June 2013 Newsletter

The Episcopal Diocese of

Peace to you in the name of the Lord

Greetings from Bishop Suheil Dawani

Dear Friends,

Greetings and Peace in the Name of our Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ!

June has been a very busy and truly productive month! God’s grace has been abundant!

It is always with genuine anticipation that I attend the graduation ceremonies of our Anglican schools as I am encouraged by the extraordinary dedication of the teaching staff and the brilliance of the students. Our work to sustain the Diocese’s important ministry of education is made all the more worthwhile when seeing young people, many of whom are Muslim youth, graduating from our schools ready to fulfill their dreams and make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world. With my daughter, LuBa, graduating from Bir Zeit University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, this year’s round of graduation ceremonies had a special touch as Shafeeqa and I, with hundreds of other proud parents, shared this important milestone with our daughter.

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The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter

The visit by His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, his wife, Caroline, and their son, Peter, to the Holy Land near the end of June was a truly historic occasion. The Archbishop’s clear and affirming message of support for the sustainment and growth of the indigenous Christian presence in the Land of the Holy One raised our hope and increased our confidence that Christians here in the cradle of Christianity’s birth are important to the whole of the and indeed the Church Universal.

This month’s activities included many meetings with various partners who are working with me to achieve financial self-sufficiency for the Diocese of Jerusalem. Ongoing discussions regarding two income generating projects, the St. George Development Project and the Queen Helena Project, as well as dear friends who are participating with me in a feasibility study to determine the possibility of conducting a financial campaign, were all very encouraging. It is my prayer that God will continue to bless these efforts and allow the Diocese to develop sufficient and stable funding resources to allow the ministries of healthcare and education to flourish throughout the five countries that make up the Diocese of Jerusalem. I am grateful to everyone joining me in various and important initiatives to establish the financial self-sufficiency and sustainability of our Diocese and its institutions.

May God grant each of you and your families his blessing and peace.

Peace, Salaam

+ Suheil Dawani

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Arab Evangelical Episcopal School Graduation in

nder the patronage of His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School in Ramallah U celebrated the graduation of its 20th class of high school students, Saturday, June 1st 2013. The ceremony was held at the Ramallah Cultural Palace in the presence of a large gathering of students’ relatives and their friends.

In attendance were Bishop Suheil Dawani, the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, Pastor of St. Andrew’s Church the Rev’d Hanna Dalleh, Mayor of Ramallah Municipality Mousa Haddid, Headmaster Iyad Rafidi, Director of the Technological & Vocational Training Center Giovanni Anbar, and a number of clergy and representatives of civil authorities in the city.

The ceremony began with the entry procession of graduates, followed by the Palestinian National Anthem. Rev’d Hanna Dalleh welcomed everyone and offered a spiritual reflection.

A speech was delivered by Headmaster Iyad Rafidi in which he welcomed Bishop Suheil, the guests and the assembled. He spoke about the achievements and progress of the school year after year thanks to the faculty and the support given by Bishop Suheil. Mr. Rafidi pointed out that the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School is considered one of the best schools in Palestine for its academic and extracurricular activities. He urged graduates to pursue scientific careers, and wished them success in their professional and personal life.

Director of the Technological & Vocational Training Center Giovanni Anbar spoke about the success achieved by the school in the field of vocational training, noting that it attracted a large number of students.

A speech was delivered by His Grace Bishop Suheil in which he congratulated the graduates, their families, the school administration, and its faculty, and wished them success in the journey of their lives after school. He pointed out that the ceremony is an annual tradition and an opportunity to cherish the achievements of the school at all levels.

In his speech, Bishop Dawani stressed on what he described as the ‘Education for Love,’ where the loving environment can produce a community aware of the needs of its individuals and supportive of their attitudes and choices. At the end of the ceremony, Bishop Suheil, the Headmaster, and guests of honor presented certificates and awards to the graduates. The ceremony also included art performances by the school choir.

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Inauguration of a New Burn Treatment Unit at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza

Bishop Suheil Dawani, with representatives of the Qatar Red Crescent Society, inaugurated the ‘Burn Treatment Unit’ at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Tuesday, 04th June 2013. The Qatari government, represented by the Qatar Red Crescent Society, has thankfully donated the costs of the establishment of this Unit.

Princess Basma High School Graduation in Jerusalem

nder the patronage of His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, Princess Basma High School in Jerusalem celebrated U the graduation of its fourth class of high school students on Friday evening, June 7th, 2013. The ceremony was attended by the Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, ‘Adnan Al-Huseini, Princess Basma Board Members, and a large crowd of local residents and dignitaries.

His Grace Bishop Suheil delivered a speech in which he spoke about the distinguished and ongoing services provided by Princess Basma Centre for Disabled Children and its School in the service of our people.

Another speech was delivered by Mr. Ibrahim Faltas, Director of Princess Basma Centre for Disabled Children, in which he stressed the magnificent and distinguished efforts undertaken by the Centre and the School in serving the special needs segment. Princess Basma Centre has always been characterized by as a leading institution in this area of service.

Headmaster Ali Wasim also delivered a speech in which he thanked His Grace Bishop Suheil for his diligent interest in Princess Basma Centre and its School. He urged the graduates to follow the same path that they have learned in school while facing life difficulties and successes.

Another speech was delivered by the Head of the Student Affairs Committee, Mr. Nidal Abu Jum’a, in which he thanked the Centre’s Administration and School for their enormous efforts in the service of students and their parents.

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At the end of the ceremony, His Grace Bishop Suheil along with his wife Shafeeqa, Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, the Director of Princess Basma Centre, and the School Headmaster distributed certificates to the graduates, wishing them success in their future life.

Episcopal Church High School Graduation Ceremony in Nazareth

nder the patronage of His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, the Episcopal Church High School (Christ School) in U Nazareth celebrated the graduation of the 17th class of its high school students on Saturday evening, June 8th, 2013. Ninety Six students graduated in the class of 2012 - 2013. The ceremony was held at the Golden Crown Hotel in Nazareth.

Among the attendance were the Bishop’s Property Management Assistant, Amin Abu Hanna, High School Headmistress Manal Shoufani, the school faculty, the school administration, the Rev’d Imad Deibes, along with the Acting Mayor, Ali Salam, the Head of the Student Affairs Committee, the families of graduate students, and many friends and members of the local community.

The ceremony was opened by Mr. Bassam Safouri, who welcomed His Grace Bishop Suheil and the attendees. A number of speeches were delivered during the ceremony, most notably by His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, who said: “Our school aspires in the right path. We are proud of our graduates and we consider them an honorable educational message. I wish them progress and success in their life after high school. We are proud of Nazareth and its history. Our students are messages of love and peace. We wish them every success in the future.”

Another speech was delivered by Headmistress Manal Shoufani, followed by the Acting Mayor, Ali Salam, and Head of the Student Affairs Committee.

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The graduation ceremony began with a prayer by the Rev’d Imad Deibes on this special occasion. The ceremony also included some entertainment shows. A song by Doa’a Abu Ahmad, accompanied by a slide show of the graduate students narrating the most wonderful moments they spent together, prepared by Larin Abu Ahmad and her fellow students. At the end of the ceremony, certificates were distributed to the graduates, wishing them success in their future life.

Diocesan Property Committee Holds a Meeting

The Diocesan Property Committee held a meeting on Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 to discuss property issues in the Palestinian and Israeli areas. The Diocesan Property Committee holds monthly meetings to discuss issues related to property and its development.

Redeemer Church Confirmation in Amman ‘Laying on of Hands Service with Prayer and Anointing at a Celebration of Holy Communion’

is Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani presided over the ‘Laying on of H Hands Service’ with prayer and anointing at a celebration of Holy Communion at the Redeemer Church in Amman on Sunday evening, June 09th, 2013. A group of 18 young people were confirmed. The service began with the procession and a praise of our Lord of Jesus Christ.

The church service was blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The confirmands received the Holy Communion ‘The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ’, which gives them the spiritual strength to share the good news of disseminating the Kingdom of God.

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Following the Confirmation Service, the parents held a reception in honor of His Grace Bishop Dawani and the graduates.

Embrace the Middle East’s Visit to the Diocese of Jerusalem

n Thursday June 13th, 2013, the Rev’d Brian Jolly, Chair of Trustees of Embrace the Middle East, and Jeremy O Moodey, Chief Executive, visited the Diocesan Office in Jerusalem and had a meeting with Bishop Suheil Dawani. It included another meeting with Sawsan Aranki-Batato, Director of Programs Development Department of the Diocese. During the meeting, Ms. Batato provided an update on the status of the implementation of the Diocesan projects, which they support, particularly the Mobile Clinics Project in Nablus. This particular project has significantly improved the accessibility to health services to more than 10,000 people living in remote areas being repeatedly exposed to multiple challenges. During the meeting, new areas of funding were discussed and agreed.

Bishop Suheil’s Daughter Graduation from University

Bishop Suheil and his wife Shafeeqa Dawani attended their daughter’s graduation ceremony from Birzeit University on Friday afternoon, June 14th, 2013. Luban Dawani graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in ‘Psychology’ with distinction. Friday, June 14th was a special, joyful day in the life of the Dawanis. What makes this an even more special event is the fact that all the Dawani family are graduates of Birzeit University. Bishop Suheil obtained his ‘Sophomore Degree’ in the year 1972 when Birzeit was still a College. He continued his higher studies in Birzeit and the USA. Mrs. Shafeeqa Dawani graduated from Birzeit University in 1977 when Birzeit was declared as a University.

Bishop Suheil’s eldest daughter Sama obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in ‘Psychology’ in 2004 with high honors. His middle daughter Tala obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in ‘English’ in 2005 also with high honors. After obtaining scholarships, both girls continued their higher education locally and abroad. Sama is working on her PhD.

Birzeit University was founded by the Nassirs, an Anglican family, in 1924 as a school college and as one of the best universities in Palestine.

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Good Shepherd Evangelical Episcopal Church in Nablus and Rafidia Celebrates Confirmation Service

he Good Shepherd Evangelical Episcopal Church in Nablus and T Rafidia celebrated the ‘Laying on of Hands Service’, also known as ‘Confirmation’ to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for a group of Episcopal parishioners on Sunday evening, 16 June 2013. The service was presided over by His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani who attended specially for the occasion and the Rev’d Ibrahim Nairouz, Rector of the Parish.

The Church was filled with relatives and guests of those being confirmed. There was a great spirit of joy and thanksgiving.

In an encouraging speech, His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani praised the church youth and expressed his happiness on this occasion saying, ‘The confirmation service in our Episcopal Churches is a proof that the church is alive and productive.’

In his speech, the Rev’d Ibrahim Nairouz extended his thanks to His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani who attended specially for the occasion, and also thanked the distinguished guests who participated in this joyous occasion. He congratulated the confirmands and their families and said their confirmation is a spiritual milestone in their lives.

St. Luke’s Hospital in Nablus Organizes Free Medical Day in Madama

he Arab Evangelical Episcopal Hospital (St. Luke’s Hospital) in T Nablus organized a free medical day in the medical clinic in Madama, from which the local residents of Madama, Burin and ‘Asirah Al- Shamaliyeh benefited, on Monday, June 17th, 2013.

The one-day medical free services included specialties in General Medicine, Care during Pregnancy, in addition to performing free laboratory tests. Dozens of cases took advantage and conducted the necessary medical tests.

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This activity reflects St. Luke’s Hospital’s policy, which aims at providing medical services to citizens, especially in areas where the local residents are repeatedly exposed to social and political challenges.

St. Luke’s Hospital, in cooperation with the Village Council in Madama, has fully equipped a medical clinic in the village. The clinic primarily aims to provide medical services to the citizens in the three villages, especially that these villages are constantly and frequently exposed to many challenges, including the lack of medical services. The clinic includes specialties in General Medicine, Gynecological Diseases, Care during Pregnancy, as well as a medical laboratory equipped with the latest medical equipment.

For his part, the Director General of St. Luke’s Hospital, Dr. Walid Kerry, stressed that such clinic comes within the Hospital’s policy to provide medical services to citizens, especially in remote areas where the local residents are exposed to social and political challenges. Dr. Kerry stressed the Hospital’s communication with the village councils to make it easier for citizens to obtain medical services.

Dr. Kerry noted that, upon the instructions of His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, several other free medical services will be provided to the citizens there in support of their steadfastness.

St. George’s College Executive Committee Meeting

The St. George’s College Executive Committee held a meeting on Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 in the Bishop’s Office at St. George’s Cathedral. Among the attendance were Bishop Suheil Dawani, Bishop of Jerusalem, Bishop Keith Slater, Chair of Australia and New Zealand Regional Committee, Rev’d Barney Hawkins, Chair of the North American Committee, Bishop Richard Cheetham, Chair of the British Regional Committee, and the Very Rev’d Dr. Graham Smith, Dean of St. George’s College in Jerusalem.

The matters being discussed in the meeting included: Bishop Suheil welcomed everyone, including the two new regional chairs (Bishop Cheetham and Rev’d Hawkins) and gave thanks for the work of their predecessors (Bishop Robin Smith and Bishop Alan Bartlett); Bishop Suheil reported on the life of the Diocese, and especially that the Diocesan Clergy Retreat had been held at St. George’s College in Jerusalem;

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The Dean reported on the many successful courses held during the last year. Of particular note is that the Bishop of Madras has enabled all the clergy of the Diocese to attend the “Palestine of Jesus” Course. Some exciting new courses are being developed to add to the regular programme for next year. These include a course focusing on ‘Christian Moslem Dialogue’. In addition, a group of clergy from Zimbabwe will take the “Palestine of Jesus” Course. The Dean also reported that the rooms in the College had been renovated.

St. John’s Evangelical Episcopal School Graduation in Haifa

nder the auspices of His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, the St. U John’s Evangelical Episcopal School in Haifa celebrated the graduation of its 76th regiment of its high school students on Wednesday evening, June 19th, 2013. The Very Reverend , Dean of St. George’s Cathedral was also in attendance.

After welcoming His Grace Bishop Suheil by the Rev’d Canon Hatem Shehadeh, Bishop Suheil delivered a speech, outlining the achievements of the Diocese of Jerusalem in education.

Folkloric dance and drama plays were performed by the school students during the graduation ceremony. Also a speech was given by the School Inspector, Dr. Michael Suleiman.

The ceremony ended with the distribution of certificates to the graduates, wishing them success in their future lives.

British Consul-General Sir Vincent Fean Visits Bishop Suheil Dawani

British Consul General Sir Vincent Fean visited His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani in his office on Thursday, June 20th, 2013 to discuss preparations for the forthcoming visit of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to the Holy Land next Wednesday, 26 - 28 June 2013.

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Bishop Suheil Dawani Participates in Ceremony Honoring Ambassador Bahij Mansour

is Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani participated in a ceremony H honoring Ambassador Bahij Mansour from the Druze Village of Isfiya, located on top of the Carmel Mountain in Haifa, on Friday, June 21st, 2013. The ceremony was held in Al-Khader Shrine in Kufr Yassif in the Upper Galilee Al Jaleel Al A'alaa. Bishop Suheil was accompanied by The Very Rev’d Hosam Naoum, Dean of St. George’s Cathedral, Advocate Maher Shehadeh, and Bishop’s Personal Assistant Mr. Amin Abu Hanna.

Confirmation Service at Saviour Church in Kufr Yassif

His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani confirmed of group of 19 young people at Saviour Parish in Kufr Yassif on Saturday evening, June 22nd, 2013. The church was filled to capacity amidst a spirit of joy. Canon John Organ, Chaplain to The Rt. Revd Suheil Dawani was in attendance.

Bishop Suheil Celebrates Pentecost at St. Andrew’s Church in Ramallah

is Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani celebrated the Feast of Pentecost at St. H Andrew’s Parish in Ramallah on Sunday evening, June 23rd, 2013 and baptized a child. It was a joyous occasion. Palestine TV recorded Bishop’s sermon, which will be broadcast on Sunday, 30 June 2013. Bishop Suheil was accompanied by his Chaplain, Canon John Organ.

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St. George’s School Board Members Discuss the New (IB) Program

n Monday, June 24th, 2013, members of St. George’s School O Board of Directors met with the teachers to discuss the new (IB) Program that will be implemented at St. George’s School in the 2013 - 2014 new academic year. The meeting was very productive. The Board Chairman Bishop Suheil Dawani explained the plan and introduced the new Superintendent Rev’d Dr. Lawrence Haditch.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Visits the Holy Land Bishop Suhail Dawani, Head of the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, Receives His Beatitude Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on his First Visit to the Holy Land, after Assuming the Presidency of the Anglican Community in March 2013

Bishop Suheil Dawani held a reception in honor of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on Wednesday evening, June 26th, 2013 in the Bishop’s Peace Garden at St. George’s Cathedral Close in Jerusalem. The reception was attended by local Christian leaders from different denominations, along with diplomats, ambassadors and Palestinian civil society leaders, including Mr. Adnan Husseini, Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Governor of Jerusalem, and Mr. Ziad Bandak, Palestinian President’s Advisor for Christian Affairs.

“Peace cannot be found without recognising each other’s humanity,” the Archbishop of Canterbury said in his address.

“Finding ways of living together after the great traumas and tragedies of so many years is a huge challenge,’ the Archbishop said.” But “there is no other way than finding each others’ humanity, recognising it, and seeing in it the image of God.”

In his first visit to the Holy Land since his enthronement earlier this year, Archbishop Justin said he sought “to serve all the people of this region, without exception” and that he prays for “peace with justice and security.”

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Acknowledging the profound significance of Jerusalem for all its faith communities, the Archbishop said it was “essential” that it remains “an open city”, with Christians, Muslims and Jews having “full access” to their holy sites.

By hosting Archbishop Justin in the recently opened Bishop’s Peace Garden at St George’s Cathedral, Bishop Suheil said he was marking his commitment “to peace and reconciliation between the three official religions and two peoples of the Holy Land.”

Bishop Suheil Dawani expressed his happiness for the arrival of the Archbishop of Canterbury to this city for the first time since assuming his new role. He stressed the need for peace and reconciliation between the three religions and between the two peoples in this holy city, saying “we must do our part to ensure that Jerusalem is a city of peace, by making the city safe.”

Archbishop of Canterbury with Bishop Suheil Celebrate the Holy Eucharist

His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby photographed here with Deacon Saleem Dawani.

Archbishop of Canterbury with Bishop Suheil Visit Al-Aqsa Mosque is Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, His H Grace Suheil Dawani, along with the accompanying delegation visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on Thursday morning, June 27th, 2013. The delegation was accompanied by Sheikh Azzam Khatib, Director General of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf.

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Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Visits Palestinian Presidency in Ramallah is Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby met H with Tayeb Abdel Rahim, Secretary General of the Palestinian Presidency in the Presidential Headquarters in Ramallah on Thursday, June 27th, 2013. The meeting was attended by His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani, the British Consul General Sir Vincent Fein, and the Very Rev’d Hosam Naoum, Dean of St. George’s Cathedral.

The meeting stressed the importance of the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the pastoral and institutional work throughout the Palestinian territories, as well as the importance of supporting the Episcopal Church in England and the world to help support peace efforts in the region.

The Secretary General of the Presidency gave a memorial gift to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop Suheil Meet with Jewish and Muslim Religious Leaders

The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby with His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani met with Jewish and Muslim religious leaders as a sign of solidarity and unity in diversity on Thursday, June 27th, 2013.

Official Opening of the Arab Episcopal Medical Center in Ramallah

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and His Grace Bishop Suheil Dawani along with the Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamdallah officially opened the ‘Arab Episcopal Medical Center’ in Ramallah on Thursday, June 27th, 2013. The Center will specialize in the treatment of diabetes.

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Archbishop of Canterbury with His Family Visit the Holy Sepulchre

he Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby along with his family T visited the Holy Sepulchre where they were received by Theophilos III, the Greek Patriarch on Friday morning, June 28th, 2013. At the conclusion of a most devotional visit to the Holy Sepulchre, ABC said farewell to Bishop Suheil as he left for Tel Aviv on his way back to England.

More stories and information are available at: www.j-diocese.org Email enquiries to: [email protected] Donations may be sent to: The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, PO Box 19122, Jerusalem, 91191

The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, a diocese of the worldwide Anglican Communion, extends over five countries, including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and , within the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. There are 27 parishes that minister to the needs of their communities, centered on the Cathedral Church of St. George the Martyr in Jerusalem. The church supports 33 institutions, which include hospitals, clinics, kindergartens and schools, vocational training programs, as well as institutions for the deaf, the disabled and the elderly, reaching out to interfaith neighbors in mutual respect and cooperation.

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