THE NEWSoFTHE :Js~~~~:l~~ MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS INC. A000133X EDffiON612 FEBRUARY 2002 60 CENTS INSIDE: • Annual Reports from · Office Bearers for 2001 • Labour Day & Easter Long Weekends Previews • Regent Honeyeater Project • Wilky Winter Bookings Info. • Davies Plain & Beyond ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wed. 27 February 2002 8.00 p.m. TheAnnexe Level 1, Trades Hall Cnr. Lygon & Victoria Sts Carlton It's your club, make sure you know what's happening & what's planned. Come along & cast your vote (members). Non-members also welcome to attend but may not vote. New committee to be installed. A Form for the Nomination of Officers & Committee Members Au Revoir John Kittson is on Page 13. John Kittson, Sunday Bus Leader Extraordinaire, in familiar club night attire enjoys a drink at his farewell party on Wed. 23 January 2002. The recently renovated clubrooms were full to overflowing as members including Bob Me Lellan, the club's Sunday Bus driver, gathered to celebrate & farewell a remarkable walk leader. John & his wife, Carol are retiring to the south . coast ofN.S.W. but John plans to walk with the club from time to time as you can read in Jean Woodger's article on page 9. Photo: v Scrivenger ENQUIRIES: CLUB OPEN: 7- 9 PM WED., HORTICULTURAL HALL, MACKENZIE ST., MELB . WEBSITE: EMAIL:
[email protected] Members ofthe Melbourne Bushwalkers Inc. meet on Wednesday evenings Vale Gra~me Laidlaw between 7.00 & 9.00 pm in the Oubrooms, Victorian Horticultural Society Hall, Older members ofthe club MacKenzie Street, Melbourne. will be saddened to hear Visitors are always welcome.