The Au~tralian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

l'IU- ,',IIJl s :\ l I he Rt 11011 ,11J11h11 I ,11h,1111 (, ( \I(, QC ( 11.\IR\I .\"\ Ill II ( (.00111bs EX EC l 'T IVE DlllUTOll 11111-:h 1111111 110, \FCRE f.\R\ \l. 11111."ct•.,rku

, l',, "nHllh \\ .tie-. \I t I.\""''' c llE I J ,,honell Q11ce11,l,u1d 1'1okw11 Prok-.,ot I · \k,,llldc1 \\ 'c, Lern Alhl ralia \ It \ II I Gib,on \" ic to 1ia \ Ii I ( II atc11nan ',0111h .\ 11,1,alia \lr (, I )).nil '> I a, 111a11ia

.Foreword: /11 11.1Jint .\l't11011th£ Ur::,rt/,ei/,,111°[111.11 Of'ut1 ( u111J1,1111 pre.1e11ted r1 •et1.rr,11of fo11r 1\l o_t1rl Op1:r,1.,. I hi, 11 "' t111,1111- I hi110111hegi1111i11g r111d .1ho1u:d h£yo11d do11hl I h,11 t111111,,1111011.1 . .. and the best de111,1iidfor dt1s.11(t1Io/1err1 1 Yi.11.1 Iii 1/,1.1(r,1///il) . .·I i'rflg1,1111111£ "-' food (r,1 th£ way to travel ll'h1(h Iii /.:,11rof1eor / l/lle1i(t1 1/"IJ//ldhe re,~r1rdul , 0111101.,seuronly. here J1ro1eel ,1 po/>11/t1rrl1c1 f /11 ,,II by i is 1111:,111011of Thi, 1eaw11pro1 icln ,111oppor11111111 forth£ p11 w111e ofleras that cl/e 11•ell-k1101111and ll'ell-101ed. 111r,r£1a111ple.r from ti,e 11•orlr/._(.11r,reho11.1c of operr1/1c 11er1,11u 1. / /,£ , r11/ of wrh r1 .1er1.,011i.1 1 ery grcr1/. II" e r1rc 1110_1/ for/1111t1!£11, lh£ TA A ,111rl111 1hr: ,,,c111J11rge11err,11.1 .\llf1f1orl of S/(1/e Go1 cn1111e11l.1.(1/J (,r,11111ii, r Peopl e who like the be st include TAA in their ro-operalio11 of I he A11.11ud1.11181 o,1dca.11111g(01111111, 11r,11 11 h,ch preference s. They enjoy the luxury and superi ority alone /1/(lke., pr).l.1ihlethe (011/1111/C'dlife of th£ Com/ tll/1 h1111/ th£ Of>ur1 11111st of TAA Viscounts - the quiet , poised perform ances ,.r 11po11you. the thealre-gr,er of / lmt 1td1,1.thrtl of Ro1ls-Royce turbo-prop motors , the hi ghly al 1/'(l)'J 1110.11re/_1. 1 pe, for111r111aof <1/>trrthr1J efficient pre ssurisation and air-conditionin g. 011r c1lio11,d talent for the itself hoth al home r111dabror1rl: if thi., the accomplished hostess ser vice. a111J1ly de111011s1rated talelfl goes fonrc ,,d 1/Jith the 1cide11ing r1ppreric11io11of the rtrl. 1he11the f11111reof th~ lyrir theatre i11 A11Strr1lir1i.r r11.wrul.

Next tim e yo u mak e an i11te,-statejourney, book to fly by A CH .\IRMAl\ '. 'A _ NPV571 ______

3 u =====;:;-= JOAN HAMMOND

Has achieved b1 tlhanl -,uucv-. as lyric -dramatic since lea, ing Aus · B e r n h a r d trali a in 1936. Bcfo1e going o,c1,ea, ,he w..t, a , iolini!)L with ,dnc, Conservalo1 ium and Philharm onic orthcs1ra..,, and a ..,pon-,woman of thampion,hip standa1d he \\a , engaged for p11nc,p,tl role, \\llh the \'ienn a State after swd,ing lan­ guage, and opera in that city, and ,ho1 tl) aftc1wa1d, "'" a,ked to appear w1th the lal<· Sir Hen,) J. Wood at the opening of l.on don's Prom enade Concert,. Durin g \\' arid War II ,he combined ambulance d, i, ing in London's East End with concert and operatic performances , SC\leral of which we1c ghen in ait 1aitl shelters during the "b litz" . Followin g a recital tour of Australia in 19·16, she ,ew,ncd . a, the fu,t post 1,,ir guest arti,t, to the \ 'ienna State Ope1a. This was followed In .1 1<·,i1.,I tour of South Africa , a serie s of appe.irances in all the leading opera hou,e, and , otHl'Il halh in th e United State s and Canada, Briti sh Isles, Ea,t and Central \f, i, .i and Fu rope. In addition to being the first Briti sh artist to ,ing in Ru"ian in \!o,um\ Bohhoi Theatre since the Revolution , she was al)() the fu,t ,\u-,t1ali.111 to ,mg i11 thi"i. the world 's larg est opera hous e. Following her appca1ancc, wuhElizabethan the I nht Opera Company in "To ,ca" and "Otello", she will return 10 wn«·1 t and I\ in the n ited Kin gdom. 10 be followed b, a 1our of the United \tat, ·, ,111d Europe includ­ ing candina, ia ...... ~ ...... , ...... ' ...... ·..·.·.·.·.· ...... I .• • .• • • • • ...... ' ...... ' ...... - ...... ,i .••• ...... ·...· ...... ·.·.·.·.·. ----~-~-;-.·. - ·.·.·.·.· .... - 137KING. ST.. NiWTOWN FUR SALON7 TH. FLOOR, THE TRUST BU ILDING. 155 KING STREE T· BW 1309 LA3441 I AtMissenden Rd. I l !'Ji// "1111 ~ ;n ,..j l/1. 1'


Rt.·1u1 IP, to \u..,11,tltJ fn1 the hi-.t lillll' ,11Hc l~Hh. !(I ,1ppca1 111 ' I.a Hnlw111C.·... 111d I ill' B..11lnt. d Hi ide" !or the 1-·111.tlicth.111 I 1ll'll Opt·t.1 ( omp,111, 11" p111 <1pal ",1•p1.u111 .11 (.o,c.:111 ( ,at ,kn ..,Ju.. \\,h 1t.·ct:111h .Hll.umnl h, the I 011do11 pit·-.-. f1H IH·t i11t< 1p1t·l.tl1011 of C1lda 111 R1g11klto" wl11l I g It I .1111,1 with the "'i,1dlt-1 \ \\ di, Opt·1.1 ( 0111p.11n Rt.



One of :\u '!u-ali a\ lea din g ten ors, he is known botl1 hc, c and o, cis ca for h is performan ces in op era . 01a ,011 0 and on the concert platform On rn mpl c11011 o f the Elizabethan Opera Co mp all\ 's l!l5i ,ea son . he will return to ad ler's W ells O pc 1a Company , of whi ch he h a, bee n a mcmh c1 sin ce 1955 .

. ~"tt~on 1{.\'\'t THEATRE \l.,I EWTOW F'RH)\Y. l1h OC'IOBEH, J957

THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHA N THEATRE TRUST pr esen ts the World Premi ere of Visibly HEALING Better TV "THESHIFTING HEART" by RI CH ARD REYNO"I/ • Alum inised tubes fo r d eepest " b la cks" a nd brighte st " whites'' with a full ra ng e of in­ HEALING IVith an A ll-S tar Cast be tween shades . L\ ' ' DALL BARBOUR NEVA CARR -GU ''\' Rf( H \RD B EYNON • Opti cal filter safety glass to eliminate g lare a nd reflect ion, Manhattan TOM FARLEY DINAH SHEARI ' G FR \'\h. WATERS GORDON • Healing signalock to sc reen out sta t ic an d GLEl'iW RI GHT 1-.LITH J \l{\ 'JS pr event "roll over" and distortion. 17" X 21" Produced b) \I A \' H OLLI:\WORTH • Du Mont Steadi b eam to brin g you uniform pic tu re quali ty whether the station si g nal is Consolettes steady or varyin g . FIR ST PRll:E : S\!ln c1 Jou,nalist Club Pia, Com pcti11011 19",6 .\ cljud1ca 1n1S: Pl a,w1i gh 1, \ d 1i,01, • 10 channel turret tuner to receive al channels from l\oa,d that may be allotted. 1 he \ m 11ali,111 Fl 11ahc1ha11 I hca 1rc rru st • A utomatic electros tati c focus and twin con­ tr ol~ to orotect a g dinst human error~ rn tuning 225 Gns. THIRD PRl/E : Lo nd on "Ob scl\e1 " Pl,I\ (.0111pe1i1io11. 19.ii Adjuclirntors: .\ Ice Gninn cs-. Peter l ', 1i11m. Kenn eth I 111.111.

9 3 '"


~ I I I I I JO\ CE ""f\l()'\-, -

THE SPIDER WlLMA WHITNE\ For cen turi es in tbe J apane se the atre, th e Kabuki dram as bave used "i nterpr etative make-up" - s tand ard colours and pattern s for different per sonality type s. Tbe face of a good man , for instance, is painted white: the face of a wicked man i s painted red - the exact shade of red d etermin ed by the ex ten t and degre e of his wick edne ss. This gentleman i s ea t in th e rol e of the Spid er - th e most wicked character of them all. Theatric al make -up , whether it b e u ed in Japan, Au stralia or any o ther p ar t of the world, is ba sed on oils and waxes. HELL scien tists in l abora tori es around the world are constantly improvin g the qu ality and ver ati lity of these materia ls used for the atrical purpo es. Sh~II senies Aus tralia .. e YOU CAN OE S RE OF SHELL JOY MAMMEN ,76 / E II 10 ~f ('~ *Recapru r1ethe thr'ill ! oftke OpetaSeator1

with these magnificent* recordings by the brilliant soloists . . .

ELSIE MORISON JOAN HAMMOND 33 THE MESSIAH (Ha ndel) . Co mp le te r ec o,d · ing : Elsie Mori son , Ma rjorie Tho ma s, Ric hard L e wis , Nor man Walke r. Hudde rs- 33 OPERA TIC AND SONG RECITAL fie ld C ho ral S ocie ty and Liv er p ool Phil­ (W ith O rchestra) ____ OALP . 1076 harmo nic Or chestra, co nduct or Malcolm Sa,gent . (Organ ist Erne,t C oofi"ifcJx. l l b/ S 4 33 SONG REC ITA L ...... OBLP . 1073 33 THE BEGGAR 'S OPERA (Gay , Pepu,ch, MADGE STEPHENS FLOREN CE PONG Austin) . Recorded by a Doub le Cast A ctors and Singers : Elsie Morison , John Cameron . 33 PUCCINI OPERA TIC AR IAS OB LP. 1081> Pro A rte O rchestra and Chorus , conducto r -r--- ·-·-·-- ·--- ·-·-·-·- ·- · Malcol m Sar g en t ____ OCLP . 1052/3 i ~ - 33 ISRAEL IN EGYPT (Handel) . Reco,ded in I 33 VERDI OPERA TIC AR IAS ...... OA LP.1407 English. l (See Genera l Ca ta logue for co mp lete list Elsie Morison, Monica Sinc.Jai r, ! Richard Lewi s. H ud de rsfield C horal S o ciety of Joan Hammond 's records .) and Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra , con­ ductor Ma lcolm Sar g ent ))OCX . 1347/ 8 1 ---- 1 I I I other outstanding OPERATIC RECORDS from the The Sign of a I i i catalogues of "His Master's Voice," Columbia, Decca ! SUPERIOR HOTEL i I i * So Well Liked * So EC'onomical I TOSCA TALES OF HOFFMANN i I 33 TOSCA (Puccini) . Complete recordin g with The Cadton Hotel -S b Castle rea G igli ______OALP.1020 /1 33 T A LES OF HOFFMANN (Offen ba ch) . Com­ g h Street , Sydney. BW 5541. I plete recording film from the Sound Trad: I The Rex at King 's Cross-58 Macleay Street, Potts Point. FL 3341 with Robert Rounsville , Dorothy Bond . The Rex at Bondi -C orner Beach Road and Glenayr Avenue. FY 7247 i 33 ~'!~ ~ A l:~~!~t/~icc'"a~,'::.e rGi~!~~npge wib~ LXTA .2582/ 4 The Rex at Ainslie, Canberra-limestone and Ainslie Avent es, J 335 St efano, Tito G o bb i ...... ll0CX.1094/5 The Rex at Cammeray-Miller St reet, Cammeray. XB 8952. i The Re1



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RAYMOND MACDONALD VICTOR FRANKLIN 15 14 THE BART ERED BRIDE Act I : prin g in a Boh emian Village . Th e ,ill agns 11e tdeb1au11g, 011h .\l.t1Jt11k.1 1, gloonn. a, ,ht ha, lca1n<.:d th at he! patents plan a \\'l'altln ma11iagt (01 ht·1, although OPERA ... sht is in lo,<.: willl the impernniom lutik BOOKS ON A5 1\l a1jen k,1 ;111d J enik lean·, hc1 pa1ellls tnltl 1,i1l1 the 111a11iagt OPERA THE DECCA BOOK OF I IOI \l.11 Jt'11k.1', m.u I i.igl' Lo tht ,on ol wea l tit\ 164 of the world's most famous er lically examined by thirty-six ledd,n.; b1 o ke1. Kcu,tl hn plan authorities, with a foreword by . Illustrated. Tobias J\li ;h.i K I mhin,1 e aunol rcmt·mbu till' 11.1111csol ,\I i,ha 's I wo Price 49 / 9 {Po stage 2/ 6) son,, but he i, assuted h l,t ·t,a l that 1he·ll i, 011h om, .1, the 01hc·1 ,on THE VICTOR BOOK OF OPERAS , by Lou is Bia nco lli and Rob ert Bagan disappea1 ed years before and is pn ·, um<.:cl dead Detai ls and sto ries of the great operas. Completely revised including additiona Ma1 jenka\ 111othe1. I ucln1ill.1. fed, the· (111.tldc-e1,io11 ,houlcl be l<.:ll opera s previously omitte d. Includes a detailed list of all R.C .A. Victor Opera'ic lo her daughte1. reco rds . Well illustra ted . Price 62/ 6 ( Postage 2/ -) ;\l a 1jenk a cnte1s. nbjt·tts 10 IH'l p,11cn1s plan. a1111ot11He she ha , eke ided Lo m ar ry J enik . MODERN OPERA STORIES , by Glady s Davi dson Co mpri ses the stories of thirty-six modern operas by Brifsh and foreign composer The a< t end, with a spirited polka d.utc ed ll\ the assem bled lllustrate 'd. \'illagers. Price 26/ - {Postage I0d .) Act ll : The Jnt erior of th e Village Jnn . I OPERA BIOGRAPH IES, by G la dys Dav idso n r he , illa ge men sing ,t d1 inking ,ong, ,111cl;11 ( 10111ul b, J..t·t1al and An account of the lives and roles of singers of all na ionalities who have become lenik. Th e ,illage women enter and join the men in a brillia nt and fa mous on the operatic stages of the world. Illustrated. Price 26 / - ( Postage I ·) en erget ic danc c. \ ' a,hek, th e e11(hantingl) ,ilh p1mpcct1H ill 1clgrnou1., 11tt·1, 1111111c·di OPERA WORLD , by Dan iel Blum A full record of the 1952-1953 and 1953-1954 seasons at the Metrop olitan C,, atcly a ft er th e villager lea , e th e In n \l.111c·11k.1.1111\n, 1Tal1,t·, thal Cen tre and the San Fran cisco Opera, together wi th copious illustrations o the thi s is the brid egroo m ch ose n fo1 hc1. ancl is ho11ific-cl \\ ' i1houl new production s and the leading singers. Contains also authori alive articles of reveal in g her nam e, she tell s him he>11 ,011, 1hc I ii lag(' girl, .11c 10 h eat Opera in Europe a nd accounts of the leading music entertainers. I Price 5 1/ 6 (Postage I 2) o[ th e hand so m e lad betrothed LO the lligh11 \l.111rnk,1 \ .ishek\ feat grow , th en i\Iarenka p a int s a b1 ighter prn,pc-c l of a11othe1 gi1 I. whom POCKET BOOK OF G REAT OPERAS , by Henry W . Simon and Abraha m Veinus The ideal co mpa nion fo r radio or ph onograph listening for serious study or ;omple sh e says is a lread v at tr acted to Vashck . 'ip111rc-cl 011 Ji, ;\larjenk.a, he ! enjoy ment . Complete with 19 full page illustrations and a 66-page hemalic guide. fo llow h e1 o ul of th e Inn . Price 4/ 9 (Pos tage Sd .) Keual enter, w ith J enik. lo whom he nffns ,t ,ub,tam ial sum lO [or ake M a rj enka E1·ent11alil lenik ,1g1t·c·,. hut 1mi,1, that a claus be ins en ed in th e ma11iagt· to11tr.1ct to thl' en('( L th,11 \l.u Jtt1k.1 ma1 onh OUR L.P. RECORDS INCLUDE m arn the cld c,t ,on ol Tol,ia, ;\fi,ha kl'ltal gon nff sati,ficcl, hul ltn ik . knm,in g h e i, the eldt·,1 ,nu ol \li,ha . i, ,l'dl pleased. Th e '" ( Complete Recording). Soloists, Chorus an SMETANA : m arriagt b1oke1 JT-elllers. 1•·;1d, th( eon11aet \la1jc11ka\ patClll'> are Orchestra of National Opera 3 L.P.'s. LPV91/13 £8/ 12 6 satisfied. but the , ill ager, arc fu1 ions when thc·, lca1 n Jcnik's plnn to g iH · up ,\l a rj enk.1 [01 n1<111c:,. PUCCINI : "Tosca" (Highlights). One L.P. 12". Soloists and Milan Orchestra. N .00201 L £2/ 12/ 6 An 111: Th e ;a m e a; Acl I. Q \ 'a,hek bmems. hce ;1me he «1111101fine! the girl who g;11 t· him ,uch One L.P. 12" Andre 'I PUCCIN I: "La Boheme" ( Opera for Orchestra). good ad\' ice. H e is int er rupt ed hy the an i,al ancl Dance of th e Kostelanetz and his Orchestra. £2/ 11/ - KLL502 Comc diam, watched b y a thron g of admir in g vi ll agers. H ala enter s and a, ks h er ,on \'ashek to meet i\farjenka . H e refuse s. ;\ m o m ent lat er ;\[ ar jen ka en lCIS. fu1 ion, al f cnik' bctra\aJ o f thei1 BOOKS L. P. R EC O R D S MUS IC love. Vash ek reappear; and is dc:lighted LO diseO\TI the gi1 I who , Land, befo re him and wh o m h e found ,o auractiH· i, \larjcnka . ;\-farj enka is ex h ort ed IJ\ h er parent, an,I Kcual and fina ll ), I fl alone, she laments h er fat e. Th e en tr ance of J enik , wh o treats the whole alfa i1 a a jo ke , mak es h c1 furi ous, and during their argument Kcual emers and joim in as kin g i\farjen k a to sign th e co nt ract. Th e villa gers arrive to witness the betrnt h al of Marjenka to "the ~on of Tobias i\f isha ." Th cv rn ngratu late he1, and as J enik joins th em h e is th en recognised by H a ta as Mi sh a's long- lost son. The v ill ager s join in a jm ful final e with ;\,farj cnk a a nd J en ik . 16 ELIZABETHAN THEATRE For a seaso11 rornmencin g Friclay , 201h 'e111ernber * THE AUSTRAL.IAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST * pr ese nt s THE ELIZABETHAN TR UST OPERA COMPANY * THEBART EREDBRIDE * Mu , ic b) Bedrich ::imeLana TexL by Kaicl Sabina English 1 ranslaLion l,v Libu shka Barw,ck * * with TIIE SYDNEY SYMP ONY ORCHESTRA Leade · · · RO BER T MILLER I\\ rnurtcS\ of rhe Australi an Broadcasting Commi,sion


Mu si('(,/ J>ir ec/ur mu/ Prim·i pul Co 11d11,·tor Opera Staff: ':,!El ·,\:-. IL\AG POST I>11ec l u1 JOSEPH P iodu{ll<>ll 0 0 \VEY 1111 I I H O~ IP ~O's , JOJI\ \R ll ~100'\EY ~Lage M anageis RICH g1d1H..I OJJl'l ,I :\tanager 1·11,t lOlld11ucd Assi,tant Stage . of '..!l> '\ u,, o11c LOUI'> \ .\ \ EY'>'>E and ...,111pl1tu" at the .igc \RA , hcd c.wuh1(1oi, . c!'i~ Z'\Janage1 * 111•.I 1-.'\ \f t .\ u ...u,1~ia\ 1110,t d1,1i11gui Bu ~111 of \ tl',tr ,tli ~1 and 1, kno,,11 1h1oughotll O pera ~ccretan .R hti., wrnl,. :--.OIUI\\ P\IUd '\c,, /c;ila11d * .\L L\ , OL'i\G , h 'IOU , ll( ' ( UII Chief i\f echani;t 111 19 Ii he \\,l'i ,tppoi1tttd 1-R ,\ , I', l·O l \I E R mpho11~ 01 1ltc,tra El curiIIA\V Au,r,.!11.111 W a rdrnb e :l!a sicr PAI come p, 1nupal < 011d1u trn of be 111g lhl' 111, t Co1fleu1 .. '>Hiney ~cha, the di•'llilllllOII C ITY PI Y. I l U (''\be , c·1H 011 BEl I Y B \ rE\1 \ \') ..-\u,tr,tl!an 111 19·,3 he P uhlitit1 ( Representa1i1e : 1111h ,1 II ( 8 rnnd11ctor land of ... , ak co ndu ued the Ro)al Pc1f01ma11,e 1d1ith II L'r ·" "I"''' the Oun·,: of lloffm ,11111". \l clh~u t at the Pd11cc,.., Ih c.ttH ·. 111 attended C he · ,111d J>llllllJ>ill arrangement with the \B '.ln111 ,ic.1I dir,·uo1 131 Elizab~tha;, .T wa s appo111tc mon ,\{',lllh I o11r Theatre co11d1Hfor for the 19,i(j ~!oz ,ut Op e 1.1 "it·,1,011 Com Elizabethan MILL~ 111·11 . f h .rust J .\~IE':, and ro111i11ue"' 111 , <,tpanr, or t J'5 sca'5on G ene ral ~lanag ct l\L\ R Y RA WDO'\ Assista n t M anager EXECUTIVE P.-\ L FARRELL T reas u rer FOR JOHN CLUGSTO , 1af] Chief i\f ec h anist CUN N I CH \ \I Musical S ELIZABETHAN ROBE.· RT Chief Electrici a n JACK BE TT I ON erty M aster THEATRE BLICI I Y Chief Prop RON PATTEN P . .. EHIC CLAPH \ ,1 P ub licit y I IPTY . LTD . in th e ca.!,l ,\hi ch ma) be l11 to 1nakc any alteration age1nent resenes 1he rig ca m e. lit hn ,1me tile Th e Ian any oth er una,oidabl e \ ( ",t11dt·1 ne cessa11· by illne ss or Th ea tr e. 11

MADAME BUTTERFLY - PUCCINI OPERA CHOR USE~ . -~ Sung in Italian-Entrance of Butterfly, Flower ,_.. ..__ . Duet, One Fine Day, Love Duet. Maria Stader, ,,. ~···· '"' .....,., ...... soprano; Hert a Topper, contralto; Cornelius Van Dijk, . Chorus of the Munich -Munich Philharmonic Orchestra . Con· ductor : Heinr ich Hollreiser. JOit '\ ', II \ \\ ' 10" L.P. 331/ , . 17017 LPE GREAT OPERA CHORUSES Excerpts from Don Pasquale ( Do nizetti)­ Faust (Gounod)- Barter ed Bride (Smetan a)­ The Merry Wives of W indsor (Nicolai)­ Lohengrin (Wagner) - Die Meistersingers (Wagne r )-Tan nhauser (Wagner)-C horu s of OPERA CHORUSE S ( Illustrated) the Bavarian Radio . 12"' L.P. 331/, . 19048 LPEM Soldiers' Chorus - "Faust" (Gounod) ; Servants ' Cborus ­ MARRIAGE OF FIGARO-MOZART "Don P asquale" ( Don izetti); Excerpts in German - Anne lies Kupper, Chorus of the Blessed Spirits­ soprano ; Maria Stader , soprano ; Elfriede "O rph eus and Eurydice" Trotschel, soprano ; Josef Metternicb , ; (Glu ck); The Moon Chorus­ Josef Greindl , . Th e Berlin Philharmonic "Tbe Merr y Wives of Windsor" Orche stra. Conductor: Fritz Lehmann . The (Nicol ai). Bavarian Radio Or chestr a. Conductor : Eugeo 7" E.P. 45. 30204 EPL Jochum ALAN LIGHT 12" L.P. 331/3• 19066 LPEM RIGOLETTO -GIUSEPPE VERDI Itali an - Rita TRISTAN AND ISOLDE-WAGNER Excerpt s in arnay, sop rano; Streich, sop ra no ; Petre Excerpts in G erm an- Astrid V ermann Herta Topp er, a lto: M argarete Klo se, a lto; Kim Munt eanu, tenor: H tenor. ariton e; Kurt B ohme, Borg. bass; Wolfgang Windgassen, Uhd e, b . C ondu ctor : bass. Muni ch Philh armon ic Wurtt emberg St ate Orchestra RIAS Symphony Ferdinand Leitner. Orch estra - 12" L.P. 331/, . 19018 LPEM Orchestra , Berlin - Wurtt em­ berg State Orchestra, Stutt gart. ,------. Conductor s: Ferdin and L eitner, f TO : Recor d Division, I Artur Roth er. I :;~~~sC~~ e,~t;~:o~tlrnedeut~tr~;:t'ney. J 10" L.P. 3311,. 17011 LPE f Fill in this coupon now if you are not on th e regular I 0 Distribut ed /,y: I ~:~!~?gs/ {t v!~il~~·.~ ~~vi~sath~ ~a~ -~-;,e':~~~I would like to receive them . I PHILIPS f fr iends who I NAME ------I ELECTRICAL I I I ADD RESS ------I ON INDUSTRIES I I NEIL EAST

22 Baritones


• • • Producers of the Operas

ARNOLD MATTERS : Has returned to Australia to produce "Tosca" Jnd "'Otello"' for the Elizabethan Trust Opera Company . Known affectionately as "Mr. Sadler's Wells" , due to his length, a,,ociation, both as bass-baritone , guest producer and foundation member of 1hc Company, he was given his first important engagemenL as assi ling anist b1 Oame Nellie The very life-giving properties of the sun it self ar e captured io Melba , who heard him sing at a concert in Adelaide . In addition LO a building repertoire of 90 principal ope1a1ic 1olcs, he has every drop of Chateau Tanunda Brand y. also sung lieder and orato1io. He appeared as Sir Robert Cecil in th e Coronation The gra pes-maturi ng in the bountiful Spring and Summer opera, "Gloriana", before Her Majest y Queen Elizabe1h . sunshine of the famous Barossa Valley in South Australia ­ STEFAN HAAG : H as achieved much distinction as an opera producer in Australia absorb the su n's vital prop erties and are then picked , pressed since his arrival in 1939 as a member of the Vienna Boys' Choir. His production and distilled to pro vide th e nation's finest pure grape brandy. of "The Consul" created theatrical history when presented by the National Theatre Movement in Melbourne, and prior to leaving LO further his sllldies in Europe he also produced "Cosi Fan Tutte" and "Tosca". Last year he produced "" and "Cosi Fan Tutte" for the lllozart Opera eason tour of Australia ,

ROBIN LOVEJOY: Is one of the most versatile personalities of Australian theatre. Actor , producer and designer, his work is known throughout Australia and New Zealand, and in London. His settings for "'The Rivals" in 1956 won the Sydney Critics' Award for the year's best production , and were also fealllred in Vogue magazine . In 1953 he was able to study overseas trends , assisted by the Inter­ national Theatre In sti lllte (UNESCO) Travelling Scholarship . In addition to producing "La Boheme", he has also designed and produced "The Relapse", for N .S.W . AGENTS : TUCKER & CO . PTY. LIMITED , 335 KENT ST., SYDNEY the 1957 Elizabethan Trust Drama Company Tour of the Commonwealth . CT33 25 24 lUIY. _ H N I 'tll / """""' s:,....,:i -.; ,r1 ;;; N"' ...J nw o_ o_ n_ n_ n_ n_ ,l_ ,,_ o_ n_ n_ n_ ,,_ ,,_• 0 ~ ·=· 0 u ,., C.. C I ~ ~ .c Other Notable Australum Singers I ~ 0.. -~ ~ . APPEAR ING WI Ill !H E CO \I P \ '\\ i ~ "'£ COLEMAN, VALERIE EARL, DOROTHY Ill I Cll ROSAL!, D 0 ii PAMELA I • I BE'! 11'\E :\!cC\LGHr\'- , t: ~ KEE E . IA RCA RETH LAN, 'GAN, u"' "" ~ GLORIA 1'1cDONELL , CW£ , DELL OBERG, JA'\'\F RO'i', , ELI/ \BETH i -~i WET , JO £PH DRE\V:\IAK , A'\'fO'.\\ FENECH. \\ .\\ER'.\E\ FORD , I ~ JOHN GERMA IN, LEO McKERNAI\ , :\[ RRA\ \!.\RD \RD\ , :\OEL ]] :,; McCABE, PETER , ORTH , WALTER R YCIITO\\ "\ld FI· Rill A:\ll i =-0 TONG! , GINO ZA CANARO. i J [ ! I 1 •.•I• - 0-- 0- 0_. >_ U_ C>_ O_ O_ O_ O__ D_ O_ O_ O_ _ O_ II_ O_ U_O_O __ _• < "0 ~ Elizabethan Theatre Rep ertoire ~;; PREMIERE , SATURDAY , 3 JSL \l T(,UST ~ AUGUST. 1957: ! t La Bohernc c% aturd a), 31s SEPTEMBER,19 57: Monda y, 2nd La Boherne Tu esday, 3rd Otcllo jl :; ,2 \\ 'cd ncsday, 4th La Boherne .cl Thur sday, 5th Otcllo ., nn ..c - Frida y, 6th Talc, of Holima aturd a) , 7th (Matin ee) La Bohcrne aturday, 7th (Evenin g) Otello fonda y, 9th Otcllo ... " ,n -:::, :.,., :Of.., J> ,n ,n ,n >- ,n ' :2 La Boheme :, C ..0 :.,., ,£ ::: u ~ Tuesday , 10th '3 ... C) "'::: cc C :::, C C ~ 2 '7 11th Otcll o ·c :~ "' -:::, < :, u W edn esda y, Ti c.."' C) y"' ~ u .,_ :: ' 'ii, "''7 :., Tale s of Hoffmann ·a."' g, «:, -0 ,., !': Thursday , 12th :s -0 C ::: < ..c"' L ,n :::r 0 .9V , E ~ C- To sca C J' , s- Frida y, 13th E 0: g C C ~ ·-0 :.2 0: g "" ~ ..c t'.c ~ C 14th (Matin ee) Tale s of Hoffmann C ;:; -0 E s u Saturda y, M ~ :., .!': ;, C u _r C 14th (Evening ) La Boheme 8 ~ ;;; E 1) " co Saturday, c ~ "C) l ... s -;;; -5 ::s ·2 ~ 0 ::: -5 c., c.. Tosca "' C) c.. u :.,., -~ Monday, 16th ·3 C -5 8 0. C) ;;; 0 ~ C E L -:::, L La Boherne ..0 C) " ,n "' C: Tuesday , 17th ·w ;;; ..c"' -B t.J:. 0 a:"' ~ u C) 0 u"' :, :; E To sca -5 C) b E--< -~ -g W ednesday , 18th "' ..0 -0 ~ 0 0 co ,n .s ..0 :g 0 .9 C ~ Tale s of Hoffmann :.,., ·~ '-'-·- ..c ..c c., Thur sday, 19th ..c"' 0 C) -s u ,n u g "' ;, ,n ::0 C) :.,., "' u Th e Bartered Bride C) c ..c ;. :::, ;:; C Friday, 20th > .:; C) C " 0 u 0. C) ·~ 8 2 -5 co ·~0 (Matinee) Tosca -0 -B ;.- u C) ·;;; Saturday, 21st ·a ~ c.. ,n C) 0 ~ 0 i3 0u C) " > C) The Bartered Bride " ..c C ~ 8 <.) ~ -5 bi) C C Saturd ay, 21st (Eve nin g) ,n -5 6 u 0. C) C) :3 -0 -5 C) .s < "' The Bartered Bride <.) ,_, :.2 ..c ~ ' C ;. 8 0:: Monda y, 23rd ..c ,n 8- 0. C) 0: ... -5 0: -o" g '- C) -"'' rJ 0: ·- C) c.. 24th Tosca C) ] :;. u u 8 :;. -B C ~ Tuesday, cc .Q 0 C) > ..::: -0 ,l: .g :, C) ,n C) C The Bartered Bride ,n 0 C) - >- C ..c g '--' j: :s ..c"' C c.. -0 C) ,n C) ;:, M 8 ,n l.w "' ~ t; C) .:: .S ..0 0 ~ "' 0 -5 t1) :.,., ;;; -5 "& .:: ~ "" -5 "' ...

Des ig ners for th e Op eras TIJ\I WALTO ' (" ! he Ba1tc1ed Btidc" and "·losca") \la , trained IJ\ Professor Emil P 1ceto1 iu,, inno,Jtor of the \\ agnc1 lla'1eu1h l·c,11\al \\' 01kcd with both ~ic h ola-. Benoi"' 111 ~lilan and aho with J11.., lathc1 .\lt·,a1ukr lknoi-., , who with D iaghile fl, c1e.1ted Russian Cla,stcal ll,1llc1 111 ,tddition to dc"g"' for the .\'a tional l' hea11c \f o

28 29 • u

I ·1 Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust T1111/ ,I If JON ll'!Sh lo 10111thort: 11 ho <11'1: ,t!1e<1,/_1.1N/1port111g th, llld) do ,o pay111g l 1 e11~N'.'~throNgh?NI the Co11111101111·1:,t!1h._1011 bJ !I a111111/lal SNh.rcr1p11011 of £5. SNIJ.1eqNe111,11111Nal .1Nh,,np1io11.r t1re £5 a11dare d11e011 the 1s/ f NI)', ,md are pt1yahle he/ or, th, 5 l 1/ nere111hu. ,Ue111bership entitles )'ONlo priority booki11g for 1110 •Mir al cmy g11ett perfonncmce. l11for111a1ionrcg,1rding tht 1/'ork 11/th, ] rmt and THE co111i11gprodNctio11, 1l'ill he regNlarly .11!11IoNI lo 111,111hn-,. YON may ct!so t1\Jt1/ the ll'ork of the TrNsl h; f,11111g" do11atio11, the; h, l11rgeor .r1111t!I. ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST a11dthe TrNs/ 11•elco111es ,t!I do11a/tollr. ll'hether i\fa11yof the Jeats at the EliZt1hetha11Theatre. .'-ii,/J.,J. ht11l' hem g11e 11 by frie11d, of the TrN.rt. hoth ill , 1N.1lral1a .~11tl011.:r.rMr. A dm1atio11 of £10 u•ill pro1•ide 011e seal. a11d " 'plt1qN1 her1rillg the chooses nan,e of the donor II ill he fixed lo the ,11'111 of the ch,11r. Should JON he desiroN.r of joi11ing th,· L/1'/ of D"11orr, pleme It'd/ e )'ON/'name a11d addrerr al the ,1fanagcr·r Of]iu BLOCH'S

Fo r ballet ,. pointe and character shoes

in BLOCH'S BALLET CENTRE SPECIAL MATINEE PERFOR \IANCES Tue soay, Wednesday , Friday at 2.15 All Ball et and T hea tri cal R equir em en ts Satu rdays at 10 a.m. A Pro ~Ta.mme of Three Original Ballets 124 Oxford Stree t, Sy dn ey, N.S.W. e "BALLET ACADEMY " 8 ''WAKOOK .\" Chor eognphy- Chorcog1 :1ph, Te lephone: FA 54<52 Eleonorl' Trcibu \'alrcnc Tweedie .\1 usic arra nged b}- .\ fll,i< b, Jnhn \mi ll Georg Tinu1 c1 All shoes made to suit e "SIGRID " Chor eography, Lam e! .\l.11 t, 11 i\fu sic b, Eclvarcl (,ricg individual requirements Book now- Palin g' -, Nichol sou· s, Theatre (LA6734) t:i:*:i:t*:~:i:* 5.:t*:!::1:~ :1::1:~:1::i:*t:J:*~::1:*:1::1:*J:i:*t:t~:!::j:*:1::1: 31 '"'\!'I~ JU I

Ge ner al Mana ge r A full r ang e ROBERT QUENTIN of l atest (,cnc1al<.:1of Lhc .\u..,11.1 Opera Compam. he wa, cduc,llcd ,ll recordings Lanci ng and Oxford (~L\ dcg1ee). .111d came to Aus tralia whiht ,c1\111g with '\.1\al Inte lligence. H e produced a n11111bc1ol pl,11, Jl this ti m e 111clucling ··~rounung H<.:(oml'"' always EleCLra", and wa1.i stage manager for C\ 1ii Ri1c h ard'~ po~L-wa1 tou1 On returning ro England he 1011H:d the: Old Vic. Staff . fiiouth Africa and 'o nhern Europe He has W h atever your taste;, N ichobo n's d1rec tcrl and managed companies both in Repe rt ory and in the , vest Encl , and in I \Vi I )O U want. Our can suppl y th e di;,c; to~red the , lecturing in uniler­ compl ete range o[ l ong-p lay in g a nd siLies. He produced the successful mmu,11 ;,tand ard reco rdin g; cm br ae e; all ..The Boy Friend"' for the Elizabethan ln"t types o l m u;i c - op era , classical, toured Austral ia last year as general manage, fo, the Ehubcthan lru,t Opera Comp anv·s Mozart Opera Season. pop ular and ja11- b) th e world's loremo t arti ;,t;,. - ·- ·- ··- - - ··- ··- ·· All labels, all , peeds ar e , tocked in our new, e nlarg ed R eco rd De­ pa rtm ent . \ Ve also have a wid e se lection of port abl e gra m oph ones, e lectri c International Film Gala reco rd pl ayer , record ,to rage album ;,, reco rd racks and all types In 1957 , featur ing of steel and ;,apphir e n eedl es. OCTOBER Greek romantic comedy, WINDFALL IN ATHENS Special att enti on given to co un ­ . sophisticated colour comedy of manners tr y cl ient s. Packin g and po; tage from Chekov, THE GRASSHOPPER . . Austrian extr a on all items. 4th-7th art study, THE TITAN, STORY OF MICHEL­ ANGELO .. Harold Lloyd in classic silent comedy, SAFETY LAST . . unique American HELEN KELLER IN HER STORY ... CALL O R W R ITE T O-DAY documentary, SIX-HOUREEK W-ENO Japanese feature from Berlin Festival .. Swed­ ish drama, FRENZY, with MAI ZETIERLING ... films from , France, India, China, Prize-winning amateur films. In all, Ground s of Ameriu. sixteen major programmes. Book now! Sub- Sydney Un ivers ity scription list is limited. Keep watching Satur­ day's Herald for additions. SYDNEY FILM FESTI VAL -116 Georg e A dvance book ing s and programme informatio n from Booksh op , Paling's, Nicholson's. Inquiries: BM 28 30 " YO U GE T T H E BE T'S " Mo rgan ',

32 33 ••

Memorial Club, Mrs. H. H. Mc Na I, Miss Gladys H. Marks, Mrs. Pau Martin , Mrs. Seat Donors B. M. Matthew s, Matth ews, Thompson & Co. Ltd., Professor W, Milgate, Malco Many patron s have assisted the Elizabethan Theatre in re-seating the stalls of the Industries Ltd., Link Belt Co. Pty . Ltd .. Ma llea ble Caslings Ply. Ltd .. E. W. Fittin gs theatre by donating the cost of a seat or sea s, Their names will be affixed to these Pty. Ltd., J. R. Tregoning Ltd., Mrs. K. E. Miller, The M.,1,ons Club of N.S.W., Dr chairs to stand as a memento of their generosity. S. J. Minogue, W. I. Miskoe, C. J. A. Mo ses, C.8.E., The Mus,cal Assoc,a!ion of N.S.W ., The cost of each stall chair is £10 , with th e do nat ion bei ng deductib le fro m taxat ion . Na lly Limited, The National Cash Register Co. Pty. Ltd., Nock & Kirby Ltd., W , H. ! Should you be d esirous of joining th e list of don ors, p lease leav e your name a nd addr ess Northam, M. R. Stedman, A. E. Millwa rd , R. E. Pirani, D. D. O'Connor, Dereko Ogden, at the Manager's O ffice. The O ld Vic. Australian Tour Company, 1955, The Old v· Tru,1 Ltd., Sir Laurence The Elizabethan Theatre management, as a mark of appreciation, list below donors Olivier, J oseph Sankey & Son- (Aust ra lia) Ply. Ltd, John Lysaght (Australia) Ply. t o hand at time of this prog ramme going lo press. Limite d, Ge o rge Patters o n Pty. Limited, Mr. 0. E. Phillips, Gwen Plumb and Thelma A, F. Albert, Elsa Alber t, Sir Bronson Albery, Alen M. Allan (London), Vesta Bat tery Scott, "In memory of Mrs. E. W. Ard ill ( Founder of the Playgoers Club) "The Co. Ltd., A. R. Al len, Mr . G. Mc Encroe Am ory, Mr. W. M. Leonard , Amp ol Petroleum Playgoe rs' " Club, Maur ice Point, Parke W. Pope, Celia Pringle, Lt.-Col. J B. Pye, I Ltd. , Dr. Edith Anderson, Aquila Steel Co. Pty. Ltd. , M. A . Armstrong, A. E. Armstrong , Terence Rattigan, Eric Ray, W illiam Rees (Sydney), Mme. Pierre Remund. L. B. Rennie, M.l. C., Ben Arnott , Art s Counci l of A ustralia (N .S.W. Division) , The Sydney Savage Nan Rennie, Mrs. A. Rep in, Desol,e M. Richardson, Richard Rodger (New York), Club, Austr a lian Broa dcasting Commissi o n Staff Social Club , Austra lian National Airwa ys Mrs. A. B. F. Role, Mrs. C. E. Rouse, Anna Russell, Dr Maurice Ryan, Norman Rydge, Pty, Ltd ., G. D. Banks, C . Barclay -Smith, Lorelei Booker, Bennett & Barke ll Ltd., Nor man Phoebe Ryde, Alan Rydge, Peggy Sager, St. James' P1ayers (Townsville, Queensland), I' M. Barrell, Effie M. Barrell , Neil M. Barrel l, Mrs . Neil M. Barrel l, Trevor J . Barre , Geo. H . Sample & Son Pty. Ltd. Preston G. Saywell T. A. R. Saywel Mrs. J. K A. Sasser, William Becker , Phyllis Benjam in ( M.l.C ., Tasman ia ), Michael Benlhal (The Schartl, T. R. M. Scott, Peter Scriven Peter Scriven Puppeh Roon Shafto, Mrs. Ronn Ol d Vic) , Dick Bent ley, Beryl Newell, Elsie Beyer , Mr. 0. D. Bisetl, Bit umen & Oil Shafto, Mr . and Mrs . J A. Shaw "Simon and Laura and The ~eep Blue Sea" Refineries (Aust .) Ltd ., Blaxland Rae Pty. Ltd ., Edouard Borovansky, The Borovans y Company, Mrs. W Hermon Slade, W. Hermon Slade Slazenge -the Choice of Cham­ I Ballet Co., 1955 , Lad y Violet Bradd o n, H olb rooks, Mrs. Gordon Brad y, Brennan's P y. pions, Mrs. Nan Sm,th, Mr. Fra nk Smith, Mrs E. 0. Nige 1 Smith. W. J. Smdh, Jessie Ltd., James Brennan , The Brisbane Aris Theatre , The Brisbane Repertory Theatre, British Smith, A.C .1., A E. Smith, Ellen Smith, Hon. L. S. Snider. M.L.C. Mr . L. S. Snider, Ballet Australasian Organisation, Mr. and Mrs . Wal lac e Browne, I. C. Buckingham, Olga Stacey, Mary Elizabeth Mitchell_ W, C. Stevens Pty. Ltd. Nan,ye Stewart and Bucking ha m's Limited, Mr. Ernest Buckwalter, Mr . and Mrs. E. W. Burbridge , Mrs. James Ma yne Lynlon, Sophie Stewart and Ellis Irving, Victor S"ebel ( Londcn), Professor Burns, M r. Reg. Cahill , Miss There sa Cahil l, Canb erra Repertory Society, Miss B. M. A. K. Stout, The Strand Electric Co. (London and Melbourne) Mrc. P. Strauss, Sunbeam Ca p el, Miss E. N. Cape l. Mr. A . C. Carr , Carrier A ir Conditioning Ltd. , Garnet H. Carr oll, Corporation Ltd., W S. Tat ow Mrs. John K. Thompson, Dame Sybil Thorndike, fecnico 1 O. 8.E., Mrs. C . Cassimatis , Sir Lewis Ca sson, A, J. Chown , John Clements, The Clock Limited, Miss B. Tildesley, Miss E. M. Tildesley H. S. Nicholas Mem ria Fund Allan Milk Bar and Tobacconist Ply. Ltd .. Dr. Kevin C oen , Marj o rie Evelyn Coles, Kenne h G. Toohey, Mr . H. Tronser, Twelfth Night Theatre (Brisbane), Members of the Union Fra nk Coles, Commonwealth Filmcraft Lab o ratorie s Pty . Ltd., Dr. H . C. Coombs, Mrs. Theatre Repertory Co. (Melbourne), 1955, United Dominions Ccrporati ,n (Aust.) H. C. H. C. Coom b s, Cottee's Passiona Limited, Noe l Coward , Mr. and Mrs . C. H . Cu ll, McIntyre, Mrs. H. C. McIntyre, Universi'y of Melbourne. R .land Walton W. D. T. Ward, Miss L. A . C ull, No rman C ull, Harold S. Darke, Dorothy A . Darke, Colin Lloyd Davies , Warner-Lambert Pty. Ltd., A. M Watson. Mr V G. Watson, Waugh & Joseph;on Ltd., M r, and Mrs. N . F. Dawson , "Dear Charles " C om pan y, Austra lia, 1955, Mar y J . Denison, The Students of Wesley College, University of Sydney, George H. We t Miss Dorothy W . E. Dic kson ( Presi d ent, Legislative Council) , Mr. C. Doring , Mr . and Mrs. Mar ce l White , Dorothy Crosby Whitford, Mr. and Mrs Archer Whitf rd Mr ,nd Mrs. David Dekyvere, Mrs. Robert Dixso n, Herbert M. Dougl a ss, Dorothea Dowling, Ma vis Dowling , John Whitford , Jerome Whyte (New York), Harold Williams W. M. W am D. Wilson, Mrs. Anne Downie, John S. Drysdale, Drysdale & Sons, Miss Joanne Duff, The Eagle & Mi ss P. F. Wilson, Miss Beatrice Wines, Googie Withers, Valrie El~ctrical Appliances Globe Steel Co. Ltd .. Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Edwards , Mr. & Mrs. S. 0. Edward s, Mr. & Mrs . Ltd. Viennese Theatre Peter Jon. Yeend, Mrs. P A. Ye,,mon E izabeth Zieman, J . A. Benson, Vivian Edwards , Dr. Horace Eizenberg , Dr. R. L. Ernst, A. W. Fa irfax, Lady J. M . Field, J. L. S. Mansfield, Peter Galanis, Clive Ogilvy, June Ogil•y, Wynum M. Fairf ax, Rhoda M. Felgate (M.8 .E., Brisbane), Miss G. F. Walker-Smith , Mr. J. A. Mer cury Thea tre (Queensland), Presented by the Vic-Weis Ass~ al n ,n Memory of Ferguson, Ian De Farranli, Noel and Judith De Ferranti, Fosse ys Ply. Limit ed , Anonymo us, Lilian Baylis, Presented by the Vic-Wells Association :n Memory of Emma Cons, Mr Mrs. H. F. Friend. A. Ben Fuller , Miss Margaret Gant , Mrs . Se lma Gardiner , Gearin­ Patrick Donnell, Mrs. Flcrence L. Ratcliffe, C. Aickin & Sons Pty, Ltd .. Rockhampton O'Riordan Ltd., Mrs. E. M. Geelan , James Brunton Gibb , Gilbert & Ba rker Mfg. C o. Little Theatre, Mackay Community Theatre, Mr. Aubrey L. Gibscn, Soroptimist Club of (Aust.) Ply. Ltd. , Sydney De Vries (Baritone), Miss Margaret Gillespie, Girl s' Sec ondary St. George, Bowral Choral Society Dr. John McKee, Mrs. Emily Rothery, Dr. R. McV. Schools Club, Mr. Dennis Glenny , Mrs. Maurine G oldston , Marjorie E. Good sall. J. W. Coffey, B'Nai B'Rith Sir John Monash Lodge, Ray Lawler, Wagga Wagg~ School of Goodsell, C.M.G .. Sir Eugen e Goo se ns, Jane Gordon ( Bungendore) , Kathleen Gorham Arts, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rudder, Mrs. Rex Carmichael, Ya•.. Repertory Society, Helene The G overnors and Directors of the Old Vic., Mollie Gowing. Betty Gre enfi eld, J im Kirsova, Mrs. C. M. Ahier, Mr. C. M. Ahier. Mis; Gertrude Pohlmeyer Moya Feledy, 1 G reenfield, Miss Do ra Grimley , Mrs . C. M. Guine y, Dr. C. M. Guiney, Anonymou s, Francis Feledy, Arthur Jacobs, Esther Lansdown, Penguin Club o Australia, To an Old C roft Hallam, Sir Edward Ha llst rom, Oscar Hammerstein , 2nd (New York). Kay ll Vagab ond , P')e\ry Society of Australia, United Artists (A io) Pty. Ltd., Queen Victoria Hammond, Paul Hammond, Mr. M. T. Hansen , Mrs. M. T. Hansen, Gerard H arkin s, Mu sic Club, In Memory of David R. Evans, Mrs. Jean B. Saywell, In Memory Merc,a M rs. G e rar d Harkins, L. G . Harrison, Mrs. A. W. Harvey, Stanley H awes, Mr. and Mrs. Jea n Maguir e, Mt . Isa Amateur Theatrical Society, Sydney Kindergarten Training Col­ Clau d e Healy, Jnr., Katherine Hepburn , Robert Helpmann , L. R. Hew itt, East Bros. lege ( 1956) , Miss Carrie Moore, Mollie M. Hayes, K. J. La_wren_ce,Dr. G. A, M. Heyden, Pty. Ltd ., Mr . F. H ogan, Mrs. A. Hordern, Jnr., Wallace Horsley, H orsley, W omen's College, University of Sydney, Wives Group Un,vers,!y of Technology, Stanley Bruce H o rsley, Mary H orsley, Patricia Horsley, Ian Horsley, Mrs. R, M. F. Houghton, Ken­ Owen & Sons Pty. Ltd., D. V. Casbolt, Mrs. Myra E. Armstrong Mr M. V. Armst rong. ne t h W ilkson, John G lass , Ernest Turnbul l, H oyt s Theatr es Ltd. , Mr. John G. Hurley, G. I. D. Hu tcheson , The Indepen d ent Theatre (Sy'dney), Olive lngall, A. C. Ingham Pty . Ltd .. Dr. W. W . Ingram, Elsa Jacoby, Ian Jacoby, Jacqmar (Lon d on}, Mrs. G. A . Johnson, Henry Thi programme is designed for the ELIZABETHAN THEATRE Jo nes & Co. Ltd. ( I.X.L.) , Mr. Robert Ka pferer, Sir No rman Kater, T. Kelly. N . M. Kelly, W oolwo rt hs, O rig ina l 'Displays Pty. Ltd.. Joseph H. Barrett, Claude R. S. Archer , by John F. Abb ott, Fred H . Les t e r, Raymond J. Kirby, Moya Kirby , James R. Kirby, Kevin RO N PATIEN PUBLICITY PTY. LTD. J. Kirby , J a mes N . Kirb y, Phyllis K. Kirkpatrick, Miss B. M. Knox, Miss A. B. Knox, 421 Sussex Street, Sydney. 'Phone BA 2098 Eve Lan d e r, Vivien Leig h, Mrs. E. 0. Lemaire, Bill Linn it ( London), The Aus t in Motor C o . (Au st .) Pty. Ltd., G eo rge Lloyd , N uffield (A ust. ) Pty. Lfd. , The British Motor Cor­ to whom all advertising enquiries should be made, pora tio n (Aus t. ) Ply. Ltd., G ilb ert Lodge & C o. Ltd ., Fost e r Ma rt in, Nigel B. Love, Printe d by PEERLESS PRESS PTY. LTD, 558a George Street, Sydney. Miss Ma rgaret Lund ie, John McCallum, McCathies Pty. Ltd., Mr , B. P, Mc Farlan , Dr. M. B. Mc ilrath , Mr . F. J. Mc Ken na, C .B.E., Miss J ean B. Mc Kenzie, Nellie Stewart