British Claim Crippling Blow at Ita Lian Fleet
ADS WEATHER WANTOrt rrMtitft! Your nd n-NI rrarh morn than flO .OOO Generall y fnlr And persons daily . continued cold. Telephone W\2«. Death Toll of Hunters in Ar ea Mounts to 15 Roosevelt Storm Toll List of Dead One More RED WING rOOL. Answers Melville H. Roberts, 4Z yean old, 8t. Paul. British Claim Cripp ling In Northwest Carl O, iTcrson, 41 years old, Body Found Messages St. Paul. LAKE CITY AREA. Washington —W— PresidcnJ None. Roosevelt, in a telegram Mounts to 45 WABASHA AREA. Near City acknowledging: congratulatory Herbert Jucncmann, 38, Wa- messages on his election to a Snowplows Rush jmsluv, Minn. (Body not re- Joe Eik Still third term, expressed today covered.) Blow at Ita lian Fleet "determination to work should- Highway Thomas V. Cigler, 40. St. Paul. M issing ; Rescue er' to shoulder with all who (Body not recovered.) Stories 1 Report Two place true Americanism above Clearin g Work. Roy Johnson, 41, St. Pnui, Told. Snow Stops Cars in Minnesota Blizzard all other considerations.". Minneapolis—(/P)—More snow from (Body not recovered.) The death toll from the Armis- Battles hips The. chief executive said that Arthur , Lenhardt, 41, St. Paul, some of the messages con- overcast skies with continued cold (Body not recovered.) tice riny blizzard along the Upper Hit Fr om Air tained pledges of loyalty and was forecast for Minnesota today as ALMA AREA. Mississippi river from Red Wing By The Associated Press. support from men and women the state began to emerge from Theodore H. Gcigcr, 30, Enu to Prairie du Chien , Wis., stood at , Britain's royal nj .vy "has struck who voted aganlst the admin- Armistice day's paralyzing gale- Claire WIs.
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