www.kuldiga.lv www.twitter.com/kuldigasnovads EU – – KULDIGA

 Tallin 462 km  Vilnius 402 km  Oslo 1212 km  Stocholma 700 km  Helsinki 550 km  Berlin 941 km  London 2035 km  Warsaw 746km  Moscow 1076 km KULDIGA MUNICIPALITY

 Kuldiga Municipality is located in the western part of Latvia, in the center of Kurzeme region

 Total area 1756 km2

 Population 24 539, of which 47% live in the Kuldiga

 Density of population in Kuldiga Municipality 14 cilv./km2

 Distance from Kuldiga: Saldus 52 km Ventspils 58 km 58 km

Jelgava 132 km Liepāja 91 km

*The Central Statistical Bureau, 01.01.2013. Rīga 155 km WHY INVEST IN KULDIGA MUNICIPALITY?

 The geographical position – Kuldiga municipality is located in the center of Kurzeme region !  -T road network):

 Close65km toto majorA10 Riga state - roads (within the TEN - Riga -

 40-68km to the A9-Ventspils (E22 Ventspils- – KlaipedaVeļikije Luki (Moscow))

 A11 Riga (Skulte)s : Liepaja  55km to the railway line Ventspils - - Riga, Ventspils - Tukums – Jelgava Nearby broad gauge railway line  - Jelgava – Riga

 Close to ice-free90km ports to the : railway line Liepaja  55km to Ventspils port   165km to Riga Commercial Port 90km to Liepaja port


 the district and region

 Low labor costs and a wide range of professional and higher education opportunities for

Athe broad old town industrial area in the surroundings of the town as well as the recreation area in the town center and  A well-

 Potentialorganized sectors forurban investment: infrastructure    TransportHealth care, and rehabilitation logistics  Tourism (hotels, catering services, etc.)  Information Technology  TelemarketingEnvironmental Technologies  Light industry  Woodworking  Food processing  Agriculture


Other Health protection 7%  3% Transport region - 2,400 * 3% Number of companies registered in Kuldiga

Construction  - 5% agriculture and forestry * Production Industries by turnover trade, timber, 6%  - trade, woodworking* Agriculture and The largest industries by number of employees forestry 10%

Woodworking 11% Trade 55%

* Lursoft company database. ENTERPRENEURSHIP

Major companies * in Kuldiga region by turnover in 2012

Company Turnover EURO Sector

SIA “ ” 40 104 505 Fuel wholesale

SIA “Rietumu Nafta” 23 177 302 Food retail sale

SIALinde “Amazone pārtika” 6 475 890 Wholesale of agriculture equipment

SIA “ ” 6 335 404 Meat processing

SIALāses “JK ”AM 4 472 428 Fuel wholesale

SIA “ ” 4 283 928 Woodworking

SIA “AgrotehnikaBērzi Plus ” 3 765 971 Retail sale of motor vehicle parts

SIA “Kurzemes finieris” 3 480 765 Woodworking

z/s “ ” 3 437 260 Forestry

Lieplejas * Lursoft company database. ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Major investors * in Kuldiga region until 02/10/2014.

Investments, Investor Country Investment company, industry EURO

Phemus Corporation 3 502 000 USA

OvL SIA Empetrum, logging Kunststofftechnik 250 000

SIA BALOŽI & KO, peat MartensGmbH Heinrich 125 000 USA The British Virgin DAVIS GROUP, LTD 119 584 SIA BALOŽI & KO, peat Islands

101 520 Israel SIA Atpūtas bāze Krišjāņi, Real Estate

JJ Forestry Holding Ostrobrod Boris 96 600 SIA Westlake,SIA Dendrocopus, construction forestry projects AB SIA Dendrocopus, forestry 73 800 Sweden

CourtwoodViburnum Trading AB 40 000 Cyprus Limited services SIA Zārds, Professional, scientific,* Lursoft technical company database. ENTERPRENEURSHIP

 Local municipality support for entrepreneurs :  Property tax relief  Procurement of services and goods  Organizing culture, sports and entertainment events   Seminars and free counseling offer Establishment of a commission for business support   ALTUM support programs Government support for business :  Other opportunities for entrepreneurs :    Kurzeme Business Incubator (KBI)  Kurzeme Tourism Association (KTA) Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (LACC)  Activities for employers and employees organized by the State Employment Agency (SEA) Activities of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIDA) EMPLOYMENT

 2013. : 15 512 (63%)

 Inhabitants in working age in

Employees33% in general in Kuldiga government region sector,by sector breakdown *: 37%29% ofin privateworkers sector employed in the public sector,

 Average gross salary in the region * in 2012:

in general government sector, EUR 571 in the public sector, EUR 574 EUR 363 in the private sector.

* *The Central Statistical Bureau UNEMPLOYMENT

Lowe than Higher primary education  The unemployment rate at the end of 2013 is education 8% 10.2% 4%

 Primary education 60% are women, 40% men 27% Of the total number of registered unemployed  and 49 years, 34%41% ofof thethe unemployedunemployed areare overaged 50between years 30 24% of the unemployed are aged 15 to 29 years

General secondary education Vocational 31% education 30% EDUCATION Vocational education in Kuldiga region : Kuldiga Tourism and Technology Technical School :  Travel services  Catering specialist  Confectioner  Mechanic  Woodworker  SPA master  Higher education in Kuldiga region : : Human Resources / Office Administration  Business and Management  Business organization  Kuldiga branch of Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy Adult education in Kuldiga region :   Ltd. "Business School" BAT "Professional Development Center"  Higher education in Kurzeme region : Kuldīga Adult Education Centre  Business  Translation  Information Technology  lectronics  Telecommunications  ngineering  Construction  Heat energetic  etc. Vocational training in Kurzeme regionE : E




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fire Auto - Metal

Timber Hotels systems Tourism transport Computer

Energetics machinery processing processing restaurants Constructio Agricultural Fire Electro extinguishin KuldIga ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗

Ventspils ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗

Saldus ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗

Kandava ✗ ✗ ✗

✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗


 Kuldiga – a town with a soul!

 Cultural heritage is an integral part of the town – the historical

center was awarded the European Heritage Label. It is on  AUNESCO well- World Heritage Latvian Provisional list.

 Access organizedto cultural, urban sporting infrastructure and entertainment events INDUSTRIAL AREA

 Total area of industrial territories ~ 114ha with and without communications and infrastructure

 Area of light industry territories 17,5ha

 Area of manufacturing territories 96,5ha

 Municipality, 58% to private owners 42% of industrial territories belong to Kuldiga


General information Territory 355 m2

Zoning Mixed – use

Status Sales /building Rental area Owner A '

Infrastructure, utilitiesLtd. "Mobile Access road Asphalt

There is a power line, in a distance of 50m there is TP-7147)

ElectricityHeating ne Water There is a water supply connection No Sewerage Street - 25m There is a sewer connection, with possible connection to municipal Comment sewers in Kaļķu premises,, partly plastic windows, metal doors, a good quality roof. Two showers, a toilet, a freezer can be installed, separated office

Activities can be started immediately. KAĻĶU STREET 16 WELCOME TO KULDIGA MUNICIPALITY!

Līga Raituma Kuldiga Development Agency

 iga, project Kuldiga specialist region, LV-3301 +371Pilsētas 63 350laukums 140 3, Kuld +371 27 842 532 @ [email protected] www.kuldiga.lv/lv/uznemejiem