Garry Kasparov | 96 pages | 05 Oct 2010 | EVERYMAN | 9781857446265 | English | London, United Kingdom Checkmate Patterns You Should Know - Chess Lessons -

A checkmate pattern is a particular and recognizable arrangement of the pieces that deliver the checkmate. You can further improve your chess tactics skill by studying all the different that commonly occur in chess games. Rh3 checkmates Checkmate Tactics black against the side of the board. The is then also defended by another piece or pawn. The Checkmate Tactics is named after Adolf Anderssen, a German chess Checkmate Tactics from the 19th century:. Rh8 White concludes the game with the Anderssen Mate. Rh7 Note how the white defends the on h7 and at the same time covers the escape square, g8. More Examples: A rabian Mate. The Back Rank Mate happens when a king Checkmate Tactics trapped behind its own pawn shield and gets mated Checkmate Tactics a rook or :. This proves that your own pieces can sometimes work against you! Bc6 shows how the white and queen coordinate perfectly to checkmate the black king on the side of the board. Rdg7 illustrates the checkmate pattern. Ba6 shows how the two white bishops work together to deliver checkmate. This checkmate pattern is named after Samuel Boden—an English chess master from the 19th century. The actual checkmate is often executed by a knight:. Note how the white rook on g1, with the help of the black pawn on h7, traps the black king in the corner. The Back Rank Mate that we studied earlier is also a type of corridor Checkmate Tactics. It can only work if the pawn shield in front of the Checkmate Tactics king has been compromised:. Another important aspect of this mate is that the white pawn covers the escape square, f7. The same could be accomplished if white had a bishop on g6, instead of a pawn. Although it appears unusual to deliver checkmate with a pawn, it is quite common in actual games. The Epaulette Mate resembles the visual appearance of an ornamental shoulder piece sometimes worn by elite military Checkmate Tactics. It is unusual for white to move the f-pawn and g-pawn on their first two moves, but it is still Checkmate Tactics fairly common occurrence among beginners. It Checkmate Tactics a great example of how a rook and bishop can coordinate to deliver checkmate:. The white rook delivers the checkmate along the open h-file. A fairly common attacking method in chess is to destroy the pawn shield in front of an enemy king often with a . Rh8 demonstrates the Hook Mate. Note the optimal coordination between the rook and knight. The knight must Checkmate Tactics supported though, in this case by the pawn on f5, else the black king could simply capture the knight. The Kill Box Mate occurs when a queen and rook work together to checkmate the enemy king in a box:. Rd8 is a simple demonstration of the Kill Box Mate. The Lawnmower Mate is an easy checkmate typically performed by a queen and rook or just two rooks. The two pieces work together to push the enemy king to the side of the board. Checkmate Tactics The Lawnmower Mate is named after the alternating advance of the 2 rooks that push the enemy king all the way to the edge Checkmate Tactics the board. He commonly used the pattern in his games. Qg7 The pawn defends the queen. This pattern is fairly common. Once Checkmate Tactics queen arrives on h6 it is often impossible to Checkmate Tactics against the mate threat. Qg8 demonstrates the Max Lange Mate. The king is further obstructed by his own pieces:. Rd8 demonstrates Checkmate Tactics checkmate pattern. The rook is supported by a distant bishop whilst the enemy king is also obstructed by his own pawns. Notice the difference in the placement and role of the bishop. In the case of the Opera Mate, the bishop plays an even more important role by covering the square in front of the enemy king. The checkmate is executed by a bishop and rook:. The black king is trapped in the corner behind its own pawn. The king is also cut off by the white rook. There are mainly 2 reasons for this confusion:. Paul Morphy played this Checkmate Tactics whilst watching an opera show. Together, it resembles an Checkmate Tactics train moving along a rail:. Qf7 is the Railroad Mate. Bd8 A distinct feature of this checkmate pattern is that the bishop also covers b6 through its X-Ray ability. At the same time, the white queen is supported by the bishop on c4. Qh5 Nc6 Checkmate Tactics. Bc4 Nf6?? Smothered Mate is only possible if the enemy king is completely surrounded by his own pieces. This pattern also features the unique jumping ability of the knight:. Nf7 This simplified position demonstrates Smothered Mate. Note how the black king Checkmate Tactics completely surrounded by his own pieces. Nf7 demonstrates how Smothered Mate is usually achieved. If you play chess often there is a very Checkmate Tactics chance that you will someday get the opportunity to use this checkmate on your very surprised opponent. Checkmate Tactics see the danger Checkmate Tactics it Checkmate Tactics to you! The knight checks the king and the bishop suffocates him with the help of a few enemy pieces that further obstruct the king :. Checkmate Tactics demonstrates the Suffocation Mate. The king is mostly obstructed by his own pieces and the white bishop covers the open squares from a distance. The Triangle Mate, also known as the Fish Tail Mate, resembles the visual appearance of a triangle or a fish tail for that matter. The checkmate also demonstrates good coordination between a queen and rook:. Qf5 is a simple demonstration of the Triangle Mate. Note how the white queen, white rook and black pawn on g7 resemble a triangle around the black king. The pattern demonstrates powerful coordination between the rook and knight, with the help of a supporting piece:. Rf7 is the Vukovic Mate. Note the important role of the knight covering the escape squares e8 and g8. The white pawn on e6 supports the rook, but this task could also be accomplished by any other piece that would defend the rook. It is a good idea to learn and memorize the names of all the essential checkmate patterns. Because knowing the name of a checkmate pattern helps embed in your Checkmate Tactics what the particular pattern looks like. This may in turn help you identify possible opportunities in your Checkmate Tactics that you otherwise may Checkmate Tactics overlooked. The best checkmate moves in chess, or famous Checkmate Tactics patterns, are usually named either after the first person who executed the pattern or after the visual appearance of the mating Checkmate Tactics. In some cases there is another reason as to why the mating pattern was named after the name of a chess player. A bishop then delivers the Checkmate Tactics. Some checkmate patterns are named after its visual appearance. Because knowing the name of a checkmate pattern can help you remember it better. This page is a fairly comprehensive list of checkmate patterns. You may also enjoy going through the lists of checkmate patterns on other chess websites:. 36 Checkmate Patterns That All Chess Players Should Know –

Chess for Students Chess Puzzles. Connect With Us Facebook. Free Checkmate Problem Worksheets! Below are a collection of free chess puzzle worksheets along with answer Checkmate Tactics For more Checkmate Tactics worksheets, please consider checking out our chess worksheet booklets at chessforstudents. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-One Problems. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-One Problems. Page 3 - Checkmate-in-One Problems. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-One Answers. Page 2 - Checkmate-in- One Answers. Page 3 - Checkmate-in-One Answers. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Two Problems. Page 2 - Checkmate Tactics Problems. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Two Answers. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Two Answers. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Three Problems. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Three Problems. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Three Answers. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Three Answers. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Four Problems. Page 2 - Checkmate- in-Four Problems. Page 1- Checkmate-in-Four Answers. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Four Answers. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Five Problems. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Five Problems. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Five Answers. Page 2 - Checkmate-in-Five Answers. Checkmate Tactics 1 - Checkmate Tactics Problems. Page 1 - Checkmate-in-Six Answers. Google Adsense. Guide to Basic Checkmates You Should Know

One of the best ways to improve your chess game is by learning common patterns that show up time and again in games. By building this pattern recognition, you'll start to see more possibilities in your games, Checkmate Tactics recognizing simple patterns in more complicated positions. This article looks at basic checkmates —the kind every chess player has to recognize on the board in order to finish off a win. These basic checkmates will all be presented as mate-in-one problems; if you like, you can try to find the checkmate in each diagram first, and Checkmate Tactics read the explanation and answer below to see if you were right. Our first example uses Checkmate Tactics queen and rook together to deliver a checkmate. However, this same pattern can be accomplished with any two major pieces. A lone king against the edge of the board is easily checkmated by any two major pieces. While Checkmate Tactics piece prevents the king from moving away from the edge, Checkmate Tactics other can move Checkmate Tactics the same rank or file as the king to deliver a checkmate. In the example above, the White rook is patrolling the seventh rank, preventing the Black king from moving off of the eighth rank. Since the rook is already doing a good job of keeping the king hemmed in, it can stay where it is. The back-rank checkmate may not look much like our first example, but the pattern Checkmate Tactics very similar. While we will still be using a major piece to deliver checkmate on the edge of Checkmate Tactics board, this time, the king's own pawns prevent him from escaping from our attack. The diagram above is a typical example of a back-rank mate. Back rank mates are easy to see, but in most cases, they are also easy to prevent. In general, they occur only when a king has castledthere are too few defenders on the back rank, and the pawns in front of the castled king have not Checkmate Tactics moved. There are several ways to avoid being the victim of a back rank mate. Keeping sufficient defense on your back rank will prevent any enemy pieces from safely attacking your king. In addition, if you are worried about a back rank mate threat, Checkmate Tactics can Checkmate Tactics move one of the pawns to give your king an escape square. The queen is a powerful attacking piece, but it usually needs some help to deliver checkmate. Many basic checkmates use the queen to deliver the checkmate, supported by a minor piece. The diagram above shows a Checkmate Tactics and a knight working together to checkmate a Checkmate Tactics. Although this example is simplified, it illustrates an important checkmate pattern that can be utilized with the queen along Checkmate Tactics a supporting piece. Checkmate Tactics a king stuck along one Checkmate Tactics the board's edges, a queen—supported by another piece—placed directly in front of that king will always deliver checkmate, provided it cannot be captured by a piece other than the king. This pattern works because the queen takes away every square the king might flee to. For example, in the diagram above, a White queen on e7 attacks d8, e8, f8, d7, and f7, meaning the Black king has nowhere to run. There are no squares between the queen and the king, so there is no chance to the . The queen is supported by a knight, meaning the king cannot capture the queen. Black has no other pieces that Checkmate Tactics capture the queen either; with no way to avoid capture, Black's king is checkmated. The bishop can play a supporting role for a queen similar to that of the knight in the previous example. While the queen delivers the checkmate, the bishop can support the queen from afar. In the diagram above, White has a rook guarding the Checkmate Tactics rank, making a back rank mate impossible at the moment. However, both of Black's pieces are stationed on the long a8-h1 diagonal, which should give us a clue as to how we might attack the White king. The king is trapped, and cannot attack the queen because it is defended by the bishop. Minor pieces can deliver checkmates on their own, too. A pair of bishops can work together effectively; as each one can be dominant on squares of a single color, together they can dominate the entire board. In the diagram above, White's king is in a precarious position. His pawn prevents him from moving up to h2, while Black's dark-squared bishop stops him from walking out to g1. At the moment, his only safe squares lie on Checkmate Tactics light-squared diagonal, and one attack along that line will spell disaster. A bishop and knight can also work together to secure a checkmate, though they may need a little more help to do it—either from their own pieces or from a few Checkmate Tactics defenders. Checkmate Tactics diagram above shows Checkmate Tactics bishop and knight working together to trap a castled king. White's own pieces block most of his king's potential escape squares, while the well-placed Black bishop takes away g2 and h1. As White's king has no way to escape, a check by Black's knight will certainly spell the end for White. Even the smallest members of a chess army can participate in checkmating an enemy king. In the right circumstances, pawns can be very dangerous attackers. The diagram above shows an endgame position where such a mate is possible. The "smothered mate" occurs in cases where a king is too well defended for its own good. The ingredients are simple; a king usually in the corner of the board which is completely entombed by his own pieces, is attacked by a knight which can jump over the defenders to threaten the king. Because the king has nowhere to run, the result is a checkmate. In the diagram above, White's king is already stuck on h1, as his own pieces prevent him from moving Checkmate Tactics. For Black, it's just a matter of moving the knight to the right square. Anastasia's Mate is a checkmate delivered by rook and knight along one of the rook files Checkmate Tactics a-file or the h-file. This checkmate was originally seen in the novel Anastasia und das Schachspiel or Anastasia and the Game of Chess. While several beautiful combinations can lead to the finale, the mate is just one move away in the position above. White has just delivered a check with the knight, causing Black to play Kh7 in an attempt to escape. The rook attacks the entire h-file, while White's knight prevents the Black king from escaping to g8 or g6. Morphy's Mate, named after American master Paul Morphyuses a bishop and rook together to trap the enemy king. Often, this pattern occurs after sacrifices are used to open up Checkmate Tactics king's position, although it can also occur or be threatened without the sacrifice of material. In the diagrammed position, Black's king is stuck on h8, pinned down by White's rook and his own pawn on h7. These basic checkmates, along with dozens of similar positions, are second Checkmate Tactics to tournament chess players. Solving these and other simple mate-in-one problems is Checkmate Tactics good way to train Checkmate Tactics brain to recognize these positions when they occur in real games. If you can get to the point where the answers come to you instantly, you can feel confident that you won't miss these opportunities in actual games. In This Article Expand. Back-Rank Checkmate Tactics. Queen and Knight Checkmate. Queen and Bishop Checkmate. Two Bishops Checkmate Tactics. Bishop and Knight Checkmate. King and Pawn Checkmate. Smothered Mate. Anastasia's Mate. Morphy's Mate. Read More. The Checkmate Tactics Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using The Spruce Crafts, you accept our.