Volume Ix. Washington City, D. C., February 8, 1880
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VOLUME IX. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., FEBRUARY 8, 1880. NUMBER 50. dencies of the times. What was a bare majority had been corruption it could be proven under the THE RADICAL CONVENTION. REVIEW OF THE WEEK. at Harrisburg will be a two-thirds vote in the rigid rules which Blackburn laid down. If there LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. had not been any, of course it could not be proven New York convention. And what was a two- Bowen and Cook Elected Delegates—Disgraceful and [By the National Associated Press.) BY A. C. BUELL. thirds vote in New York will become a whirl- under any rules. Hearsay and rumor were ex- Disgusting Scenes. CREMATION. wind at Chicago. Blaine may succeed in snatch- cluded. Facts and documents only were admit- The agitation which has been apparent in local During the seven or eight years of my ing the Vice Presidency 'from the wreck, pro- ted. The result is that the investigation has nar- Republican circles for several weeks culminated The Body of a Tonus lady Placed In the familiarity with national political affairs I have vided he speaks for it hi time. If not, the Grant rowed down to the limits above set forth, and the in the nominating convention which came to an I.e Moyne Crematory at Washington, observed, among other things, that wherever men will take charge of the whole business, and committee has not been imposed upon. end last evening. The glorious right of freemen Pennsylvania. there was a Republican machine In operation in make a bid for support south of the line, by nom- Now In going into all these particulars, I have to get drunk and yell for their man was exercised PITTSBURG, February 7.—The remains of Miss any State-Has for example the Cameron machine inating an ex-Confederate for Vice President. in view two objects: first to vindicate the posi- to the fullest extent by the freemen who as- Dolly Hartman were taken to Washington,. in Pennsylvania—the newspapers invariably Penna., this morning, and at noon were placed in Meanwhile the Democrats appear to be keeping tion I took In these premises four weeks ago, sembled In the convention. As it is only once In have it beaten and smashed just before any Im- the Le Moyne crematory. The usual funeral ser- their powder dry, though there is a steady set of which was that of cautioning the committee four years that the freeman in the District has a vices of the Swedenborgian church were held portant convention. The late contest in Pennsyl- the current in favor of a Western candidate, against being dragged by the wiles of irresponsi- chance to vote for anything, all the enthusiasm last night at the house, in this city, and there vania wis no exception to the rule. Nothing were no services at the furnace. which the passage of the Potter bill in the New ble "informers," or the over-zeal of its own mem- bottled up during the long Interval Is let out In seemed clearer to the mind of the average great WASHINGTON, PENNA., February 7.—The re- York legislature will make a necessity. The sit- bers into the humiliation of another Glover the convention. The scenes about Tallmadge American journalist a week ago than that the mains of Miss Dolly Hartman, accompanied by uation Is becoming interesting. fiasco. This is my main object. The other and Hall on Friday were of a most disgraceful char- her parents, three brothers, the Rev. Mr. Veter- Clan Cameron would be routed, horse, foot and secondary object Is to afford Mr. John Walsh a acter. The most ardent advocates of suffrage In burg and Miss Monlnger, were brought here from dragoons, by the resistless cohorts of Blaine at Pittsburg on the 11 a. m. train to-day. The re- "What is known as the "Star Koute " in- full public hearing, to which, as the pivot of a the District were thoroughly disgusted, and the the Harrisburg convention. The Young Loch- mains, inclosed in a handsome mahogany casket, vestigation, which was referred to somewhat at congressional Investigation, he is certainly enti- " suffrage boom " has probably been cdmpletely were taken In a hearse to the crematory on Gal- invar <of Pennsylvania, Don Cameron, had un- length in these columns three or four weeks ago, tled. killed., low's Hill, about a mile and a half distant from dertaken to secure two things in that convention: here. appears to be approaching a finale. Of course But beyond the temporary or passing Impor- first, Instructions to the Chicago delegation to The vast majority of the delegates were black Everything being in readiness, the body was there is no means of even guessing what the re- tance of this particular Investigation there is a dressed in a fine white dress, with lilies of the vote.as a unit; ¡and, second, to cast that unit vote men of the lowest order. When the eloquent port of the committee will be, but that it must be matter of permanent Interest suggested by the valley around the neck. The features were for Grant. This, we were told by several great and Irreligious Bob Ingersoll was mentioned as a slightly shrunken, but looked very beautiful anct made before long is apparent ; unless, indeed, the contest that ought not to be overlooked. I refer American journalists, was a much larger contract candidate for the Chicago convention many of the as though she was asleep. Her beautiful brown coterie of professional banditti whom Mr. John to the uses and abuses of congressional investi- hair was removed, and after short seivice, con- than Hon could All, In the first place, we were " cullid brethren" wanted to know, " Who Is this Walsh handled so unceremoniously in his testi- gation at large. It ought to be known to the sisting of reading and a sprinkling of ashes, the informed that Mr. Blaine was overwhelmingly Ingersoll?" Votes in the convention were esti- body at 11:44 a. m. was placed on the retort. mony last Thursday, should, as a last desperate dullest mind by this time that Washington Is In- popular in the rural districts of the Keystone mated to be worth about a dollar apiece. Some of There was at first a slight odor, which did not, , resort, succeed In accomplishing by delay what fested—I might say fairly overrun—with a gang however, last long. As the body weighed only ••State. In the second place, It was vouchsafed to them probably went cheaper. The result of the they have failed to accomplish by exposure. of professional blackmailers, blood-suckers and eighty pounds, It was not expected the incinera- ¡us that the-sturdy Republican yeomanry of Penn- balloting was [a great surprise to the Ingersoll tion would take over two hours. The family re- The testimony of Walsh was really the most sneak thieves, operating mainly in the guise of sylvania cherished an immovable antipathy to men, who counted upon electing their man with- turned to Pittsburg in the afternoon, Where the interesting and Instructive feature of the whole " lawyers" or " claim agents," whose actual avo- ashes will be sent to them. Each person present third terms on principle. In the third place, It out much opposition. The old love of the darkies affair; not only on account of Its bearing upon cation is that of plundering Government con- was admitted to the crematory to witness the "Was said ithat Don Cameron lacked, to a great for Sayles J. Bowen began to crop out towards the Immediate subject-matter, but also by reason tractors, and whose modus vivendi lies in the burning. •extent, the .magic personal power and individual the end, however, and the eloquent Bob lost of its character as an expose of the agencies by facility with which "Investigations" can be In- prestige by dint of which his venerable sire had ground. which investigations generally are set on foot. stigated. It is high time that something was Bob Ingersoll Talks of tbe Presidential «0 long swayed things. And in the fourth place, The second and final ballot at Lincoln Hall Doubtless the personal interests and affairs of done to correct, or at least to modify, this evil. Prospects. it was deduced from all these premises that if last evening resulted as follows: John F. Cook, Mr. John Walsh are of little or no interest to the The experience of Mr. Walsh Is only one CHICAGO, III., February 7.—Colonel Robert G. !Don succeeded in merely preventing instructions 66; Sayles J. Bowen, 60; C.B.Purvis, 44; A.M. Ingersoll says if the question was left to the Re- general public as such ; but when, as in the pres- among a myriad. It has been brought to light for Blaine, his most sanguine expectations would Clapp, 22; R. G. Ingersoll, 20. Bowen and Cook publicans of Pennsylvania, unfettered by Sena- ent case, they serve as a sample of the methods simply because Walsh, unlike the average Gov- tor Cameron, he thought their choice would have be fulfilled and the worst fears of his opponents were declared elected. by which thè powers of Congress are employed ernment contractor, is a combative person, and been Senator Blaine, instead of General Grant. •realized. Bowen made a speech, in which he announced If Illinois is really for Grant, Senator Logan will by professional blackmailers to make their vic- will not submit to extortion, preferring rather to be able to deliver the State for him; but not other- Such was (toe theory of a great many able edi- tims stand and deliver, the case assumes a wider light it out.