CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KOLHAPUR Complied by THE MAHARASHTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE BOMBAY PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVERNMENT PRESS AND STATIONERY STORES, KOLHAPUR, AND PUBLISHEJ) BY THE DIRECTOR, GOVERNmNT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATIONS. MAHARASBTRA STATE. aollBAy-400 004- 1985 MAHARASHTRA DISTRICT KOLHAPUR c .. ~ .... ... ...Ee ..:t. Boundary, State Rj"l1f and Stream. ~ ~ District ~.!_ Waler IlIa'urIS: Tonk-natural Ta~sil ""' •• Village having 5 000 ol'ld dbolie populatiul'l Uttur , with nome .•• • I Urban area -with populalron ·size Notlona~ t1rgtwwa, .. ,." Classl.rI. 1Il.IV. V I. VI .. ••••··1 SHS6 State H'gtlwoy ~OSI and Tlflegroph Office. <- PTO Important MetllJled rood Dlgrlt Coll.gr and Technical institution. ,,, I f . Railway IInl with sial ian. Bro::!<1 youg, .. L-Rest____________________________ House, Circuit House . ~ _____________ .~ f( - Part ot Karnotoka State l\anlir tahlits hIocIqI.ICIrIOr is a' I<dhopur. '" 5 H - Major S1a1. HIghway Bhudorgad tahsil·s ~eCldQuarters 15 at Gargoti. J"l!lr.I·14l<I" SU'vey of India map· with the permission ot the $1Jt~l'Vor
[email protected] of India. © GOVl!rnme~1 01 "00 CoPyr19N. 1~8S CONTENTS Page Foreword (v) Acknowledgements (vii) Names and spellings of District and-Tahsils situated therein, with Names (viii) and Spellings of the respective H. Q. places. Important Statistics 1 Analytical Note 9 Part-A-Village and Town Directory (Sections I and n ) 29 SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 31 Map-Tahsil Karvir