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"The plare to see the at his best was from a certain chair in his private office at Culebra, after eight on Sunday morning. There, at a flat-topped desk, with a freshly-opened tin of cigarettes before him, he sat in most

informal state, and every man or woman who had a grievance could come and state it to the Man at the Top. From his decision there was no appeal, except to the President of the ."—Goethals: Genius of the Canal.

A man went down to Panama, Tilla mind glowed white thru the yellow mist So through our age three giants loom Where many a man had died, " And purged the poison-mold, To vouch man's venturous soul: To slit the sliding mountain* And the wrecks rose up in labor, Amundsen on his ice-peak,

And lift the eternal tide: And the fever's knell was tolled, And Peary from his Pole. A man stood up in Panama, And the keen mind cut the world-divide And midway, where the meet, And the mountains stood aside. Untarnished by world-gold. Goethals—beside his goal.

The Power that wrought the tide and peak For a poet wrought in Panama Where old Balboa bent his gaze Wrought mightier the seer; With a for his theme, He leads the liners through. And the One who made the And he wrote with flood and fire And the Horn that tossed Magellan He made the engineer. To forge a planet's dream, Bellows afar halloo, And the good God He made Goethals And the derricks rang his dithyrambs For where the navies never sailed To cleave the hemisphere. And his stanzas roared in steam. Steamed Goethals and his crew.

The reek of fevered ages rose But the poet's mind it is not his So nevermore the tropic routes From poisoned jungle and strand, Alone, but a million men's: Need Poleward warp and veer, Where the crumbling wrecks of failure Far visions of lonely dreamers But on through the Gates of Goethals Lay sunk in the torrid sand— Meet there as in a lens, The steady keels shall steer, Derelicts of old desperate hopes And lightnings, pent by stormy time, Where the tribes of man are led toward peace And venal contraband. Leap through, with flame intense. By the prophet-engineer. —Percy MacKaye THE REVIEW April 2,1954

1858 • GEORGE W. GOETHALS • 1928

The following biographical summary 1903 -1907 Member of General Staff, Wash- January — Disastrous Cucuracha ington, I). C. Among other young slide occurred which all but filled the lists in chronological order the principal i members were Maj. David new channel. Inspecting the damage dates and events in the life of Colonel DuBose Gaillard, for whom Gaillard with Colonel ( ..nllard, he made the now Goethals with particular emphasis on the (in i- n. nurd, and Capt. John J. famous remark: "Hell, dig it out Canal construction period: Pershing, later to serve as lirst Chair- again." man of the Goethals Memorial Com- 1913 May 18— Waters of the Pacific ( >. ean 1858 June 29 Born hi Brooklyn, V Y.. missii hi. were let into the new channel by the the son "I John and Marie Baron 1904 January 6 Assigned to the perma- Mowing of the Corozal Dike. ( ioethals. nent personnel of tin- War College. September 26—Watched with Col. 187.? 1876 Attended Citj College ol New 1905 Appointed Secretary of National Harry F. Hodges and Edward Schild- York. ( ii. i-i Defense Board. It was during hauer, Electrical and Mechanical 187() June 12 Entered United States this service he came into intimate and Engineer, the flooding and operation of Militai V idemj on the appointment ot Locks. He staved ashore while s prolonged contact with Secretary Gatun

by I . S. Represent itive Samuel S. War i'atl who was greatly impressed the Gatun was locked through.

( ox with his abilit \ . October 10 -Watched the blowing 1880 June 12 Graduated No. 1 in hi- June 30 Blanket order issued b) of Gamboa Dike by remote control

class from the Milieu \ Academy and Secretary I aft for Goethals to from the in - u.i- commissioned Second Lieutenant serve with Isthmian Canal Commission by President Wilson. As in most of the

in the Corps of Engineers. il his services requested. big events of the construction period, JunetoOctober Assistant Instruc- July 5 Highly recommended by he took no prominent public part. Milieu \ tor in Practical Astronomy at Theodore I'. Shouts. Chairman of the 1914 January 14—The craneboat Alex Chief . to F. Stevens, En- \e.elciu\ I. C. C. John LaValley made the first trip of a steam as Assistant 1880 1882 Student officer in the Engineer gineer, for appointment propelled vessel through the Canal. Engineer ol I. C. C. School of Application at Willets Point January 27— President Wilson is- November 2 —Arrived in Colon on i nov Fori rotten), N. Y. sued the Executive Order establishing the Cruiser Columbia with Secretary ol 1882 June 15 Promoted to First Lieu- The Panama Canal. War Taft and party to inspect Canal tenant. February 4 President Wilson ap- construction work. He later used the — pointed Colonel Goethals the first 1882 1884 Served as engineer officer to -ingle word "chaotic" to describe condi- Governor of The Panama Canal. the Department of Columbia during tions on the Isthmus then. which time he built his first bridge, a March 3— Presented special medal 1907 February 18—Called to the White replacement over the Spokane River, of National Geographic Society by House by President Theodore Roose- which he said 40 vears later was "the President Wilson on which was in- velt and told of his selection to be It hardest job I ever tackled." was scribed: "The Cullum Geographical Chairman and Chief Engineer of the during this service thai he attracted Medal to Maj. Gen. George W. Isthmian Canal Commission to succeed the favorable attention of ('.en. William Goethals, builder of the Panama Canal. John F. Stevens, who had submitted Tecumseh Sherman. He fulfilled the ancient dream ol his resignation. The interview, which dun as Gomara of a highway between the 1884 September -Assigned to took place at night, was the first meet- Merrill, Atlantic and Pacific and thereby assistant to Col. William E. ing of the two Canal greats. transformed forever the geographic who was in charge of Ohio River March 2— Promoted to Lieutenant him relations of the commercial world." improvements. This service gave Colonel. later work on April 1 Became the first Governor excellent training for his March 4 —Appointed member of the — of Canal. The momen- the Panama Canal for Colonel Merrill Isthmian Canal Commission. The Panama recognized highest tous occasion was not marked by any was the country's March 14—Arrived in Colon aboard ol locks special ceremony. authority on the construction the old Panama Railroad Company 3 and dams. steamer Panama. August —The Panama Railroad Miss December 3 -Married Effie March 17— Made his famous maiden steamer Cristobal made a trial run Mass. Rodman in New Bedford, speech to Canal workers at a smoker through the Canal with no passengers 1885-1889 August, 1885—Assigned to given by the Corozal Club. It was an aboard. duty ai West Point, serving first as unfriendly audience and most of the —Watched from ashore Instructor and later as Assistant Pro- applause went to "Big Smoke" Stevens. the historic trip of the S. S. Ancon fessor in Civil Engineering. March 30—Secretary of War Taft through the Canal to open the new engineers to commercial traffic. 1886 March 4—The first son, Georgi and party of consulting Rodman Goethals, was born at Wesl arrived oti the Isthmus to determine October 14 —A disastrous slide Point. suitability of rock for foundations. closed the new Canal just north of April 1 — Formally succeeded Mr. Gold Hill. 1889 August—Assigned as assistant en- Stevens as Chairman and Chief En- 4 gineer for the design and construction 1915 March — Promoted to Major Gen- gineer of the new and Third Isthmian of locks and dams on the Cumberland eral and received the thanks of Con- Canal Commission. and Tennessee Ri\ ers. gress for distinguished service in build- 3 of the April — Elected President ing the Panama Canal. 1890 December 14 - - A second son, Panama Railroad and Steamship Com- was born March 6—Said farewell to coworkers Thomas Rodman Goethals, pany. at the annual dinner of the Society of ai New Bedford. September 5 Received cablegram — the Chagres held at the Hotel Tivoli. 1891-1894 January, 1891—Assigned En- of congratulations from President 1916 25 Sailed from the gineer in charge of Tennessee River im- Roosevelt for new monthly record of September — provements. Designed and built the excavation during August. Isthmus for the last time aboard the Fruit Company steamer Pas- 26-foot lift Riverton Lock, the fust October 4 Experienced Inst seri- United high-lift luck in the United States. ous difficulties with landslides which tores. hinder con- October 8 Appointed Chairman of 1891 December 14— Promoted to Cap- were to plague him and steam Board to investigate Adamson Eight- tain. struction for many years. Two shovels and 1,000 feet of railroad track Hour Law for railroads. 1894-1898 Assistant to the Chief of in Cut were covered by 500,000 cubic November 16 Retired from Army Engineers. Served under three succes- — yards of earth and rock. at his own request. sive chiefs. Reviewed and reported on 8 specifications for engineering works, 1908 January — Placed in complete 1917 January 10 Resigned as Governor gov- contracts, lake surveys, and monej charge of construction work and of The Panama Canal. accountings for the Engineer Depart- ernment in the Canal Zone by Execu- January —Established Consulting Roose- ment at large tive Order signed by President Engineer firm at 43 Exchange Place, velt. "Now. I have both feet on the 1898 May 9 Commissioned Lieutenant City. ground and I'll build the Canal," he Colonel nl Volunteers, U. S. Army. March 29—Appointed State High- told the President. Served undei Maj. Gen. John Ruttei way Engineer for New Jersey. Brooke a- Chiel Engineei "i the First 1909 January 29—Secretary of War April to July—Served as General Army Corps. Served at Camp George Taft and commission of seven engineers Manager of the Emergency Fleet to inspect t .u\<\ later arrived in Cristobal Canal II. 1 homas in ieorgia in Corporation. especially which had 1 1. work, I 'uerto Rii December 18— Recalled to active October 18—Raised the I nited Keen bitterly critized. duty and appointed Acting Quarter- construction period States flag over the [ntendencia ol San March—The master General of the Army. Rico. monthly record ol over 4,000,000 cubic |uan, Puerto 1918 April—Appointed Chief of the Divi- December 15—Appointed In yards of excavation was established. sion ol Storage, and Traffic, to Colonel. Purchase, tor in Practical Milieux Engineering December 3—Promoted U. S. Army. at West Point. 14- President Taft dis- 1910 November Appointed member of the War 31 Honorably discharg- Cristobal from S. S. December — embarked in U. Industries Board. ed as Lieutenant Colonel of Volun- Tennessee for a three-day visit. 1919 March— Relieved from active duty teers. Panama Canal Act 1912 August 24—The with the Army at own request. 1898-1900 Served as Instructor al Wesl providing for the permanent organiza- 1919-1928 President of engineering firm Point. tion for the operation and maintenance of George W. Goethals and Company, 1900-1903 February 7, 1900—Promoted of the Panama Canal was approved by and advisor to the of New York ei President Wood row Wilson. It was a Major. Authority. Served as Engineer Officer in charge triumph of Colonel Goethals' long light 1928 21— Died at 12 East 86th nl fortifications, river and harbor work for his idea- on a permanent organiza- January St., New York City. n Newport, R. I. tion. April 2, 1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW GOETHALS MEM ORIAL DEDICAT ION CEREMONY The dedication ceremony of the ranking Republican member of the Goethals Memorial in Balboa will open Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The Senator Wiley vigorously supported the formal program, which follows, will be bipartisan foreign policy. preceded by a half-hour concert by the Since succeeding to the Chairmanship joint bands of the Balboa and Cristobal of the important Foreign Relations Com- High Schools. mittee, he has made notable contributions to advancing further the cause of amity "Stars and Stripes Forever" between nations. He has made many Joint Balboa-Cristobal High School Band significant speeches on this area of Invocation American foreign policy and is regarded Rev. Alexander H. Shaw, Pastor, Balboa Union Church as the outstanding leader in the promotion Introductory Remarks of better international understanding. Brigadier General J. S. Seybold, Governor, Canal Zone; The Senator refers to himself as a President, Panama Canal Company "small town banker, businessman, lawyer, Presentation of Awards to Canal Zone and operator of a dairy farm for 31 Schools Essay Contest Winners years" in the biographical notes of the Hon. Maurice H. Thatcher, Member, Isthmian Canal Commission Congressional Directory. He was born "American Ode" in Chippewa Falls, Wis., on May 26, 1884, the son of parents came to the La Boca Alumni Glee Club, under direction of who Miss Emily E. Butcher United States from Norway. Presentation of Memorial Monument He was graduated from the University SENATOR ALEXANDER WILEY Hon. Richard H. Whitehead, Member, Goethals of Wisconsin law school and began law Memorial Commission Senator Alexander Wiley, principal practice in his home town in 1907. He Unveiling of Memorial Monument speaker at the dedication of the Goethals had taken no leading part in national Colonel George R. Goethals and Dr. Thomas R. Goethals, Memorial, is well-known in the Canal politics until his election to the Senate sons of Major General Goethals Zone and the Republic of Panama, having on the Republican ticket 16 years ago. Dedicatory Prayer spent several days here in December 1949. Since that time he has taken part in The Right Rev. Reginald Heber Gooden, Bishop of He has served as Senator from his some of the most important national and Diocese of home State of Wisconsin continuously international conferences of the past Address since 1938. He now is Chairman of the decade. Among these have been the Hon. Alexander Wiley, United States Senator, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senate Foreign Relations Committee Interparliamentary Union Conference in Himno National de la Republica and is the ranking Republican member Oslo, Norway, in 1939; the British Empire de Panama of the Judiciary Committee. Parliamentary Conference in Joint Balboa-Cristobal High School Band Recognized as one of the most forceful in 1946 and head of the U. S. delegation National Anthem of the United States orators of the , he to that conference in 1948; the Japanese of America has been a leader for many years in the Peace Conference in San Francisco in

Joint Balboa-Cristobal High School Band nation's program of international cooper- 1951 ; the Council of in Strasbourg, Benediction ation. During the many years while the , in 1951; and the Interparlia- Rev. Joseph F. Konen, C. M. late Senator Arthur Vandenberg was the mentary Union (See page 7)

The monument of "heroic size" authorized by architectural firm of Mendez & Sander, as associate and the basins on either sids Congress in August 1935 was completed just 18 years architects. The monument was erected by Construc- represent the with water pour- later. It is located at the foot of the Administration tora Martinz, S. A., of Panama, and was completed ing from them to join, symbolically, the waters of Building steps in Balboa facing the Prado. It was in August 1953. with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. designed by Shaw, Metz & Dolio, a archi- The monument is symbolic in its concept. The The shaft rises from a circular reflecting pool 65 tectural and engineering firm, with the Panama 56-foot high shaft of Vermont marble represents the feet in diameter. THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954


Like the wife of many a famous man, stayed or were entertained at the Goethals Mrs. Effie Rodman Goethals rarely home at Culebra. born April shared the sp >tlight of public attention Mrs. Goethals was 4, 1858, with her husband. Her home, her hus- in New Bedford, Mass., the daughter of band, and her children were her main Capt. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rodman. girlhood days she to interests. During her came However, she shared quietly with him know well something of military life, for momentous occasions of his her father served during the Civil War was as a in the Union Army Infantry. eventful life. < >f these, perhaps nunc thrilling than the night of February Much of her girlhood days were spent on off the is, 1907, whan Colonel Goethals (then the of Martha's Vineyard Major) received the unexpected call to south shore of where she was the Whit.' House to be told of his selection to live in later life. Lt. to head the Canal work. She was visiting her brother, According to Bishop's Goetkds: Genius Samuel Rodman, at Vancouver Barracks Mrs. in the , when she of the Panama Canal, Maj. and Goethals were entertaining Colonel Fie- met her future husband. They were berger, an old West Point friend, when married December 4, 1884, at the Grace the call came. Relating the incident Episcopal Church in New Bedford. and the surprise of all three, Bishop says: Colonel Goethals became enthusiastic "At this point Mrs. Goethals probably about Vineyard Haven as a homesite hurried him straight upstairs to put on when he went there with Mrs. Goethals his full-dress uniform, though neither she for the first time in the summer of 1889. later he bought a lot there and faintest i ii Four years nor Colonel Fieberger has the M ! [S. (ETHALS as she is remembered by many recollection as to whether or not he wore oldtimers. This picture was taken about 1912. built a substantial type it to the White House that night. All frame house which still stands. they can remember is the agony of Goethals in the Canal's extensive photo- They first occupied the house in 1894 impatience with which they awaited his graphic files. and it continued to be their home during return." She is well remembered by those who the remainder of their lives. It was the Both Colonel and Mrs. Goethals lived on the Isthmus during that ten-year only place where Colonel Goethals ever avoided, whenever possible, public atten- period of her life, but principally for her voted although he lived there a compar- tion. No project ever attracted greater quiet devotion to her home and family. atively little time because of his Army attention than the Canal construction Although she never sought social assignments and later his work in New and thousands of pictures were taken of prominence, she probably entertained York. the work and the men in charge. Despite more public celebrities during her life on Following his death, Mrs. Goethals this, there are few in existence in which the Isthmus than anyone, for there was a returned to make Vineyard Haven her the man responsible for the Canal project constant stream of visitors to see the home until her death at Wellesley, Mass., appears and only one or two of Mrs. "big ditch" being dug. Many of these on , 1941.

Grandsons Of Canal Builder Visit Zone

Among the most interested visitors ever given a royal welcome by employees who at the office of Gov. Joseph C. Mehaffey to come to the Canal Zone were four had worked for their illustrious grand- where they were shown the architect's grandsons of Colonel Goethals who spent father more than a quarter of a century sketches of the proposed memorial to several days here during the 1940's. earlier. They were all four given a round their grandfather which was then sched- George R. Goethals II, whose father of visits to the many sites in the Canal uled to be erected on the Cristobal mole. was also one of the oldtimers of the Canal Zone made famous during the Canal The oldest of the grandsons remem- construction era, and Thomas Goethals, construction. bered their grandfather from boyhood

Jr., whose father is a doctor in , George and Thomas were students at days when the family home was in Mass., were here in July 1940. college at the time of their visit. They Martha's Vineyard, Mass. It was a trip The other two grandsons, Henry and were here while Maj. Gen. Glen E. of a lifetime for them as none of the Peter, both sons of Dr. Goethals, spent Edgerton was Governor. General Edger- grandsons had ever had an opportunity several days here in July 1947. ton was a classmate of George R. Goethals, to visit the Canal and see the engineering On both occasions the visitors were son of the. Canal builder, at the Military wonder which their grandfather built. Academy and both were assigned to duty with the Isthmian Canal Commission soon after their graduation. Given Royal Welcome Aside from visiting all of the principal sights in Panama and the Canal Zone, George and Thomas were entertained by the Sons and Daughters of Old Timers Society which had been formed shortly before the 25th anniversary of the open- ing of the Canal. Both of the other grandsons were World War II veterans when they visited the Isthmus. Henrv, then 24, had served as a Captain in the Army, and Peter, then 21, had served as an electrician's mate in the Navy. The elder of the two had just completed his university training at Harvard while Peter was still a student there.

THOMAS GOETHALS. Jr.. left, and George II. They also were given an opportunity PETER R., left, and Henry W., sons of Dr. Thomas Goethals, II, front of the disk used by their posed in to see the Canal from every angle. One Goethals, visited the Isthmus for several days in grandfather at Culebra during a visit to the Canal 1947. The portrait of Colonel Goethals was painted in of of the highlights of their visit was a trip Zone in 19-iO. The desk is still in use the office by former ( lovernor Jay J. Morrow, is on permanent the Executive Secretary. through the Canal. Another was a call display at the Administration Building. April 2,1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW

"Young George" And "Tom" Are Oldtimers

Col. George R. Goethals, elder son of the Canal builder, and his brother, Dr. Thomas R. Goethals, of Boston, were well known to thousands of oldtimers of the Canal construction period. Of the two, Colonel Goethals who now lives in Las Cruces, N. Mex., perhaps is the better known by oldtimers because of his service with the Isthmian Canal Commission. Dr. Goethals was still a young boy |when his father iwas assigned to the Canal work. He resided here during the construction period and accom- panied him on the trip to the States when he left the Isthmus for the last time in September 1916. Colonel Goethals, known on the Isth- mus as "Young George," was one of three young lieutenants of the Corps of Engin- eers assigned to the I. C. C. in 1908 soon after graduation from the Military Academy. The other two were to become equally well known for their connection with the Canal enterprise. They were Lt. Glen E. Edgerton who later became Engineer of Maintenance and Governor, and Lt. James G. Steese. The latter served sev- eral years during the construction period. He returned in 1941 as a colonel in the Corps of Engineers and stayed until after the close of the war during which time he served in several different top executive positions. Friendship And Canal Interests The three were close friends at the Military Academy and their friendship, as well as their great interest in the Canal, has continued to this day. They were the first of several young officers to be assigned to duty with the Isthmian Canal Commission during the construction period. The program was initiated by Colonel Goethals after he became Chairman and Chief Engineer with the objective of giving the young officers a working knowledge of the THESE TWO REMARKABLE photographs of father and son were taken about 25 years apart. project for later reassignments in more In the upper picture Colonel Goethals is shown at the Dam Spillway just before it was com- responsible positions. Generally, the pleted. The lower picture of his son, Col. George R. Goethals, was taken during a visit here in 1941. young officers were assigned for brief It was suggested by the late George W. Green, then Municipal Engineer, who remembered the picture periods on different phases of the work of the Canal builder as being one in the Canal's photographic files. such as the relocation of the Panama of the 316th Engineers and Division flores Spillway where his father had been Railroad, Gatun Dam, the locks con- Engineer of the 91st Division. He retired photographed more than 25 years earlier. struction, and Culebra Cut excavation. from the Army in 1919 and became Vice One of the high spots of that visit Young George served as a transitman President of the George W. Goethals and was an informal party given in his honor from 1908 until 1909. He returned to Company, construction engineers and by Canal officials and oldtimers of the Isthmian service in 1910 as assistant industrial managers, in New York City. construction period, most of whom were engineer. He was made assistant engin- He has made his home in New Mexico still in service. Approximately 100 guests eer in charge of fortifications in 1912, for the past several years. attended the party and the extensive in which position he was directly respon- During his 1941 visit to the Canal change which has taken place in the sible to his father, and served until 1914. Zone he had the opportunity of renewing personnel of the Canal organization in Visited Zone Three Times acquaintances with many old friends, the 13 years which have elapsed is He has revisited the Isthmus on three revisiting the familiar spots, and seeing evidenced by the fact that only four of occasions since. He and General Steese some of the big jobs, including the Third those attending are now in active service. visited the Zone for a short time in 1915 Locks project, which were then in pro- As this edition of The Canal Review and he returned again for a few days gress. went to press, it was expected that both in 1924. Visited Culebra Ruins "Young George" and "Tom" would be On his third visit he had the opportun- He spent one entire day visiting the present to unveil the monument to their ity to see his old friends of West Point scenes familiar to him 25 years earlier. father and to participate in the week- and Canal construction days as General He was accompanied on his round of long program attending the dedication Edgerton was then Governor, and General sight-seeing by Maj. Gen. (then Colonel) ceremonies. Steese who, a short time before, had been W. D. Styer, Assistant Engineer of On this visit, they will again have an recalled to active duty and was then Maintenance, and two old friends of opportunity to revisit the scenes so fa- assigned as Administrative Assistant to Canal construction days, the late George miliar to them and to renew acquaintance the Engineer of Maintenance. W. Green, Municipal Engineer, and L. B. with employees of the Canal Construction Colonel Goethals also had just been Moore, formerly Supply and Service era attending the ceremonies. Again a recalled to active duty and was then Director. very warm welcome is being planned for serving as District Engineer in Buffalo, Among the sites in which he showed their return by those few who are left N. Y. During the first World War he most interest were the ruins of Culebra. who remember them as a young boy and served in France with the First and Third It was during that day when the picture as a young lieutenant of the Corps of Armies and later as commanding officer of him on this page was taken at Mira- Engineers. THE PANAMA.CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954 Plans For Memorial 25 Years In Making

More than quarter century of effort on the part of several thousands of indi- Ten Goethals Memorial Commission Members viduals of low and high rank made possible the 56-foot shaft of marble in Balboa which honors one of America's Were Actively Connected With Panama Canal great men. The many years which elapsed between making and fulfillment of plans are not indicative of lack of enthusiasm or dis- senting voices. Circumstances of a world nature -the disastrous depression of the early 1930's and World War II—were the principal delaying factors.

It is a significant eulogy to Colonel perpetu- ( toethals that the monument to ate his memory at the site of his great work is largely the result of efforts of the men and women with whom he was associated in building the Panama Canal. Their efforts, however, were greatly assisted by many who did not participate in the Canal work, and others never closely associated with the Canal builder who also recognized his great contribution to world progress. Movement Started In 1928 The movement to erect a memorial in Chairman of the Commission the Canal Zone to Colonel Goethals was GEN. JOHN J. PERSHING First Chairman of the Memorial Commission formally inaugurated in May 1928, at the annual meetings of the various Panama Canal Societies in the United States. Since then the project has lain dormant for long periods for one reason or another but it was never permitted to die.

It is noteworthy that all ten Panama Canal Governors since Colonel Goethals actively participated in the promotion of plans. To this distinguished list can be added the names of many American leaders. Heading such a list might well be Chief Justice under whose administration as Secretary of War and later President the Canal project was begun and largely completed. Other names include all four Presidents of the United States who have served since 1928, members of both Houses of Congress, all surviving members of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and Canal IMCIIVKD H. WHITEHEAD Brigadier General ROBERT E. W OOD (Ret.) construction employees of all ranks. Took Lead Memorial Committee fjyf the 15 men who have served as His association with Colonel Goethals Throughout most of the 25 years in members of the Goethals Memorial began during the first World War when the planning stage, the Goethals Memor- Commission since it was first appointed he served as aide to Colonel (Major- ial Committee formed by the Canal in June 1936, 10 have been actively General) Goethals when the latter was Societies in 1928 took the leading role. connected with the Canal enterprise. acting Quartermaster General. Membership in the original committee was In addition to the six Canal Governors, Colonel O'Laughlin was one of the first almost completely changed as the years four members served during the construc- members of the Goethals Memorial rolled by and today there are only a few tion period. They were Ralph Budd, Committee, formed by the Panama Canal still living to see the completed memorial. now Chairman of the Commission, Societies in 1929, to plan a suitable Two of these, Gen. Robert E. Wood and Gen. Robert E. Wood, Richard H. White- memorial. He later succeeded former R. H. Whitehead, are members of the head, and W. K. Jackson. Gov. Jay J. Morrow as Chairman of that Goethals Memorial Commission, ap- The other five members were Gen. Committee and continued to serve in that pointed by the President to build the John J. Pershing, first Chairman; former position until his death. memorial. Senators Morris Sheppard of Texas, and When the first Memorial Commission The Goethals Memorial Committee was Chan Gurney of South Dakota; former was appointed in 1936 by President not composed entirely of former Canal U. S. Representative Swagar Sherley of Roosevelt, he was made Vice Chairman. workers. Among the nationally-known Kentucky, and Col. John Callan O'Laugh- Because of the long illness of General Taft, names listed were Chief Justice lin. Of these, only Mr. Gurney, now a Pershing, he was the nominal head of the Gerald Swope, , Daniel member of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Commission for several years.

and Harry F. Guggenheim, William Loeb, is presently a member. Only two members of the Commission, Adolph S. Ochs, William Randolph Of the men who have served on the Generals Wood and Schley, have served Hearst, Generals John J. Pershing, Goethals Memorial Commission none continuously since 1936. Douglas MacArthur, Peyton C. March, took a more prominent part in working All four of the Canal "oldtimers" who , and James G. Harbord, for a memorial to Colonel Goethals than have served on the Commission became George W. Wickersham, Congressman Colonel O'Laughlin, who was never con- nationally prominent in the business Swagar Sherley, John J. Fitzgerald, and nected with the Canal project. His world after their return to the United Col. John Callan O'Laughlin. interest, aside from the desire to see the States. Famous Canal names on the list work of a great American properly Mr. Budd, the present Chairman, is one included former Governors, Chester Hard- commemorated, was largely personal. of the leading railway executives of the ing and Jay J. Morrow, Adm. H. H. He was for many years editor and country. He served three years, 1906 Rousseau, Sidney B. (Sse page u> publisher of the Army and Navy Journal. to 1909, as Chief Engineer of (See page !S> April 2,1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW

,UeL I. C. C. Member Here To Attend Dedication and ferry.

Official He has followed news of the Isthmus with intense interest since leaving the Panama Canal Company Publication Canal Zone over 40 years ago to return Published Monthly at to his native State of Kentucky and BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE become United States Representative from the Fifth Congressional District. His lively interest in Isthmian affairs was Printed by the Printing Plant recently demonstrated when he partici- Mount Hope, Canal Zone pated in the formal opening of the "Fifty Years of Friendship" exhibit in the John S. Seybold, Governor-President . H. 0. Paxson, Lieutenant Governor Mr. Thatcher, the only living member of the Isthmian Canal Commission, has William G. Arey, Jr. made his home in Washington, D. C, for Director of Public Relations many years. He is a poet of note and has written many poems relating to the Panama Canal and the men and women J. Rufus Hardy, Editor who work for it. Eleanor H. McIlhenny Editorial Assistant Goelhals Memorial Dedication Ceremony

(Continued from page 3) Conference in Bern, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.00 a year Switzerland, in 1952. MAURICE H. THATCHER SINGLE COPIES—5 cents each Senator Wiley was appointed a member Attending the Goethals Memorial Dedi- of the United States delegation to the On sale at all Panama Canal Clubhouses, cation ceremonies this week is one of the seventh session of the United Nations Commissaries, and Hotels for 10 days after central figures of the Canal construction Assembly by President Truman. His publication date. period and one of the most enthusiastic appointment was a continuation of two organization. major U. S. policies bipartisanship in SINGLE COPIES BY MAIL— 10 cents each "alumni" of the Canal — He is Maurice H. Thatcher, member foreign policy, and Congressional repre- BACK COPIES—10 cents each of the Isthmian Canal Commission from sentation at international conferences. the international projects On sale when available, from the Vault 1910 to 1913 and head of the Civil Among many Clerk, Third Floor, Administration Building, Administration in the Canal Zone during which have received Senator Wiley's sup- Balboa Heights. that period. port, both on the Senate floor and in Mr. Thatcher is as well known and public address, have been the Point Four famous in Panama as in the Canal Zone Program, Reciprocal Trade Agreements, Postal money orders should be made pay- as Thatcher Highway and Ferry, the the North Atlantic Treaty, the Marshall able to the Treasurer, Panama Canal Com- link to the Interior of the Republic, is Plan, and the Mutual Security Act pro- pany, and mailed to Editor, The Panama named in his honor. He was author of viding military and economic aid to Canal Review, Balboa Heights, C. Z. the legislation authorizing the highway countries opposing Communism. Isthmian Canal Commission At Culebra In 1910

THIS PICTURE IS one of the last ever taken of the Isthmian Canal the third I. C. C. took office April 1, 1907, with Colonel Goethals as Chairman. Commission. It was taken at Culebra in August 1910. Left to right are: Colonel Hodges succeeded Jackson Smith in September 1908, and Mr. Thatcher Lt. Col. W. L. Sibert, , Secretary, Maurice H. Thatcher, was appointed in April 1910 to replace Jo. C. S. Blackburn. Rear Adm. H. H. Rousseau, Colonel Goethals, Lt. Col. David D. Gaillard, The last meeting of the Isthmian Canal Commission was held March 27, Lt. Col. Harry F. Hodges, and Col. William C. Gorgas. 1914, just four days before the permanent Canal organization came into being. There was only one other change in the Commission after this picture was It was attended by all members with the exception of Colonel Gorgas. The taken. Mr. Thatcher, the only living member of the I. C. C, resigned in principal business of the meeting, the 165th, was the reading of the Executive and Richard L. Metcalfe was appointed to succeed him. Both Order for the permanent organization, after which the Commission adjourned Mr. Thatcher and Colonel Hodges were appointees to the Commission after sine die. THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2,1954 Oldtimers Well Remember The Yellow Peril

The last time that Samuel Grier and Prince George Green saw Colonel Goethals on the Isthmus was a sunny day in September 1916. As tnotorman and flag- man, respectively, of the Colonel's motor- car, the famed "Yellow Peril," they had taken him from Balboa Heights to Cristo- bal to sail aboard the United Fruit liner Pastores.

The "Old Man," as they both still call him, shook hands with them and said goodbye before he went aboard the . As the Pastores pulled away from its pier, Mr. Crier gave three short blasts on the Yellow Peril's whistle. From the deck, the Old Man waved and then disappeared. A few minutes later the Yellow Peril was answered—three short blasts from the whistle of the Pastores.

As the crew of the Yellow Peril for several years, the two men knew the Colonel as well, probably, as anyone of his official family. They had ridden with him day after day from one side of the Canal Zone to the other; they had seen THE "YELLOW PERIL" and its Number One passenger. The motorcar still bore No. 4 when this the Old Man in good humor and bad; picture was taken in the Panama Railroad yards in 1913 during a visit of Secretary of War and Mrs. they had heard him express his rather — Lindley Garrison. Samuel Grier, motorman of the "Yellow Peril," is at the far left. Colonel Goethals frank opinion of people and things "too is standing between Secretary and Mrs. Garrison. Others in the picture were visitors from Washington many figureheads around here," he said who accompanied the Secretary of War on his trip to the Canal Zone. one day; and they had a great respect for him. Today, almost 40 years later, they its yellow coat when it was retired still think him about the finest gentleman wore A classic memorandum in the files with although other cars were a much less either of them ever knew and both use the Smallwood signature, says: interesting dull grey-green. White linen the word "wonderful" to describe him. "I have to report that Motorcar No. 1 slipcovers protected the upholstery, which struck a horse on the afternoon of the "Yellow Peril" Chanties in 1914 was blue broadcloth. 29th inst. [this was in September 1911] Mr. Grier, who has been retired for Americans made jokes about the Yellow while running between Las Cascadas and almost nine years, but who is here visiting Peril and West Indians sang chanties Empire. The damage to the car was his son, recalls that it was he who sug- about it, but everyone kept a weather practically nil." The damage to the gested to the Colonel that the car be eye cocked for it and its passenger. horse was not mentioned. renumbered and made No. 1, as befitting Bought in 1908 from the Stover Motor Lived On The Job the car of the Canal's head man. The Car Company of Freeport, 111., at a cost Mr. Grier who had been a machinist at suggestion was adopted and the car was of $4,S00, the Yellow Peril was the fourth Gorgona Shops and who had done auto- No. 1 until it was honorably retired from of the Canal's motorcars. Despite its tive machine work in the States before service in 1935, but Mr. Crier still rue- assignment to the Canal's No. 1 man, it he came to the Isthmus in 1906, became fully remembers the mess of red tape in bore the designation of No. 4 for many the Yellow Peril's motorman in 1912. which he became entangled because of the years. Between them they have many mem- change. Unwittingly, he had failed, it ories of their days on the Yellow Peril, The Yellow Peril was an affectionate seems, to consult the "property people." nickname They "lived on the job," they say, soon attached to the motorcar Colonel Goethals' first motorman for although the work was usually confined when it became the official inspection car. the Yellow Peril was W. P. Smallwood, to daytimes except for an occasional Its original color was a pumpkin yellow- who bore the high-sounding designation, nighttime emergency call. The Goethals orange, same as the railroad passenger as Mr. Grier did later, of Inspector of had little social life calling for the Yellow coaches of the construction days. It still Motor Cars. Peril at night. Just about every morning, before the Canal was finished, they would have the motorcar waiting at the Culebra railroad station. The Old Man would be aboard in time for them to get going ahead of the regular morning passenger train. On a typical morning, they might head for Pedro Miguel. There the Colonel would leave the Yellow Peril, and, umbrella in hand, walk along the construction line to Corozal. Walked Length Of Cut The motorman and flagman would follow in the motorcar, trying to keep the Old Man in sight and anticipate where he might want to be picked up. Other mornings he might ride as far as Pedro Miguel and then head north, walking the length of the Cut to Gamboa. SAMUEL GRIER. formerly Superintendent of the PRINCE GEORGE GREEX is believed to he the Familiar as they became with his Motor Transportation Division, stands beside a relic only person still in service whose work during the Ca- thinking, they were not always able to of the "Yellow Peril" now in the Canal Zone Museum. nal construction brought him in almost daily contact interpret some of his wishes. Once, Mr. It is the old bell from the French dredge Alexandre with Colonel Goethals. He was flagman for several Grier remembers, the Colonel said he LaValley, which was mounted on Motor Car Xo. 1 years on the famous "Yellow Peril." He is now would be going to when it was being used by Colonel Goethals. Mr. employed as maintenance man at the Balboa Round- Margarita after lunch. Grier retired in 1945 and has since made his home house. This picture was posed on the steps of one The motorman didn't know where Mar- in Florida. "f the later and more modern motorcars. garita was nor that the Colonel was going April 2, 1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW

there by train, so he failed to be where he was supposed to when he was supposed to. Pictorial History Of Canal Construction "I was waiting at Culebra," he recalls, "when one of the motor car operators Is Told In Art By Pennell And Van Ingen came running out of the station to tell me that the Old Man called and wanted to know where his car was. When told I was at Culebra waiting for him, he sounded like he was awfully mad and said to tell me to get over to Colon as

soon as I could. When I reached the

Colon station, I expected to find the Colonel boiling over, but he wasn't.

He said: 'Well, don't let it worry you.

It was my own fault. I should have " been more explicit. Forget it.'

Used Goethals' Raincoat

One of the flagman's most vivid recol-

lections is of one day when they were caught in a sudden downpour. He had no raincoat, but the Old Man did and

insisted that the flagman use it. Even after the rain stopped, he had to keep the coat on because the Colonel said, "I told you to put that thing on. Do you want to get sick?"

He also remembers that he fell between two motor cars once as they were moving at 45 miles an hour on the track. He landed between the rails and the cars safely over him, but one ankle was passed ONE OF THE famous Van Ingen murals in the rotunda of the Administration Building. broken. Ordered into the hospital, he This panel shows the construction of the locks gates. appealed to the Colonel who let him go home to recuperate, an almost unheard-of Some form of pictorial presentation of He was successful in his arguments and thing in those days. the work of building a canal to link two in March 1914, Van Ingen who had done oceans was a special interest of Colonel murals in the Congressional Library in Reprimands In Private Goethals. In at least one case he had to Washington and the Philadelphia Mint If the Old Man was going to "bawl carry his arguments to the Secretary was given the commission for the Canal somebody out," they say, "he took him of War. paintings. Most of the work was repro- to one side and really let him have it. Today the work of two outstanding duced from sketches made by Van Ingen artists supplements the of But nobody else heard what either of thousands during the construction period. The photographs taken during the construc- paintings were in them had to say." done the United States tion of the Panama Canal. And it is and brought here for mounting. "He was a real judge" his old flagman typical of "the Colonel" that he himself added. "He scarcely ever gave anyone Four Panels And Frieze appears in only a handful of the many any wrong." And Mr. Grier, on his The four panels show Gaillard Cut at photographs taken and in none of the Gold Hill; the construction of Gatun part, said: drawings. Spillway; construction of a lock gate; and "In the closing days of the construction, The two artists who benefitted from work on one of the Miraflores lock cham- men were being laid off in large numbers. Colonel Goethal's sponsorship—and whose bers. The frieze is a panorama of oper- The Colonel said to me: 'It just breaks works today benefit those who see them— ations in the Cut. off so were W. B. Van Ingen, a muralist, and my heart to have to lay many good Pennell came to the Canal Zone during Joseph Pennell, whose medium was men. I don't believe there ever was a the 1912 dry season. His drawings were etching and lithography. job as big as the Panama Canal with so to be used in Century Magazine and The Van Ingen 's murals of the Canal Con- many loyal and hard-working men as Illustrated London News. " struction decorate the rotunda of the we have here.' His visit was arranged through Joseph Administration Building at Balboa After the end of the construction Bucklin Bishop, Secretary of the Isth- Heights; copies of the Pennell lithographs period, the motorcars were brought to mian Canal Commission, and his book is hang in the Board Room of the Building, dedicated to Bishop. retained his car, Balboa. The Governor in the Governor's office, and in various Colonel Goethals was not in the Canal by then permanently No. 1, and others other rooms at Balboa Heights. Zone at the time and Pennell's failure to were used for track inspection or for the Murals Cost $25,000 meet "the genius who controlled the "Toonerville Trolley" run between Para- The Van Ingen murals—four panels organization, who governed as despot, iso and Panama. and a frieze—cover about 950 square feet who was loved, feared, and respected by Mr. Grier became first a foreman and and cost approximately $25,000. Secre- everyone on the Isthmus," was his one then a general foreman in what was then tary of War Lindley M. Garrison ques- regret, according to Mrs. Pennell's known as the and Motor Trans- tioned the advisability of spending so biography of her husband. portation Division. He was made its much money for the murals and pointed Pennell Drawings Available Superintendent in 1935. He has been out: Copies of his book, Pictures of the retired since 1945, and now makes his "As everything else on the Isthmus is Panama Canal, are in the Canal Zone home in Florida, where he tinkers with secondary to the operation of the Canal Library. The book contains 28 drawings, and has made three grandfa- as an instrument of commerce, it might old clocks which cover Canal construction and Canal seem contradictory for us to so each of his children. spend ther's clocks, one for scenes of that day, from Atlantic to large a sum of money in a mere matter of Mr. Green is still working. From the Pacific. decoration," he wrote. old motorcars he moved to the Balboa Colonel Goethals pointed out that the EDITOR'S NOTE: Photographic reproduc- he is a maintenance tions of the Pennell Roundhouse where site for the Administration Building, lithographs may be ordered through the Library of Congress. man, spending his working hours in and where the murals were to be placed, and Prints, 1 6 by 20 inches, on mat paper, cost out and under and on top of the railroad's the general plans of the building had been $2 each if the negatives are available, or motorcars, locomotives, and track bicycles. submitted to the Commission of Fine $3.25 if a negative must be made. Orders, by After work he reads, mostly mysteries, Arts and that the Administration Build- numbers obtained from the book, "Pictures of the Panama Canal," may be and thinks about the old days and the ing could be considered as the Capitol of addressed to the Library of Congress, Old Man. the Canal Zone. Washington, D. C. — MONUMENTS

There is but a single monument in the Canal Zone which bears the name of Colonel George Washington Goethals. There are many monuments in the ten-mile wide strip of land and water across the which bear not his name but his indelible imprint as an engineering and administrative genius. Some of these are visible. Others are intangible. Nevertheless, these are monuments to one of America's

THIS VIEW of the Cut shows the deepest exca- vated section between Gold and Contractors Hills in June 1913. The railway tracks and steam shovels were removed soon after this picture was taken and the new channel was inundated by the waters penned up by the Gamboa dike.

great men. Of these, none is greater than the Canal organization. Nowhere in the world is there an organization of its size with its complexities of operations. Despite this, there are none, great or small, which can boast a prouder record of achievement in years of peace and war. The esprit de corps which was instilled into the men and women who worked under Colonel Goethals in building the Canal—the spirit which, like the job itself, was one of the wonders of its day has lived long since "the Colonel" left. Intangible also are the monuments of love and respect in the hearts of the

THE CANAL was nearly ready to open in 1913 when disastrous slides began. This shows dredges working at the toe of the big slide from both sides late in October after water was let into the Cut. An attempt to blast some of the material out with dynamite was a failure.

tens of thousands of men and women of many nationalities. They caught a vision of the grandeur of their handiwork under his leadership. Intangible also are the benefits of Goethals' genius to mankind by the joining of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Measured in commercial terms alone, these add up to more than 250,000 and more than 850,000,000 tons of cargo which have moved through the Canal since the old Panama Railroad steamship Ancon, itself a veteran of the construction period, opened the way for this colossal flood of maritime commerce

THIS HOPELESS looking maze of steel and con- crete was turned into the smoothly operating set of locks at Gatun within about a year. This view of the upper locks was taken July 2, 1912. They were given their test run on September 26, 1913, when the tug Gatun was locked through.

by its historic trip on August 15, 1914. On these two pages are pictured a few of the impressive monuments to Colonel Goethals—as they looked when they were being built and as they look today. They are among the many which might have been selected, all of which tell the same story of a great leader and an inspired organization.

THE CUT : Known then as Cule- bra, today as Gaillard, for Colonel David DuBose Gaillard, who had charge of the work there and who died while it was in progress. Here was the eight-mile strip where a thousand dirt trains whistled daily to

CONSTRUCTION OF the massive Gatun dam and spillway was at its height when this picture was taken in . A force of approximately 2,000 men was engaged on this phase of the Canal work and some 100 trainloads of earth and rock were dumped daily for the earth dam. TO GREATNESS

help create a bedlam of sound from drill rigs and steam shovels, of shouted com- mands and dynamite blasts. It was an awe-inspiring sight which thrilled thou- sands of visitors to the Isthmus while the Canal was being built. It was an unforgettable experience for them whether they rode the rubber-neck trains or in the "Yellow Peril" with Colonel Goethals. It was in this short stretch where more than 100,000,000 cubic yards of earth

ONE OF the most majestic sights on the Isthmus is the transit of one of the powerful United States aircraft carriers. One of the larger carriers prac- tically fills the locks and is not dwarfed in the Cut. This is a view of the Philippine in the Cut during a recent transit. and rock were blasted out and hauled away to build Balboa and . It was in this few miles where the most heart-breaking part of the whole task had to be done—where the great slides occurred, pouring some 25,000,000 cubic yards of material back into the newly- dug channel. It is a majestic sight today when hundreds of ships pass monthly between Gold and Contractors Hill.

GATUN DAM: The vital key to th e high-level lock canal. It was one of the most controversial phases of the Canal construction. It was then the largest

THE FINEST of modern luxury liners today look natural in the Canal Locks. Here is the Swedish liner Kungsholm on a winter cruise en route through the Canal earlier this year. In the west chamber of Pedro Miguel Locks are the mother shrimp boat Pacific Reefer and the banana boat Adriana. earth dam ever constructed and many capable engineers doubted the stability of such a structure. The 23,000,000 cubic yards of material which went into its building blend so perfectly with the natural terrain that it is scarcely recog- nizable as a man-made piece of work. THE LOCKS: In construction or in operation, no part of the Panama Canal has the fascination to spectators of Gatun, Pedro Miguel, or Miraflores Locks. They were of a proportion never before conceived. Their design and construc- tion were among the masterpieces of the big job. For nearly 40 years they have

CONTRAST THE picture at the right with the view of Gatun Locks taken in 1912 on the opposite page. The operation of the locks is a commonplace event for the average Isthmian resident but it is an impressive sight for thousands of tourists every year. operated smoothly and efficiently with no material modification of the essential features shown on the original blueprints. THE BUILDING: One of the best known structures in the Canal Zone which stands as a monument to Colonel Goethals is the Administration Building. It stands on a spur of on the site selected by him. He was cognizant of every detail of its design and construc- tion. The view shown on this page shows it much as it looked when it was com- pleted and first occupied 40 years ago except for the landscaping and more modern touch of many cars clustered around it.

A RECENT aerial view of the Administration Building. The site, once known as Lone Tree Hill, was selected by Colonel Goethals. Most persons mistake this as the front of the building because it is the entrance most used. The front faces Balboa Prado and the new Goethals Memorial. — —

12 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954 urt Of Low, Middle, And High Justice

(Editor's Note: Without doubt one under the Panama Government, The One sees the Colonel at his best in of the most remarkable facets of the end of the Canal work is approaching, and these Sunday morning hours. You see Panama Canal construction story was the far-sighted man was beginning to the immensely varied nature of the things the Sunday morning "court" at Cule- look can't bra when Colonel Goethals gave every into the future. "Of course I and issues which are his concern. Engin- employee an opportunity to air griev- advise you," the Colonel said. "You eering in the technical sense seems almost ances or views. Most astute observers know I would hate to see you go. But the least of them. There is the great attribute to this a great part of the if decide that it is wise, in and you come problem keeping undertaking. human of this working success of the Many see me. I may be able to give you some legendary stories are told of these Sun- force in good order, of caring for the wel- introductions which will help you." (There day morning conferences, some of fare and contentment of this community is another man who will want to vote for which have undoubtedly grown greatly of exiles—exiled to what was once the with retelling. Because of the impor- Goethals for President in 1916!) Then a most unhealthy jungle in the world. tance and intensely human aspect of man came in to see if he could get some he sits the Culebra "court" the following informal information on a contract which And there, week after week, the paternal authority to which all descriptive article is quoted in full. is soon to be let. His exit was hurried. may come by Arthur Bullard, one It was written No Higher Appeal with their unofficial troubles. English, of the topflight writers of his day, who French, American negroes, Spanish and wrote under the pen name Albert An American negro introduced some Italian peasants, coolies from India, with Edwards. He visited the Canal Zone humor. He was convinced that his during the height of the construction services were of more value than his all the complications which come from their work and wrote many articles of the foreman felt they were. The Colonel varied languages and customs work. The one below first appeared preferred to accept the foreman's judg- Mrs. Blank, whose husband drinks too in THE OUTLOOK magazine. It was diamond-drill ment in the matter. The dissatisfied one much; operator No. 10, later republished in the book, "Pana- who has an abscess of the liver and wants ma, The Canal, The Country, and the pompously announced that he was the a word of encouragement before he People.") best blacksmith's helper on the Isthmus goes and he intended to appeal from this to Ancon Hospital for the operation. It The most remarkable part of Colonel decision. The Colonel's eyes twinkled. is as remarkable a sight as I have ever Goethal's routine is his Sunday Court of "To whom are you going to appeal?" seen to watch him at it. He is a good Low, Middle, and High Justice. Even as listener until is quite he asked. For the fact is that the ver- he sure he has got the Caliphs of Bagdad sat in the city dicts rendered in these summary Sunday to the nubbin of the matter, and then, gate to hear the plaints of their people, sessions will not be revised before the like a flash, the decision is made and given. so, in his very modern setting princi- — Day of Judgment. And I think there are very few indeed pally maps and blue prints—the Colonel go thinking that The procession kept up till noon who away they have holds sessions every Sunday morning. pathos, patience-trying foolishness, occa- been denied justice. But, as he said, I had the good fortune to be admitted sional humor. "Once in a while," the it must be a strain. one Sunday morning to the audience Colonel said, "something turns up which This routine of Colonel Goethals is chamber. is really important for me to know. And, followed week by week, year after year. The first callers were a negro couple anyway, they feel better after they have It is broken only by occasional trips to from . They had a difference seen me, even if I cannot help them. Washington. And every one knows that of opinion as to the ownership of 35 They feel that they got a fair chance to the political end of the job is more wear- dollars which the wife had earned by state their troubles. They are less likely ing than the regular grind. He has not washing. Colonel Goethals listened to be breeding discontent in the quarters. had a real vacation since he took up this gravely until the fact was established But it is a strain." job of ours. that she had earned it, then ordered the man to return it. He started to protest something about a husband's property The Two Bosses At Culebra rights under the English law. "All right," the Colonel said, decisively. "Say the word, and I'll depart you. You can get all the English law you want in Jamaica." The husband decided to pay and stay. Spanish Laborer Claim Adjusted Then came a Spanish laborer who had been maimed in an accident, The Colonel called in his chief clerk and told him to help the unfortunate man prepare his claim, "See that the papers are drawn correctly and have them pushed through." A man came in who had just bean thrown out of the service for brutality to the men under him. This action was the result of an investigation before a special committee. The man sought reinstatement. The Colonel read over the papers in the case, and when he spoke his language was vigorous: "If you have any new evidence, I will instruct the committee to reopen your case. But as long as this report stands against you, you will get no mercy from this office. If the men had broken your head with a crowbar, I would have stood for them. We don't need slave-drivers on this job." Then a committee from the Machin- ists' Union wanted an interpretation on some new shop rules. A nurse wanted a longer vacation than the regulations allow. A man and his wife were dis- satisfied with their quarters. A super- of steam-shovels who had two or "high records for monthly exca-

\ons" t > h credit in to ask came PRESIDENT WILLIAM H. TAFT and Colonel Goethals on the steps at the Culebra residence in idvice about applying for another job . This was the second visit of a United States President to see progress of the Canal work. April 2, 1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW 13

Ten Goethals Memorial Commission Mem-

bers Were Actively Connected With Canal New York Bridge Named For Colonel Goethals

(Continued from page 6) the Panama

Railroad. It was one of the busiest and I most critical periods of the railroad's history because of its almost complete relocation and the tremendous amount of traffic during the Canal construction. General Wood served most of the construction period and was named Chief Quartermaster in . His exten- sive experience in running the Commis- sary Division proved valuable in later years when he rose to be president and then Chairman of the Board of Sears Roebuck and Company. His Canal service dated from April 1905, until May 1915.

Mr. Whitehead is one of the Canal oldtimers who has never lost his interest in the Isthmus. He is the author of the book, Our Faith Moved Mountains. He was employed as a testing engineer in August 1912, when the locks were being built. He was appointed as Assistant Superintendent and later Superintendent of the Pacific Locks after the Canal was completed. He left the service in 1916 ONE OF AMERICA'S important industrial waterways, the Arthur Kill between New Jersey and and later became President of the New Staten Island, is spanned by a bridge named in honor of the famous Canal builder. Haven Clock Company. The Goethals Bridge, which was opened to traffic in June 1928, was named in honor of Colonel Goethals by a resolution passed unanimously by the Port of New York Authority Commission less than three Mr. Jackson, who was appointed to the months after his death and only a short time before the bridge was completed. Memorial Commission in 1947, was an Colonel Goethals served for about nine years as advisor and the first consulting engineer of the Port of York Authority when returned civilian life after of first attorney and served during the construc- New he to the end the World War. The Goethals Bridge, pictured above, furnishes a highway span over the Arthur Kill between Eliza- tion period as Assistant Attorney of the beth, N. J., and Howland Hook on Staten Island. It clears the busy Arthur Kill by 135 feet, affording Isthmian Canal Commission. After leav- uninterrupted passage to more than 2,000 ships a year using the waterway. ing the Isthmus he became General The bridge also is a busy traffic artery and last year more than 2,S00,000 vehicles used it as a convenient Counsel for the outlet for through traffic between Brooklyn and New Jersey. It is a cantilever structure, similar in design to the Outerbridge Crossing which also spans the Arthur and was serving in that capacity when Kill. It was built at a cost of seven million dollars and is more than a mile and a half long. The bridge appointed to the Commission. is 55 feet wide and provides a 42-foot highway.

Visitors Inspect Gamboa Dike Before 1913 Blast

ONE OF THE biggest events of the entire construction period was the The Ohio legislator served in Congress from 1903 until 1913 and again blowing up of the Gamboa dike on October 10, 1913. It attracted international from 1915 until his death in 1931. He was speaker of the House for the last attention for it marked the beginning of the end of the construction period. six of those years. At the time this picture was taken he was not in Congress, The picture above is one of the rare photographs in the Canal files taken having lost his seat in the national Democratic victory in 1912 w-hen President shortly before the event. It shows the dike shortly before the big blast was Wilson was elected. He and Mrs. Longworth were personal friends of the set off by President from the White House through a com- Goethals family. plicated telegraph and cable relay to the Isthmus. The Gamboa dike was blown by a heavy charge of dynamite sunk in This view is rare because it is one of the very few pictures showing Mrs. 400 four-inch holes drilled into the dam across the . Drill rigs Goethals while on the Isthmus. It also shows Nicholas Longworth, veteran were still working when this picture was taken and the galvanized iron pipes Ohio Congressman, and his wife, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, whose father, into which the dynamite was loaded may be seen along the dike. the famous "Teddy" Roosevelt, was largely responsible for the building of The actual blast failed to be as spectacular as w'as expected and a half the Canal. hour after the dam was broken a cayuco went through the opening. Hundreds Mrs. Goethals is third from the left in the picture and the Longwortlis of spectators lined the banks to watch the blast, among them being Colonel are standing next to Colonel Goethals at the extreme right. The others in Goethals. He declined, however, to have his picture taken that day by the picture are not identified. a States news photographer who had been assigned to cover the big event. 14 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954

Plans For Memorial 25 Years In Making Independence Day - CHstobal -1911

.Continuedfrom pag:<: Williamson, Joseph Rucklin Bishop, Judge Frank Fueille, Thomas II. Rossbottom, A. L. Flint. Admirals Hugh Hodman and Hutch 1. Conr, Hartley Roue, George M. Wells, and many others. Morrow Headed Committee The Executive Committee, of which com- ( reneral Morrow was Chairman, was posed of men who had been closely asso- ciated with Colonel Goethals and the Panama Canal. Thev were: Admiral Rousseau and Mr. Williamson, I. C. C. members; Judge Fueille, former Counsel of the I. C. C; Admiral Cone, formerly Marine Superintendent; Mr. Wicker- sham, former Attorney General of the United States; Congressman Fitzgerald, former Chairman of the House Appro- priations Committee; Mr. Wells, Super- intendent of Building Construction during the ci instruction period; Mr. Flint, then Chief of the Washington Office; and Wilbur N. Winters, construction era employee, who served as Secretary. "I HAVE SAID that in this new era of American progress, the workers on the Panama Canal are The first legislation for a memorial the advance guard. They hold that position because of the world-wide importance of their task, and to Colonel Goethals was introduced in because of the in which they are carrying it to its successful completion. They are cutting a highway of commerce through what was a plague spot of the world, and, in doing so, they are showing Congress in December 1928 at the invita- the world how to rid itself of all plague spots."—Colonel Goethals in an Independence Day address, 1911, of Memorial Committee. The tion the at Cristobal. legislative history thereafter was long and involved. Schley and General Wood are still delays as a result of post war conditions. Statue First Proposed members. Former Governor Joseph C. Mehaffey The first bills to be introduced differed At the suggestion of General Pershing, was appointed a member of the Commis- from the final legislation passed and the Philadelphia architect, Dr. Paul P. sion in March 1948 and took an active approved by the President on August 24, Cret, was selected to submit designs. interest in pushing the plans to comple- 1935. The original legislation proposed He spent three weeks on the Isthmus tion until the end of his term the following a "suitable statue of heroic size" and early in 1937 examining sites and doing May. authorized an expenditure of $100,000. other investigations. He recommended In August 1951, President Truman It also provided that the design and the Cristobal mole for the location and appointed Gov. F. K. Newcomer to the location of the statue be submitted to one of his sketches for the memorial was Commission to succeed General Mehaffey. the Fine Arts Commission for advisory later approved by the Commission and Ralph Budd, Chief Engineer of the assistance. President Roosevelt. Panama Railroad during the construction that year and the No action was taken More Money Requested period, and Mr. Whitehead, formerly legislation was reintroduced the following Superintendent of the Pacific Locks, were After much consideration, however, the the year in the 71st Congress. However, appointed at the same time to fill vacan- Commission decided that a memorial of monumental business crash had occurred cies caused by the deaths of General the type and size desired could not be and the authorized expenditure was cut Pershing and Colonel O'Laughlin. built for $75,000 and recommended the to $50,000. This passed the Senate but Mr. was unanimously elected authorized expenditure be increased to Budd the House failed to act on the bill. It Chairman of the Commission at a meeting $160,000. was introduced again in the 72d Congress held in October 1951. The final design was not approved, of the hut no action was taken because The project gained new life during the however, until early in 1939 and an appro- depression. following months and at a meeting of priation of the full amount was not passed Legislation was again introduced in the Commission in Washington on Febru- until of that year. Later that year, original May Congress in 1935 identical to the ary 1952, plans and former actions because of the outbreak of World War II, 4, bills. Later that session a new bill was were reviewed. Mr. Budd presented at the Memorial Commission's recommenda- introduced in which the amount of money that meeting the drawing of a tentative tion that the project be suspended until authorized was cut to $75,000. This was design for memorial prepared by Alfred peace returned was accepted. a passed but in the final the section Shaw, of the Chicago architectural firm The project was revived in 1947 and plans the requiring the submission of to of Shaw, Metz, and Dolio, for a reinforced in response to a request by Colonel Fine Arts Commission was eliminated, concrete shaft 150 feet high and 40 by 10 O'Laughlin as Vice Chairman. President and provision was made for a monument Truman appointed Senator Chan Gurney, feet. The Commission unanimously ap- instead of a statue. It authorized the proved a motion for the Chairman to then Chairman of the Senate Armed President to appoint a Commission to the design and to work Forces Committee, and W. K. Jackson, proceed with Shaw plans for the Memorial. proceed with No with Governor Newcomer on a final formerly Assistant Attorney of the appropriation, however, was made by design and contract. Isthmian Canal Commission, to fill the Congress. the deaths of Senator F. D. R. Showed Great Interest vacancies caused by Architect Visits Zone Later that year when President Roose- Sheppard and Congressman Sherley. Mr. Shaw visited the Canal Zone early for shaft on the velt visited the Canal Zone he evinced The Cret plans a in March of last year at which time Cristobal were then reviewed in great interest in the Memorial and asked mole serious consideration was given, for the detail the Commission and it was Governor Schley to recommend possible by first time, to the location of the Memorial determined that the original appropria- sites. Th" litter suggested the Cristobal on the Prado in Balboa. sufficient to cover the mole and the spur of Sosa Hill, known as tion would not be Mr Shaw then presented a report and memorial as planned. Subse- Low Sosa. cost of the tentative design for a monument to be quently Senator Gurney and Congress- It was not until June of the following placed in the circle in front of Balboa year that President Roosevelt appointed man Bland, then Chairman of the House F^lementary School. This was approved the Goethals Memorial Commission with Merchant Marine and Com- by the Commission at a meeting on mittee, introduced legislation to increase ( ieneral Pershing as Chairman. Members April 4, 1952. The plans were then pre- the appropriation to but the were Colonel O'Laughlin, Vice Chairman, $300,000, sented to President Truman a few days increase never voted. Senator Morris Sheppard, U. S. Repre- was later by General Schley and Mr. Gurney, sentatives Si iuyler Otis Bland and More Changes Of Commission and the President gave his approval. Swager Sherley, Governor Schley, and The next three years saw further Governor Seybold was appointed a General Wood. Of these, only General changes in the Commission and additional member of the Commission iSee page IB) —


didn't, well—there was a boat out

Monniche Recalls First Emergency Dam Tests every . . . week." Norwegian-born, Mr. Monniche was educated in Norway and in Germany. He had worked for the American Bridge Company, among others, before he joined the designing staff of the Isthmian Canal Commission in 1908. For a while he was in Washington but came to the Canal Zone when the entire group of designing engineers was transferred to the Canal Zone. Helped Build Cristobal Piers After the Canal was completed, Mr. Monniche worked under Adm. Harry Rousseau on the Cristobal docks. He

helped to complete Cristobal's Piers 8, 9, and 10, and then designed and began work on Piers 6 and 7. He is just about as proud of his work on the piers as he is of his emergency dams, but not quite. Mrs. Monniche ruefully comments that the dams were and are—his first love. Since he left the Canal organization in 1917, the Monniches have been living in Boquete where they have a 365- hectare coffee finca. Some of his engin- eering genius has gone into the design of machinery and equipment for coffee picking, which has made the work a lot easier and faster. TOLLEF B. MONNICHE, now SO, on a recent visit to the emergency dam at Pedro Miguel Locks which he designed. Now almost 80, he is still a master of design. After a recent visit to the locks Tollef B. Monniche, whose name had to be seen to be believed. Probably and a technical conversation with him, engineers speak with considerable respect, one of the best things about the Colonel one present-day Canal engineer put it still believes there were two high points was that he gave a man a job and undi- this way: "He has something there. in the years when he helped to build the vided responsibility to do it. If he made I'm not sure I followed it all, but he knows Panama Canal. good, fine, he got credit for it; if he what he's talking about." One was in May 1913, when the first of the great emergency dams which he had designed and whose construction he had supervised was closed for the first President Roosevelt Visits Zone time. He was pretty sure that the great dam, two and a half times heavier than any drawbridge ever built before to swing on a single pivot, would work, but it was with considerable relief that he saw the dam swing out over the end of the east chamber at Gatun Locks. The other high moment was not long before the Canal was opened for traffic. The dam at the east side of Gatun Locks was swung into place and tested against a full head of water. It was as near as final test as could be made of the dams, which were designed to stop the flow of water through the lock chambers should one of the gates fail. The dam was swung into a closed position, the emergency gates lowered and wedged, the intermediate gates of the upper chamber were closed and water was admitted to the full upper section to the level of the gate. The upper guard and operating gates were then opened and the chamber was emptied through the culvert. It made a head of water of 45 feet on the upstream side of the dam. The dam, of course, held. Never Used For Emergency

The six emergency dams, which cost over $2,250,000, required 12,000 tons of MORE THAN FORTY-FIVE years ago, a President of the United States took the unprecedented material and took over four years to step of leaving the country. The visit was to the Canal Zone. Rain drenched the presidential party for three days but President covered the Canal Zone from end to end, stopping at design and erect, have never had to be every town "along the line" and at every major project to see how things were going. as that for used for such an emergency "It is without precedent for a President to leave the United States, but this is a work without preced- which they were designed, but they have ent," President Theodore Roosevelt told the men who were building the Panama Canal. "You are doing been used from time to time as spillways. the biggest thing of this kind that has ever been done." Plans for the President's visit in November 1906 began as early as June of that it Although Mr. Monniche worked under year, as soon as was definite that the visit would be made. All during the summer, Isthmian Canal officials conferred the supervision of Col. Harry F. Hodges, among themselves and with representatives of the new Republic of Panama, and, by mid-September, he frequently saw and worked with had a tentative schedule mapped out. Colonel Goethals. A major problem was a place of lodging for the Presidential party. The Tivoli Hotel was under construction, with its completion date well beyond the week in November when the President was expected. "He was a wonderful executive," the Finally it was determined that at least one wing "could be furnished and otherwise fitted up in such a bridge designer says today. "Under him manner to afford appropriate and adequate facilities for the party's comfort and welfare." and the alter- the esprit de corps was something which nate offer of an official house for the Roosevelt party was declined. 16 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954 "ew Canal Construction Veterans Left

Within the next few there will years more than 11,000 were employed by great man, the letter is reprinted here not be a single employee on the active recruiting agents in Spain, Italy, and in full. It was signed by James Leonard, rolls who can say "I helped build the Greece. Preston Boyer, William Rice, John Panama Canal." Recruitment In Tomlinson, S. R. Forde, Benjamin Must numerous of those still in service Blackman, Special recruiting agents were sta- John Peters, and M. G. who came to the Isthmus before the Blackett, tioned in the West Indies from 1904 to "in behalf of all the colored S. S. Ancon made its historic trip through employees of 1908, but all had been withdrawn from The Panama Canal." The the Canal on August 15, 1914, are the letter permanent assignments by 1909. How- follows: remnants of the many thousands of "Having heard it ever, it was necessary during later years that is your intention employees from the West Indies. No to relinquish of the construction period to send agents your position as Governor accurate statistics were ever compiled on of The on recruiting trips to the for Panama Canal, we, the undersigned the total number employed during the additional men needed. on behalf of the colored employees of Canal construction period but over Throughout the time Colonel Goethals The Panama Canal, take the liberty to 30,000 were hired under contract from was in charge of the work and while he express our appreciation and gratitude the West Indian islands. was Governor of The Panama Canal he for all you have done for us collectively, Concurrently with the bringing of this gave particular attention to the welfare and also to let you know how sincerely large labor supply under contract, there and happiness of the employees. He we regret your expected departure. was a big immigration from the West "Those of provided means for all employees from us who have been on the Indies and a continuous movement of work practically the highest to the lowest to voice any from the beginning of population back and forth to the Canal complaint which they might have with your administration as Chairman and Zone throughout the construction era. Chief the assurance of having them adjusted Engineer, recall with gratitude the It is estimated that as many came to the promptly. interest you have always evinced in your Isthmus voluntarily seeking work as He listened personally to thousands of colored employees; how you have per- were hired by contract. complaints and no one was more patient sisted in giving us employment despite the Many Veteran Employees Retire in such matters. He usually set aside severe criticism that has confronted his Sunday mornings for employees to you; how you have given us a hearing on Up until the start of World War II, all questions, troubles have a personal interview with if and adjusted our when the Canal force was greatly ex- him they felt aggrieved when necessary (this alone speaks vol- panded, these construction-day employ- over something or wished to adjust even personal differences. umes), for there is nothing so valuable ees formed the main body of the local- No matter whether these complaints to man as 'free speech' and this we have rate force. The percentage has rapidly came from his top supervisors pick-and- received at the hand of your able decreased over the past 15 years and the or shovel men, they were patiently heard. administration. number of oldtimers has been greatly When complaints justified "These facts have caused us to arrive reduced during the past few months by appeared they were thoroughly investigated and the at the conclusion that you believe in the the accelerated retirement of all those necessary steps taken for adjustment. 'brotherhood of man.' Be assured that 65 years of age or older. every rung you took hold of in your The problem of obtaining a sufficient Fair And Equal Treatment climb to the top, we were always wishing number of men for the Canal construction This quality of fair and equal treatment you to take hold of the next higher, know- work was one which plagued all three for all won for Colonel Goethals a place of ing that the higher you went so much Chief Engineers of the Isthmian Canal lasting endearment in the hearts of those higher would we have a sympathizer and Commission. Even as late as 1909, two who worked for him. This was true friend, if we be permitted to term you. years after Colonel Goethals became alike of the American employee and the "Again we express our regret, wishing Chairman and Chief Engineer, it was man who came from the West Indies. you and yours continued prosperity. necessary to import that year over 3,500 Of the many high tributes to "The Governor Goethals, we (as aliens) will employees under contract. Colonel" none is more revealing than a surely miss you, but we hope that your During the first two years of construc- letter in the Canal files to him expressing successor will follow your footsteps." tion practically all of the unskilled labor the gratitude and best wishes of West force was imported from the West Indies. Indian employees. It was written in The recruitment of laborers in Europe June 1915, when there were insistent Plans For Memorial 25 Years In Making began in 1906 after 500 Spanish laborers rumors that Colonel Goethals was soon employed on railroad work in were to leave the Isthmus. (Continued from page 14) on June 3 of brought to the Isthmus. Following this, Because of the unique tribute to a 1952 and he was later appointed con- tracting officer. The Panama firm of Mendez and Sander was employed as Associate Architects in June and formal contracts for the work were awarded in August 1952 to Constructora Martinz, S. A., of Panama, and the Vermont Marble Co. Memorial Site Changed Since that time there was one further change in the plans for the Goethals Memorial. Because of the hazard to low flying aircraft, the location of the Memor- ial was changed to the plot of ground immediately in front of the Administration Building steps. Delivery of the marble was made early in January 1953 and the work was initi- ated a few weeks later. The Memorial was completed, except for final landscap- ing, last August. The final inspection was made and the Memorial was form- ally accepted last September at a brief ceremony. Participating were Col. Craig Smyser, Panama Canal Engineering and Construction Director, representing Gov- ernor Seybold; James C. Wright, repre- senting the contracting firm of Construc- A FAMILIAR SCENE during much of the Canal construction period was the mustering of laborers tora Martinz, S. A., and Harold W. Sander, after the arrival of a ship with contract workers from the West Indies. This shows a scene at Gorgona where the men are being, what is now termed as "processed," before being assigned to their jobs. Most member of the associate architectural of the employees hired by contract in the West Indies came from . firm. ,

April 2, 1954 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW 17 The Panama Canal Honor Roll

Of the many grave problems faced in Chairman and Chief Engineer he recom- The publication of the Canal's Honor the building of the Panama Canal none mended that a special medal be designed Roll of men and women who began their was of greater importance than that of and presented to all American employees Canal careers under the Isthmian Canal obtaining and keeping a force to do the who completed two years of continuous Commission was initiated in the first job. Into this were woven a hundred service. The suggestion followed a state- issue of the Canal Review in May 1950. complexities, of which climate, food, ment made by President Theodore Roose- The rapid decrease of the list is indicated housing, recreation, and health conditions velt on his trip to the Isthmus in 1906 in th • fact that the first in 1950 contained were among the most important. that he would favor the issuance of such 106 names. All three Chief Engineers of the Isth- a medal. Honor Roll Is Depleted mian Canal Commission devoted much It was a fortuitous suggestion and Two of those whose names are con- of their attention to the important prob- proved to be one of the inducements tained on this year's list, Vincent G. lem of assembling and keeping the tens of which led many an old timer to resist a Raymond and George H. Cassell, were thousands of workers in many varied sudden impulse to tell his boss abruptly retired at the end of March, and several fields of endeavor upon which success of "I quit," a common occurrence in those others will reach retirement age during the great venture would stand or fall. days. the coming year. Their efforts in recruiting employees Letter From "Teddy" Roosevelt Publication of the Honor Roll is from the United States were greatly In the Panama Canal files today there normally made in the May issue of the hampered by unfavorable publicity dur- of the date of is enclosed a yellowing letter dated Review in commemoration ing the early part of the construction December 23, 1907, written on White May 4, 1904, when the Canal properties period when "yellow jack," , and House stationery from President Roose- and rights were transferred to the United other tropical diseases were rampant. velt to Colonel Goethals, which reads: States. Its publication this year was This bad publicity had a lasting effect "In accordance with your suggestion moved forward one month to coincide although it was greatly offset during the the I direct that the Commission prepare with the dedication of Goethals latter part of the construction period. orders for giving medals to all citizens of Memorial and the 40th anniversary of Many Added Inducements the United States who have served on the the date when Colonel Goethals became Canal. Many added inducements were made to Isthmus for two years and who have the first Governor of The Panama obs?rvance of the 50th anniversary attract men of the highest type to the rendered satisfactory service. When you The in which the trans- Isthmus from the United States and to have perfected the details of the scheme of the famous ceremony fer was will occur on May 4 of this keep them here after they arrived. please submit it to me, so that I may made are longer any employees Despite these inducements the rate of get a thoroughly good artist to design year. There no came to the Isthmus from the turnover in the force was exceptionally the medals." who United States in that first year of the high during most of the construction Employees who completed two years construction period in active service period. of additional service were given bars to there are a few who still reside The total number of employments and go with the medals. According to the although in the United States. reemployments during the Canal con- record, there were issued 7,391 Roosevelt on the Isthmus and In the accompanying list the names struction was approximately 40,000, al- medals; 3,883 first bars indicating four Medal holders are indi- though the force at no time exceeded years of continuous service; 1,865 second of the Roosevelt cated the asterisk. The three names 7,000. bars, six years; 636 third bars, eight by capital letters indicate continuous Soon after Colonel Goethals became years; and 41 fourth bars, ten years. in service with the Canal. Of the more than 7,000 employees to receive the highly prized Roosevelt medals, only 12, whose pictures appear on this page, were in service on March 31, the 40th anniversary of the date when the Isthmian Canal Commission ceased to exist.

1906 *Vincent G. Raymond—December 16 1907 *Florence E. Williams—March 1 mm Vincent G. Raymond Florence E. Williams 1908 Raymond A. Koperski Lea K. Dugan *Charles P. Morgan—October 26 1909 *Adrien M. Bouche—July 2 1910 *George H. Cassell—January 20 *Raymond B. Ward—June 13 *Raymond A. Koperski—June 27 1911 *Lea K. Dugan—June 6 *GEORGE N. ENGELKE—September 5 *Bernard W. Mclntyre—September 28 *Gregor Gramlich—October 14 Adrien M. Bouche Charles P. Morgan 1912 George N. Engelke Bernard W. Mclntyre Samuel J. Deavours—March 1 Thomas J. Breheny—November 1 *Edward W. Schnake—November 26 George C. Orr—December 5 ARTHUR MORGAN—December 16 1913 Bernard J. McDaid—February 19 David W. Ellis—June 11 Edward P. Walsh—July 1 EMMETT ZEMER—July 10 William V. Brugge—December 17 1914 l George H. Cassell Gregor Gramlicb Clarendon Sealy—March 6 Raymond B. Ward Edward W. Schnake 18 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954


An article in the National Safety successful in conducting employee safety as a separate and distinct theme, but as Council's News Letter says: "There is no indoctrination procedures, there have an integral part of the job instruction. such thing as good shop or job operation, been selected certain fundamental steps 7. In giving instructions to the begin- effective, if it is accomplished with an unsatisfactory which seem particularly and ner everything must make sense to the interest to it. i\ record. This holds true no matter which may be of our super- employee. He should not only be told what the production quantity and quality visory and safety personnel. and shown what to do, but also why it figures may be." 1. Operating instructions specific to the should be done in the specified way. Industry has found out that one weak individual bureaus and division should be 8. It is the supervisor's responsibility spot is in the indoctrination of the new established with safety emphasized. The to see that the new employee is outfitted employee. This is where we all are apt solicitation of safety suggestions will be with the personal protective items required tu be somewhat remiss. Every job found helpful in developing safe working for the job and that he receives instruc- should have a workable procedure estab- procedures. tions on their use, cleaning, and care. for teaching every new employe? lished 2. The new employee, at the time of 9. Sometime later, after the employee do it safely. It should his job and how to hiring, should be given a brief background has begun to see things more clearly, he in safety indoctrina- also have a program of the Company's interest in safe oper- should be introduced to the unit's safety employees who have been tion of present ations and its intention to carry through organization and accident prevention promoted to new jobs. transferred or all safety plans. program. It should be explained how the From those companies which have been 3. He should be impressed with the safety organization functions and how he fact that his close cooperation is essential is to report an accident in case he has one. ROLL in order to achieve a safe working place He should understand his responsibility HONOR for himself and his fellow workers. He in promoting safety and his rights if he Bureau Award For should also be told that any deliberate does get into an accident. infraction of safety rules or repeated 10. A follow-up is important to see if BEST RECORD disregard of common-sense safe practices the new employee has learned everything FEBRUARY on his part will not be tolerated. taught him, and that he has not developed invented 4. The employee should be personally dangerous short cuts, and HEALTH BUREAU introduced to his foreman and fellow dangerous procedures. workers by those directly in charge of 11. A supervisor must never condone operations. an unsafe practice on the part of any of his employees. Accidents occur because AWARDS THIS CALENDAR YEAR 5. The employee's immediate super- visor should review the operation in a supervisor permits unsafe acts again Community Services 1 necessary preliminary detail, carefully and again until the unsafe practice Health 1 discussing the various safe operating becomes a habit, and wins favor because Engineering and Construction requirements. He should also show the of supervisory indifference. Repetition Civil Affairs employee how his safe operation ties in finally meets with special circumstances Marine with the other units as a whole, in order which result in an accident. Supply and Service to round out the employee's understand- 12. New supervisors should start out Transportation and Terminals ing that his observance of safe practices by observing all safety rules; by looking is essential to the safe operation of the for unsafe conditions which should be Division Award For whole. corrected at once, or proposals made for 6. In the course of job instruction th3 corrections as soon as possible. They DISABLING INJURIES NO safety procedures should be covered not should always practice safety themselves. FEBRUARY HOSPITALIZATION AND CLINICS Disabling Injuries per 1,000,000 Man-Hours Worked



RAILROAD DIVISION Community Services Bureau

AIDS TO NAVIGATION Civil Affairs Bureau SANITATION DIVISION OF C. Z. Govt.-Pan. Can. Co ( Last 3-Year Aver.)

Engineering and Construction Bureau WVARDS THIS CALENDAR YEAR Supply and Service Bureau Aids to Navigation 2 2 Clubhouse Marine Bureau Sanitation 2

Electrical 1 C. Z. Govt.-Pan. Can. Co. ( This Month) Grounds Maintenance 1 Transportation and Terminals Bureau Hospitalization and Clinics 1 , '*•::r : ':':':'::-': : ••• • -'-y. :•:••:•: : : ::: x-:--.- ::-;:,: :TT:-:v : x: \ ;<:<: ^SZW M otor Transports tion 1 Railroad 1

Storehouses 1 Worked 2,205,108 Commissary..- Number of Disabling Injuries 47 Man-Hours LEGEND Industrial Amount Better Than Canal Zone Government—Panama Canal Company Last 3-Year Average I Locks Canal Company Last 3-Year Average Maintenance I Amount Worse Than Canal Zone Government—Panama Navigation ^___^ : Terminals f: :-:v.yfl Accumulative Frequency Rate This Year April 2, 1954 THE PANAMA CANAL'REVIEW 19


February 15 through March 15 Retirement certificates were presented the end of March to the following Employees who were promoted or trans- HEALTH BUREAU employees who are listed alphabetically, together ferred between February 15 and March 15 with Dr. Eric R. Osterberg, from Medical their birth places, titles, length are listed below. Regradings and within- of service, Officer. Hospitalization and Clinics, to and future addresses. grade promotions are not listed. Medical Officer, Panama and Colon. Herman H. Burkle, West ; CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU MARINE BUREAU Riveter and Tank 'Tester, Industrial Divi- Walter Oliver, from High School Teacher sion; 23 years, 6 months, 22 days; Sacra- Charles D. Cheek, from Electric to Academic Department Head, Division of Weld. mento, Calif. er, Industrial Division, to Towing Schools. Loco- George H. Cassell, New York; Assist- motive Operator, Atlantic Locks. Roger E. Hamor, from Fireman to Fire ant Chief, Housing Division, and Manager, Gilbert F. Lee, Kenneth G. Taylor, Sergeant, Fireff)ivision. Balboa Housing Office; 41 years, 8 months, from Guard to Towing Kenneth T. Daly, from Fire Sergeant to Locomotive Oper- 26 days; . ator, Atlantic Locks. Fire Lieutenant. George H. Byrne, New Jersey; Wire- Daniel A. Marsicano, from Pump Oper- Henry E. Sellner, from Cash Accounting man, Electrical Division; 37 years, 9 ator, Dredging Division, Clerk, Commissary Division, to Fireman, to Towing Loco- months, 19 days; East Orange, N. motive Operator, Pacific Locks. J. Fire Division. Matthew Dey, New Jersey. Cable William J. Baldwin, from Policeman, Mrs. Elvera S. Juilfs, from Substitute Splicer, Electrical Division; 12 years, Police Division, to Towing Locomotive Teacher to Clerk-Stenographer, Division of 1 month, 10 days; address uncertain Operator, Atlantic Lucks. Schools. Bessie M. Dugan, Head Nurse, Gorgas Roger H. Swain, from Probationarv to Fred E. Perra, Henry C. DeRaps, from Hospital; 19 years, 11 months, 28 days; Qualified Policeman and Detective to Police Sergeant. Pilot, Navigation Division. address uncertain. Kenneth L. Bivin, from Pilot-in- Beverly C. Y. Chan, from Library Train- Robert W. Erickson, Wisconsin, Assist- ing to Probationarv Pilot, Navigation Assistant to Librarian, Library. ant to Superintendent, Northern District. Division. Mrs. Jacqueline M. Conn, from Sub- Motor Transportation Division; 34 years, Oscar M. Sogandares, stitute Teacher to Kindergarten Assistant, from Signalman. 5 months, 24da\s; Hudson, Wis. Navigation Division, to Ferry Ramps Division of Schools. Catharine W. Fisher, California; Tele- Maintenance Repairman, Mrs. Mercedes A. Smith, from Substi- Ferrv Service. phone Operator, Communications Branch; Frederick C. Rose, from Ferry Ramps tute Teacher to High School Teacher, 6 years, 1 month, 11 days; Panama. Maintenance Repairman to Chief Division of Schools. Towboat Bernard J. McDaid, New York; Mate- Engineer, Navigation Division. Mrs. Marjorie M. French, from rials Inspector, Division of Storehouses; 27 Substitute Teacher to Elementarj Teacher, PERSONNEL BUREAU years, 6 months, 2 days; Colon for present. Division of Schools. Mrs. Marguerite Y. Budreau, from James C. MacAulay, Scotland; Black- Linda C. Appin, Clerk-Stenographer, Appointment Clerk to Supervisory Appoint- smith, Industrial Division; 13 years, 3 from Division of Schools to Police Division. ment Clerk, Personnel Records Division. months, 12 days; Canal Zone for present. Hollis Griffon, Virgil G. Camby, from Mrs. Betty O. Boyer, from Clerk- Alice W. Patten, Maine; Accountant, Policeman to Policeman and Detective, Cost Accounts Branch; 111 years, Typist, Employment and Utilization I >iv i- 6 months, Police Division. sion, to Clerk-Stenographer, Personnel 18 days; Ellsworth, Me. COMMUNITY SERVICES BUREAU Records Division. Vincent G. Raymond, New York; George J. Marceau, from Clubhouse SUPPLY BUREAU Machinist Leadingman Special, Industrial Manager, Margarita, to Supervisor, North- Division; 34 years. 5 months, 22 days; John F. Manning, from Superintendent, ern District and Clubhouse Manager, address uncertain. Abattoir and Cold Storage Margarita. Plant to Whole- Earl E. Trout, Indiana, Safety Inspec- sale Groceries Manager, Commissary Divi- tor, Office of Director, Supply Bureau; OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER sion. Malcolm 27 years, 1 month, 27 days; address un- R. Wheeler, from Accountant, TRANSPORTATION Cost Accounts Branch, AND TERMINALS certain. to Auditor, Internal BUREAU Audit Staff. John W. Whittredge, Texas; Steam Locomotive Operator; John R. DeGrummond, Jr., from Mrs. Shirley C. Jones, from Clerk- Dredging Division; 17 Accountant to Fiscal Accountant, Agents Typist to Storekeeper (General), Motor years, 2 months, 12 days; Accounts Branch. Transportation Division. Fayetteville, Ark. William F. Browne, from Transporta- Frank P. McLaughlin, Jr., from Gauger Robert M. Wilford, Kentucky; Assist- tion Rate Auditing Clerk to Accountant, and Cribtender Foreman to Cribtender ant to Master of Transportation, Railroad Agents Accounts Branch. Foreman and Steam Engineer, Terminals Division; 26 years, 6 months, 6 days; address uncertain. Mrs. Esther T. McKinney, from Clerk- Division. Typist, Costs Accounts Branch, to Account- Mrs. Frances B. Orvis, from Superv isorv ing Clerk, Agents Accounts Branch. Accounting Clerk, Printing Plant, to Clerk-

I isor, Mrs. Anna Jackson, Mrs. Catherine ypist. Motor Transportation Division. v Locks 1 Jivision. B. Moehle, Card Punch Operator, from Harold L. Conrad, from Signalman. 20 YEARS Navigation Division, Accounting Division to Payroll Branch. to Gauger and Crib- Ethel G. Cooper, Property and Supplv tender Foreman, Terminals ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Division. Clerk, Dredging Division. BUREAU Roger L. Deakins, Electrician and Oper- John E. Short, from Senior Powerhouse ator Foreman, Electrical Division. Operator to Powerhouse Operator Dis- ANNIVERSARIES *Bessie M. Dugan, Head Nurse, Gorgas patcher, Electrical Division. Hospital. Donald E. MacLean, from Powerhouse William C. Grimes, Auditor, Office of Operator to Senior Powerhouse Operator, Employees who observed important anni- the Comptroller. Electrical Division. versaries during the month of March are Frank D. Harris, Chief, Aids to Navi- Fred L. Watson, from Batching Plant listed alphabetically below. The number gation Section, Marine Bureau. Foreman to Repair Shop Foreman, Main- of years includes all Government service Joseph J. Lukacs, Filtration Plant tenance Division. with the Canal or other agencies. Those Operator, Maintenance Division. Winters A. Hope, from Hydrographic with continuous service with, the Canal are Gustave A. Moller, Hcav v Special Truck Engineer (Dredging) to Hydrographic En- indicated with (*). Driver, Motor 'Transportation Division. gineer, Engineering Division. Albert F. Pate, Control House Operator, 40 YEARS Manuel Quintero R., fr0m Civil Locks Division. Thomas E. Bougan, Chief, Engineering Draftsman, Engineering Divi- Retail Stores *Otis M. Ramey, Yard Foreman, Rail- Branch, Commissary Division. sion, to General Construction Inspector, Division. Contract and Inspection Division. 35 YEARS Glenn W. Redmond, Shipfitter, Indus- Mirt Bender, from Special Combination Martin Nickel, Pipefitter and Sheet- trial Division. Welder, Maintenance Division, to Pumping metal Worker, Leadingman Special, Indus- 15 YEARS Plant Operator, Water and Laboratories trial Division. *John T. Barrett, Jr., Pilot, Naviga- Branch. *Mal T. Pappendick, Abattoir Fore- t ii mi Division. Ralph E. Waugh, from Wireman to man, Commissary Division. Carlton S. Bell, Policeman, Police Divi- Electronics Mechanic, Electrical Division. 30 YEARS sion. Donald B. Tribe, from Chemist (Com- Robert C. Calvitt, Plumber, Main- Walter T. McClure, Mailing Foreman, pliance Analysis) to Chemist, Water and tenance Divi-n hi. Postal, Customs, and Immigration Division. Laboratories Branch. * Alfred N. Hval, Diesel Operator- Macon W. Foscue, from Electrical 25 YEARS Machinist, Electrical Division. Engineer to Supervisory Electrical Engin- *Arzie N. Beauchamp, Mechanical •James J. Latimer, Policeman, Police eer, Electrical Division. Engineer, Engineering Division. I livision. Richard J. Mahoney, from General *William R. Calcutt, Pilot, Navigation Florence E. Mallett, Time, Leave, and Construction Inspector to Supervisory Division. Payroll Clerk, Payroll Branch. Construction Inspector, Contract and In- *Harold E. Chambers, Locomotive *Salvatore F. Mauro, Wireman, Indus- spection Division. Engineer, Railroad Division. trial Division. Anthony J. Catanzaro, from Machin- Katharine I. Clark, High School *Fred Muller, Pipefitter, Industrial ist to Motorboat Maintenance Mechanic. Teacher, Division of Schools. I division. Dredging Division. Roscoe M. Collins, Dock Foreman, *Ralph H. Otten, General Architect, William C. Jordan, from Motorboat Navigation Division. Engineering Division. Maintenance Mechanic to Air Compressor William H. Rinke, Lock Operator, John S. Pettingill, General Department Operator, Barge, Dredging Division. Machinist Leader, Locks Division. Head, Physical Education and Recreation Robert F. Dunn, from Air Compressor *Otis W. Ryan, Commissary Manager, Branch. Operator, Barge, to Engineer, Commissary Steam Division. *Edward K. Wilburn, Towboat Master, Locomotive Crane, Dredging Division. Albert H. Shockey, Mechanical Super- Dredging Division. 20 THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW April 2, 1954 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA







M. L. WALKER HARRY BURGESS JULIAN L. SCHLEY C. S.RIDLEY OCTOBER 16,1924 -OCTOBER 13,1928 OCTOBER 16, 1926 -OCTOBER 20,1952 OCTOBER 21. 1932 -OCTOBER 26.1936 AUGUST 27.1936 - JULY 10,1940

GLEN E. EDGERTON JOSEPH C MEHAFFEY F. K. NEWCOMER JOHN S. SEYBOLD JULY II, 1940 — MAY 15.1944 MAY It, 1944 — MAY 19,1946 MAY 20,1946 — MAY 26,1952 MAY 27, 1952