AS/M IG /A HLARG (2011) 04 REV 29 November 2011 amahlarg04_201 rev Or. French Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population Ad Hoc Sub-Committee on the Large-scale Arrival of Irregular Migrants, Asylum- seekers and Refugees on Europe’s Southern Shores Syrian refugees on the Turkish border Report on the visit to Antakya (Turkey) (26 July 2011) I. Introduction 1. Since 15 March 2011 a wave of protest has broken out against the current government in Syria. Although little information is coming out of the country, which is closed to foreign media, there is no doubt that the crackdown has been deadly. According to the United Nations, it has already cost the lives of over 4500 people. 2. From late April 2011, when the instability reached the border areas between Syria and Turkey, thousands of Syrians began fleeing their country to seek refuge in the Turkish province of Hatay. 3. At the invitation of the Turkish delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly, the Ad Hoc Sub- Committee of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population 1 decided to visit the area to observe the situation, since it is the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee’s purpose to establish constructive dialogue and a 1 The Ad Hoc Sub-Committee consists of one representative from each of the Assembly’s five political groups. F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex | E-mail:
[email protected] | Tel: + 33 3 88 41 2341 | Fax: +33 3 88 41 2797 Les documents sont diffusés sur le site web extranet de l’APCE (accès réservé aux délégations) dès qu’ils sont disponibles / Documents can be found on the PACE extranet web site (restricted area for delegations) as available: AS/Mig/AhLarg (2011) 04 relationship of trust with the authorities of Council of Europe member states in southern Europe faced with mixed migration flows at their borders.