arXiv:2012.10908v1 [math.AT] 20 Dec 2020 M lotcmlxmanifold complex almost h ope retto on orientation complex the l uhthat such 19JCYBJC30300. (respectively rsetvl lotcmlx manifold complex) almost (respectively ntr aiodi lasoine nsc a.If way. a such in oriented always is manifold unitary S nmnflswt h aihn fTd genus, Todd of vanishing the with manifolds on eae results. related tbecmlxsrcueidcsa retto,otie sth as obtained orientation, an induces structure complex stable A . 1 mohmanifold smooth A e od n phrases. and words Key Date hspoetwsspotdb h aua cec onainof Foundation Science Natural the by supported was project This ie oeasmtos hr r ayrslsaotteexisten the about results many are there assumptions, some Given disasal ope tutr.Nml,teeeit udema bundle a exists there Namely, structure. complex stably a admits rsre h ie ope etrbnl tutr then structure bundle vector complex given the preserves ODGNSAND GENUS TODD • • • eebr2,2020. 22, December : | n disanntiilcrl cinpeevn h ie ope st complex given the preserving of action class Chern circle first non-trivial a admits and Abstract. htteTd eu and genus Todd the that pnmnfl and manifold spin Kriˇ nyioae xdpit,i h rtCencasi oso lmn t element torsion a is class Chern first the Td( genus if Todd points, fixed isolated only hr class Chern tyhadHrerc [ Hirzebruch and Atiyah 0 atr rvdta ([ that proved Hattori k k , 0 | J > c > vrsoe ht([ that showed ever 2 n lotcomplex almost = 2. ,adisfis nerlchmlg ru szr,ti hr pape short this zero, is cohomology integral first its and 2, + − ,where 1, suethat Assume c 1 ( INOWN,ZIAGY,YY WANG YUYU YU, ZHIWANG WANG, JIANBO M M M ntr aiod iceato;Td genus; Todd action; circle manifold; Unitary M sdvsbeby divisible is ) or S qasto equals szero. is ) scle a called is R 1 M T ekyams ope manifold complex almost weakly A ) csnntiilyon non-trivially acts l 4 M J rpsto .1) o unitary a for 3.21]): Proposition , k 7 S eoe h rva real trivial the denotes A 1 gnsof -genus hoe .],fraunitary a for 2.2]), Theorem , : sacmatcnetduiay2 unitary connected compact a is 1 aetersl htif that result the gave ] k ⊕ -manifold M T GNSO UNITARY OF -GENUS 1. k R 0 x l Introduction o eti n nerlchmlg class cohomology integral 2nd certain a for ntr manifold unitary ⊕ n h tnadoinainon orientation standard the and M R M k l vanish. . the , 1 −→ n ftedffrnilo aheeetof element each of differential the if and M T A A M k gnr of -genera k gnsor -genus hnthe then , ⊕ l R M paebnl over bundle -plane S smtmsbigcalled being (sometimes l 1 sacnetd2 connected a is cssotl naunitary a on smoothly acts n ,i h agn udeof bundle tangent the if ), S dmninlmanifold -dimensional M A M A 1 A ini iyo hn,No. China, of City Tianjin ˆ ˆ S -manifold k gns e’ itsome list Let’s -genus. -genus S -genus. 1 aih i.e., vanish, ilb called be will -MANIFOLDS 1 -manifold utr.I the If ructure. dffrne of “difference” e eof ce A R ˆ p n ( l shows r M eefe a Hereafter . M x -dimensional M ftefirst the if , with vanishes. ) S M A 1 o some for k e the hen unitary actions ( having M stably = ) 2 JIANBOWANG,ZHIWANGYU,YUYUWANG

• Using Hattori’s result ([4, Proposition 3.21]) and the celebrated theorem of Atiyah and Hirzebruch in [1], Li ([8, Proposition 4.1]) showed that: for an almost complex manifold admitting a non-trivial S1-action, if the first Chern class is a torsion element and is zero under mod 2 reduction, then the Todd genus is zero. • In [2, Theorem 1.1], Fang and Rong showed that: For a compact 2n-manifold M of finite fundamental group, if M admits a fixed point free S1-action, then for 2 Z 6 6 n n−2m all c ∈ H (M; ) and 0 m 2 , (c · Lm)[M] = 0, where L = L0 + L1 + n ··· + L n is the Hirzebruch L- of M. In particular, (c )[M] = 0. [ 2 ]   • A generalization of Fang-Rong’s result is the [9, Example 3.2] proved by Li: Let 2m 1 M be a manifold with b1(M)=0. If M admits a fixed point free S -action, 2 Z 6 6 m m−2j then for all c ∈ H (M; ) and 0 j 2 , (c · Lj)[M] = 0, where Lj is any polynomial of degree j in the subalgebra of H∗(M) generated by Pontrjagin  n classes pi(M) (deg (pi)= i). In particular, (c )[M] = 0. As a supplement to the above mentioned results, we prove the following theorem, which is the main theorem of this paper. Theorem 1.1. Let M be a compact connected unitary manifold of dimension 2n > 2 with H1(M; Z)=0. Suppose that M admits a non-trivial S1-action which preserves the complex structure of the stable tangent bundle of M. If the first Chern class c1(M)= k0x 2 for some x ∈ H (M; Z) and |k0| > n +2, then n−2j ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 6 6 n (1) x Aj =0, where Aj := Aj(p1,...,pj) are the A , 0 j 2 . (2) xn−iT = 0, where T := T (c ,...,c ) are the Todd polynomials, 0 6 i 6 n. In i i i 1 i   particular, the Todd genus Td(M)= Tn[M]=0. (3) The Ak-genus Ak(M)=0, k > 2. The proof of Theorem 1.1 is mainly based on the following theorem of Hattori [3, Thoerem 3.13]. Theorem 1.2 (Hattori). Let M be a closed connected weakly almost complex manifold of dimension 2n > 2 with H1(X; Z)=0. Suppose that M admits a non-trivial S1- action which preserves the given complex structure of the stable tangent bundle of M. 2 If c1(M)= k0x, x ∈ H (M; Z), then we have kx exp · Aˆ(T M) [M]=0 2     for each integer k such that k ≡ k0 (mod 2) and |k| < |k0|. Remark 1.3. (1) In [10, Corollary 4.2], for an almost complex S1-manifold M of dimension 2n with only isolated fixed points, Sabatini showed that if c1(M)= k0x for 2 Z n−k some x ∈ H (M; ) and k0 > n + 2, then c1 Tk =0, 0 6 k 6 n. Although Sabatini’s conclusion is similar to our Theorem 1.1 (2), the condition of isolated fixed points is not necessary in Theorem 1.1. 1 TODD GENUS AND Ak-GENUS OF UNITARY S -MANIFOLDS 3

(2) The vanishing of Ak-genera in Theorem 1.1 (3) hold for any k > 2, and the vanishing of Ak-genera in [7, Theorem 2.2] hold for those k satisfying that the first Chern class is divisible by k.

2. Preliminaries

Firstly, let’s briefly introduce the Todd genus, Ak-genus and Aˆ-genus. Let M be a connected, closed 2n-dimensional unitary manifold. Since the Chern classes are stable invariants, which means that they are unchanged if we add a trivial (complex) bundle, the structure one needs for defining the Todd genus is a stable almost complex structure. For abbreviation, the Chern classes of the unitary manifold M are l denoted as ci := ci(M) := ci(T M ⊕ R ). The Todd genus Td(M) of M is the evaluation of the Todd polynomial Tn(c1,c2,...,cn) in the Chern classes on the fundamental class [M] of M. The multiplicative {T (c ,...,c )} is associated to the power series x k 1 k Q(x)= ([5, §1.7]). Define the of M by 1 − exp(−x) ∞ l td(T M ⊕ R )= Tk(c1,...,ck), Xk=0 then the Todd genus of M is the evaluation l Td(M) = td(T M ⊕ R )[M]= Tn(c1,...,cn)[M]. kx exp(x) Associated with the characteristic power series Q(x) = , k > 2, there is a exp(kx) − 1 l multiplicative Ak-class of M ([7]), which we denote it as Ak(T M ⊕R ), and the Ak-genus Ak(M) is the evaluation l Ak(M)= Ak(T M ⊕ R )[M].

Note that, if k = 1 is allowed in [7], A1(M) is exactly the Todd genus Td(M). If we l consider a formal factorization of the total Chern class as c(T M ⊕R ) =(1+x1) ··· (1+ xn), then by [6, §1.8], n x Td(M)= i [M], 1 − exp(−x ) i=1 i ! Y n kx exp(x ) A (M)= i i [M]. k exp(kx ) − 1 i=1 i ! Y For a compact oriented differentiable 2n-manifold M, Hirzebruch ([5, page 197]) defined the Aˆ-sequence of M as a certain polynomials in the Pontrjagin classes of M. More concretely, the even power series 1 2 4 6 8 2 x x 7x 31x 127x Q(x)= 1 =1 − + − + + ··· sinh 2 x 24 5760 967680 154828800  4 JIANBOWANG,ZHIWANGYU,YUYUWANG defines a multiplicative sequence Aˆj(p1,...,pj) (for abbreviation, pj := pj(T M)), where Aˆj(p1,...,pj) is a rational homogeneousn polynomialo of degree 4j in the Pontrjagin classes. The Aˆ-class Aˆ(T M) is defined as follows: ∞

Aˆ(T M)= Aˆj(p1,...,pj). j=0 X The Aˆ-genus of M is the evaluation Aˆ(M)= Aˆ(T M)[M].

2 2 Let p(T M) = (1+ x1) ··· (1 + xn) be the formal factorization of the total Pontrjagin class, then by [6, §1.6], n 1 x Aˆ(M)= 2 i [M]. sinh 1 x i=1 2 i ! Y  3. Proof of the main Theorem 1.1 Proof of Theorem 1.1. (1) Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.1, by Theorem 1.2, kx exp · Aˆ(T M) [M] = 0 (3.1) 2     (2n) for each integer k such that |k| < |k0|,k ≡ k0 mod 2. Let u be the term of degree 2n 2n of an element u ∈ Hk(M; Z). By the Poincar´eduality, from (3.1) we can obtain k=0 L kx (2n) exp · Aˆ(T M) =0 ∈ H2n(M; Z). 2     Case 1: n is even. We have − kx (2n) 1 kx n 1 kx n 2 exp · Aˆ(T M) = + Aˆ + ··· 2 n! 2 (n − 2)! 2 1         1 kx 2 + Aˆ n − + Aˆ n . 2! 2 2 1 2   k > n k ,k ,...,k n When | 0| + 2, there exist integers 1 2 2 +1 such that k < k < < k n < k n < k , | 1| | 2| ··· | 2 | | 2 +1| | 0| k k k n k n k , 1 ≡ 2 ≡···≡ 2 ≡ 2 +1 ≡ 0 mod 2 k x (2n) n and exp i · Aˆ(T M) =0, i =1, 2,..., +1. (3.2) 2 2     1 TODD GENUS AND Ak-GENUS OF UNITARY S -MANIFOLDS 5

By (3.2), we get the following equation of matrices:

kn kn−2 ··· k2 1 1 n 1 1 1 n!·2n x n n−2 2 1 n−2 k k ··· k 1 n− x Aˆ  2 2 2   (n−2)!·2 2 1 ...... ··· . . . =0.  n n−2 2     n n n   1 2 n  k k ··· k 1 2 x Aˆ −  2 2 2   2!·2 2 1   n−2    n n 2n ˆ n k +1 k ··· k +1 1  A   2 2 +1 2   2      k ,k ,...,k n Since 1 2 2 +1 are mutually distinct, which means the determinant of left matrix in the above equation is that of the Vandermonde and this matrix is invertible, so we get n n−2 2 x , x Aˆ ,..., x Aˆ n − , Aˆ n . =0 1 =0 2 1 =0 2 =0 (3.3) Case 2: n is odd. We have − kx (2n) 1 kx n 1 kx n 2 exp · Aˆ(T M) = + Aˆ + ··· 2 n! 2 (n − 2)! 2 1         1 kx 3 1 kx + Aˆ n−3 + Aˆ n−1 . 3! 2 2 1! 2 2    

When |k0| > n + 2, there exist integers k1,k2,...,k n+1 such that 2

0 < |k1| < |k2| < ··· < |k n−1 | < |k n+1 | < |k0|, 2 2 k1 ≡ k2 ≡···≡ k n−1 ≡ k n+1 ≡ k0 mod 2, 2 2 k x (2n) n +1 and exp i · Aˆ(T M) =0, i =1, 2,..., . (3.4) 2 2     By (3.4), we get the following equation of matrices:

kn kn−2 ··· k3 k 1 n 1 1 1 1 n!·2n x kn kn−2 ··· k3 k 1 n−2 ˆ  2 2 2 2  (n−2)!·2n−2 x A1 . . . .   . . . . .  . . ··· . .  . =0.  n n−2 3    k n−1 k n− k n−1 k n−1  1 3 ˆ n−   1 ···  · 3 x A 3  2 2 2 2   3! 2 2  n n−2 3  1  k n+1 k n+1 ··· k n+1 k n+1   xAˆ n−1   2  2  2 2 2   2      Since the determinant of left matrix in the above equation is a multiple of that of the Vandermonde, we get

n n−2 3 x =0, x Aˆ1 =0,..., x Aˆ n−3 =0, xAˆ n−1 =0. (3.5) 2 2 6 JIANBOWANG,ZHIWANGYU,YUYUWANG

4s (2) By [5, (12) in page 13] and As =2 Aˆs in [5, page 197], we have 1 T = crAˆ k r! · 2r 1 s r+2s=k Xk [ ] 2 kk−2s = 0 xk−2sAˆ , (k − 2s)! · 2k−2s s s=0 X where r and s are non-negative integers. Then for any 0 6 k 6 n,

k [ ] 2 kk−2s xn−kT = xn−k · 0 xk−2sAˆ k (k − 2s)! · 2k−2s s s=0 k X [ ] 2 kk−2s = 0 xn−2sAˆ (k − 2s)! · 2k−2s s s=0 X =0. (3) Let l l A (T M ⊕ R ), A 1 (T M ⊕ R ) k k be the multiplicative characteristic classes of M associated to the characteristic power series kx exp(x) x exp x , k , k > 2, kx x exp( ) − 1 exp( )−1 and A (M), A 1 (M) denote the corresponding genus of M respectively, then k k n A (M)= k · A 1 (M). (3.6) k k The identity x exp x 1 1 x k = exp − x · 2 exp(x) − 1 k 2 sinh x     2 implies that  l 1 1 A 1 (T M ⊕ R ) = exp − c1(M) · Aˆ(T M). k k 2    l Thus, as the proof of of Theorem 1.1 (1), using (3.3) and (3.5), we also get A 1 (T M ⊕R ) k are zero, then the A 1 -genera and A -genera of M vanish, k > 2.  k k 2x · exp (x) Remark 3.1. In fact, for A -genus, the corresponding power series is an 2 exp (2x) − 1 even power series, then A2-genus is expressible in Pontrjagin numbers and hence defined for an oriented smooth manifold ([6, §1.6]). By [6, Appendix III],


x exp x where, χ(M,K1/2) is the genus with respect to the characteristic power series 2 . x exp( )−1 So by (3.6), we have n A2(M)=2 · Aˆ(M). 2 Corollary 3.2. Under the assumptions in Theorem 1.1, if c := c1(M) ∈ H (M; Z) is a torsion element, then n−i (c Ti)[M]=0, 0 6 i 6 n; n (cn−2jAˆ )[M]=0, 0 6 j 6 ; j 2 Ak(M)=0,k > 2. h i References

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(Jianbo Wang) School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China Email address: [email protected]

(Zhiwang Yu) School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China Email address: [email protected]

(Yuyu Wang) College of Mathematical Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China Email address: [email protected]