On Banning A-Tests the New Interchange Will Be Located Midway Between the Melvin J

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On Banning A-Tests the New Interchange Will Be Located Midway Between the Melvin J 18,825 Dial SH I-0010 Vfif K4 KTD I Dft IIKU *U&. Montv through nid«r. 8BCOO4 CIMI Poit>(« VULi. O», INU. 1UO p»ll 4» B«4 Ink tail at AMIUMH M»Uiii« OtCeu. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1961 7c PER COPY RAGE ONE New Parkway InterchangeTalks Begin Today At Red Hill Road Approved SHREWSBURY — A new interchange, to cost an estimated erhoff, Quade and Douglas, of ways to improve the parkway to $478,000 will be constructed next year on the Garden State meet the demands of the fast-growing Middletown-Holmdel - Parkway at Red Hill Rd.,-Middletown, the New Jersey High- area. , way Authority announced yesterday. For Bell Labs On Banning A-Tests The new interchange will be located midway between the Melvin J. Kohn, assistant to the executive director of the Red Bank and Keypdrt interchanges. , authority, said the construction of the Bell Telephone labora- Despite an expected increase in the use of accessjjlpads - tories in Holmdel was the determining factor in the decision leading to the new interchange, officials of Middletown and to build the new interchange. Holmdel Townships gave general support to the authority's Bell Telephone is expected eventually to employ an esti- Treaty plan. mated 4,500 persons at its new plant. Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, authority chairman, said the Bell Telephone employees using the southbound lanes of project Is expected to be completed in the fall of 1962. She said the parkway are expected to use Crawford's Corner Rd. to bids will be sought late in the winter with construction slated get to work after leaving the new interchange at Red Hill Rd. Hopes to start in the "early spring." Holmdel Township already has announced plans to widen that To Increase Toll road to accommodate the expected increase in traffic. In connection with the opening of the new entrance-exit Middletown Township Mayor John H. Lawley said Red —to be known as the Holmdel-Mlddletown interchange — the Hill Rd. in his municipality "will have to have attention" to Are Dim authority also will raise the toll charge at the Red Bank exit take care of increased use. from 10 to 15 cents. No County Help GENEVA (AP) — The Toll charges at the new interchange will be 10 cents at Asked if the county planned to give any financial aid to United States, Britain and municipalities to meet increased road costs as a result of the the southbound exit and northbound entrance. There will be Russia today begin another no charge at the northbound exit and southbound entrance. new parkway interchange, Freeholder Director Joseph C. Flans for the half-million dollar project were unveiled at Irwin said, "It will have to be the job of the local authority round of calks on a nuclear a press conference in Shadowbrook. to take care of the access roads." test ban that appear Yesterday's announcement was the result of a Iwo-year The Highway Authority said it expects total revenue at the doomed to failure from the study by the authority's,consulting engineers, Parson, Brlnck- (See PARKWAY, Page 3) start. One Western official called the Set Tomorrow resumption of negotiations "a pure propaganda exercise." High Western sources said East and West were farther Space Chimpanzee away from a treaty for a con- trolled ban on nuclear testing than at any time since they first began negotiating on Oct. 31, Ready for Flight NEW JOBS — George W. Ball, left, becomes undersecretary of irate in a tarisi of 1958. State Department changes announced by President Kennedy. Georg* C. McGhee, Tho mi.Hs were resumed In CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla rigors of the flight. They are ex- center, will be undersecretary of state for political affaire, while W. Averell Harri- response to the demand of an (AP)—Sometime after dawn to- pected to name the space chimp overwhelming majority of the morrow a young chimpanzee, late today. man, right, will be assistant secretary of state for Far Eastern affairs. (AP Photol UN General Assembly. They had plucked from the forests o Perhaps half an hour after the been broken off by Russia's Africa, will enter a mighty Atlas blazes into the sky, the abrupt resumption of nuclear rocket for a whirlwind ride chosen chimpanzee will pass over Especially Tailored for Him esting last September, through space — three times his native Africa for the first of Treaty Draft around the world. three times. On the eve of the new session, If all goes well, a U.S. Astro- Space Tasks he Soviets published a new naut will ride another Atlas New Position for Bowles reaty draft which, in the view The chimp will be performing rocket into space for another 4</2 his space tasks, tripping levers WASHINGTON (AP) — Chester Latin American affairs, with spe- It stilled reports that Bowles of Western officials, sounded the hour ring around the globe per- death knell to any hopes (or a haps after Christmas, perhaps on signal from a control panel, Bowles, replaced as the No. 2 cial emphasis on the problems would quit after being replaced realy at Ih.;! time. after New Year's. despite the brutal press of ac- man in" the State Department, of new and developing nations as undersecretary of state in a The Russians in effect ruled Even now scientists have likely celeration and the confusing has accepted a diplomatic post The announcement late yester- week-end sliakeup of foreign pol- out any realistic prospect o! an selected the young chimpanzee sense of weightlessness. especially tailored for him. day from the White House that icy command. nternatlonil control and inspj:- for the ride of his life—so that They will make a strange pair He becomes President Ken- Bowles had accepted the new White House Press Secretary tion system to prevent tecrv. they can better test how man as they blast off torn this space- nedy's special representative and duties came after Kennedy called Pierre Salinger said Bowles will violations. Without such a sys- and space capsule can take the port—a 125-ton rocket and a 40- adviser on African, Asian and him in for a talk. report directly to Kennedy and tem, tho West say:, tny nuclnr GOVERNORS DISCUSS SEARCH — New York's Gov. pound chimpanzee. to Secretary of State Dean Rusk on long-range planning and policy test ban is unacceptable because Then the Atlas will drop away Nelson A. Rockefeller, right, and New Guinea's Gov. P. and "on the improvement of ou there can be no assurance and the chimp, locked inside Council Asks operations and representation in against cheating. J. Plarteal sit behind microphones yesterday during a two-ton space capsule, will com- Keyport Nixes Plan the countries involved." The Sov"pt dralt alsa sought news conference in Merauke, New Guinea, headquarters plete his three orbits, returning (o prevent the United States from for the search for Michael Rockefeller. The 23-year-old Opinion On to earth by capsule parachut Policy, Planning continuing underground nuclear ; ion eft the New York governor disappeared Nov. 19 off after rockets have slowed his ForRt. 36 Widening Bowles had indicated he pre- tests, ifu-nrted after tha start 17,400-mile per hour pace, ferred dealing with policy ani of the -ecent Soviet series—pr the cosfit of southern New .Guinea. (AP Wirephotol Laundromat From five original chimps KEYPORT - Local official: plan in its entirety, but only that planning rather than handling th of matching Soviet advances in FAIR HAVEN-Borough Coun trained for the flight, three declared last night that the Key-part of it which deals with this routine day-to-day chores of run nuclear weapons with Its own finalists were selected — and one cil last night referred to its at- port business district will be borough. ning the Stale Department which ests in tho atmosphere. The torney a Board of Adjustment of these was Ham, the only one more or less was his assignment Rockefeller Leaves "isolated" if present plans fo Mayor Charles E. Applegatpg c United States and Briiain were ecommendation for appoval of with flight experience. It was as undersecretary. considered certain to reject such the widening of Rt. 36 an said he has been advised by the a board ruling that laundromats Ham, wearing a diaper, who rode "The President is delighted to an obvious trick intended pri- carried out. highway department officials that are permitted here. Redstone rocket 155 miles into have Mr. Bowles devoting his full marily as a propaganda gesture the proposed 32-inch center bar- In a letter, the board said that space last January to pave the Mayor and Council unanimous to fallout-fearful nations in Asia rier for Rt. 36 would block off ime and attention to these new under its intepretation of local way for the first U.S. astronauts, ly went on record against cur- and Africa, Atlantic St., Main St. and Flor- and greater responsibilities In an Ends Search regulations laundromats are per-Alan B. Shepard, Jr. and Virgil rent plans by the state Highway (See BOWLES Page 2) Despite the lack of prospects mitted, and asked council to ap I. Grissom. ence Ave., and leave Broad St. Department for the proposed for progress, both Soviet and prove the action. Results of the upcoming orbital as "the only way to get out ol dualization of Rt. 36, from Key- Western representatives appar- The board's decision was made lights by the chimp and an astro- Keyport." port to Atlantic Highlands. ntly were prepared to go on last Monday in reference to the naut will determine the pace and Jug Handles To Finish alking indefinitely — here or in application of Jesse E.
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