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AVEKAOE DAILT CnCTLATION for the Month of April, 1888 6,124 Member of tba Audit Bnreao of Clrenlatkms MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVII., NO. 200 (O sssUled Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 24,1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Sec. Ickes Married NEW TROOP ACTIVITiES MAYOR HAYES BOOED In Dublin; The News ^ ON GERMANY’S BORDER A Surprise to Friends BY STREET CROWDS: Very Few in Washingrton Knew He Was Out of CREATES CRISIS TODAY the Country Until His Cable Messagre NEW TRIAL DATE SET Arrived—Wife a Resident Parley Between Henldn And of Milwaukee. Henlein in Gesture Toward British Mothers at Carroll Murder Trial Jeers In Streets As He Anff- A- Czech Premier Is Ended Waahlngton. May 24 — (api — ?Fe. N. M., August 81. 1935, They Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the In- "’f e married In 1911. Associates Leave Coort- terior, surprised the capital today ; (®Kes, who works mostly In hls Suddenly As The Nazi by cabling coat sleeves and is known for hls from Dublin, Ireland, blunt speech, appeared last in pub- that he had Just been married. room After Judge Sett Leader Leaves The Capital lic before a Senate appropriations The cabinet officer, 64 years old, .sub-committee on May 16. Two disclosed through hls prMs chief days after that discussion of Presi- June 21 As Date For Trial ^ here that he and Mlsa Jane Dahl- dent Roosevelt's spending and lend- Praha, May 24.—(AP)—Re- man, 25, of Milwaukee, were mar- ports of new troop movements ing program, he sailed for Europe. ried In the Irish capital's Adelaide Helium Control ersy Waterbury Jlay 24.—(AP) on the German side of Czecho- road Presbyterian church at 9 a.m., A few days earlier he was in the Dublin time (5 a.m., e.s.t.) —Lieut.-Gov. Frank Hayes an d ' slovakia’s southern frontier midst of a controversy over whether Only a few intimates knew he the United States should sell helium two of hia close political asso* < combined with interruption of was gone from Washington; fewer the Hodza-Henlein peace talks gas to Germany. A meeting of the elates were booed today by r ' still that he had left the country. Federal Munitions Board to decide restless, demonstrative crowd ■- here today to discourage such ls>ft Secretly that question was postponed until So secretive was hls sailing from as the state pressed for • optimism as had developed aft- he and other Cabinet officers could speedy trial of the trio and 24 i er central Europe’s critical New York on the French liner attend. It waa assumed now that Normandie on Wednesday, May 18. Germany must wait for the decision others on charges that they 5 week-end. that employes In his own press sec- until after the brief Ickes honey- conspired to defraud Water*' In official quarters reports tion- were under the impression that moon. the secretary was In hls office down burj’ of more than a millioii; circulated that yesterday’s The secretary will return to dollars. withdrawal of German troops the hallway. Waahlngton in a week, he cabled > The secretary’s new wife, his sec- friends, and will be at home at hls Booes and catcalls echoed' from the border took place ond. Is a niece of John Cudahy, newly purchased estate, headwater through the narrow only in Saxony and that they United States minister to Dublin, streeti; farms near Olney, Md., a Washing- near the county Court House; fell back only about 20 miles. who she was visiting. She also Is ton suburb. On Czechoslovakia’s frontier the sister of Mrs. Wllmarth Ickes Ickes, one of the most prominent w'hen Hayes, mayor of thlff ? of Wlnnetka, 111., widow of the sec- figures in the administration now, city since 1930; his executivo with Austria it was said the retary’s step-son who died In 1936. was the surprise member of the "nie murder trial of 16-year-old Donald Carroll, Jr., for the alaylng secretary, Thomas P, Kellyjl concentration of German troops Described by friends as red-haired Cabinet when Mr. Roosevelt an- of his swMtheart, Charlotte Matthleaen, brought these two mothera and Daniel J. Leary, formeiF^ actually had increased. and beautiful. Mrs. Ickes had been a nounced hls chief aides In 1933. together—Mrs. Donald Carroll, 8r.. (left) and Mrs. Fred Matthleaen. White House visitor. It was there, Between the mothers of the tw*o principals In the tragedy of young city comptroller, »separately \ The sudden departure from Correspondent! were sent scurry- left the building. ' Praha of Konrad Henlein friends said, that the widowed sec- ing to reference books for back- love Is Sidney Rosenthal, attorney for young Carroll. The trial opened retary began the friendship that re- ground on hls early career. They In Queens County court. New Yorkclty. Only a few minutes befor (taused suspension of his nego- sulted In today's romance. found that he currently was Hated Judge Ernest A. Inglis h a d _„ tiations with Premier Milan First Wife Killed as a Republican but had been a the legal machinery in m otio^ Hodza on the dangerous issues Ickes first wife, the former Anna Teddy Roosevelt Bull Mooser and Smiling, Konrad Henlein, above. leader of Czechoalovakla'a audeten Wllmarth Thompson, was killed In was identified with the Progressive for the trial of the trio and ' between his Sudeten German ^ r n ^ photographera as he leaves the apartment of an automobile accident near Santa winaton Churchill in hia recent mysterioua flying visit to London. The element of the G.O.P. other defendants by fix .. party and the Czechoslovak HONAN CAPITAL June 21 as the date for thel government. British government later played the leading role In bringing about a LA TE NEWS inference between Henlein and Czech Premier Milan Hodza in the lawyers to file motions Not To RecaU CBOch. hope of settling Czechoslovakian disputes. NOWOBJECnVE ing the charges. This coincided with reports the Sudeten Germans were demanding FLASHES! Crowd of Ilioaaaaid OPPONENTS OF WAGE BILL withdrawal of Czechoslovak troops SUMMER SHIRTS START OF J A ^ DRIVE The crowd. Its number fixed mobilized over the week-end In the HOPE FOR BETTLEMENT Police Sergeant Joseph M tEvoy- Sudeten districts as a condition to REVOLT IN MEXICO EXCITE.MENT IN PHILLY. about 1,000, waa speedily alle New York, May 34.—(AP)—ORl- ^ eontinuatlon of peace tklks—a con- Philadelphia, May 24.—(AP)— START A BITTER DISPUTE by policemen with sharp wa dition Praha offichils Indicated It clalB of the gtate Mediation Board of “none of th a t’’ Paasersby crowded arqund ex- today expressed hope that an ad- Kaifeng Bombed In Big would be difficult to meet. SEEMS DYING OUT pectanUy when a patrol wag an Tha lieutenant governor, a The Austro-Czech border is by justment would be made soon In the in state Democratic poUUcs stopped In front of a downtown Blgelow-Sanford Carpet Company far the most vulnerable section of department store and two po- SoElheni Sezator Opm a Aerial Raid; Ten Trains years, Leary and Kelly were ao* ’ Czechoslovakia’s long frontier, for I Y O U T H F U L S L A Y E R strike at .Vmsterdam, N. Y., and licemen entered the building. ( Thompsonville, Conn. cuaed by the Special Grand Juiy at ; I there is a wide gap in the mountain Officials In Capital Declare Soon another patrol arrived. ‘ being the ringleaders al “powerfuti chains which form the Republic’s The crowd grew. ; Ufi Mch Fiikl T. Make [SNOW ON TRIAL A series of conferences between And Tracks Wrecked; ruthless and corrupt” group ra natural defense against Invasion. compan.v and union representatives B ib le for an eight-year re i^ A third patrol came up, and a was adjourned until tomorrow, Although It was officially stated President Only Playing special detail of traffic police- j "rampant corruption.’’ that conversations between Hodza The Provisions Of The ___ when Arthur 8. Steyer, of the medi- . Population Is Evacuated. men were summoned to handle ' The Ume limit for filing motloii#'? and HenleIn were expected to be re- the spectators. I ation board, will submit a new plan waa let by Judge Inglta aftar sumed toward the end pf the week, Safe In CalHng Troops. of settlement. Then the cops started filing out i Measure More Flenhle. Jury Selected For Donald brisk sklrmieh between Special^ a strong undercurrent of skepticism of the store, carrying Indies i • • • Shanghai. May 24.—(AP)—The Prosecutor Hugh M. Alcorn, wh«? was apparent In references of gov- under their arms. | REPUBLICAN PROSPECTS. Japeneae offenalvi to choke all urged that only a week be gtyen foe ’ ernment spokesmen to this point. Mexlco (Tlty, May 24.—(AP)— A "Our summer shirts,” one ex- ; Washington, May 24 — (AP) _ Carroll, High School Boy China's railways today rolled to- preparaUon of the moUona, eo«4 The government's position appar- New York, May 34__ (A)— For- competent neutral military observ- plained. { Opponents of the revamped wage mer President Herbert Hoover prob- ward Kalfeng, ancient capital of lawyers for the accused who re« ently Is that there Is small chance quested much more time. er said today the Lazaro Cardenaa hour but plunged the House into I ably will reoelvo reporta tomorrow Honan Province and 40 mllea east of of reaching a real agreement with Who Killed Sweetheart Judge Inglla told the oppoaing Henlein until It becomes perfectly government apparently waa not heated debate Immediately after It of RepubUoan prospects in New the Important Junction at Cheng York stato and on Thursday night, chow.