OEC Course Syllabus 2018 Stef Costello
[email protected] Outdoor Emergency Care 5th Edition Outdoor Emergency Care is a performance based, emergency care educational program of the National Ski Patrol. The primary focus of the program reflects the individual’s need for training in the outdoor environment. The adopted standard of training is to meet the emergency care requirements of an Outdoor Emergency Care Technician. 1. Lectures, Demonstrations, Skill Practice Sessions 2. Weekly quizzes, midterm and, NSP Final Written Certification Exam 3. Completion of the NSP Skills Performance Guidelines 4. NSP Final Practical Skill/Scenario Exam Student attendance is required at all scheduled classes. Students may be dropped from the course for excessive absences of any kind. Excused absences may be granted by the course instructor for extenuating circumstances. If more than two absences occur for any reason, the status of the student will be reviewed by the faculty to determine a disposition. Course failure is likely under these conditions. *Additional course hours may be scheduled for practical practice time.* : Online NSP registration: $87.00 Course Exam fee: $60 CPR- $40 Textbook- $100 Supplies- $60 Total: $347 Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the professional expectations for ski patrollers at all times. Students are reminded that they are representatives of the Pats Peak Ski Patrol whenever they are involved with course-related activities. Professional conduct is essential to a successful course experience with ski patrol career. Pats Peak Ski Patrol believes that the appearance and the conduct of its students are of supreme importance in establishing a positive climate for learning and for presenting a good example for others, Therefore, the ski patrol affirms its expectations that all personnel shall be cleanly, neatly and appropriately attired for the work to be done.