Surrey. Camberwell
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DIRECTORY.) SURREY. CAMBERWELL. 2111 Henderson Mrs. 7 Station teiTace, Hooper Mrs. 2 Lyndhurst place, Peck- I ones John, 55 Denmark street Camberwell New road ham road Innes Rohinson, 69 Cantberwell New rd Hendrick William, 4 Dane.ille rood Hooper RichardVine,SS ColtlharboUt' la InskippAlfd. Brockton ho.BusheyHillrd HendriksPhilipEdwd.63Camberwl.gro Hooper William Angus, 4 Vaughan rd Ireland Thomas, 111 Wyndha•n road Henshaw William, 160 Camberwell gro Hoopere Lee, 60 Hinton road Irish Frederick William, 3 Lilford road Jaepburn Mrs. 159 Camberwell grove Hopkins Robert, 45 Denmark street Irish Henry, 31 Cuthill road Herbert Edward Bigland, 159 South- Hopper Mrs. 51 Denmark road Irish Richard John, 1 Alderton road, ampton street Hopton Alfred James, 93 Paulet ro'ad Heme Hill road HerbertJames,291 Camberwell New rd Hora Winfield, 16 The Terrace, Peck- Irish Thomas William, 48 Gro!Wenor pk Herbert William, 5 Brunswick square ham road Iselton Mrs. 32 Coldharbour lane Herdsmen James Peter, 15 Feamleyrd llorine John William, 38 Denmark rd Ivory James, 69 Havil street HeritageEdwin,19Windsorrd.Grove la Horner Mrs. 94 Lothian road Jackson Frank Jas.Lodington,58 Heritage Lewis, 75 Denmat·k bill Horny Adolph. Grovepk.Cambrwll.gro Jackson GE'orge, 6 Carew street Herring Ben_j.14 Wilton ter .Cmbrwl.gro H orsley Freeman, 44: Coldharbour lane JackstJn Harry Mayland, 14 South- Herxheimer Gottbold, 76Cam berwll.gro Horton John Hill, 12 Mostyn terrace, ampton street Heys Miss, 17 Herne Hill road Lothian road Jackson John, 38 Harold street Hiatt Thomas, 69 Peckham grove Horton Mrs. 16 Kemerton road Jackson Johu, 12 Poplar walk road Hickman Charles, 172 Coldharbour la HoseJohnWalter,248Cambrwll.Newrd Jackson John, 17 Poplar Walk road Hiekman Mrs. 99 Camberwell grove Hose Saml. Jas. 107 Coldharbour lane J ackson Robert, 8 Carew street Hielgers William, Grove Hill glebe Hough John, 3 County grove, Camber- Jackson Robert Edward, 28 Anstey rd Higgins George Randall, 37 Talfourd rd well New road · Jackson William, 178 Carnberwell gro Higgins Henry, 4 DeCrespigny terrace, Hoult Alfred,I4Cambria ter.Cambria rd Jack~on William, 20 Daneville road Ohampion park How Sidney William, 13 Carew street Jacobs Alfred, 22 Denman road Higginson Frederick, 9 Wandlass road, Howard James,84 Poplar Walk road J acobs Henry, 4 Ada rd. Brunswick sq Herne Hill road Howard John, 19 Addington square Jacob~ Mrs. 144 Grosvenor park Higham Charles, 128 Camberwell grove Howard Thomas, 37 Denmark street J acobs Sidney, 258 Camberwell New rd Hill Rev. J oel Hawkins, D. n. [vicar Howard William, 19 Graces road Jacobs William, 70 Daneville road of Ail Souls], 216Camberwel1Newrd H owatt Rev .Jas. Reid, 14-!Cam brwll.gro James David, 43 Flax man road Hill Frederick William, Grove park Howe George Silvester, 6 Blncher road J ames George, 22 N orthway road Hill George Robert, 131 Grosvenor pk Howell Alfred, 18 Conderton road JamPs Jam,s, 17 Maude road Hill Henry, 75 Coldharbour lane Howell James, 42 Camberwell New rd James Robt.Bowyer, 93Poplar Walk rd Hill James, 95 Flaxman road Howell Mrs. 56 Peckham grove Jarues Thomas William, 173 Gr"ve lane Hill James, 42 Wilson road Howes John, 35 Camberwell New road James William, 70 Warner road Hill James Alfred, 12 Benhill road Howieson Rev. William, 66 Grove lane James William Henry. 17 Wandlas& Hill Mrs. 61 Poplar Walk road Howieson Wm. D. 72 Grosvenor park road, Herne Hill road Hill Thos. 4 Portland pl. Peck ham rd Howlett Edmund, 14 Brun9wicksquare Jameson Mrs. Bushey villM, Bushey Hill William, 13 Camberwell New road Hubbard George, 17 lllucher road Hill road Hill William, 59 Hinton road Rubble James NiC'holas, 18 Victoria Janes Alfr·ed, 5 Crofton road Hill William Padbury, 21 Wamet road terrace, New Church road J anes AlfrPd. 23 Maude road Hills Arthur, 17 Vaughan road H ubert Thomas, 93 Camberwell New rd J annings William, 246 Southampton st Hills Philip, 7S Warner road H udd Lewis J oseJlh, 12 Taltourd road Jarmain Williarn Jas. 25A, Talfourd rd Hind Mrs. 27 Flanllln road Hudgell John, 37 Grove lane Jarratt Mrs. 167 Coldharbour lane Hinges ton Peter, 27 De Crespigny park Hudson John, 187 Grov-e lane J arvis George Gray, 33 Talfourd. road Hinton Edmund, 6 Lilford road, Cold- Hudson John, Pelican ho. Peckham rd Jarvis .Tames, Glanpaith, Denmark hill harbour lane Hudson Miss, 32 Sedgmoor place Jarvis Waiter, 24 Poplar Walk road Hiscock Henry, 12 Allendale road Hudson William, 181 Grovelane J arvis William Geo. 298 Southamptonst Hixson John, 31 Warner road Hug-hes Charles John, 40 Gloucesterrd Jay Claude, 2-t Vaughan road Hoa.dly William, 59 Leipsic road H ughes Ed ward, 3 Anstey road J eal J oseph, 10 Ada rd. Brunswick sq Hoare Mrs. 9 Selborne road Hughes Helll'y Geo. 10 Wellington rd Jee Thomas, 55 Herne Hill road Hobbs Henry, 51 Warner road Hull Thomas, 14 Graces road Jefferiss Ht-nry, 10 Bushey Hill terrace, Hobbs Thos. 28 Camberwell New road Hulme Thomas, 19 Talfourd road Peckham road Hocken William Henry, 72 Hinton rd Hulme William, 75 Denmark road Jefferiss Mrs. 9 Bushey Hill terrace, HockeyWm.Hy.168CamberwellNewrd HulmeWm.l2Roslyn aven. Denmark st Peckham road Hodges Horatio, 18 Dumbleton road HnmesJohn, 18 Lilford road Jeffree Wm. 3 Camberwell New road Hodges John, 16 Elmington road Humphery Mrs. 13 Champion terrace, Jeffrey Allan, 8 Station terrace, Cam Hodges John, 101 Flaxman road Kerfield crescent berwell New road Hodson John Shirley, 25 Herne Hillrd Humphrey Frederick, 12 Champion Jell Mrs.l Thornden vil. Bushey Hillrd Hodson Shirley, 68 Herne Hill road terrace, Kerfield crescent J enkins Charles Shinkwin, 57 Cold- Hogan Daniel, 23 Grummant road Humphreys Edward, 150 Denmark hill harbour lane Hogg Charles, 18 Bengeworth road HumphreysThos. Richd.3A,Cottage grn Jenkins William, 43 Warner road Holborn Mrs. 51 Talfourd road Humphris James, 30 Park street J enkinson Thomas, 50 Daneville road Holditch Sidney, 80 Poplar Walk road Hunt Alfred Territt, Brunswick house, Jenner Henry, 83 "Denmark hiU Hole Rev. Charles, 167 Camberwell gro KnatchbuU road Jennings Mrs. 8 Wren road Holland Henry, 105 Panlet road Hunt Edwd.34 Cambria ter.Cambriard Jenniugs William, Edgcomhe road Holland J ames, 66 Denmark road Hunt Edward Arthur, 66 Lothian road J errad Mrs.3Champion ter. Kerfield ~res Holland J oseph, 2 Kemerton road H unterChas. Valentine,15 Grummnt. rd Jerrard Paul, Riugstead villa, Windsor Holland Wm. 25 Camberwell New rd Hunter Mrs. 95 Grosvenor park road, Grove lane Holland Wm. Chas. 30 Vaughan road Hurrell Robert, 170 Coldharbour lane Jesse Mrs. 74 Camberwell grove Holland William Henry, 16 Victoria Hurst George Robert, 6 Crescent, Jessey Thomas, 5l Camberwell Newrd terrace, New Church road Southampton street J obn Thomai, 56 Coldharbour lane Hollins Thomas, 46 Harold street Hus Henry, 56 Poplar Walk road Johus Thomas, 89 Denmark street HolkJway Hugh, 54 Harold street Husband Edward, 225 St. George's rd J ohns Willia1n, 1 Poplar Walk road HollyerChs.Greig.322Cambrwll.Nw.rd Hutchins Edwd. Maria villa,Peckhamrd Johns William Henry, 96 Warner road Holm Mrs. 27 Kemerton road Hutchinson Henry, ~6 Park street Johnson Alfred, 13 Denmal"kstreet Holmes Harry Scott, 15 Denman road Hutchinson Jas. Arthur, 1 Edgecombe Johnson Charles, 141 Coldharbour lane Holmes Thoma-s, iJ6 Leipsic road road, Camberwell grove Johnson Charles, Medbourne house, Holmes William Henry, 13 Hinton rd Hutchison Mrs. 75 Grosvenorpark Bu"hey Hill road Holmes WilliamRobert,ll Peckham gro Hutchison Thoma"!!, 1 Bushey Hill ter- Johnsou Lionel, 310Camberwell Newrd Holt Jas. Wm. 215 Camberwell New rd race, Peckham road John•on Mi~s, 7-t Denmark road Bolton George James, 35 Cut hill road Hutson Mrs. 128B, Grosvenor park Johnson Mrs. 2 .Brunswick villas, Ben- Homer Miss, 7 Southampton street Hyatt John, 86 Camberwell New road hill road Honey Mrs. 37 N orthway road Hyde Benjamin, 26 Luxor street John!lon Mrs. 2 Denham villas,Bushey • Hook Joseph, 1 Dowlas street Hyde Edgar, 1:35 Camberwell grove Hill road Hooker Henry, 6 Dumbleton road Hyde Miss, 184 CambE:'I well grove Johnson Mrs. 51 Denman road Hooker Miss, 80 Camberwell New road lbbotson Joseph, 227 Southampton st J ohnson Mrs. 113 Paulet road Hoole Charles, 157 Coldharbour lane I kin J onathanDickson, 3 Talfonrd place J11hnson Thmnas, 3! Vaughan road Hoole Samuel, 73 Flaxman road lies William, 21 Addington square J ohnson Williarn, 38 Camberwell Grn Hooper Benjamin, 78 Grove lane lngall William, Champion grove Johnson Wm. Henry, 9 Gmsvenor prk Hooper Frederick, 26 Denman road Ingle MrA. 32 Grove lane J ohnston John Brookes, 203 Grove la Hooper .loseph, 3 Love walk Innes James Edward, 57 Denmark st John"ton Mrs.137 Camberwell grove .