Ebook Salt for Sermons
SALT FOR SERMONS A Collection of Stories, Illustrations, Anecdotes and Quotations GARTH WEHRFRITZ-HANSON EDITOR Dear Reader I am “self-publishing” this ebook without a publisher, therefore it is offered to you free of charge. If you find this book helpful in some small way, I encourage you to “pay it forward.” I suggest that you could “pay it forward” in three ways. First, you can, by word of mouth, email, etc., recommend it to your friends and colleagues. Second, you can make a monetary contribution to a charity of your choice-for example, a seminary, a church or church benevolent organisation such as Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Third, I would appreciate your feedback, you can contact me by email here. The Rev. Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson, Holy Week, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson Published on March 30, 2015 at https://dimlamp.wordpress.com/my-new-ebook/ Table of Contents Introduction Acceptance Action Advent Adversity Age Anger Antisemitism Appearances Appreciation Attitude Atonement Baptism Beatitudes Betrayal Bible Blessing Calling Change Children Christ Christian/Christianity Christmas Church Commitment Communication Community Confession Confidence Courage Cross Death Dialogue Discipleship Easter Empathy Encouragement Evil Faith Fear Forgiveness Friendship Generosity/Giving God Grace Guilt Healing/Health Hope Hospitality Humility Incarnation Jews, Jewish Identity, Jewish-Christian Relations Joy Judging/Judgement Justice Justification Kindness Kingdom Law Lies/Lying Life Light Listening Love Marriage Materialism Mercy Mission Music Mystery Nature Neighbour New Year Obedience Pastors/Pastoral Care Peace Persecution The Poor/Poverty Prayer Questions Reconciliation Relationships Religion Remember Repentance Resurrection Sabbath Sacrifice Salvation Security Servanthood Sin Stewardship Suffering Temptation/Testing Thanksgiving/Thankfulness Time Truth Unity Values Waiting Weakness Wealth Witnessing Word/Words Worry Worship Introduction Ever since human beings were given the gift of speech there have been stories and storytellers.
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