ADB Annual Report 2009 Comprises Two Separate Volumes: Volume 1 Is the Main Report and Volume 2 Contains the Financial Statements and Statistical Annexes
ANNUAL REPORT V O L U M E 1 09 CONTENTS the record 4 5 Sector and thematic highlightS 30 1 meSSage From the preSident 6 6 Financing operationS 34 2 Board oF directorS 8 7 central and WeSt aSia 40 3 policy and Strategy 8 eaSt aSia 50 overvieW 14 9 paciFic 58 4 delivering an eFFective organization 18 ANNUAL REPORT 09 10 South aSia 68 adB contact addreSSeS 120 11 SoutheaSt aSia 78 gloSSary 122 12 nonSovereign operationS 88 aBBreviationS 122 13 Finance and adminiStration 92 14 appendiXeS 98 The ADB Annual Report 2009 comprises two separate volumes: Volume 1 is the main report and Volume 2 contains the financial statements and statistical annexes. 4 Asian Development Bank The RecoRd ($ million) 1966–2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES (A + B + c + d + e + F) 170,925 8,389 10,770 11,329 16,078 A. LOANS (amount) (1 + 2) 155,893 7,264 9,516 10,124 13,230 Number of Projectsa, b, c 2,205 64 77 81 93 1. Ordinary Capital Resources (ocR) Loans (amount) (a + b + c) 117,356 5,992 7,623 8,360 11,020 Number of Loans 1,299 33 55 57 64 disbursements (amount) 80,400 4,420 5,234 6,472 7,898 a. Sovereign 112,182 5,542 6,972 6,839 10,577 Number of Loans 1,166 26 38 45 57 disbursements (amount) 77,076 4,061 4,743 5,878 7,449 b. Nonsovereign Publicd 519 75 10 300 134 Number of Loans 6 1 1 2 2 disbursements (amount) 85 1 30 54 – c.
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