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THE MATHGAZINE OF THE RMINISTORY OF DEUFENCE POGLICE H DECEMBER 2016 Force keeping up with pace of change . . .

INSIDE T OPERATIONS ACTIVITY ROUND-UP T T EXERCISES TEST RESILIENCE T Force By Editor Norman Hicks CONTENTS ISSUE 162 DECEMBER 2016 keeping Force keeping up with pace of change . . . 1 up with Spotlight on Operations 4 5 pace of Nuclear Division 5-15 change . . . AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield – Our Story . . . 6 6

Territorial Division 16-26 T TalkThrough caught up Initially, Highways England Traffic that allows both MOD and Business, Officers and Home Office Forces’ road Energy and Industry to oversee the with the Chief Constable, policing units that police the motorways Force, in a joint governance mechanism. RIAT 2016 makes history 16 Alf Hitchcock and asked were in scope, but it proved to be too The merged Force would be a new him to reflect on the current complicated to disconnect them from entity altogether. 16 their current roles, said the Chief. “Whatever the outcome, we are state of play on a number In addition to CNC, BTP and MDP, here to deliver. If we stay as we are we Business Continuity and Resilience Exercise 24 of projects that will impact airports policing is included, focusing on will continue to do a great job. If we on the way the Force the larger UK airports. Departmental merge with CNC, then we are going to discussions continue, led by the Home be very keen to make sure that works as operates in the future. Office, overseen by the Cabinet Office, well and if it’s the big infrastructure However, such is the pace of change with the next step due to be a policing model we’ll make it happen. Well done, and thank you letters 32 on several of these initiatives, that some submission to Ministers once the “We are here to protect the aspects will be out-of-date before the recommendations have been finalised nation’s most valuable assets and ink is dry on this edition of the Force by the relevant Permanent Secretaries. people and we will do that under

24 magazine! The options under consideration at whatever structure HMG decides to do

We began by asking him about the the time of going to press were: it under – we are here to do the job.” Infrastructure Policing Review, which ‘ T Do nothing – leave it all as it is, started over a year ago with research by in effect PROJECT JUTE Front cover: Policing RIAT 2016 consultants McKinsey and Co. Photograph by Paul Kemp T Create a single National Infrast- The scheduled closure by 2020 of the “That led to a further piece of work ructure Police Force, including Force Headquarters site at Wethersfield being carried out, under the direction CNC, BTP, MDP and airports, all has prompted a nationwide search for a ‘ of the Home Office, with Deloitte’s in one large Force new location. being appointed to research the main T Merge CNC and MDP and then “At the moment it will be into 2017 issues and prepare documentation for continue with research to see before we know which of the various Government, giving them the what else might be added alternatives is viable,” said the Chief. Talk opportunity to make decisions on T Seek to get those existing Forces “The Chief Officer team have been on a whether this was viable to do and to do more collaboration and try number of site visits in order to advise THROUGH would indeed provide operational and to yield some benefits without the department of our preferred options. business benefits. merging Editor: “Currently we favour a move into “So, twelve months’ work has gone Said the Chief: “Our position has Bassingbourne Barracks with the Army, Norman Hicks We welcome articles and photos of interest to readers, but reserve into it, with a whole array of data being been that the larger Force might be but there are other sites in the frame Corporate Communications the right to shorten/edit contributions. gathered from the in scope Forces, Room 124/1070 achievable in a controlled and staged and, by the time this edition of Staff contributing articles should ensure they are suitable for open which are Civil Nuclear Constabulary, MDP Wethersfield manner, but that the sensible starting TalkThrough is printed our preferences publication. British Transport Police, MOD Police point would be to bring CNC and MOD might well have had to change. Watch Braintree, Essex CM7 4AZ and Home Office Forces at airports.” Police together within a governance this space!” tel: 01371 854053 If you would like to discuss your contribution, please contact the Editor. e-mail: [email protected] 1 CONTINUED . . . FORCE KEEPING UP WITH PACE OF CHANGE . . .

cent of resource allocated to front-line “Supt Mark Foulger and Kathryn delivery and just eight per cent to support Bunyan have undertaken work on mental functions, said the Chief. health training and policies. Mental health “With such a small support function first aid training has already been rolled we know that we have to make absolutely out and we are looking to develop a the best use of the resource we’ve got. mental health strategy by the end of the So, the Headquarters review was to see if financial year for the Force to follow in the we have got the right people in the right coming year,” said the Chief. place, particularly as we have had to grow “Finally, we have Human Factor things like the OCC – to deliver additional Integration, which is about kit. I mentioned training for the growth in new recruits. the body armour bit but there is a wider “Also, in order to support fitness and piece of work around making sure that all health, it has been essential to get better of our decisions on equipment have been Occupational Health support in the considered from a diversity perspective. Force, together with the wider OH Assist. That has been completed and is now emb- In order to do that we have needed to edded, so the equality evaluations are part redistribute Headquarters resource so that of everything we do and we do equality our Headquarters delivers those impact evaluations on every piece of kit. requirements but still at the same cost. “There has been a huge amount of The next step is to examine the role of work already completed during this year in Divisions and to see if the Divisional this area, there is a genuine keenness and structures enhance operational delivery. desire by people on the Diversity Board “There are two possible outcomes and the Diversity and Inclusion Working BUSINESS AS USUAL ROLLS ROYCE I believe. The first would be to leave the deal with protesters – and processes to are going to roll that out across the Group to drive this forward and there has been fantastic support across the Force, We asked the Chief how he felt the Force DEPLOYMENT divisional structures as they are and try ensure that every operational order whole Force. from officers and staff who have been had been coping during the past year, which A new task to provide armed policing at to ensure that they are as efficient as includes an equality impact assessment,” “We’ve got recruitment targets for supporting these work streams and again has not only seen much uncertainty about the Rolls Royce plant near Derby was possible; the second would be to remove said the Chief. “We seem to be doing that female and black and minority ethnic it’s a thank you to them for the enthus- its future direction, but also stringent budget introduced in May, in support of site divisional structures and effectively for all policy issues and some operational officers, of 15 and five per cent respect- iasm with which people have engaged.” restrictions, to meet MOD funding targets. operations. manage all functions from a single Head- orders. This piece of work is to ensure that ively for this year. We introduced the quarters without a divisional structure. we are doing it for all operations. He said: “They are uncertain times The Chief told TalkThrough : positive action to bring in under- at the moment, but then again that’s not NATIONAL POLICING The Force continues to “In the past I have operated in forces “There’s a good piece of work by represented groups and have had an all- dissimilar to where I’ve been in the three that have had both of these models. The Supt Chris Yates on AFO requirements female and ethnic minority group intake. ISSUES years that I’ve been Chief. There have be t‘he primary provider of specialist policing services and Met was very keen on having divisional for officers returning from maternity leave. As a result we are The funding for Home Office forces has been lots of changes within the In the past it has always been that female this MOD request for us to structures and devolved responsibilities cur‘rently above that target, stabilised and won’t be the subject of Department and in what we are doing. with a small Headquarters function. officers returning from maternity leave go carry out this role in Derbyshire with females at 18 per cent and more cuts. There has been an agreed During my time at Bedfordshire I was on a six week course and we think that “We’ve started policing differently, is another example of that close to it for black and investment funded centrally from the using the Operational Policing Model and involved in removing divisional structures that is unnecessary. We can probably do unique skill set. minority ethnic officers, at Home Office to grow armed policing and Project Servator and that change has been and creating a Headquarters and a single it in a different way, by doing a risk four per cent. increase the number of Armed Response really welcomed by the customer. I’d like ’ force operating model. assessment and an initial testing to see Vehicles across London in particular but to say thank you to officers for keeping how much skills fade there has been. You “Because of the’ timescale to bring FITNESS “The Chief Officers will be making also the rest of the country, said the Chief. the business on the road, particu-larly can then vary it and, instead of doing a full more people through on the current decisions based on what the evidence and “For us on ‘funding issues’ we are against some quite severe cuts, which has The fitness programme is up and running, six weeks, you might be able to do a recruiting round, we probably will not be research tells us is best for the Force and currently looking and developing a paper seen quite significant loss of overtime, so with more than 1000 officers having gone different timescale. able to meet the targets by the end of this for the Ministry of Defence. Whatever we for HOCS which is a description of how to manage the brief with less resource has through the test by October – 43 per “There is also work about appropriate year, particularly for black and minority been a challenge, but the response has cent of the Force – and only one per cent do I am keen that we still have senior we might do funding in a better and more uniform and, again with Chris and PC ethnic officers, but that doesn’t mean been really good. (31 individuals) failing to reach the 5.7 officer visibility across the organisation,” sustained way. Claire Batt, we are looking at some work we’re not going to keep on trying, even standard, said the Chief. “All of those he said. “You are probably aware that I have “We are still waiting to hear what is with Cranfield University about female though it is quite a challenge. people have now got support plans to been working with the Met and the Home happening at AWE and will hopefully have shaped body armour, to improve comfort “We are looking to increase the an answer early in 2017. My view is that help them achieve the standard where DIVERSITY AND Office to get an agreed ban on ‘zombie and operational effectiveness. declaration of people on ethnicity. We the military option is probably the wrong possible.” INCLUSION knives’. The NPCC police service were have got eighty per cent of staff who have option, bearing in mind the security and “All line managers have been absolutely delighted when the Govern- At the Diversity Board in October there now made a declaration and we are protest issues for the site and how policing completing Unconscious Bias training. ment agreed to include these as prohibited DIVISIONAL REVIEW was a good attendance by all of our best meets these. I would also argue and That’s when you have biases that you looking to try and increase that up to weapons. Clearly carrying such a weapon Superintendents and ambassadors, who have done that the financial case is marginal Following the Headquarters review, which don’t even realise and how you can ninety per cent. The lowest levels of because of its size and properties would heard of several ongoing pieces of work, and so therefore the slight saving that may set out to discover if the Force was using mitigate those biases, as well as declaration have been in relation to be illegal anyway, but this now makes including one by the Crime Command on be made is more than offset by the risk its HQ resources in the most efficient way recognising that you have got them. disability and we think that might possibly manufacture, supply, importation and policy on how MDP deals with hate crime. that could be created in a transition to support the delivery of front line It’s not an unnatural thing as a human be because people are concerned to declare possession all offences in their own right,” period. I am really concious of the morale services, research has shown that MDP is “We are also looking at diversity issues being. The training has been successful a disability, even though it’s anonymised said the Chief, who is the national police impact of the delay in getting clarity.” Britain’s leanest police force, with 92 per in relation to protester guidance – how we and assisted staff, so as a result we for the purposes of these records. lead on knife crime.

2 3 Spotlight on Operations

Highlights of a busy year around the Force . . .

T THIS ISSUE OF TalkThrough focuses on some of the excellent work being done across the Operations portfolio, both up front and behind the scenes. We caught up with recently appointed ACC Operations Paul McLaughlin and began by congratulating Nuclear Division him on his promotion. ACC: Thank you very much, I am delighted to have T TalkThrough met up It was quite an organis- been successful in the promotion process for ACC and at Abbey Wood with CHIEF atio‘nal task but by working with creative and motivated staff, to have been offered (and duly accepted) the MDP SUPT BETH DISHER Nuclear ACC Operations portfolio. I am particularly proud to including Inspectors, Chiefs and form part of the Chief Officer Group and look forward Division Commander and Superintendents, we were able to working with my fellow Chief Officer colleagues in the ND Supt Ops, Jim O’Donnell, to set the plan in place. months and years ahead. This will undoubtedly continue for their overview on how the I have deliberately not se’t timed to provide challenges and will provide the MOD a Division has been operating in targets, instead setting strategic professional and dedicated policing service. the past year and how they initiatives to be developed and outcomes to be achieved.” TT: Looking forward, what are your expectations of the meeting many of the austere challenges that the Force plan to engage with staff in coming months and years? Supt O’Donnell added: “Each SI is has faced over the last few years and continue to manage the future. headed by a Divisional Senior Leader ACC: More of the same work that the Operations effectively but importantly, for maintaining our core The Div Cmdr told us: “In February, who is obligated to pull together a Portfolio have been delivering since I got the opportunity operational business at acceptable levels. I would also like myself and C/Supt Mick O’Byrne ments being made by staff to influence team of cross ranks/station staff to to lead it nearly three years ago. This TalkThrough feature to take the opportunity to personally thank all (TD Div Cmdr) were asked to analyse change.” work on achieving these. demonstrates some of this work from all areas of the Operations staff and all the other departments for the the results and comments specifically She went on to explain that she “The Divisional Commander Portfolio and I can assure you that there are plenty of support they have provided to Operations. relating to Divisions, made by staff in took the opportunity of using the deliberately set our progress reporting other examples I could mention. the My MDP Survey, and present our I would particularly like to thank my HQ Ops team, 16/17 Divisional Policing Plan as a and communication platform as findings to the Senior Leaders’ What is consistent is MDP’s ‘can do’ attitude. We who have worked with me closely over the last three vehicle for addressing these issues. Defence Connect, mainly to overcome Conference.” continue to deliver a policing service, no matter what is years and continue to provide a dedicated and exemplary “I wanted to approach our Policing issues of two computer systems within thrown at us, whether it’s in-year budget cuts, uncertainty, service to the portfolio and wider Force – they have been That analysis identified a number Plan in a way that had not been done the platform, but also to enable all change or reviews. It's just a pleasure to lead our staff, a tremendous strength for Operations and I’m thrilled of specific recurring themes: before, by working with a cross section staff to see what was going on, and which makes my job all the more enjoyable and I’m we have built a strong team with which to move forward. Divisional Structure/understanding; of managers in the Division to identify encourage them to comment and/or Communication/IT and Management/ strategic themes that go towards even decide to get involved certainly proud to be associated with our workforce. We I am looking forward to meeting the challenges Behaviour. She said: “I want to use this addressing survey issues, make real themselves.” are in good hands to meet head on what lies ahead for us. ahead with the portfolio team and I wish all staff and TalkThrough article to show staff how improvements and demonstrate how The following articles are intended I must recognise and give thanks to both Divisional their families an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and a we (Divisional Senior Management these link into supporting the Force to highlight how committed she and Commanders and their Division and Station teams in prosperous New Year. Team) are responding to those achieve Key Priorities and the her managers are to make changes and findings, and highlight the achieve- Organisational Development Strategy. respond to staff concerns. 4 5 CONTINUED . . . SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS NUCLEAR DIVISION AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield

during the last few years, working closely STAFF ENGAGEMENT WITH STAFF BIOGRAPHIES with officers, his DPF colleagues and PSD. – Our Stor y. . . SENIOR MEMBERS He has gone on to be a mentor for other Last year’s My MDP survey indicated that Police Friends, helping to train a course staff wanted more opportunities to engage with the Federation in Scotland. recognition and inclusion. Staff who are the Force Purpose and Style, along with the T APRIL 201 6 saw the with senior members of the MDP so they As an active member of the Protester appreciated and included in station Leadership Standard. A similar scheme to could raise their ideas and concerns about Removal Team at Burghfield, John is appointment of a new SPO projects will work willingly and creatively, recognise the work of Student Officers has their stations and the Force. renowned for his delivery of the five step at AWE Aldermaston and going the extra mile when needed, to also been designed by Sergeant Gavin appeal (sounding more like the town crier maintain and improve our service to the Creber of the Burghfield Ops Resilience Supt Hewitt said: Burghfield. Superintendent than a police officer) – no one could ever Customer here at the AWE stations. Team. This will see an officer from both Since my arrival on station Pam Hewitt had this to say say that they hadn’t heard him! I think it is important to pause regularly Aldermaston and Burghfield being recog- one‘ of my main priorities has John’s favourite pastime is the about her new command role: to acknowledge our successes so it gives nised for their efforts every six months. been to spend time with staff, Line managers have been able to nominate cultivation of his collection of weird and “As the new SPO I initially conducted me great pleasure to showcase the efforts either by chatting to staff Student Officers via weekly Senior Manage - wonderful chilli plants. He’s also a sucker an assessment across my two new stations of my staff.” individually – whilst on patrol or ment Team meetings since November 2016. for the latest drama box set, and being and I was impressed with the diverse skills on post, in rest rooms and in ‘Pops’ to his two grandchildren. and professionalism of the teams I met. T T/Sergt Ali Robbins and Constable more formal settings at the My focus has been to ensure each and STAFF APPRECIATION Lorraine Wilson of the Rosters Team were station Focus groups. John is a very popular member of the every member of the AWE complement AND RECOGNITION commended for their hard work and “Staff are important and’ I wanted to Burghfield team. He takes a leading role in dedication to maintaining station tasks site exercises and so is popular with both are clear and committed to delivering our During the visit of the Chief Constable, show them that I was accessible no matter Constable JOHN BRAUND, Burghfield site staff and other officers alike. strategic purpose, we are enhancing, Alf Hitchcock to AWE in August 2016 he T Sergt Neil Matthews was commended what their rank. We have also been John joined the MDP in February 1991 pleased to welcome formal visits to both encouraging good leadership and witnessed SPO Commendations being for his tireless efforts overseeing the after spending many years in the Army as a AWE stations from the CC Alf Hitchcock, addressing any people issues that may presented. station Student Officer programme Mountain leader amongst other things, affect our capability and service delivery. DCC Andy Adams, ACC Operations Paul He was particularly impressed to hear T Constable Nick Reis was commended leading mountain training in some of the McLaughlin and ND Commander Chief At the heart of my transformation that Sergeant Dan Gray of the TSG had for his commitment to maintaining the most remote parts of the world. Supt Beth Disher.” work I wanted to create a culture of staff devised the AWE Recognition Scheme. exercising planning team during a long His first posting in the MDP was as an engagement, supportive leadership, Dan creatively designed the criteria around period of staff shortages. AFO at AWE Aldermaston. He later joined DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION the Special Escort Group then finally joined Diversity and Inclusion is now well embed- AWE Burghfield in July 2009 where he has ded in the Force with the Champions and remained. Ambassadors roles being undertaken by John is currently the Drugs Search Dog the whole Chief Officer Group and the handler at AWE Burghfield with PD Superintending ranks. Ally roles are Summer who he’s had since June 2011. undertaken by junior members of staff Summer is a six year-old Labrador retriever. across the Force, including staff at Aldermaston and Burghfield. John conducts searches daily within the establishment but also assists local Home Supt Hewitt said: Department Police Forces when he is able. Constable HANNAH ELLIS, TSG Hannah joined the MDP at Aldermaston in “As the Transgender Ambassador for the John recently attended the Boom 2014 after a career as a Personal Trainer. Force I was keen to ensure that Diversity Town Fair Music and Arts festival, After attending a Tactical Support Group and Inclusion was placed at the centre of Winchester. He worked alongside AWE station business. T/Inspr Claire (TSG) presentation she decided to Hampshire, Surrey and Thames Valley Turner assisted with the refocus of the two specialise – a big step for an officer with Police, along with dogs from the Prison Diversity groups at station level and less than one year’s service. Service. 60,000 people attended and John established a station strategic group aligned and Summer conducted searches Hannah describes her journey onto to the Force Diversity and Inclusion throughout the day and evening, being the TSG: Working Group (DIWG). All sections are credited with 56 positive drug finds. John “I used my experience as a Personal now working to support the Force Action has also attended horse racing events and Trainer to help me prepare and maintain Plan and are encouraged to attend the is a regular attendee at the Abbey Wood fitness levels for the physical challenge of monthly meetings. Staff are also MOD families’ day. He has attended local the TSG assessment, including running the responding well to the recent FOSN for schools and was recently a big hit with the bleep test and the method of entry run. new Allies to come forward and assist local Brownies’ group. in making the Force a place free of discrim- “Whilst applying for the TSG I spoke in ination and inclusive to all, allowing staff to John is also a Defence Federation depth with several officers from one of the perform to the best of their ability.” Friend and has been very active in this role Sections who encouraged me to join and 6 7 CONTINUED . . . SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS NUCLEAR DIVISION

told me what to expect. Training involved a Medic, another challenging and demanding were presented to me. During the first few Photograph by Support Officer course, followed by a very role to undertake. Alongside my day-to-day months of my probation, applications were STUDENT OFFICERS Paul Kemp physically demanding six-week course duties I am also studying for the sergeant requested for those interested in become AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield have the which covers a variety of different skill sets promotion exam.” PST instructors, which I applied for and a highest proportion of Student Officers including but not limited to; hostage year after leaving the training school I than any other station in the Force. This rescue/removal, dynamic intervention, found myself back there for a two-week brings lots of challenges and opportunities. dynamic search, method of entry and train the trainer course, which I completed Supt Hewitt said: ladder work. This course is run by a group successfully. “We could not manage the of highly motivated, experienced trainers “Prior to this I also joined the ASV unit who challenge participants but provide complexities of setting up exercises, during its initial roll-out phase. This has loads of support to give officers a great providing real time experiences and been a challenging role, allowing me extra chance to pass the course. coaching on Portfolio submissions without training and qualifications that I have used the hard work of The Tutor Constables “As a female officer, joining a to develop myself as an officer within the (coordinated by Sergt Neil Matthews) predominantly male group, the initial MDP. Part of this training included being across both stations, along with the process was quite daunting. That aside trained as a Behavioural Detection Officer dedication of line managers who have though, once qualified, I joined 2 Section ready for the roll-out of Project Servator to spent hours helping their new officers. where I fit in very well and have established enable officers to more effectively deter But all their hard work is now paying off some great friendships. As one of only criminal activity and hostile reconnaissance and we are proud of our Student Officer three females on the group, I was the first in and around the AWE sites. The ASV role achievements: in a number of years to successfully pass has enabled myself and others to Constable TOBY HURT, Aldermaston the course in its entirety. In future it would effectively raise the profile of our officers T Constable Kristina Hide (Burghfield) Toby joined the MDP in 2014 at AWE be great to see more women applying for with our Home Office counterparts in and Constable Thomas Griffith the course. Aldermaston and has recently successfully (Aldermaston) were acknowledged as Thames Valley and Hampshire. He had this to say about the event: spent their time singing and dancing in all completed his probationary period. He the first two Student Officers who “The process is definitely achievable if weathers. joined the Force after a prestigious career “This year, applications on station reached Safe and Lawful status in a “Thames Valley and Hampshire Police you apply yourself to it and I would as a Tennis Coach as he wanted a new opened for those interested in becoming a record time of seven weeks. This was provided PSUs, Roads Policing, dedicated “Several arrests were made during the strongly recommend it to any MDP officer challenge. Temporary Sergeant. I applied for this and an amazing effort protester liaison officers, and protester month by both Thames Valley Police and looking for a challenging role. I am was absolutely delighted when I was removal teams (PRT) for the event with MDP for Obstruction of the Highway and personally happy for anybody to contact He had this to say about his first two T 14 Student Officers have joined the successful after only 2 1/2 years in the MDP Officers staffing the local roads into Criminal Damage. me and ask about my experiences or for years with the Force: TSG, 12 have specialised as ASV officers, Force. I know this will be a challenging role the establishment and providing a me to answer queries about the TSG. It “I joined the MDP on the first of the five have qualified as PST Instructors, “Overall it was a successful month for but I have the support of my colleagues and permanent PRT presence throughout the would be great if there were more women new recruit courses and I can honestly say three have trained as Dog Handlers, two all concerned with no protesters gaining the station Development Programme to month. We were also assisted by MDP – so if you are a female officer reading this this was the best decision of my life to have qualified as Command and Control access to the establishment, no injuries and work on my leadership and management Crime Command throughout the whole and you want to learn more or come and change careers. I undertook every training officers, three have been selected for the some great experience for the PRT skills. I am studying for the Sergeants’ period. SEG and one has passed the assessment/ officers.” visit us I would like to help. week at the school with determination and promotion examination next year so this interview to become a Firearms Trainer “Each day of the protest was allocated “Since joining the TSG I have had successfully passed out in October 2014. experience will be invaluable to help me to a different protest group ranging from ample opportunities to attend tactics “On joining AWE, I quickly became achieve my aspiration of becoming a T 12 are also studying for the forthcoming Welsh CND (Campaign for Nuclear TACTICAL SUPPORT GROUP courses for my personal development and involved in the day-to-day running of the Sergeant. Who knows what will happen Sergeants’ Exam with one officer having Disarmament) to Academics. We had a Since its original inception in 2007, the in October I am training to become a Team station, applying myself to all tasks that after that – onwards and upwards I hope!” recently been selected to conduct Women’s day on the 20th and a ‘Mad Tactical Support Group’s role has evolved Temporary Sergeant duties. Hatters’ tea party adjacent to the road and grown and now covers both areas of It is fair to say that AWE is rife with leading to the Main Gate. the Atomic Weapons Establishment at opportunity to find a niche that suits any “We dealt with a variety of incidents Aldermaston and Burghfield. The unit is officer.” ranging from protesters locked on via a home to the MDP’s specialist firearms tube in the back of a two door car – to 9 search capability and represents one of the OPERATIONS people locked on to a 40-foot wooden largest Dynamic Search teams in the UK. submarine. Some of the devices were very The head of the TSG, Inspr Andy Operation Novelese basic and messy involving the use of thick Ramsay had this to say: June saw the commencement of the 2016 tar. TVP volunteered to remove this after Op Novelese for what was billed as a “Training begins by applying to become MDP provided the tar remover and we ‘month of action’ directed towards a TSG Support Officer. This course is opted for another task. Given the state of Burghfield by the protest group Trident designed to train officers in use of the their tools we certainly got the better deal! Ploughshares. force issued handgun and our primary “Protesters did not give up easily firearm, the 5.56mm carbine. Officers also Chief Inspector Jamie Higgins, and employed the use of Super Glue receive training in the use of distraction Burghfield DSPO, was the MDP Silver for throughout the month, but this was easily devices and an introduction into Basic the event and utilised his Operational dealt with by a liberal splashing of warm Method of Entry (MOE). Resilience Team to coordinate all planning soapy water, some de-bonder, and a lot of activity. The build up to the event for MDP “At the conclusion of the course, patience. involved attending meetings with the officers are qualified to perform Deliberate MOD, AWE, Thames Valley and Hampshire “On some days over 60 protesters Search and have received tactics and Police, plus writing operational orders and turned out and on others there were only training to crew the TSG’s Armed Support arranging resources. six but all the groups were non violent and Vehicles. 8 9 CONTINUED . . . SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS NUCLEAR DIVISION ‘ON- BOARDING’ By Inspr Patrick McNaught

MY MDP SURVEY identified a need to put in T MENTOR – a recognised and trained individual who place a process that provides effective support understands the role of the new starter and has a part to to members of staff, from new joiners to those play in their personal development taking up temporary or substantive promotion T BUDDY – An officer of the same rank/role as the new at all ranks and grades. starter, who carries out the same or a similar role In addition, it was also clear from the Survey that there T TUTOR PC – where the new starter is a was a lack of knowledge and understanding of local policies student/probationary officer and procedures and the connection between station-division The practical application has seen a number of changes Photographs by and customer. A prospective ‘on-boarding’ programme for that have been driven by past experience. When PS Drew Paul Kemp the Nuclear Division (ND) was produced with the aim to McNaughton was compiling an Induction Week for allow the lead (Supt Dennis Jackson) and Co-leads (Ch Inspr September he trawled the views of previous recruits, whose “Once qualified as Support Officers, This is an ongoing development activity to The Chief Constable had this to say Richard Earle and Inspr Patrick McNaught) along with a observations included making it more role specific and development continues until officers maintain our high standard. It does takes about his visit: number of team members, to develop an end-to-end process providing more insight on what to expect on shift. that can be applied across the Division. attend the Dynamic Search (DS) course. hard work and determination to reach the This was a great opport- One of the results from the feedback was the inclusion Officers must demonstrate they can attain standard required to meet the national role uni‘ty for me to see first hand The baseline process is presented as a ‘pathway’ that of input from an officer who was an experienced mentor, level 10.5 at the 15m MSFT prior to profile and become a member of the TSG, the work of AWE staff. Listening provides a route through which a number of activities PC John Rowan. He provided guidance on MDP station attending the DS course. but the TSG’s own dedicated firearms to the SPO Commendations encompass the ND on-boarding objectives. These are not culture and integration as well as practical advice on subjects, training team is able to provide every presented as the only options but as the framework which can “During the DS course, candidates that officers received for their such as understanding rosters and how to move between support to maximise the chance of success. be developed. The concept is focused on police officers but is learn a number of new skills, including the hard work and dedication is locations on station. equally applicable to NUCS staff with some modification use of assault ladders to perform Dynamic “Recruitment into the TSG is currently To enhance this, PC Sharon Playford, a tutor Constable, always a pleasure. I enjoyed the mainly within the induction phase. Entry, Dynamic Intervention and Rapid open and we have vacancies at both focus groups at both stations accompanied the officers on a tour around the various beats Internal Deployment. Once qualified, TSG Sergeant and Constable ranks. I would and as ever, they were lively, but The objectives of this initiative include the following: on Station explaining the requirements and highlighting good officers must continue to maintain these encourage any officer who is interested to I do hope I was able to reassure T Improve leadership and management of staff across ND practice. standards whilst they train to work in the get in touch to find out more.” various environments and facilities at AWE, staff. T Compliance with policy-related rules and regulations Since this induction week was completed, positive ’ constructive feedback has been received from participants in addition to being able to undertake The CC during his visit met the new T Clarification: staff understand their roles, responsibilities and one of them Constable Logue said: “I found that getting many other training opportunities such as CHIEF CONSTABLE VISITS Chief Executive, Iain Coucher and the Site and expectations shown around the Base, explaining what we had to do, helped Police Medics and Firearms Instructors. AWE STATIONS Director, Haydyn Clulow (pictured left). T Culture: staff have a sense of station, Division and Force us to understand what to expect on each beat and also let us “The TSG benchmark with other Police In August 2016 AWE stations hosted the Later in the day he also met the Strategic processes – both informal and formal meet some of our new colleagues at the same time. Doing Firearms and Specialist Military units. visit of the Chief Constable, Alf Hitchcock. Weapons (SW) Customer representative that and getting a walkthrough of how to report for duty for and station lead, Lynn Johnson and T Connection: there exists interpersonal relationships and information networks our first shift really made that first shift a little less daunting.” members of the AWE Security team: Dr Tim Clayden, Graham Simpson and T Engagement and inclusion: individual staff members Supt Jackson, as the Strategic Initiative lead, noted: Dave Randall. treated as valued and appreciated members of the team “The benefits of this objective have already been identified and highlighted across the Division. New members of staff are The pathway covers three distinct mapped phases: now provided with a more comprehensive induction week, Pre-start, Induction phase and Job start, with each delivering FITTING END with information packs and in-depth present ations relevant to an identified part of the programme and each requiring a roles and responsibilities on section/station. Utilising the skills that staff bring to the different set of actions and activities by the various Force when they join provides a vast array stakeholders. “This has been achieved as a result of utilising the of opportunity. Having a willingness to The stakeholders within the process will include some, if information from previous new members on their find out what skills staff possess and using not all, of the following individuals: considerations of what should be presented on their arrival. them can only add to our inclusive Other improvements include a better understanding of approach of recognising the contribution T NEW STARTER – this may be a new recruit/probationary expectations through connection on staff relationships and that staff can make. officer to the MDP, a New Entrant from Other Forces information networks. (NEOF), an officer on transfer from another station, officers Supt Hewitt said in conclusion: on promotion/leadership roles and NUCS staff “New leaders are offered a support mechanism to allow confidence and enhanced performance during the command “This article was planned, written and T SPONSOR – this would be the station SPO/DSPO or other of incidents and events involving major customer coordinated by Constable Liam Sneath senior person locally responsible for the ‘ownership’ of the stakeholders. Through engagement and inclusion staff have who joined the Force just over two years new starter also been recognised and rewarded for their effort leading to ago. He has an English Degree and T LINE MANAGER – of the Individual(s) a culture of valued and appreciated staff.” wanted to help and just look at the results . . .” 10 11 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS NUCLEAR DIVISION

for COPS. The folder is a one stop shop for all you need to know on how to Command and Control Communications conduct your duties effectively and professionally at RNAD Coulport.” The instruction on the initial course NDHQ Inspr Patrick McNaught said: was provided by Sergt Mark Walker (AWE) is key to success “There is clear evidence of the CONOPS with the expectation that future courses process and the continued development will be delivered by operators from the on working practices with other site Clyde Group. Three civilian operators and T IT IS SAID THAT commun- business, which contribute to the security forces (SSF) provided during our one MDP Constable recently volunteered Continuous at Sea Deterrent (CASD). exercise assurance programme. The to complete the process to supply ication is simply the act of It covers security operations to the trans- capture and communication of learning Command and Control instruction. transferring information from portation of Defence Nuclear Material outcomes to all staff and stakeholders CAPABILITY Sergt Walker has attracted praise from one place to another. (DNM). assures our strategic customers of the the Divisional Commander for his Although this is a simple “The key to its success has been its collective SSF capabilities.” dedication to the project delivery whilst dissemination to the station complement In short . . . it’s good to talk. Sergt THE ABILITY TO DELIVER North of the Division. The Clyde facility is continuing to perform in his role as a Shift definition, we all know that it and the stakeholder engagement process Simpson commented: “Communicating, Command and Control training positioned within the NDHQ building and Sergeant at Aldermaston. On review of is more complex than that. which developed it. The development listening and contributing through a variety was achieved at neutral cost by ‘relocating’ the project, with special reference to the locally throughout the Nuclear Under the direction of Chief Inspr Jim phase allowed us to realign and refresh our of mediums have unquestionably enhanced the necessary equipment from MDP additional work he has done in training Division has been achieved with working relationship with a host of the workplace for the MDP and the facilities locally. operators and potential trainers in the Gillen, D/SPO Coulport, the core function the recent introduction of the of the MDP was assessed and revised. The stakeholder agencies and establish clear customer at RNAD Coulport. Historically, potential operators both Clyde Group, Ch Supt Disher said: Concept of Operations (CONOPS) lines of proactive communication to McNaught Training Suite at Police and Civilian highlighted their “With everyone’s involvement, the Mark has demonstrated a process was formulated through vigorous convey the needs and expectations of each HMNB Clyde. concern at the requirement for being away CONOPS process will develop and it will wor‘k ethic of the highest order, staff/customer engagement, motivation organisation and our team.” from home for three weeks to complete help strengthen and protect our A successful pilot project, and organising his time between of officers and ultimately enhanced the course at Wethersfield. After listening Sergt John Simpson, Co-ordinator on operational role. It will act as a vehicle to subsequent capability, was introduced at delivering the training and communication and has fundamentally to staff, this provision allowed the the project, added: “A number of see us move from not just a service AWE by Supt O’Donnell, with the project supporting the participants, as changed the operational profile of the opportunity for staff to attend the course mechanisms to support the CONOPS provider, but to that of facilitator, being managed by Chief Inspector Earle. well as continuing to support MDP at Coulport. while staying at home with the necessity to process have been initiated, including the developer, partner and overseer. The The project was extended with a only attend Wethersfield for the ICCS his station business as a shift Chief Inspr Gillen explains: provision to all supervisors of a personal operational confidence it has generated is similar provision then introduced in the element of the course (four days). sergeant. “CONOPS is a series of operation orders, hard copy of the CONOPS and constables palpable and I would thoroughly ’ covering the main elements of depot refer to a digital version called CONOPS recommend the process.”

He used the workshops as a discussion tool to Workshops examine the information officers had received from their own section champions, explaining the rationale behind Defence Connect the following MDP Four Cornerstones of: offer Four T Our Purpose (Protecting, Reassuring, Achieving) . . . exploiting technology T Our Style (Professional, Respectable, Adaptable) T Our Code of Ethics (what we, you and the public Cornerstones phones and tablets, then how our staff T ALTHOUGH NUCLEAR would expect of a police officer at work or not) work and communicate will change with it. DIVISION HQ has been using T Our Decision Making Model (DMM) confirming that training Defence Connect since Highlighted below are some of the we all, no matter our role or rank, always use some uses made already by Nuclear Division: type of model or reflection on decision making even early 2 015, a new strategic Defence Gateway. As well as using it on any T Sergt John Kane, HMNB Clyde has without thinking about it. However, by using the official MOD network, you can access it focus on communications and used it to help deliver his work within the assurance DMM/NDM we can evidence decision making in a remotely and securely on a home exploiting technology has Clyde group and has been instrumental in more professional standard. computer, tablet and smart phone via an enabled it to re-visit its use app. It can be used for accessing any the development of the seven groups in DURING JUNE AND JULY Sergt John Kane the Clyde group. His initial group for ‘ND John also highlighted the last My MDP Survey and pan-Division. document up to ‘Official’ level which still conducted a selection of workshops on behalf used the session to discuss current communication and allows a wide scope for use. Open Learning’, aimed at collaborative of the Clyde Group SPO Supt Jackson. how to achieve better communication for all. There are now five groups owned by learning and training, has since become Division (managed by Ch Inspr John Use within Nuclear Division includes Division-wide. discussion forums, blogs, training and These took place as assurance that the on-section This was followed by an exploration of the meaning Coffield and Inspr Darrell Barber) and 18 project management and the Division is John has used the group to post training had been carried out at HMNB Clyde with of our Leadership Standard (Inspiring, Confident and groups across the Division – all making use only just beginning to use it to its full material from his workshops so that staff reference to the MDP Four Cornerstones of Purpose, Empowering) and its relevance to the Four Cornerstones, of what is an excellent communication tool potential to underpin the ability to can access it whenever they want and not Style, Code of Ethics and MDP Decision Making Model as holistically it is for all and not just for managers or and, best of all, one that is owned and communicate outside traditional methods just during the workshop delivery. He has (DMM); Leadership Standard; Effects Based Policing supervisors, looking at the alignment with the MOD and managed by the MOD. and deliver the Division’s work in smarter also been encouraging staff to use the group (EBP) and Measurement of Effect (MOE). Civil Service Leadership Standard model. Defence Connect is a collaborative ways. As the Force moves towards new to post their own learning material where tool that can be accessed through the smart technology and the use of smart they think it will be useful for colleagues. 12 13 CONTINUED . . . SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS NUCLEAR DIVISION

Ch Inspr John Brizzolara, D/Senior Police Officer at the Clyde Marine Unit, has given the project his full support: “I have been impressed at the ease in New recruits which the system works and can see that it definitely has a place within the unit. Moving forward, I feel that it will be a valuable tool in improving communications spreading the word across the Clyde Marine Unit operationally on a day-to-day basis, but also whilst deployed on detachment.” MAY 2015 BROUGHT NEW RECRUITS to RNAD Ch Supt Disher has been encouraged Coulport for the first time in eight years by the creativity of staff and managers within the Division and their willingness to including Constables Ryan McCartney and improve communication by utilising new Samantha Todd. During their recruits training methods and technology. they received input on the force initiative Problems created by having to operate ‘Our Purpose and Policing Style’. with two separate IT systems, until Dii is fully rolled out, have been ameliorated by the use of Defence Connect. colleagues to relate to and visualise how each part of the initiative fitted into their roles and duties as a police officer. The group is currently managed by John IT availability can be Colleagues were able to understand each part of the with help from Insprs Darrell Barber and cha‘llenging at the best of times, initiative and put in into context of how every action they Pat McNaught from Division with the aim more so when officers are out take is based around the MDP Policing Purpose and Style. to include a volunteer from the AWE on patrol on the water. There is The initiative was well received with very positive group as well. still a requirement to access feedback. Sam and Ryan found that this opportunity has Within Clyde Group John uses ‘MDP documents and whilst we rely on provided them with a fresh outlook on the job and new Clyde Section 3’ group to keep section officers on shore checking on ways of thinking and created a positive experience. members sighted on documents relevant our behalf, this is not the best to their working environment, such as solution, he said. T At NTRE Vulcan , which is in the main duties, annual leave forecasts and section staffed by officers on detached duty with Craig res’earched the benefits of using information both work and social. a handful of permanent staff, the dual IT Defence Connect and what documents system has presented some commun- John said: “I see this as an extra link they would be able to upload that would ication challenges for DSPO Inspr Paul for officers who are off on a period of allow a more effective use of officers’ time Chalmers. absence from work and have no access to when delivering their core task and also the work computer, as this may give them allowing officers to make plans by having Paul has embraced Defence Connect as the information they want to see. The access to relevant published information. a way of addressing these challenges. He Being well versed in the topic when they arrived back on potential use for allowing all officers access Craig said: “The ability to access said: “Defence Connect can provide some station, they realised that there would be benefits in passing to information when away from the work Defence Connect through smart devices solutions for me as a leader to improve on their learning and understanding to their colleagues as place can provide significant benefits.” makes it an ideal solution for officers; you communications with staff who are, in the they felt they had a fresh take on the job. just have to remember that for some of main, on Long Term Detached Duty from T John and Sergt Craig Taylor have also They adapted the original Powerpoint presentation to our areas of work the use of smart devices other stations in the Clyde. It is important explored the benefits of having an MDP is not allowed . . . I was impressed with the that they feel connected and are kept up meet the needs of shift workers to engender discussion, Virtual Police Office that can be accessed ease in which the system works.” to date with useful information.” showing colleagues that it really is a mind-set that they have across the MOD community. Whilst not After a recent visit to NTRE Vulcan been using already throughout their careers. intended for the reporting of crime Craig has since brought other CMU Ch Supt Disher commented: “I was really incidents, it can provide outreach to our colleagues on board in helping to manage After testing it first on their shift Inspector, Sergeant and impressed with the efforts Paul and his customers that is not achievable by the group and upload relevant and useful Tutor Constable, they were ready to deliver it to their information. His next step is to promote team are making to keep staff updated. traditional methods. section colleagues. awareness of its use throughout the CMU Their use of multi-media monitors Sergt Taylor, of the Clyde Marine Unit, by running workshops to assist others to throughout the MDP Building is a great Taking small groups of no more than eight at a time They have since provided input to senior management learned about Defence Connect whilst gain access and learn how to use it. way to ensure staff keep abreast of Station prompted group interaction, allowing questions and groups including the Clyde SMT and also to the Nuclear attending a course at Wethersfield. He had and Force changes and are kept briefed and discussion. In parallel, Sam and Ryan used these sessions to Divisional Commander and her Senior Management Team Craig said: “I would like to think that up to date.” already been looking at ways he could this will improve communications develop an insight into the wealth of experience their from across the Nuclear Division. Divisional Commander improve access to information for the 130 throughout the unit and across the MDP. The use of Defence Connect will colleagues had both about the Force and Coulport, all of Chief Supt Beth Disher said: officers within the CMU as their unique It shows that as an organisation we can continue within the Division as part of the which they felt adds to the MDP mission of protecting the It is a credit to both Sam and Ryan for the hard working environment meant that the ‘Exploitation of Technology’ initiative and embrace new technologies and use them MOD Estate. wor‘k and enthusiasm they have both put into this, majority of their working day was spent to the benefit of the organsiation which, in will feature alongside other emerging areas covering the waterborne security of the turn, will provide better productivity, value being explored, including Webinars, Their approach included linking the ‘Purpose and Style’ the confidence they have displayed when presenting nuclear deterrent and its supporting for money and quality of service to our desktop video conferencing and the through different scenarios and situations that colleagues their work to my senior team shows the high calibre infrastructure. customer.” capabilities of the new MODNet. may deal with in their day-to-day tasks. This allowed of officers that are joining the MDP. 14 ’ 15 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS TERRITORIAL DIVISION RIAT 2016 makes history

T HOPEFULLY SOME OF YOU By Inspr Matthew Stagg, SPO RAF Fairford will have read the article I wrote in 201 4, which saw our Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock pay his first operational visit to the Royal International Air Tattoo. So I suppose the question is why have I been asked to write again? Well, this can really be answered by history being made with the first ever international display by Lockheed Martin’s F-35B Lightning II, the world’s most advanced fighter jet. This fighter plane of course will be gracing the Queen Elizabeth Photographs by Paul Kemp Carriers in due course and seeing a flypast by an F-35B and two RAF Typhoons gave a glimpse of the future of the UK’s defence capability. Quite a sight I can assure you.

The air show, which took place in the engagement. Other Royals attending the military chiefs in attendance, including Air summer, is something really quite three-day event were HRH Prince Michael Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chief of the spectacular and attracted a sell-out crowd of Kent and HRH Prince Feisal of Jordan. Defence Staff; Air Chief Marshal Sir of 153,000 people. On the same day as Stephen Hillier, the RAF Chief of the Air The importance and significance of witnessing the F-35B’s debut display, the air Staff (Designate); and new Chief of the US the air show is global and this was show also hosted a visit by the Duke and Air Force, General David Goldfein. Duchess of Cambridge who attended with demonstrated in having 36 international Prince George on his first ever public Senior industry guests included the Chairman of BAE Systems, Sir Roger Carr; Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson and Airbus CEO Mr Allan McArtor.

The UK’s Armed Forces Minister Penny Of course security to the event and Although my piece of this article was Mordaunt and the Minister for Defence aircraft is just one piece of work, but a to provide readers with a general overview Procurement Philip Dunne also attended. particularly important piece when of RIAT, it would be amiss of me if I didn’t considering the country’s current political take this opportunity to thank all of those With more than 230 aircraft, from 37 officers who were involved, whether that environment. air arms in 24 countries participating in be from the planning phases through to the Air Tattoo the event has a defence It is therefore pleasing to put on record the delivery and execution of our role. diplomacy role to play, whilst also providing that the air show was a ‘safe’ event and the These events do not just happen by a showcase in which to demonstrate MDP role of providing ASV teams and ens- themselves and hand on heart I can say current – and future – capabilities of uring the safety of the F-35, F-22 and other that our ‘Policing Style and Purpose‘ was the RAF. protected assets was not compromised. delivered to the full. 16 17 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS TERRITORIAL DIVISION Territorial Gold Awar d fo r MDP Division Norther n Ireland TUESDAY 25 OCTOBER 2016 saw Territorial T Talkthrough received the following message “As can be seen Division Commander Chief Superintendent from the articles from Territorial Division Commander, Mick O’Byrne visit Ballymena to collect ‘The this has covered a Workplace Charter on Domestic Violence’ Gold CHIEF SUPT MICK O’BYRNE: range of challenging and diverse activity which has included Award on behalf of MDP Northern Ireland. As the Divisional Commander of Territorial rewards of recognition, participation in counter terrorism The award recognises the work that MDP have Div‘ision, I am delighted to share with you some exercises and the front end delivery of operational policing. delivered in the last twelve months in developing/ of the work reflecting the dedication and “This is only a fraction of some of the excellent work reviewing/renewing policy and working with other professionalism of my staff through what has delivered by our staff throughout the division on a day-to-day agencies that seek to support, protect and reassure been a particularly demanding year for us. ’ basis, keeping our communities and our customers safe.” victims of domestic violence. With regards to policy, this award particularly recognises work carried out in creating the Joint Policing Protocol policy on Domestic Violence which was signed by CC MDP Alf Hitchcock on his first visit to Northern Ireland following his appointment in 2013. That policy brings together all agencies dealing with DV/DA in the Defence Community in NI under a single policy and is reviewed annually. This includes PSNI, RMP, MDP, Woman’s Aid, Men’s Advisory Project, Army Sergt Jimmy Carr DCPO NI stated: “It is the Welfare services, and Victim Support NI. signposting of victims to the appropriate support groups This is the third year that MDP have achieved the which is the cornerstone of the MDP response to DV in Gold award. It recognises that MDP as an organisation Northern Ireland. are committed to working with other agencies to “Police involvement in responding to Domestic facilitate the best support to victims of this crime, Violence is very limited to the initial response, identifying responding effectively to disclosures, whether from the the victim, carrying out a risk assessment, identifying victim or from third parties. offences, and arresting the alleged offender. It goes without saying that MDP will always seek to bring offenders before the court. “However MDP can only provide the initial protection and reassurance to victims, but the continued support needs to come from those best suited to provide it, whether that is the internally based Army Welfare system or externally using groups such as Woman’s Aid and Men’s Advisory Project. It is this signposting that truly provides the sup‘port, protection and reassurance long term that victims need. Over a number of years MDP has sought to develop relationships with those agencies, to allow for successful signposting when appropriate. The pictures show ’TD Commander Mick O’Byrne collecting the award from ACC Will Kerr PSNI, and PC’s Mel and Willie Burns showing the award.


increase in numbers and capability with the arriving new aircraft carriers. No regrets The application process took several Joint patrols at Portsmouth months, but finally I started at Wethersfield and before long I was in post on the Portsmouth Marine Unit, as an AFO – Christmas festival two specialisations that colleagues in my over transfer former force would give their right arms to obtain! MDP OFFICERS from Portsmouth joined up with “With a Project their Hampshire counterparts from the Charles Servator team My new colleagues welcomed me to being formed by the team, and I found myself fielding a lot Dickens Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) to MD P. . . of questions about what life was like in a for the Victorian Festival of Christmas, ensuring MDP Sergt Guy Home Office force, and how the MDP that this important local event ran very Hibbert, this was a compared. smoothly, with no major issues. really good start to effective The main thing for me was Sergt Richard Holland of the NPT said: “It was an By Sergt Alex Stypulkowski, information sharing, particularly for me on my beat HMNB Portsmouth understanding how my new role differed excellent community engagement event, during which given that patrols have been and will be happening on from the Home Office. I am fortunate that the general public were very happy to see police in a my patch. my inspector met with me early on and relaxed environment and appreciative that we were there spent time explaining the core MOD keeping them safe. “We also now have a new tea/breakfast stop at requirements and how our work needs to Unicorn Gate! The relationship that Sergt Hibbert and I fit with these. It is important to have that “By having three pairs we were able to deal with have formed will be of huge benefit to both Police forces. understanding of what our purpose is and missing persons, lost property and suspicious persons why the MDP is here. With that in place, very quickly, requiring no additional resourcing at all. “We also made use of social media to send out everything soon makes sense. positive community engagement messages and joint “The mixed pairs of Hantspol and MDP really work working tweets. The MDP should hold its head high well and this event provided a great opportunity to work for the specialist capabilities that we have, together and build up contacts. Also given that MDP “Finally I would very much like to thank Guy and all and I am delighted to be part of an are now doing VCS and assisting with Op Build, we his officers who took part in the event with me. They organisation that is increasingly being could give some advice and guidance to their less were all professional and genuinely glad to be involved recognised by government and the wider experienced officers. and my officers really enjoyed working with them.” policing family for what we can offer – Op Temperer being one such example. The opportunities afforded to officers here are impressive. Not only is there the fact that all officers undertake an AFO course, but there are also numerous other opportunities available on TSG, Dogs or Drugs dog course success Marine Units. T ‘UNIQUE SPECIALIST certainly unique, we do indeed have impressive specialist capabilities, and I am I have also been fortunate enough to IN AUGUST 2016, two Central Operations dog On the day of licensing, both dog teams were POLICING ’and ‘The country’s delighted to be a part of that marine gain a promotion to Sergeant. I had passed handlers, PC Darren Wright and PC Gary required to conduct a search of a shopping centre largest Marine Policing policing capability at such an exciting time, my OSPRE Part 1 and 2 in my previous Herron, undertook and successfully passed an containing a number of pre-placed volunteer ‘carriers’ with the arrival of the QEC Aircraft Carriers force, and had amassed a lot of time as an Capability’ were two sentences eight-week drugs dog course organised and ran inside. These carriers were unknown to each dog team, and associated uplift in Marine policing acting and temporary Sergeant, but no who then had to successfully navigate the area and which grabbed my attention numbers and capability. opportunities existed for substantive by South Yorkshire Police. locate each drug hide. promotion posts. The MDP recognised my when I first began to look into I have an interest in the Counter This was an intensive course that required both dog qualifications and experience, and I was Both dog teams successfully located all of the drug a transfer to the MDP from a Terrorism and Protective Security areas of and handler to be sufficient in two disciplines of given an interview board – another carriers and therefore passed the course with flying policing business, and decided the MDP searching; ‘pro-active’ (building, vehicles and areas) and Home Office force. example that in the MDP the opportunities colours – WELL DONE! may well provide the new direction I was ‘passive’ (people scanning). After ten years as a frontline officer, looking for. I applied to the MDP having are there should you want to take them. I felt ready for a new challenge, and was Police dogs ‘Enzo’ (Springer/Pointer cross) and done my homework – I found out about I simply cannot recommend the MDP immediately drawn to the MDP as a the role by speaking to serving officers as enough. It is important, though, to do your ‘Oscar’ (Labrador) were assessed in a variety of locations, chance to develop my career in a new well as reading a wealth of material online, homework and remember that the MDP is such as airports and shopping centres, in order to test direction. and something chimed with me about the a specialist force with a tightly focused their ability to work effectively in built up areas. Guided Now nine months after I transferred specialist remit of the force. remit. It so happens that remit is exactly by their handlers, both dogs had to demonstrate that onto the Portsmouth Marine Unit, it is The officers I spoke to both where my interests within policing lay, so they could locate the drug hides of both static and interesting to reflect how those two understood and valued their role, and I was the decision for me was an easy one and I mobile members of the public, who were carrying sentences have impacted upon me during struck by the enthusiasm regarding the could not be happier with my decision. If it substances on themselves or in bags and suitcases. the biggest period of change in my policing developing scope of the MDP’s operation, is for you too then get your forms in and career. Our role here in the MDP is particularly at Portsmouth with the join us! 20 21 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS TERRITORIAL DIVISION

The event which also commem- orated the Irish Sailor who served in the Great War coincided with the Garrison start of that battle, a battle which saw 8,645 British and German sailors killed. During the battle HMS Caroline celebrates . . . made contact with the German fleet firing three 6 inch, nine 4 inch shells, and two torpedoes before retreating under heavy fire. 75th Anniversary of Fought over 31 May – 1 June 1916 the Battle of Jutland was the largest ever clash of dreadnoughts and Jutland involved 250 ships and 100,000 sailors. the Special Air Service In the aftermath of the overnight battle 14 British and 11 German ships had been sunk, resulting in 6,094 T ON SATURDA Y16 July 201 6 throughout the day, including a Heritage display, military vehicles new British and 2,551 sailors killed. a prestigious event was held Centenary and old and a remarkable ‘junior Invited guests to the event at Stirling Lines, , selection’ assault course that was included HRH Prince Michael of Kent, Hereford Garrison to comm- hugely popular with the children (and the Second Sea Lord and Arlene Commemorated some adults) with all candidates ‘blue Forster MLA First Minister for emorate the 75th Anniversary badged’. One of the most memorable Northern Ireland. on the formation of the SAS. T THE CENTENARY of officers assisted at the search regime highlights was an aerial display by a in order to ensure all guests were DCPO officers remained on duty at Stirling Lines is the home of 22 WW2 Spitfire flown by a world the Battle of Jutland was searched prior to entry. Regiment, Special Air Service. commemorated in Belfast the event on completion of the search champion aerobatic pilot. regime, providing reassurance to Situated close to the Titanic The event officially opened at This brought the whole event to a on 31 May 2 01 6, with the invited guests, which included signature building, HMS Caroline is the 1100 hours to music played by the standstill, with the pilot unable to opening of HMS Caroline descendants of those who served at last remaining vessel from the only band of the Scots’ Guards. To mark resist going over the allotted time, sea during the Great War. as a visitor attraction. major sea battle of the First World the anniversary, a specially making several additional low passes MDP officers provided assistance War. MDP officers with lengthy service The photograph shows MDP commissioned Bronze Statue was to the delight of the crowd. to the security operation at the will remember and maybe even served officers after the event where they had unveiled by the Commanding Officer The event officially closed at 1800 request of PSNI. Over four hundred at HMS Caroline in its latter days when performed those security related 22 Regiment Special Air Service in the planning process with the Military hours. The day was a huge success guests were invited to the launch, it saw service as the home of the reassurance duties in support of Belfast company with Prince William. Event Planning Team, with a number with no disorder or criminality being including a number of VIPs and MDP Ulster Division Royal Naval Reserve. Harbour Police and PSNI. The event was attended by over of meetings, table-top exercises and experienced during the event, the 5,000 persons including serving site recces held leading up to the only policing intervention required members and veterans of the day itself. was when two children were Regiment plus numerous other high temporarily lost, but subsequently profile guests, dignitaries, civilian staff Inspr Graham Musto, SPO of INTERNATIONAL POLICING reunited with their families. and family dependants. Hereford Garrison was the Event Silver Commander. MDP officers Otherwise it was an almost perfect The drawdown of Op Herrick and closure of the offering its staff to an investigators post in Kabul, A comprehensive search, security controlled entry and exit to the camp, celebration for the 75th anniversary International Policing and Secondments Office, Afghanistan. and policing operation was thoroughly with MDP Explosives Search Dog of the SAS. along with the reset of MDP, has seen minimal MDP maintains its Chief Officer representation and planned, with MDP and the Station Teams and Licensed Search Officers The Regiment were delighted with activity in this important work stream for a visibility on the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPCC) Security Officer forming a close conducting comprehensive searches the support and professional policing period of nearly two years. working partnership with the West International Coordination Committee and has briefed of the Officers’ and Sergeants’ of the event by the MDP and the Mercia and Warwickshire Police Moving forward, MDP has retained a close liaison its international investigative work, along with UK police Messes, VVIP routes and main display SPO would like to thank all MDP Alliance, who also provided police and delivered support activity at the Permanent Joint processes, at Ministerial level. More recently, HQ Ops areas for customer reassurance. MDP Hereford personnel who were on resources for a remote satellite car and their West Mercia search counter- Headquarters (PJHQ), which also saw a visit by ACC Ops has tasked the development of a series of supporting duty on the day and all those officers park, plus the Metropolitan Police parts also performed searches of all Paul McLaughlin during October 16 for cross depart- policy and Standing Operating Procedures, currently at both at Hereford and Territorial Personal Protection Team assigned to VIP and Disabled vehicles entering mental briefings and to engage with other Role Owners the consultation stage, which are planned as a Division, who contributed towards the Royal Family. the camp. from across Defence. MDP has also recommenced its cornerstone for future international deployments by the event planning, making the wider contribution to MOD’s operations overseas by MDP officers. From the outset, both MDP and A large number of attractions and policing operation such a resounding West Mercia Police were involved in activities were programmed success. 22 23 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS TERRITORIAL DIVISION Business Continuity and Resilience Exercise at MOD Corsham

administered first aid, a casualty PS 2795 David handling centre was established and Hyde acted as staffed by both emergency service subject matter and site representatives. The response expert in support was coordinated and managed of the group. effectively. Also present as In the afternoon tactical level an observer was reactions to the incident were Supt Chris Yates exercised. This took a three phase plan from Territorial Division Operations. scenarios and demonstrated excellent interoperability, key decision making that had injects from the morning’s The two groups quickly skills and tactical level capability, play. The incident was ramped up to established effective lines of culminating in a combined debrief to elicit a more involved response from communication and independently capture learning and areas of all parties. provided a coordinated response to development. The TCG was chaired by Wilts the incident. Support mechanisms from both teams were established. Months of planning led up to the Response Group, who direct the Police Supt Dave Minty and focused Overall the day was a complete T MOD CORSHAM hosted a Overall primacy lay with Wiltshire event which took place on 7 October MOD response and recovery at MOD on casualty response, local impact, success. It is rare that all of the Police and what was very positive Major Incident exercise in and the event was delivered in two Corsham. media responses, environmental fall participants have the opportunity to was the site’s support from a senior October, which combined an phases: out and recovery. The BCRG was come together and be tested At 0930hrs the site went into military perspective for the incident emergency services and ISS chaired by RN Capt Shaun Prescott, simultaneously, key learning points will lockdown as final preparations were and the hierarchy. the focus of which was maintaining be taken away and distilled into the Operational response and an OPERATIONAL taking place, the carcass of a Lynx effective service delivery, community The scenario injects proved both various Business Continuity emergency services Tactical EFFECTIVENESS helicopter was carefully positioned in impact, BC plans and site support for realistic and challenging. Both teams and Resilience plans of all front of the main building (405) at Coordinating Group and ISS The first phase was an operational the emergency services’ response. systematically worked through the of the involved agencies. Business Continuity Response capability exercise that centred on the Corsham. Action AMPS provided emergency services’ initial response to medical casualties which were made Group (BCRG) Tactical up very realistically. response. a Major incident and the site’s first responders’ reaction to the event, as The exercise commenced just after Participants included the three well as evacuation plans. 10am, MDP as first responders were external emergency services, local gov- first on scene and a major incident ernment departments, Public Health was declared immediately; PC Vic England, Swindon local resilience TACTICAL AND SITE BCRG RESPONSE Hillier was inundated with causalities forum and the Environment Agency. and had to establish a hierarchy of The main aim of the exercise was The second half revolved around two response very quickly. to test the MOD Corsham Incident table top groups the first being a Defence Fire Service were next on Management plan and the MOD Tactical Co-ordination Group (TCG) the scene and conducted casualty Corsham Site Recovery Tactical plan, comprising of senior officers from all response procedures, meanwhile and how the MOD would work with of the key players. Also present was a evacuations of key buildings were the emergency services during a major representative of COBRA (the Cabinet taking place and BC plans were incident. By delivering a joint exercise Office emergency committee) which invoked. Wiltshire Police, fire service the MDP were able not only to test highlighted not only the critical and ambulance first responders were the operational capability of the local importance of MOD Corsham to very quickly on scene and Wilts POL emergency services but moreover to Defence but also the commitment at command was quickly established. assess the interoperability and all levels to effective Business command structure of all the agencies Continuity exercising. The second The site’s response was both rapid involved and ISS at a tactical level. group was the ISS Business Continuity and efficient, walking wounded were 24 25 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERATIONS ‘OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS’

more stations across the Force. One area being looked at presently Team set up in conjunction with CID is making PND interrogation available 24/7 to the Force. EARLIER THIS YEAR following the MDPHQ PIR As the Force moves forward the team is looking at the review a new team was set up within HQ Ops called functionality enhancements that ControlWorks the replacement for ‘Operational Systems’. NSPIS Command and Control will bring. This change was driven by the impending move from Airwave to the Emergency Services Sergt Steve Woodgate, who heads up Ops Systems with the Network (ESN) as C &C was not compatible with ESN. support of PCs Jimmy McIntosh and Ralph Bayley, explained that its purpose was to consolidate management responsibility for business Part of this work will be a fundamental review of the data we critical systems, thus removing the previous single points of failure. currently hold and how it can be made more readily available to officers where and when they need it. This will include the ability for The team is responsible for PNC Management and Bureau officers to update their own incidents when appropriate to do so, The Clyde functions in Force and all system management aspects of thus reducing the workload on control room operators and empow- Command and Control, ICCS and the Airwave network. ering officers to be responsible for the incidents they are attending. The Operational Systems team will ensure that the Force The team will continue to provide advice and best practice continues to meet its responsibilities regarding PNC Bureau guidance on all aspects of the operational use of Airwave and ESN Remembers functions consistently, providing resilience to the work that Jimmy when we begin transition, in support of operations and exercises has done over recent years. both internal and multi-agency. By joining up the former PNC Bureau and CIS AICC team it is For them to be effective the Comms Tactical Adviser must be expected that we will enhance the use and access to PNC and PND invited to participate at the very earliest stages of operations and T ROYAL NAVY personnel by General Sir Gordon Messenger, HMS Neptune Volunteer Band at a control room level and thus support Officers on the ground event planning. They are also available 24/7 via CCR to assist Vice Chief of the Defence Staff provided musical accompaniment. more effectively as the Operational Policing Model is adopted at where serious or protracted spontaneous incidents occur. from Clyde-based naval units, (VCDS), to pay their respects to those The Helensburgh ceremony was including those from MDP, who made the ultimate sacrifice. took part in memorial and also attended by local dignitaries and In addition, on Sunday, November community groups including the band Remembrance services the 13, Naval Base Commander Clyde, of the Helensburgh Pipes and Drums, length and breadth of the Commodore Mark Gayfer, Boys Brigade, Scouts and Girl Guides, MDP IN THE MEDIA country in November. represented HM Naval Base Clyde amongst others. at the Remembrance Service at Events began on Friday, November With the Volunteer Band and the Recent extracts from newspaper and magazine articles Helensburgh’s cenotaph in Hermitage 11, when Royal Navy and civilian staff Royal Navy Guard leading, the groups Park. which have featured MDP . . . from HM Naval Base Clyde gathered formed a parade at Hermitage Primary to commemorate Armistice Day. Naval personnel from HMS School and marched to the Garden of From: HELENSBURGH ADVERTISER Members of the Naval Base’s shore Neptune also supported the Royal Remembrance with Commodore From: DAILY RECORD establishment – HMS Neptune – led British Legion (Scotland) led event by Gayfer taking the salute outside the Parents fear misuse the commemorations and were joined forming a ceremonial guard while town’s Victoria Halls. Faslane canoeist trouble of drugs in deep CHILDREN as young as 13 at Hermitage ecurity alert an sparked a major s Academy, Helensburgh are being exposed to CLARIFICATIO N. . . A GERMAN m aters dling into restricted w illegal drugs, parents fear. at Faslane – after pad IN TALKTHROUGH issue female officer to do so, the first in a canoe. The concerns were raised at a Parent Council meeting at number 160 (November 2015), officer to pass the course was here a fleet of the school (in October). Following the meeting, Helensburgh ay into the base near w retired MDP officer Roland Weeks . He made his w Inspr Coleen Wylie confirmed parents had raised the misuse in an article celebrating e based. nuclear submarines ar of illegal substances with police. She added that officers are 100 YEARS OF WOMEN IN We are happy to make this clear ooped on the 20-year- ry of Defence Police sw patrolling the area and said action will be taken against POLICING, it was stated that Minist mp. and apologise for the error. g at Faslane Peace Ca individuals concerned. old, who had been livin ex-MDP officer Sharon Taylor riff Sharon remains the first MDP red at Dumbarton She The school’s head teacher Geoff Urie was also in as arrested and appea was the first MDP officer to He w pting to officer, male or female, to achieve ed he had been attem attendance at the meeting, alongside Sergt Tom Harkness, Court (where) he claim pass the Strategic Command itted entering a MDP DCPO Russell White and Louise Connor, an education ACC rank in a Home Department Garelochhead. He adm canoe to er fined manager for Argyll and Bute Council. Course. Sheriff William Gallach police force, having joined Devon protected channel and This was not correct, because and Cornwall Police in that rank in him £100. even though she was the first April 2008.

26 27 Sergt John Simpson, MDP Wildlife Crime Officer at the Base, said: Clyde Marine Unit The Security at HM Naval Bas‘e Clyde that protects the Submarine Service also provides a sanctuary for hen harriers, the joins in the most endangered bird of prey in the UK. ’ “We understand that hen harriers festive fun are a necessary part of a healthy functioning countryside and are please we can play some part in helping to Performing on the square’s main stage were members of HMS protect them.” Neptune Volunteer Band who kicked things off on the Saturday with a series of seasonal tunes designed to get the crowds in the Blánaid Denman, manager of the festive spirit. RSPB’s Hen Harrier LIFE+ Project, said: On the same day, Royal Navy Clearance Divers from the Clyde- “The last national survey in 2010 based Northern Diving Group (NDG) brought along some of the found Scottish hen harrier populations equipment used when tackling explosive ordnance around the had fallen by 20 per cent in just six country, including their remote controlled bomb disposal robot years, with only 505 pairs remaining. which particularly impressed young festival-goers. “According to an independent Another favourite was the rigid inflatable boat brought along government report, Scotland should by the Clyde Marine Unit and used to protect high-value shipping be able to support up to 1,790 pairs on the river Clyde. of harriers, but they are still being T PERSONNEL from HM Naval Base Clyde Also representing the Ministry of Defence Police at the event blighted by illegal killing and attended the Helensburgh Winter Festival on was community police officer Russell White who attended with one disturbance. As a result, these iconic November 26-27, helping to both entertain and of their emergency vehicles. birds are now missing from huge Sanctuary for swathes of our landscape, when they educate visitors at the event. The Festival, which has been on the go since 2012, is one of the should be an integral part of Hundreds attended the two-day festival in the town’s biggest Winter Festivals in the West of Scotland. Run by Scotland’s natural beauty. Colquhoun Square where a host of stalls, children’s entertainment, volunteers, the Festival has become a key event in Helensburgh’s bands and street theatre were on display. calendar. “That’s why this type of work is so endangered important, and why it’s so positive to see a large landowner like the MOD leading by example and championing Claire short-listed for these birds. birds of prey “We’re delighted to have worked alongside the MOD, which has been community engagement and T TWO YOUNG hen harrier monitoring and protecting this nest Women In Defence Award investigations work to secure a future at Coulport. Given the parlous state chicks have been satellite for these birds in Scotland and tagged with the help of MDP of hen harriers in Scotland it’s PC CLAIRE BATT, of the northern England. officers at HMNB Clyde, as fantastic to see an adult pair being Performance and Attendance The data gathered from the tags able to safely raise four fit and healthy Unit and the Defence Police part of a national project to will be monitored, to see where the young chicks.” Federation Welfare Officer, protect and conserve these birds go and identify the attended the Memorial Court threatened birds of prey. areas where they are most in MOD Main Building in The pair came from a nest of four at risk. September, having been short- young located at the high security Hen harriers are a red listed for a Women In Coulport site – the storage and listed bird species of highest Defence Award. loading facility for the UK’s Trident conservation concern in the nuclear warheads. All four chicks were The category was ‘Most Collab- UK. These raptors were orative Award’, the criteria for which ringed and two, a male and a female, hunted to extinction over was ‘Can demonstrate that creating a were tagged. most of the UK during the collaborative working arrangement with in recognition of how the welfare needs Said Claire: “I received a short-list The satellite tagging was Victorian era and although their organisation or working with and concerns of MDP officers are raised award of a very lovely pen and, conducted as part of the Royal Society their populations have another one created a positive effect.’ and managed by PC Batt, through the although I didn't win, I had a lovely for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) part recovered since then, they Claire (pictured fourth left) was intro duction of a DPF specific welfare day networking with some very EU-funded Hen Harrier LIFE+ Project, remain very much at risk nominated by Inspr Jayne Dunn (MDP), officer, sponsored by the Force. awesome ladies!” an exciting five year programme of from disturbance and illegal nest protection, monitoring, killing. 28 29 By Sergt Neil HRH the Macpherson Prince of COMMUNITY Wales visit ENGAGEM ENT to HMNB at summer gala Devonport

T HRH PRINCE CHARLES visited HMNB Devonport in July, specifically to see the recently commissioned Energy for Waste plant operating week on station. Rachel was displaying and wearing the uniform of an AFO and had the opportunity to speak with on the perimeter of the Naval Base. His Royal Highness whilst other officers present were in The plant produces a good proportion of the base’s various other uniforms which outlined the specialist areas energy via waste products which is an area of great interest to within which the MDP operates. His Royal Highness. There were two fully outfitted RHIB Officers from After being shown around the facility, the Prince attended Devonport Marine Unit, also PC Karen Crossley displayed her at the Parade Ground and the Senior Rates Mess in HMS GPD Dog ‘Flint’ alongside EXPO Dog ‘Max’. Prince Charles Drake, situated within the Naval Base, to be met by a 21 gun spent some time petting Flint whilst PC Crossley explained salute. He was accompanied during Flint and Max’s capabilities. the event by the Naval Base There were also two of the Commander Cdre Ian Shipperley station civilian staff members in ADC RN. attendance – Janette Clark and Waiting to meet His Royal Shari Farrar. All other patrol Highness were 350 specially invited officers present had an opport- guests, made up of ten represent- unity of a short conversation with atives from each of the high profile the Royal visitor. departments which operate within The display, discussions and the Naval Base. This included information gave the Prince a Service Personnel, Civilians, good insight into our duties, Contractors and The Ministry of responsibilities and capabilities Defence Police. There were various here at Devonport. displays, showing an array of businesses working within the base, After viewing the displays a including MDP. small Garden Party type themed reception was facilitated by the They provided a static vehicle display, a static display On arrival at the parade ground Royal Navy and all participants of firearms and equipment plus a police dog skills Prince Charles took time to view and guests had the opportunity demonstration. many of the displays, stopping at to merge together and enjoy The event was well attended and supported by MDP’s stand and interacting with all the occasion. numerous agencies, including Defence Fire Risk ten officers in attendance, studying After the event the Naval Management Organisation, North Yorkshire Fire and the Force’s promotional material and speaking with all of the Base Commander Cdre Ian Shipperley ADC RN took time Rescue and Scarborough Institute of Advanced Motorists. officers on a one-to-one basis. He chatted with the station THE TRADITIONAL FAMILIES’ DAY at RAF out to thank all those involved for delivering a very positive SPO Chief Inspr Claire Pitcher who introduced the members Fylingdales was this year re-branded as the MDP Community Liaison Officer (CLO) PC Mal and enjoyable day for His Royal Highness and gave his of the team present. ‘RAF Fylingdales Summer Gala’, with the MDP Wright told : “It was a great success and an appreciation to all of the personnel involved. He said: “Our TalkThrough contingent making a significant contribution to excellent opportunity for liaison with the RAF One of the officers in attendance was PC Rachel Sully, aim was to give HRH a sense of the rich diversity of activity who had recently passed out at Wethersfield after that makes Devonport such a special place and we certainly the July event’s success. Community.” completing her recruit’s course, and was in only her second did that.” 30 31 emy Blunden, OM: Commodore Jer FROM: Neil Hare, Director W FR andant arhead Capability, Director ACSC and Assistant Comm MOD Whitehall LETTERS and Staff Maritime, Joint Services Command I am writing to thank you and your tea rivenham (to CC Alf Hitchcock) m for your work in supporting the visit College, Sh of the US Deputy Energy Secretar y, Dr Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, to AW Command and Staff E. hank you for addressing the Advanced This wa T s an important interaction for the UK w ith your lecture on ‘Leading Change’. ith a key figure in the US Course (ACSC) w nuclear programme and your team was key to the successful outcome , Metropolitan and achieved. Your experiences within the Lancashire rate olice Forces allowed you amply to illust Bedfordshire P The support provided by the Min e programmes through a istry of Defence Police both in preparat the challenges in leading chang for the visit and o ion u taining n the day was outstanding. I am very co o s and enter nscious tha y onal insight t the k of examples, pers as n series sistance provi a ded to th h e visit by the S t W Transport d team and MDP Spec n ial a es. E , vignett scort Group wa e s in addit n ion to core du o ties and w d Andy e are very g l FROM: Mackin.d rateful for th l er, H e e ead of W of the questions was extra effort involved FROM: DSTL PSyA _S I think the variety and depth of some . t rategic Weapons Project Team arked within , of the rapport and interest that you sp I want to thank on behalf of Director Infrastructure, Head of FMS and myself MOD A indicative I should note particular thanks to Brian bbey Wood was grateful for your personal Wilson, the MDP Police Commander the student cohort and I on the day. The smoot all MDP personnel who contributed to the smooth execution of the Dstl 100 e question period. hness and efficiency of Dr Shirwood-Ra I would like to thank y ights and frank answers given during th down ndall’s move event, which took place at DSTL Porton Down and was managed in a secure, ou and commend your ins to London and between Aldermaston office and Burghfield was very much rs for their performance during the mo e support that you offered and down to the professionalism safe, well organised and smooth manner. nth of I am extremely grateful for th of Brian and his team. With a very busy protests at the Atomic Weapons E s again in the future. schedule, this supp stablishment at hope that you may be able to support u ort was greatly appreciated both by the We recognise the considerable effort that goes into organising such an event Burghfield, in June a Deputy Secretary . nd her security detail. Please pass on my and it was good to see that security played an important part in helping the thanks to Brian and his whole team. From the fir event coordination team deliver such a successful event, providing significant st round of planning to the culmination of the pro support at both the pre-event enabling stage and on the event itself. test period we were left in no doubt as to th e capability and determination of your officers. The nature of the protest evolved throughout the month an d your officers demonstrated consider- International able flexibility in meeting those challenges. The new M emorandum of Understanding between yourselves and Thames Valley and H Police Association ampshire Police proved to be a significant success, with impro ved intelligence sharing, clearly defined jurisd iction and interoperability between the Branch News F orces; the development of this is much appreciated. Despite the best endeavours of the various protest Thames Valley groups, the police operation should be considered an unquali fied success, with no impact on the safe and s RETIRED MDP OFFICER The International Police Association In 2013 it was decided to amalga- ecure delivery of the United Kingdom’s strategic deterrent. Kevin Goodman has contacted (IPA) is the largest organisation for mate the two branches into one TalkThrough, keen to police officers and police staff in the covering the whole of the TVP area. encourage former and serving world. The Association was founded Its four meetings a year normally on 1st January 1950 by Arthur Troop officers living in the Thames take place at the Royal British Legion Your contribution helped ensure that the event ran smoothly and enabled (1915-2000), a Sergeant in the Club in Abingdon, although the Branch visitors to enjoy the day in a safe and secure environment. Well done to all J Dathan RN, Valley area to attend meetings, Lincolnshire Constabulary. FROM: Commander T AGM on 17 February 2017, will be at concerned/involved and a special thanks to MDP staff for ensuring smooth port Group, or consider joining his local Commander Engineering Sup Its motto is in Esperanto: ‘Servo per the Officers’ Mess, RLC Vauxhall traffic flow management, event security, and providing that all important Devonport branch of the International Barracks, Didcot. level of confidence relating to our ability to manage any incident with that HMNB Amikeco’ (Service through Friendship). handling staff for Police Association. The aim of the IPA is to create friendly scale of visitors, as well as managing post event checks/patrols. I am writing to thank you and your dog Said Kevin: “We have also under- School 1 students taking part in HMS Drake’s Kevin, who retired in June 2012, links and encourage cooperation taken visits to such varied places as the Additionally, very well done for spotting and dealing sensitively and hosting 1 perience Week. served at AWE Burghfield, RAF Welford between individual police officers and professionally with a particular visitor who had a bag with an inappropriate Work Ex Bodleian Library, St Tiggywinkle’s enraptured. and the CTU at RAF Croughton. police staff around the world. It now Animal Hospital, the Whitechapel Bell logo on it. From the moment of arrival they were es did a Before that, he served in the UKAEA has about 400,000 members and Constable David Gibbs and his colleagu Foundry, the Ceremony of the Keys at in action, while sections in 63 countries. The main marvellous job demonstrating the dogs Constabulary at BNFL Sellafield and the Tower of London and many more. ormative and the tour of the compound was both inf Harwell Laboratories. offices of the organisation are in Our Branch magazine ‘Small World’ is enjoyable. Nottingham. usually published quarterly. FROM: Mark Corbet Burche Regarding his membership of the r, Head of Protocol, one of the MOD Whiteha As a result of their experiences at least Thames Valley Branch of the IPA, he The Thames Valley branch started “If you are in the Thames Valley ll MOD Police in students is now considering joining the said: “We have several members of the life as IPA No 6 Region – Buckingham- area and a member of the IPA and I suspect your officers rarely rec o work in the dog handling unit. It is eive the thanks they deserve. Yesterday order to be able t IPA who are either serving or retired shire. Later it was put into No .7 Region would like to come along to one of (11 Oct) they provided an excelle the success of this serial is due to you nt service in escorting the President of recognised that MDP officers living and/or working in and on the amalgamation of the police our meetings or events, visit our Croatia and her p time and professionalism arty from the Royal Horse Guards hote allowing it to take place and the o l to the Ministry e into the Thames Valley area, but who don't forces of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Facebook page, or if you are interested f Defence. g handling personnel the students cam of the do attend our meetings or events and we Oxfordshire, Oxford City and Reading in joining the organisation please They also s contact with. ecured the whole site; the event passed want to try to rectify this. Also we are Borough in 1968 two Branches were contact in the first instance Mike Vince off with the minimum ld fuss and in a splendidly understate s on my thanks to all concerned it wou d but effective way. Please pass on my If you could pas keen to attract new members to the formed, Thames Valley North and at [email protected] who thanks to all thos e who made this possible. be very much appreciated. organisation.” Thames Valley South. will be able to help you.”

32 33 Photograph: Paul Kemp

In Safe Hands

MDP deployed in support of the Royal Navy under Operation Boruca: a four-day operation – planned by MDP Portsmouth and Whitehall – involving the water side protection of HMS Bulwark , on a formal visit to London. Portsmouth Marine Unit officers were supported by colleagues from Clyde Marine Unit and the Metropolitan Police River Policing Unit, in another example of MDP’s ability to surge in support of Defence interests, providing unique specialist policing services.

Published by the Ministry of Defence Police and produced by Williams Lea Ltd (12/16)