TO SEARCH for ITALIA Perfect Weather Brings out Sweden, Norway, Russia and Throng to Watch Parade Great Britain Builds Italy Unite in Quest for and Services— Rev

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TO SEARCH for ITALIA Perfect Weather Brings out Sweden, Norway, Russia and Throng to Watch Parade Great Britain Builds Italy Unite in Quest for and Services— Rev ^NBT PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION • for tho iiionrh of April, 1028 5,128 of the A adit Bm aa of Clrealatloas VOL. X U L , NO. 207. Classified Advertising on Page 12. MANCHESTER, CONN., 1«URSDAY, MAY'3i71928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENt^ RECORD CROWD ATMEMORUL Si DAY m O S E S TO SEARCH FOR ITALIA Perfect Weather Brings Out Sweden, Norway, Russia and Throng to Watch Parade Great Britain Builds Italy Unite in Quest For and Services— Rev. Geo. A New Fighting Plane Ill-Fated Expedition--Re- S. Broohes, the Speaker. London, May 31.— Another stepp* Military attaches and air experts port of Wireless Message towards realization of Great Brit­. I from all over tho world witnessed Perfect Memorial Day weatlver ain’s hopes for world supremacy In the official trial flights of this "wonder airplane.” Among the From Manila is Denied in prodmlcd the largest crowd in the air has been achieved by Brit­ many years to attend exercises and countries represented were Argen­ ish aeronautical experts in the form tina, Brazil, Chile, Finland, Greece, Moscow— Violent Gales, "atch the annual parade in honor of a new fighting airplane. It was Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Spain of Civil War veterans held here learned today. and the United States. yesterday. All along the line of Considered the most remarkable But, although the visitors were Raging Over the Arctic. craft ever built for warfare In the permitted to watch the exhibition march from Cheney hall to the skies, the plane has a speed of 150 flights, ^-itails of the performance Center the streets were crowded miles an >.our. It can remain in the of the plane were kept secret nnd enthusiasm seemed far great­ air for 12 hours with a full load. Four nations are now Joined In er than ever before. The plane was built for the air As well as carrying bombs and ma­ ministry by the Blackburn Airplane the search for General Umberto The spirit carried to the organi­ chine guns It discharges a torpedo Co., and is called the “ Rlpon II.” Nobile, Italian Polar explorer, and- zations in line, too, and the parade, weighing a ton. It is driven by a 500-horsepower as a result, was bigger and more One of the most striking features Napier Lion engine. According to his 17 companions, but the hunt Is impressive than ever l)eforc. Eight of the plane Is Its ability to take reports it can travel at the rate still In its preliminary stages, owing veterans of the Civil war occupied off In a run of fifty yards and as­ of two miles a minute several miles the place of honor in the parade to violent gales of snow and wind ■This extraordinary NEA Service photograph shows General Umberto Nobile’s airship Italia moored at the King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, base cend almost vertically. It Is fitted In the air carrying a load of nearly over the Arctic. Sweden has united and carried out their usual mem­ from which it sailed toward the North Pole recently, perhaps never to be heard of again. Brought thousands of miles from one of the world’s with the Handley-Page slotted wing two tons. orial services at the Soldiers monu­ device enabling It to slow down and It Is u’nderstood that the govern­ with Norway, Soviet Russia and ment in Center Park. farthest outposts, the picture tells better than words the bleak conditions under which the Nobile Arctic expedition was operating. The Italia made one successful trip from King’s Bay to Nova Zemlya and St. Nicholas Land. Then It flew to the Pole, ran Into a storm on the way almost hover In the air. It can ment is ordering a considerable Italy in the quest for the ill-fated The Features back, and was swallowed up with its crew of 16 in the Arctic silence. alight either upon land or water. number of these for the Royal Air I The exercises in Cliiney hall expedition. Captain Thornborg, of opened at two o’clock with invited <3 > - the Swedish Air Force, was due at guests, the Grand Army veterans, PARIB COPS MUST PAY Oslo today to ascertain how many IF THEY VISIT MOVIES committee members and others CONGRESS TO Regular Airship Service SPANISH FLYERS Swedish naval seaplanes should be ANTI-ITALIAN Paris, May 31. — Parisian used. policemen will no longer see the More than six days have passed To London In 18 Months movies— unless they pay for the REPORTED MISSING since the frozen north swallowed up HOLD PROBES RIOTS RAGING show themselves. A new decree the exploration balloon Italia and from the gendarmes which are its brave crew. Their fate Is a London, May 31.— The prediction<fesuccessful, it will be necessary to on duty at every moving picture secret locked up In the snow and ice of the Arctic. Whether they that the formal inauguration of a build a fleet to maintain a regular palace in the city must now re­ ALLJUMMER IN REGRADE Nothing Heard of Them For were able to descend or whether regular airship service for passen­ service," said Commander Burney. main outside. Formerly, they _____ /' they perished amidst the desolate gers and mails across the Atlantic “ The plan would be ineffective un­ made shifts and each one got to Ice floes of the polar sea is not will take place within 18 months less bi-weekly from either side of see the film free of charge. Di­ Two Days— May Be Over known. To Conduct Series of Inves­ was made here today by Comman­ the Atlantic and at least four great rectors of certain theaters com­ der Charles Burney, ,M. P., who re­ Two KHIed 69 Injured in plain that the gendarmes take A report from Manila that the airships would be required. the AAtlantic. Vladivostock wireless station had cently visited the United States. “ I estimate It would take 48 up places which they can very tigations of Various Mat­ Commander Burney said he had easily use and then too, they received a fragmentary message hours to cross from England to the Street Fighting--Streets from the Italia was denied in Mos­ succeeded in ellcllng wholehearted United States and 38 hours for ,^he very often go to sleep after a approval of his scheme from the hard day out-of-doors, snore Madrid, May '31.— Anxiety was cow. ters— To Report in De­ homeward voyage journey. The With the ice breaker Hobby en- m United States government, and that saving in time would be due to the Barricaded; Italian Stores and disturb other people about aroused here tod|^ by the mys­ W ’i” them. route for King's Bay with a relief m 4L K it had promised lo render all possi­ winds which usually prevail over terious disappearance of Captains ble assistance in connection with crew aboard, another ship will leave cember. the Atlantic. Jimenez and Igleslas. Spanish avia­ the project. Looted; Owners Beaten. Bergen tomorrow morning for the ■ “ Constrhctlon of the fleet of air­ tors, who hopped off at Selvllle at same destination bearing Hjalmar It is Commander Burney’s inten­ ships Would naturally take some 11:20 Tuesday morning in an ef­ Riiser-Larsen, a Norwegian Polar Washington, May 31.— An all- tion to carry out experimental time. Even in the building were Vienna, May 31.— Belgrade pass­ THINK WATKINS explorer, who will aid in the search. ■A. summer series of Congressional In­ flights with the R-lOO, the dirigible commenced Immediately after the fort to establish long distance and .•V.v • •a.,. ed through a night of terror with vestigations was In prospect today now nearing completion here, and, experimental flights It would re- duration records. Nothing has been SWEDEN’S OFFER if all proves satisfactory,^ to enter terrific antl-Itali^ rioting In which 'despite the adjournment of Con-| .IHlX.® 18. months before the ships heard of them since- they headed London, May 31.— Swedish na­ immediate orders for a Beet of sTml- were ready for service.” ~ at least two persons were killed and IS IN HARTFORD southward from Seville. At 11:20 val seaplanes will be put at the dis­ : gress. lar vessels to operate In the trans­ Commander Burney said that this morning they had been on their posal of the Ndrwegian’ government UcV. George S. Brookes 69 others, including nine police­ i Presidential campaign expendi­ ocean service. both President Coolldge and Secre­ men, were seriously wounded, said way for 48 hours unless forced which is dir^ting the dramatic tures. government oil leases in the To Build a Fleet tary of Commerce Ho()ver'were en­ down in the sea or some desolate search througn the stormy Arctic taking part seated- on the platform. from that city today. Hun­ The hail was well ■ filled for tho Salt Creek fields, the S-4 subma­ “ If the experimental flights are thusiastic over the plan. Phones Mother-in-Law; Wife land area. for General Umberto Nobile and rine ulsaster. Senatorial election dreds were slightly hurt. Sixty ar­ his 17 companions, said a dispatch, oveni and the feature of the aft­ rests were made. Streets were bar­ When the airmen departed they ernoon was the address of Rev. contests, cotton market condition, said they would try to fly to from Oslo today. Captain Thors- military and naval affairs and iic- ricaded and gun battles between and Her Brothers Unahle borg, of the Swedish Air Force, was George' S. Brookes of the Unloa rioters and police raged In several Karachi, India, which is about 3,- llvitles of Herbert Hoover as food due at Oslo today to confer upon Congregational church of Rock­ TO DISCONTINUE TWO PILOTS KILLED parts of the city.
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