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[email protected] 3) password - devils12 4) Click on DRIVE at the top of the screen. 5) Go to LEFT side and click Shared. 6) Click on 1913 - The Great Dayton Flood. 7) In that document, you will find articles, websites, photos, and videos. Go do your research for your paragraphs! Enjoy your finding out interesting history about the Dayton area. :) Video: Goodbye, The Levee Has Broken Why? For one thing, it's a whale of a story with marvelous characters. Its most prominent national hero was a crook - John H. Patterson, founder of National Cash Register (NCR) in Dayton, who along with two dozen NCR executives had just been convicted in Federal Court of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act, and whose conviction was under appeal. Although technically a felon, Patterson was given charge of part of Dayton under martial law. Another major figure was Ohio's Governor James M. Cox, "boy publisher" of the Dayton Daily News, who effectively co-opted the nation's 1913 Great Easter Flood and made it specifically the Great Dayton Flood, and who later ran for U.S. President on the strength of his executive ability in rebuilding the ravaged state of Ohio - which after the waters receded lay in utter ruins as if after a war. There was also newly inaugurated President Woodrow Wilson, who sent the Secretary of War into battle against the raging waters. There was engineer Arthur E. Morgan, whose innovative flood control project - the Miami Conservancy District, then the largest engineering project in the world - has protected southwest Ohio and the city of Dayton ever since; his work ultimately led him to be appointed first head of the Tennessee Valley Authority by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.