2 Android Unofficial Game Guide

Copyright 2016 by Chala Dar Third Edition, License Notes

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Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Android Unofficial Game Guide Introduction High Score Strategies Characters Achievements Level Walkthroughs Escape to Naboo Invasion Reward Chapter Treasure Maps Bonus Boxes Conclusion


In Angry Birds, gamers utilize a sling shot to shoot birds at pigs positioned on or within a variety of structures. The objective is to destroy all of the pigs on the playing field to beat the level. While players progress in the game, brand new varieties of birds are made accessible and some with exclusive abilities that can be activated by the gamer.

High Score Strategies

When you first enter into a level the very first thing you should do is zoom so you can see the whole level. It helps to discover everything before you start. This way you may gauge how far you’re from the target. This is also the best way to identify items which will be concealed off the screen.

When you pull back your bird in the slingshot take note of exactly where it is in relation to the backdrop. Using a reference point is going to greatly boost your precision.

Each bird you shoot will leave a path of dust behind. Make use of this to help your following shot. For instance, if you need to hit a spot within the structure that’s slightly higher than where the last shot ended up, pull the subsequent bird below the spot that the previous trail was.

Restart early on and frequently. To obtain 3 stars in most of the stages you need to be extremely accurate. If your execution on a certain shot is not ideal, don’t worry, simply repeat the process. The reason why is don’t delay until after shooting the final bird to restart, when it simply only takes a couple of seconds to access the menu and reboot the level?

Think like the developers. There exists a minimum of one wood block or glass plane that’s the answer to taking down the entire level. After a while, you should start recognizing exactly where these vulnerable areas tend to be.

Attack boxes of DYNAMITE and bounce pads when they’re obtainable. Once again, think just like the developers. They should have put those techniques in the game for a purpose.

Wait right until your final bird vanishes before shooting another one. Generally, holding out right until everything in the level ceases to move to take your next shot is smart, in the event you need to take an alternative tactic. When you reach your last bird you are going to lose a great amount of speed and power, essentially wasting the shot.

Quite often, the most effective methods to topple a tower would be to focus on its base. This will likely usually force the higher sections of the structure to come falling down on the weak pigs beneath.

Until you possess bombs at your disposal, the wooden areas of the structure are most likely to be weakest. Focusing on these first will be the key point to success.

A number of levels involve utilizing the least amount of birds to get a high score. While other levels might need more birds to obtain more points to get a high rating. Characters


Qui Gon Jinn provides a lightsaber swipe attack. While not the strongest, it can be useful enough so that you can slice through chain as well as wooden without difficulty.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is strong using the Force ability. His power boasts a solitary strong push aimed by the gamer.


Yoda carries a lightsaber whirl assault, where he will bounce throughout the stage for a number of moments. The power has to be activated manually prior to the assault.

Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks is able to use his tongue to catch close by items and use to swing off of. Targeting his tongue is performed manually by the gamer.

Captain Panaka

Captain Panaka features a special laser rifle which will fires a burst of about three lasers at a time. He fires two times in fast succession, which is 6 shots total.


Padme carries a tractor beam capable of moving large items. The direction of the ability will be gamer manipulated with a close to limitless range.


Anakin now carries an elementary, single swipe lightsaber.

Jedi Initiate

The blue colored bird presumes the role of the Jedi Initiate. This unit can only attack by dividing into 3 smaller birds.

Mace Windu

Mace Windu carries a boom-erang light saber competent at cutting through vast amounts of chains as well as boxes. It has an extremely extended range.


Bust your path through virtually any construction making use of his huge body.


The droid R2D2 functions with his trademarked capability to shock your nearby enemies with electrical energy.


C3PO is able to break into pieces on your click. Every bit is capable to carry out some damage to any kind of block or foe it hits.


Princess Leia comes with a tractor beam. This beam will draw in items as opposed to pushing.


Luke carries a basic light saber which deals a sole strike.

Endor Luke

Luke has become able to deal 2 swipes in reference to his light saber.

Jedi Luke

Jedi Luke now swings his light saber 3 times in quick series!

Han Solo

Han Solo carries a basic laser pistol. With it, he will be able to take about three fast shots wheresoever the gamer targets.

Darth Sidious

Darth Sidious can conjure and point lightning. It is notably effective versus metallic items however; it’s very little effect on wood.

Jango Fett

Jango Fett features a solitary rocket that may be targeted anywhere the gamer wants.

Battle Droid

The Droid carries a simple laser blast capable of taking 3 rapid shots wherever the gamer aims at.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul has a dual light saber which will spin as it attacks.


Count Dooku’s boom-erang light saber is definitely a robust item. Its indestructible except if it hits a lasting piece of terrain such as the floor.


Droideka can go right into a snug ball, producing a spinning attack. Droideka can easily bounce all over a stage and sweep numerous buildings at the same time.

Zam Wesell

Zam Wesell carries a grapple-hook. This enables her to grab close by materials and move around these.


Oftentimes the most effective line assault personality within the game. He has an unparalleled 4x light saber strike.

Sith Anakin

His ability pulls close by objects nearer momentarily prior to shooting all of them strong energy away from him and in all directions.


Darth Vader has the same ability as Anakin.

Boba Fett

Boba Fett features a double rocket attack. Remember that no rocket can be aimed by the player. They travel about fifteen degrees above where you target.

Biker Scout

The Scout follows at the rear of the Speeder, which may be redirected towards any area on the screen and will knock down buildings as he goes.

Tie Fighter Pilot

The Tie Fighter Pilot has the most effective gun of everyone. You are able to fire two shots of high powered beams.


The Stormtrooper is able to shoot five times, however they tend to be very dispersed. Thus, it is hard to aim with this character.

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