Talk Through

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Talk Through ‘ 2 6 1 ‘ E U S S TalkI THE MATHGAZINE OF THE RMINISTORY OF DEUFENCE POGLICE H DECEMBER 2016 Force keeping up with pace of change . INSIDE T OPERATIONS ACTIVITY ROUND-UP T T EXERCISES TEST RESILIENCE T Force By Editor Norman Hicks CONTENTS ISSUE 162 DECEMBER 2016 keeping Force keeping up with pace of change . 1 up with Spotlight on Operations 4 5 pace of Nuclear Division 5-15 change . AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield – Our Story . 6 6 Territorial Division 16-26 T TalkThrough caught up Initially, Highways England Traffic that allows both MOD and Business, Officers and Home Office Forces’ road Energy and Industry to oversee the with the Chief Constable, policing units that police the motorways Force, in a joint governance mechanism. RIAT 2016 makes history 16 Alf Hitchcock and asked were in scope, but it proved to be too The merged Force would be a new him to reflect on the current complicated to disconnect them from entity altogether. 16 their current roles, said the Chief. “Whatever the outcome, we are state of play on a number In addition to CNC, BTP and MDP, here to deliver. If we stay as we are we Business Continuity and Resilience Exercise 24 of projects that will impact airports policing is included, focusing on will continue to do a great job. If we on the way the Force the larger UK airports. Departmental merge with CNC, then we are going to discussions continue, led by the Home be very keen to make sure that works as operates in the future. Office, overseen by the Cabinet Office, well and if it’s the big infrastructure However, such is the pace of change with the next step due to be a policing model we’ll make it happen. Well done, and thank you letters 32 on several of these initiatives, that some submission to Ministers once the “We are here to protect the aspects will be out-of-date before the recommendations have been finalised nation’s most valuable assets and ink is dry on this edition of the Force by the relevant Permanent Secretaries. people and we will do that under 24 magazine! The options under consideration at whatever structure HMG decides to do We began by asking him about the the time of going to press were: it under – we are here to do the job.” Infrastructure Policing Review, which ‘ T Do nothing – leave it all as it is, started over a year ago with research by in effect PROJECT JUTE Front cover: Policing RIAT 2016 consultants McKinsey and Co. Photograph by Paul Kemp T Create a single National Infrast- The scheduled closure by 2020 of the “That led to a further piece of work ructure Police Force, including Force Headquarters site at Wethersfield being carried out, under the direction CNC, BTP, MDP and airports, all has prompted a nationwide search for a ‘ of the Home Office, with Deloitte’s in one large Force new location. being appointed to research the main T Merge CNC and MDP and then “At the moment it will be into 2017 issues and prepare documentation for continue with research to see before we know which of the various Government, giving them the what else might be added alternatives is viable,” said the Chief. Talk opportunity to make decisions on T Seek to get those existing Forces “The Chief Officer team have been on a whether this was viable to do and to do more collaboration and try number of site visits in order to advise THROUGH would indeed provide operational and to yield some benefits without the department of our preferred options. business benefits. merging Editor: “Currently we favour a move into “So, twelve months’ work has gone Said the Chief: “Our position has Bassingbourne Barracks with the Army, Norman Hicks We welcome articles and photos of interest to readers, but reserve into it, with a whole array of data being been that the larger Force might be but there are other sites in the frame Corporate Communications the right to shorten/edit contributions. gathered from the in scope Forces, Room 124/1070 achievable in a controlled and staged and, by the time this edition of Staff contributing articles should ensure they are suitable for open which are Civil Nuclear Constabulary, MDP Wethersfield manner, but that the sensible starting TalkThrough is printed our preferences publication. British Transport Police, MOD Police point would be to bring CNC and MOD might well have had to change. Watch Braintree, Essex CM7 4AZ and Home Office Forces at airports.” Police together within a governance this space!” tel: 01371 854053 If you would like to discuss your contribution, please contact the Editor. e-mail: [email protected] 1 CONTINUED . FORCE KEEPING UP WITH PACE OF CHANGE . cent of resource allocated to front-line “Supt Mark Foulger and Kathryn delivery and just eight per cent to support Bunyan have undertaken work on mental functions, said the Chief. health training and policies. Mental health “With such a small support function first aid training has already been rolled we know that we have to make absolutely out and we are looking to develop a the best use of the resource we’ve got. mental health strategy by the end of the So, the Headquarters review was to see if financial year for the Force to follow in the we have got the right people in the right coming year,” said the Chief. place, particularly as we have had to grow “Finally, we have Human Factor things like the OCC – to deliver additional Integration, which is about kit. I mentioned training for the growth in new recruits. the body armour bit but there is a wider “Also, in order to support fitness and piece of work around making sure that all health, it has been essential to get better of our decisions on equipment have been Occupational Health support in the considered from a diversity perspective. Force, together with the wider OH Assist. That has been completed and is now emb- In order to do that we have needed to edded, so the equality evaluations are part redistribute Headquarters resource so that of everything we do and we do equality our Headquarters delivers those impact evaluations on every piece of kit. requirements but still at the same cost. “There has been a huge amount of The next step is to examine the role of work already completed during this year in Divisions and to see if the Divisional this area, there is a genuine keenness and structures enhance operational delivery. desire by people on the Diversity Board “There are two possible outcomes and the Diversity and Inclusion Working BUSINESS AS USUAL ROLLS ROYCE I believe. The first would be to leave the deal with protesters – and processes to are going to roll that out across the Group to drive this forward and there has been fantastic support across the Force, We asked the Chief how he felt the Force DEPLOYMENT divisional structures as they are and try ensure that every operational order whole Force. from officers and staff who have been had been coping during the past year, which A new task to provide armed policing at to ensure that they are as efficient as includes an equality impact assessment,” “We’ve got recruitment targets for supporting these work streams and again has not only seen much uncertainty about the Rolls Royce plant near Derby was possible; the second would be to remove said the Chief. “We seem to be doing that female and black and minority ethnic it’s a thank you to them for the enthus- its future direction, but also stringent budget introduced in May, in support of site divisional structures and effectively for all policy issues and some operational officers, of 15 and five per cent respect- iasm with which people have engaged.” restrictions, to meet MOD funding targets. operations. manage all functions from a single Head- orders. This piece of work is to ensure that ively for this year. We introduced the quarters without a divisional structure. we are doing it for all operations. He said: “They are uncertain times The Chief told TalkThrough : positive action to bring in under- at the moment, but then again that’s not NATIONAL POLICING The Force continues to “In the past I have operated in forces “There’s a good piece of work by represented groups and have had an all- dissimilar to where I’ve been in the three that have had both of these models. The Supt Chris Yates on AFO requirements female and ethnic minority group intake. ISSUES years that I’ve been Chief. There have be t‘he primary provider of specialist policing services and Met was very keen on having divisional for officers returning from maternity leave. As a result we are The funding for Home Office forces has been lots of changes within the In the past it has always been that female this MOD request for us to structures and devolved responsibilities cur‘rently above that target, stabilised and won’t be the subject of Department and in what we are doing. with a small Headquarters function. officers returning from maternity leave go carry out this role in Derbyshire with females at 18 per cent and more cuts. There has been an agreed During my time at Bedfordshire I was on a six week course and we think that “We’ve started policing differently, is another example of that close to it for black and investment funded centrally from the using the Operational Policing Model and involved in removing divisional structures that is unnecessary.
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