Stolen Calves Are Found Mr
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VOLUME XL. NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1917. PAGES 1 TO 8. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS. BIG MEETING OF WOMEN. HOLMDET HUNTER KILLED STOLEN CALVES ARE FOUND MR. AND MRS. CHARLES ALLEN DISTRICT CLUB MEETING AT OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING. RED BANK. LAST WEEK. DEAD BODIES OF BROOKDALE FARM Celebration at Fair Haven Saturday State Federation Officials and Dele- Night Attended by Eighty Relatives gates from Fifteen Clubs Were MICHAEL MAHER FATALLY WOUNDED and Friendi—The Affair an Elabor- Present—Speeches on Women's STOCK DISCOVERED IN SLOUGH. ate One. Work in the War. BY A FRIEND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Allen of Delegates from fifteen clubs and Fair Haven celebrated their golden the principal officials of the* state fed- They Had Been Hidden Under a Pile of Leaves wedding Saturday night. The affair eration of women's clubs attended a was an elaborate one and was at- district meeting of these clubs at the The Shot That Killed Him Was Fired From a Gun and Their Bodies Had Begun to Decompose— tended by about eighty relativesand ypt friends. Tho house was decorated day. Morning and afternoon meet- in the Hands of Harry Heale of Allenhurst —Mr. Finding]] of the Calves Destroys Part of the with gold tinsel, yellow chrysanthe- ings were held and at noon luncheon mums and running pine. A wedding was served to the visitors by the Maher was Rushed to a Doctor's Office at Mat- Evidence Against Joseph Miller and His Sons. cake covered with yellow icing and members of the Red Bank woman's bearing fifty candles was on the din- <-l»*r, The state officials and dele- awan, but He Died Before He Got There. m The dead bodies of two of the three shoes worn by their horse. They ing table. Another attractive part of gates were welcomed by Mrs. Paul R. hull calves which were stolen from claim that the tracks are considerably the dining table decorations was a Kadcliffe, vice president of the Red Michael Maher of Holmdel was rothers and sisters, they being Peter, Lewis S. Thompson's Brookdalo farm larger than the shoes of their horse. white and gold coach drawn by a Bank club. Mrs. John H. Gilbert, shot and killed while hunting Satur- ames, ' John and Miss Margaret white horse. The reins were held by president of the club, was unable to day afternoon. The shot which killed daher of Holmdel; Thomas Maher of at Lincroft about three weeks ago As for the claim that bark and green be present on account of sickness. im was fired from the gun of Harry Bradevelt, Mrs. John Monahan of wore found last Thursday at Ilock- stains were on their wagon, they say a doll dressed in white and gold. The time during the morning was de- Heale of Allenhurst, a friend of Mr. leasant Valley, Mrs. Peter McCue hockson swamp, near Pine Brook, be- they often drive their wagon through Gold ns u color scheme was used wher- voted principally to reports by the Muher. He had not intended to dis- if Marlboro, Mrs. Daniel Costello of neath a heap of leaves. As previously fields and'country lanes and that the ever possible. The plates from which delegates. told in The Register, the cnlves were wagon often scrapes against green refreshments were served were gilded harge the gun iind the shooting was Marlboro and, Mrs. Martin McGowan killed on the furm and taken away in trees. They say this is the only evi- and tiny clothes baskets that had been The afternoon session resolved it- an accident. Just how it happened if Shrewsbury. n wagon, as was shown by footprints dence aguinst them which has not gilded were used for sandwiches. The self into a patriotic meeting, most of no one seems to know, not even Mr. The funeral was held yesterday at and other clues left by the thieves. been disproven and thut they do not souvenirs for the women guests were the time being taken up with ad- Heale. The tragedy occurred on it. Gabriel's church at Bradevelt and Joseph Miller of Eatontown nnd his believe any jury would convict them crocheted baskets that had been dresses on various phases of the work ohn Monahan's farm near Holmdel, vas largely attended. Many floral sons Harry and Nathan were charged on such flimsy grounds as this. gilded and the men received gilded which women can do to help win the ;he birthplace of Mr. Maher. ;ributes were in evidenced The burial with the .crime and arrested. Each war. More than 100 women were Mr. Heale, who is a young carpen- ,vas"at the church cemetery. In a talk with a Register reporter, button hole boquets. The napkins was held in $G00 bail for the action were stenciled in gold. present and a large number of-them ;er at Allenhurst, went to; Holmdel of the grand jury. The Millers are Mr. Mullin said Saturday that he did knitted clothing for the Red Cross o spend the afternoon gunning with not positively identify the three hides The evening was spent in dancing, engaged in tho wholesale and retail singing and general sociability. while they listened to the speakers. his cousin, Tunis Sickles, The two butcher business at Eatontown. Their at Asbury Park us those of the 'stolen Mrs. Stewart R. Audsley of Perth men had planned to go hunting on CURFEW FOR HIGHLANDS arrest was u distinct surprise to bull calves. He said he was sure of Charles R. Allen, a grandson of Mr. Amboy, district vice president of the Koort Heyer's farm and they told Mr. one of the hides, but that he told the and Mrs. Allen, recited a poem ap- everybody who knew them. At Eat- state federation, presided at the meet- Maher about this. Mi'.. Maher ail- T WILL BE IN FORCE A FEW detectives when he picked out the propriate to the occasion and Walter ised them to change their plans'and . ontown they uro regarded as' among other two that he was not positive Mills sang. Phonograph music was jo to Pleasant Valley, where game WEEKS. ",• the most substantial and upright that they were the hides of the stolen also enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Allen re- The principal address was made by (Vas more plentiful. Mr. Maher said Boys and Girls Under Sixteen Years business men qf that town nnd their animals. Mr. Mullin said there were ceived a large sum in gold and other Mrs. John Schermerhorn, president of that as Saturday was a half holiday reputation throughout the farming eighteen calves in the pasture field presents. Mrs. Allen wore a black the state federation. She told of the of Age Will Not Be Allowed on the at the blacksmith shop where he was Streets After Nine O'Clock Unless sections where they do business is and that ho had charge of them. The silk dress trimmed with crepe de chine work which the federation is doing employed he would be.glad to go correspondingly high. thieves tore down part of the fence and with gold collar and cuffs, at Camp Dix and she made a plea for Accompanied by "a Guafdian. *>. moral and financial support for the hunting with the other two men.. He The finding of the two calves is to drive in and out of the field. The Mr. Allen wore his army uniform. laid that having been born and ^Highlands is to, have a Curfew law. taken by the friends of the Millers alves were valued at $75. The de- The waitresses wore yellow satin federation's war work. She laid The .borough council at Monday especial emphasis on.the need of sup- brought up at PleasantV alley he was as positive proof that they are not tectives say that in addition to the aprons'""' . familiar, with the country in that night's meeting instructed George E. guilty. Tho detectives who. have evidence mentioned above they have Among "tlie guests were William porting a club which the federation Fenkinson, Jr., the borough attorney, has established at the camp. The club neighbprhood and could 'show them been working on the case still insist, other evidence against the Millers, Allen and two sons of Schenevus, places where rabbits and quail were to draw up an ordinance prohibiting however, that no mistake was made but they are unwilling to tell what is known as the Haversack club and boys and girls under sixteen years N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. its chief object IB to bring home com- abundant. Mr. Maher's offer to act in arresting the Eatontown butchers. this evidence is. Doughty, John Allen arid Miss Georg- as guide was accepted; arid the hunt- if age from being on the streets after They still claim Unit they have "dead forts and home influence into the nine o'clock at night unless they are •-»• * lana Allen of Fair Haven, Mr. and lives of the soldiers. ing party was enlarged': by the addi- I wood" on the Millers and they base Mrs. Jacob Dundore of Bound Brook, tion of Harry Stryker and Mr. Mori- accompanied by a guardian. The this claim on circumstantial evidence. Mr. and Mrs. James McCarron, Mr. Mrs. Beatrice B. Sterns' of Mata- ahan. , , councilmen were unanimously in Part of thia evidence consists of the and Mrs. Patrick McCarron, C. P. wan, chairman of the legislative de- avor of the ordinance. Many de- fact that the shoes on the horse used ASSETS OF $1,000,01)0. It was the first time Mr.