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Central Florida Future, December 9, 1998

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Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968

A DIGITAL CITY ORLANDO COMMUNITY PARTNER (AOLKeyword: ·Orlando) Teaching academv in the works at UCF STACEY COPELAND teachers. Ruiz said, "An on-campus school would education students are not fully prepared to STAFF WRITER •Discipline problem solving seminars. be an excellent addition to the education teach when they graduate because they Education Dean Sandra Robinson said: program at UCE Nothing can prepare you to haven't been taught how to handle disci­ UCF is growing once again. Recently, over "I'm absolutely thrilled about the new acad­ teach more than actually being in a class- pline problems. As a first-year teacher, it is 100 central Florida educators voiced their emy in the works. room to observe something I have to deal with a lot and I ·approval for a new teaching academy now UCF will definitely . what goes on. It think much more time should be devoted to in the planning stage~ at UCF. benefit from the gives you a good it before new teachers are placed in real-life Educational administrators, teachers, stu­ collective wisdom idea of what to situations." dents and concerned parents recently gath­ of all the people expect when you The academy will also be used to stream­ ered on cam'pus to help experts in the associated with this graduate. Interning line the teacher training process. Special College of Education define the role of the project." and working in real speakers will find it much easier to come to proposed academy, which will be built adja­ Students and life situations often the academy and be able to reach a larger cent to the Education building. The academy graduates readily provides you with audience instead of having to travel to all 11 and its programs would include: agree with some of the most school districts in the area. •A model K-12 school where both new Robinson's obser­ valuable experience The academy is estimated to cost approx­ and continuing teachers could polish their vations. Shelley you will get while imately $6.5 million. Planners involved with ,skills. Ruiz, a recent graduate of the Early you are still in school." the academy will spend the next year defin­ •Creation of uniform standards for all Childhood Education Program, is now Ruiz .also agrees with the administrators' ing goals and determining what needs to be central Florida school districts. teaching second grade in Palm Beach plans to address discipline problems in the done to accommodate the needed programs. •A system of mentoring and training new County. classroom. She added, "It seems like many The building is slated to open in 2002.

Outsmarting thieves: Extra precautions: What you need to know Be .careful in the dark

GWEN R. RHODES of view and park in a well-lit MARIA CHANDLER Physical Plant. said he is ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR area," said Hultgreen. STAFF WRITER aware of this, but there is no

"Leaving items where they 1) ... ''''% funding available to do any­ Recent police reports reveal can be seen is a temptation. If Guideli-nes:.. Walking through a poorly thing about it. that theft is still the most they are not where they can to lit parking lot alone is Originally, money left over common crime on the UCF be seen, they will present no pre'{eht .. .ttleft: enough to send chills from the completion of the campus and the surrounding temptation. ., '.:.; :.:::: :·::.::~ . through some people's bod­ parking garage located next UCF student community. "If they don't see the items, •View everyonla.s a. p6tendal threat~ ;r; ies, but to others, it is par­ to the Education Building Police working for colleges maybe they'll leave your car including classmates~ fraternity,brothers, adise. was to be used for a designed instructors, sororl,ty sisters and room­ nationwide logged 102,081 alone," she said. The parking lots in front of system of lighting in those mates: Sometimes. the better '!. p~rson incidents of theft in 1996, According to Emert and the Visual Arts Building and two parking lots. Instead, the knoyvs you, the more entitled they feel to according to Security on Hultgreen, the holiday sea­ use and not return your belongings. across from the Humanities money was used toward the Campus, Inc., an organiza­ son is an especially busy .. Discuss safety and th~ measures you're .and Fine Arts Building are construction of the second tion that encourages students time for thieves. Emert said, taking to protect yourself witq those living dimly lit at night. Richard D.

to guard against crime. "keep in mind that the holi­ with and around you. w Paradise, director of MORE,Page4 The UCF area has been hit days are coming. Thieves - •If you don't need it or it i_s of great hard with auto burglaries in will do their shopping from sentimental vafue, don't bring it to school. the past few months. you and your vehicle. •Put your name or an easily identifiable mark on your valuables, even if it's your According to Cpl. Marian Sometimes they will follow favorite sweater, compact disc or pair of Hultgreen, Orange County you to your car. Always be jeans. People steal clothes and music items Sheriff's Office and Ofc. observant and aware of your all the time. Use a laundry pen and write • Jeannette Emert of the UCF surroundings." something on the label inside. Write your Police Department, items tar­ If spending a day shopping, name in your books. Engrave your stereo, geted are CDs, books, radios, place packages in your trunk VCR and computer. purses and backpacks. A after looking around to see •Lock the door to your car. Lock the large number of the burglar­ who may be watching. If you door --co your room. ies have also occurred in the see someone suspicious, go •Keep a list of the serial numbers assigned to your appliances, and other nearby apartment complexes. back to the shopping area valuables. "Many of these burglaries and report it to security. Most •Register your bike with the police can be prevented if students malls have escorts during the department. would take the steps to lock holidays. Don't hesitate to PHOTO BY NICOLE KING •Check on your car regularly. Lights are scheduled to be added to the Chemistry building to their cars, keep valuables out use this service. •Pay attention to what's going on around you. ensure students' safety.

• America reads Death survey Regisler online to win o Check out our new. Brevard students Art project explores pair of free movie online calendar, your • participate in charity to student's opinion on dying source for UCF events. increase reading skills. and the afterlife. posses to see Celebrity! -PAGES -PAGE3 • December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 2 • • VUCF director makes philanthropy a lifestyle

TAYLOR SIKES touch the lives of the volunteers who par- Special Olympics. She remembers the first paid for ten. Her role is mostly administra- STAFF WRITER ticipate in them. time she took her sorority to the Special tive, which she said is often frustrating for ., Zelniker began working with physically Olympics. her. "I miss being in the field," said "My heart is in this," said Melissa challenged children at a Special Olympics "It was like a metamorphosis from when Zelniker. "I am always at the Special Zelniker, a 21-year-old senior at UCF, in Miami in 1993 when she was in the tenth we arrived there to when we left," said Olympics or Habitat for Humanity, but majoring in legal studies and criminal jus- grade. She said she came to the event a lit- Zelniker. "The look on their faces had now I am busy getting other people • tice. · tle apprehensive. When she arrived, she changed from the event. They loved those involved. I get upset about it a lot." "I feel like God has given all of us some was matched up with a "buddy" for the day kids." Sometimes Zelniker finds the job very kind of talent, whether it be for sports or who she took from event tci event. Seeing the rewarding. One • something else, but the one thing that we Zelniker spent the whole day with her changes in her \' example of this is all have is the ability to give to others," she buddy and said she loved every minute of sorority sisters when Volunteer said. it. She has not missed a Special Olympics . inspired Zelniker I ·am a doer.. I can't UCF promoted • since. to find ways to organ donor cards After her experience with the Special share that feeling Sit back and Watch at a recent football Olympics, Zelniker found other ways to get with other UCF game, where more • involved with helping others. Sl)e began students, driving things happen. f have than 3,500 cards working with her mother, who taught class- her to work for were distributed. es on the education and prevention of the Volunteer UCF. tO be Q pa rt Of it "To have such an • AIDS virus. Zelniker organized bringing During her time impact on so many her mom's teaching to her high school to as a volunteer, - Melissa Zelniker students, that is share with her friends. Zelniker has where · my job as She said she has had friends and family worked with dif- an administrator • die from the disease, so its reality hits ferent charities and started the Spark pro- starts to feel good," said Zelniker. '·When l home. Through her mother's program, gram, which provides students with one actually see reactiom. on people\ faces, it Zelniker also became hospice certified. service project a month. is exciting. To motivate a college student is • This allowed her to work with patients who "I am a doer. I can't sit back and watch difficult, but to get them involved in somc- were suffering from AIDS or other terminal things happen. I have to be a part of it," thing like this can be life-changing." illnesses. said Zelniker. Zelniker is balancing her service projects • "Even if you are sitting in a nursery home During 1996, Zelniker not only volun- with other campus activities like serving on and playing cards with someone, to them teered at UCF but also as a victim advocate the President's Service Council as a you are touching their life," said Zelniker. through Spousal Abuse Incorporated. She Student Government senator, and working • "If every person took the time out everyday said it was hard at first, but that she learned at her studies. She was also nominated for Pnoro av TAYLOR SIKES to do a random act of kindness and touch how to deal with victims. Homecoming Queen. legal studies and criminal iustice maior someone else's life then you know how Zelniker remembers one moment with a Zelniker said she is set to graduate in the Melissa Zelniker works to coordinate service much better this world would be." victim, "We had one woman come into ~e spring and sees herself going to law • adivities for students. When high school ended, Zelniker left office and she was just a wreck. She was school. She is not _sure exactly what she ., OOffit'. for the University of Florida. In the bleeding and bruised. The "fust 'thing she will do, but .said she is sure W

ties.for stu~ents... $.he.hasbecn helping oth7 .. - ~approv$ll and she transferred to UCF as ing. Later ;he toid ·me that was .t!le:lirSt .tbaLjs q}(ay··becausc the ~oney:Js· ·nbf · .~. ers sliice 'higli school and now spends 'her , a sophomore. She. rushed zeta Tau Alpha time in ten y.ears she had a .nice touch.~' .important to me," said L.elniker. "Whether . '.· · · days planning events.tonelp. ihos~ .less.fd°r.: ~ · ·"S~"'lilat ~fall ·and began planning ser- This ·ran ·Zetniker started worlring for people underntana ·It or not, in order to be. tunate than her. Zelniker said she hopes the vice project{), · wl_lich included ..Pi~~~g .\IP ,. Volunteer UCF as its. d1rector. She said she . ~ .in life' -you. must give to other .peo.. · . • prugnu_ns will not only .help-tile-needy, ·bur trash along highways and working with ·the ·. works about 30 hours a week,·but only gets pie.'.' .· ...

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• UNIVERSITY of CENTRAL FLORIDA's Death poll sheds light on age-old fear

NICOLE KING Token said. "On TV they always show you dying; DISPUTE NEWSED/TOR bombings, shootings, massacres. I was trying to figure out if people were scared of it. RESOLUTION Are you scared of death? Do you know where "I didn't want to get into religion or anything, so • you are going? If you were near the Visual Arts I tried to keep the questions to 'yes' or 'no' Building on Dec. 2 you might have been asked answers." SERVICES these questions. As an assignment for her Art Token said during her one-hour survey, she found FOR INFORMATION OR AN APPOINTMENT Happenings class, UCF student Andrea Token took that 104 people said they were not afraid afraid of CALL 823-3477 OR STOP BY THE to the sidewalk last Wednesday and asked students dying, while 28 said they were and four said they STUDENT RESOURCE CENTER ROOM 155B their opinions on death. either did not know or care. Ninety-eight were Token had three cardboard cutouts of caskets set concerned about where they are going, but 35 were MONDAY - FRIDAY 8AM - 5PM up from 10-11 a.m. Her goal was to detennine not. whether or not society has been de-sensitized to "I learned that either people don't care about death or they're not scared at all," Token said. Mediation is a confidential process whereby two or more parties death through the media. voluntarily meet to reach their own "Someone I knew had died and it started me "Overall though, I think people care where they're agreement witl1 tl1e assistance of a wondering if people ever thought about death," going." mediator. This service is available ·to the Universil:y community and is encouragecl for those who bave been unsuccessful in resolving • their differrences. -* CONFIDENTIAL * * VOLUNTARY * * FREE OF CHARGE * Funding provided by UCF's Division of Student Development & Enrollment Services

FINALS WEEK HOURS December 7th - 11th only University Writing Center 1 Andrea Token conducted a survey last Wedne~da{ to find out if students are afraid of death. •i i ' t ' :; f;, '(;" . . 1

.. r ;

MONDAY 8:00am - 5:00pm TUESDAY 8:00am - S:OOpm WEDNESDAY 8:00am - S:OOpm LINDA" '.RAMOS right.' Instead, use ,Most students STAFF WRITER the information you run into problems THURSDAY 8:00am - S:OOpm " did learn from sludy­ with the essay FRIDAY 8:00am - 4:00pm Sonie students love ·'em; ing .to write ' ab~~t question itself. some students hate" 'em: the issues that are relat­ There are common Make your appointment from our website: essay exam. Essay exams are ed;- even if remotely, key wof.(ls which more subjective. than the tradi­ to the topic. Again, tell you what to tional> multiple choice aJ:ld some credit is better than no , write and how to present it. "Because Writers Need Readers" · true/false tests. They are alsq credit. Brenda Smith in "Bridging the . more suited to a student's ben­ Kevin. Paul of "Study Gap: College Reading" has efit by aiiowing stqdents to Smarter, Not Harder'' describes defined some key,words which "show off' all the studying an ef;fective technique for han­ should be circled or underlined they ,, have" . actuall~ done. dling the es$ay exa,m . . when seen in an essay ·ques­ STUDENT Essays also serve other educa­ First, after reading the ques­ tion: tionalrpurpose$. _Ac£ording to tiqµ, take 3-5 minutes to write •Compare/Contrast: Write LEGAL SERVICES the Counseling Center of a ftri;ni-outline. Then just write \about similarities and differ­ George Washington University, and don't stop until the essay is ences .. the goals of ~n essay.incluge: cofu.pleted. Worry about •Eyaluate, Interpret: Examine application of principles, orga­ spelling and grammar later. the pros and cons as we.11 the nizational.skills, analytical rea­ Second, restate the question topic's significance soning, and ·construction of in. the introductory paragraph •Describe, Explain: Focus on thesis statements with support~ so that the professor knows the topic's characteristics, ing details. , you are answering the correct causes~ effects, process PROBLEMS WITH? NEED? Carol Kanar in "The question. •Illustrate, Diagram: Use •LANDLORDS •A WILL Confident Student" provides Third, insofar as the essay's examples, draw tables or charts •INSURANCE •NAME CHANGE tips for ·answering essays. content is concerned, explain •List, Outline,' Trace: Itemize, •CONTRACTS •UNCONTESTED First, make sure you answer your reasoning with concrete, present main ideas and details, them! Not answering an essay logical supporting examples. show the progression step by •POLICE DISSOLUTION guarantees no points. The num.,. Write neatly and clearly. If step STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDES STUDENTS wrrn ber of points or· percentage there are any errors, draw a sin­ Remember to always leave ASSISTANCE IN SELECTED AREAS OF LAW SUCH AS LAND­ weight an essay carries indi­ gle, clear line over the phrase. time at the end of an essay for LORD{I'ENANT, CONSUMER, NON-CRIMINAL, TRAFFIC & cates how important the essay Lastly, work within time proofreading, editing, spell­ UNCONTESTED DISSOLUTIONS. QUALIFIED STUDENTS CAN will be.graded by the professor, restrictions; however, should checking, and grammar correc­ RECEIVE CONSULTATION AND REPRESENTATION FREE OF Write in complete sentences you run out of time, complete tions. CHARGE. unless otherwise stated in the the essay by writing the FOR INFORMATION OR AN APPOINTMENT: question. In addition, if you are remaining information in out- Linda Ramos is associated CALL 823-2538 OR STOP BY SRC.=.J55 completely unfamiliar with the line form. This lets the profes­ with Full Student Services MONDAY - FRIDAY 8AM-5PM essay topic, don't try to com­ sor know that although you ran (FSS) which provides word Funded by Activity and Service Fees through the pensate by overwriting gibber­ out of time, you knew exactly processing/typing and research Student Government Association ish hoping to make it 'sound what you wanted to write. assistance to college students. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 4

• Union's hours to change through break WHERE IN THE WORLD WILL NICOLE KING Java Express 9 a.m.-noon •A holiday toy drive is being YOU BE AFTER GRADUATION? NEWS EDITOR KnightStop 10 a.m.-4 p.rn. sponsored by the UCF Police This spring, more than 1000 college STA Travel 10 a.rn.-5 p.rn. Department and the Student •Due to finals week and the •Jan. 3 (11 a.m.-12 a.rn.) Alumni Association. New, seniors will graduate and begin upcoming holiday break, most Locos 2 p.rn.-rnidnight their Peace Corps service as unwrapped toys will be col­ on campus services and English, math, or science teach­ lected until Dec. 11 and then vendors have changed their ers, business advisors, health donated to the XL106.7 Baby hours. SARC will be open educators, agricultural exten­ DJ Fund for needy families in 24 hours a day starting on sionists, youth advisors and the Orlando area. Nov. 30 through Dec. 11. environmental educators. Subway 6 p.m.-midnight Drop-off locations are at the The Student Union's hours will Java Express 8 a.rn.-noon UCF Police Department and in -ff you are graduating this Spring, also change during the break: Most businesses will be open the Student Union (box near the apply now and you could be starting •Dec. 13 (11 a.m.-9 p.m.) regular business hours begin­ information desk). your Peace Corps assignment in Africa, Sbarro noon-9 p.m. ning on Jan. 4 Subway 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Arrangements can also be Latin American, Europe, Asia, the Pacific, or the Sweet Retreat 11 a.m.-6 p.m. made for the toys to be picked Caribbean by Summer 1999. •Through December 1998, a up at other locations on campus •Dec. 14-Dec. 18 (7 a.m.-9 p.m.) For an application, call us or visit our web site. Locos 10 a.m.-6 p.m. re-carding period will be offered by calling Officer Emert at 823- Sbarro 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. to students, staff and faculty 6268. Subway 8 a.m.-6 p.m. who did not receive their ID Java Express 8 a.m.-12 p.m. cards during the initial carding •The following items will be Sweet Retreat 10 a.m.-3 p.m. period. The IDs will be be given on display at the UCF Library KnightStop 7 a.m.-3 p.m. out at the All Campus Card during December 1998: Flowers, Etc. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Office located across from the STA Travel 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 1. Paper: Structure and Form, by UCF Bookstore. Knightwear 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Judith Segall. Computer Store 8 a.m.-7 p.m. 2. Venezuela: Its Art and •Dec. 19 (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) •The Home Depot/ESPN Culture, by Alfred Marquez, T. Locos 11 a.m.-2 p.m. College Football Awards Show 3. Personal Development, by Dr. Java Express 9 a.m.-1 p.m. will be televised live on Dec.10 Robert Harman, director of the KnightStop 10 a.m.-2 p.m. from Disney-MGM's Theater of Counseling and Testing Center. STA Travel 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Knightwear 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Computer Store 10 a.m.-2 p.m. •Dec. 20 (U a.m.-9 p.m.) •Dec. 21-23 (7 a.m.-9 p.m.) Wendy's 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Java Express 8 a.m.-noon KnightStop 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Flowers, Etc. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. STA Travel 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Knightwear 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Computer Store 8 a.m.-7 p.m. •Dec. 24 (7 a.m.-7 p.m.) Wendy's 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Java Express 8 a.m.-noon KnightStop 7 a.m.-3 p.m. SPECIAL TO THE FUTURE STA Travel 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. The Gamma Chi Chapter of the Phi Sigma Pi national Honor Fraternity AT & T Wireless Career Fairs - Please ATTEND !!!!!! Knightwear 8 a.m.-7 p.m. would like to welcome the Alpha Class into the Brotherhood. A total of . Part time opportunities.••.•. 1 11 11 Computer Store 8 a.m.-7 p.m. 30 Brothers were inducted the evening of October 23, 1998. December 10 h ,1s• , 17t 9a.m. - 12 noon •Closed Dec. 25-27 Marriott Courtyard- 12000 Collegiate Way •Dec. 28-30 (7 a.m.-9 p.m. the Stars in Orlando. All UCF 4. Fore~ for Change: World •Dec. 31 (closing at 7 p.m.) students are invited to attend. AIDS Campaign with Young Locos 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free tickets are available by Java Express 8 a.m.-noon People, by Sharon Douglass, of KnightStop 7 a.m.-3 p.m. calling 407-560-4651. the HIV-AIDS Ins.titute. Atlecca STA Travel 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 5. Music at UCF, by Dr. Lee Knightwear 8 a.m.-7 p.m. •The Student Union has begun Eubank, Music Dept. Chair. ,. Computer Store 8 a.m.-7 p.rn. offering "notary public" ser­ 6. Handicrafts of Vietnam, by •Closed Jan. 1 vices. Contact Chuck Gallo at Karen Nguyen of the Office of •Jan. 2 (9 a.m.-12 a.rn.) 823-2117 for an appointment. Veteran's Affairs. More lights to go up on campus

FROM PAGE 1 The national standard is set at to prevent becoming a victim of .5 due to the energy conserva­ crime recommended by Gorbas. parking garage loca ed near the tion of the '70s. It was enough •walk with a buddy Creole Building. Despite this light to get from point A to point •call SEPS for a ride setback, improvements have B. Measures are still taken to •be aware of surroundings been made. preserve costs though. •stay away from shrubbery Paradise said in the last five According to Sgt. Tom Gorbas, •stay where others are years, $150-175,000 has been Crime ~· Prevention Unit •avoid shortcuts through alleys spent on lighting. For example, Coordinator, one Christmas 50 •never give hitchhikers rides lights have been placed on the percent of the buildings on cam­ •never ask for rides Biology, Engineering and pus were shut down saving •if being followed, seek others Business Administration about $25,000 in electricity. •keep purses and bags close Buildings as well as the porta­ Technology has also cut the If something looks suspicious bles near the Biology Building. cost of electricity. Paradise said notify the UCFPD immediately. Also, Student Government is the way in ,which glass is cut can John M. Clark, CPFM Manager, m\~1«,:~··>* ·:~~·:'.·:=fl-!-: .\''.*;~t~tr~t :.v: ""1:J ::~...... -·=·!·::-:. ~ working with Physical Plant to allow more light to diffuse out. Parking Services said parking place lights on the Chemistry Furthermore, the higher the light service personnel may be seen 1 · 0 . and Health and Physics is placed, the larger the area that looking into a car for a hanging : tet :tOco~ :' Cater Buildings. is illuminated. parking permit. "The tags are ''The foliage around campus Paradise said on average the flimsy and sometimes fall off ·yo-Qr _Part}t for the has been recently trimmed to university spends $82,000 per the rearview mirror," said Clark. allow more light to pass year to light 3,000 lights that are "Other times the tag is yanked through," said Paradise. 150 watts each. He added that causing it to no longer stay in Hollda-f Season! The use of light meters deter­ only includes electricity, not place. If this is the case, the per­ mines how much light is in a bulbs that need to be replaced or son making the report will not given area. The national stan­ damaged poles in need of repair. be criticized for the report," said CALL 282-1900 ro BooK Now!!! ., dard for parking lots is .5, but at Until the light meter reading of Clark. UCF the standard is a three foot .5 in the two parking lots is 282-1900 •Fax 282-1905 •Located in the UCF Student Union candle on average. upgraded, there are several ways December 9, 1998 www.UCFfuture._com Central Florida Future • 5 •

• ·UCF-Brevard participates ·ROutine traffic "stop· in America Reads program results in.drug. arrest AMBER FELDMAN nity so far from home. "This be chosen by the student. • STAFF WRITER allows us to keep our Brevard Lavooy has lists of several GWEN R. RHODES white shirts people in this community." non-profit agencies that stu­ ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR were This year, UCF-Brevard par­ Lavooy also stresses that dents can volunteer with. observed ticipated in a new service BCC is a big part of this UCF Among them are rape crisis During a routine traffic stop on fleeing learning program. America program."We couldn't do this hotlines,. animal rescues, the Nov. ,30 for an expired ltaense tag, ,~ 'toward Reads Brevard Deeds (ARBD) without this partnership," she humane society, shelters, and UCF Police discovered a controlled ·. Orange Hall. is the Brevard county chapter said. child abuse prevention centers. s~bstance and drug paraph~rnalia in!'! Photographs of America Reads. The goal of This program is currently Lavooy said that some stu­ th

BCC has had an established to expect and they are given for student convenience. ti ~;~l}oq;~es ~~was · ~este~ for ; ~~~- '}8 ~? s~2o i a·Irf~,'.: ~r:ov.19. 'rhe service learning program for materials to help them in their Tara O'Shea, a UCF student, faj~~e ·to .$i affic ' cita~on aft~r ;;ffr~e ' · P,hotos, .· entitled. "Blue almost 10 years. Many stu­ volunteer work. Currently, participated in the program he was stop . . ·or going ;38 ·m?p.h. '! -~:aathroom:~· liad been> !iisplayed on dents at UCF come from the after training, students are this semester. "It changed my hi '~ ~ ;m.p~~ , ,S.Pee ja1i. '' In place .p£ the stolen photos Wyre started last year on the main rials such as sentence strips, best thing I have ever done." !I~;, ~frid he •• · .· y re~~iy~·~0 ~600 '.~ ,,;'.·, another . s .~~ of photographs which campus, fills that gap. scissors, stickers, crayons, etc. Due to this experience, O'Shea Dr. Maria Lavooy, a psy­ "We provide students with a has become involved with ·· ~~ql~slt?~ltt~~r:trri~~~t~:~l!t ~:~~ chology instructor on the bag of materials to use with the Teach for America, a national able to eat. ·· ' . . , was empty ,,when he arnved that UCF-Brevard campus, is the children. We encourage them program that will place her in Mer the police. officer tX_plained .:morning, .. UCF coordinator of ARBD to work directly with the an inner city school so that she the ' consequ~nces of not'signfog thy "~\ Huff is \Willing fo prosecute. and the head of the service teachers because the teachers can help students while she 'cit:3'tion, anit had .. _.. an 1nte!'Preter ~( learning program on that cam­ will know where their students earns her teaching certificate. explain the situation to Essassi,"' he •Sometime between Nov: 25 and pus. Lavooy works in conjunc­ are lacking, but we don't want O; Shea received a letter from elected to go to jail rath~r than sign Dec. 3, $700 in tools was stolen tion with Barbara Baird, coor­ them to become a burden to the parent of a child she ; the Gitation. . '' ·from one of tht; '" Waste Water dinator of ARBD with BCC. the teachers," Baird said. tutored this semester. "The TreatmentPlant's trucks. Lavooy says that creating a Students in this program boy's mother worked full-time •UCF Police responded to a suspi­ The tools stolen were three socket sense of community is a high must complete 75 hours of and she just wanted to thank ciohs incidentin the courty~rd of the sets, two open box wrench sets, one priority for service learning volunteer work. Those hours me. I kept that letter." Stildent Resource Center ath1pproxi­ chllen wrench set, one screwdriver programs. Lavooy said that are to be divided in to two dif­ Anyone interested in regis­ mately I a.m, on Nov. 15. set, one nutdri ver set and one chisel many students on the Brevard ferent facilities. All students tering for this program can two golf carts had been left unat­ · set. The tools were color coded with campus work, live, and raise are required to work half of contact Dr. Lavooy at 632-111 ~ended and ctashed together. The yellow spray paint. •. children in this community their hours with the ARBD ext. 65598. Main campus stu­ damage was estimated to be about The treatment plant is willing to and are unsatisfied with hav­ program in an area elementary dents should contact Dr. $50. Two male suspects wearing prosecute. ing to contribute to a commu- school. The other facility can Loudermilk at 823-2042.

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Number of student smokers continues to rise

CHRISTINE TATUM often a high price to pay for that kind of their friends." only, but found that increasingly diffi­ COLLEGE PRESS EXCHANGE socializing. Smoking is the nation's Further complicating the problem is cult once he reached the university. leading preventable cause of death and that many·students don't consider them­ "I'm hooked, and I admit it," he said. CHICAGO - The number of cigarette disease. The government says it kills selves to be smokers if they take a drag "I started because it was just something smokers on college campuses is rising, more than 400,000 Americans each year only occasionally, like at bars or during to do. I guess I thought it looked cool or jumping 28 percent in four years and and causes a variety of health problems, weekend parties, Brukner said. It's kind of sophisticated. To be honest, I prompting researchers to warn that including premature labor, lung and rationalizing and delusional for students can't say an ·exact reason." tobacco-related illnesses could continue bladder cancer, heart disease and impo­ to think of themselves and their friends That's the irony, Brukner said. Many on the upswing. tence. as only "social smokers," she said. students smoke because of the cool A recent study, conducted by "College kids don't think about that "A smoker is a smoker," she said. image they think they're projecting. Yet researchers at Harvard University, com­ stuff," said Claire Weingarden, a sopho­ "The health effects are accumulative, so they don't seem to think about their bad pared surveys. of more than 14,000 stu- · more at Syracuse University who has it doesn't matter_ whether you smoke breath, yellowed teeth, deep coughs or dents at 116 colleges nationwide in 1993 _ tried smoking but avoided making it a seven cigarettes over the course of a clothes and hair that reek of smoke. and 1997. Last year, 28.5 percent of stu­ habit. "We don't sleep. We don't exer­ ·week, or seven in one day. Doctors con­ "I'd love to see billboards and ad cam­ dents reported smoking, up from 22.3 cise. We eat terrible food, and we drink sider the number of packs you smoked paigns that say, 'Gee, your breath really percent in 1993. like it's our job." over the number of years. It's the num­ stinks,' or 'Your clothes smell terrible,'" The findings aren't much of a surprise All the more reason to kick the habit ber of cigarettes you consume over time she said. "Because that's what smoking given that smoking already had risen or refrain from ever picking it up, said that mat.ters. does to a person whether they like it or among teen-agers by 32 percent in the Dr. Halina Brukner, director of the "Sure, (infrequent) smokers are at a not. I have seen adults who are embar­ 1990s. Once those teens hit college, University of Chicago's primary care lower risk of getting addicted," she con­ rassed to tell me tnat they've smoked for smoking rates naturally rose in acade­ group. tinued. "But because this is an addictive years, and when they do, they almost mia, too. The study found that the vast "Even the most intelligent, high­ substance and the threshold for getting always say, 'That was so stupid. I wish I majority of college smokers picked up achieving students really don't believe addicted is so low, we know their need had never done it.'" the habit in high school; only 11 percent they are going to die," she said. "In a to have it starts increasing. They may Thomas said he plans to kick his took their first drag after the age of 18. sense, they are smoking because it feel they can handle it now, but studies smoking habit before he gradll;ates. "It seems like everyone smokes," said makes a statement that they are immor­ show that in general, once people start "I'm young," he said. "I'm not wor­ Caryn Rousseau, a junior at the tal. It's a rebellion and an adolescent smoking, they need to smoke more and ried about it." University of Missouri who has tried defiance that even they know is bad for more." Quitting is rarely easy, doctors · say. smoking but said she doesn't like it. them. Jason Thomas, a sophomore smoker at According to the Harvard study, half of "It's a social thing that some people do "Students have heard the medical the University of Iowa, knows that feel­ college smokers reported that they've all the time and a lot of people just do data," she continued. "But heart disease ing. He first tried smoking when he was tried to stop in the previous year, and 18 when they drink." is something so distant to them; it's a junior in high school. At first he man­ percent had made five or more attempts Healthcare professionals say there's something their grandparents get, not aged to limit his smoking to weeke!lds to beat their addiction, the study found.

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• Police Blotter: Aweekly look at campus crime briefs

PETER LEVINE proceed further without outside assistance. building when someone questioned him. The Maneater. "He was down on his luck, COLLEGE PRESS EXCHANGE The university chose not to ask federal Officers reported that they searched the and we offered him a place to live." agents for help because minimal damage area but found no one. The reported rape allegedly happened in TUCSON, Ariz. - Someone made off was done. the fraternity's off-campus house after a with a fiberglass fish mounted on a wall in In early November, hackers broke into BOULDER, Colo. - Armed with a three­ homecoming party in September. The vic­ • the University of Arizona's biological sci­ Stanford computers and took more than man water balloon launcher and a lot of tim has been reluctant to press charges, ences building. 5,000 user passwords. snow, a group of students at the University leaving investigators unsure of whether According to the Daily Wildcat, a uni­ of Colorado at Boulder managed to raise a they will make an arrest in the case. versity employee reported the fake, finned CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill. - A stu­ few eyebrows on campus recently. "We can't go to the prosecutor without a creature - valued at $1,200 - missing on dent at the University of Illinois at The group specificaily aimed the snow­ victim," Columbia po1ice Sgt. Stephen Nov. 20. The employee said he found no Champaign-Urbana suffered minor balls at windows and managed to break Monticelli told the Maneater. signs of forced entry and that many people injuries after three men attacked him out- one. University officials said the fraternity have access to the room where the fish was side a dining hall on campus. _ Passersby snickered, and police didn't · will not be held responsible for the report­ kept. According to the Daily Illini, the victim think to look for any suspects - until they ed sexual crime or for housing someone was eating in the dining hall on Nov. 19 read about the- incident in the campus not enrolled at the school. STANFORD, Calif. For the second time when the trio asked to step outside to set­ newspaper. in two months, a computer hacker broke tle some business. COLUMBIA, Mo. - Campus police at into computers at Stanford University and The victim later told police he did not ANN ARBOR, Mich. - One man's efforts the University of Missouri investigated the • stole the passwords for almost 300 e-mail know the men, but went along with them to take cleaning supplies from the Nov. 12 theft of a pair of .vooden crutches accounts. anyway. University of Michigan's graduate library from a student, the student newspaper, the According to the Stanford Daily, the Once outside, the trio pushed the victim were a wash after workers stopped him. Maneater, reported. hacker used a stolen password to get into to the ground and kicked and punched him According to police reports, the man So far, they have no suspects. the university's electrical engineering all over his body. Th~ attackers fled when tried to walk out of the building with sev­ department's computer system. The Daily a resident advisor arrived on the scene. eral cleansers and a box of trash bags. COLUMBUS, Ohio - Police had little also reported that the hacker broke into the The victim was treated and released from The man, later dubbed "Mr. Clean,"· choice but to ticket a former Ohio State system on Oct. 31 and maintained access a local hospital. wound up dropping the goods and running student for disorderly conduct after find­ to it for six days. from the library. ing him in a stupor. "It looked like the hacker was going for BINGHAMTON, N.Y. - Students pulling According to police reports, two students power and wanted to control the system, an all-nighter in a library at SUNY­ COLUMBIA, Mo. - Members of the escorted the man to a dormitory after find­ not necessarily what was on it," David Binghamton must have rubbed their eyes Kappa Alpha fraternity at the University of ing him intoxicated on campus. The man Brumley, a specialist in the university's in amazement when a naked man saun­ Missouri kicked out a former pledge who told the students he lived there, but resi­ Computer Security Office, told the Daily. tered by them. was living among them after investigators dent assistants called police for help after Although there were no reports of e-mail According to the Pipe Dream, students named him the lead suspect in a rape case. determining he did not. Police checked out tampering, university officials did shut called campus police to report the man's The suspect is not currently enrolled at the man's story and learned that he indeed down several accounts, forcing many stu­ brief public appearance at 4: 15 a.m. on the university, but had been living in the had been a resident of the dorm - 'in 1994, dents to change their passwords. Nov. 16. KA house. not this year. The Daily reported that campus security The man, described as being nearly 6 feet "He was a pledge in the spring, and he Offic'ers arrested the man, tic.keted him .. officers tracked down the hacker to an 4 inches tall and about 30 years old, picked didn't make grades," fraternity president . and later released him to the custody of his Internet service provider, but could not up a pile of clothes and fled from the Greg Shelton told the student newspaper, brother.

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Animal testing will keep South Park doesn't deserve criticism

me out ofmedical school RICHARD PARKER that the child~character CONTRIBUTING WRITER Kenny is "murdered'' on ERIKA CHECK ple would die. And that wasn't nobody questions that animals every episode. Everyone CONTRIBUTING WRITER right. sense pain. They deserve the What'$ the most popu- who watches the show But morality seems to break respect that we try - and some­ lar show on television knows the line, ''Oh my On Tuesday, I realized why I down when it comes to animal times fail - to give each other. today? If you answered God, they killed will never go to medical school. testing. Our human code of ethics Most researchers try to accom­ anything other than Kenny!" While Kenny I was sitting in my neuroscience tells us that harming and killing modate animals' needs. Scientists ·~south Park/' you may , indeed dies on every class watching a film that demon­ other-human beings is wrong. But are not callous. Some even have p.Qt be.,in the loop, show, he's no more mur- strated how researchers record sig­ it's OK to kill and harm non­ pets at home. But it makes sense For those of you who dered than is Wile E. nals from resting brain cells. human beings, as long as it's for to treat lab animals well. If test don'tlgJow, "Soutb Coyote, who bas an infi- " Fairly technical stuff; innocuous our good, we reason. After all, it's subjects are distressed and dying Park'' ·has been the nite number of anvils enough, right? Perhaps, except not our fault if we have the knowl- from non-experimental treatment, hqttest thing. to hit tefo.., drnpped on his head; it's that those resting brain cells the research will never reach an vision since "The the same concept. were part of a live animal. A accurate conclusion. , ~impsons~ » yet it is Recently, for example, cat, to be exact. A cat with an Those of us who never have beginning to draw a lot Kenny was killed when electrode inserted in its brain. I to set foot in a lab can do of fire from people w)lo · Ozzy Osborne bit his wasn't the only one in the We don't have to something about animal testing. misu.flderstand the head off. Yes, it was class who felt sick and sad We can -start by understanding show's humor or haven't sick, but it was funny! watching it. bomb laboratories. the importance and necessity of even seen an episode. Kenny has alsq been Now you're thinking, animal testing despite its Many people complain killed by wild turkeys, "Rabid-anti-animal-testing rant We don't have to unpleasantness. We can respect that "South Park" is pet goldfish, ·the Chinese approaching. Must skip to read the fact that the FDA requires inappropriate for chil- national volleyball team something less gross." But I'm shoot researchers in that potential drugs - cures for dren. and a falling pine tree. not against animal testing. As parking lots~ AIDS arid cancer and birth Well, no joker That's · South Park's critics a-biology major and the defects - be tested on animals why they hayethe really also like to lament about daughter of scientists, I under­ before humans are ever allowed big "TV-MA" symbol on the show's language. If stand that humans have count- to touch them. We. also can screen before the sJ.10w -, you don'(like what less monkeys, rabbits, mice, rats, edge and skills to manipulate the accept the fact that we can't do starts along with a dis- Cartmap has to say, you cats and other animals to thank for environment. much to change any of that. claimer that the show can always catcP, NBC's 1 the vaccines, medicines and con­ Diseases are part of our environ­ But we can buy brands of cos­ mar be inappropriate for "Law & Order, ' which sumer products· we use every day. ment. We want to get rid of those. metics and shampoos and any host som~ view~rs. · ' airs during the same But that doesn't make the killing And animals are a part of our of products that don't use animal It is troubling that time .slot. of animals any easier to accept. As en'iironment, too. If we work on testing. Conducting research on 'depaftll,l.ent stores ate ···- F-Ot those folks a kid, I devoured James Herriot's animals, we are only manipulating animals to develop new vaccines selling Stan, Kyle, _ appalled that any-0ne books, had two cats of my own, two parts of our environment - is. one thing; testing on animals to Kentif '· aiid ·could defend rhe show, and wanted to be a veterinarian animals and diseases. There seems make new and better kinds of lip­ dpllsto kids. Even mo:t.e . beai- in mihd a r)~ra­ when I grew up. The whole to be no choice. We can't just sit sticks and toothpastes is another. .distih:Bingjs that 8,,year- phrii$ed tlibughtfrom putting-drops-in-rabbits' -eyes back and let our knowledge go to It's not much of a sacrifice to buy .olds know all of.the comedian ,Qe? thing didn't sit well with me. waste. We can't allow people to animal-friendly products. i cfrara'~teis ·in~ludi~g'Mr. , C~fin: Ifyou don't like I used to argue about this with die without doing everything in We don't have to bomb labora­ -·· .• ~~t, the gayh;lnd pup- South . Par~. thete,fil'y .a my mother - and to no avail. She our power to save them. tories. We don't have to shoot p~i of M:r. Garrison. ttfo ·;,.:' couple of.buttoriS on' the

runs an immunology lab and tests The problem is that animals are researchers in parking lots. We ~scho,ql, ,. t~ache;f. _. f". _ , _ · remote.control ~ one humans for HIV, cancer and even not just part of our environment. simply should make sure that the ' But §hqµ~µ th€)show~s that ~hanges the chan- fetal defects. None of her work They are sentient beings that think creatures who lost their freedom, creator.s} Trey Parker , nel, and the other, which would be possible if some small, and feel. Maybe they don't solve suffered or even died did so so and Matt Stone, be " turns off the television. furry friends _of ours hadn't been calculus problems or plan their that we may live healthy - not :blamed ;for all o:f that? The sa1Jle controversy sacrificed, she said. And then peo- futures like humans do, but more cosmetic - lives. No! Tryleveling criti- now surrounding HSouth cism at llie p~reµts out · Park~; once targeted there who aren~t exercis~ "The Simpsons;"' ''King ing enough control over of the Hilr' and the now what their kids are legendary ••Beavis and watching on television. Butthead." After a Critics of the show while, those shows were, also rant about it when in the words of one of they either haven't even my fraternity brothers, KNIGHT PUBLISHING, INC seen ,an episode or "co-opted," meaning 120 ALEXANDRIA BLVD. haven't taken the time to that they were commer- OVIEDO, FL 32765 let the story line sink in. cialized and toned down. ~ Take The Birmingham Let's hope "South News and Sports Desk (407) 365-7656 News, for example. It Park" isn't destined for Advertising & Classifieds (407) 977 -1009 described the ever-lov- the same fate. able Chef as the schoors The show wouldn't be Fax (407) 977-0019 exploited, black janitor. as funny if Stan said

Publisher ...... Scott Wallin The Chef is hardly "gosh darn it" or Kyle News Editor ...... Ni cole King Writers: Jeff Case, James Combs, exploited. He is one of said "you dummies" Shelley Wilson, Vicki DeSormier, Assistant News Editor..... Gwen Rhodes S A R I p A D S C A L L A Linda Ramos, Stacey Copeland, p · the pivotal characters on after an HOh my gosh, Sports Editor ...... Tony Mejia E T A L R E I N 0 N A I A Forrest Crumpler, Mercedes the show. And Isaac they smacked Kenny!" Opinion Editor...... Jason Heironimus P H 1 L 0 R E 0 S T I N T Entertainment Ed ...... Corbelt Trubey McElmurry, Steve Unger, Todd T 0 S s p 0 G 0 S T I C K A Hayes, who does _the "South Park is not Photo Editor...... Mike Marshall McFliker, Sarah Sekula, Dan s E M I T E M T Production & McMullan, Amber Feldman, 0 E voice for Chef, was the suitable entertainment Distribution ...... Brian Linden Taylor Sikes, Travis Bell, Maria T E N A B L E~ E R E S A G perfect choice. It's hard for everyone. But some Chandler, Dillon Elliasen ...... A A S T E A B E A U S Sales ...... Mark Lanaris not to laugh every time people shouldn't have P E A R L. B A R E S E Opinions in the Central Florida Future are those of the individual A A I E S A A SH E $ ..... the Chef asks students, the right to determine columnist and are not necessarily those of the University Administration SADDAM H~DSONS "How are my little what everyone else is A S WAN E A I E or Board of Regents. Mailed letters must be typed and include the crackers today?" able to watch on televi- authors signature and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for D 0 U B L E P A A K A I C A 1 space and grammar and become property of the newspaper. The Central AUTRVIRI p E r· o 0 T The Birmingham sion. That is an infringe- I Florida Future is a free campus newspaper published weekly. Knight D A A N A V E R E l L E News also goofed when ment on our right to A S H E N T E N S D E 2 Publishing, Inc. is not associated with the University of Central Florida. E R it erroneously printed choose. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 9

f • The -coolest flicks ot December STACEY COPELAND coming up. Sarandon stars as an aban­ STAFF WRITER doned wife who hates the new girlfriend (Roberts) with a passion. Everyone's world It's almost here guys. The end of the is turned upside down when Sarandon is semester. We'll all be able to breathe a sigh diagnosed with a terminal illness and is of relief and toss the books into the closet now forced to teach Roberts how to be a for a few weeks. Are you looking forward to good mother to the children she will leave • Christmas? Have you been naughty or behind. Pack the tissues, you'll need 'em. nice? Santa (AKA Hollywood execs) Blast From The Past (12/25)- Starring apparently decided we've been nice and Alicia Silverstone, Brendan Fraser, have provided us with new flicks ranging ' Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek. Fraser all the way from Shakespeare to Psycho. trades in his loincloth to play a fish out of Take a look and see if anything catches water. His mom and dad took cover back in your eye: the 60's, thinking the world was about to be blown to bits, so the poor lad hasspent Psycho (12/4)- Starring Vince Vaughn, his entire life in a bomb shelter. Thilty Anne Heche, Julianne Moore. Hitchcock's years later, they decide to send him into the original tale is back with a few 90's twists. world to stock up on the essentials, includ­ The seven-week-long production is in ing a wife. Enyer Silverstone, who takes to color and features an amped-up version of him like a wounded puppy. Cute concept. the original haunting score. SPECIAL TO THE FUTURE It should fly. ·Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes star as lovers in old England in the romantic comedy Star Trek: Insurrection (12/11)- Starring Shakespeare In Love (12/25)- -Starring Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Shakespeare in Love. Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Ben Frakes, Donna Murphy, F. Murray he know that she's the same woman he has don't think I can take this overuse

Dear Dr. Daphne, My girlfriend's mom has prejudices and one of them is against people of ethnic ori­ gins. I am from Ecuador and she will not give us her bless­ ing. What should I do? - Juan Julio Ortega Sanchez Perez Hernandez

Dear Ecuador, • You know, some people just this when you should be focus­ Sugar Mama, did you? Aspen suck. You would think by ing on your studies and suc­ is a great place. Lot of incredi­ 1998, almost 1999, that the _ cess in this happy world we ble slopes, snow bunnies, people of this world would be live in. inviting fireplaces, and great over this thing. There is really sex. Paradise with snow. And just think, you won't be able to not a whole lot you can do. If Dear Dr. Daphne, sit on your fat ass with dad. If mom doesn't like where you My family wants me home touch your girly all week with you don't go, you'll regret it fear they may catch you in the are from, that is her problem. for the holidays, but my girl­ later when you won't have act. Wow, wish I could go too. If you and your girly are still friend's parents asked me to go them. So, have lots of If it was a trip at other okay with being together with­ to Aspen. I've never been there any mediocre sex before your time than Christmas, Kwanzaa, out Mama's blessing, go for it. before and I can't stand not honey leaves and ask her to You are still only young once. being with her. How do I tell or Chanukah, I would say "Go. send a postcard. You won't • And it's not that you will actu­ my parents I won't be home? Have a joyous time!" But this miss her too much. Remember, ally marry this hussy. Chances - Traveling Man is a time you should be with girls will come and go but are my friend, over time your the ones you love, not ones family is forever. little hoochie will have the Dear Traveling Man, you lust. You need to go home, same sentiments. So my sug­ Sounds like you don't appre­ spend some Q.T. (quality time Got a problem? Nothing is gestion is, move on to some­ ciate the people who gave for the ignorant readers) with too big or too small for Dr. one else who does not have birth to you. But, you have a mom and dad. Make cranberry Daphne. Just e-mail her at racial parents. You shouldn't roe.kin' offer on the table. relish and green bean casserole [email protected] have to worry about things like Never thought you'd have a with mom. Watch football and December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 10 Second verse, same as·the first? shots (outside shots!) in the Moore, who does an B. W. EARL in the 1960 version by the Oscar-nominat­ STAFF WRITER ed Janet Leigh, and portrayed by Anne middle of all the carnage and admirable job of updating Heche in the remake) steals a goodly sum a good five second delay Vera Miles' role as Marion's The fust question that comes to mind of money ($40,000 or $400,000, again between the emergence of sister. Macy and Moore, both for anyone who has seen Alfred depending on which version) from her Norman's mother and the Academy Award nominees, Hitchcock's original masterpiece is, company in the hopes of paying off her intro of Bernard Herrmann' s don't seem to be intimidated "Why?" What does Gus Van Sant (Good boyfriend's ('60-John Gavin; '98-Viggo legendary score, and you by the big shoes that they Will Hunting, My Own Private Idaho) Mortensen) various debts. On her way have a botched attempt. have to fill, and their perfor­ hope to accomplish with this $25 million from her home in Phoenix to her Another problem inherited by Van mances are helped immeasurably as a remake? How can you really improve on boyfriend's locale in Southern California, Sant is the actors' attempts to. live up to result. the horror classic that still has the capaci­ she makes a stop at the Bates Motel, run the cast of 1960. Vince Vaughn tries to be I won't spoil the changes that Van ty to frighten nearly forty years later? by a fellow who goes by the name of so unlike Anthony Perkins' portrayal that Sant makes for those of you who are Well, you can't. At least, not with the Norman Bates (Vince Vaughn playing the he delivers a performance that feels like a going to see the film. Let it just be said version that Van Sant has brought forth. A part immortalized by Anthony Perkins). performance. The same could be said for that whenever there's a change to Joseph shot by shot remake leaves very little She decides to take a shower- is this start­ the rather miscast Heche, who doesn't Stefano's original script, it's noticeable. room for creativity for the director, but in ing to click now? exude the same screen presence that Very noticeable. those few moments that Van Sant does Unfortunately (at least, for Psycho Leigh maintained throughout Hitchcock's The new Psycho goes as far as it does veer from the stylistics of the Master of purists), the shower scene suffers the most production. In fact, the better perfor­ because of the original's assured place in Suspense, you certainly wish that it was in the transition from original to copy. mances come from the secondary charac­ pop culture, as well as Hitch's brilliant truly shot for shot. What was a sudden, fluid, and truly ters, such as William H. Macy, filling in touches. That is why the original will be For those who haven't seen the origi­ sho~king series of shots in the h~ds of for the late Martin Balsam as the doomed remembered long after Van Sant's replica­ nal or the remake, here's the scoop on Sir Alfred becomes a clumsily edited detective who suspects that something is tion is forgotten, or at best, barely recog­ Psycho: Secretary Marion Crane (played mishmash in the redo. Add some outside up at the Bates Motel, and Julianne nized as a footnote to Hitchcock's legacy.

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somewhat par for the course with wrote and recorded in the studio, but years." With the invitation accepted, other MC"s-but you get the feeling decided to leave off of his· 11 and the parameters uprooted, LL speaks of bravado and success in released albums. Instead of piling up Ancient Termites plays the devil's the world, not on the record - his on the cutting room floor, they've gestalt advocate. The needle "Rhyme Ain't Done" is a whirlwind found a permanent home in Tracks, becomes the message rather than the Cover not of cultural ideograms, from He-Man and the hearts of many fans. Tracks messenger and the listener is left to the sitcom Alice and the 52 deck has a wonderful thing going for it. available card characters, LL crossed all the Itis pure Springsteen. The new songs demographic bridges to shake the are nothing strikingly different from hands of any potential listeners. Yet Bruce Springsteenis signature style. the justification of timelessness, They are just little ditties that missed without question, is "." the buses like ""Born in the U.S.A," Without LL's R&B classic, the likes "Lucky Town," and "The Ghost of Cover not LL Cool J of Mary J. Blige, TLC would have Tom Joad." The box set is also sell­ been shut out of the Rap/R&B/Soul ing at a great price right in time for available Bigger and Deffer pantheon, a maverick of lyricism and the store massacre season. You can invention, LL made fans from dust pick it up in most music stores for· (Def J~m) and conditioned them into genre about $60 bucks. Tracks is a must­ ignorants-thank god. own for any die-hard Springsteen Some might argue the greatest -Marcel Spindae fan. Along with the new songs MC statement ever made was LL are remixed and live favorites like Cool J's, "Marnma Said Knock You J "Born in the U.S.A" and wondering if there is a center to Out." For my money, his second "Rendezvous." This is one box set these reconstructed beats and melod­ Bigger and Deffer presents an MC on that's wo .. th a trip to the mall. Just be ic moments. the verge of timelessness. By the I careful of all the Backstreet Boys From strength to strength, the time "MSKYO" was released LL was fans. album avoids the regionalism of without a doubt, the biggest and - Christine Selvaggi using only worn out sam­ deffest. The beats here are indeed ples and coldcuts and spices, instead middle 80's, but Cut Creator-the Phonopsych~ opting for a few old swing jukes. original, no less-inspires well enough "He cuts the music with so much to play alongside rather than compli­ graphDisl< class," the third track, "Beaver 'I ment LL. Especially on "Kanday," Ancient Termites Clause," introludes and then high­ the James Brown bark, "I feel good" lights a singular display of mucho plays call and shout with the MC (Bomb Hip-Hop) gusto: just an echo adorPs the nim­ who's found the "kind of girl who ble flex and ferocious fury by a DJ keeps a fat man well ." Although who is more musical machine than the misogyny is knee deep, LL con­ Bruce Springsteen jockey of sounds. And even the Casting aside my guttural aes­ sciously raises the issue, as on clueless, the traditional green thumb Tracks thetic objection to the cover art, "Bristol Hotel" where a who'rehouse · of hip hop purity can agree, Ancient there is something unsettling about is romanticized and then, with subtle (Columbia) Termites ushers in a new age of the marriage of turntablism and effect, transformed into an anti-aids experimental pluralism where the 'pseudo' science fiction. message, "you say what the heck, The· down-home folk-rock music hip, or those who call themselves PhonopsychographDisk' s debut you already paid, not knowing the man is back in black. No, that's not "underground," abandon cliches of waves the welcome flag towards the guy before you had Aids, next week right. I mean back in box. Bruce musical avant-garde, "Hey you identity and accept the hopped up your at the clinic getting blood trans­ Springsteen's Tracks has emerged as flux. The cut creator is now the stuffy arty types, come on over and fusions." On and on he goes, but his a blazing truth for devoted listeners. great communicator, like Gershwin see what the hip hop underground "rhyme ain't done," delving into the The 4 CD box S

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believes Africa is still today the home of naked can­ Lead Stories nibals who, when sick, "are going to some witch doc­ You've 'gotta •The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (Alberta, tor with a bone in their nose." have 'em, so Canada) announced in November that this year's sin­ why spend t gle pennit to hunt an Alberta big-horn sheep was won more than you by Sherwin Scott of Phoenix with a high bid of $25 Plus Maior Dry-Cleaning Work have to? At $405,000 (U.S.). The foundation will use the money In November in Austin, Texas, Henry Benedict, for conservation. Scott said he was elated at his vic­ owner of the under-renovation adult theater Cinema tory, but as to the amount, he said, "You can't make West, announced that he will defray renovation costs you can buy sense out of this." at a public celebration of the new building by selling your books •In October, a California appeals court reinstated the the 500 seats from the old theater as souvenirs for $25 onllne and save 1997 jury verdict for Robert Cunningham against his each. up to 46% on Orange County homeowners' association for med­ textbooks and dling. Over a two-year period, the association had up to 60o/o on ordered Cunningham to clean up not only an outside Family Values bestsellers .... patio but also the inside of his unit, claiming that he •In India, according to a May New York Times with no ·waiting had too many books and newspapers lying around, report, parents in several rural states continue the tra­ in line! that his bed was too messy, and that piles of old cloth­ dition of forcing their children into arranged mar­ ing should be given to charity. riages, at ages as young as 4, in violation of nation~ •In November, Ten's World Class Cabaret (a strip laws setting the minimum age at 18. By contrast, m joint) asked New YorkSupreme Court justice Stephen August in Annapolis, Md., in a perfectly legal ce~e­ Crane to be exempt from anti-nudity mony under state law, Phillip Compton, '29, marned ... and with all rules because it had begun to admit children to the Tina Akers, 13. (It was legal because Akers' parents that money premises and thus was no longer an "adult" estab­ consented and Akers was pregnant. On the other you're going lishment that the rules applied to. Shortly afterward, hand, Compton appeared to have violated the state · to save, you can Crane ruled in favor of Ten's, which at press time at law on statutory rape.) pick up any of least twice had admitted children (accompanied by a •In September, a judge in Chilton, Wis., sentenced our p~ent, of course) for lunch, with dancers in the back­ Michael and Angeline Rogers to a year in jail, 39 Bfilboard'l'OP ground. years less than they could have gotten, for physically 40 CD's for abusing four of their five children and 4nprisoning only Multiculturalism in Sports one of them several times overnight in a dog cage in $8.97 eachl their basement. Judge Steven Weinke said he was try­ According to a November New York Times report, ing to show "compassion," which the parents had Chinese soccer fans' new traditional yell to harass -requested so as to improve their chances to begin the opposing teams is a word which is street slang for process of retaking custody of their kids. Then check out female genitals and which the press has dubbed the •In October in Kitchener, Ontario, a man was sen­ our huge ''Bejjing curse." And in Lagos, Nigeria, in November, tenced to six months' probation living away from his the star soccer player on the Cameroon female team, selection of 15-year-old stepso~, as punishment for growing 20 computers and Gwimotoh Lilian, was disqualified from the champi­ marijuana plants; he said he planted them so the boy onship series because, according to officials, "all" of over 260,000 would not be exposed to the "dangers of street computer her physical features are "male" (except for her­ drugs." And in November in Milwaukee, a man was female genitals). accessories, , convicted for supplying his 13-year-old virgin son supplies and with a prostitute, saying it was about time he learned. software titles, "Number l" in the News •Quality Time With the Kids: Baltimore police dis­ patcher Harry Gilmore Watts, 32, was arrested in A 12-year-old boy was let off with six months' pro­ August and charged with chauffeuring his son and a bation in West Bloomfield Township, Mich., in friend, both 15, to rob.a Peoples Bank. And on the October after he admitted urinating in his teacher's same day, in Medford, Ore., Cynthia Alice water bottle. Although she went to the hospital with .. Lockinger, 40, pleaded guilty to robbing two banks nausea and stomach cramps, the boy's lawyer said, the latest video while her thfee daughters waited in the back seat of ·''The bottom line is, urine is not harmful to drink." games for your the getaway car. And 10 days later in Tucson, Ariz., Caroline Gomez Sony .Maldonado, 42, was arrested and charged with chas­ Playstation, ing a reluctant 8-year-old stranger down the street in Least Competent Criminals Nintendo64, order to convince him to urinate into a cup so Kevin Johnson of Chesapeake, Va., was convicted Sega Saturn, Maldonado could use it for an upcoming test as part in November of attempting to defraud a Lowe's Gameboyor of her probation on drug charges. Home Center store in a 1993 incident. According to SNES, the prosecutor, Johnson and a friend dropped cans of ,.· . :::~-: . i ~~ '~,, ·~ • Grown-ups Who Take Things Literally paint in an aisle in an attempt to make it look like the ,; cans had cascaded from a high shelf and knocked Jordan Locke, 5, was suspended from elementary camcorders, Johnson unconscious. Johnson was taken to a hospi­ school in Pittsburgh in October when he showed up tal and later filed a lawsuit for $250,000. After the stereos, VCR's, in his Halloween firefighter costume that included a judge saw evidence that the open, strewn paint cans magazines, 5-inch plastic hatchet, which the school calls a were undented and had come from different parts of fragrances, "weapon" (though firefighters call it a "tool"). And in the shelf so that they were unlikely to have hit sporting November, a Canoga Park, Calif., advertising agency Johnson, he dismissed the lawsuit, and prosecutors equipment, was forced to pull ads for perfectly legal Altema took over. a complete line Hemp Shampoo from 106 bus-stop benches because of furnitmae and an anti-drug group complained that "hemp" should accessories not be portrayed favorably. Update In 1996, News of the Weird reported on a new • ·Strange Bedfellows breeding of sheep that produces muscular flanks (in fact, it is named the "beautiful buttocks" strain) and The Boston Globe reported in November on the 30 percent more meat. In November 1998, a scientist upcoming trial in Richmond, Va., of Ku Klux Klan all with England's Meat and Livestock Commission said and of the Imperial Wizard Bany Black, who was arrested for the scheme has been abandoned because the resultant other burning a cross in violation of a state hate-crimes law. meat was invariably "tough as old boots," and the TWO MU.I.ION His lawyer is a black man, David Baugh, who took best food technologists have not been able to find a things. you're .. the case without fee to defend Black's right to sym­ way to tenderize it. · going to need to bolic free speech, even though Black said, "I am not go to school! going to invite (Baugh) to my home to break bread (Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box WWW. ... with me because my Bible tells me that mixing leads 8306, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33738, or Weird@com­ to the destruction of my race." Black also said he .!~~~ • December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 13 •

• Actress courts respect on 'Law & Order' JOE DZIEMIANOWICZ As McCoy, Waterston responds: "She sent together, it's like, 'Oh, good Lord.' a model, which she always believed would COLLEGE PRESS EXCHANGE her chauffeur into that clinic to commit a Especially when you've been on the set for be her ticket to acting. burglary, during which he killed somebody. 14 hours. This show is the hardest thing I've "Getting 'Baywatch Nights' was a very It's Tuesday evening on the set of "Law & That's of Felony Murder." ever done." big deal," she says, "because that's where it Order," (10 ET Wednesdays and a scene is "If he was there to commit the burglary," Indeed, "Abbie" is a far cry from Amanda all started for me - that's how I got into act­ about to be rehearsed. Entitled she says, "which is defined as - [reads from Reardon, the FBI rookie she played on the ing." "Scrambled," the story centers around the motion paper she's holding] 'entering a short-lived 1997 ABC series, "C-16," and a The story goes that "Baywatch" honcho frozen embryos, a botched burglary and, of building unlawfully with intent to commit a still further stretch from forensic criminolo­ David Hasselhoff met Harmon on a plane course, a murder. Standing just off-set, crime therein."' gist Ryan McBride, whom she portrayed for and hired her even though she had no acting actress Angie Harmon, who joined the show "So?" he queries. "Arlene Galvin wanted two years on "Baywatch Nights." The experience. in July as Assistant District Attorney Abbie Curran to destroy private property - the beach drama is not even listed on Harmon's It's all true, Harmon acknowledges. Carmichael, has her eyes closed tight. embryos." NBC bio. Still, it's part of her past. So much "Working on 'Baywatch Nights' was 44 She's not catching 40 winks, although The scene continues, and it's evident that so that on July 20, when the announcement lessons of hitting [my] mark, of being able she's been on the job 14 hours straight. Harmon is well prepared. The lines come was made to the TV Critics Association.that to walk and talk. at the same time and of Instead, Harmon is silently mouthing lines easily and her performance is flub-free. Harmon had been cast in the role of in­ finding [my] light and getting out of some­ she's about to deliver with co-star Sam When the last line of the scene is uttered, your-face Abbie Carmichael, one critic body else's light." Waterston, who has played ADA Jack Harmon, totally jazzed, leaps high into the asked if Abbie would wear a bikini during Harmon learned her lessons well. She McCoy since 1994. The scene consists of air like an jubilant cheerleader and loudly sweeps. reportedly beat out 85 other actresses to an extended exchange of tongue-twisting exclaims, "Yes." Two and a half months later, Harmon still snag the role of Abbie Carmichael, who has legalese~ It is precisely the kind of scene Later, Harmon sits down in her dressing doesn't think that's funny - or accurate. been working that pa~t four years in New that has made a dictionary an essential in room to chat. What's up with that airborne Ryan never wore a bathing suit, she points York's special narcotics unit. ., Harmon's dressing room. The run-through maneuver? out. Furthermore, Harmon makes no apolo­ "I don't know how many people they begins; Harmon launches into Abbie Mode. "Abbie has a much higher I.Q. than I do," gies about the fact that "Baywatch Nights" looked at," she says. "I just feel honored to "One hour after her arraignment ... Arlene the 26-year-old actress laughs, her voice a was a big break. Nor is she sorry that her be the one they chose." Galvin's motion to dismiss," she says, in blend of her hometown Dallas plus Demi exotic good looks (courtesy of her Mom's Does she want to prove her detractors character. "Says the facts don't make out Moore rasp. '~I didn't go to Law School. So Greek heritage and her Dad's part­ wrong? the elements of Felony Murder." when Abbie has to put all her big words Cherokee ancestry) helped her get work as "I do. And I will," she declares.

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. Pcimmru Election!i: ·

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I I f I \ . Election Commission . Positions available: . Pick up• your-app. in the Student Government Office, Student Union • room 214 from 8am-5pm. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 16 Bowl snub leaves thoughts of what would have been

JEFF CASE where they could have the items fans at the Citrus Bowl. But STAFF WRITER to us, as soon as the next day, word travels fast, and most like­ following UCLA's win," ly Micron officials told other The dis~ppointment sur­ Eckhart said. Eckhart added the bowl committees about UCF's rounding UCF's snub in any bowl T-shirts would have cost lack of support. ' postseason bowl game has fans between $14-17 and said he It is a cruel catch-22 for ended a difficult two weeks for was planning on having about UCF; it needs more national Coach Mike Kruczek and his 500 in the bookstore by support to get into a bowl, yet 1 players. Monday. how can it attain this without a In that time, UCF was national platform .. .i.e. a out of a bowl (the Micron bowl game? PC), in another (the Oahu "It's not fair," said bowl), in contention for Rachelle Young, a junior. two more (the Some guys are ~olng "' "It seems like we should Independence and Sun have gotten the bid, espe­ bowls) and, as of Sunday, .?'' to '· cry pboutt~is, cially with the crowd out of all of four. (3,000 fans) we took to Kruczek could not but there are :a lot : Auburn. We had a lot of have asked for a better sit­ of worse. things #i'~· ., fans come out all season, uation than with the Oahu, it just seems . like we .... where the Knights would should have gotten to go." have earned the berth pro­ the world. ,t Perhaps "the snub" is viding UCLA had defeat­ .:;. Marv RithatClson best understood as it will ·II ed Miami last Saturday. J:: be by UCF's players; as UCF would have proba- unfair. Months of hard bly played WAC champion Air To fans, the denial of a post­ work and dedication to a sea­ Force on Christmas night, but season game seems too cruel to son-long goal have been van­ PlAY 1111 AGAllln following Miami's 49-45 upset, be true. A 9-2 record is good quished, leaving departing the Knights lone hope rested in enough for practically any team seniors with a sour taste from the Sun Bowl, which chose in Diyision I-A to make a bowl the team's most successful I-A struggling Texas Christian (6-5) game. Yet for UCF, the two campaign. SPOIQT~ over UCF (9-2). losses .to the Tigers and "Some guys are going to cry Perhaps most disturbing Boilermakers may have carried about this, but there are a lot of USED & NEW SPORTS EQUIPMENT about TCU's selection is the fact too much weight in bowl offi­ worse things in the world," said the Horned Frogs averaged an cials minds. sophomore defensive end Marv Buy •:• Sell •:• Trade •:• Consign attendance 282, 168 in six games, which is much fewer ' fans a game than UCF, who SwiNq ON IN FoR ALL attracted 317 ,490 fans in only five games. Aside from UCF's Of YooR losses, which came against Purdue and Auburn, a lack of a GolfiNq NEEds! fan support was the other card bowl committees played against AREA's lARqEsT SElECTiON of NEW UCF. But closer investigation 6. PRE-OwNECI Golf EouipMENT, by bowl committees would have found otherwise. UCF fans showed consider­ Make Sure to Check Out Our able interest in the Oahu bid, Skate Closeouts! even before plans could be finalized. As of last Wednesday, 7600 University Blvd. • Winter Park 70 of the 110 slots on UCF's flight to Oahu were reserved for 677-5007 fans, and at no small cost. A plane ride over and a game tick­ et costs a fan $1,000, not includ­ ing hotel lodging for six nights, meals and a luau with the team Car .Insurance. on gameday. That ticket costs $3,000 per couple and made up the majority of sales, says Darla Immediate coueraqe Olive of the UCF Alumni Association. and low monthly "We had the reservations, and if UCLA had beat Miami, we'd call them back on Monday ~ayments. to confirm them," Olive said. Why waste time shopping for car insurance? "We also had a $45 ticket that Call GEICO for affordable rates and great service! could have been bought as a commemorative item for those +Low down-payment who could not afford the trip PHOTO BY KEVIN COLBER + Monthly payment plan but still wanted to help the ath­ Defensive end Marv Richardson keeps UCF's bowl exclusion in perspective. + Money-saving discounts letic department." Local businesses, particular­ "I think they deserve to be in Richardson. "We did have a + 24-hour claim service ly those selling UCF apparel, a bowl game [at 9-2]," said great season, but if we just don't + Immediate coverage had also made arrangements for Brian Deriso, a senior. "But in a look at this the right way, we're +Free rate quote the Knights Oahu trip. Marc way, they deserve to be left out not learning from this. We'll be Call today or stop by our local office: Eckhart, manager of the UCF after they lost to Purdue and home for the holidays, but there J . Bookstore, had UCF logos sent Auburn. If they had beaten one are some people that have no 1660 Lee Road • Winter Park • to T-shirt companies to begin of them, there's no reason why home." preparing bowl t-shirts for they shouldn't be in." Richardson certainly puts 645-1488 Knight fans. Now, those shirts Micron PC officials who things in perspective, but still, .. will feature Oregon versus Air attended UCF's season-ending it's little of a consolation for GEICQ Force instead of UCF. 38-6 victory against New UCF's latest loss-one that did­ DIRECT . "We had an arrangement Mexico saw only' about 19,000 n't come on the field. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 17

• TCU lacks many of UCF's attributes ~conomics key FROMPAGE20 faCtor in UCF's Maybe if we were talking basketball and it were bringing Pre-season All-American Lee • Nail on to the table could I see how TCU ·boWl exclusion could be more appealing than UCF. However, they don't have a Daunte Culpepper. They are ·FROM PAGE 20 not 9-2. All they have is a fan base that will make the three to four-hour trip to see the gmn~ to ;b~pme bowl eligible. Jbe Sun Bowl was game. TCU was 1-10 last year. It's quarter­ ,the only g?ffie in which they were even considered. backs threw two touchdowns all season com­ the Fort.'Worth, Texas-based school promised to pared to 12 interceptions. Running backs hci.y URR!~nty o~ tickets for the potential game with Basil Mitchell and LaDainian Thompson South~m · Cal, and that was the determining factor. • move the ball effectively, but consider that · • '•raon~t .!lniik there's,,any doubt/' Kruczek said UCF has the nation's sixth most potent · of the. ·sun '·,Bowl's desire to take a Texas-based offense, compared to TCU's high-octane 71st­ { teaui'. '~ ''462~ team that struggled most of the sea­ ranked offense. In addition, TCU drew the ' son? It~s'' ecohomics in bowls. That's. why Florida is • 88th largest attendance compared to UCF's ·· ifl'the 'Orang~Bowl at.9.:2. D0 they deserve to be in 74th-ranked attendance. What was that about , the Oraqge~owl? No. It comes down to whether a fan base? /~. they canput''people in the stands.'~ Incidentally, Kansas State should be in the Speaking , of which~ that scenario involving BCS, going to the Orange Bowl ahead of money and ticket sales also played a part in'-keep­ Florida. Why aren't the Wildcats, ranked third ing UPP frqµiremai11ing . Hawaii~bound. Although in the BCS rankings, in the bowl champi­ UCL~s,los$ cleared upthe Pac-10 vacancy the onship series? Money and power. Instead, fol­ Knights were originally filling, Kansas State's lowing an overtime loss to Texas A&M, emergence into a BCS bowl. would have forced Kansas State is going to the Alamo Bowl, Colorado. to forfeit its Aloha Bowl bid, creating a whose affiliation is for the Big-12's fourth­ Big-12 vacancy that the Golden Knights would place team. How ignorant is this system? The have moved over into. Despite Kansas State's third fact that K-State isn't included in the BCS place ranking in the BCS standings, the Wildcats also robs UCF of a trip to Hawaii: were excluded from the bowl picture as Orange But isn't that the trend? Rob the have-not's Bowl officials elected to take Florida to sell tickets. and give more to the haves. After all, why , Kansas State was 11-1 while the Gators finished 9- would fans across the country be interested in 2. watching an up and corning power with one of The Knights will now conce~trate solely on

the country's top quarterbacks when they can PROTO BY MIKE MARSHALL ;recruitipg, as their next game. will be at home see TCU get hammered in front of its home Attendance was a big factor against the Golden Knights, yet UCF out-drew against BUrdue next year on Sept.4. fans? eventual Sun Bowl selection TCU this season.

.~~~~~(-!~.. ., Earn extra cash during your holiday break. {( ~ ·w HOLIDAY EMPLOYMENT , ~~>- $ .. -;~ _ OPPORTUNITIES The HoneyBaked Ham® Company has stores located in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee & Utah PLEASE CHECK THE WIDTE PAGES FOR THE STORE NEAREST YOU. OUR TEAM MEMBERS ENJOY • Flexible Hours • Energetic, Friendly Work Environment •Associate discount on all HoneyBaked Products

The UCF Police Department and the Student Alumni Congratulations Association have teamed up to help children have a better ()- 7etMn 1999 Katie Dietiker BrianMcCue Student Orientation Lisa Doombosch Jimmy Moore holiday season. We will be collecting new. unwrapped Coordinators: Kelly Fitzgerald Stacey Perfetto Jamie Beneze toys to be donated to the XL106.7 Baby DJ Fund. Anetra Fr-.mcisco John Santo Chris Calabretta Stephanie Gonzalez Sandra Schaal Jerry Macl..ellan AmandaHavill Staci Schachter Collection dates: TemiAkinrefon Sam Hess Rob Schauer Karin-Arnold .John Holman Sarah Shoman Now thru December 11th Dee Dee Bauer Jessa Jones Elyse Skislak Christina Baxter Kelly Keefe Alicia Smith Toy drop locations: Freddy Cano Dave Lewandowski Dennis Sprenkle The UCF Police Department Seth Chastain Pablo Lopes Ba Silva Veronica Tafur Seth Daub Vanessa Maiorana Josh Theberge The Student Alumni Association Office (ADM 340) Kristen Dentine Kyle Mattingly Jill Thompson The Student Union (box located near the information desk) WUCF (located in the Communications Building room 130) ~~ 1'~ *Arrangements can be made for us to pick up the toys in your department on campus by calling Officer Emert @ ( 407) 823-6268 U~F Questions? Call 823-3453 or 823-6268. SAA McGruffe December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 18

nity for fans to not only support UCF, · O'Brien, a senior goalkeeper from UCF men's basketball to but help support needy families 9uring Heathrow, was named third team All­ Women's soccer coach to the holiday season. We're proud to Southeast Region, her first such honor sponsor canned good drive work hand-in-hand with the Second as a Golden Knight. She finished up participate in NCAA Youth Clinic The University of Harvest Food Bank during the holiday her UCF career with the second most UCF women's soccer coach Karen Central Florida season." shutouts in school history with 30. Richter was one of 12 coaches selected Men's Basketball Her goals against average of 1.35 is to conduct a youth clinic on Saturday, team will sponsor a the fourth best in school history. She Dec.5, at the University of North canned food drive Women's·soccer players named started 78 games in her career and Carolina­ for the Second made a school record 424 saves. She Greensboro. Harvest Food Bank to All-Southeast Region Team started all 20 games this season, post­ The clinic was at its December 20 University of Central Florida senior ing eight shutouts ~and 114 saves with a part of the NCAA game against Barry women's socce_r players Danya Harris 1.30 goals against'average. In her Youth Education University. Any fan and Alyssa O'Brien were named to the career O'Brien was named All-TAAC through Sports who brings at least Burgess 1998 National Soccer Coaches four times, including first-team recog­ (Y.E.S) program and one can will get into Association of America Division I All­ nition three times. She was also was conducted as the game for just $1. Southeast Region Women's Soccer named MVP of the 1998 TAAC part of the NCAA The Second Harvest Food Bank was Team. Tournament. Division I Women's 1 Richter named the "Food Bank of the Year" in Harris, a senior from Altamonte "We were thrilled to get Alyssa and Soccer the United States for 1996-97 by the Springs, wrapped up her UCF career Danya recognized," said UCF Head Championship won by Florida. Second Harvest National Food Bank with a second team All-Southeast Coach Karen Richter. "This was a "This is a great way to integrate the Network. In Central Florida, there Region selection. In her final season nice way for them to close their community and NCAA soccer," Richter were approximately 128,000 people as a Golden Knight, Harris scored 10 careers. Danya had a great season said. "This should be a good group of who relied on emergency food pro­ goals and had nine assists for 29 leading the offense and Alyssa had a coaches and it will be a good opportuni­ grams at least once during 1997. points. She also had six game winning great season leading the defense. It's ty to work with them." • Forty-six percent of these were chil­ goals, the second most in a single sea­ nice to see our leaders get recognized. Richter's coaching counterparts dren. Second Harvest Food Bank son in school history. In just three They are in very high company." included Richmond's Peter Albright, saved more than seven million pounds years Harris ranks third in shots (200), O'Brien and Harris were the 30th Colgate's Kathy Brawn, A~ Force's of food in our community last year tied for 10th in goals (25), tied for and 31st players to be named to the Marty Buckley, UC-Irvine's Marine alone. fourth in assists (26), seventh in points All-Southeast Region team and the Cano, lliinois' Jillian Ellis, South "This is a great opportunity to get (7 6) and third in game winning goals first since 1996 when current assistant Carolina's Sue Kelly, NC State's Laur~ .,. the community involved," said UCF (11). Harris was a three-time All­ coach Amy Jones and Leslie Golden Kerrigan, Wright State's Scott Rodgers, Assistant Basketball Coach Don TAAC selection, including two first were named to the team. Stanford's Steve Swanson, Connecticut's Burgess. "This will. be a great opportu- team honors. Len Tsantiris, and Elon's Paul Webster.

,. 1ames, :·Miami pres~rit • .~ :.~ .,. - I ' ·' ~ 'J-• l ~1~ i j{.. N~ ~G 1'::~;·. ~ ~-· ~::--.~ .... :·.'; ·,:;; :I. h,,:;. ~. ~ HT a difficult challenge '\ 'i "' c,; T,i M'E FROM PAGE 20 forward B.B.Waldon -and guard Altron. Jackson. Waldon looking ahead to games starts for the Bulls and is their against Georgia State, leading scorer (15.0 ppg), Memphis and Ohio State. while Jackson is an active con­ Center Davin Granberry, who tributor off Seth Greenberg's played with UM star forward bench, averaging 10.5 points. Tim James is looking forward UCF will finish their SUNSHINE to the challenge. stretch of four games in ten days with a contest against the "It will be interesting to \,,.,,~At. play against somebody that I second Division II ·school on ... used to play with," Granberry its schedule, Barry University, SUNSHINE said. "I want to match my Dec.20 at the UCF Arena. NETWORK skills against somebody who is Barry figures to be a winnable ....,,"\\'\,.. going to the league. I don't contest, and the Knights For more insight into UCF sports check should enjoy their seven day out our website @ www.sunshinenet- we PlaYVouR Game know much about them, except that they have Tim and layoff before the contest other good athletes " against Ohio U. coming off a Monday through Friday UCF plays at Southland win. Conference member McNeese The Bobcats posted one of 10:00 pm: Sunshine Network Live! A lively 1 hour round State on Dec.15. The.Cowboys the bigger upsets of the college fell to the Knights at the UCF basketball season, defeating table sports talk including phqne calls from you the fan! Arena last year, and are cur­ host Syracuse University in rently winless. They are led by the first round of the Carrier Friday December 11, 1998 shooting guard Demond Classic. Ohio's depth was 8:00 p.m.: Boxing: Fight Time on FOX '98 (LIVE) Mallet, who averages 14 aided by the arrival of trans­ points per game. UCF finishes fers Shaun Stonerock (Ohio Saturday December 12, 1998 its three-game road swing at State) and LaDrell Whitehead South Florida, who is current­ (Wyoming). Both were instru­ 7:00 p.m.: Bay Lightning @ New York Islanders (LIVE) ly undefeated. The Bulls mental in the victory over the defeated UCF at the buzzer Orangemen. Ohio also features Tuesday December 15, 1998 last season in Tampa, but the swing man Sanjay Adell, author of the game-winning guard Dustin Ford, and center 7:30 p.m.: Tampa Bay Lightning @ Pittsburgh Penguins (LIVE) shot, center Scott Johnson, is Diante Flenorl. The Bobcats, currently out for the season who come in on Dec.28 are the · Saturday December 19, 1998 with a knee injury. Orlando's most formidable non-confer­ 12:00 p.m. Countdown to Signing Day '99 Raheim Brown, out of ence opponent to visit the UCF Colonial HS, has taken his Arena this season. Dodge Florida High School Champions Series Basketball: place. UCF's first TAAC game of 3:30 p.m.: Edgewater vs. Baldwin (LIVE) The story with South the year will be its first contest Florida this year has been the of 1999 when it hosts 5:30 p.m.: Osceola vs. Cocoa (LIVE) play of its two top recruits, Campbell on Jan.2. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 19

FSU transfer Kristy BASKETBALL NOTEBOOK White's post play will make it UCF's last outing Rankings give P.roof of tough schedule · easier for Brad Traina led a trio of Golden Knights in dou­ While the Golden Knights may not be nationally UCF's ble figures as UCF rolled to an easy 79-57 win over ranked right now, some of their opponents are. perimeter Winthrop at the UCF Arena Wednesday night. Michigan State is 13th in this week's Coaches Poll. shooters. Traina led UCF in scoring for the third time this Auburn reached the top 25 for the first time at 24th,

season, scoring 19 points on 7-of-9 shooting. while South Florida, who UCF will take on Dec. PHOTO BY Traina scored 15 of his points in the first half as 17, is 38th and Ohio, a Dec. 28 opponent, is 40th. KEVIN COLBER UCF built up a 14 point lead at the half. The first 12 minutes of the game were a tight affair as the teams battled to 11 lead changes and Defense clamping down on opponents four ties. But a 10-0 run from the 8:08 mark to the After allowing their first three opponents to 5: 15 mark opened up an eight point lead for the . shoot 50% or better, the Golden Knights have made Golden Knights that they would never relinquish. things a little more difficult since, holding their last I : t UCF had one of its best nights both offensively and two opponents to 30% or less. UCF first shut down 'i defensively, as they shot 51.8% from the field (29- UNC-Wilmington, limiting them to 30.3% (20-66) 1. of-56) and held the Eagles to just 28.8% from the shooting from the field. Tuey followed that up with field (17-59). UCF also outrebounded Winthrop by holdiniz Winthrop to J·ust 28.8% (17-59), includ- 42-35, led by Beronti Simms career high eight ing 21.4o/; in the second half. I boards. I I Odds and ends ~ Traina TAAC player of th_e week During UCF's win against Winthrop junior w

Senior Brad Traina was named Trans America power forward Mario Lovett _had his jaw hwt. ~­ ' i< Athletic Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Lovett said he didn "t recall how he was injured but Week Monday by the TAAC Office. Traina. a mumbled that trainer Bill Biaggi told him to try to native of Sanford, was named to the Spartan Coca­ not talk much. Head Coach Kirk Speraw. when ' Cola Classic All-Tournament team last weekend as reflecting upon the fact that nobody saw the injury the Golden Knights went 1-1. Traina scored a total occur, quipped, "He probably hurt it talking tOo of 31 points and pulled down nine rebounds in two much." Knights a·m to shoot games. He scored 22 points and had three three­ Disturbing news was also uncovered following point baskets against UNC-Wilmington. Traina the win over Winthrop. Junior center Davin was nearly perfect from the field, hitting on 13-of- Granberry and Orlando Sentinel beat writer Jerry down top competition 20 shots (65%) for the two games. For his career, Greene share a common bond in that they both are fascinated by the tv show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Traina has scored 880 points and is the Golden TRAVIS BELL Drexel and Texas, who both Knights leading scorer this season, averaging 15.8 Speraw was quick to note that the fact Granberry STAFF WRITER defeated the Knights last season. per game. He was named preseason All-TAAC in a and Greene had anything in common scared him Drexel escaped with a 74~ 72 · vote ofTAAC coaches and sports infonnation The UCF women'·s basket- win, while the Longhorns ran directors . . .. -TONVMEJIA' · · ball team evened up its record at . away with a 103-71 thrashing-of . · ."" ·-----•... •._..•. -..------~-11111111•--•------.·3-:Hast weekend. winning· both :~·.the Knig\l.ts in Austin, Te~~:. ~~.~.;:.,, · . .~ .~:'.;;;:...... - .·. · - ·- - ..., its games. 'in :llle;Vq< ~ ?t1omen's The :}l~fll non-conference...... Basketball Classic. . game during the break occurs- · '·'.~.:;; . ·1 .• Despite the success, t~e. ,, I)e~~r ~P when the Knights Golden Knights continue·to seek host · Penn~ylvania; The Knights improvement. Preseason Ali- and (Jmikers only ·game in histo- ·. Hillel/lewi1h .. , ..v. ·. · "r "· ~ ;.. - -~- TAAC _selection Chariya· Da\js cy -~~~J~epn come away with:·a ·· ~· :. , >; ~ • . has led the charge for . t~~ · ··11·6:~· -win .in· .1981. 'The J~(. :.> ., . Knights,-· averagfog·team highs in games aH provide the Knights to ' scoring (20 points per game), assert ~emselves against a soiid ·. rebounding (7 .5), assists, (5.0), non-conference schedule. An and steals (3.7). However, Davis upcoming game against 21st- Student Union had very little help on the offen- ranked Florida will also help the sive side of the ball during the team prepare for a run at the

/ Knights 1-3 start. TAAC title. UCF led the TAAC in three- The Knights begin TAAC point percentage as a team last play on Jan.4 when they travel to •i1he1You season, connecting on 36.9 per- Boca Raton to face Florida cent of 439 attempts. But the out- Atlantic. UCF holds the edge all- side shooting for the Knights has time over the Owls 9-3, and have been lagging behind last year's won four of the last five contests. pace despite nearly 20 three- UCF can't take FAD lightly AYety point attempts per game this sea- because two tough games follow son. UCF is only shooting 28.4 at home against Campbell and percent from behind the arc this Georgia State. season. In addition to overcoming Sophomore Kelli Ely, who the three-point struggles, the finished 22nd in the country last Knights must also improve their year in three-point percentage play at the free-throw line. UCF ¢HAPPY¢ (.422), had struggled during the has only connected on only 66. l first five games, but Ely found percent of its free throws, com­ her range again during UCF's pared to their opponents 74.5 74-63 victory over Canisius on percent. Free throw shooting for Saturday. She hit three consecu- the Knights was never more tive three-pointers to start the prevalent than last season when HANUKKAH second half and finished with 11 they outshot their opponents points. from the line, going 8-2 in games "I think in Kelli and Karen decided by six points or less. Richter you are going to see two UCF has steadily improved players that are much more ver- since the difficult season-open­ satile," Coach Lynn Bria said. ing loss against American Good luck "We are a good three-point University. Davis has taken con- shooting team. If we never shoot trol of this squad, but needs it, we'll never hit it." more help from the outside The Knights outside shooting shooters to free up the low post. will need to be more apparent Meanwhile, the Knights for­ On final1l I I during Christmas break as they wards and centers need to be play three of their four remaining more productive on the glass, but non-conference games. UCF gets have turned it up during the two­ a chance for revenge against game winning streak. December 9, 1998 Central Florida Future • 20

Upcoming games UCF loses bowl bid, a measuring stick for Golden Knights home tor holidavs TONY MEJIA TONY MEJIA have the ability to move SPORTS EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR on and play a game. It UCF bas opened up its non-conference schedule was very important to this with mixed results. A 79-57 win against Winthrop gave In a sad ending to a program that we get to a the Knights their second consecutive victory over pro­ terrific season, UCF's bowlgamethisyear.Now jected upper echelon tea!Jls from mid-major confer­ football team was it's been kind of taken ences. Both Winthrop (Big South) and UNC­ excluded from bowl par­ away from us." . Wilmington (Colonial Athletic) were double-digit ticipation when the pair­ The Independence Bowl losers to UCF, who also defeated Division II Rollins in ings were announced last was a longshot, as ,its season opener. Sunday. Because of the Mississippi had recovered However, against teams from top conferences, the University of Miami's from the resignation of Knights have been beaten soundly. UCF could not upset victory over coach Tommy Tuberville shoot in a 77-42 loss at Auburn (SEC), who remains UCLA, Oregon vacated in time to hire Tennessee undefeated, and gave a solid §howing before falling, its Holiday Bowl bid to offensive coordinator 87-64, at.Michrgan State (Big-10), who at the time was fill the Pac-10 slot to the David Cutcliffe, thus giv­ ranked among the nation's top 10. :.J'I>' Aloha Christmas ing it a coaching staff More will be known about how good the Golden Classics, and the Knights with which to go bowling. Knights are going to be following UCF's action over lost their conditional bid, Although the holiday break. The Knights travel to Miami (Big East) being left to watch the Independence Bow 1 was and South Florida (Conference USA), and also host bowl season from home. not tied to take the Mid-American power Ohio University. With the tough UCF still had bowl Rebels, it§ affiliation with matchups coming up, games at McNeese State and hopes lingering in the the SEC made its decision home against Barry must be won. Independence Bow1 and a simple one. PHOTO BY Mnm MARsHALL The Knights visit the Hurricanes on Dec.11 at the the Sun Bowl, but saw Meanwhile, the Sun Bowl Coach Mike Kruczek felt it was an injustice that UCF was left out Miayµi Aren~. The Hurricanes played well in a nation­ both of those available elected to extend its bid to of the bowl picture. ally 'ttelev!sed loss to defending national champion bids extended to 6-5 Texas Christian. The .. nenipclcy la~t Saturday. Th~y will be corning off their teams with regional ties. UCF fin­ that's the problem right now," Horned Frogs have posted a victory conference opener against Boston College and may be ished its season 9-2. K.nlczek said. "It's unfortunate that over WAC champion Air Force this "We're a young I-A program and this team with the quality we have, year, but had to win its last two an independent that doesn't get too with the people we beat this season, much recognition in the country and even with the two losses, doesn't . ECONOMICS, Page 17


TONY MEJIA Wyonling, Colorado State, and SPORTS EDITOR Utah, as well as UCF to obtain the bid. What a ridiculous This .weekend, UCF got a dis­ When I received the news of injustice. turbing reminder that all sports, UCF's exclusion, I felt sick. Why even play a college foot­ even college athletics, are a busi­ Imagine what players and coaches ball season? Just have bids ness. The Golden Knights, on the must have felt like. After falling throughout the season extended to verge of their first bowl trip in out of the Oahu Bowl, the Knights teams who can rake in the most school history, saw their hopes were snubbed because of business. money. Let that be the schedule. dashed from the confines of their It seems that UCF's 9-2 record had TCU lost to both Wyoming and ( respective living rooms. The deci­ nothing to do with it. Colorado State this year and fin­ sion to keep them out was made in The Sun Bowl could have had ished 4-4 in the WAC. It suffered conference rooms by greedy bowl itself an interesting matchup losses to 5-6 Oklahoma, 5-6 Rice, officials with money on their mind. between the new kid on the block, and 5-7 SMU as well. The Homed The predicament was made neces­ UCF, and traditional power Frogs' lone quality win was a 35- sary by the result of a football Southern Cal. Instead, facing the 34 home win against eventual con­ •• game in Miami, Fla., which kept Trojans will be TCU. The Horned ference champion Air Force early PHOTO BY KEVIN COLDER the Golden Knights from receiving Frogs, despite lheir 6-5 record, in the season. Senior center Bucky Hodge will face off against 6' 6, 265- their conditional bid to the Oahu leap-frogged three fellow WAC , pound Mario Bland when UCF tr<1vels to Miami. Bowl. schools with better records in TCU, Page 17

3-point onslaught Home for the holidays ·· Speak u·pl Gome coverage f. I UCF women's basketball UCF's bowl snub leaves Sound off on whether the Check in on results from team hope to heat up many to wonder what current bowl situation is men's and women's their perimeter shooting. might have been. effective. ~asketball games. -PAGE 19 -PAGE 16