Minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held virtually on Monday 13th July 2020 at 2.05 pm.

Present: Cllrs. Mr. Shore, Mr. Seabourne, Dr. Murray, Mr. Ball, Mrs Hodges and Mrs. Tyrrell. In attendance: County Cllr. Mr. Hopkins, Dist. Cllrs. Mrs. Steel, Mr. Wilkinson and Mrs. Holland (Clerk). Mr. P. Twist (Member of Community Grant Project) joined the meeting at item 25 to discuss item 25.1.

14/20 Apologies: Nil.

15/20 Declaration of Interests: Nil declared.

16/20 Written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – nil received.

17/20 Casual Vacancy: no applications received. Notice to be revised.

18/20 Reports received from: County Cllr. Mr. Hopkins: County Council: Virtual meetings are gathering pace since trials with them began last month. There will be a full council meeting via Zoom on the 16th - the first full council meeting since lockdown. Highways and businesses: With the lockdown changes some aspects of work are returning to a ‘more normal’ state, but it’s also caused lots of new issues. In particular is the volume of work Highways have been doing to allow, (where possible), businesses to be able to use pavement areas and in some more limited cases, parking spaces outside their premises to trade. This has been an issue in the part of the Division which extends into . Given the potential safety issues, this has and continues to require a lot of time which has taken Officers away from their more usual tasks. Officers still have to spend a considerable amount of time arranging/re-planning works that have been postponed, and it’s been very complicated given that so much work has been delayed, and the restrictions contractors have to work under now making progress slower than usual. COVID -19: Worcestershire working in close relationship with Herefordshire in regard of outbreak of cases in the Herefordshire area. 12 admissions to Worcestershire Hospitals in last week. Care Homes have had no new cases. Hanbury tip remains closed. Traffic volume has increased by 82% since lockdown eased. Road – work starts shortly and notices have been erected for alternative routes. Potholes: complaints receivedDRAFT along Evesham Road, request for patching. Superfast Broadband: now in Ab Lench. District Cllr. Mrs. Steel: Jack Hegarty, Joint Chief Executive/Managing Director of both and Malvern Hills District Councils, will be retiring from his post at the end of July after 35 years of service. District Cllr. Mr. Wilkinson: Wychavon District Council to hold its first normal Council meeting via Zoom since February 2020. The Planning Committee is not holding site visit meetings at present.

Public Question time: No one in attendance.

19/20 Minutes: resolved that the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held 11.05.20 were an accurate record duly signed by the Chairman.



20/20 Clerk’s report: a) Contractors have returned signed contracts for Village Pool/Play area and Lengthsman work. b) New Vehicle Activated Sign battery received. c) Online banking process: all paperwork now completed and payments actioned.

21/20 Reports/updates received: Training session: Cllr. Mrs. Hodges reported that the 2.5 hours online session with Worcestershire CALC was attended by 20 + councillors, some new in post others attending as a refresher course. The course covered role of councillors in the wider area of Worcestershire, geography of the 6 districts, the difference between Parish, Town and County Councils, covered policies and procedures. Details to be emailed to members. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr. Dr. Murray reported that members had been taken photographs of buildings and he has been in meetings with the Planning Consultant as well as reducing the number of landscape photographs. A meeting of the Steering Group is planned at the end of the month, in future meetings will be held on alternative month to Parish Council meetings. Inspection of Assets: Cllr. Mr. Shore reported: Play area: Risk Assessment Inspection has taken place onsite to look at the equipment prior to opening the area. It was decided to remove the 2 middle swings to maintain the social distance of 2 metres; Contractor will address the weeds and spread the new load of bark; Clerk to notify WDC that the bin can now be emptied on usual weekly programme; sign wording agreed; Cllr. Mr. Shore to replace the caps on the seesaw. Area will open on Saturday 18th July. Pool area: Cllr. Mr. Shore to check the notice board and bench and place on regular inspection list.

22/20 Financial matters. 22.1 Remaining grant funds for the Vehicle Activated Sign: it was agreed to split the £22.50 remaining grant between South Lenches and Rous Lench Parish Councils received in regard of the purchase of a VAS sign that rotates between Rous Lench and South Lenches Parishes. 22.2 Resolved to approve schedule of payments and expenses and summary of accounts.

23. Council Matters. 23.1 a) Review of the following documents: i) Staffing Committee Terms of Reference: agreed with changes. ii) Grants & Donations Policy: agreed with no changes. b) Report and actions from site visit in relation to the Play area considered. See 21/20a. c) Time of future meetings: agreed to hold future meetings at 7pm.

24. Planning Matters. DRAFT 24.1 Planning process/feedback following applications: a) 20/00654 Lakeside Livery, Low Road, . Proposal: Remove existing buildings and replace with a live/work unit. Permission granted with 11 conditions. 24.2 Planning applications dealt with by delegation duly noted: a) 20/01017/FUL Hill Barn Orchard, Evesham Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Detailed Planning Application for the Siting of 2 Holiday cabins and the construction of a shed to assist lake activities. Comments: No objections. b) 20/00950/HP Corner Cottage, . Proposal: Proposed extensions. Comments: Nil. Permission granted. c) 20/01311/HP Old Threshing Barn, Atch Lench. Proposal: Erection of glazed link. Comments: Nil.

25. Community Legacy Grant.



25.1 Report on work to date from Steering Group considered – outline planning drawings shown to members. Planning Consultant has been advising the Group. Two drawing options were shown to members who preferred Option 1. Questions were asked in relation to the material to retain the terraces, costings being prepared, it was noted that some are giving their services free of charge. Pre-planning application to be submitted shortly. Cllr. Mrs. Steel asked if the Group had considered placing solar panels on the pitched roof. 25.2 Request from the Lenches Sports & Recreation Club for the Parish Council to submit on their behalf and pay the fees for the pre- planning application required as part of the Community Legacy Grant project discussed. Proposed by Cllr. Mr. Ball, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Tyrell and resolved by all that the LSRC undertake the actual submission of the planning application and the Council will pay the application fee from the grants/donations budget.

26. Correspondence received considered: a) Request to provide a dog waste bin at the right of way entrance to Atch Lench Orchard. Following information received from the District Council it was resolved to purchase a Litter Bin as litter/dog fouling material can be placed in the one bin. There will be an annual charge each year to cover the cost of the emptying and administration fee. b) Online community communications: it has been noted that the Lenches website is no longer available to view as the service provider has taken offline. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk contact Rous Lench Parish Council for their views as they are users of the site. Discussion also to see if the site can connect to the Parish Council website. c) Notification of an Application for the Grant of a Street Trading Consent - 20/02436/STRETR. Not suitable in regard to Ab Lench, Sheriffs Lench and Atch Lench areas as tiny hamlets with very restricted parking areas. d) Request to add 'Walking in Worcestershire' to the Council website was agreed. e) The Play Inspection Company - repeat order annual inspections. It was agreed not to take up this offer. f) Decision required allowing the Lengthsman to now cover the full range of tasks subject to taking into account the Council's risk assessment, local knowledge and the individual Lengthsman circumstances was agreed. g) HWFR - Community Risk Management Plan 2021-25 – no comment.

Meeting closed at 3.45 pm.

Signed by the Chairman: ...... Dated: September 14th 2020.

Public consultation Event Notice Bishampton Solar Farm: Cllrs. Mrs. Tyrell, Mrs Hodges, Dr. Murray and Mr. Seabourne wish to attend a site visitDRAFT to look at the proposal.

Correspondence circulated to members’ not an Agenda item unless requested. Weekly CALC updates provided via email to all members. Insurance Policy Wording: forwarded to members by email 28th May 2020. No comments received. South Worcestershire Development Plan Review - Country Park Call for Sites. Deadline for submissions is 5 pm on Friday 24th July 2020. Emailed to members 12th June 2020. South Worcestershire Development Plan Review - Parish and Town Council Newsletter June 2020.Emailed to members 30.06.20 Police Crime Commissioner Newsletter: Get involved in our LIVE summer safety Q&A's. Emailed to members 30.06.20 Read the latest insights from Came & Company Local Council Insurance: Emailed to members: 03.07.20



Payments for authorisation - July 2020. Payee Details Net VAT TOTAL Worcestershire CALC Cllr Training 40.00 0.00 40.00 Kidwells Solicitors Solicitor costs - Bus Shelter registration. 15.00 3.00 18.00 Administration costs Salary and expenses 616.48 0.00 616.48 HM Revenue & Customs PAYE 134.00 0.00 134.00 TOTAL 805.48 3.00 808.48

Payments already made on behalf of the Parish Council DD Giff Gaff (19/05) Monthly Mobile sim card 5.00 1.00 6.00 P20-20 Administration expenses Clerk's salary (Hrs owed 2019-20) 608.00 0.00 608.00 P20-20 HMRC PAYE + NI 155.86 0.00 155.86 P20-17 Wychavon District Council Annual charge Litter Bin Play area 76.44 15.29 91.73 P20-18 Westcotec Battery VAS 87.50 17.50 105.00 P20-19 Giff Gaff (19/06) Monthly Mobile sim card 5.00 1.00 6.00 TOTAL 937.80 34.79 972.59

Summary of Accounts to 24.06.20.

South Lenches Parish Council - 2020-21 July 20 Receipts Precept 0.00 5300.00 WCC re P/L 0.00 338.63 VAT Refund 0.00 1402.55 Other receipts 0.00 0.00 Transfer from reserves 763.00 Total 0.00 7804.18 Payments

Administration Staff costs + Cl Exp 5263.00 1522.79 3740.21 29% Training 200.00 40.00 160.00 20% Insurance 400.00 367.01 32.99 92% Subscriptions DRAFT460.00 441.39 18.61 96% Audit Fees 180.00 163.90 16.10 91% Grants 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 0% Admin costs 500.00 117.88 382.12 24% Website 100.00 0.00 100.00 0% Maintenance Assets 50.00 0.00 50.00 0% Village Pool 500.00 0.00 500.00 0% Defib maintenance 220.00 0.00 220.00 0% P/L PC contribution 500.00 425.00 75.00 85% Neighbourhood Plan 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 0% Bark top up 350.00 0.00



Litter Bin 80.00 76.44 3.56 96% Annual Inspection 90.00 67.50 22.50 75% Maintenance P/L 480.00 0.00 0% Repairs/Replacement 429.00 0.00 0% Miscellaneous Contingency 150.00 96.00 0% Projects 2020 1800.00 1185.00 615.00 66% TOTAL 13752.00 4502.91 7321.09 WCC PL 2038.63 0.00 0.00 VAT to recover 0.00 365.42 NHBS (VAS) 110.00 87.50 22.50 80% Groundwork UK 2947.00 0.00 2947.00 0% WCC Cllr VAS 0.00 0.00 500.00 TOTAL 18847.63 4955.83 Treasurers Account 01.04.20 4091.81

Income received 7804.18 Bus. AC £17,662.30

Payments 19-20 -75.00

Minus payments 20-21 -4955.83

Total 6865.16

Statement to 24.06.20 6961.16 minus unpresented payments -96.00

Total 6865.16

Minus NHB VAS -22.50 Minus Groundwork UK -2947.00 Minus WCC Cllr VAS -500.00 3395.66