High Country News Vol. 6.18, Sept. 13, 1974
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LRT. 2-High Country News Friday, Sept. 13, 1974 Some observations on a'trek to Oregon, 1974: Our family can now better appreciate the personal an- guish of uprooting from an ancestral home and re-settling hundreds of miles away. How much more traumatic must have been the experience of people who put all their earthly possessions in a covered wagon and set out across a wilderness to a land of unknowns. They had none of the amenities which we now enjoy, and what we consider . necessities would have been pure luxury to our handy forebears. My admiration and respect for those people is unbounded. ' :. , Nevertheless, it is a painful experience to put all your earthly goods in a modem version of a Conestoga - a U-Haul - and pull away from dearly loved ones and lifelong friends. There ate moments when it still seems unreal in spi te-of the blessings of this good new land. It is an irony ofsorte that we moved from one area rich in the history of the Oregon Trail to another near the ter- minus of \the great migration way. Between here and Baker, the old trail passes through an area not too unlike that from South Pass to the Big Sandy. Crossinglt this side • of Baker reminds me somewhat of the crossing of Highway . 28 near Pacific Springs. And so I am comforted by being so close to this cherished trace of history that has been.near to my heart in the years gene by. We are not deliberately trying to emulate the early Letters pioneers in so many ways but we are still without electric- !!!!! Dear Tom Bell, The very serious technological gap that I see , ity or running water. (That is, running water by pipe. It . is the inability of power companies to store elec- conveniently runs from little creek to house by the bucket Reference your July 5 announcement that full.) The lights in our temporary mobile home' are by you are turning over the editorship ofllCN to tricity. Millions of k'ilowatt-houra are gener- candle and a borrowed kerosene lamp. Hopefully, th~ well Joan and Bruce. You are not alone inreturning ated every day and wasted. The output of power will be finished in the week ahead and we will get ourown to the land to protect the security of your family. plants is geared to the "peak" demands (general consumption by the 'public, for example, peaks power plant. During the past five and a half years, the When we first arrived, I wanted to get electricity on an HCN has rendered superb public service by between 6 and 9 p.m, every day) and the output interim basis. I went in to see the local manager for Idaho alerting its readers to the impact of environ- always exceeds demands. Unused (surplus) Power. He is a good and .faithful employee. He im- mental charlkes upon ways of life. Your warn- power is wasted - grounded into the earth or mediately trielLto sell me on an all-electric home! That ings have caused many public awakenings. used to meet frivplous needs such rs lighting would be the cheapest fuel, he told me. I asked bim if he Many share your fears for their families in the the entire face of the Grand Coulee Dam. If didn't think rates would go up in the' years just ahead, and years to come. As the majority of the polls indi- power that isgenerated between midnight and he allowed as how they might. cate, many join in saying thanks to Watergate 6 a.m, could be stored and used to meet "peak" But no power on an interim basis. With Idaho Power, no .and Mr. Nixon for bringing to the light of day demands, the generatiIig 'capacity would not the corruption and decadence that has occurred need to be so fantastic, ' less than a 10-year contract is required before they will put in one power pole. And speaking. of poles, the cost of put- from top to bottom within the nation's Political and bureaucratic structure. As long as the news The technology of how this could he accomp- , ting power across' our quarter Of a mile would run in the ·lished has not been developed (although I sus- neighborhood of $2,300-$2,500. Some $1 ;200 of that would media, the courts and other institutions are free to function, the destructive influences of special pect in the year 2000, Earthlings will look back have to be cash on the barrel head. at 1974 as a rather primitive semi-Stone Age I do not wish to be a party ,to any more of Idaho Power's interests will eventually come out in the wash. During the past five and a half years the . era). So far the power companies have had all grandiose plans to light the Northwest with Wyoming HCN has convinced many of its readers that the the dams, steam plants, -etc, that they have coal. Just since we have .moved, Idaho Power announced .w.anted - so the need to develop the technology , plans for a new 1,500-megawatt coal-fired powerplant greatest enjoyment in life. Is not in having a few accumulate wealth while depriving the many. has not been great. It seems that it would be close to Boise. Naturally, the coal would comefrom Wyom- obvious to anyone who understands exponen- ing. And that comes on top of the announcement of a fourth What I believe it has been saying is: Wliat more does any person want out of life but·to live in tial growth that this situation isn't going to 500-megawatt unit at the Jim Bridger plant near Rock continue forever, and that someone .had better Springs, Wyo. That plant's capacity of a now-projected peace, 'to produce the necessary commodities to sustain life, to return at the end of a day's work get onthe stick and find out ways of conserving 2,000-megawattsis shared by Idaho Power and Pacific to a comfortable home, enjoy leisure and, electricity other than' urging people to turn off Power and Light, both of which will ship the -power to to after the working years are over, to live in com- their attic lights. Idaho and on west. fort and enjoy whatever one wishes? That objec- My plans weren't greatly altered. I planned to eventu- I refuse to believe that all avenues have been tive is not achieved by the dog-eat-dog ally have a small po v.er plant fueled by methane. So I . explored, and I refuse to believe that the power philosophy, w'ith its greedy goal of piling up fat ordered one fueled by propane until, I can get a methane companies have any real interest in conserving , profits for the few. ' . digester built and operating ..Ihope to' eventually also have energy. k-whole series of names like "near- As Joan and Bruce pick up the reins and you, a small waterwheel generator with batteries for back-up sighted" and "pig-he.a<:!e~'could be used, but' Tom, and others continue to emphasize that the and emergency. My system will be costly to install and would involve the use of Ipore paper and more full enjoyment oflife is within grasp of the ma- maintain, probably more than Idaho Power wants. But I energy. ~ jority, all must insist that the provisions of the may have power in the years ahead when Idaho Power Plenty of electrici ty is being generated, we Constitution be complied with instead of having can't furnish power to all its customers - at any price. just need to learn how to use it.better. Lifestyles people bemisled by.the law ,of the jungle. We have a Servel gas-powered refrigerator and the fam- are going to have to 'change, and 'can only ily is learning to do without much of Reddy' Kilowatt's change as individuals realize the problems and environmentally costly services. We are already learning' G. M. Brandborg the alternatives. I can-see, tpe government com- to come to terms with the new.world which seems to liejust Hamilton, 'Montana. ingup with. sOlTIereally far-out solutions that ahead for .every A,meriean. The transition for us is not * * * , won't. really change anything - like paying going to be nearly so painful as it is for some. Dear Editor, New Yorkers to move to Wyoming!!! I wanted to write and comment on several of the articles that pertained to the whole issue of Bill Riddle __ elecJ.rical power. Bremerton, ~ash. i . S lIigh'Coun~ry News-31 Friday, sept. 13, 1974 .r\Guest ~ditorials j~ dioxide abatement equipment on the first three Reprinted from the Idaho Environmental Council Newsletter, July·August, 1974. units. On the national scene, IPC continues to lobby against sulfur controls in the Idaho Statesman. Too Much 'Idaho Power This most recent proposal points .up the need for a strong power plant siting law at the state Idaho Power Company, an entity not exactly weather station to measure air quality. In addi- .Ievel, Other states are adopting such a siting noted for its enlightenment in matters relating tion, the IPC has already asked both the State law, and as long as Idaho neglects this need, our til environmental concern and public' involve- Land Board and the BLM!or a land swap. IPC is state will be the regional vacuum into which ment, has announced plans to build a coal-fired magnanimously planning public meetings in utilities will be drawn by the smell of laxcon- electrical generation plant somewhere' in the near future in order to explain their prop- southern Idaho, They want to start with two 500 osal, 'now that the skids havebeen pretty well trols and fatter profits.