spring 2010

Celebrating 100 years with LCC. 2 LCCLion Origami Tactical Creativity&Branding Design Automatic Mailing&PrintingInc. Mailing Christine Muschi Christian Auclair Photo Credits Adrianna Zerebecky Carolyne Van DerMeer Christopher Shannon(Pre-U’76) Anna Santache Doug Neal Louise Mills Alec Mathewson’95 Jane Martin Dawn Levy Julie Kaplin Denys Heward’64 Linda Gendron Kimmy Chedel Chris Bromberg A. VictorBadian’61 Christian Auclair Sandra Afeyan’04 Contributors Adrianna Zerebecky Jane Martin and DatabaseManagement Archives, Research Louise Mills Copy Editor Kirk LLano Theodora Brinckman LION Editors Christopher Shannon(Pre-U’76) Headmaster de laPoste-publications Numéro deconvention4058094 Number 40598094 Publication MailAgreement to theaboveaddress. CLASSifieds andothercorrespondence Send yourcomments,articles,photos, blog site web courriel fax téléphone Montréal (Québec)H4A2M5 4090, avenueRoyal Lower CanadaCollege The AdvancementOffice The LCCLionispublishedby www.wearelcc.ca www.lcc.ca [email protected] 514 4828142 514 4829916 Contents Art Teacher, Junior School By SylviaTracy and Generosity Art ShowsLeadership 15 Assistant Head–StudentLife By LindaGendron from St.John’s Church The CentenaryWalk 14 Celebrate 100Years Assembly: LCCStudents The CentenaryStudent 12 Media Consultant By CarolyneVan DerMeer of Mathematics Going BeyondtheBoundaries 10 100 Trees for100 Years 8 and ChristopherGardiner’83 By A.VictorBadian’61 100 Years InStyle? How DoYou Celebrate 6 Headmaster By ChristopherShannon(Pre-U’76) Head Lines:CentenaryPride 4 LCC LIONMagazine—Spring2010 By DenysHeward’64 An AnnualLCCTradition The FamilyBBQ– 16 In Memoriam 34 CLASSifieds 28 Centenary Sponsors 27 LCC Archivist By JaneMartin An UnsolvedMystery 26 Fundraising Gala The LCCROAR 24 the Centenary Alumni Celebrate 20 By SandraAfeyan’04 a RealHit! Inaugural Ladies’Night 19 Board Chair By DavidArditi’65 Centenary Year Fond MemoriesofLCC’s 18 12

3 LCCLion 16 4 LCCLion I Headlines Centenary Pride have laidthefoundationsfor today’s progressive important stagesinLCC’s development,which out ofthisfullyearcelebration? of LCCandwhatithasmeant tothem.Whatcame at ahostofeventstoexpresstheirappreciation and formeremployeesgovernorscametogether Students, parents,alumni,staff,boardmembers a verypositiveexpressionofcommunityspirit. and fromcoasttobeyond.Itwasindeed Centenary oncampus,atspecialeventsinMontreal history. Throughout2009,wecelebratedour exceptional yearofcommemorationourSchool’s n thisissueofTheLCCLion,wepaytributetoan Looking backhelpedusall toreflectonthe and develop confident bilingual students. Alumni Alumni students. bilingual confident develop and excellence for strive to continue to us encouraged and expressed thanksfortheirformative experiences openly graduates Our reside. currently alumni our of number a where States United the of coasts western and eastern the down even and – Victoria to indeed hasenduringvalueinallourlives. in 2009andnotedthattheLCCsenseofcommunity across thedecadesmadeface-to-faceconnections time anddistance,friends,teachersmentorsfrom and uniqueone-timeevents.Despitethechallengesof were madebymanytoattendreceptions,reunions coeducational learningenvironment.Specialefforts Alumni reunions were well attended from Halifax Halifax from attended well were reunions Alumni Headmaster By ChristopherShannon(Pre-U’76)

Etingen ’09andHeadoftheGreenGroupSimonLabute’10. with HeadBoyKirkGlowacki’10,GirlRebecca the Centenarycelebrations.ChristopherShannon(Pre-U’76) Left including receptionsinCaliforniaandLondon, every centenaryalumniandstaffreceptionin2009, as Ambassadortothealumni,Vic alsoattended Vic Badian’61andChrisGardiner’83.Inhisrole more deeplytheprofoundgiftofeducation. to builduponalreadysolidfoundationsandappreciate students alsomadepledgestothefuture–strive related toturning100.Inreflectingonourpast,all Primary studentstookparticularprideincelebrations appreciation forthemanyattributesofourSchool. communities. their of leadership rolesintheircareersandservice future for prepare they as globalization of challenges the with grips to come must girl and boy LCC every that view the expressed unanimously also Special thanksmustgotocentenaryco-chairs, Here inMontreal,weallgainedagreater

The ceremonialplantingofone100treesmarking

to LCC’s secondcentury! important chapterinthisexcitingjourney. Welcome of memories.Ilookforwardtobeingpartthenext lives. Thankstooneandallforanexceptionalyear must continuetoleaveanindeliblestamponyoung education thatissecondtononeinMontreal.We to beboldandleaveourmarkbyprovidingan learning community. Together, wemustbeprepared and dedicationnecessarytosupportatrulydynamic LCC, werecommittohighstandardsandtheenergy for youngleaders. matter. Theychangelivesandopeneyesdoors for morethanacentury. Inshort,greatschools dedication thathasmadeadifferenceatourSchool the pastyearisametaphorforprofessional England. HisspecialcommitmenttoLCCduring As wehavenowbegunoursecondcenturyat Student Assembly. Volunteer AppreciationBreakfast. Olga AssalyLCCPA President attheannual Right Left

Christopher Shannon(Pre-U’76) with

Applauding with prideattheCentenary

5 LCCLion How doyoucelebrate 6 LCCLion I in 2009,withamyriadofactivitiesthroughouttheyear. marked well were Avenue Royal on years hundred one LCC’s Co-chairs CentenaryCommittee By A.VictorBadian’61andChristopherGardiner’83 took centrestage throughouttheschool yearwith contributed avideomessage ofgoodwishes. Montreal Canadiens,alsocelebrating theirCentenary, the Even ’32. Ellis John graduate, living known Vancouver LCC’sfrom by address oldest video a by Choir, followed was School this Junior and the by sung was Angelopoulos, James Director Music School Song, writtenfortheyear-long celebrationbyJunior Centenary The 2009. January in assembly student did everything we planned and more. done well, give it to a busy person. This busy committee plate full—but as the saying goes: if you want something tour ofalumnievents.Inshort,thecommitteehadits to coordinate more than a dozen school events and a of the Organizing Committee who worked harmoniously Honourary Chair, Dave Wood and the 26 members t was a pleasure and an honour for us to work alongside Events involving current students and staff staff and students current involving Events special a with style in opened year Centenary The 100 yearsin style?

Royal Montreal Club; and the Family BBQ, BBQ, Family the and Club; Golf Montreal Royal prestigious the at Tournament Golf Centenary the Tournament; Hockey Alumni Winterfest the stage; Arena Chamandy the for adapted public, a ShakespeareintheParkevening forthegeneral Peotto; Patrick Head Assistant by organized Series the schoolarchives. from photos featuring timeline historical online an with SchoolArchivistJaneMartintoproduce tirelessly working website, the designed Levy Dawn production. Pre-UandE-CommunicationsDirector CD the coordinated Baird Jonathan department’s Music the Auclair, while IT’s Chris by produced was DVD the and ’71, Griffiths Ian by designed was and adedicatedwebsite.ACentenaryschooltie years the through performances musical student various featuring CD a DVD, history Centenary everything fromclothingandbannerstoaspecial Other events included the Centenary Speakers’ Speakers’ Centenary the included events Other

Let metellyou! In addition, more than 40 alumni participated in the In addition,more than40alumniparticipated inthe and to whom the field was rededicated with a new sign. House, withlegendarycoach DaveWood inattendance, football gamewasheldbetween rivalsLCCandSelwyn Kirk LLano.Onthemorning ofSeptember26,asenior undertakings thanks to Director of Alumni Relations next on the agenda, which included several special possible forthealmost75womeninattendance. Sandra Afeyan’04andCaitlinRose’99madethisevent graduated since the inception of coeducation in 1995. a special night exclusively for female alumni who had David Arditi ’65, was followed two evenings later by board members, organized by Denys Heward ’64 and 1909. Acocktailreceptionforcurrentandpaststaff anniversary of LCC’s doors opening on September 20, several events in September, commemorating the to theStudentBursaryfund. Sounded OneNotewhoseproceedsaredirected also popular. organized nationallyandinternationallywere all ofwhichsawhighattendance.Alumnievents The Centenary LIONFest Alumni Weekend was The 2009–2010 academic year kicked off with Denys Heward’64publishedhisbookTheBugle an amazingyear ofcelebration! We think thesewerefittingwaystoculminate heritage toliveonforthenext century—andbeyond. in 50 or 100years,willenableLCC’s incredible which will reveal items from 2009 when it is opened years. TheseandtheMiddle School’s Time Capsule, decided toplant100newtreesmarkitsfirst and somanyothers—weachievedourgoal. that thankstoeveryoneinvolved—studentsandstaff of theschool’s first100years. We stronglybelieve in thiscelebrationhighlightingthewonderfulhistory alumni, parentsandthecommunityincludethem funds forbursaries. auction, dinner, dancingandaliveauctionthatraised was amulti-dimensionaleveningandfeaturedsilent committee—and attendedbycloseto300guests.It Olga AssalyandDonnaFrasertheirdedicated 24. Thiseventwasbeautifullyorchestratedby the Windsor BallroomswhichtookplaceonOctober 275 attendedtheevening’s HomecomingBanquet. Centenary Alumni Soccer game and an impressive near And asalegacytofuturegenerations,theSchool The goalwastoreachoutstudents,staff, The crowningtouchwasourCentenaryGalaat at theFieldRededication Right Left A. VictorBadian’61flankHonouraryChairDave Wood. Centenary Co-chairs Christopher Gardiner ’83 and Centenary Co-chairsChristopherGardiner’83and Dave Wood surroundedbyformerteamCaptains

7 LCCLion environmentalists! 8 LCCLion We are all 00 10 Planting 00 10




is vital,andtrulysustainablepracticesarecentraltoensuring futuregenerations. be plantedbyfall2010.Asacommunity, werecognizethattakingthelongview urban forest,knownastheLCCTree Garden. to thisinitiative,thestudentshaveactivelydesigned,planned andplantedasmall efforts on campus by planting 100 trees to mark each of its 100 years. In addition During theCentenaryyear, theSchooldecideditwouldfurtheritsgreening projects reachingfarbeyondtheclassroomwalls. students andcommunityinanumberofecological We areembracingtheenvironmentbyinvolvingour The Schoolhasalreadyplanted27hawthornetreeswith theremaining73to Above in honourofour100years. first cropoftreesbeingplanted Team standproudnexttothe MembersofTheGreen

9 LCCLion Faculty Profile

10 LCCLion Going beyond the mathematics Media Consultant By CarolyneVan DerMeer

“ boundaries T “I showthemthatiftheywork hard,everythingiswithintheir what ’s Head of Mathematics uses every every uses Mathematics of College’s Head Canada Lower what favourite elementishowmathcanbeusedtobringorder tothings is paralyzing—Mr. Neal leads the students from darkness to light. light. to darkness from students the leads Neal paralyzing—Mr. is understand to how show to him need they minds, math bright and show a pattern, how it takes random items and quantifies them.” and usetheirgifts.Butfor others—students whosefearofmath some For mathematics. of power the to students awaken to day here isanaestheticbeautytomath,”saysDougNeal. “My grasp,” hesays. that seemchaotic—howitcantakesomethinghas nologic students, the awakening is a question of challenging them: already already them: challenging of question a is awakening the students, That uncanny ability to provide both beauty and order are are order and beauty both provide to ability uncanny That




of “He has the rare gift of being able to connect to a wide students to soar. to students helps Neal Doug Head Department phobias, with in alanguageoftenrife By teachingfluency who struggle.” won’t respectyouifdon’t challengethem,”he we’re allinthisbattletounderstand,‘get’it.They is thatoncetheyseecan doit,theyimprove. level forthesestudents—and thebeautyinchaos for themtolearn.Theyarenotascompetitivewith laughter inhisvoice.Thegiftedstudents,hesays,are about thatrapport.It’s aboutcreatingasafeplace are equallyengagedbyMr. Neal.“Itellthemnot know thathewillpushthem—andtheywelcomethe challenge. “Iwanttoplacestudentsinsituationsthat range ofstudents—fromthegiftedtoones more easilymotivatedbythecoursematerial,and zone thatthey’llacewhateverIthrowtheirway,” he explains Headmaster Christopher Shannon (Pre-U ’76). take themoutoftheircomfortzone—the environment intheMathematics Departmentisone each other, buttheydowantmetobelieveinthem, explains. “They’lllookatyouwithanexpressionthat teacher. “Butforthosewhoaremath-phobic,it’s all therefore don’t relyasmuchontherapportwiththeir to beintimidatedbythosemathgeeks,”heexplains, says withachuckle.“Andthatcreatescamaraderie— so Iworkontheirattitudes.” Mr. Nealfindstheright says, ‘Thisisallyougot?Really?’” “Doug is an outstanding teacher for many reasons,” And connecthedoes.Thestrongmathstudents As Mr. Shannonsays,creating apositive And itdoesn’t stopthere.Thestrugglingstudents

“I seemathasthemodern-day “why” ofmuchthemathonestudiesinhighschool. “I lovetoseethatspark—to watchthemsoar.” And hetellshowtutoredhisfriendsthrough The bottom line is that math requires repetition repetition requires math that is line bottom The Greek: veryfewpeoplespeakitwithfluency. Greek: veryfewpeoplespeak years. Buttherealconvictioncamewhenhewasin Neal willtellyouhelovestheorder, thepredictability, Neal tobridgethegap. CEGEP. “Iwasalwaysthepersoneveryonecame But ifyouaskhimwhathelovesmostaboutteaching, For one,hewasborntoit.Somepeoplearenatural I’d never have thought of at their age,” he adds. I’d neverhavethoughtofat theirage,”headds. I’ll spend my whole life learning. They think of things it withfluency." phobia” of math. “I see math as the modern-day modern-day the as math see “I math. of phobia” is that he never stops learning. “Thanks to the students, is thatheneverstopslearning. “Thankstothestudents, inside and out will tell you that what he loves most become arolemodel.Andthestudentssoonrealize being acoachhasitsadvantages,heclaims.“You love ofathleticshasledhimtobecomeacoach.And it up:Mr. Nealwasn’t justsigningontobeateacher; and commitment—and through these, Doug Neal Neal Doug these, through commitment—and and of themostdifficulttasksasthereisa“legitimized a doubt.Ifyouaskhimwhathelovestoteachmost, a lifeguardorascampcounselorduringhisteenage discovered itearly, workingwithchildreneitheras he’ll surpriseyou.Themanwhoseemstoknowmath he’ll tellyouit’s calculusbecauseitillustratesthe how everythingcanbeprovenbeyondashadowof he wasansweringacalling. he explains. can besmartandkidsjocks.Theyare clearer thanourownteachers?’”Andthatcinched calculus. “Theywouldsay, ‘Whyisitthatyouare makes it a language that students can understand,” understand,” can students that language a it makes element thathebringstothemix:sports.Hislifelong that youcanbegoodatmathandajock.Jocks to forhelp;Iknewhowexplainthings,”hesays. teachers—and DougNealisoneofthem.He through tostudentsandmakemathcomealive? not mutuallyexclusive.”It’s anotherwayforDoug But he’lltellyouthatthereisonemoreimportant If youaskhimwhathelovesaboutmath,Mr. So howdoeshedoit?HowMr. Nealget

11 LCCLion 12 LCCLion Student Assembly known alumnus John Ellis ’32, who now resides resides now who ’32, Ellis John alumnus known LCC’s oldest Fosbery! Charles Headmaster first LCC’s – character guest unexpected an as well as students School Senior and Junior, Middle from performances musical and testimonials to engaging Christopher Shannon(Pre-U’76),weweretreated Following ahistoricalreviewbycurrentHeadmaster community kick-offtoourcentenary year. Velan GymnasiumonJanuary7,2009foranupbeatandentertaining More than1,000students,staffand invitedguestsgatheredinthe The Centenary Celebrate Students 100 Years LCC an incrediblehistoryandterrific students! and atimelyreminderthat we arepartofaschoolwith All inall,theassemblywas awonderfulcelebration 2008–2009 HeadGirlRebecca Etingenwitharedrose. kindergarten studentOlivia Fatawasrecognizedby addressed the group via video technology. Our youngest in Vancouver, wasunfortunatelyunabletoattend but Assistant Head–StudentLife By LindaGendron

Students believedefinestheLCCstudentbody. is asnapshotoftheABC’s ofwhatPre-University be usedtodescribetheLCCstudentoftoday, here student. Althoughtherearemanywordsthatcould remained consistent:thecharacterofLCC school hasevolved,thereisonethingthat below Althoughitgoeswithoutsayingthatour

the CentenaryOpeningCeremony and StevenVictor’09proudlyenjoying above back ceremonies. the Centenaryopeningandclosing TheVelan Gymnasiumhosts EricaSchneiderman’09

13 LCCLion 14 LCCLion Centenary Walk from St. John’s Church The 1 Assistant Head–StudentLife By LindaGendron the giganticbirthdaycake–loadsoffunforall! lit ’10 Italia Jessica Girl Head and ’10 Glowacki Kirk Boy Head assembly. Song, FollowinganenthusiasticrenditionofourSchool from theJuniorSchool,wemarchedproudlyintoourweekly Avenue by enthusiastic students Royal on met being After Montreal. in Church Evangelist the John St. – school predecessor our of location original the commemorate to fall last walk 10-kilometre and Pre-Universitylevelsembarkedonanambitiousfun Senior Middle, the across from representatives staff and Student 2 3 3- 2- 1- the EvangelistChurch. Where itallbegan,St.John hits SherbrookeStreet. The walkingteam Centenary celebrationcake

4 & Generosity Leadership Art Shows bottm middle Top creative students.” off insupportofLCC. entitled “100Birds”andPeople”wereauctioned for anevenmoredynamicshow. teacher LaurenMcCann,alsoparticipated,making by led club, photography the time, first the For Children. the Free for $1,000 nearly raising Week, projects weresoldinastudent-runartsaleduringArts and ourmottoNonNobisSolum.Theircreative students demonstrated a trueexampleofleadership During theCentenaryyear, theJuniorSchoolart Junior SchoolArtTeacher By SylviaTracy for FreetheChildren.

“I amsoveryproudofmygenerousand At theCentenaryGala,twoJuniorSchoolpieces Students performedDropDead,Juliet byAllisonWilliams.

Centenary ArtsMonthSalethatraised over$1,000 Junior SchoolartdisplayedatCafé Cabaret.

15 LCCLion 16 LCCLion The Family Left by all. was stillaspectacular sightenjoyed Avenue preventedrides,theballoon WhilethehighwindsonRoyal BBQ

Above didn’t stopsketching forthreehours. especially thecaricature artistswho the CentenaryBBQwerewellreceived, Themanyactivitiesofferedat

The Family BBQ

An Annual LCC Tradition By DenysHeward’64 so seriouslyandpromoting suchbehaviouramongtheirpeers. It isgreattoseetoday’s studentstakingtheseresponsibilities for thefield’s amazingstateofcleanlinessaftertheeventwas over. kudos gototheGreenCommittee foritsrecyclingeffortsand Nevertheless, thespiritofcamaraderiewaswonderful. Special but thewindsweretoostrongtosafelyoperatestudent rides. one balloononatestflight.Itwasmagnificentsight tobehold die down,theydidnotcooperateandwewereonlyable tolaunch addition indeed!Althoughwewaitedimpatientlyforthe windsto coloured 80-footballoonstogracethesite.Whataspectacular the Centenaryorganizingcommitteearrangedfortwo brightly drawn byoneofthetwocaricaturistshiredforoccasion. moved fromactivitytoactivity. Visitors particularlyenjoyedbeing cotton candyandtraditionalbarbequefarefilledtheairasguests and theirfamilies.Deliciousaromasoffreshbutteredpopcorn, their parentstomingleontheLCCfieldwithreturningstudents The eventprovidedanexcellentopportunityfornewstudentsand its annualfamilyBBQ. September 9,thedayLCChosted It waswarmandsunnyonWednesday, In anattempttosurpassallpriorrenditionsoftheannual BBQ, Left delighted thecrowd. The LCCmascot

17 LCCLion 18 LCCLion Fond Memories lives oftheirstudentsthrough theirteaching, its history. We have hadteacherswhochangedthe has beentohavepeopleof such qualityinvolvedin help butthinkhowfortunate LowerCanadaCollege number ofthem.Astheevening progressed,Icouldn’t of spendingafewminutescatchingupwithgreat almost allofthe“formers”andIhadpleasure been part of the school community since 1955, I knew and formerBoardmembers,stafffaculty. Having of Governorshostedacocktailreceptionforcurrent memorable forme.InSeptember, thecurrentBoard celebrations weallenjoyed,onewasparticularly As IlookbackonourCentenaryYear andthevarious Centenary Year of LCC’s 1 2 3 Our futurelooksbright! share thesamequalitiesas their predecessors. that ourcurrentfaculty, staff,and Boardmembers rank inMontreal, andindeed,inCanada. which haspropelledustoourcurrentpositionof gave unselfishlyandprovidedstrategicleadership community. AndwehavehadBoardmemberswho but whobecamevisible,importantpartsoftheschool staff whodidn’t hideintheirofficesorthekitchen, the studentexperiencebetterandbetter. We havehad administrators whokeptraisingthebarandmaking coaching ortheiradvice,ifnotallthree.We havehad As Ilookforward,amalso heartenedbythefact 3- 2- 1- Ted Cleather ’47,DavidArditi’65andPaulFournier’61. Front row, L to R: Paul Marchand ’58, Maurice Jaques ’50, Stan Vincelli’63,PeterCoughlinandTony Fata’84. Back row, LtoR:GaryHarper’73,RickPattee’63, Past ChairmenunitetocelebratetheirSchool. Janice Naymark,AdamShine’84andOlgaAssaly. Randy Aziz’77,Anne-MarieBoucher, DonnaFraser, Current BoardMembersenjoythereception: Christian Viauwiththeir10yearsofservicealumnities. Katherine Johnson-Burke,MargueriteComleyand presents facultymembers,andnowHonouraryalumni, Headmaster ChristopherShannon(Pre-U’76) Board Chair By DavidArditi’65

Ladies’ Night Wiltshire ’97 and IanGriffiths ’71. and Tiffany Woods ’01. Below right Below left right as we celebrate 15 years of coeducation! to our sense of belonging. Let’s do this again next year Centenary celebrationsandwasdefinitelyatestament images thatbroughtbackmanygreatmemories. uniform! We endedthenightwithaslideshowof with Mr. Heward’64demonstratinginfullgirl’s speech involvedrecountingourkilt-hikingtechniques stories ofourhighschooldays.Onehighlighther progressed as Cheryl Doxas treated us to side-splitting and nibblingdeliciousappetizers. Theevening with theirbelovedteachers—whilesippingaperitifs the opportunitytocatchupwitheachother—and began withacocktailhourduringwhichguestshad in fargreaternumbersthananticipated!Theevening what greatwomenourSchoolhasforged! especially tothewomenofLCC…and,indeed, that alumnaewereinvitedtoaneventcatered event. ItwasthefirsttimeinourSchool’s 100years in itshistorybyhostingtheinauguralLadies’Night On September25,2009,LCCwroteanewpage and SandraAfeyan’04. Ladies’ Night was a unique part of LCC’s The eventwasahugesuccessandattended Inaugural Cheryl Doxas, Linda Gendron, Caitlin Rose ’99 KirkLLano,Tina Fargnoli’97, Katrin Linda Gendron,KerryGendron’01

a RealHit! By SandraAfeyan’04

19 LCCLion 20 LCCLion Alumni Celebrate the Centenary 2 1 5 6 3 7 4 year celebrationsaresoundingsuccess! and hardworkhelpedtomaketheCentenary your attendance,guidance,commitment, who contributedtothesuccessofourevents; to threeyearperiod.Thankyouallalumni out-of-town branchwetypicallyvisitoveratwo on page22,whichincludedreceptionsinevery the CentenaryYear. Acompletelistfollows Association hostednumerouseventsthroughout Lower CanadaCollegeandtheAlumni 5- 4- 2- 1- 7- 6- 3- Alumni Evening Centenary Headmaster’s John Irwin’61,Fred’52 Michael Irwin’56,Peter’50, of Athletics) Trevor Smith (formerDirector Denys Heward’64(formerstaff), (Pre-U ’76),PeterJohnston’80, Jacobsen ’88 John Carrique’87andPeder Kaufman ’87,JuliaSchaefer’00, and Dr. RichardGoldbloom’41 Kirk LLano (Director of Alumni Relations) and Dr. JamesPhills’77, and BobbySalomon’88 Denys Heward’64(formerstaff) Jason Pinkerton’05,ChrisTooley ’04, Halifax Toronto San Fracisco Los Angeles Victora Toronto Kingston Dr. WillardBoyle’41 HeadmasterChrisShannon ThefourIrwinBrothers– AriAronson’87,Peter Cheryl Doxas(formerstaff), Ryan Winterstern’06 DeborahPhills

21 LCCLion 22 LCCLion June 24 June 22 May 25 May 13 April 29

April 16 April 15 January 16 event Date March 24

– 18

Vancouver Alumni Reception Calgary Alumni Reception LION ClassicGolfTournament Toronto Alumni Reception Alumni Reception

Boston Alumni Reception New York CityAlumni Reception European AlumniReception Winterfest Alumni Hockey Tournament 5 6 The Vancouver Club The PetroleumClub Royal MontrealGolfClub C5 RestaurantLounge,RoyalOntarioMuseum Café duMusée,CanadianMuseumofCivilization Harvard MedicalSchool The JosephB.MartinConferenceCenter, New York AcademyofSciences Royal AutomobileClub Venue 2 3 1 7 4 December 19 December 18 November 16 October 29

October 28 October 7 September 26 September 25 June 25 event Date Winterfest AlumniBasketball Tournament Young AlumniPubNight Kingston Alumni Reception San FranciscoAlumni Reception

Los AngelesAlumni Reception Halifax Alumni Reception LIONfest Homecoming Inaugural AlumnaeEvent Victoria Alumni Reception Tir NanOgIrish Pub The StanfordParkHotel The HuntleyHotel Penthouse Restaurant, The HalifaxClub Royal Victoria Yacht Club Venue

6- 2-

1- 7- 4- 3- 5-

Pub Night Young A lumni Centenary Alumni Evening Centenary Headmaster’s Solomon ’08 Eliza Cohen’07,Misha Matthew McAllister’07, and BruceLorimer’38 Sarah Shortall’02,RaffiAfeyan’02 and formerstaff),JenniferKim’98, (Alumni AssociationAmbassador Alex Cullen’68andfriend Roche ’79,GrahamFindlay’71, Lypny ’08,DanielChen Erin Vandzura ’08, Natascia James Bell’92 Green ’92,MarkMcGregor Boston Ottawa Vancouver European Alumni–London,Engla New York Calgary (former staff),AnthonySura’83 Duclos (Pre-U’69),DenysHeward’64 Darin Kouli’02 Michael Vanaselja ’02,Ryan Birks’02, David Staniforth’78,MollyMoroz’05, EvanPotter’81,James VictorBadian’61, David Daly’75,Brian Tom Shingler ’93,Jonathan JohnEllis’32

23 LCCLion

24 LCCLion The LCC ROAR Fundraising Gala Left and launchedLCCintoitsever-promising future. organizing committee.Bravo! dynamic and dedicated their and them to out go thanks and appreciation deep Our evening. the for tone the setting panache, and humour grace, reaped thebenefits. School and students the and evening the of spirit the much very was and theMontrealCanadiensChildren’s Foundation.NonNobisSolum student bursaries,professionaldevelopment,theNDGFoodDepot pride andemotionfeltthroughouttheevening. energy, incredible the was nonetheless real very but articulate, to Harder October 24,2009totheWindsor BallroomtocelebrateLCC’s 100years! With roaringstyle,closeto 300alumniandparentrevellerscameouton This was a perfect evening that captured a year of celebration celebration of year a captured that evening perfect a was This with Roar LCC the led Fraser Donna and Assaly Olga Co-chairs for raised was $500,000 year,than more Centenary the During event. special very this describe all generous and warm elegant, Fun, The bellesoftheballDonnaFraserandOlgaAssaly

say notothisincredibleteam? team ofvolunteers.Whocould record highwiththisfabulous Back “I wasveryhappytoattend & ElanaRae’20Bromberg Alexandra ’18 Parent ofKatrina’15, Bursary Fund.Italsogave my friendshaveagreattime!” me theopportunitytosee our Schoolthrough deserving studentstoattend our Galaasitisawonderful way forustoenable Chris Bromberg Raffleticketsaleshita Catherine Turner. and ’87 Adam pals their with Bensadoun enjoyingthegala Below LEFT “It wassuchanhonourtobe This wasa nighttoremember!” & Garrett’17Doyle and staffwhohelpedusmake Parent ofZoë’16 execution ofthe100thyearGala. energy and passion of the teachers of LCC.Iwasverytouchedbythe Olga andDonna,ourfearless involved intheplanningand the rafflesuchasuccess. leaders, personify thetruespirit Kimmy Chedel David ’87 and Isabelle

"It was a wonderful and fulfilling experience "It wasawonderfulandfulfillingexperience Anna Santache a part of such a great celebration where the a partofsuchgreatcelebration wherethe advancement office staff were a pleasure to Parent ofPaulSantache ’10 giving of my time will allow other young deserving committee. The LCC volunteers and the LCC students thesameopportunityour sonhad." is very fortunate to have been able to benefit in the preparations for the next gala. Our son to have been part of the 2009 Centenary Gala to havebeenpartofthe2009CentenaryGala this opportunity. I am verypleasedtohavebeen thankful to have been able to provide him with from the LCC environment and we are truly work with. I will actually miss not being involved “The mosttouchingpartoftheeveningfor (Class of’98andpastLCCbursaryrecipient). I am so proud that he is a graduate of LCC LCC of graduate a is he that proud so am I attributes of an LCC student – humble, humble, – student LCC an of attributes positive many the represents he as Parent ofCody’09&Alexi’11Kaplin me waslisteningtoAmrickBansal’s speech bright, appreciativeofanLCCeducation.” Julie Kaplin

25 LCCLion 26 LCCLion an AgathaChristieNovel... from scene a like reads It An UnsolvedMystery of events.Thecrest’s newlocationisstilltobedecided. (Pre-U ’76)isbothpleased and bemusedbythisturn Whatever theanswer, Headmaster ChrisShannon a rivalathleticteam,orprank byoneofLCC’s own? of theSchool’s Centenaryyear?Was thisthedoingof good gracetoreturnitonthemostimportantevening icon, keptthesecretforoveradecade,andthenhad re-hung directlyoverthefrontdoor. seems tohavedisappeared,andtheremainingonewas school year. Sometimeduringthatyear, oneofthe crests was flankedbytwocrestsduringthe1996–1997 yearbook photos, Vic knows the last time the front door structure has been altered several times. From studying exterior overthepast100years,frontentrance School. Among the changes to the School’s red brick detective worktotryandtraceitsformerhistoryatthe remains unsolved, Vic Badian ’61 has done some and althoughthemysteryofwholeftitonsteps façade, andlikelyweighingover20kilos. to theonenowhangingbelowclockonSchool’s bronze LCCcrestinperfectcondition,almostidentical the frontsteps!Acloserlookrevealedittobeasolid was actuallypadlockedtothesteelrailingalongside ’61 wasstartledtodiscoveralarge,flatobjectthat events onthefield,LCCAmbassador Victor Badian Arriving earlythefollowingmorningpriortoathletic in theweehoursofLionfestWeekend lastfall. but aversionofthiseventactuallyoccurredsometime reenters thevehicle,anddrivesoffintonight. completed, theunknownvisitorscansstreet, “clunk”, followedbyamutedrustlingnoise.Task entrance steps,settingitdownwithaheavy, metallic a heavyobjectfromthetrunk,andheavesitto of theSchool.Ashadowyfigureemerges,removes midnight, alonevehicleappearsandpullsupinfront All isquietonRoyalAvenue whensometimeafter By JaneMartin,LCCArchivist Will weeverknowwhomadeoffwiththisunwieldy The newlydiscoveredcrestisnowinsafekeeping, It readslikeascenefromanAgathaChristienovel, An UnsolvedMystery Centenar Lower CanadaCollegeisinits100 the yearandwethankthemfortheirsupportbeliefinLCC. members ofourcommunityhavesupportedtheSchoolthroughout diverse past as well as celebrated our bright future. The following valued Throughout 2009,festivitieshaveshowcasedtheSchool’s richand Use ofPhotographs who donatedawiderangeofLCCmemorabiliaduringthepast Centenaryyear. The Archivesgratefullyacknowledgesthegenerosityoffollowing individuals, Donations C. Webster (sportstrophyawardedtoherlatehusbandLorne Webster ’45). jacket, crests,pins,etc.),Robert Morgan’49(athleticmedals),Mrs.Meredith ’30), Dr. AlanFrosst ’55(earlyLCCprospectus),RobertGales’63(athletic James Fraser’59(pewtermugs awardedtohislatefatherGeorgeClimieFraser Robert Anderson’56(feltpennant), JohnBadian’56(athleticsweater), Other Items Jean PierreCruvellier, andDenysHeward’64. Nicholas Martire’93,andformerfacultymembersA.VictorBadian ’61, Philippe ’77andNannettedeGaspéBeaubien and Julia’14Hornstein Sam Hornstein,MerleWertheimer, Daniel’14 Marc, Eric’14,Vivianne’17andSophie’18Tellier Patron ofHonour and Jeremy’14Assaly Leonard, Olga,Andrew’06,Laurie’08 The MikelbergFamily David Arditi’65 Brian andAlidaRossyFamilyFoundation Patron ofAchievement Saputo BFL Canada Larry andCookieRossyFamilyFoundation Patron ofDistinction Groupe Compass Principal EventPatron t o the A rchives y Sponsrs Zeno, Anna,Paul’10andAmandaSantache Eric Dedekam’76andJoséeGravel Industrial Alliance Ameresco DialyTran Anthony ’84andTeresa Fata Dr. PaoloRenziandSuzanneCrawford Dr. LorneWiseman Patella ManufacturingInc. Pierre McGuire’78andMélanieLabonté-McGuire Mindev GroupInc. Heenan Blaikie Zorina andRichardBrottoFamily Liliane Bertone Christopher (Pre-U’76)andHilaryShannon VisionIP The CentcoGroup Patron ofMerit th yearandiscauseforcelebration.

or call514.482.9916,ext.287. LCC Archivist,[email protected] of LCChistory, contactJane Martin, or toinquireaboutanyaspect To contributetothecollection,



! 27 LCCLion 28 LCCLion CLASSifieds “I havefinallyestablished Advisory Boardofthe Assessment Board, 1948–1953. Richard Trust, totheOntario 50’s Government ofCanada College andCommunity Centres ofExcellence Canada-Europe reports: Commissioner Scouts Finance Alliance.This Innovation. Post SecondaryQuality I wouldliketoestablish in Kent,England. banks andventurecapital led NetworksofCentres for Commercialization Gordon ’55 has been accountancy partnerships, organization regroups of theKentCorporate of Excellence,and and Research,Business- and appointedbythe has been elected Chairman of theOntarioHeritage appointed totheBoard as Iamresearching at Tamaracouta in1953. Errol Feldman’55, at LCCfromleast merchant banksoperating contact withotherScouts Robert deFougerolles’57 Brown ’55wasknighted Dr. Robert (Squee) the majorlawfirms, to thePrivateSector the historyofGroup.” that therewasScouting

Associates. He would love Jim Kinnear’64and Calgary. Jim isPresident writes: “Iamstill Bishop’s Universityand Financial Limited,a 60’s Hudson near us and has privately-held financial practicing dentistryfour investments. In September in commodity-based boys whenever in the area. in merchantbanking, been livinginToronto in Vermont, near our ophthalmology inToronto. of comprehensive medical of hisnewofficepractice just bought a house. He just boughtahouse.He MacDonald ’59ishappy on his apprenticeship. and is making headway and CEOofKinnear and onedayaweek days aweekinMontreal his electricians course his electricianscourse has goneontocomplete has a business degree from his wifeBridgettelivein is living in Matthew ’97islivingin Dr. AngusL. consulting underthe country home. My son Bob Lisser’62has Dr. Peter Woolhouse ’61 to announcetheopening to hear from any LCC old service firmspecializing since 1985andworking name FirstCambridge

Jim wasawardedan Trust, acompanyhe 2009, Jimretiredas 2009. Joshua arrived arrived Joshua 2009. whereIamnow Canadian oilandnatural Chairman andCEO writes: “Ihavebought Halifax, NovaScotia. Honorary Doctorate Prescott iscelebrating St. Mary’s University, founded in1988which its Bicentennialthisyear in London,England in Maytodaughter Sarah Baily. July in Belleville in of Commercefrom of PengrowthEnergy and and Heather (Pre-U’95) has evolvedintoamajor do visitthetown.” a pre-Confederation and Jackson was born born was Jackson and in grandsons two of her husband Paul Besaw Besaw Paul husband her hotel andhousearestill Fraser Laschinger’64 gas producer. In 2009 residing. Iamthefifth is proud proud Dane Baily’68is great-great grandfather’s generation Prescottonian to announcethearrival to livehereandmy and and to sonDevon’97 so ifyou’renearby, stone tolastforever. standing, bothbuiltof stone houseinPrescott,

70’s Over supper with their their with supper Over Gold forx-country Montreal in December marathon) 8th (his May Councillor in Ottawa, Ottawa, in Councillor City a Currently Capital Marathon in in Marathon Capital was signed by all and and all by signed was about reminiscing were writes: “I moved back to ’68 Cullen Alex Currently consulting with wives thispastwinter, Francisco area, working Francisco area,working for MayorinOttawa! Ski Marathon,obtaining in high tech marketing full-time role.” business or target a new building a consulting anniversary eveningand and DougHall’70 and generalmanagement. after 25 years in the San he isalsorunning deciding whether to keep bois des Coueur his completed the Canadian Canadian the completed Richard Batty’69 running intheNational Dr. Paul Dr.Paul the Boston Marathon. Marathon. Boston the that is to be consumed consumed be to is that the bottleofPortthat ’70 of Class 35th their two days. Alex will be be will Alex days. two the marketing area and seeking to qualify for for qualify to seeking skiing 160kmover several software firms in K avanagh ’70 ’70 avanagh recently recently

“After thePonsardPark They are hopeful hopeful are They Game, Ibecamean Neurosurgery atBrown Chief ofNeurosurgery where hewillcontinue Reunion 2009 Hockey Ryan (16) and Parker (12) Everest expedition Ion Aimers’75just University inProvidence Hospital andChair I’ve completedmyrookie in Ottawa,hastwoboys functional neurosurgery. league official.At56, for agoodturnout. by thoseattending Glenn Snyder’70writes: opened his8threstaurant of theDepartment at RhodeIsland already lookingforward a breakof20years.I’m accredited minorhockey and isjoining aMount at AshburyCollege, his workinepilepsyand has beenappointedthe hockey, once againthis me inshape.” Dr. ReesCosgrove’73 good atit,anditkeeps to umpiringsoftball,like the 40th this September. this 40th the summer. It’s fun,I’m season, 50games, after next spring.

“remarkable” triptoIndia. Jonathan Spencer’75 Just publishedabook Toronto PortAuthority. Group atQueen’s Park Manager (Legislation) Madeline (7)recently year. Professor of Finance with responsibilityfor wife Julieanddaughters wife Marthaandthree writes: “Lifeisgreat Elizabeth (8)and HST fortheOntario President &CEOofthe Playing inabandand in theSalesTax Reform is SeniorProject public sector, Ontario’s infrastructure, andthe implementation of living inToronto withhis business andrecently Geoffrey Wilson ’75is loving thesun.” advising theOntario accepted aroleas charity andnonprofit daughters atuniversity. at Irvine.Two twin on USdrugpolicylast municipalities andpublic here inLosAngeles. government onthe children. Hereturned returned from a Ross Nordin(Pre-U’76) to thetransportation sectors. Heandhis skiing withDerekinJacksonHole?” about To myClassmates—nextyearis35—how other son is finishing Royal St. George’s College. East. IhaveonesonatConcordiaandwhilethe and intoCanada,LatinAmericatheMiddle series ofinternationalofficesstartinginLondon and realizingthedream!Wearebuildinga change tobebuildingabusinessforourselves Global WealthManagement.Whatarefreshing House as President, Investment Pavilion joined I RBC) and Scotia (Mcleod, banks big at years Anthony LacaudCooper’76writes:“After30 with him! the baby will play but wonders when now 4,isveryexcited Big brotherOwen, on March 13, 2010. second son, Max, the birth of their are proud to announce and wifeMichelle David Jackson’88

December 12,2009. Shamie householdon Willa Roseintothe welcomed newbaby big sisterVivian (2.5) his wifeStacieand Gregory Shamie’88,

29 LCCLion 30 LCCLion Architect Naomi Darling. 50th Year Anniversary Green CitieswithArtist/ is currently out In Stoneiscurrentlyout Music Trax, which is you tovisit:www. Center. He iscurrently his large scale will exhibit hislargescale , Urban La Rondeandanticipates Darrell Petit His bookDarrellPetit Inc. inMontreal, President ofHKPowter libertymusictrax.com Studies Department Studies Department in the upcoming special in theupcomingspecial independent and legacy an Adjunct Professor at an AdjunctProfessorat at Storm King Art artists. Ralph invites an online music licensing officially launched his a spinninginstructor. also acertifiedpersonal and availableonline. a great2010season. Mike Hopper’77is co-teaching a class on content creators around content creatorsaround cleared original music to commercial printing Darrell Petit(Pre-U’78) Ralph Levy’77has expanding roster of both the world, from an ever the world,fromanever trainer aswell the newPresidentof sculpture titledKiss,2009 service offeringpre- since 1852.Mikeis supplying businessand new business, Liberty Philip Belec’79 is

Administration toserve Office oftheSecretary My jobistoprovide Marketing industries. with nationalsecurity writes: “In2009,Iwas wealth building seminar. Francisco, California. Foerster, wherehewas 80’s Department ofDefense. Irvine andSan He lives in Los Angeles He livesinLosAngeles He is also an event firm withofficesin firm ofMorrison& property litigation policy adviceand producer, having recently for an unprecedented brought fifteen prominent focused primarily on is the CEO of Behind a boutique intellectual a partnerfortenyears, objectives.” of Defenseinalignment of DefenseintheU.S. of Strategyforthe as thePrincipalDirector appointed bytheObama and has two children. Michael Katz’82left a consulting business Daniel Chiu’83 Robert Finkelstein ’79 to join the internationallaw thought leaders together the SpeakingandInfo- the Scenes/Virtual COO, support totheSecretary

Thomas Whitelaw,

“I ranwiththeOlympic Tom Assimes’84writes: Torch Relay in Corner Olympic Winter Games very distinct honor of village inGreece.” Christine andthegirls word, I would sum up my word, Iwouldsumupmy was alsomovedbythe were extremelyexcited. Brook, Newfoundland I mustadmitthat It is one of those rare life It isoneofthoserarelife last November. In one it evenmorespecial.” Stephanie which made feel like you are part of levels. Itwasespecially journey with my wife away frommyancestral and Elizabeth.Mywife running the Vancouver Derek Covington’86 rewarding tohaverun my daughters,Irene experiences where you experience ashumbling. experience onmany to share this incredible than yourself. the relayonlyminutes torch inGreecewith shares: “I had the something much bigger

I was able

“I am now living in London London in living now am “I With afocuson coaching Ted Kalil’87recently visiting the school when I when school the visiting years and look forward to to forward look and years COO ofEquityResearch Canadian SkiMarathon, , wife wife Adam Singer’87, which heskiedinmemory where I am a partner partner a am I where Europe immensely. Ihave Pascale and their three three their and Pascale Shapiro ’87. personalized career quality, of providers in the Toronto the in office. for AsiaPacific. the as JPMorgan with is businesses. I see a lot of of lot a see I businesses. joined KWA joined Partners, Chris Garvin Brown’86andChris and developing corporate as aSeniorConsultant one of Canada’s leading Canada’s of leading one of classmateNeil“Zippy” am nextbackinMontreal.” and enjoying London and and London enjoying and a boutiquemerchantbank at Torch PartnersLtd, and capital raising for for raising capital and relationships, client children have relocated relocated have children managers and executives executives and managers management services, services, management completed the 160 km km 160 the completed renewable andTMTsector resources, mid-market David Kippen’86writes: great memoriesofmyLCC through career transition transition career through to Hong Kong. Adam Adam Kong. Hong to Peder Jacobsen’88 specializing inM&A Pilot ’86here.Stillsingle

has has

"LCC hasalonghistory August 20–22,2010 Alumni Weekend from Alumni Association. Very excitedtobe John Christou’95is Jeffrey deLeeuw’90 com/alumni. We are Class of’89playsonthe Camp Nominingue who willnotifySebastian. 90’s LCC campalumswill Departure scheduled Danielle (wife)andhis Peder would be happy happy be would Peder first Wednesday ofevery us atwww.nominingue. like toplay, pleasegetin ball hockeysessionin last year, Sebastian Since their20threunion for May1,2010. interested injoiningthe from Rogers Wireless. open toLionsfromother and Colin, out to Calgary. and wehopemany organizing aspecial association cancontact of involvementwith accepted a promotion month, butthegameis running aoncemonthly moving the entire family, grades. Ifyouwould get involved!" touch withKirkLLano the oldSeniorGym.The to fellow alumni. be ahelpfulresource to the Presidentof two children, Nikolas the campandanyone Cardarelli ’89hasbeen

After switchingcareer Award forClubNative, Award forexcellence CD “Winding Path” woman towinaGemini (Pre-U ’96)became Eliosoff, brother of Film Board,Tracey Pictures andtheNational In 2009,Tracey Deer V partner Rezolution production company in thegames,film,and for writingthescript. loyalties. Shewonher identity anddivided in television.Infact, Eliosoff ’91.Thealbum as aco-leaderwithTom a full-timejazzmusician, a softwaredeveloper directions fromthatof own individualGemini about modernaboriginal a featuredocumentary online viadistributors has releasedhisdebut can becheckedout entertainment marketto the firstMohawk shared Gemini’s Canada she wontwo!With her such asiTunes. incent Stephen-Ong’93 Jacob become firsttimegrandparents! David Morton andhiswife,Elaine,have in Vaudreuil, QC!Retiredstaffmembers, new orthodonticclinic,AM orthodontists, orthodontists, are also proud ’parents’ of their 2010. Dr. PaulandDr. Amy, bothpractising Isabelle, onJanuary5, first-born, daughter the birthoftheir pleased toannounce Archambault, are and hiswife,Amy Dr. PaulMorton’93 is anLCCbaby! of LCC.Shedefinitely the 100thanniversary ’00. Ella wasbornon ’94 andBillyTrihey Jaysen Cristofaro ’98 andniecetoboth and MelissaTrihey to DeanCristofaro’92 Montreal. Daughter General Hospitalin 2009 attheJewish on September 9, Cristofaro was born Ella! EllaAmber tailored tofitbaby LCC sweatshirt Mom hadthesmallest at hishomeinSylvania,OH. Pittsburgh Penguins,heldaStanleyCupparty the DirectorofPlayerPersonnelforNHL’s Saturday, October 10, 2009 Cohen.Over theThanksgivingweekendon are ScottBarker, DanMacKinnonandJordy In thephoto,allfromClassof1991,

is completein2011. at StillRiverSystems Financial Planning when hisworkin from NewHampshire Csaba willjoinher policy withtheCDC. work inpublichealth moving toAtlanta Picchu. Sherryis experienced Machu last Novemberand Burrer visitedPeru and hiswifeSherry Csaba Nagy’92 Dan MacKinnon ’91 ,

31 LCCLion 32 LCCLion University undergraduate Robert Morrissey ’07, recently raised raised recently ’07, Morrissey Robert undergraduate University 300 students attended the concert, sending $3,076 to the Weill the to $3,076 sending concert, the attended students 300 with a sense of global citizenship and commitment to service service to commitment and citizenship global of sense a with Cornell Global Health Initiative “GHESKIO” health clinics in in clinics health “GHESKIO” Initiative Health Global Cornell was to lead and coordinate the energy, humanitarian goodwill, goodwill, energy, humanitarian the coordinate and lead to was over $3,000forthereliefeffortinPort-­ organized byLowerCanadaCollegealumnusandCornell Haiti’s capital. Most meaningful to me was the enthusiasm and and enthusiasm the was me to meaningful Most capital. Haiti’s for me, an ordinary university student, to support this effort effort this support to student, university ordinary an me, for became clear that the success of a resource- a of success the that clear became initiatives, Ifollowedcloselyasthetragedyunfolded. It quickly . Bestowed Bestowed a familiarrefraincametomind:NonNobisSolum. of Edinburgh’s Young Canadian’s ChallengeandRoundSquare Duke the to exposure my of result a as particularly LCC, at and generosityofmyclassmates. and thetoolsIdevelopedat LCCtopost-­ and resourcestotheevent. I amproudtohavesharedtheskills organizations, including six musical groups, volunteered their time Robert Morrissey'07 effort would depend on financial donations. The best way way best The donations. financial on depend would effort three weeks after the earthquake shook Port- shook earthquake the after weeks three support I witnessed from my peers. Twelve independent student student Twelve independent peers. my from witnessed I support “Hands for Haiti”, a benefit concert, was held less than than less held was concert, benefit a Haiti”, for “Hands After learning of the earthquake in Haiti this past January, past this Haiti in earthquake the of learning After

“Hands for Haiti”, a benefit concert concert benefit a Haiti”, for “Hands au-­ graduate endeavors. Prince. intensive relief relief ­intensive ­au- Prince. Over Over ­Prince.

“Things havebeengoing “It ismy10 W Network.We just 3 2000’s Owens! We areinour

Charlotte Islands.Hippa where Ihadachance with my LCC Alumni! Butler andTerrell salmonfishingonline.com.” Please check out the video It is an all inclusive Island isaworldclass fishery! Irunanall- Wilder Weir ’00writes: package from Vancouver for 12 guests onboard inclusive fishingresort on ourwebsite,www. on CosmoTVandthe on June2 at 9pmonCosmoTV.” hosting “OhSoCosmo” celebrities likeGerard returned fromNewYork great! I’mstillcurrently Laura Rossy’96writes: to interviewsomeA-List the remoteQueen that I would love to share the MVCharlotteQueen. to airour100 nationally Wednesday’s rd seasonandareabout nd th . We air yearfishing th episode

Argentina then westto Janeiro to start a 12000 km Janeiro tostarta12000km The CourtauldInstitutein The trailheadedSouth 2010 forArt:21,aTV General HospitalSkin On July22,Ryan will graduate from Old will graduatefrom Old Cancer Foundation. Children’s HospitalinJuly. London inOctober2010 $140,000 to be split evenly $140,000 tobesplitevenly Residency attheMontreal Foundation and the Jewish Ecuador. Overthecourse Degree inArtHistory. Peru andEcuador is Stephanie Motter’04is finally finishing 4.5 months Stefan Zebrowski-Rubin’03 flew to Rio de Stotland ’03flewtoRiode in January 2011. Stephanie program onPBSabout Stefan willbeattending perimeter of South America. perimeter ofSouthAmerica. between the David Suzuki between theDavidSuzuki of Quito, in thecapitalcity ofQuito, Santiago, Chileandnorth from Rio to Buenos Aires, bicycle triparoundthe is excitedtobestarting and will be getting married and willbegettingmarried art inthe21stcentury. of the adventure he raised has beeninvitedtobea his firstyearofPediatric guest blogger in September engaged to a Captain in the United States Army the UnitedStatesArmy to completeaMaster’s through Chile,Bolivia, Conall Francoeur’01

Agent withRoyalLePage Vermont. Sheismajoring Jessica Winterstern ’04 Tristan Pungartnik’06 year atJohnMolson New York University work. Shewasawarded with a B.S. in Applied with afocusinreligion working asaRealEstate a cappella groupsinNew England. Sheiscurrently Dominion University Dominion University Undergraduate Research Psychology. She received Kelsey is onthevarsity Heritage inWestmount. for scholasticexcellence in International Studies full timewhilealso School ofBusiness, is currentlyinhissecond in one oftheoldestco-ed for theU.S.Army. in the summer of 2011 department at graduation. and dedicationtothe and Stanford research accepted to both the NYU and completed an a Dean’s Grantfor at Middlebury Collegein honours thesis in her degree atMcGillafter on theDeansListand abroad inParisnextyear. and will bestudying and is planning to work her yearsatMiddlebury. hopes togetabusiness conferences topresenther currently asophomore Kelsey Allan’06is graduated inMayfrom the IdaBodmanAward senior year. She was studying management swim teamand sings

Advisor intheirFuelsMarketingbusiness. works forExxonMobilasGlobalPlanning Virginia, whereBaselcurrentlyresidesand on October30,2009.ShewasborninFairfax welcomed theirfirstchild,RayaB.Al-Aghbar Basel Al-Aghbar’94andhiswifeJillKeblawi weighing 9lbs. 2010, 31, March on world the into Esmaeilzadeh Sophie daughter,Nahla welcomed their ’96 andClaudia Alireza Esmaeilzadeh younger brotherColin’98. Barbara Owenandhisbestmanwas to belions.RecentlyRobBrown’95married and Rob’s newwifeBarbaraOwenpretending Ford-Hutchinson, allfromtheClassof’95 John Inglis,DerickHsiungRobBrownJames brother isJacob! 20, 2010.Proudbig family onJanuary Nicole Roseintotheir Lauren welcomed Neil Erlick’96and

33 LCCLion 34 LCCLion a ProfessorEmeritus. in Peterboroughandwas English at Trent University from afall.Robtaught result ofcomplications Regional Hospitalasa at thePeterborough died onMarch3,2010 Robert D.Chambers’49 Parkinson’s Disease. had beensufferingfrom age ofeighty-one.He Victoria Hospitalatthe at Montreal’s Royal on February11,2010 Heward Grafftey’46died of thefollowingmembersLCCcommunity: It iswithdeepsadnessthatweannouncethepassing In memoriam R. Patrick(Pax)Plant’49 career injournalism. a longandsuccessful Foundation. Hehad Lower CanadaCollege was amemberofthe age ofseventy-two.Jim January 21,2010atthe Sherbrooke, Quebecon died peacefullyin F. JamesFerrabee’54 Spain afterabriefillness. Carlos HayainMalaga, the HospitalUniversitario December 9,2009at family byhissideon died peacefullywithhis

in hisforty-seventhyear. on February18,2010 home inMontreal away suddenlyathis Peter J.Goth’81passed in hockeyatLCC. rate athlete,especially reader, aswellafirst- a debater, aserious Eric wasagiftedscholar, November 12,2009. of fifty-seven,on passed awayattheage Eric V . Blitstein’69 of theSchool. supporter keen very a and League Boys Old the of leaders the of one was Nihon ’93.Rob the lovingbrotherofGregory age ofthirty-five.Hewas on March31,2010atthe Robert AlexisNihonII’92 the suddenpassingof sadness thatweannounce It iswithoverwhelming brother Erol’01. will begreatlymissedbyhis on December24,2009.Kent Sinmaz ’90inNewYork and peacefulpassingofKent we announcethesudden It iswithgreatsadnessthat

Daniel Hornstein’ 100 Years ofExcellence! Merle Wertheimer, Sam Hornstein, kind words. few a with our Centenary celebrate & congratulations their extend Friends of LCC Congratulations on 14 andJuliaHornstein ’


35 LCCLion 36 LCCLion 1 0 Gene andStephanieRossy Beauchamp 0

years ofexcellence Congratulations Neil Larry ’87 andDanieleRossy ’59 andCookieRossy Bra from vo! 100 years of excellence


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