on real need of society and have no stability in activity. Usually, the public associations work from project to project accordingly the programs and strategy donor organization. One of the main ways of the given problems prevention is activation of activity of civil society, including, public organizations in development and realization of the state programs of youth policy, including adaptation of their activity to the taken target program33 . 1.4. Creation of intersectoral working group on making of the systematic auditing of legislative and normative-legal acts of state youth policy. The State youth policy – is the system of the measures covering all spheres of activations and realization of youth interest. Accordingly in condition of urgency of any question of youth activation, developed state strategy and in process of the development and realization are included directed recourses corresponding to the sector. Therefore, important an active participation of key sector specialists in development, realization, evaluation and renovation of legislative and normative acts of the state youth policy, for which is necessary to form constantly-acting working group from the number of leading specialist corresponding to state and public branches.

33 Reports and protocols of youth organization forums of Tajikistan

– 203 – 1.5. The Development of the state program controlling activity of information and recreational centre and services. In condition of modern society around the world are formed service information (internet) centers and recreational clubs, the main customer, of which the young people. Also in the condition of Tajikistan the whole of the republic, urban places basically are created and act different leisure information centers. Much perturbing is, the fact that, basically internet-centre and disco clubs visiting teenager, who receive the playing facilities and alcoholic pleasure, no forbid at age and type of the services. Who that wants, that can in that he can be engage. In these condition necessary in a short time to develop and realize the respective normative act of the state program.

– 204 – The Priority 2. Economic position of youth. Youth in sphere of labor and employment

The Economic consciousness is limited in the frame of the object, on which it directed, but as a type of the consciousness it possesses all inherent characteristic. It is awareness to need, value, motives of activity. Exactly they, as is well known, express the source form of active, electoral relations of the person to the condition of environments. The Researches show that behaviour of the people is defined complex interaction of the consciousness and objective reality, which influences on shaping valuables. And Conversely - already formed value mostly stipulate the perception of realities. In this connection, the vital importance gains consideration of social aspect shaping the of market economies34 . The Level of the economic position of youth is possible only in that period, when growing generation will find power adapt to the condition of the transitional period, to the market of economies. Exactly adaptation to the economic condition depends on correct behaviour of youth. In condition of the present-day development society, according to above brought analysis it is important change the behavior of youth and directs him to the condition of market economies. Exactly, here for shaping the youth life skill, change the behaviour, relations to the defined problem; practice plays the essential role in youth organization which follows to consolidate the potential of activity for active participation and attraction of youth to the development of economic skill and knowledge’s. In this connection it is necessary to realize the following constructive measures: 2.1. Adaptation and increasing the competitiveness of youth on the market of labor. In condition of that, Tajikistan is in transitional period and adult generation in other public formation which brought up the youth with provision old market, for young generation is very difficult to adapt in new formation state. In this world mankind pursues two life ways, family and work labor activities, which are interconnected with each other.

34 Miraliev K.A., Kurbonov D.M: informational collection on social conditions of youth of Tajikistan (in tajik): republican center of information and orientation of youth Dushanbe, 2006. P. 79.

– 205 – Problems of one side will influence upon another, conversely success of one side will influence positive upon another, this are built life. The Young generation is more receptive, than adult, however education is also plays the essential role on young person for choice of the life ways. In modern society, which is built on market condition young people must be independent and define their own labor ways by itself, with provision for own possibilities and abilities. The Dream, is well, however not all dreams realizable. That is to say, youth must be realistic and objective for fight on the market of the labor to conquer its place. Other, including close people cannot do this for him. Because the market is the place, where each on itself. Besides, that labor activity of the person pursues the constant competitive fight and where also only young person can help himself nobody other. 2.2. The Assistance on programs development on obtaining of the professional education and orientation of youth in labor market condition; At present the countries of C.I.S., including Central Asian countries for youth are traditional receptions of the high educational training. However labor market forecasts show that youth received high educational training has not a big choice and possibility be built on received profession as well as received profession does not satisfy the conditions of labor market. For example: the high schools of Tajikistan annually produce the hundreds a lawyer, however not more than 10% professional can functioning, rest part are suffered from unemployment or working at the other employment not on profession. Because, today the labor market of the republic does not require much numbers professional at the area of the rights. If, appears the legal problems then with lightness, and small expenses possible to apply to private advocacy companies and solve their own problems at short period. Possible to bring thousand examples on relation of these specializations, as customs officials, tallage, teachers and etc. That is to say, today the labor market do not need «professionals - a scientist», but follows be conceived on production of real professional - an experts of the particularly profile. And there is no need to state and society to spend the enormous facilities for training of professionals in current 5-7 years, but follows to reform the sector of the education and

– 206 – direct all power on development of the educational institutions professional -technical and professional - a practical type, by period from one to maximum three years. For this, possible to be founded on European and west countries experience, where the higher education not fashionably, but the whole youth are involved on college and school for obtaining of the professions and professions corresponding conditions on labor market. This is correct way, and we must follow it. On this is it, and advanced countries talk about it! 2.3. Involvement of youth in production spheres, where focus the introduction of the most leading technology, is supported high culture production and labor organizations. On world labor arena exist two directions of labor activity production, it is state and commercial or nongovernment. Cleary that the state type production of places for the workers comes from the participation and financing of state, and it is more devoted to communist socialist state formation. For example: In condition of the former Soviet Union on the whole state (15 countries) labor power were prepared basically by means of professional technical schools to state account. The System, is exists presently in majority of post soviet states too, however in condition of democratic building we are not satisfied with the needs of labor market. These problems already highly are reflected on labor market in Tajikistan presently. Nongovernmental type of production of labor resource characteristic to state democratic building, the uniqueness of which is production of labor resource basically participate the business environment for which this resource is necessary and civil society is that they are consumers of these services. That is to say, the state co-ordinates and keeps in touch related to the labor market but persons, having direct interest to determined labor resource finance their production till the avoidance them to product and consumptions. Other the most perceptible and economical approach of labor production is that, in majority of European countries professional education proceeds in very early young age in system of school education. That is to say, after the terminating of general school, young person gains secondary education certificate and professional education with diploma.

– 207 – In this connection, such past soviet state, as Tajikistan is necessary at nearest period to produce wide ranged reform in the sphere of labor production, including the relation to professional education of youth. 2.4. The Assistance to education and support of entrepreneurship of youth activity. In modern society in majority of world countries the entrepreneurship activity was defined as one of the main sources profit in family. Given employment is a most facile ways of job placement because it have numerous structures, different opened types of the services and available for everyone, who have corresponding ability, desire to start the own affair and earn on this. Tajikistan in condition of the transitional period, majority have transferred to small entrepreneurship, purchase, selling of goods, which titled «busyness». In these days gradually people of small enterprise environment transferred to the middle. Began to develop the production spheres, are opened small shops and factories, peasant property and different companies. Today the entrepreneurship is one of the main sources of profit for the populations of the republic and as a whole state economy. However the question of the mastering essence of enterprise, knowledge and skills of the own production on youth environment is opened. Not all have a sufficient belief about this type of activity. As well as, over the republic exist many legislative and traditional barrier of the business activity development, including they are brightly reflected on the beginning businessmen, youth. Legislation is not clearly defined supports or benefits for beginning entrepreneurs, or young entrepreneurs, who are interested to open the own affair. However, any type of labor activity entails profit and tax for the state. Many affairs- much profit to the state, unemployment – few taxes and profit for state and society as a whole. According to mathematical analysis (test) if from small number of production to extract less X profit, accordingly tax then from big number of production more X! profit. It means that raising level of production of the population, state will extract more profit than, put the hard barriers for the reason of more profit involvement. In world practice, the basic reason of labor migration is defined by hard legislative barrier of state to business activity

– 208 – In this connection, for young person necessary to develop the own affair gain the necessary skills and be defined correct with choice of the professions and specialization, and the state should forming more conditions for development of youth entrepreneurship and define the legislative privileges for organization supporting given initiative and beginning entrepreneurship. 2.5. Support young family in housing conditions improvement. Tajikistan is a young state on its population, the middle age of which constitutes 24, 7 years. Accordingly families in Tajikistan are having many children, at the average on each family are to 4-5 детей. Nearly one third of part of families constitute the young families, which are needing for social support in the conditions of transitional period, including assistance in accommodation obtains, admission to the preferential credits on under the decision of the social necessities and etc. One of the main problems of young families is an economic dependency from parental families. According to the mentality, tajik family is obliged to create the family of their own sons and daughters at early age 17-23 years. Naturally after getting marriages parents can not immediately release their own children to independent house. Here starts the problems in economic position of the young family that majority cannot in the nearly years accumulate moneys and create own house, and such problem have parent, as well as they have else other sons and daughters for them also necessary to create the family. That is to say, making look younger family, from education and mentality till job placement, is occupied by different social-economic problem. The Other problem worrying both family and society is that majority young families have no possibility to obtain own accommodation because of the low economic possibility, which have several interconnected reasons modern society condition. At first, the stereotypes of mentality, this obliges the parents in creation and education of children, at age before 30 years, which are quite auctioning in contrary of the modern society development conditions.

– 209 – At second, young people themselves (the majority) when making the families are not conceived about the problem, education, job placement and in general economic position. The first and very serious mistake of youth when in entering to the house life is a haste and lack of the seriousness to the independence of the life. At third, the state is not provided significant measures for young family support. Partly are supported young families and teachers, but the other categories of young family are practically not defined what privileges and supports. Including supports are not defined by young state employees, which usually have a wide attention in world community and as the main trained funds in coming future. Thereby, it should to develop the mechanism of support of young семьей with complex approach of the old stereotype modification, including mentality of populations, education of youth about shaping and development of the economic positions when making the families, planning families and health lifestyle and state support of young families.

– 210 – The Priority 3. Support the sphere of education developments of youth creative activity and cultures

The Level of education is not only reflected on image of thinking, behaviors of each person he opens to him corresponding possibility of sociocultural self-determinations. Education already long ago became one of the paramount factors of the economic development, important instrument of internal and external policy of state and world community35 . The sphere of education in Tajikistan is very weak; the quality of education not always answers the need of youth in society development conditions. The Educational institutions ensuring the modern education adapted to the condition of society are few one or two not more. In this connection, in given models is expected assistance in recommendation development and introducing the change and additions corresponding the legislative acts, including development and realization and realization of target scholastic programs on activations of youth scholars, development of student and school of youth moving network services, club, centers and etc: 3.1. The Improvement of the education system in the condition of modern society and need of market economies. The System of the education the frames are which assists the literate development of the population, system, which in development society condition requires the regular renovation for the reason of ensuring of the qualitative education of population of any states. In condition of Tajikistan, when the country is in transitional period, the education system is considered powerfully outdated, and she does not satisfy the needs of labor market. The Main reason of growing unemployment, labor migration is low level of economic position of population and corruptions, is a level оf scholarship of populations, which depend on education advance. In transitional period, in process of globalization is necessary the inspection of legislation of the republic on level of education and his correspondences to world market. Also it is necessary to conduct the

35 BabinzevV.P regional authorities power and the problem of state youth policy realisation // youth policy: Inform.bulletin1995, №120-127.; Babochkin P.I. social services for youth// in book “Youth of Russia”education of viabile generation – М., 1995.-С.154.

– 211 – wide ranging research on labor market, reveal the main lack and produce the reform of the system in near years, as well as Tajikistan many years lag behind in the field of qualitative middle professional high professional education ensuring. Also, should review the education system on secondary schools on educational plans ensuring level, (certificate and diploma) of secondary education of youth, secondary professional education in the conditions of world transformation. Accordingly will be necessary change completely scholastic program and plan36 . 3.2. The Activation and participation of youth in organizing affairs of the educational institutions. The Soviet Union if it is the first reason that remembers, that it had a strong political party, the second is the komsomol schools, which for young generation started from school desks. It is youth participation, when everywhere in all cultural-mass and creative action, youth are the leading and the same youth are organized components of these actions. For young person most main is to understand himself, feel its contribution and value in society, which is organized only by means of their attraction and activations in education process. Today in Tajikistan conducting the activity of the moving of Ahtaron, Somoniyon and Oli Somon, changing former «pioneer» being a structure of the Ministry of education of the country. That is to say, here already is mistaken any structure practically cannot organize public initiative in its structure, because, competitive aspects of the development are broken. These estimations obvious already on functioning of given school moving, activity of which is very weak and practically is not felt by society. The Other level of the youth scholars’ development is the system of education in High Schools and Secondary Schools. In the republic formally conducting the activity of youth affairs divisions, on high school and secondary schools base, however practically their influences upon student environment not appreciable. The First reason that, personnel of these moving are depending to university administration that means they are not independent. According to their actions, contradicting

36 Fact sheet about the social situation of young people in Tajikistan: National Center for information and guidance of youth, Dushanbe, 2006. - 35. p. 30.

– 212 – statutory program which is directed to the protection and ensuring the rights and interest of students and their activations in process of training. In this regard, first, necessary to reorganize the structure of school youth movements in their independent activities aimed enhancing the students by organizing various informational- education campaigns. Second, it should clearly define the independence of the departments of High Schools of Youth affairs and to restructure their activities under the Committee of Youth affairs, Sport and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as their programmatic tasks directly related with the implementation of state youth policy of aspects. 3.3. Implementing programs of youth students’ leisure time, realizing available, developing, self productive forms of leisure time, especially in the places of stay. World of the young man is very fragile and vulnerable that has the ability to adapt quickly as to the development and conditions of passivity and backwardness. Therefore, for the removal of repression and tired a young man should be regular leisure and recreation, supports its ability to enhance the modern world37 . In Tajikistan, except for officially recognized holidays, also created conditions for recreation for children and youth in various recreational and educational-training camps of the country, but these conditions are not available to all students. Another is that adolescents are flexible and they have need for different approaches to education and upbringing, where the role of clubs out-of-school and centers of vocational guidance and entertainment is very high. Unfortunately, at present in the education sector, these conditions are practically not observed. There are a few of the schools that have good leadership, which created the necessary conditions for students for self-development and revitalization in school life38 . Therefore, it should expand the network of summer camps in the country and improve the level of services also need to introduce a mandatory training program and the creation of various cultural and leisure activities, professional and educational clubs and training centers on out-of-school programs for students.

37 Reports Development Program Youth Health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006- 2010 38 Reports Development Program Youth Health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006-2010

– 213 – Priority 4. The development of youth health

In the transition period at the XXI century it is clear that some of the most challenging public health problems can be solved only by changing people behavior and life skills in the field of health. These interventions lead to better results if they are first of all will be introduced for young people in early stage of the identity forming process and ensure their participation in the implementation. In addition, the services provided to young people in the field of health, should rationally take into account their interests and needs and be friendly to them. Last helps ensure receiving correct and timely information, provides a full range of accessible, affordable, quality services. Ensures privacy and confidentiality on the part of professionals, and teen doctors trained in health issues, the principles of services attuned to young people and above all - provides the participation of young people in education programs through the introduction of education “peer to peer” in the area of youth health39 . Improvement access of youth to provide social services necessary for the socialization and self-development is a basic prerequisite for improving the health of youth and activating them to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this area, the expert group of the Committee of Youth Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, established in 2002, the number of specialists from relevant ministries and agencies, including non-governmental organizations and international organizations, much has been done. The problem of youth health in the country analyzed, respectively, after three years of full-fledged work to develop a focused program covering the full spectrum of health problems of young people, March 3, 2006 № 107 Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has approved the “Program of development of youth health in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2006 – 2010”.

39 Fact sheet about the social situation of young people in Tajikistan: National Center for information and guidance of youth, Dushanbe, 2006. - 35s.str. 12.; Bezborodko N. Social security of military - matter of national importance / reference. - 1995.; Borisova- Lukashaniets EG On the vocabulary of contemporary youth slang. 105.

– 214 – It should be noted that this program is one of the first in the CIS and she herself is a good model for the development of youth health, according to this, everything which be offered, will come from this program. 4.1. Development of services attuned to young people. System services friendly to the young people in the Republic of Tajikistan were formed in 2002 through youth volunteer movements. Currently being implemented throughout the country also has a good success in a few selected areas. Unique system in that it covers a range of services for youth, including information, counseling, and treatment, etc. The friendliness of services should be four principles: accessibility, voluntarism, anonymity (privacy) and equity. System services friendly to young people is implemented under the national standard methodology for “peer to peer”. However, in the implementation of the system, existing some significant problems, such as: the weak involvement of civil society, including NGOs, family and political organizations. In this regard, it should be, to expand the system of services friendly to young people throughout the country taking into account the successes achieved as a result of the selected areas. And also, it is necessary to increase the participation of civil society, including community organizations, families and political organizations in the implementation of the system of services friendly to young people. 4.2. Life skills training in the field of health in the education system. Education has a huge impact on youth health, health education, health and other essential skills. From childhood people are taught life skills in the field of health, but in ascending, when a person gets independence it will be difficult to teach him kind of skills. In this regard, school and other educational institutions have the ability easily teach the younger generation anything, including life skills in the field of health. In Tajikistan, currently unfortunately, the education sector is not focuses properly. The curriculum requires changes and additions on this subject, is also required to allocate certain hours for the teaching of life skills in the field of health.

– 215 – With the development of modern society should activate health clinics and schools to upgrade them to the youth, including medical treatment, counseling, information, organization of events, etc. 4.3. Promoting the protection of the rights of particularly vulnerable groups of young people Particularly vulnerable groups of young people, this is street children, waif, homeless, sex workers, drug users and migrant workers. These are people who require special attention and special services to preserve health and healthy living habits. Of all the categories difficult to reach particularly vulnerable groups of young people, it requires very hard work with them. This practice is not only for Tajikistan, but throughout the world the same situation, including in developed countries, where the planned regular increase in prostitution, homeless, etc. among adolescents and young. In Tajikistan, for particularly vulnerable groups of young people is necessary to form a system of sectoral services with the participation of key ministries and departments, NGOs and international organizations towards the establishment of rehabilitation centers, orphanages, a package of social services and the services or items of trust. International practice shows that, with particularly vulnerable groups of young people can work only in interaction and understanding taking into account the serving of the confidentiality of services.

– 216 – Priority 5. Civil education and the development of youth culture

In modern conditions of extreme mobility of all social processes in society, youth culture should be seen in a few planes, is conditional level and direction of cultural self-realization, which is understood by us as a meaningful aspect of cultural activities of young man, embodied in the objective actions of motives, needs, abilities, cultural nature. The transition to a market economy, changes in national values could not lead to a state of social anomie and frustration of the population, a direct influence on the value-world of youth. Find your way in a modern society, aiming at accelerating of status promotion and at the same time, progressive social maladaptive - all this led to the specific nature of cultural self- realization of a young man. The basis of the new political and cultural thinking of young people is the idea of consolidating of national independence, unity and national identity, patriotism and love of country, security of the state and nation, defend the territorial integrity and national interests. The cultural and patriotic education of youth is a key element of national youth policy. Therefore, in 1995 the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted a program of educating the youth of Tajikistan in the spirit of patriotism and respect for state symbols. The tradition, which continues till present, adopted and implemented the “Program of patriotic education of youth, 2006-2010. 5.1. Educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and culture. Despite the efforts, the problems of young people educating is still sharp. In principle, the issues of upbringing and education require constant intervention and renewal of approaches, methods, relationship of society with younger generation. Because in the process of social development, also is expanding the worldoutlook of youth, increasing the level of the needs of young people, where the society, including family and the state will need to be paying attention and re-education approaches. Unfortunately, not always in that draws timely attention to adult generation, yet there are no any serious problems in relationships. And usually in these cases, accused youth is that they

– 217 – do not recognize adults who do not obey, do not have a culture of behavior, attitude, etc40 . Also, do not forget that the future of any state creates the youth of today, including the preservation of culture, history, traditions and heritage of the people and nation. Therefore, in today’s global society, where increasingly become issues of globalization, it is necessary to strengthen public policy education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and cultural heritage, not contradicting issues of globalization, because they are necessary in terms of self- development and self-realization and a young man of Tajik society. Involvement of civil society, including family and religion plays a significant role in the cultural education of youth. Implementing integrated measures in relation to the education of young people we seek constant attention and zeal of the young generation to participate in the public life of the active population. Fundamental developing of educational and special programs and innovative methods for organizing and carrying out patriotic education in its various forms contributes to enhance the students; young people and targeted training for the army. 5.2. Deviant behavior among young people In a country where more than 70% of the population is youth behavior and attitudes of the younger generation have an enormous impact on the culture of society as a whole. In the case of negative behavior of the masses of young people the situation can affect on the instability of society. In general, the negative behavior of young people comes from several sources, which are interconnected to the globalization of relations. Criminal consequence of the demonstration through the mass media, scenes of cruelty and violence, as shown by sociological studies, closely related to the psychological tendency of children, adolescents and young people to imitate especially liked idol. Regular contemplation of superheroes who are not afraid of any fight no battle to shape not rare conviction that only by force can achieve success in life, and girls are not far behind in the cruelty of youth. Now children and adolescents do not often face a

40 Fact sheet about the social situation of young people in Tajikistan: National Center for information and guidance of youth, Dushanbe, 2006. - 35s.str. 12.

– 218 – choice: someone becoming a victim or perpetrator. Many people choose the second path. Or they are forced by older generations. Among adolescents, including orphans, street children and homeless people there are many instances of crimes such as theft, robbery, violence. The main cause of youth crime is negative behavior, such as give a scolding, smoking tobacco (nose), rape, prostitution, etc. In the society, children, adolescents, young people suffer not only from obscurity or repressive measures of “education” but also on the inequality of situation, chance than adults to receive appropriate housing, work, recompense for it: today young are first candidates for unemployment. The following approaches may contribute to the effective change in behavior among youth, increasing their level of education, the involvement of leading a healthy lifestyle, etc. The introduction of new technologies of correction and rehabilitation of young people prone to aggression, violence and infringement of the law and their subsequent integration into society is substantial measures aimed at stabilizing the society. Including, treatment and rehabilitation of young people who have drug, alcohol and other forms of dependence, contributes to antisocial behavior of young people introduction of new forms of rehabilitation work with young offenders and prone to antisocial behavior, social independent control of the criminal justice system and prison as well as the implementation of interdepartmental programs on suppression of child sexual exploitation, suppression of advertising and trade of alcohol, drugs among young people, the neutralization of the street children criminogenic subcultures promotes in systematic prevention and treatment of deviant behavior among youth and stabilize society.

– 219 – Priority 6. Staffing and management of youth policies

One of the key priorities for the development of youth policy is the staffing. Just educated, trained staff, passed a certain stage of life changes can affect on the development of relevant services and bodies of improving the lives of young people. Experience and practice of western developed countries show that the development of personnel policies of the State must establish personnel policies of youth, the future of the state. The basis for the formation of personnel policies for youth are various institutes and schools, where young people receive special training and strengthen their institutional skills, such as administration and management, leadership, teamwork, the art of oratory, etc.41 In the Republic of Tajikistan for the personnel policy, the state conduct the activities of the Institute of public workers, which by itself says that this institution may take qualification courses only public workers, and of course in this category, the number of young people are insignificant. On this, there is an urgent need to resolve this issue in the condition of the present time, the needs and requirements of both government and non-governmental organizations. 6.1. Staff reserve of youth policy Any organizational structure needs in trained and experienced personnel. Traditionally, say “Personnel decide everything” and it is not easy. Because, really from specialist, master of his subject depending very much in the management and implementation. For this it is necessary to have a special structure, staff training, which could produce images on the purpose and need of governmental and nongovernmental structures. For Tajikistan, as well for the other countries, founded on transitional period, formation of strengthening staff ensuring mechanism is very important.

41 Youth Institute. Moscow: Social life, 1996, № 127. - 34 p.; D.N Isaev, V.E Kagan Sex education and mental hygiene of children sex. L., 1979. p.154; Youth of Russia: Bibliogr. Index / RGUB. - M., 1995. - ed.1-4.

– 220 – In this regard, it is necessary to build institutions for training, education and retraining, practice and high skills development of the specialists. Institute, which, also can have the opportunity to systematically evaluation of the situations and tasks software development for the ensuring of young specialists of public authorities and non-governmental organizations, including the private sector. Determination of fixed quotas for the youth in the legislative and executive power is an important approach in the preparation of specialized personnel. 6.2. Youth participation in the management of public authorities and local authorities. State management of Youth Policy in the Republic of Tajikistan began to have formed immediately after the collapse of the Komsomol, which was public, but had the competence of the state influence. This system was very developed and advanced Western countries are simply jealous of the youth of the USSR. At present this is not achieved, and the Public Administration of young people in Tajikistan in 1992, transmitted to public administration, resulting today in the republic there is a state agency for youth and has a structural division throughout the country. The current management system of youth policy, both at national and local levels has its basis, but in today society and the needs of young people is not stable. At the level of the President: on youth affairs defined one of the Vice President, Vice Premier of the Republic of Tajikistan. At the level of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of state youth policy is the Division of Youth, Sport and Tourism, but there is not enough staff to manage all sectors simultaneously. At the level of the Parliament of the Majlisi Oli, leads the activity, Committee on Women, Family and Youth Policy, which also lacks key staff working with young people, moreover, has not yet determined the quota, the share of youth participation in the Parliament, by the legislature of the country 70, 5% of which is youth. Along with this, to enhance the youth at the community level, and relevant non-governmental organizations are working poorly, do not show initiative for youth participation in the development of civil society.

– 221 – Accordingly, the proposed coordination of state youth policy in the Republic of Tajikistan: At the level of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for the development of state youth policy definition of the State Adviser on Youth Affairs, whose function is to inform the President about the status and prospects of the country’s youth. And also, one of the Vice Prime Minister and the Department for Youth Policy whose function is to promote national youth policies at the level of the Government; - At the level of the country Parliament, should be the formation of certain of the Committee on Youth Policy, which promote the protection of the rights and interests of young people in the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan; At the national level, the development of the status of the Youth Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan at the state committee or the Ministry, the Chairman of the Committee as a member of the Government had the casting vote at meetings of the Government. Also should expand the staff to strengthen the capacity of the public body of youth affairs, for example up to 70 civil workers in central administration, in 30 regional bodies for Youth, along with that it was time to expand the authorities of Youth affairs, for example certification of youth associations, entertainment centers, etc. Similarly, should develop a network of agencies of youth affairs in all regions of the republic. Infrastructure of institutions and organizations to ensure implementation of state youth policy at the national level in various fields, such as accessibility of youth to the minimum necessary social services and goods necessary for the socialization and development, the development of service employment and the labor of young people, creation of the center to prevent child neglect (active detection of street children, the definition of them to the family or institution, coordinating agencies and non-governmental organizations) and creation (or unification) in the regions of the republic, a network of specialized agencies of temporary stay of children (correctional centers for deviant children, children detoxification center, a shelter for children, the homeless, etc.).

– 222 – Priority 7. Formation of monitoring and evaluation system and informational development of youth policy

7.1. Forming the system of monitoring and evaluation. Any kind of activity can achieve success in the event that a preliminary calculation of the expected goal. The calculation, which is prepared on the basis of analysis and evaluation of relevant data collected in surveys and studies. The state youth policy for 17 years as implemented efficiently, but well-defined systematic analysis and impact assessment does not exist, that is, there is no electronic database, which would have had the opportunity and the potential of collecting and processing data from daily operations and implemented measures. In the conditions of modern society it is big systemic problem that requires a speedy decision. Despite this the Republic realized statistics of state youth policy, which covers the basic positions of the state youth policy and is not sold on the electronic situation. This model can serve as a basis for developing a database on measures of state youth policy in Tajikistan. In addition, the sector should take the following measures42 Expansion of the practice of social research and monitoring to study the situation among young people, preparing periodic analytic materials on the situation of youth and youth policy implementation of regular national and regional scientific and practical, teaching conferences, seminars on the implementation of youth policy; - Creation and implementation of measures to improve the human capacity to ensure the system of specialists training in the fields and technologies realization of state youth policy; - Formation and development of information assistance system to young people, provision of information and analysis, training and technical centers on state youth policy.

42 Ashurov S.B State youth policy in Tajikistan: condition and perspectives – Dushanbe: OLO «Status», 2002 – 236p.; Lukov V.A. Expert-advising Council on projects and program of youth, nursery // youth authority : Informational. buletten. (Committee of youth affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan; National Counsil of youth associations of Russia). – 1995., p.6.;

– 223 – Formation and development of the control system for the implementation of state youth policy aimed at timely disclosing of deviations from the goals, means and dates, identify reliable causes and develop the version of situation correcting. Its creation involves the implementation of special complex of activities that can be divided into the following groups: Forming a system of united criteria and socio-economic indicators to assess the state of youth (youth model and monitor the implementation of state youth policy), and the effectiveness of youth policy (integrated passport of state youth policy) in the regions. - Organization of regular general meetings of heads of national and local departments of youth affairs, youth associations, youth services, etc.; - A meeting of the College of the youth affairs of State Authority, in large enterprises and educational institutions with the active participation of young people; - Coordinating Board meeting and the inter-ministerial Commissions to review the implementation of targeted programs of state youth policy. 7.2. Development of informational youth policy With the development of modern society access to information is the most powerful tool to overcome life-ways and development of their social status. This opportunity is the greatest continuity to the young people because young people need more information and information technology services. Dynamically developing youth policy involves interactive nature of the interaction - the availability of information for youth and speed information for the state youth policy. By providing youth access to information, the country will affect the level of education of young generations, their development and fulfillment in modern society. Network of information centers in the country both by government and by non-governmental organizations are expanding along with the development of their activities, but they are not available to all categories of youth, including the fact that their activities in terms of educating the youth is not governed by any relevant organizations . In this regard, the country needs to develop the potential of information services to youth, youth access to information technologies

– 224 – and networks, and settlement services to the level of the organizations concerned, including the need to implement the following measures conducive to development in this area: Development and adaptation of a common methodology, integrated mechanisms for research on youth and youth policy implementation at the national, regional and district levels facilitated by the availability of reliable information on the situation of youth; Improving the access of young people from rural areas of the republic to information, computer and Internet access services (expansion of information and computer centers, Internet points) promotes mental potential of young people and economy of the state budget for education of young people.

– 225 –